The Triangle

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 25, 2020



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The Triangle

Introducing the Cast of Characters

Troy Butler was the envy of every man in America. For starters he was a movie star, with an Academy Award on his resumé. He was the hero of many action-filled movies. More than that, he was very handsome. He stood six feet three inches tall. He had light brown hair, the color of honey, which he kept stylishly trimmed. His eyes were a deep and sensuous brown. He had dimples in each cheek, a short nose and a square chin with a hint of a cleft. He worked out constantly and his body was ripped with muscles. Below his waist, well-hidden from public scrutiny, he had a five inch, cut cock which grew to eight inches when appropriately aroused.

Troy was so deeply hidden in the lavender closet, that if the closet was a walk-in, you'd never find him. His lover, Jim Mercer, was just as deeply closeted as he was, which made life difficult for both of them.

Jim was a celebrity also. He was a country singer-song writer. He boasted three Grammys and five Country Music Awards. If they could display their love in public, Jim and Troy would make a beautiful couple. Jim was just as handsome as Troy. He was an inch shorter, and he had straight blond hair, which he wore on the long side around his ears. His eyes were blue, and his nose was just the right size for his face. He didn't have Troy's cute dimples. His cock was four and a half inches flaccid. It was uncut, and grew to seven inches when he was aroused.

Jim and Troy met each other at a red-carpet event. They were both escorting beautiful women, but they didn't fool each other. At some point during the event, Troy whispered to Jim, "When you bring your date home, come over to my place." He handed Jim his card.

Jim smiled and said, "Definitely!"

They were an item after that, but this was one item that they had to keep out of the tabloids.

Larry Rainier was an old friend of Jim's. They had attended high school together in Centennial, CO. During their early teen years, they discovered male sex, and they had many encounters. It was merely teen-age lust, not anywhere near the love Jim would have with Troy, years later. But, back then, they believed they were truly in love.

When Jim left to seek fame and fortune, Larry begged him to stay. Larry was a handsome man, but nowhere near the beauty of Troy and Jim. He was five feet, eleven inches tall. His hair was a reddish blond. He had blue eyes, a straight nose, and lips that always seemed to be pursed, as if ready to kiss. His manhood was about the same size as Jim's, but he was cut.

Larry would have loved to have boasted that he used to have sex with the famous Jim Mercer, but fortunately for Jim, Larry's lips were sealed. He was married and had three kids. He was even more deeply, and dangerously, in the closet than his old childhood friend. Besides, he would never do anything to hurt Jim. He still loved him very much. That was his secret, which he had kept all these years, and Jim had no idea. They weren't even in touch with each other.

The Triangle is Created

Neither Jim nor Troy had sleep-in servants, and for good reason. They didn't want spying eyes around when they were making love. One mild and gorgeous January evening in Los Angeles, they were in bed together, flat on their backs, holding hands, and basking in the afterglow of a superior love making encounter.

"I have something to tell you, Honey," Troy said. "I'm leaving Sunday night for a location shoot in British Columbia. I'll be gone for a week or a little more. In a perfect world, you could come with me, but this world is far from perfect."

"I have nothing on my schedule for next week," Jim said. "I think I'll take advantage of our separation, and do something back home that I should have done two years ago. I just never had the time, and I didn't want to be separated from you, except for concerts and out of town shoots, of course."

"You never told me that you had something to do back in Colorado," Troy sounded surprised. "What is it?"

"Remember when my folks were killed in that bus accident back in Centennial a couple of years ago? After the funeral I hired a handyman to look after their property until I could sell it. I still haven't done it. I've just been too busy, but I have no commitments for all of next week. I think I'll go back to Centennial, and arrange for the house to be sold."

"That's a good idea," Troy agreed. "Can you get everything done in a week?"

"Sure, I can. I'll hire a crew to clear out all the furniture from the house, and donate it all to charity. I'll have a painter give the place a fresh coat of paint, inside and out, cellar to attic. Last, but not least, my best friend in high school has a father who owns a real estate agency. I'll give him the job of selling the place. I think when people learn that Jim Mercer lived there, and slept there, it should be an easy sale. I'll give the keys to my friend's father, and leave everything in his capable hands."

