The Train

By moc.gnirtsgib@a1levartjg

Published on Feb 15, 2008


Disclaimers: The voice takes a turn, I trust you will enjoy it.

Some of those writing have noted that in previous chapters, Poppers were inhaled (not ingested!) orally. No unsafe behavior is ever advocated by these writings and only proper use of any and all equipment, supplies, actions, and activities should occur. (Oy, do such things really need to be noted!?!?!?)

As said so often, the usual disclaimers, please read only if you are old enough, enjoy stories about m2m sex, have an interest in a variety of sexual expressions, and abide by whatever laws you choose to live under...

THE TRAIN: Chapter #6

With a bit of time, Sir's cock began to retreat. It had won its victory. I was his greedy bitch. Shit, what was this all about and what would it come to?

He absently patted my head and even gently cuffed my chin. I was taken aback by this almost tenderness for this usually led to something worse, but it seemed legitimate. I tentatively stretched my head as far as my bound body would allow and placed it on the edge of his lap. Had I been a cat, I suppose I would have purred. Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn It All To HELL, Double Damn, DAMN. I was overwhelmed by my feelings of contentment at pleasing this new person. He seemed to inhabit my body. Oddly, I was only a little curious about my own future, for, like the good cockslave that I had become, I was actually much more interested in getting that cock hard and back down my throat. How could I make that happen?

Looking through the window and watching my two bitches, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Catching a glimpse of my own blonde reflection in the glass, I detected the beginnings of a smile on my face. I also saw a face men and women found fascinating and extremely attractive. This `gift-of-nature' got their attention. The confidence I emoted and the power I exerted kept their attention, overpowered those I chose, and allowed me to do as I pleased with them. Those that, for whatever reason, I rejected, I knew would always have a vague feeling of inadequacy and incompleteness. It may have only been a subconscious effort on their part to be accepted by me, but inside, they knew they had been found inadequate. Though they may never quite be sure of why, they would always feel this judgment. There are those that would call me arrogant or even megalomaniacal. Fuck them, I knew myself and the effect I had on people. My looks made it a bit easier now, but I knew that even as they would fade with time, the power within me would still draw the weak and needy to me. God, there were so many to choose from and so few truly powerful Masters like myself. Selecting the targets was literally like fishing in a barrel.

Looking through the window was a perfect example of my ability to manipulate and control.

My slave, whom I had taken control of two months ago, was working over my new bitchboy. He seemed to have broken him in better than I had expected. I will have to address this immediately. He can't be allowed to get a big head over doing a required task. You can't let a slave begin to believe in illusion of his own power. It was me, after all, that taught that worthless waiter what to do and how to do it. He was the vehicle, I was the power. I loved to balance reward with punishment in order to keep the bitches off center and fearful of displeasing me. That new bitchboy would soon learn it, though the way he sucked down my slaves cock, I sensed he was the true cumsucking slut I had suspected. In that, I was correct yet again.

The bitch must have felt the air current change when I opened the door to enter the room, for you could see its body tense in fear. Still masked, the bitch could not see what was happening or who was now witnessing his humiliation.

The slave dared to look up into my face and exhibit pride. Just as I suspected, he was getting cocky and believed it was him who should get the credit. The coolness of my stare quickly addressed this for in a matter of moments, the slave's look of self-satisfaction turned briefly to questioning, then to horror at the realization of his impertinence, and then a look of dread over the coming punishment for his serious infraction. His shoulders drooped as he bowed his head in recognition and resignation at the truth and the consequences of his actions.

It does a Master's heart good to see that a slave has learned its' place and true nature. Even in this submission, I could sense a desire in the slave to do better next time and to please me, his true Master. What a satisfying moment.

I suspect that the small cameras I had had placed in this room had caught all of this and that I could replay this success over again at my leisure. Of course, leisure is not something I have in abundance and I must get on with things.

I nodded my head ever so slightly. A good slave must have excellent peripheral vision and watch for the slightest sign of communication. As planned, the slave began to loosen the bitchboy's mask. The bitch was on all fours and standing at a dogslave's attention. This bitch was a natural! His body was gleaming with a new layer of sweat. Less I suspect, from the exertion and more from fear of the unknown. He didn't know who else might be in the room or what was to happen next. I believe hoped and desired it was me, but he couldn't be sure.

My slave rolled the leather mask above dogboy's mouth and stopped. He reached over to the backpack and pulled out an "O" Ring Gag. Slave reached under to the dog's chest and unclipped the nipple clamp. There was a satisfying cry as the blood rushed back into the cockslut's nipple. Like I had done so often to the slave, the slave massaged the nipple to enhance the sensation. Since dogboy's taught jowls were now wide open in response to this intense sensation, it gave my slave the perfect chance to insert the "O" Ring and lock the gag firmly behind the bitch's head. This caught dogboy by surprise and brought the moaning to a halt. His tongue began to dart around this new oral invader and to try to figure out its purpose. Before progressing further with the mask, the slave rose and pulled and retied the cord that connected the bitch's balls to the chair behind it. It now required dogboy to sit back on its haunches. Slaveboy continued to role the leather of the mask up and removed it from dogboy's head. The dog blinked against the light, started to look around, but some internal message told it to bow its head. What good instincts this slutdog had already developed! He was collard, his hands tied to the floor in front of him, his balls weighted down and tied to a chair behind him, there was cum still drying on his lips, but he had enough sense to sit quietly with his head bowed.

