The Trick Is to Keep Breathing

Published on Nov 7, 2022


The Trick Is To Keep Breathing 2

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

Chapter II

Kyle got home at 4:23P.M. and cleaned his office. It wasn't messy, but he was going to film a collaboration with a fellow New York YouTuber that was due to arrive at 5:00. He had spent his day at classes until 2:30P.M., picked up some chemicals and products, and went to see his lawyer.

Kyle ate a bowl of blueberry yogurt with sliced banana inside as he watched a YouTube video called 'Kyle Hemstad Shades James Charles' by Rich Lux. Kyle knew that gossip channels would make something out nothing, as they had always done. It wasn't the first time that gossip channels were taking content from his channels and tried to create drama.

Kyle smiled at the comments on the video. Some viewers had commented that Kyle always seemed fake and salty. Some had commented that they were not surprised that Kyle was throwing shade, even though Kyle never had done so.

A lot of viewers, however, defended the brunette. Their comments said that Kyle was the nicest, most genuine beauty guru on YouTube. And that he hadn't said anything bad or passive-aggressive toward James Charles. A few comments said that Kyle and James hadn't met in person, so they couldn't really have ill feelings toward each other.

Another gossip blogger named Peter Monn made his own video about Kyle "shading" James Charles. The gist of his video was that Kyle seemed genuine in not knowing James and bore no dislike.

"But why don't those girls follow each other on social media?" Peter Monn speculated. "Could there be something going on there? I mean, honey, c'mon. They don't follow each other for a reason. Kyle says he doesn't follow James for a reason, and his reason is that he doesn't know James and hasn't met him. But Kyle hasn't met Jeffree Star either but they just love each other's posts on social media. So why not James'?
"And another thing. What exactly is Kyle studying? We all know he's a student at N.Y.U. but he's been keeping his major hush-hush since forever ago. Some say he's in their chemistry classes. Some say he's in their marketing classes. Why all the secrecy?"

"I follow Jeffree because I've been following his career since fucking 2009," Kyle groused to himself.

Kyle turned off his phone and set his empty bowl in the sink. And then there was a knock at the door.

"Vinny!" Kyle said excitedly when he opened his door.

Vinny Vaillancourt smiled dazzlingly and greeted, "Hello, Kyle."

Kyle opened his arms and warmly stated, "So wonderful to meet you. I've been watching your videos since early 2014."

Vinny laughed in the embrace and responded, "Really? Now I feel bad because I only subscribed to you last year. You are so much taller than I anticipated."

After ending the hug, Kyle shrugged and replied, "That doesn't matter. I'm just so excited to be filming with you today. Come in. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Have diet soda?" Vinny asked.

"We don't," Kyle answered apologetically. "Brendan doesn't allow pop in the apartment. But he has a Soda Stream so I can make you sparkling water or apple juice."

"Water is fine, please," Vinny answered. "Brendan? Is that a roommate?"

"My boyfriend," Kyle elaborated while filling the bottle with water. "We're keeping our relationship a secret from the web. Very few people know we're dating."

"Ah," Vinny nodded. "So I was thinking we could film the 'Newly Friend Tag' for my channel. Does that sound okay to you?"

"Yeah, that sounds great actually. Do you want to film my makeup application on you before or after we film your video? I think we should film my video first so your fans can see your makeover."

"Yep," Vinny kindly responded as the younger man handed him a glass of sparkling water. "When will you upload your video? So I can post mine the same day."

"Whatever day works for you. I post my beauty videos on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's."


"Monday then. Any questions I should avoid for my video as I do your makeup?"

Vinny shrugged and answered, "Please don't ask about Luke or my divorce. I'm just not ready. I want to keep the questions light and fun."

"Love life apart from Luke?"

"Yeah, that's fine. So can I ask how long you've been dating this Brendan character?"

Kyle smiled dreamily as he answered, "Just over two years."

"Two years!?" Vinny asked with a grin. "How do you keep something like that secret for two years?"

"Extreme caution. So shall we?"

As Vinny entered Kyle's huge office, he gasped in awe. His eyes swept around the room at the wall-to-wall shelving on two of the walls, the two computer desks, and the single beauty desk in front of the window.

"How many of these are filled with makeup?" Vinny asked while walking toward a shelf.

"That side is all makeup," Kyle answered. "This side is all tech products. Laptops, tablets, keyboard, mice, cell phones, phone cases, cameras, etcetera."

"You take your craft seriously."

"I work very hard," Kyle responded while turning on the two light boxes.

