The Train Journey

By Scott - GLB

Published on Feb 19, 2001



The Train Journey by glb More stories can be found @

"We are sorry to announce that the 10.30 Midland Mainline high speed train service to Sheffield is running approximatly 30 minutes late. We appoligise for any inconvenience this may cause.", The computerised announcer said.

It was a cold Saturday morning, and I was stuck waiting for a train at Leicester station.

"Just hope I get there before my stuff does", I thought to myself.

I wondered on how I could amuse myself until my train arrived so I looked around the platform.

Just a few metres away from me stood the most gorgeous lad that I had ever seen. He stood 6 foot tall, slim build, gorgeous blond hair and the most perfect face ever.

"Wish I could get to know him.", I thought to myself.

"Josh!", somebody shouted.

I turned around and it was my mum and dad.

"Yes mum?", I asked.

"We've got to shoot off now, don't want to leave Matt alone too long!", my mum said.

"Look after yourself son", my dad added. "Phone us when you get there!"

"We have phoned the removals bloke to tell him your train has been delayed. He told us that he will wait outside for you."

"See you soon then mum. Seeya Dad." I said.

My mum started to cry, "We'll miss you!"

"I'm only going to University, it's not as if you'll never see me again. Sheffield is only an hour & half away." I told her. "I'll be home just as soon as I have some washing for you to do!"

My mum laughed at that. "Try to do your own washing!"

"OK, Mum! Just joking! I'll phone just as soon as I get settled in."

I kissed my mum and dad goodbye and they turned there backs and exited the station leaving me on my own. I turned around and hunted for this guy again. Where had he gone? Couldn't see him anywhere. "Must have left", I thought to myself.

I started to walk along the platform towards WH Smith, I needed something to read. I grabbed a newspaper and some chocolate and went to sit on a bench.

I was reading the newspaper, the announcer came on again: "The delayed 10.30 Midland Mainline service to Sheffield is due in 5 minutes."

"Good!", I thought to myself. I folded the paper up and stuffed it into my bag.

The train arrived and I boarded, found a seat and sat down. I was just getting comfortable when I saw the lad again. He was sitting 2 rows down facing me! Instant hardon! I was going to have to look at him for the whole of the train journey. Not that that was a bad thing!

The train started to move and I needed something to do. I grabbed my paper and read it again. I kept looking at the lad over the top of my paper. He was so cute! "Hold on.", I thought to myself.

"He's looking at me too! He's smiling at me!", I quickly covered my face with my paper. I had never picked a guy up like this before, heck I'd never picked a guy up at all! I had never been with anybody, male or female.

I continued to read my paper and the guy started to talk. It must have been on his mobile phone.

He must have been having a conversation with a friend or something. This is what he said: "Hi Sarah it's Jason. I'm on my way to Sheffield now. Just thought I'd better give you my new phone number. It's 07870 123456. Did you get that that? No? It's 07870 123456."

Was this guy trying to give me his phone number? I still grabbed my phone and stored the number in the memory.

I was so nervous. I typed a text message into my phone and sent it to him." The message just said "Hello sexy!"

His phone beeped and he smiled at the message. He sat away typing a message into his phone.

He put his phone onto the table in front of him and my phone started to beep.

Now this guy knew that I had sent the message. I was so nervous when I read what he had put.

"Hi, I'm Jason. How R U? What's your name? Wanna chat?"

I simply replied: "I'm Josh. I'm well and I do want to chat! x"

As soon as I had pressed send on my phone, his phone beeped and he smiled once again as he read the message. He grabbed his stuff and came and sat across the table from me.

"Hi, I'm Jason."

"I know, you just told me!", I said. Shaking his hand, It felt like sparks were flying. "And I'm Josh."

"So do you really think that I am sexy?"

I was so nervous. "Yes I do!", I said.

"Well I think that you are sexy too!"

I still had a massive hardon, luckily the table was obscuring his view of my crotch area.

"So where you headed then?", I asked him.

"Sheffield, to start university. What about you?"

"Same for me too! Which university?", I asked.

"Hallam. What about you?"

"Same here! This is getting spooky! What course are you doing?" I asked.

