The Treehouse

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 21, 2001



Matt and I have known each other forever. We have done everything together just about from day one. It all started the day that Matt's dad was transferred to our town. They bought a house next door to Mom and Dad. In fact, Mom consider herself the neighborhood welcome wagon and with her belly sticking out into the next block (she was 8 month's pregnant with me), she welcomes Matt's mom and dad into the neighborhood.

Mom is constantly telling me about the day that she welcomed Matt's mom and dad into the neighborhood. She says that as soon as Matt's mom opened the door she knew that they were going to be friends. It seems as though Matt's mother was also 8 month's pregnant for Matt.

Then the blessed events finally took place. Mom had me first, then a couple days later Matt's mom had him. The rest is history. From the day they brought Matt home from the hospital we were almost inseparateable.

Throughout the years we've skinned our knees together, rode bikes together, even had our diapers changed together. It's been 18 years since that blessed event took place and after countless baseball games, car pools and school dance, the big day finally arrived. Matt and I were graduating.

We received our diplomas and turned our tassles. Now it was time for the big party. Mom and Dad went together with Matt's mom and dad and threw us a blow out party. After all the guest had gone and our parents drooping like tits on a lactating bitch, our parents decided to call it a day.

With the parents gone, Matt and I sat in the back yard with our arms hanging between our legs like two little lost puppies, not knowing what to do next. Matt looks up at the treehouse that he and I built six year prior to that day.

With a shiteating grin on his face, he says, "Race ya." With that, we drop our cups, jump up and race for the tree. We run to our prospective tree ladders (We built the treehouse in the big oak tree that separated the two properties). We climbed the ladders as fast as we could. We flung our bodies up on to the floor of the treehouse and begin to laugh our asses off.

"We haven't done that in ages," laughed Matt.

"I know, I barely made it up the ladder," I replied.

"We've had some pretty good memories in this treehouse, haven't we Jack?"

"I should say so, do you remember the time we water ballooned the Wilson twins?"

"Fuck yeah, I do," I laughed, "I think they're still mad at us."

Matt rolls on the floor with laughter, "Hey, do you remember the time I caught you jacking off up here?"

"Oh, man, did you have to bring that up?"

"Fuck yeah, I thought it was funny."

What Matt was referring to was the day when I went into my older brother's room and "borrowed" some of his porno mags. I took them up into the treehouse. I sat there on the floor opened up one of them and pulled out my cock and began to wack off to the pictures.

Matt scared the hell out of me that day. He snuck up his ladder, popped his head through the doorway and whispered, "Caught ya."

I jumped a mile that day. My pants down to my knees. My hand on my cock and a porno magazine laying on the floor. "What you jacking off to?"

"Ah....., some of my brother's porno mags."

"And you're not going to share them with your best bud? I'm shocked" Matt came up into the treehouse, grabbed one of the magazines, leaned back and started to rub himself to the pictures. Then he pulled out his woody and started to beat his meat right in front of my eyes.

"Hey, man, we do everything together, don't we?" he asked.

"Well, I thought that this was something that was a bit on the private side."

"Man, we're best buds. Nothing is private with us."

While Matt was retelling the story of how he caught me jacking off, I had my eyes closed trying to remember that day. A moan brought me back to reality. While I had my eyes closed and while Matt was retelling the story he was also rubbing himself into a massive hardon. I closed my eyes and began to rub myself as well.

A few minutes later, I opened my eyes again and there he was openly masturbating in from of me, just like it were yesterday. I didn't have the heart to tell him that 6 years ago when he caught me jacking off, I was jacking off to the pictures of the guys and I wasn't about to tell him now, that I was getting turned on by his jacking off.

Matt pulled himself over to the wall that I was leaning against.

"I love you, Jack"


"I said, I love you, Jack."

"Well, I love you, too, Matt."

"No, Jack, I really love you."

"You mean, as a friend, you love me?

"No, Jack, I LOVE YOU."

"Oh, shit," I thought to myself.

"Man, I wished I would have known this 6 years ago."

"Why, so you could dump my ass?"

"Shit, man, just the opposite. Matt, what you don't know is that I have felt the same way about you every since the day you caught me jacking off.

"You mean to tell me that we have wasted six years?"

