The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Mar 22, 2004


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or anything associated with those shows. They belong to their creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to


Quickly, JC stepped in front of Buffy, his eyes rapidly turning from their sky blue color to an inky black. His hands formed into fists, as glared at Spike coldly giving him an icy look of hatred.

"You touch her and you die, vampire," JC spat.

"Let's go then, boy," snarled Spike.

Buffy rolled her eyes and said loudly, "Now is not the time for this." She looked to Dawn who was sitting next to Willow on the couch. "Dawn, get the Potentials upstairs, and break out the emergency kit." Dawn's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What are you going to do?"

Buffy's eyes settled on hers and she replied back simply, "I'm declaring an emergency." Buffy walked past Spike without even glancing at him, leaving the Potentials and her friends staring at her exit with mixed emotions.

Chapter 9

An hour later, the potentials were gathered in the Crystal Keep. The living room was an unusual silence as those gathered went about their task. Anya, Xander, Willow, and Kennedy were gathered around the slayers emergency kit digging through its contents. It was the same kit that once belonged to Wood's mother, a now deceased Slayer. Spike, Buffy, Wood, JC, and Andrew watched them pull out various odd trinkets and other objects.

"That emergency bag's got some neat stuff in it," voiced Dawn pulling out items. "Weapons, charms..." She pulled out a thick, dusty tome. "Advanced reading assignments."

Xander sat the cross he retrieved from the bag, down on the couch. "All cool and all. But its nothing we haven't seen before."

"Hello," said Willow suddenly. "What do we have here?"

From the bag she pulled free a metallic silver box. On it were etched designs and hanging on the lid was a metal lock. Keeping the thing locked and tightly closed.

Wood looked the box over appraisingly. "I don't know. It hasn't been opened since--" Buffy took the box from Willow and crushed the lock in her hand.

"Since now," Wood finished not really surprised that she broke the lock.

JC didn't know why Buffy called Wood to be here. He didn't quite trust the guy. Every time he looked at Spike, Wood would have this glare thing going on. JC was the only one who happened to notice it; oh he didn't like Spike. Not even a little bit. But Wood seemed to be planning something behind those dark eyes and JC wanted to know that it was.

Xander pulled out metal figures from the box. They were thin, metal and crafted so that they resembled people. "What the fuck? Normally, I'm all for a little puppet time fun, but really... " Xander said confused. He held up the puppet adopting a determined expression. "Get back First Evil! You won't get us for we have puppets that will kick your ass!"

JC chuckled quietly under his breath. Beside him Andrew giggled too. JC really didn't mean to laugh but it was kind of funny even given the tense atmosphere of the room.

"I don't think those are puppets," said Andrew.

Dawn nodded her taking her eyes from the thick, book in her hands. It was the book they had pulled from the bag. "These things are shadow-casters. You put them in motion, and they tell you a story." She looked back down at the book and said, "According to this it says, 'you just can't watch, you have to see'."

"Do you want to vague that up even more?" Buffy questioned. Her arms were crossed and one could tell by her posture that she was still pissed from earlier.

Xander shook his head, brushing a hand through his wild, dark hair. "It's cryptic. You know and I know that cryptic shit usually is not good. Every time instructions get cryptic, someone gets hurt-usually me."

"What do you think that means, `you just can't watch, you have to see'?" wondered Willow.

"See what?" inquired Kennedy.

Everyone just shrugged not coming up with an answer. Dawn whom had been reading from the book looked up a sorry expression on her face. "Sorry that's where all my fancy translating skills break down, but I think it's an origin myth. The story of the very first slayer."

JC and Buffy blanched at the same time. Their faces had gone pale in seconds. Sharing a stricken look they said at the same time, "We saw her. In our dream last night."

Xander raised his eyebrow. "First off, Wow! Perfect sync. Second, say what? You saw who?"

"The first slayer. I. We saw her last night in our dream."

Willow frowned contemplating the information. She sat on the couch her right leg tucked under her left. Kennedy was sitting next to her on the armrest holding her hand. "If you both saw her and now with the whole origin thing, then it's not just a coincidence. Those are sings. We have to do this."

"I'm all for it. I say we give it go," said Spike speaking for the first time.

The others nodded agreeing. Only Andrew looked nervous about the prospect of tinkering with the unknown. "Are you guys really sure about this? Who knows what forces we are about to mess with really are? What if we open a giant portal into Bizarro World and get sucked in just like in Superman issue328. Can't we just wait till Giles gets back in town? He's good at stuff like this, him being ex Watcher guy and all." His eyes were wide and worried as he played devils advocate.