The bitch's face reddened and he almost began to wag his ass in excitement when he realized it was me. His Master was back in the what had once been his room, but was now just a dog kennel. His front paws seemed to lift back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Slaveboy sat back in the chair, looking down, his own hands placed behind his back, but there was that damn irritating smirk. He anticipated that I would fuck the new bitch while the slave watched. This would give the slave some power over the new bitch. I could not allow the slave to get an overinflated sense of his value and it would be a good chance to punish his arrogance. With dogboy pulled back on its' haunches, I was able to stand between the bitch and the slave. Instead of turning to facefuck dogboy and exert my power over him, I turned to face my slave. In a matter of moments, the smirk began to falter. As the seconds passed, my slave began to sweat and seemed to crumple.

"Undo my pants, slave." He cowered at the tone of my voice and the humiliation of being called a slave in front of the new bitch. Somehow, he had gotten the pecking order mixed-up in his his shit-for-brains. He was sorely mistaken if he thought he was somehow better than the new bitchboy. He had thought I was going to make the bitch his own slave. What a fucked up notion that was!

In the mirror, I could tell there was a sense of mirth and smug satisfaction coming from dogboy as he recognized that the waiter from the dining car, the man who had just fucked his bound face, was also just a slave to the dogboy's Master. This sort of rivalry would be a joy to exploit. I would need to address the bitch's smugness, but there was time.

The hands came from behind the slave and my pants were quickly undone. They slid down and my enormous cock jumped out at the slave. It spooked him and he momentarily jumped back. He lost the cockiness and had gotten a bad case of the nerves. I love it. "Just where he needs to be", I thought.

His hands returned to behind his back. This slave did not usually need real physical restraints anymore. In his mind, he was bound to me and my service as totally as if he were in a hundred cuffs, collars and chains.

I reached down and began to work his right nipple. Even with all that I had done to it in the past weeks, it was still taught against his chest and still very sensitive. He grimaced, but also let out a slight moan. I began to work the left and loved the bright red mark on the slave's chest. Soon, I was working both, twisting, pinching, and turning.

In the mirror, I could also watch for the impact I knew I would have upon dog-boy. Through the window, I had seen the impact the poppers had on this new cumslut. What I suspected and had confirmed as I watched his reflection, was that my smell, the musky, manly smell I emoted, was having as overwhelming an impact on the dogboy as the poppers had had upon him. You could see him drooling even more, his eyes were getting glazed and he was breathing my scent in more and more deeply. I glanced down and could see the war between his cock and the cockcage was again raging. As long as I chose to keep his dick in that cage, there was no relief or victory for the dog's cock. This made me smile. A cockslave is a very good thing to own.

As I worked my slave over, dogboy was behind me, viewing my beautifully shaped ass that he had wanted so badly. Only a few hours ago, he had been under the illusion that it could have been his for the taking. "Not in a million years, cumboy," I laughingly thought. He was inhaling my sent and beginning to go wild.

I proceeded to slap my slave's face with my cock. Dogboy could hear it more than see it and it drove him even wilder. I don't know nor care whether it was because he wished he was slapping my slave with his own cock, wished that he was the one getting hit by my cock or was just turned on by the whole event. Like I say, I didn't care about what he thought or felt. It only mattered that I controlled him.

My slave has a great head to hold while fucking his face. I clasped my hands behind his head and slid my cock all the way down his throat in one swift, sure action. It took only a second for him to release his gag reflex and my cock stayed deeply down that wet dark hole. I held him tightly. Even when he began to run out of air, the slave kept his hands behind his back. As he began to panic, I gently stroked his hair and calmed him. At just the right moment, I slightly withdrew and there was a huge intake of air. I began to slowly facefuck the slave. Dogboy was mesmerized by the reflection in the room's window of my 9"s disappearing down the slave's throat. I am sure he thought it impossible that such a sword could so easily be sheathed. Again and again, my cock disappeared into the slave. Sometimes it would enter with power of a marauding horde and sometimes slide in like a Louisiana alligator into the swamp. In his stupor, my dogboy began to whimper and moan, so hungry was he for my cock. His tongue darted out through the "O" Ring gag in a vain attempt to touch my ass. With each counter-thrust, I would draw back to just within reach of the boy's tongue, only to stop and thrust back into the slave's oral fuckhole. It was all they both could do to contain themselves. My slave was humiliated by being put in his place and used in front of the dogslave, but he was such a slave that his desire to please me won out. He performed like a champ and accepted his place and his punishment like the world class slave that I had trained him to be.

Just as I was getting close, I withdrew my cock, turned, and shot the load perfectly through the "O" Ring and into my dogboy's mouth. It may have caught him off-guard, but he did not flinch and his tongue lapped the cream down his throat. I heard an intake of breath from my slave. He was disappointed that he hadn't gotten my feast, but he realized it was part of his punishment and training. As I turned, he was greedily running his tongue around his mouth wishing, for the moment, that he was the dogboy. Ahh, such plans for them both...

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