"Did you ever think of keeping it for yourself as a place to retreat?" Troy asked. "Colorado is such a beautiful state."

"Never gave it a thought, but you've certainly given me an idea. I'll think about it."

"I'll miss you," Troy said, and he bent over and began to suck Jim's cock. Jim began to purr like a kitten. He came quickly, and then he fell asleep wrapped up in Troy's brawny arms.

Jim rented a car at the Denver airport. He didn't want to be showy, so he rented a Buick SUV, and drove toward Centennial. He wasn't sure he would remember the route, so he used his smart phone to navigate. He didn't have to. He remembered his way without one false turn.

He had to pass Rainier Realty on the way to his house, so he decided to stop there first. He was certain that Mr. Rainier would be able to recommend someone to clean out the house, if his current handyman couldn't do it. He also reckoned that the realtor could also recommend a painter as well. Perhaps the same man could do the whole job.

Larry had always told Jim that he wanted to be an electrical engineer, so when he entered the agency, he was shocked to see Larry. After they got over their surprise, the two men hugged, and they could each feel the other's package. There was no embarrassment or pulling back. They were both familiar with what they were feeling.

"What are you doing here?" Jim asked. "I would have thought you'd be busy wiring a high rise in Denver or some other big city."

"My dad passed away while I was in college. I had to quit and take over the business. I can't complain. It's been pretty good to me. But, let's not talk here. Come back to my private office."

When they entered Larry's office, he closed the door. Jim was not surprised.

"I'll be closing the office in an hour," Larry said. "Please stick around, and we can catch up on things."

Larry laughed. "That was dumb of me. Everyone knows what you've been up to, but I'll bring you up to date on me. While we're waiting, tell me, what brings you here?" He asked.

Jim filled him in on his plans, and why he wanted to hire Larry's agency. When he was just about finished, there was a knock on the door. Larry opened it. A young woman told him that it was closing time, and asked if he wanted her to lock the front door, since he was in a conference.

"Yes, please. That would be nice of you," he answered.

As soon as they were alone, Larry was all over Jim.

"Please," Larry begged, "I'm married with kids. I haven't had sex with a man since you left. Make love with me. I need it so badly."

Jim was shocked. He wanted to tell Larry that he had a partner, and they were monogamous, but he and Larry had loved each other once, and he suddenly wanted the same thing as his ex-lover. He grabbed hold of his old friend, and started to devour him with kisses. They stripped rapidly and had sex on the sofa in the reception area. Neither had condoms or lube so they restricted their activities to oral sex.

While Larry was down on him, Jim realized something. Their encounter lacked the passion that he and Troy had when they made love. He realized that he had never loved Larry, but he had merely lusted after him. Now he felt really guilty about cheating on Troy.

As they came down from their high, Larry said, "Thank you Jim. You just saved my life."

Just then Larry's cell phone rang. It was his wife wondering why he was so late.

"I'm sorry, Hon," he lied. "I was all wrapped up with paper work, and I lost track of time. I'll pack up and get home as soon as possible."

"I'll come back in the morning, and we'll discuss business," Jim said. "And Larry, it was fun, like old times."

In every direction you looked from Jim's house, you were greeted with a vision of absolute beauty. Majestic snow-capped mountains dominated the vista, and made you realize how small and insignificant we humans are.

The next morning, Jim sat on his front porch wrapped in a blanket, sipping a cup of steaming hot coffee. He looked around him, enjoying the landscape, and it came to him in a flash. He was home. Nashville, Los Angeles, and even New York were surrealistic, like a place you might visit in a dream, a bad dream at that. A severe pang of homesickness swept over him. Without giving it a second thought, he decided to do as Troy had suggested. He would keep the place and use it as a retreat. He'd have a place to escape whenever the world was too stressful. He and Troy could hide out here, and bury themselves away from the public, and prying eyes.