Buffy sighed drawing herself up looking every bit the leader that she had been forced to become. Her eyes flashed with a determined light suddenly the weight off the world that seemed to be permanently on her shoulders vanished. "We can't wait for Giles to get back. We have to do this. We have to do this now."

After her monologue they went to work getting whatever they needed ready. Andrew sat in the armchair in the corner of the room with JC sitting on the armrest. They already finished their task of gathering candles and now sat watching as the others finished up their own tasks. Andrew looked up to JC.

"Do you this will work, JC?" he asked.

"I don't know, An. We can only try," said JC shrugging. He didn't even notice that he had unconsciously shortened Andrew's name. It just came out and Andrew felt oddly comforted and warmhearted at the new nickname. Andrew smiled heart fluttering, as JC ran his hand through his blond hair. JC's own heart sped up seeing the smile on Andrew's face. The smile that he had put there.

"Okay, here we go."

They looked up and sure enough they were ready to begin. JC and Andrew joined the rest of the group. On a pedestal was a mechanical object that had been setup from the bag. JC personally thought it looked like a crown on steroids. Somebody turned off the lights in the room and suddenly a light appeared in Xander's hand in the form of a lit match. He brought the flame to the mechanical device, lighting a wick that was in the center of it. The room was bathed in a muted light, bright enough to make out nearby persons and objects.

Dawn's eyes squinted as she read from the book in her hand. "OK. According to this, I think--you put on those puppet guys one by one. They cast shadows and the shadows tell the story. First, there is the Earth..."

Xander put the first metal figure on the mechanical object. The light at the center casts a shadow of the figure on the wall. A tribal drumbeat could be heard in the background. Everybody looked around the room, wondering where the noise was suddenly coming from.

"Where is that sound coming from?" asked Kennedy.

"Obviously its from the shadow box," muttered Anya rolling her eyes.

"This is creepy..." Xander muttered. "So far, so good. Creepy means we're on the right trail."

Dawn let out a breath. "Ummm... Ok, then there came the demons..."

As Dawn narrates the story, Xander put the corresponding shadow caster figure on the device. The shadow representation of a demon appeared on a wall from the shadow caster. New sounds filled the room on top of the drumbeat. The growling of a monster... a demon.

"After demons, there came men..."

The shadow representation of men appeared on the wall next to the demon. Chanting now filled the room.

"Men found girl..."

A shadow girl appeared next to the men shadows. The sound of a girls scream was heard in the room.

"And the men took the girl to fight the demon--all demons. They--they chained her to the Earth..."

Chains appeared on the shadow girl on the wall. JC could tell that the girl... the first slayer was in pain. Great pain. And she looked scarred. Hell, he would be too if someone took him and made him fight all the demons on Earth.

Dawn stumbled for a second. "And then--and I--I can't read this. Something about darkness."

The device which Xander had been spinning rotating the images started to spin on its own.

"What about the darkness?" pressed Buffy.

The shadow caster device is spinning rapidly now, making shadows of the figures on the walls, but the shadows are animated, moving, acting out the story.

"It says you cannot be shown," read Dawn perfectly, which was odd since the book was written in an ancient language. "You cannot just watch, but you must see. See for yourself, but only if you're willing to make the exchange."

Spike gave Dawn a curious look and asked, "Ummm... Bit, when did you get so good at Sumerian?"

"I was wondering the same thing myself," voiced Wood eyeing Dawn.

JC moved closer to Dawn looking at the pages. They both gasped at the same time for the words, which were unrecognizable, were quickly changing into English throughout the whole book. A mild panic began to fill in the room as this was going on. Throughout this though, the shadows on the wall were still moving and telling a story that kept them riveted. They all stood, alarmed, as the shadow casters told a story of a demon attacking the chained girl. The girl moved like demon herself attacking and killing the demon. The device spun faster and faster and the shadows moved up the walls. Suddenly, a bright blue light formed at the center of the device, growing in size until it formed a window of light. Not a window of light exactly, for truly it was a portal. A portal to where, no one knew.

Buffy walked closer to investigate it. "I have to go in there," she stated.

JC grabbed her arm. "What makes you think you have to go in there, Buffy?"

Buffy gave him one of her looks. "I just know..." Her face softened and she said, "Protect them."

"Buffy no!" yelled Willow panicky. "Don't go. How will you get back?"

Buffy looked to Willow over her shoulder. "Find a way," she said, with a leap she jumped though the portal. It closed with a rush of air.

