The Trick Is to Keep Breathing

Published on Nov 26, 2022


The Trick Is To Keep Breathing 5

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

Chapter V

"Bye, guys," said Kyle with a warm smile. "Great work today."

Kyle opened his Twitter application and was bombarded with thousands of notifications. Some were screenshots of his newest YouTube video, some were expressing happiness and excitement for his love with Brendan, and some were notifying Kyle that a certain YouTuber had thrown some shade at him via a Tweet.

'Ethan Hethcote | @ethanhethcote
'You have 7mill "internet fam members", but you wait til he's had his business for over a year to announce something so huge in your lives.

Kyle laughed darkly as he read Tweet after Tweet of his and Ethan's fans and followers. Most were saying that Ethan was wrong to Tweet what he did, but a few were showing support to Mr. Hethcote.

Kyle typed his own Tweet, '@ethanhethcote, it is horrendous to see such an LGBTQ+ advocate sending such hate. Next time don't be afraid to use the @, it's right there honey. You advise your own followers to love each other and keep open minds. Awesome to see that you don't follow your own words. Way to be united with the gay community like you say.'

Kyle was walking out of the university when he said to his Snapchat feed, "What is up, Hemstad fam! I just finished a meeting with my classmates for a group project that is worth twenty percent of my grade. It was a productive meeting, we got lots done.
"Anyway, I just checked out the stats of my latest video, which you guys know is the Boyfriend Tag with Brendan. Oh, my god, you guys! The video has been up for just six hours and it has already received one-point-two million views! And the views continue to roll in! One-point-two million views is what my regular videos get at the end of the day, after being posted for fifteen hours or so. So that many views already is insane!
"I read a few of the five thousand comments! Kudos to those of you that had assumed Bren and I were more than friends or even regular hookups. We are not as transparent as we thought. And thank you to those who wished us the best! You guys have shown us so much support and love!
"So I am on my way home to film. As you guys know, I fly home to Portland right after finals to spend the entirety of my winter break with my family. Brendan is, of course, flying home with me as he had done so last year as well. So it'll be a huge relief to make sure that I'm not hiding Brendan and our relationship from you guys starting today! Anyway, as I was saying, I'm on my way home to film. I like to spend my winter break free of filming, so I've got just over two dozen videos to film plus videos to post before winter break. I'll be busy as hell for the next couple weeks filming, filming, filming.
"I am going to be posting a couple of photos on my Instagram within the next hour or so. One photo is going to be of six boxes of excess makeup products that either I received in P.R., or products that I don't use, or purchases of mine that just didn't work for me. Don't worry, the products that I used are thrown out because giving away used makeup is disgusting.
"The other photo will be a giveaway of tech products. I don't yet know how I'll group these tech products. But there are dozens and dozens of phone cases for iPhone Tens, Samsung Galaxy S8's, Galaxy S8 Plusses, Google Pixels, Huawei Mate Ten's, a couple of Amazon Dots, some Phillips Hues, and a couple of Mophie wireless chargers.
"The rules for each giveaway is to like the photo or photos of the giveaway that you are interested in entering and comment the hashtag 'hemstadfam'. Tomorrow, I will be using the Randomizer to choose winners and I will be contacting the winners through Instagram messages.
"Okay, I will check in with you guys again later. I love each and every one of you, and I hope your day is as amazing as mine is. Alright, later."

Over two weeks later, Kyle spent a majority of his time on the flight editing videos while Brendan slept. Kyle edited four videos when he wasn't eating during the six-and-a-half-hour flight to Portland.

After packing his laptop and portable solid-state drive away per the flight crew's instruction, Kyle said, "Bren. Babe. We're landing."

"Kay," Brendan said, coming awake. "Did you sleep at all?"

"No. Been editing videos. Got four done and was working on the fifth."

"Busy," Brendan commented and yawned. "It still amazes me that I sleep on planes no matter what, even if I slept perfectly fine the night before."

"And I cannot sleep on planes at all, even if I didn't sleep at all the night before," Kyle offered as he grabbed his makeup bag out of his backpack. "Polar opposites."

"You're just afraid that someone will steal your makeup bag," Brendan teased.

"Ha bloody ha," Kyle replied dryly as he searched for his tube of lipstick. "You are way too fuckin' funny, Mr. Dennafort."

Brendan tiredly laid his head on Kyle's shoulder and asked, "What time are we picking up Ingrid and Hansen?"