Kyle set product after product after product down on his makeup station where Vinny sat on a stool. There was at least two dozen makeup products sitting in front of Vinny, who was listening to music on the speaker of his cell phone.

Kyle sat on the other stool beside Vinny and snapped his fingers as a sound marker.

"Hey, guys!" Kyle said enthusiastically to the camera lens. "What is the haps, Internet fam! Welcome back to my channel, Kyle Beauty, where I give you all the tips, tricks, lessons, products, and reviews on all things beauty.
"Today I have a very special guest. He is cute, he is gorgeous, and he is sexy. Let's have a round of applause for Vinny Vaillancourt! Or, as you guys may know him better as V-Squared. Welcome to Kyle Beauty, Vinny."

"Thank yiew," Vinny replied awkwardly. "Oh, my god, why did I say it like that?
"Thank you! I can't believe that we are finally doing a collab! It's been a long time coming."

Kyle had been fighting his laughter but finally let it out. He said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll edit this but it's all making the blooper reel."

Vinny laughed as well.

Kyle sobered, and said to Vinny, "I know! I was so excited when you sent me a message on Twitter! Now what brings you down to the Big Apple from Congers?"

Vinny smiled at the camera and answered, "Well I wanted a weekend in the big city. I wanted to see the busy streets, the city that never sleeps, and to hang out with John and Jeremy."

"Oh, my god," Kyle moaned. "I love the Two Beeps. Relationship goals right there.
"Well, guys, let's get right into it. I present to you... V-Squared to Stunning Vinny Vaillancourt. Yes--"

"--No!" Vinny laughed. "You can't call your video that!"

"You're right," Kyle agreed seriously. "You're already much too beautiful already. Okay, new title of this video is 'Beautiful V-Squared to Heavenly Gorgeous Vinny Vaillancourt'!
"Now, before we begin, what type of skin do you think you have, Vinny?"

"What, like oily, dry, or combo?" Vinny asked. "I definitely have combination skin. My T-zone is the oiliest but I also have patches that can become dry if I forget to moisturize."

"Okay," Kyle said while grabbing a product. "To prime your face, I will use Porefessional by Benefit. It shrinks your pores, not that your pores are big but we are going for a flawless, flawless look today. Massage this all over the face gently.
"So, Vinny, how have you been?"

As Kyle spread the makeup primer in him, Vinny answered, "I've been fine. Keeping busy with my own channels, volunteering, going to therapy, and spending time with family."

"Mm, that's nice. Where do you volunteer?"

"I am part of the Congersmen, which raises money for M.S. research. I also read stories to preschool children and monitor during their recess time."

"Next, I am going to going to apply foundation. I have here the Maestro Fusion by Giorgio Armani in the shades two and four-point-five. Vinny has a bit of a tan that is lightening in the cold New York winter. So I'll use three drops of the four-point-five and one of the shade two and see how this matches his skin tone."

Kyle used the droppers onto a glass palette and mixed them using the end of a makeup brush. He smeared a line on Vinny's cheek, and used a Beauty Blender to blend that in.

"It is a perfect shade, it matches Vinny, so I'll dab more all over his face.
"So what do you planned for your weekend here in N.Y.C.?"

"This is actually really comforting," Vinny said with a giggle as Kyle blotted foundation.

"Right?" Kyle said happily. "I love doing people's makeup. Did you know that I used to work at Sephora?"

"Of course. That was one of your first videos that I watched, where you explained your makeup experience.
"Anyway, to answer your question, I don't have much planned. I'll be hanging out with the Beeps, some city walking, some shopping, and dining out. I drive back home on Monday morning, so I'll be doing a lot of R and R."

"You have a tiny bit of a lisp, which I find totally cute."

Vinny looked deeply into Kyle's cognac eyes, and they smiled at each other.

Kyle then said, "Now that Vinny's foundation is laid out, it is time for concealer. I will take Tarte's Shape Tape in the shade Light and dot under the eyes, on the chin, down the nose, and between the brows. Now I will blend it in using the same Beauty Blender.
"So having over a hundred thousand subscribers, Vinny, how often do you get stopped out on the streets by fans?"

"Not as much as you I imagine," Vinny answered with a laugh. "It happens regularly. People ask for selfies, which I am always happy to do."

"How do you feel about it?"

"Honestly, I've explained that I have a bit of anxiety but I feel like fans are cautious to approach me because of it. If you want to come say hi, come say hi. I love meeting fans."