"She's gone," Dawn said sadly.

Anya swept back her blond hair from her face, pulling a lock behind an ear. "What was that about an exchange?"

There was a flash of blue light, and a then a large growling demon appeared. It was big and hulking, its skin gray and its eyes were an eerie red color.

Xander gulped. "This must be the exchange student." He waved and started talking loudly as if the demon was deaf. "WELCOME. TO. OUR. COUNTRY. WE WILL BE YOUR AMERICAN EXCHANGE FAMILY."

The demon grabbed Xander by the shirt collar and threw him across the room, breaking furniture as he landed heavily. Anya, Kennedy, Dawn, Willow, Andrew, JC, Spike, and Principal Wood stood in the middle of the room in stunned shock as the growling demon now turned its attention to them.

"Hey Red, make with Sabrina the Teenage Witch and send him back!" yelled Spike to Willow.

"I'm trying," and right as she said that the demon smacked her into a wall across the room.

JC shook his head his shock fading away as the demon focused its eyes on him. Without realizing it, JC pushed Andrew behind him settling into a fighting stance. The demon growled and rushed forward, both began punching and kicking with an incredible speed and force behind their blows. They punched each other at the same time, both flying backwards into the walls behind them. JC rose up and charged full speed at the demon. At the last moment JC jumped in the air, delivering a flying kick. Right as he was about to make contact with his target, the demon grabbed his ankle in mid air and twisted sharply. JC's whole body spun three hundred and sixty degrees before he landed roughly on the ground.

Quickly, he sprung up doing a backflip going back into a fighting stance. This time they ran at each other and the demon did a sweeper kick that JC jumped over and countered with a right hook. The demon grabbed JC's incoming hand and slapped him to the ground. JC did a series of backhand springs distancing himself. The demon was growling low in its throat head bleeding from a cut on the side of its face. JC concentrated and two balls of fire appeared in his hands. With a yell he threw them with as much force as he could. They hit head on and the demon screamed falling to its knees in pain as the flames fried its flesh. JC didn't waste this chance. Walking to the demon's side, gripping its head in his hands and with a sharp twist the sound of its neck snapping filled the air.

"And if we didn't believe he's a slayer, we know now," said Dawn the first to break the silence.

JC took a breath wiping the blood on his hands on his jeans. "Lets find a way to get Buffy back."

"Looks like its spell'o'clock time," smiled Xander the smile not reaching his eyes. His was worried for Buffy. They all were.

Willow shook her head. "I-I have to get her back."

"Ha ha. And watch you almost suck the world into Hell again. How about hell no. Sorry, buts it's the truth. No magic for you missy," replied Anya.

Xander placed his hand on Anya's shoulder. "She has to Anya. Buffy knew it would come to this. She trust her. We have to do it."

Spike nodded. "The Whelp is right. We need Buffy back. The First is still out there and every minute its gaining strength to take us out."

An hour later they were no closer to an answer. The book that came with the emergency kit was useless, since it had suddenly translated back into Sumerian. Willow had no idea where to start. Not knowing what type of magic to use was a serious setback. JC helped as best he could but there was only so much his limited magical studying could do to contribute. He had strong powers. Willow had strong powers. But what good were two powerful magic practitioners without a place to start.

The group was gathered in the destroyed living room as Willow and JC pitched ideas back and forth.

"Okay, guys if I was a witch and I wanted to create a portal how would a start," suggested Dawn, trying to get them to look at the problem another way.

"Physics. Principles..." said Willow.

"Basic laws..." spoke JC.

Dawn nodded. "Such as?"

"Uh, conservation of energies. You can't really create or destroy anything, only transfer," Willow answered bringing up old memories of physics classes.

Anya scoffed and said, "You're going in the room direction. Yes, magic works off of physics. Not without a catalyst though. But if you're talking about the transferring of energies, you need some kind of conduit."

"Like a Kraken's tooth," responded Willow, a light dawning in her eyes.

"Yeah, skin of Draconis, um, ground up Baltic stones, something..."

"Dead demon for a slayer," JC grinned at Andrew.

"Works for me," Andrew replied.

Dawn clapped her hands together smiling. "Great, now we can get her back."

Spike shrugged. "The Witches have to make with the mojo first. Then we'll see."

After another thirty minutes of debate and Willow teaching JC quickly what to do they prepared the ritual. They cleared away the rubble in the living room then Willow and JC went to work. JC poured the green sand on the floor creating the circle of power they needed. The others couldn't do anything but provide support so they just sat back and waited.