Kyle rubbed his lips together to even out his lipstick and answered, "6:30pm. I made reservations at Kleinhart's for 7:00."

Brendan went to National Car Rental to pick up their rental as Kyle went to claim their luggage.

"Hello again, guys," Kyle said to his Snapchat feed. "Checking in with you guys seven hours later. Brendan and I are now in Portland, our flight landed about ten minutes ago, and Bren is currently going to get our car rental. I'm standing here at baggage claim, tired as hell. Plans for the day include driving to my parents' home to catch up with my family, hang out with them for a few hours, and then we are meeting friends for dinner.
"I hope you guys are enjoying today's video on holiday-themed glam looks. I haven't checked the stats on the video yet but I will be doing that on the car ride to my parents' and replying to some of you guys' comments.
"Coming tomorrow on Hemstad Hardware is a video on what gear I use for filming, the computer that I usually use for editing, the software I use for editing, and how I actually edit my videos. So be sure to check that out tomorrow."

"Hey," Brendan greeted his boyfriend.

Kyle pointed the front camera and said, "Say hi to Snapchat, Babe."

Brendan sat his chin on Kyle's shoulder with them both in the shot, and responded, "Hi to Snapchat, Babe."

Kill laughed sarcastically but wore an amused smile, and responded, "See how not funny my Bren is? Anyway, luggage conveyor has finally started so I'll check-in with you guys later."

Brendan smiled at the device and said, "See you guys in a bit."

Kyle put his phone in his pocket and asked, "Want me to drive?"

"I can drive," Brendan answered. "I thought we were renting an Elantra? The attendant said she'd get someone to fetch a Chevy Suburban."

"I told you two weeks ago that I changed it," Kyle replied and kissed Brendan's cheek. "I thought it would be better for family trips around town. You know, all in one vehicle to save on gas. Sorry, should've realized that you were half asleep."

Brendan kiss the brunette's cheek and stated, "Right there's your suitcase."

The second the couple exited the airport with their respective suitcases, Brendan groused, "Oh, my fuck. How is Portland a hundred degrees colder when it's basically the same north-ness as New York?"

Kyle laughed and responded, "It is literally five degrees colder."

The National Car agent said, "Here are the keys, Mr. Dennafort. Would you like help with your bags?"

Kyle smiled at the man and answered, "Thanks but we're fine. Here's your tip."

During the fifteen minute ride to the Hemstad house, Brendan played music on the car's bluetooth system while Kyle had his latest YouTube video paused on his phone and he was leaving responses on viewers' comments.

'I used Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz. It's a really great product, but not my favourite.'
'Tom Ford foundation will always be my go-to! It applies easily, blends naturally, doesn't move when applying the rest of your face, and lasts all day. Depending on your skin type, you may have to touch-up to get rid of shine.'
'It is actually a new contour kit from Elf. The link is up in the description box. It is very inexpensive and the powders last all day long!'

Kyle lost count of his responses at eight. He actually left nineteen responses before Brendan parked on 45th Avenue. The two young men pulled their luggage up to the large house and Kyle walked through the front door first.

Kyle saw his sister first. She rose from one of the loveseats and shouted, "Ky! You're home!"

Kyle put his bags down and hugged his sister, and greeted, "Hi, Meg."

"Hey, son," Jim Hemstad said as he went in for a hug.

Kyle hugged both his parents at the same time as Megan hugged Brendan. Kyle saw his brother Elijah come down the staircase and hugged him as well.

As he hugged Elijah next, Brendan commented, "You're getting so big, Eli. You're taller than I was when I was fourteen."

Elijah responded, "I'm fifteen, you jackass."

Everybody laughed at that, and they all went into the living room.

"How was the flight?" Mr. Hemstad asked.

"It was great," Kyle answered.

Brendan elaborated, "I slept through most of it. Kyle edited videos."

"How are you liking your new position, Dad?" Kyle asked. "Mr. Chief Operating Officer."

Mr. Hemstad smiled at his eldest offspring and replied, "Oh, it's just great, son. I get to implement regulations and procedures that I deem worthy, whereas before I had to get approval and they didn't always get the okay."

Dottie Hemstad then asked, "How did your finals go?"

"I did so amazing!" Kyle excitedly answered. "Five A's and one A-minus. If I continue to do this fantastic next semester, I should be graduating in May."