"I hear ya," Kyle agreed. "I would not be here if it were not for my fans. So I love doing what I can to pay it back. I will always pose for photos, sign something of yours, and even hug if you ask nicely.
"Now it's time for setting powder. I have here a can of Laura Mercier's Translucent that I will lay on Vinny's nose and under his eyes using the clean side of the Beauty Blender. There. Now take the excess and blot it on the forehead.
"What is the craziest thing a fan has done?"

"Hmm, good question. Umm, a guy once nibbled on my ear at a meetup. I normally like when a lover plays with my ears, but not strangers."

"Now that the setting powder is in place, we will let it bake for fifteen minutes. As that's happening, I will now do Vinny's eyebrows. I have here Anastasia Beverly Hills' Brow Whiz in the shade Soft Brown."

As Kyle used the comb end on his brows, Vinny asked, "What's the weirdest thing a fan has done to you?"

"Easy. A girl sent me a pair of used purple lace panties in the mail. I read it from her letter, so I didn't have to suffer in removing them from the package. It was disgusting! I threw the package out, even though the girl had also sent Maoams, which are my favourite candies."

"That is honestly so horrible. Why send them knowing that you're gay?"

"No idea. That's what drove me having Walden Tech scan packages from fans. Might be a bit extra, but I am not chancing anything.
"Now that Vinny's eyebrows are combed and coloured in, it is now time for eyeshadow. I have here the Just Peachy palette from Too Faced. I chose this palette for its orange, coral, and brown shades to really accentuate Vinny's blue-grey eyes. I will take this Morphe M210 brush with the shade Peach Tart for the creases of Vinny's lids.
"You wear contact lenses, right? That's good because applying eye makeup to people who don't do anything with their eyes like contact lenses or eyeliner or mascara can make their eyes red and watery."

"Oh yeah. A friend of mine gave me guyliner for a night out at a gay bar and my eyes were red and glossy that it looked like I was high."

"Okay, now I will take this--"

Kyle stopped speaking because his cell phone vibrated incessantly on his computer desk. Kyle got up to answer it.

"Hey, Babe," Kyle greeted his boyfriend.

"Hey," Brendan replied. "I have to work til 9:00 because I have just a ton of paperwork for equipment shipments. Sorry."

"Yeah, it's fine," Kyle promised. "Want any help?"

"No I got it. I'm sorry that I have to postpone our date."

"You have work. It's no problem, Babe. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get home."

"You don't have to cook, Ky. You've been busy with classes, work, and filming."

"Bren, I didn't say I'd cook. I'll order takeout. I love you. I gotta get back to filming."

"Love you, too. Later."

"Sorry," Kyle said while sitting back down on the stool. "Brendan has paperwork so he cancelled our date. Want to go out for dinner? We can pick up the Beeps."

Vinny smiled happily before he replied, "Yeah. Let's do it."

"Okay. Back to our video.
"Okay, now that the transition shade is laid down, I will now take another M210 brush and use the shade Just Ripe all over Vinny's lids.
"So, any special guys in your life?"

"No," Vinny answered as Kyle brushed eyeshadow on him. "Well, not really. I went on a date with a Latino. I loves me some Latino heat. Aye papi."

"Nice. How was the date?"

"It was so good!" Vinny answered with a soft laugh. "He took me out bowling, and I love bowling. And then we went out to dinner. It was a wonderful evening."

"Cool. Now I will take a Morphe M421 brush with the shade Fresh Picked, and apply it to the inner corner and the lower water lines. Have you ever worn any kind of makeup there?"

"Yes. Once. Eyeliner. It did not agree with my eyes."

"Awww. Okay, let me know if your eyes begin to water so I can take it off.
"Did you kiss the Latino at the end of the night?"

Smiling, Vinny replied, "He initiated it. It was soft and warm and just perfect. The man knows how to kiss."

"Look up for me. That's it. Will you see the Latino again?"

Vinny shrugged as Kyle swiped the brush just under eye rim, and answered, "I dunno. I think so. He had excellent conversation, asked questions that made me think, was genuinely interested in my answers, and had a beautiful laugh. His accent didn't hurt either."

"Oooh, he sounds so sexy. There, your eyes are done. Do your eyes feel uncomfortable?"

Vinny shook his head, "Nope. They feel just fine. No irritation. Can I see?"

"In a minute. Wait for the big reveal. Your face is done baking so I will brush the excess powder off using this Kat Von D powder brush."

"Have you seen Rich Lux's and Perer Monn's videos about you and James Charles?" Vinny asked with amusement.

