The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Sep 2, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or anything associated with it. It belongs to its creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 3

A ray of sunlight streamed through the thin curtains of the room. It sailed through the air and landed on a sleeping JC's closed eyelids. JC grumbling in his sleep swatted at the annoying light. Of course his hand only passed harmlessly through the light. Finally, the light became too much and JC awoke with a loud groan of irritation.

He sat up glaring darkly at the sun. "One day we will go one on one," promised JC.

Thinking of the sun got JC's mind running. Sun. Light. Vampires. Slayers. "Oh, fuck!" exclaimed JC, remembering for the first time the events of last night.

He looked down and saw he was sleeping in his boxers. His clothes from last night were lying in a pile beside his bed. JC shook his head. 'No. It was just a dream,' he thought, resignedly.

"That was one freaky ass dream though," he muttered, getting out of bed.

He walked to the bathroom and did his morning routine. JC emerged from the bathroom an hour later freshly showered and ready to face the day. He changed into a pair of clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen. JC fixed a bowl of cereal and turned on the TV that sat next to the sink.

"Good morning," said a voice from behind JC.

JC spit out his cereal all over the counter and spun around. His body slid instinctively into a defensive position. Standing calmly in front of him was William. The middle-aged man gave JC an amused smile, as he slid into the barstool chair in front of the island countertop.

"Dammit! I thought you were a dream," said JC, scowling.

William raised an eyebrow. "Last night was definitely not a dream. You did indeed slay a vampire."

JC crossed his arms, staring hard at the Watcher. "How do you keep getting into my house anyway? Don't tell me you're like some kind of fake ass cat burglar."

William smiled a mysterious smile. "Magic."

JC looked him in the eye trying to see the humor in the statement. There was no trace of amusement on his face. William was entirely serious. JC shook his head. Things were too complicated. He was a Slayer and the man sitting in front of him was a low budget David Blaine.

"Riiiigghht. So what do you want from me?"

William pursed his lips into a tight line at JC's tone. "Most Slayers are found early on by the Council. They are trained and taught. I must do the same with you."

JC snorted. "Listen, I don't think you realize how busy I am." That was a lie, JC realized. Ever since Nsync took a breath, JC could be considered Mr. Free-time.

William shook his head disapprovingly. "The Council has a lot of information on you Mr. Chasez. I know precisely how much time you have free."

"Fuck," muttered JC, softly. He sighed heavily, giving in to William. "Okay. You got me. When do I begin this training?"

"Today," William said, simply.

JC looked at the paper in front of him then at the high rise building ahead of him. Before he left, William had given him an address on a piece of paper and a time to be there. JC entered the building and went up the elevator to the fifth floor. He got off on the floor and walked down a long white hallway, reading the numbers on the door as he went past.

"Apartment 7A," he said to himself, finding the door.

He knocked twice and heard a muffled, "come in" from the other side. JC opened the door and walked in. The apartment was spacious but not overly large. Very modern looking furniture decorated the large space of the living room.

"I see you found yourself here alright," said William, appearing from behind a corner.

He was dressed in a pair of worn looking blue jeans and a white T-shirt. William had told him to dress comfortably in something he could easily move around in. So, JC wore a pair of track pants and a sleeveless black shirt.

JC bowed low. "I'm reading to become the next karate kid, Sensai."

"Come along," said William, curtly.

JC sighed in exasperation. William really didn't have a sense of humor. There was not one funny bone in that man's body. With extra slowness JC followed William down the hallway. They stopped in front of a closed door. William knocked thrice on the door and whispered. "Show me."

He turned the doorknob and opened the door. JC's jaw dropped as he stepped inside of a place that couldn't possibly be real. It looked like the inside of a mansion. There was no way that a space so big could fit inside of the apartment. They walked into a large entre fore. Black marble floors were under them. Off to the side was a living room. A furniture group with a table and very comfy couch took up much of the space in the middle of the room. William gestured to JC to follow him. There was a set of grand looking stairs in front of them and on either side of where they stood were two long hallways.

"Ho-ho-how?" stuttered JC, looking around in disbelief.

"This is the Crystal Keep. A sanctuary that exist outside of space."

"But how?" asked JC, incredulously.

"I come from a long line of very powerful witches and warlocks that date back before the first colony was settled in America. My ancestors established this place during the time period when witches were persecuted for being what they were. It can accessed only by my bloodline and those that I give permission to."

"So you're all Samantha Steven's like with the magic mojo and whatnot?" questioned JC.

William cringed at the bad analogy. "I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes. I suppose." He started to walk down one of the hallways. JC followed at his side, his head swiveling in all directions taking in everything in sight. It was like being inside of a real mansion. The windows even showed lush green grounds outside.

"Here we are," said William, opening a set of mahogany double doors. Above the doors was a stain glass window with the signs of the zodiac arranged in a circle.

JC whistled slowly as they walked into a large brightly lit room.

"This is the gym," smiled William.

The gym had a high vaulted ceiling. Benches lined the walls to the left and right. In the middle of the room were mats and a large circle for sparing. Off to the right were the uneven bars, balance beam, and other equipment. Lining the wall to one side of the room was various weapons that JC had only seen in movies and television shows.

"This is some setup," commented JC, amazed.