Elijah said with enthusiasm, "That's awesome, man! A whole year earlier than most."

"Yeah," Kyle replied. "How's your girlfriend?"

"Carolyn's good I guess," Elijah answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "She's coming over later."

Megan chimed in, "Darius is coming, too. Mom wanted you to meet them both."

The family continued to catch up and share laughs, and Mr. Hemstad went and got a tray with a pot of tea. He poured four cups of tea and gave Megan and Elijah a mug of hot cocoa each.

An hour later, Mr. Hemstad opened the front door after the bell rang. The man greeted Carolyn Maceusin and invited her in. Both Kyle and Brendan stood as the girl walked into the room. Kyle shook her hand first, and then Brendan did. Kyle could see the excitement in her brown eyes, but was joyed to see that she didn't ask for a photo or anything. Elijah had obeyed his request in asking his girlfriend not to make a big deal about meeting him after Elijah had mentioned she was a subscriber.

After about ten minutes of getting to know Elijah's girlfriend, the doorbell rang again. Megan excitedly ran to answer it. She walked in with a black teen boy, Darius Horton. To make room on the one couch and two loveseats, Megan sat on Darius' lap, and Kyle sat on Brendan's.

An hour later, Kyle said that they would be going upstairs to unpack and get ready to go out.

While carrying their bags up the stairs, Mrs. Hemstad called, "Your three parcels that you mailed are your room!"

"Thanks, Mom!" Kyle called back.

There were indeed three very large boxes sitting against the wall in front of Kyle's bedroom window. They were the dozens and dozens of Christmas gifts for his family and friends.

Kyle hugged his boyfriend from behind and said quietly, "Thanks for coming."

Brendan slid his hands over Kyle's on his stomach and replied, "Yeah. You're my family now. They're my family now."

The two young men unpacked their belongings into the dresser drawers and closet with music playing from Brendan's laptop. After unpacking, Kyle got out his BareMinerals powder to get rid of the shine over his makeup. He then applied another layer of lipstick and they went out.

Ingrid Rosen opened the apartment door and squealed, "Kyle! Oh, my god, it's so good to see you!"

Kyle accepted the embrace and responded, "You, too, Ingrid. I've seen all your Instagram posts but it's amazing to see the weight loss!"

"Yep!" Ingrid replied happily. "Lost fifty-three points so far as of this morning. Come in."

Hansen Visser approached from their kitchen and offered Kyle a handshake-hug in greeting.

"Hi, Oom-Bop!" Kyle greeted the young man back.

"Guys want a beer?" Hansen offered.

"Sure," Brendan replied. "But we gotta leave in fifteen minutes, reservations at Klienhart's."

Now sitting on the couch with a beer, Kyle said, "I got you guys a little apartment-warming gift."

Ingrid accepted the gift bag and pulled out a boxed set of six crystal stemless wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"Aww," Ingrid gushed. "These are beautiful!"

"How's the new apartment?" Kyle asked. "It looks fantastic. Looks like you've settled in nicely."

Hansen nodded and answered, "We've only been here a couple weeks, but so far so good. Building manager seems nice, no noisy tenants, and there's never not hot water."

Ingrid laughed brightly and offered, "Yeah, it's nice not having to worry about a cold shower. Hey, I still can't believe that you guys finally announced your relationship!"

"I know!" Kyle said with a laugh. "The video has received five-point-seven million views! That's almost triple the views my videos usually get. Four hundred thousand new people have subscribed to my channel because of it."

Brendan chimed in, "And I've got two hundred thousand more. All because of a 'Boyfriend Tag' video."

"How do you guys feel?" Hansen asked. "I mean with not having to hide it anymore?"

With a soft chuckle, Kyle answered, "I didn't think I would feel this free. Makes my days smoother."

Kyle didn't think he had ever slept so long or so restful in his life. He woke the next morning being the big spoon, his arm had been lying over Brendan's waist. He opened his eyes minimally and saw Brendan's back and his bedroom lit by soft yellow sunlight.

Kyle gingerly reach behind himself and grabbed his cellphone phone off the bedside table. The time was 9:17A.M., which wasn't as late as he thought. He didn't get as much sleep as he had hoped, but about ten hours was loads.

Kyle very, very slowly and gently rolled away from the redhead and out of bed. He walked around the queen-sized bed, grouched down, and gazed at his sleeping boyfriend. He snapped a photo of the angelic man- a couple of photos, actually.

