The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Sep 14, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or anything associated with those shows. They belong to their creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 4

One month had passed since JC found out he was a Slayer. His life had become divided with spending time with his friends and training heavily with William. JC had had no more dreams of dying girls or robed men. Since it had only occurred once, he felt no need to tell William about it.

In the time span of the month JC and William had taken to patrolling the cemetery's at night. With hard training under William, JC was slowly developing his latent Slayer skills. He had become a fierce fighter. William often commented on how well he was progressing in his training.



JC shook his head as the sound of his name being called dragged him from his musing. Lance and Chris sat beside him, watching him with concerned looks. JC smiled to ease their worrying.

"JC, we've been trying to get your attention for the last couple of minutes," said Lance, frowning.

"I guess I was just spacing out," answered JC, sheepishly.

Chris and Lance accepted his answer and went back into their discussion. JC felt like an outsider inside of Lance's home and in their discussion. To JC it seemed he wasn't even apart of their world anymore. None of them would ever know the feeling of being suddenly thrust with the knowledge that your destiny is to save the world. They would never find out either. William and his Slayer handbook had made it clear that telling people he was the Slayer was out of the question. Even his family couldn't know about his new secret life.

The low chiming sound of Lance's wall clock caught JC's attention. It was four o'clock. He told William yesterday that he would meet the man at his apartment at five o'clock today. Tonight they were supposed to be going out to patrol the cemeteries.

JC hurriedly stood up, startling Lance and Chris out of their conversation. "Sorry, guys I gotta split."

"Hold on. You haven't even been here that long," protested Chris.

JC shook his head. "No. I really have to go. There's something important that I have to take care of."

"Well, I guess we'll see you later than," said Lance.

JC waved goodbye and hurriedly left the room. He sprinted through the halls of Lance's mansion. In no time he was in his car speeding down the highway to William's apartment building.

"Your late," William said curtly as JC rushed into the apartment. The Watcher leaned against the couch watching JC with a placid expression.

JC rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. I can't be no more than a few minutes late."

William grabbed a gym bag off the couch and walked out the door saying nothing. On their way down in the elevator, William finally started talking.

"In the news this morning, there was a report of a murder. Early this morning, the body of a young woman was found mauled to death in a park just near here. I suspect it was the result of a demon attack."

"Why do you think it was a demon?" asked JC, as they got into his car. "It could have been a wild dog or something."

"All the organs in her midsection were found missing," answered William.

JC blinked. "Oh," he replied, simply. "So, you think the demon might still be roaming around the park?"

William nodded, staring out the window at the passing scenery. "Most demons tend to hunt in the general vicinity a while before moving on to a new location."

JC parked his car near the park William pointed out. The sun started to set just as they arrived. They got out the car and William placed his gym bag on the hood of the car. JC surveyed their surroundings, as William began pulling out impressive looking weapons from the bag. It was an ordinary looking park. Lots of green and a freshly painted jungle gym. Almost hard to believe that a woman was killed in such an ordinary looking place just this morning.

The sun set completely and the stars came out in all their glory. JC turned to William, eager to get this over with. "When do we start?"

"Now," answered William, handing JC a very large battle-ax.

JC took the weapon and hefted it in his hand. He surprised even himself as he automatically twirled the ax expertly a few times in his hand. William brandished a sharpened broadsword.

"Let's find this fucker before it gets too late. I think there's an Intimate Portrait of Molly Ringwald coming on Lifetime tonight."

Together the two of them walked through the park. It was surprisingly empty of all people. JC attributed it to the news of the woman who was found dead. Of course no one wanted to become the next victim.

JC began humming under his breath as they walked along a worn path into a tiny clearing. William shot him a look that clearly said `that is most unprofessional'. JC stopped, wondering again if William was on his period. The guy was just too uptight.

"So, William... How did you get into the Watcher business?" questioned JC, curiously. He didn't know what made him ask that. He just felt the need to break the oppressive silence that was hanging over their heads.

William sighed frustrated at the constant break of silence. "I come from a long line of Watchers. It was only logical that I become one myself."

JC opened his mouth then quickly snapped it shut. An unnatural feeling passed through him, making him snap to attention. William saw his rigid posture and immediately went on full alert.