"Yes," Kyle replied giggling. "Just before you got here, actually. You know, I never cared what the gossip bloggers have to say about me. I pay them no mind. I mean it's entertaining seeing what they have to say, how they say it, and who believes them.
"It is time to contour. I have Kevin Aucoin's bronzer in the shade Medium. I will take Benefit Cosmetics' Hoola brush and apply a dark line across each cheek, and blend."

As Kyle blended the bronzer into a nice contour, Vinny asked, "What has been the biggest struggle for you since becoming famous? I mean your combined total of subscribers for both your channels is seven-point-three million."

"I wouldn't say that I'm famous," Kyle said with an amused smile. "I don't deny being recognized often. Anyway, the biggest struggle for me... has been... scheduling. I have classes Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 2:30, shooting six videos a week, editing, and doing piles and piles of homework. I'm tired, but I love what I do.
"Okay, now to contour your nose to give it a really snatched look. I will use the same bronzer but use a Rose Gold 205 brush from Luxie Beauty."

"You don't look tired," Vinny commented.

Kyle laughed and responded, "I'm wearing makeup."

Vinny rolled his eyes and said, "Dude, I've seen you in your videos without makeup. You look fine."

"Oh. Well thanks. I'm tired but not stressed, so that helps.
"Now it's time for blush. I have the number fifteen brush from Marc Jacobs, which I will dip into the Urban Decay Afterglow in the shade Fetish. Make kissy lips for me.
"Do you have any plans for the holidays?"

"Not really," Vinny answered the the younger man swirled the blush on his cheek. "I love spending the season with family, being surrounded by all the love and warmth, ya know? What are your plans?"

"I've never spent the holidays away from my family," Kyle replied, moving to the other cheek. "So I'm flying home to Portland the day after finals. I'll be spending three weeks at home.
"Your blush is done and looks fantastic. Now for highlighter. I'll be using the Pro Light Fusion in the shade Golden Pink by Make Up For Ever with this number eighteen brush by IT Cosmetics.
"My family has this tradition. My siblings and I each open a gift on Christmas Eve before mass. After opening it, we pile the rest of our gifts by name, ready to be opened on Christmas morning."

"Ohh, that is so cute!" Vinny gushed. "You close with your siblings?"

"Oh, for sure. Elijah and Megan are both younger than me. Elijah and I were the type of brothers that fought when we were bored. Nothing bad. A few bruises that we laughed off after. I fly them out on each of their birthday weekends.
"Now for your lips. I don't picture you wearing crazy colours or flashy shades. So I'm going with Burberry lipstick in Dusty Pink because it goes well with your eyeshadow, has a matte finish, and is nude shade."

After swiping the lipstick along Vinny's lips, Kyle instructed the older man to rub his lips together.

"I thought this would feel sticky or something," Vinny said.

"Feels fine, right? Burberry lipstick is known for its hydrating properties. Your lips will feel moisturized even after wiping it off.
"I did have plans to apply both eyeliner and mascara, but Vinny's eyes are a bit pink. It's not too bad, but I don't wanna make 'em get darker, so I'll forgo the eyeliner. I will, however, apply a coat of Y.S.L.'s The Shock Waterproof mascara. Look up for me."

While Kyle brushed mascara to Vinny's lashes, Vinny asked, "Where else did you work as a makeup artist?"

"I started working at Sephora the minute I turned eighteen. I worked there for nineteen months, and then applied at MAC. I worked there for seven months, felt that I would be able to live comfortably from YouTube with a million subscribers and quit there. Now here I am.
"And you are done, Vincenzo."

"Oh, my gosh!" Vinny squeaked. "Can I see now?"

"Okay, keep your eyes closed and I'll set a mirror in front of you. And... open."

Vinny opened his eyes slowly, cautiously. When he looked down at his reflection, he gasped. His smile grew so quickly.

Vinny whispered, "Oh. My. Gosh. This can't be me. I'm too beautiful. Kyle, my goodness. I love it!"

Kyle smiled and said, "Brutal honesty time. What do you dislike about this look?"

"I mean..." Vinny began. "I don't dislike the brows, but they're so dark and bold."

"Yeah, I should've gone with a lighter shade for your brows."

"Other than that, it looks fantastic. I am a lot in love with this look. These three eyeshadows really showcase my blue eyes. My face looks so chiseled and sharp. The blush is just subtle enough. I am so in love with this!"

"Do you think you'll try to recreate this look yourself?"