"You can do it. Just stay calm and concentrate," Andrew told JC.

"Thanks, An. I'll try but I'm so new at this."

"Just remember to concentrate."

JC nodded and looked to Willow. She separated from Kennedy and joined him in the circle. They sat down indian style, sitting next to each other and joined their hands. JC closed his eyes feeling the power around him and inside of him. Calling on it he began to chant the words Willow taught him.

"Via temporis, iam clamo ad te, via spatii te jubeo aperire. Aperi!" they chanted at the same time in perfect sync and harmony with the other. Everyone waited as the minutes passed and nothing happened.

"Maybe we should try something else," suggested Wood.

Willow shook her head. "No, opening a portal this big is going to take a while. Just give us a few--"

A flash of light from within the circle interrupted Willow. Energy radiated through the room, knocking everyone down. Willow and JC's eyes turned black, and they threw back their heads screaming as if they were banshees.

"Via, concursus, tempus, spatium, audi me ut imperio," they began chanting once again still in sync. Willow stopped chanting and looked to ceiling.

"Screw it! Mighty forces, I suck at Latin, OK? But that's not the issue. I'm the one in charge, and I'm telling you open up, portal, now!"

JC felt the power within his grasp; churning and glowing like ocean waves. "Willow do it now!" he yelled, tightening his grip on her hand.

Willow closed her eyes and blue and purple electric currents built up around them as their powers mixed and flowed between the two of them. Willow used the power JC was loaning her to will the portal to open in the power circle. Those gathered were kept at a distance by the sudden wind that picked up in the room originating from Willow and JC, whose eyes were pitch black and hair changing to match. Xander saw their hair changing color and figured they were letting the magicks take control. Getting lost in the power. Running fast he picked them both up and dragged them from the circle, as slowly the brightly-lit window of light opened. The same portal that Buffy jumped through hours ago.

Spike didn't waste time. He picked up the demon and threw him through the portal. There was a flash of light and then Buffy came tumbling from the portal. Everyone stared at her and she at them; amazed and shocked that they actually pulled it off.

JC walked into Buffy's room just as Willow exited. The night was slowly turning into day as the sun started to rise outside. Willow looked disturbed by something as she walked by JC. He frowned wondering what was wrong with her. Knocking gently on the door, JC eased it open and peeked his head in.

"Hey," Buffy said smiling.


JC walked in and took a seat on her bed. Buffy was curled up in it looking introspective and troubled. JC took her hand and squeezed it. It wasn't romantic merely a gesture of support.

"What you saw must have bothered you pretty bad," said JC softly.

Buffy sighed nodding her head in agreement. "She was right you know."

"Who?" JC wondered.

"The first slayer. Its not enough."

JC cocked his head. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you know what a Turok-Han is? I'll tell you. Its an animalistic killing machine that, according to Giles, is `to the vampire what the Neanderthal is to humans'. The Turok-Han are Vampires evil step cousins, who are stronger, faster, smarter, and can't die by staking. I met one a few months ago and it kicked my ass... bad. I barely managed to kill it when I went up against it again."

"But what are you try---"

Buffy interrupted him by taking his hand lifting it gently to her head. His palm pressed against her forehead. "Look in my mind. Use your magic to see."

JC frowned not understanding what was so troubling. But he went through with her wishes. He closed his eyes and she did too. JC reached out with his mind and felt his power touch the barrier of her mind. Her defenses slipped down and he saw what she was so worried about...

A Turok-Han standing on top of a rocky hill growled with a battle cry. Suddenly it leaped from the rock and there are many more behind it, jumping around with weapons. There thousands upon thousands, row after row of Turok-Han going on as far as the eye can see, forming an army somewhere underground.

JC blinked his eyes were wide in surprise and fear. He looked into Buffy's knowing gaze. The only thing he could think of to say was:

"Oh. Fuck. Me."

************************************************** Sorry about the lateness of this chapter, it should have been out a couple of weeks ago... but complications happened.

Me and my twin had a Vengeance War going. Don't ask. Long story short, we took turns doing the meanest things we can to each other. He ended up going on my account and erasing emails sent by everyone, SORRY IF YOU SENT ME AN EMAIL! So for payback I pissed on his PS2 games. Then the bastard erased the chapters I had written, so I destroyed his Buffy DVD's (Mess with my computer, so the shit had to die). That's only some of what we did to each other. Anyway, that's the reason for the delay. LOL. It seems funny now that I look back on it, but it really wasn't at the time.

If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 10

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