Kyle captioned the photo '#BLESSED' and posted it to Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. A few seconds after posting the photo, before Kyle could exit the Instagram application, the photo had received a hundred likes.

Brendan squeezed his eyes tightly shut and turned his face minutely. He inhaled through his nose and sleepily opened his blue eyes.

"Hey," Brendan groggily said.

Kyle brushed the wavy orange hair from Brendan's forehead and whispered, "Morning, Baby."

"Been up long?" Brendan asked as he pulled the brunette back into bed.

"Just a minute or two. Fair warning, I posted a photo of you sleeping."

"Kay," Brendan replied simply and laid his head on Kyle's bare chest.

After cuddling for a few minutes and then brushing their teeth, Kyle and Brendan went downstairs. Mr. Hemstad was reading the newspaper on his iPad, Megan was scrolling through her Instagram feed, and Mrs. Hemstad was helping Elijah with his physics homework. All were still in their pyjamas, and Mr. and Mrs. Hemstad and Megan were drinking coffee.

"Morning," Kyle greeted his family, and kissed the top of Elijah's head as he passed.

"Sleep okay?" Mr. Hemstad asked the couple while they joined them at the kitchen table.

"Fantastic," Brendan answered.

"S'good to be home," Kyle supplied.

Kyle sat his laptop on the table and went over to the counter and poured two mugs of coffee. He then handed one to the redhead and checked the status of his latest video on his tech channel. Kyle had uploaded the video the night before with it scheduled to go live at 9:00A.M. E.D.T., which was three-and-a-half hours prior.

Megan stated, "I saw your video when I woke up. I knew that it took a lot to shoot and edit, I've seen it before you went off to college, but damn!"

"Language," Mr. Hemstad admonished.

Kyle responded, "Yeah, and I was so busy for three weeks shooting video after video after video so that I don't shoot any while I'm here. I've only got eight videos left to edit.
"Anyway, this morning's video has one hundred thousand views."

Now done his homework, Elijah asked, "How much money do you earn anyway?"

"My two channels combined usually gets me two hundred fifty thousand dollars from AdSense per month," Kyle answered. "And I charge companies five hundred bucks for each package of products they send for me to review. Each month that usually gets me twenty-four thousand."

Thinking, Elijah surmised, "That gets you, what... three million dollars per year?"

Kyle nodded his head and answered, "In 2016, I earned two-point-nine million dollars. My channels have grown since then."

Mrs. Hemstad chimed in, "But keep in mind that Kyle pays for half the mortgage for this house, pays half of their apartment rent, pays half his and Bren's bills, pays for groceries, and is saving for his future ventures. So don't you be asking for money. Kyle works hard for his money, so you earn your own."

Elijah rolled his eyes and retorted, "I wasn't gonna ask for money. But let's say if I did..."

Kyle ruffled his brother's shaggy brown hair and said, "Then I'd take you to the ice cream shop 'cause you're such a cutie."

Elijah smacked Kyle's hand away and laughed sarcastically. Kyle then rose from the table and started taking out ingredients. He blended four peaches into a puree and made peach waffles. Mr. Hemstad scrambled a dozen eggs and Mrs. Hemstad fried turkey sausages. They enjoyed a big family breakfast filled with pointless chatter and soft laughter.

An hour after breakfast, the whole family, apart from Mrs. Hemstad, dressed warm and went out to the garage. They used ladders, hammers, nails, and a dozen Christmas lights to decorate the exterior of the house.

When the bottom half of the house was done and Elijah and Brendan were pushing the ladder to Mr. Hemstad up on the master bedroom balcony, Kyle opened his Snapchat application and said, "Good morning, guys! Or afternoon or night wherever you guys are. As you can see from my red nose, we have been out in the cold Portland weather putting up Christmas lights for the past half hour or so. We have been doing this every holiday season since I was six, or seven. My dad likes to get it done on the first weekend in December, but since moving to New York for college, I make him wait until I'm home because I love doing the Christmas lights. It is taking us a bit longer this year because this is our first Christmas in this house.
"My dad bought a bunch of red and white lights to make a Santa-shaped figure on one side of the roof. When that is done, we will be hanging more lights along the trims and windows. Later this afternoon, we will be going to my parents' storage locker to pick up the Christmas statues."