When he thought of Troy, Jim thought of Larry at the same time. He didn't like or want for that to happen, but it did, and he couldn't help himself. Then he got a thought that made him want to kick himself in the ass. On those occasions when he could come here, and Troy was not available, he could have sex with Larry. He tried to erase that thought, but it wouldn't go away. It anguished him, until he realized that Larry was a fuck-buddy, and they never really loved each other, no matter what they had once believed. With that rationalizing done, he felt a tad less guilty. Even so, he kind of hoped that Troy was getting some lustful, meaningless sex wherever he was.

While Jim was struggling with all these unholy thoughts, a red Mercedes convertible pulled into his driveway, and Larry jumped out. He saw Jim on the porch. He ran up the stairs, grabbed Jim's hand and dragged him into the house. Once inside they began a kissing marathon.

"I told my wife that I had to get back to that paper work she interrupted last night, and I left home early," Larry said. "We have time to make love. I brought lube and condoms."

"I'm all for that, but afterward, I want to go to your office in separate cars. I have lots of things to talk to you about."

They both smelled fresh and alluring, thanks to their recent morning showers. They undressed rapidly and fell on Jim's bed in a sixty-nine position. They would have loved to give each other extended trips around the world, but even though they didn't have to watch the clock, there was not enough time, just then, for an extended session. Larry was already creating scenarios to get away from his family, and be with Jim for more than a quickie.

They both felt themselves cumming too rapidly, so they separated. First, Jim fucked Larry doggie style. Jim remembered that was how Larry preferred it. After Jim came, with an unworldly scream, they switched positions, and Larry fucked him missionary style. That's how Jim preferred it.

As they were dressing, Larry began to cry. "What am I to do?" You are the only person in this world that I have ever loved."

Jim was distressed at the thought that Larry believed he still loved him. "I don't know what either one of us is going to do," he said, "but get dressed, and go to your office. I'll be there in about half an hour. We have lots of things to talk about."

Larry nodded, and left rapidly.

Three's a Crowd

As soon as Larry left, Jim called Joey Brigham, the handyman who was maintaining his property. He told Joey that he wasn't selling, and would be using the property for himself, as time permitted. He employed Joey to continue to maintain the property, and he gave Joey a big increase in salary. That done, he left for Rainier Realty.

On the way there, Jim had second thoughts about his sessions with Larry. This was madness. He vowed that he would never again have sex with Larry. It just wasn't right. Larry was married, and that didn't bode well either. Maybe he should sell after all, he thought, and never see Centennial again.

Another thing which dampened his mood, was that the sky was getting cloudier and cloudier. Jim recognized "snow clouds" when he saw them, even if he hadn't seen snow in a very long time. He forgot that January was the snowiest month of the year in Denver, and slightly worse in Centennial. Even if it did snow, it would probably melt by the following afternoon.

His mind was overflowing with confusion. Larry had always been able to think clearer than Jim in an emergency. In Jim's mind this was an emergency, and he decided to get Larry's opinion. He knew how much Larry needed the male sex, but he also knew that Larry could be practical and objective about their situation.

The moment Jim and Larry were alone in Larry's office, Jim said, "We can't be intimate any more. You're married, and I'm madly in love with my partner. Besides, all three of us are in the closet. If one of us got caught, we'd all get caught." Jim elected not to tell Larry who his partner was.

"Save your breath," Larry said. "I know how impossible this whole situation is. I've given it a lot of thought too. I suppose you'll want to sell more than ever."

"No, I want to use my house as a place to escape the real world. But be aware, Larry, that I will always try to come to Centennial when my partner is available. I know there will be times when I might come alone."

"When you come alone, could we at least have sex?"

Jim weakened. "I'm not sure of that, but if we do, it will be sex, yes, love making, no."

"I'm a hungry man, Jim. I'll settle for crumbs. When will you be leaving? Will we be able to squeeze in one more time?"

"I'd like to leave this afternoon. Can I use one of your computers? I'll try to exchange my ticket home."

When Jim said, "home," Larry cringed. In his mind, Centennial was Jim's home. Larry knew that Jim had houses in Los Angeles and Nashville, and an apartment in New York, but Centennial was his home.