"No!" Vinny answered laughing. "I could never recreate this. Not even with formal makeup training. Kyle, you have a gift, my friend."

"Well, I try. Okay, that is it for this video, guys. I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope you liked my gorgeous guest today. If you think I did a good job on his glam look, smash that thumbs up button, and comment down below what you would've done differently.
"Also check out the video that we did on Vinny's channel, which I will link down below. We did the Newly Friend Tag, where we got to know each other much better.
"Vinny, did you enjoy yourself today?"

"I did," Vinny answered with an infectious smile. "You are such a sweet, genuine person. You were so kind and gentle in doing my makeup. It was magical."

"Aww. Well, any time you're in the Big Apple, we have to hang out. I mean that. If I hear that you came to the city and didn't tell me, I will tell the mayor to banish you."

Vinny laughed boisterously, and responded, "I will definitely be calling."

"Okay, guys, thank you for joining us here at Kyle Beauty. Vinny, do you know my outro?"

Vinny nodded at Kyle, and said to the camera, "I hope you guys have an amazing day."

"That's it!" Kyle said excitedly. "Alright, bye!"

After hitting the shutter button, Vinny had checked his phone and said, "John and Jer asked what time we'll be picking them up."

"Filming your video shouldn't take more than twenty minutes," Kyle answered while taking his memory card out of the camera. "So forty-five to an hour. You can put your memory card in and we'll start."

When Brendan for home at 9:27P.M. that evening, the lights in the living room were on but the apartment was completely quiet. He walked into the living room but didn't see his boyfriend. He heard even breathing, almost inaudible. He looked over the couch and saw Kyle lying on his stomach fast asleep. Kyle had a blue pen in his hand and his textbooks were splayed out in front of him. Brendan smiled his beautiful man, leaned over the back of the couch, and pressed a light kiss to Kyle's cheek.

Brendan removed his down jacket and hung it on a hanger in the closet. He saw a brown paper bag from Ericsson's Eatery, his favourite sandwich shop. He went to the refrigerator to pour himself a glass of orange juice but found a bottle of Innocent Defence smoothie, another favourite of his.

After eating the roast chicken club sandwich, Brendan stripped himself of his skintight Under Armour clothes and laid them over the back of the couch. He carefully slid his arms under Kyle, and gently lifted him up.

"Mmm," Kyle sleepily said. "Hi."

"Shh," Brendan said as he walked.

"Mm, time's it?"

"Quarter to ten," Brendan whispered as he carried his boyfriend to their bedroom. "Just sleep."

Brendan effortlessly carried Kyle, and Kyle pressed the side of his face to Brendan's bare chest in sleep. Brendan used his foot to open the blanket of the fixed bed and laid Kyle down. Brendan opened the iConnectHue application on his phone and used it to turn off the kitchen and living room lights. He slid the hem of Kyle's shirt up his body, and Kyle sleepily rose just enough for the redhead to pull the shirt off. Brendan unfastened his boyfriend's jeans and peeled them off.

"Mmm," Kyle groggily said with arms reaching for the redhead.

Brendan cuddled up to the brunette while using his phone to turn off the bedroom lights. He laid his head on Kyle's shoulder, to which Kyle laid his arm on Brendan's back, and Brendan held the brunette comfortingly. Seconds later, they were both fast asleep.

"What's up, Fitness Fanatics! It's your boy Sammy back with another video! Today I am joined by the, in my opinion, king of beauty, Kyle Hemstad."

Kyle smiled beautifully at the camera and said, "Hello. Always fantastic to be back on your channel, Sammy."

"Well you know how much I like having such a stunning man doing everything I say."

Kyle rolled his eyes, laughed, and said, "Oh, my god. You're such a shameless flirt."

"You started it when you commented on my last video."

"Let's just get started, Sammy," Kyle said with a deep blush. "You better edit this out."

The looked directly at the camera lens and said, "Today, Kyle is here for his monthly statistics, new meal plans and recipes, and new fitness routines. Let's get started. Welcome to YouBeFit."

When the fitness buff hit the shutter button, he asked, "Want a bottle of water?"

"Got my own," Kyle answered as he walked to the locker rooms. "Thanks."

In the men's locker room, Kyle grabbed a pair of Under Armour leggings and matching compression shirt our of his bag. He used a makeup wipe to clean his face of all the makeup he'd been wearing. He was going to be sweating profusely, like he always did when working with YouBeFit, so there was no point in keeping his makeup on.

The man was in his office when Kyle came out, and he apologized, "Sorry. Responding to a couple of important emails."