"Matt, I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would dump my ass as a friend and I valued your friendship more than anything else."

"Same here buddy, I was afraid of telling you for the very same reason... Matt reached up with his one hand and turned my face toward him. He gently kissed me on the lips. I moaned. He then leaned further into me, with his mouth directly over my mouth kissed me hard. When we finally came up for air, I couldn't hardly breathe. We then proceeded to undress each other.

"I have been waiting to do this for six long years" He gently forced me completely to the floor and he partially covered my body with his. He passionately kissed me then he began his descent on my body.

He dropped to my neck, then to my pecs where he licked them like a cat lapped on a bowl of milk. He then travels to my navel where he teases me with his tongue. This is enough to make me dig my fingernails into the hard wood floor of the treehouse.

He then follows the pathway to my pubes by following the trace of hair that connects my navel to my pubes. He chews on my pubes as he rounds my cock and balls with his mouth. I am in sheer pleasure. He makes me shudder as he does this.

He then does me in by engulfing my rod in his mouth. I've never had this done to me before. It makes me sat straight up. I almost came just from him putting his mouth on my cock.

"Oh, man, do you realize what you are doing to me?" Matt nods his head in affirmation. I grab his head with my hands and I run my fingers through his hair as he proceeds to give me my very first blowjob ever.

My balls start to tense up. I know it won't be long now. With all my jerking off, I know when I am about to come and I was about to come.

Matt stops. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, Jack. I want you to fuck me."

"You want me to what?"

"I want you to fuck my ass."

Man, I knew what fucking was, but I had never heard of fucking an ass before. All I knew was it sounded hot to me and I wanted to do it.

I reached over to my pants pocket and pulled out a rubber. I opened the rubber and started to put it on my hard cock.

"What do you need that for? Matt asked, "We are both virgins, right?

"Well, I am," I laughed.

"HaHa," said Matt, "I am, too, so there no chance of any diseases and it's not like you're going to get me pregnant, either.

"Yep, no grandkids out of this relationship that's for sure," I laughted. With that I got behind Matt's ass.

"You'd better use something for lube," Matt requested.

"Like, what?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but I don't want you fucking me dry, that's for sure.

I thought for a little while. I spit on my hand and then rubbed it on my cock. Then I spit again and lubed up Matt's ass.

I placed my cock between Matt's ass cheeks. Matt, being on all fours lifted one arm off of the floor, reached back and spread one ass cheek. His rosebud was now in sight.

I put my cockhead directly on his hole and applied a little pressure. It took a little while, but my cockhead finally disappeared in Matt's hole. Matt let out a little scream. He then grabbed his T-Shirt and bit on it to muffle any further screams.

Inch by inch my cock entered Matt's butt. Inch by inch Matt bit into the T-shirt. Everytime he screamed, I would stop. I would ask him if he were alright. He would nod. I even asked him if he wanted me to remove my cock from his ass. He would shake his head no.

I stood still, with my cock buried in Matt's ass. When he adjusted to my cock in his ass, I started to pump my hips. Slow at first, then like a piston. I went spasmatic. I plowed him one final time and then I dumped the best load I have shot deep into Matt's love hole. I collapsed on Matt's back.

"Boys, it's getting late," my mother was calling us, "don't you think that you ought to be getting in the house?"

I quickly put my shirt on (still naked from the waist down and with Matt playing with my already spent cock). I poked my head passed the window ledge and shouted back to my mom.

"Mom, Matt and I want to spend the night up here. What do you say, Mom, one more time for old time sake?"

"Well, okay. You two will never grow up," she chuckles as she closes the door.

"Man that was close," Matt said as he was catching the cum that was dripping out of his spent ass. He then took it and placed it on his tongue and swallowed it.

We tried to be quiet that night, but with all the sucking and fucking it was very difficult. I also lost my cherry that night. Matt was and is a good fuck.

After all those years, Matt and I are still together. We are still in love with each other, too. I just wished we would have known 6 years earlier.

I hope that you have been enjoying all my stories. (I'm even trying to use spell check now to make them more readable. Still don't know if I found all the mistakes, lol)

If you have enjoyed any of my stories please let me know by contacting me at Enjoy

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