"There are a couple of free desks out in the sales area, and they both have computers," Larry said. "Come with me."

Larry set Jim up at a desk, and in a short time, he exchanged his ticket for a flight to Los Angeles, leaving at 2 PM that afternoon. Unfortunately, it wasn't non-stop, and he had a layover in Phoenix.

"I should have told you to book a flight for tomorrow, so I could introduce you to my wife and kids. Perhaps we can do that on your next visit," Larry said.

"Yes, I'd like that," Jim said.

"I'd like to go home with you and help you pack. We have time for another session."

Jim frowned.

"Please," Larry begged.

"I don't think that's wise," Jim said, but the minute they were alone in Jim's house, they had sex, wise or not. They didn't have a lot of time, and the sex was not the best, but Larry was grateful for what Jim gave him.

Jim was lucky. His flight left just before Denver was hit with a pretty heavy snowfall. It snowed from late afternoon until mid-morning the next day. Jim was happy to be greeted by the mild temperature in Los Angeles.

He threw the clothing he had worn into the wash machine. His maid would take care of it in the morning. He stowed his tote bag in the back of a closet, and ran to his bathroom, where he sat in his whirlpool bath for a good hour. Then he gave a half hour to his sauna, and finally, he took a relaxing shower.

He climbed into bed completely naked, and called Troy in Vancouver.

"Where are you?" Troy asked. "Aren't you in Colorado?"

"No. I decided not to sell, so I came home early. The house is surrounded by breathtaking mountains. It's too beautiful there to sell. I figured you were right about using it as a retreat. I can't wait for you to share it with me.

"Me too," Troy said.

"Wanna have phone sex?"

"No way," Troy answered adamantly. "You know how much I hate that. I'd rather save it for you in the flesh."

"How sweet," Jim purred. "In that case I'll save it for you also. Do you have any idea when you're coming home?"

"Yes. The director is pretty sure we can wind up Friday night, so I hope to be home on Saturday."

"Terrific. I'll make us dinner."

"Great!" Troy said.

"I love you," Jim said, and they hung up.

Once again, Jim was racked with guilt. Troy said that he was "saving it for him," and he had already cheated on Troy. He couldn't believe that he had let it happen.

Back in Centennial, Larry was trying to make love to his wife, Sarah, but he wasn't erecting.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"I hope not," he answered. He began to fantasize that Sarah was Jim, and he got hard enough to fuck her. He had to keep pretending she was Jim in order to maintain his erection, which he lost the moment he came.

Confession Time

A limousine took Troy home, but the moment it was out of sight, he jumped into his car and drove to Jim's house. He had Jim's garage door opener, and he drove right into the three-car garage. A door in the garage led right into a mud room. Jim was waiting for him there. Poor Troy nearly lost his footing. Jim was all over him, kissing and hugging.

Finally, Troy pulled away and laughed. "Someone in this house promised to make me dinner," he said.

"And I will keep my promise," Jim said. "You have your choice, frozen fish or frozen chicken."

"Chicken," I think. "I only like fish when it's fresh."

"Great. Keep me company in the kitchen while I cook your gourmet dinner," Jim said.

"Next weekend," Troy suggested, let's get dates and double date at a really fine gourmet restaurant."

"Good idea, but how do we get rid of them after dinner?" Jim asked.

"Did you forget that business meeting we have scheduled about the possibility of making a film together? You bring your people and I'll bring mine," Troy said, and he laughed his sides off.

After Jim nuked the frozen dinners, and they ate their greasy spoon meal, they ran to the master bath, and showered together.

As they played and fondled under the cascading water, Troy suddenly grabbed Jim. He held him so tightly, Jim could hardly breathe. "I missed you so much," Troy sobbed. "Let's think about coming out."

"Good idea," Jim said. "Then we can both chuck our careers, and hide out in our mountain retreat in Colorado." He was just kidding of course.

"I know you're being facetious, Jim, but it's not a bad idea," Troy commented. "We both have plenty of money, and we can scale down to just the one place in Centennial."