Mr. Hemstad then called, "Okay, Kyle! Get your ass up here!"

Kyle laughed and said to his phone, "Okay, check-in with you guys later. Bye."

That afternoon, after editing two more videos, Kyle asked Brendan if he was ready to go to the grocery store.

"Can I drive?" Elijah asked excitedly.

Mrs. Hemstad called from the family room, "He's been practicing behind the wheel since his fifteenth birthday! Any chance he gets!"

"Okay!" Kyle called back. "Want us to pick anything up!?"

"I think I'm low on confectioner's sugar!"

Elijah drove the car rental with Kyle in the front passenger seat and Brendan sat in the middle row. Kyle had been nervous about his little brother being behind the wheel, after all, the teen only had a learner's permit. He swallowed that because his parents would have warned him if Elijah had been in any car accidents.

"Hello again, guys!" Kyle said to his Snapchat feed. "We are on our way to the grocery store. Guess who is all grown up and driving! My baby brother Eli!"

Elijah saw Kyle point the camera at him and said with a smile, "I've been driving for seven months. I am an excellent motorist."

Kyle pointed his cell phone back at himself and said, "We finished the exterior Christmas decorations about three hours ago and I'll show you guys tonight when everything is lit up. Interior decorating will be done tonight after dinner.
"I just wanted to remind you guys in Portland or around the area that mine and Brendan's meetup will be tomorrow at 4:00P.M. at Washington Square. Samantha, my lawyer, spoke with Macerich who owns the shopping centre and got me a permit for the meetup. It'll be held on the main floor by the Microsoft booth for an hour. Hope to see you guys there!"

"A friend of ours will be taking photographs," Brendan said, and Kyle pointed his phone at him. "Molly will be with us so be sure to hand your phones or cameras to her for any photos you may want."

"That's right," Kyle said when he pointed the camera back at himself. "If you guys don't remember Molly, she's featured on one of my earliest videos as well as a dozen others. She has been my friend since middle school and was one of the first people that I tested my makeup skills on way back when.
"Okay, that's all for today. I hope your day is as amazing as mine is turning out to be. Love you guys. Bye."

There was New Seasons Concordia grocery store much closer to the house, but Kyle decided to give his brother as much driving practice as he could, so he told Elijah to drive to New Seasons Grant Park. Grant Park was their old neighbourhood, so Elijah knew the way.

While entering the store with a shopping cart in front of him, Kyle said to his brother, "Grab whatever you want, Kid."

"Even a sixty of Grey Goose?" Elijah jokingly asked, to which Kyle punched his shoulder amicably. "I promise to make it last a really long time. Two days."

Kyle laughed and replied, "Shut up, loser."

Kyle pushed the cart along the aisles with Brendan's arm around his shoulders. They grabbed item after item, with Elijah in front of them occasionally adding something to the cart.

It was while Kyle had been picking royal gala apples from a stand that a man's voice said confidently, "Hi."

Kyle smiled at the Hispanic man and greeted, "Hi."

"I am so sorry, dude," the young man began, "but I know you from YouTube. I- I- I subscribed to your Hemstad Hardware channel a few months ago."

Kyle extended his hand and responded, "Oh, hi. Kyle Hemstad."

The Hispanic man shook Kyle's hand, then Brendan's, and said, "And you're Sammy D."

Shaking hands, Brendan replied, "You can call me Brendan. And you are..."

"Right," the man laughed. "I'm Tiago. What are the odds, man? Running into two huge YouTubers in the grocery store? My girlfriend is gonna freak the fuck out, man. I subscribed to you guys because of her."

"Yeah?" Kyle asked with a small chuckle.

"Well back in August, Elaine, my girlfriend, had a dislocated finger and couldn't apply her makeup for a job interview. So I had to do it. She made me learn from a video on your makeup channel."

Kyle laughed and commented, "Oh, that's just too good. I hope your makeup skills landed her the job."

Tiago laughed with embarrassment and replied, "She got the job, but she had to get her makeup done at MAC."

"Well at least you tried. I know guys- gay and straight, who wouldn't touch a makeup brush."

"In my opinion," Tiago began and smiled sarcastically, "I didn't do too bad for my first time. It was my only time, but still."

"Well tell Elaine that I think you're a very caring boyfriend."

"Yeah, I'll definitely do that for sure. Mind if I get a picture with you two?"

