The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Aug 25, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or anything associated with it. It belongs to its creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that I have all the disclaimers out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 2

JC plopped down onto the couch his thoughts racing wildly through his head. William gazed down at him his facial expression one of complete calm.

"I guess the best place to start is the beginning," began William.

JC looked up at him cocking his head. "Your accent is English isn't it?" he asked.

William nodded, "Yes, it is. Now, as I was saying the best place to start is the beginning. There was once a time when demons and other creatures of darkness controlled the Earth. They were eventually driven into hell by the forces of light. The last demon to leave the Earth fed off a human and mixed their blood, infecting him. That's how Vampires were born. The human was cursed to drink blood, thus infecting others. Around this time, a warrior was created to fight back against this menace. A girl was endowed with supernatural powers. The powers of the Slayer."

"There you go with this girl stuff again. I'm a guy," interrupted JC.

William held up his hand silencing JC. "I will get to that. The powers of the Slayer are advanced healing, strength, speed, stamina, hearing, durability, and sight."

JC raised an eyebrow at the lengthy list of powers, but he didn't voice his disbelief. He decided to wait until the end to reserve judgment on William.

William continued. "For as long as there has been a Slayer, there have been Watchers. The Watchers Council is composed of a group of men and women whose job is to seek out a Slayer and lead them on their path."

"Like the YMCA," said JC, smiling.

William shot him a disapproving look and JC stopped smiling suddenly feeling like he just got scolded. "Your case is special, Mr. Chasez. There has never been a male Slayer before. Ever."

JC grudgingly started to believe William. His story sounded completely insane. It was too complex to be considered the ramblings of a lunatic. Plus the whole knife thing was a big motivation.

"So, why am I different?" questioned JC, thinking over the information.

"It involves two other Slayers -- "

JC interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. "How does one become a Slayer anyway. I know for sure that I didn't send away for a membership or anything."

William smiled thinly. "That's simple. There are girls all over the world with the potential to become a Slayer. When the current Slayer dies another one is called and thus the line is continued."

"Ouch," said JC, making a pained face. His brain jump-started as he thought over what William just said. "Wait a minute. If I'm a Slayer, does that mean the last one died?"

William sighed softly. He sat down on the couch next to JC his face suddenly looking very pensive. "Your being a Slayer involves two other Slayers. In 1996 a girl by the name of Buffy Summers was called at the age of fifteen. One year later she died at the hands of a Vampire called the Master. He drowned her in a pool of water. One of her friends found her and resurrected her by doing CPR. That's when something that's never happened before took place. Since Buffy heart had stopped and her life ended for those crucial few moments another Slayer was called."

"So, there is a Chosen Two now instead of One," said JC slowly, looking at William with an inquisitive gaze.

The British man shook his head. "Let me finish. Kendra was the next Slayer called. She was killed a year later by the Vampiress, Druscilla. Another young girl named Faith was called after her. So for a time there were two Slayers in the world. Faith eventually succumbed to evil and killed innocent people. She is now doing time in a women's prison in California."

"Can't she just break out. I mean she is like Wonder Woman," replied JC.

"She has seen the error of her ways and wants to redeem herself by doing her time."

JC scratched his head still confused. "That still doesn't explain me."

William smiled shaking his head at JC's constant interruptions. "It doesn't, but I'm getting to that. Last year Buffy Summers died by jumping into a portal that would cause all dimensional walls to break down. You were called after her death."

JC paused tapping his fingers against his chin. He looked at William a sweet smile on his face. "How can I say this nicely?" he asked, smiling. He dropped his smile narrowing his eyes. "I'm a guy, asshole! Have you forgotten about that? If you tell me I'm a girl, so help -- "

William cringed at the furious look in JC's eyes. He scooted away from him moving to the other side of the couch. "No, I haven't forgot that. Let me finish the story. A few months after Buffy Summers died, her friends worked powerful dark magick to bring her back to life. The Watchers Council spent those few months looking for the new Slayer but we could never find her. That's when I found a prophecy hidden in our archives."

William reached into his pocket and pulled out a long rolled up piece of parchment. He unrolled the ancient looking scroll and began to read it.

"The Slayer of fortune will die then rise breaking the power line. Another will be called, making what was one now two. The Slayer of fortune die again, only to be risen by her crimson friend. What was one then two will now be three. The third is different for this one is not woman but man. They are the Chosen Three, the Slayer Trinity. Generals of the Army of Light they are together. Only united will the light triumph in the End of Days."

JC stood up and began to pace the living room back and forth. It was just all too much. Demons. Vampires. Slayers. Magic. Prophecies. It was all a lot to take in at once. How could he be some special person? All he ever wanted to do was become a singer and live his dreams of fame. Now, he finds out that he is some mystical fighter that kills Vampires for a living. Screw that.

"Listen William. I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it. You have the wrong person. You said that that Buffy girl died last year and that's when I was called. Why then haven't I shown any powers or anything? You've obviously have got the wrong guy."