"Do you think that after all your fame, you could live like a peasant?" Jim asked.

"I know I can," Troy answered. "I'm tired of all this exposure to the world. I wouldn't mind some privacy for a change. Now, let's get out of this waterfall. I want to fuck you so badly."

"We're on the same page," Jim said. "I want the same thing. Me first."

Once they dried off, they fell into Jim's bed. Jim did indeed go first. He gave Troy a trip around the world that seemed to go on forever. After he was sure that he hadn't missed an inch of Troy's body, and after teasing him unmercifully by not going near his cock and balls, Jim finally fell on his prey.

"I want to suck you until you cum in my mouth," Jim said. "We can fuck later or tomorrow morning."

"That suits me fine, just so long as I can reciprocate tonight," Troy said.

They wanted to continue making love, and fucking each other, but after they both came, they fell fast asleep.

In the wee hours of the morning, they finally fucked each other. They didn't use protection, and when each of them felt the other's essence shoot up his ass, they both cried. Jim thought of when he fucked Larry, but he didn't feel guilty. They had used condoms then, and he missed the feel of the viscous fluid filling his intestines.

After the love making, they were all wrapped up in each other's arms, kissing and fondling. Finally, Jim's guilt took over.

"I have something to tell you," Jim said.

"I suppose you had sex with someone in Centennial, someone you used to fuck in high school, no doubt," Troy said.

Jim sat bolt upright. "How did you know?"

"Listen, Jim sweetheart, you wear your heart on your sleeve. Your face is so full of guilt, it's laughable."

"Christ, can you read my mind too?" Jim asked.

"Yes. You love me exclusively, so if you want to have sex with someone else once in a while, it's okay with me, but you better be careful, and have plenty left over for me."

"You're being too liberal," Jim noted. "it makes me think you had some hanky panky with some of your movie buddies?"

"No, I swear," Troy said. "Not yet anyway, but I can't promise that lust won't rear its ugly head someday. If that ever happens, I want you to be just as understanding."

"Do you love me?" Jim asked.

"Without a doubt," Troy answered.

"Then I give you permission."

"Don't worry," Troy laughed. "It's only theoretical."

"Thanks for being so understanding," Jim said, as he kissed Troy with a very wet tongue.

"So, who was the lucky guy?" Troy asked. "Or was it lucky guys?"

"Just one guy, the real estate agent I went to see. His name is Larry Rainier, and we were fuck-buddies in high school. I was surprised that he was the man in charge. His father passed away, and he took over the business. He's married now, with three kids. We've already agreed that we'll never do it again. It's too dangerous. Besides, it's not smart to get involved with a married man, especially if that man is married to a woman. He made me promise that when I came back, he would introduce me to his family."

"Speaking of that," Troy said, "I have an idea. We're almost ready to wrap up the film I'm shooting, and then I have a good month off. How about going to your retreat, and I can see if it's all you say it is."

"You mean our retreat," Jim said. "I assure you it is, and when you fall in love with OUR retreat (Jim emphasized, OUR), what happens next?"

"We come out," Troy said. "If it has little or no impact on our careers, we can live together, when our schedules permit. If our careers are severely damaged, we know where we can go to hide out. Is it a deal?"

"It's a whopping good deal," Jim said, and he embraced Troy.

The Sides of the Triangle Meet

The day after the film wrapped, Jim and Troy were on their way to Colorado. They wanted to drive and enjoy the scenery along the way, but neither wanted to get caught in a possible snow storm, so they flew to Denver, and rented a low-profile car. Once again, they had to pass Rainier Realty on the way home.

"How'd you like to meet my high school fuck-buddy?" Jim asked.

"I can't wait," Troy said with a huge grin on his face.

Larry spotted them, the minute they walked into the office. He ran to Jim, and gave him a manly hug.

"Larry, I'd like you to meet my partner," Jim said. "We just stopped off on our way home. I wanted to introduce you to Troy."

"For Christ's sake, Jim. You don't have to introduce Troy Butler to me. He's everywhere except on a postage stamp ... at least not yet. Why didn't you ever tell me that Troy was your partner?"