William was about to ask what he sensed, but JC placed his finger against his lips signaling him to be quiet. Without warning, a creature that JC had only seen in horror movies burst from the bushes. The demon was big. Very big. Its gray skin looked like armor plating. Two metallic like horns protruded from either side of its head.

It came at them full speed, tackling William to the ground. JC reacted quickly. He grabbed the demon by the shoulders and pulled with all his might. The creature flew through the air like a rag doll.

"You alright?" JC asked a gasping William. The older man nodded getting back to his feet, gripping his sword. The demon got up slowly, staring down JC as if it were confused.

"Human," It snarled in a rough deep voice that carried a weight of hatred behind it.

"No. Slayer," responded JC before charging the demon.

The demon blocked all of JC's blows that he dealt with the ax. His skin was like armor as the ax only made a clinking sound when JC got a clean shot in. The demon gave a loud roar and batted the ax out of JC's hands. The weapon went flying through the air, landing a few feet away from them.

With his weapon gone, JC began fighting hand to hand. He pulled out all of his best moves. He was barely holding his own. The demon reared its arm back and launched its clawed fist at JC's face.

William held up his hand and whispered. "Fragilis."

Instead of hitting JC's face, the demon's fist struck an invisible barrier that suddenly appeared around JC's body. It turned his head, glaring at William.

"Witch," it said, much the same way it said human before. Full of hate.

JC took advantage of the demon's split focus to deliver a roundhouse kick to its head. It flipped backward landing on its back. JC ran over to his fallen ax and picked it up. The demon sprung back to its feet, roaring at JC like an enraged animal. JC hefted his ax, his face taking on a determined expression. He couldn't afford to mess up now. This was no fledging vampire. One mistake while fighting this monster could get him killed.

JC ran full speed at the demon. He jumped up at the last moment and aimed his body like spear. His feet hit the demon's chest sending it sailing backward into a tree. There was a loud crunch of what JC was sure was the sound of the creature's back breaking from the impact.

JC jumped back to his feet, ax in hand. He approached the spitting creature, lying on its back. He raised the ax high and brought it down quickly. The demon's head came off with a sickening squishing sound. The body trembled momentarily before it stopped and rapidly turned into a large puddle of slimy blue ooze.

"Ewwwww!" cried JC, looking down at the ooze that had gotten onto his shoe. "How am I going to get this out."

"Please, stop your whining," chided William, already moving to the path that led out of the park.

"I'm not whining," protested JC, pouting slightly. "These shoes cost me almost two hundred dollars."

"Then why did you wear them?"

"I thought we were going to be just dusting some fledgling's. You know simple and easy. If I had known I was going to be all Power Ranger tonight, I wouldn't have worn them."

"Klara demon. Its skin is metallic and very impenetrable, almost like metal. It's a subterranean class demon that only emerges to the surface to feed. Klara demon's feed on the organs of living humans. Their only weak place is their neck. The most efficient way to kill a Klara is to behead it," read JC from the tome of a book in front of him.

He and William were researching the demon to be sure that they didn't travel in packs. One was bad enough to take down. More would surely be a trying task.

"Wait! Here it is," said William, scanning the passage of the book he was reading from. "Klara demon's are very territorial and usually prefer to travel alone rather than in packs or clans."

"Well, that's a load off my back," smiled JC.

William too smiled in relief. "Yes, it is rather good news."

JC yawned loudly. He glanced down at his watch to see it was soon approaching midnight. "Whoa! Time flew by. I think its time for me to head on out. Us beautiful people need our rest."

They said their good-byes and JC left William's apartment. Sluggishly, he walked out of the building and to his car that was parked in front of the building.

As JC's car disappeared down the street, two black cloaked figures emerged from the shadows. They looked at each other then at the building in front of them. Together they stealthily moved toward the building. Moonlight shined down on them, illuminating their forms. Both of the figures carried a long curved dagger in their hand. Anybody looking in on the scene could tell these two were not there to pay a social call.

********************************************* Pretty easy to guess whom the robed men are. ^_^ Soon, JC will be in Sunnydale. I already know whom I will pair him with. I get all dreamy eyed just thinking about it. Remember this takes place in Season Seven of Buffy. So, expect lots of action and romance.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 5

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