"Oh, take your time," Kyle told the man kindly. "I'll just go stretch."

Ten minutes later, as Kyle was stretching his hamstrings, the man came out and asked, "You ready?"

The two men sat in metal chairs with the tripod lowered, and Sammy said to the lens, "So to begin, I am going to check Kyle's blood pressure and resting heart rate. For a man as young as Kyle is, the ideal blood pressure for him would be between one-fifteen over seventy-five and one-twenty over eighty. And a healthy resting heart rate wid- wid be. Damn. Already fumbling over my words.
"And a healthy resting heart rate would be between sixty and seventh beats per minute."

Sammy wrapped a blood pressure cuff to Kyle's muscular bicep, inflated it using the bulb, and used a stethoscope.

"Perfect," Sammy said cheerily. "Kyle's blood pressure is a healthy one-seventeen over seventy-eight. Now for his heart rate.
"I am happy with this! Sixty-three beats per minute. You've been following my exercise regimen appropriately."

"Of course!" Kyle responded with a big smile. "I've been taking your advice seriously. I want have a body like yours when I grow up."

"Oh stop," Sammy said abashedly. "You have a great body.
"Next, I will measure Kyle. So Kyle knows the drill by now, as you can see he kept his clothing off. He didn't just strip for you guys' enjoyment."

Sammy rose from his chair, as did Kyle, and Sammy folded the chair. Sammy then went over to the camera and raised the tripod higher.

Sammy then rejoined Kyle and said to the camera, "I have here my iPad with my website,, loaded on Kyle's profile for data entry. First I am going to measure his height. Kyle stands at five-foot-ten.
"Next, I will measure the forearm. Kyle, flex your arm for me as hard as you can. Forearm is... twelve-point-five inches. No changes from last month.
"Now the bicep. Flex again. Perfect. Bicep measures... sixteen-point-two-five inches. A quarter of an inch bigger.
"And the neck. Neck is sixteen inches. No change there.
"Next is shoulders. Shoulders measure fifty-point-five. Again, a quarter of an inch bigger than last month.
"Now for the chest. Lift your arms. And put them back down. Forty-three-point-two-five. A quarter of an inch bigger. Good.
"And the waist is... thirty-two-point-two-five. No change there.
"Now the hips. Get that measuring tape around those pert glutes. Thirty-nine-point-five, which is half an inch bigger.
"Next is the thigh. Which is twenty-two-point-seven-five. That is a quarter of an inch bigger.
"And last is the calf. Calf is... sixteen inches, which hasn't changed.
"As you guys can see from this screenshot, Kyle has certainly made some serious gains. Twenty-seven months ago, when Kyle first stepped into this gym... well he wasn't scrawny per se."

"I was lithe," Kyle corrected with a giggle.

"He was lithe," Sammy agreed. "He wanted to gain some muscle without being too bulky because he likes his shape. I agree. I'm sure you guys do, too.
"So, Kyle, what do you want to focus on this month?"

"Well, I would like a slightly bigger buttock. I'm happy with- uhh- the junk in the trunk, but I could stand it to be bigger."

"I have just the strengthening exercises for the bum. Anything else?"

"Maybe add a bit more muscle to my thighs. You know? I think they look a bit thin compared to the progress my upper body has made."

"The butt exercises will definitely help with bulking your thighs a little. So if you wanna dress up, we can get started on new exercises."

That evening, Kyle and Brendan stood in their kitchen with music playing from the Google Home device. Brendan danced softly while he chopped celery. Kyle diced roast chicken breasts as he lip synced to Aerosmith's 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing'. Both men were working on their third glasses of 2002 Chenin Blanc, and had the slightest hints of a buzz going on.

Kyle was surprised when the redhead grabbed his wrist, and squealed when Brendan twirled him around. Kyle twirled until his chest was flush against Brendan's. He looked up at the taller man and pressed a kiss to Brendan's orange stubble.

"Thank you for tonight," Kyle said affectionately.

Brendan asked, "For what?"

"For making date night a stay-in night. S'nice."

Brendan leant forward and captured Kyle's lips in a deep, closed-mouth kiss. They slow danced to Aerosmith with the side of Kyle's face against his boyfriend's collarbone.

To Be Continued

Hello! I hope you enjoyed reading this second instalment of 'The Trick Is To Keep Breathing'. I am having fun writing about YouTube personalities as I know next to nothing about being a YouTube 'content creator' as they call themselves.

Next: Chapter 3

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