"Computing (N&C)", he told me.

"Exactually the same as me! Made a friend already and I'm not even in Sheffield yet!"

"So what are you interested in?", Jason asked me.

"Computing, clubbing, drinking. The normal things." I said. "And...", I began and stopped.

"Go on!", he said.

"I don't know... I've never told anybody before. I'm nervous."

"I'll tell you some stuff about me, and then you can tell me! Deal?" He offered.

Thinking about it, I really wanted to tell him. He had said that I was sexy, he could be the same as me. "Ok Then.", I eventually decided.

"OK, I'm also interested in computing, I love to go out drinking with my mates and I also like young guys!"

Oh My God! He was the same as me! "That's what I wanted to tell you! I like guys too. I think that I am gay. I've never told anybody before, don't tell anybody will you?" I asked him.

"Ok then, Your the 1st person I have told about myself. I only told you because you said I was sexy. When I first saw you on the platform with your parents I thought to myself that I wanted to get to know you a little better. I saw you looking at me and I got a hardon, I had to go to the toliets to adjust myself!"

We chatted for 1/2 hour, discussing how we knew that we were gay, if we had had any experience (neither of us had) and telling more about one another.

"Tickets please!", I handed my ticket to the conductor and so did Jason. Once the conductor had gone we continued chatting.

"So where you staying in Sheffield then?" I asked him.

"Halls of Residence", he told me.

"Which one?" I asked.

He told me and I was shocked. He was staying in the same halls as me!

"Which room number?", I asked.

"Number 6. Why do you ask?", he asked.

"Because I'm staying in number 7!" He was shocked, but he had a smile on his face.

"It will be easy to have some fun then!", he said with a massive grin on his face!

I knew what he meant, and I wanted it to!

For the remainder of the journey we just talked about ourselves, what we had done in our short lives and what we wanted to do in the future.

"The next stop is Sheffield. The train terminates at the next Station. Sheffield, next station stop.

On behalf of Midland Mainline, thank you for travelling today."

Me and Jason grabbed our stuff and exited the train as soon as it pulled into Sheffield.

"Any Ideas how to get to the halls?", I asked Jason.

"Yep! Viewed them a few weeks ago, I know which bus to catch."

Jason guided me to the Transport Interchange and we boarded the bus to the halls. Not a very long journey but we continued to chat throughout.

"This is the stop!" Jason announced. We got of the bus, thanking the driver, and walked the short distance to the halls.

Outside the halls were 2 vans, mine and Jasons stuff!

We entered the halls, meeting the caretaker who showed us where are rooms were, our rooms were both next together! We both helped the removal men move our stuff into our rooms, after they had moved everything, they went. Once we were both alone, we went into my room, locking the door behind us and went to sit on my unmade bed.

We continued to chat.

I felt his hand on my leg, I was rock hard once again! I moved my hand onto his leg and started to feel it. I was extremly nervous.

Our conversation ended as his lips met mine. I felt his tongue trying to enter my mouth, I opened my mouth and his tongue entered, exploring the insides of my mouth. My tongue started to dance about with his.

I pushed him backwards onto my bed and we continued with our embrace. Our hands were exploring each others bodies. I could feel his hard cock pushing up against mine. My hand started to head for his crotch, I had a feel, I moved my hand to the waistband of his jogging bottoms. My fingers went easily under it, underneath I felt his boxers, my fingers went under their waistband and his hard cock was in my fingers.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Our embrace ended and my hand left the hot rod and ended up by my side.

We both got up, straightening ourselves up and I opened the door.

"Hi I'm Mike. I'm in number 8, just near the kitchen. A bunch of us are upstairs introducing ourseleves to one another. You want to join us?" Another cute guy! i could see that Jason thought this too!

"I'm Josh, and this is Jason." I told Mike. "We'll be right up!"

Mike left, "He's cute!", Jason said!

"I know! It's going to be fun living here! We'll have to finish what we started later. Lets go and see if there are any other cute guys living here!", I said.

Jason gave my a quick kiss and we headed up the stairs to meet the neighbours. There were loads of cute guys and a few girls.

We did finish what we had started, buts that's another story!

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