William gave him a small smile. "I'm glad you approve." He walked to the middle of the sparring circle. "Let's begin."

JC obediently followed, stopping a few feet away from William in the circle. "I want you to try and knock me down. That way I can see what areas we need to focus on."

William settled into a fighting stance. JC copied him by mirroring his stance the best he could. He charged at William full speed. At the last moment he jumped in the air, delivering a flying kick. Right as he was about to make contact with his target, William grabbed his ankle in mid air and twisted sharply. JC's whole body span three hundred and sixty degrees before he landed roughly on the ground.

"Ow!" cried JC, sitting up and rubbing his ankle.

"Again," William said, patiently. "This time don't leave yourself open to a counter attack."

"Oh, God. Now, this brings back memories of high school gym class," said JC, standing up. He favored his ankle for a moment before he shook of the pain.

They settled back into fighting stances. JC charged him directly again. William sighed, expecting JC to do the same flying kick. JC surprised William by going low and doing a sweeper kick, knocking his legs from under him. William grunted in pain as his back collided with the ground. He looked up to see JC's foot hovering an inch away from his face.

"Hmmm... Just like I like my man. On their back," JC smirked.

William rolled his eyes and got to his feet. "That was very good. I wasn't expecting that from you."

JC shrugged. "I've been dancing for most of my life. You tend to become a bit graceful after doing it for so long."

William nodded storing the information away for his report. "Again."

Three hours later, JC was exhausted. He was drenched with sweat from the training. After they did hand to hand. They practiced with weapons then moved on to test JC's flexibility, reflexes, and strength. JC was surprised at himself at how well he did. If he was skeptical earlier he wasn't anymore. He did things in the gym he never thought he could do.

After training JC had taken a shower and followed the directions William had given him on how to get to the library. He entered the room and wasn't shocked to find it bigger than he thought it would be. The room was rectangular shaped with books lining the entire walls. In the middle of the room were hardwood tables, couches, and squishy armchairs. William sat at one of the tables with books stacked in neat little piles in front of him.

JC sat down at the table he was sitting at. "What's with all the books, Merlin?"

William threw him an irritated look. "My name is William." He handed JC a thin black book off the top of one of the piles. "This is for you. You need to read and know everything in here."

JC read the silver words on the cover, 'The Slayer, A Handbook'. He looked up at William his eyebrow raised. "Are serious? If I wanted to read something, I would have joined Oprah's book club."

"Nevertheless, you need to read that. A good Slayer knows their handbook."

JC took the offered book reluctantly. William pulled out another book and handed it to JC. On the cover in gold font was the word Vampyres.

William donned a pair of thin wire frame glass, "Everyday we will train first then retire in here so you can study your history and knowledge. Now if you will turn to page fifteen. We can begin. At the top of the page should be the title Vampires."

JC turned to the page and began listening to William lecture. "There are seven sure ways to thwart or kill a vampire. They are crosses, stake through the heart, fire, beheading, sunlight, holy water..."

'This is going to be a long day,' thought JC, already feeling his eyes droop.

JC collapsed in his bed late that night. He didn't even bother checking the messages on his answering machine. He was too tired to stand there and listen to all his messages. He never thought that someone could talk so much. If the training hadn't worn him out, then the lecture did. William talked about everything from the first Slayer to Dracula. As soon as his head hit his pillow, JC was fast asleep. Hours later, JC started to toss and turn in his bed as the beginning of a nightmare started in his dream.

JC could feel his body flying through the air. It was night and the stars twinkled above him. Below him he could make out a girl running through the upper level of a parking garage. She looked scared out of her mind. She wore all black and had hot pink hair with black bangs at her forehead, a nose ring, and a metal collar. Checking behind her quickly, she ran through a door and jumped down to the next level of the parking garage. JC could almost feel that this girl was running for her very life. He looked behind her and saw two people chasing her. He couldn't see any details, just the hooded cloaks that completely covered them. The girl ran through another door that led outside. Using a garbage can as leverage she started to scale a nearby building.

JC was by her side the whole time. She didn't see or her him. After a while of running, she stopped and her scared look vanished. She thought she was safe. JC tried to yell at her to keep moving, but his voice didn't seem to work. Suddenly, a pair of arms grabbed her and dragged her through a door beside her. JC tried to punch one of the cloaked guys, but his arms passed right through their bodies. The girl fought with all the energy she had. They eventually knocked her to the ground on her back. JC gasped as one of the robed peopled pulled out a curved silver dagger. The stranger tried to stab her but she blocked his move. JC saw it just as it happened. The other cloaked person had a dagger also. The figure stabbed the girl in the back as she fought with the other guy.

"No!" JC screamed, running to her side. He made a grab for her but his arms just passed through her.

The girl winced at the pain, but did scream or yell. The robed men resheathed their daggers and left. JC felt tears trail down his cheeks as he looked down at the dead girl. Suddenly, she turned her head to him and looked directly into his eyes. She began to speak in a low, unnatural sounding voice.

"From beneath you, it devours."

JC awoke in his bed screaming his head off. He clutched his heart his rapid beating heart, breathing raggedly. "Holy shit!"

Sorry if the dream thing didn't make much sense. I don't like how it turned out. I tried to rewrite it, but it wouldn't come out right. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 4

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