"We have to keep a very low profile, so please don't call the Centennial Citizen newspaper," Jim explained.

"I promise," Larry said. "Remember Jim, you promised to let me introduce you to my family. Would you two guys be my guests for dinner tonight?"

Troy and Jim looked at each other, and Troy said, "Sure, it'll be a pleasure. What time do you want us?"

"Come about 5:30. That'll give us some time to talk before we eat. My wife is going to faint when I tell her who's coming for dinner."

"We're just two guys," Troy said. "Tell her to relax and act normal. And, speaking of acting normal, Larry, you're as nervous as a rat in a trap. Take it easy. I know all about you and Jim. You're friends. Keep it that way. I don't want to interfere."

"Thanks," Larry said, "I do feel much better."

"Troy and I want to get on home, and freshen up before dinner, so we'll be off," Jim said. "We'll see you later."

"This place is as beautiful as you promised," Troy said, looking at the mountains. "I love it already. It's prettier than a movie set."

"That's a thought," Jim said. "Maybe you can use this place for a location shot, and we can make money on the property. In the meantime, let's go inside. The house is just as quaint and beautiful on the inside as on the out."

"Yes, let's go inside," Troy agreed. I want to make love to you in our new home, before we go out to dinner."

Jim grabbed Troy's hand and led him to the master bedroom. They threw their suitcases on the floor, undressed rapidly, and entered the shower together. They got each other so worked up that they couldn't wait to get into bed. They each brought themselves to happy endings twice, once in their mouths, and once in their asses."

Larry's wife, Sarah, was all tongue tied when Troy and Jim entered her house. Both men begged her to act like they were two guys from next door, and she relaxed a little bit. Larry had a boy, aged 10, and twin daughters, aged seven. The boy, Jamie, took Troy's hand and begged him to come to his bedroom. He had something to show him. Jamie had several action figures of Troy, and DVDs of most of his movies.

Jamie took one of the DVDs and asked humbly, "Will you sign the jacket, please?"

"Of course. I think you must be my biggest fan."

The boy's grin made Troy's evening.

The children had been fed before the guests arrived. At one point, Sarah got up to get the dessert from the kitchen, and Larry asked, "Are we good, guys?"

"We're very good," Troy said. "I've made some decisions that I have to discuss with Jim, and I have a feeling that you'll be seeing a lot of us in the future."

When they got back to Los Angeles, Jim put his house on the market. It made sense, since he spent more time in Nashville than in L.A. He moved in with Troy. More than that, they went places together, and it wasn't long before the paparazzi were hounding them.

"Are you a couple?" one of them asked one day as they were coming out of their favorite restaurant.

"What do you think?" Jim asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Troy echoed.

And so, they were out. The general attitude of the press was that rumors were confirmed. Troy and Jim didn't even know that there had been rumors. They both got a few accusatory letters from hate groups, but for the most part, their union was accepted by the general public. There was no need to hide in Centennial, and they went there as often as possible. The residents there treated them like neighbors, and for the brief time they were there, they were ordinary guys.

Then the inevitable happened. During one of Jim and Troy's summer trips, Sarah Rainier took the kids to visit her parents in Chicago. Of course, Larry sought to hang out as much as possible with his friends. Finally, it was Troy who invited Larry to join him and Jim in a threesome. Larry broke out in tears of gratitude. The generous couple even allowed Larry to be the man in the middle, the first time around.

One time, a member of the paparazzi asked Troy which city he considered to be home. Without hesitation, he answered. "Jim and I consider our little cottage in Centennial to be home. We try to go there as much as possible."

Jim was on tour, and he read Troy's reply in a newspaper. He got so choked up, that for that evening's performance, he had the orchestra substitute a pre-planned and well-rehearsed country song, for a sentimental pop love song. He called Troy to tell him what he had done.

"The best thing we ever did together was to come out." Troy said. "Now I can tell the world how much I love you."

Life was so much sweeter for them now that they didn't have to hide their love. As a bonus, they had solved the problem of the eternal triangle. It might be more accurate to say that they eliminated it.

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