Kyle nodded and answered, "Sure. Eli?"

Elijah accepted Tiago's cell phone and snapped a couple of photos of Kyle and Brendan standing on either side of him.

When they got into the bedroom after Christmas Eve Mass, Kyle kissed Brendan's stubbly chin with a soft, a affectionate smile.

Kyle whispered, "Merry Christmas."

With a growing smile, Brendan kissed the brunette and replied, "Merry Christmas."

Brendan kissed the brunette again, but deeper and more meaningful, with more purpose. His palm caressed up and down Kyle's side. Kyle, in turn, reached up and tweaked Brendan's erect pink nipple.

"Mmm, yeah," Brendan mewled in Kyle's mouth.

Their tongues duelled expertly, hotly. Brendan slid his palm along the side of Kyle's body and into his boxer briefs. Kyle continued to manipulate Brendan's nipple as the redhead cupped and squeezed Kyle's firm butt.

Kyle gently urged Brendan onto his back and laid on top of him. Brendan grabbed both of Kyle's pert butt cheeks as Kyle kissed his jaw and neck. Kyle slowly lowered himself down Brendan's body, and planted small kisses on his boyfriend's firm body.

When Kyle swiped his tongue on Brendan's nub, Brendan softly groaned, "Ahhh, Baby."

Kyle moved to the other side of Brendan's muscular chest and flicked his tongue over the redhead's other nipple. And then he planted kisses on each of Brendan's eight abs. As he did so, Kyle slid Brendan's trunk briefs down his thighs.

"Do you know how lucky I am?" Kyle seductively asked. "I have the fucking sexiest boyfriend ever."

"Oh, my god," Brendan whispered with short breaths. "I love you so much, Ky."

Kyle tossed Brendan's underwear aside and gently massaged the older man's big balls. Brendan mewled softly while watching the brunette handle his junk.

As he softly squeezed Brendan's egg-sized balls, Kyle pressed his tongue on the thick base of Brendan's dick and torturously slowly licked up the veiny shaft.

"Fuck," Brendan happily cursed.

Kyle swirled his tongue around the mushroom head of Brendan's cock and licked the bead of precum that oozed out. Kyle moaned at the sweet taste of the slick and suckled on the tip. Precum oozed out of his own dick into his boxer briefs as he slowly sucked more of Brendan into his mouth.

"Ohhh yeah," Brendan moaned. "Deep-throat my cock, Ky."

Kyle allowed saliva to slide past his lips and down Brendan's shaft, and rubbed it in. He then relaxed his throat and pushed his head down, and had the whole of Brendan's dick buried in his throat. His nose was in the orange bush of Brendan's pubes and he made swallowing motions.

Brendan breathlessly said, "Damn. You're so good at that, Baby."

Kyle tugged Brendan's scrotum down gently, and slowly slid his lips up Brendan's thick dick. He sucked the precum out and swirled his tongue around the head again. Kyle lowered his head and deep-throated his boyfriend again.

Brendan loved the wet tightness of Kyle's throat sliding up and down his throbbing member. After about a minute, he reached inside the bedside table for the bottle of lube. He pulled Kyle up off his cock and pushed him to lie down. Kyle swiftly took off his boxer briefs and Brendan lathered the slick liquid on Kyle's seven inches.

As Brendan planted his feet on either side of Kyle's hips, Kyle asked, "Don't want me to prep your ass first, Babe?"

Brendan didn't offer a verbal response. He just pointed Kyle's dick up and lowered his ass. Brendan shut his eyes as Kyle's helmet head met his entrance. He winced slightly when it opened his pucker, but he slowly lowered himself still.

With his face screwed in pleasure, Kyle groaned, "Ohhh, Babe. You're so tight."

When Brendan had the entirety of his seven inches in his ass, Kyle gripped Brendan's thick cock and slowly stroked it. Brendan rose his ass up, sliding Kyle's phallus with his tight hole, and then back down slowly. The redhead got down on his knees and continued to ride Kyle, and lowered his lips to Kyle's. The two kissed passionately with hot breaths as Brendan rode that steely hard cock.

Brendan began peppering kisses along Kyle's cut jaw and whispered, "Your dick was made for me, Ky."

Kyle gently pushed Brendan off of him. He made Brendan turn into his right side and sidled up to his back. Kyle raised Brendan's left leg in the air and slid his cock back inside Brendan's warm, slick hole.