William shook his head negative. He stood up looking at JC confidant. "The Council do not make mistakes with this sort of thing. If they say you are a Slayer, then you are a Slayer. The only reason your powers haven't kicked in fully is because you haven't been trained yet. If you ever came in contact with a Vampire your instincts would kick in and you would see what you can do."

JC smirked suddenly crossing his arms. "Then take me to see a Vampire then. If my so-called Slayer instincts will come out then I'll know your right. If I don't see a Vampire, I'm calling the police and they'll haul your sorry ass off to prison, where you're going to become some guys new cell bitch."

William crossed his arms mirroring JC's stance. "Then let us go to the nearest cemetery."

JC bowed low making a sweeping gesture toward the front door. "After you. You might try and shank me if I walk in front of you."

William rolled his eyes sighing loudly in exasperation. They walked outside and got into JC's car. JC was tempted to get into the car and just drive off to Lance's house, but he had a feeling that William would just meet him there. The drive to the cemetery was spent in silence. JC would alternate his gaze from the road to glaring at the older man sitting in the passenger seat.

The full moon's rays shined down on them as they walked through the eerily quiet cemetery. JC jumped at every little unrecognizable noise. Walking through a cemetery at night, was something that he never thought he would do. He had seen enough horror movies to know what happened to people who walked through the cemetery at night. They got killed.

"I don't see any Vampires, Waldo," complained JC, sitting down next to an old cracking tombstone.

"Its William," corrected the Watcher curtly. "And just wait. They'll come."

JC snorted resisting the urge to make a smart comment. He took the time to look around the quiet cemetery. It looked like an ordinary cemetery. It had headstones, trees, and even the occasional crypt.

"How old are you anyway?" asked JC, bored out of his mind.

William pursed his lips together into a thin line. JC could tell he wasn't going to answer.

"I bet you're like 42 or maybe 75."

"I'm 36," corrected William irritably, not looking at JC. He was gazing stonily around him looking for any signs of trouble.

There was a moment of silence till JC started to talk again. "How about I leave you here and you can just take a picture of the vampire. I think I'll just go -- "

Suddenly, there was a loud scraping sound from the grave beside him. The dirt was fresh signaling that the grave was just freshly dug. JC closed his mouth and quickly stood up. He stared fearfully at the grave next to him. Slowly, the dirt started to move and rise upwards. JC stepped back in fear.

"Your going to need this," said William, pressing something into JC's hand.

JC looked down at what William gave him. In his hand was a sharpened piece of wood. With a start JC realized exactly what it was. William had given him a stake. JC turned back to the grave watching in horror as a pale man burst free from the ground.

"Oh. My. God." JC whispered, hoarsely.

The new vampire rose to his feet quickly. He looked around slowly stopping when his gaze landed on JC. He looked normal enough expect that his skin was extremely pale. A hungry look appeared in the demon's eyes and suddenly his face twisted and changed into something else. His eyes turned golden his brow became more prominent by the ridges that appeared above it. The vampire smiled showing his teeth that had lengthened into a pair of sharp looking fangs.

"Well that's different," said JC, before the vampire tackled him the ground.

They wrestled on the ground each fighting for dominance. The vampire was no bigger than JC, but he was way stronger than he was. The vampire pinned JC down to the ground his yellow eyes looking feral and wild-like.

With a grunt JC brought his leg up and pushed kicked the attacker off him. The vampire flew through the air landing on the ground a few feet away. JC jumped to his feet holding the stake tightly in his right hand. He glanced at William desperately, only to see the older man sitting on top of a tombstone watching the fight intently.

"Figures, Dudley Fucking Do Right wouldn't be of any help," muttered JC under his breathe.

The vampire got back his bearing and sprung again at JC. The singer saw the punch as it was heading towards him. Something clicked in his head as he saw the fist come toward him. It was like his body went into auto-pilot. Involuntarily, JC grabbed the approaching arm in a vice like grip. Both the vampire and JC's face was an expression of surprise at the unexpected action. Without even realizing it JC brought down his elbow hard on the forearm of the vampire. There was a sickening crunch as the telltale sign of the bone breaking filled the night air.

"Arrggghhh!" the vampire howled in agony.

Letting his instincts take over, JC went low and did a sweeper kick. The vampire legs were sweeped out from under him causing him to fall roughly to the ground. JC gripped the stake and quickly brought it down into the vampire's unbeating heart. There was a rushing sound and before JC's eyes the vampire exploded into dust.

The sound of clapping filled the air. JC turned around to see William standing before him, applauding with a proud smile on his face. "Wonderful job!"

JC collapsed to the ground on his knees. He dropped the stake beside him. He suddenly felt as if his whole world had just been turned upside down. William had been telling the truth. He was a Slayer. His brain felt like jello and couldn't seem to process his thoughts right. His mind wrapped around the first thing it could comprehend.

JC looked up at William his eyes narrowed dangerously. "You never said that the fucker was going to be Dracula on steroids!"

More to come soon. The next part will mostly be JC learning how to fight and beginning training. In case you're wondering this takes place in Season 7 of Buffy. It's about a month or so before Lessons (the episode where Dawn first goes to Sunnydale High).

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 3

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