While making love to the redhead, Kyle kissed Brendan's ear and whispered, "You mean so much to me, Bren. I am in love with you. I love you so much it hurts. You are the sun that lights my days. You are the moon that makes my nights beautiful. I can't imagine where I'd be without you."

"I love you," Brendan moaned. "Mmm, yeah. You're my only."

Kyle suckled a hickey on Brendan's shoulder while slowly, lovingly fucking him.

Minutes later, Brendan said, "I'm about to cum, Baby."

Kyle quickly pulled his dick out of Brendan's perfect ass and took Brendan's reddened dick in his mouth. He sucked hard and fast, his head bobbed feverishly. Within seconds, Brendan was moaning softly yet quickly. Kyle was rewarded with seven volleys of Brendan's thick, sweet, salty, hot cum. He had to swallow a couple of times, and he loved the taste.

Kyle then raised the redhead's knees and spit onto Brendan's gaping hole. He slowly plunged his seven inches inside, and kissed Brendan. Kyle had swallowed all of Brendan's cum, but Brendan could taste it on Kyle's breath.

Minutes later, Kyle drove his nose into Brendan's neck. His breathing was ragged and sweat slid down his neck. He grunted quietly as eight spurts of cum fired deep in Brendan's ass.

Kyle laid down on Brendan for a minute as they both caught their breaths. Brendan kissed the top of Kyle's head, and the brunette laid down on his back. Brendan used Kyle's chest as a pillow and laid his leg over Kyle's.

"I changed my mind," Brendan said quietly.

Kyle asked, "About what, Babe?"

"I want to adopt a boy first. I think it'll be an excellent transition from adulthood to parenthood."

Kyle giggled softly and responded, "Two or five or however many years from now, we will adopt a boy first."

The next morning, Kyle and Brendan went downstairs at 8:13A.M. where Mr. and Mrs. Hemstad and John Forestor, Kyle's grandfather, were drinking coffee. Marianne Forestor, Kyle's grandmother, was standing at the stove frying breakfast.

"Good morning, Lovebug," Mrs. Forestor greeted her grandson.

Kyle poured two coffees and replied, "Morning, Grandma."

"Want some flapjacks?" she asked.

"No thanks. I love your flapjacks, Grandma, but they have too much sugar for me and Bren."

Mrs. Forestor responded, "Oh, c'mon. It's Christmas! Have a cheat day. Besides, Samuel is--"

Kyle frustrated said, "--Grandma, that's enough. I told you last night that I didn't want any of your shit while you're here."

Mr. Forestor loudly said from the kitchen table, "Now you show your grandmoth--"

"--What?" Kyle demanded. "Some respect? This is our house. She is a guest here. She should be respecting us and our requests. She's been holding this grudge for almost two years! So Brendan didn't like your stuffed chicken breasts, Grandma. Get over it."

"Kyle!" Mrs. Hemstad called. "That's enough. Mom, don't get yourself into any more crap with Kyle. I won't stop your fights anymore, and you know you're wrong."

A half hour later, after Kyle and Brendan had finished their second cups of coffee, both Megan and Elijah descended the stairs. The whole family excited went into the living room and began opening gifts.

Kyle's absolute favourite gift came from his parents. It was a D.V.D. labeled 'Kyle Walter Hemstad: Through the Years' and a copy of it on a U.S.B. drive. He couldn't wait to watch it.

Both Megan and Elijah screamed and whooped with each gift from Kyle. Kyle had given them a specced out MacBook Pro each, laptop cases, one hundred dollar iTunes giftcards, new school bags, new cell phones (iPhone X for Elijah and a Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus for Megan), phone screen protectors, phone cases, makeup for Megan, and a two hundred dollar gift card to Volcom for Elijah.

An hour later, Brendan clicked a photo of the trio of siblings. Kyle was leaning against the arm of the couch, Megan was leaning against him, and Elijah was leaning against her. They were enjoying cups of hot cocoa and were totally engrossed in the movie 'Home Alone'.

On Instagram, Brendan captioned the photo 'Love this family time. Happy holidays. Sending hugs and cheer.'

To Be Continued

Hello! I hope you enjoyed reading this fifth instalment of 'The Trick Is To Keep Breathing'. I am having fun writing about YouTube personalities as I know next to nothing about being a YouTube 'content creator' as they call themselves.

Next: Chapter 6

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