The Train

By moc.gnirtsgib@a1levartjg

Published on Jan 28, 2008


Disclaimers: In this ongoing effort to take a real event (you may postulate which part) and enhance it with some fantasy, the feedback is appreciated and makes the writing more enjoyable, thanks!

As said so often, the usual disclaimers, please read only if you are old enough, enjoy stories about m2m sex, have an interest in a variety of sexual expressions, and abide by whatever laws you choose to live under....THE TRAIN: Chapter #4

The mask was fitted tightly around my face. The darkness and sense of separation was intense. The leather muffled outside sounds and my breathing was restricted. The penis gag, much to my personal disgust, made me long for my blonde Master's beautiful cock down my throat. What a cumdump I was becoming....

There I lay at the feet of waiterboy, helpless and defeated. I went even more crimson as I thought I heard through the leather mask, the sound of the camera clicking again and again.... Could it get any worse???? It didn't take long to realize what a stupid-ass question that was!As I lay there, I heard whimpering. God, it must be me! Get a grip, you can figure how to get through this.....I could sense motion in the room. Waiter-boy was packing my gear! At this realization, I began to struggle again and try to force my screams past the penis gag and out into the world. My desperate hope was to try, no matter the consequences of being discovered in my current state, to get free. Once the room was packed, what was to be my fate? Where could he be taking me? Would he just dump me off the train and I would never be found? Dropped off in some city like cargo and sold off?? My Master had said something about California... what the hell was it that he said???For my efforts to get free, I got a very hard kick in the ribs. When that didn't quiet me, waiterboy stepped between my legs and started putting pressure on my balls with the toe of his shoe. Even with the cock cage and weights on my balls, he could apply enough pressure to get my attention.He didn't say a word. He didn't need to. I quieted.He must to have finished packing my room for I felt a rush of air as the door seemed to have opened and closed. He must be taking my stuff someplace. Fear was boiling again in my stomach. I felt like retching. Though uncomfortable to lay on my stomach, it was better than on my sorely beaten ass. I didn't have to worry about my cock getting hard and fighting against its' plastic cockcage prison. I was to worried and my cock was taking its cue and retreating back inside of me as far as it could. It seemed like a whipped puppy dog that was trying to get away.

I struggled to hear through the leather mask that so effectively cut me off from the outside world. The door must have opened for a rush of air hit my body. It felt especially cold against my sweaty skin. Whoever entered, gave me a swift kick. The point of the shoe felt like it must be waiterboy again. I recognized his kick. God, I despised that prick.He knelt by me. I waited.He seemed to be holding something in front of the mask. I was suddenly hit by an incredibly sensation. My mind felt an explosion, my body started burning and my previously fearful cock that had been trying to hide inside my body, came rushing forward full-tilt only to hit the cockcage headlong. Idiot cock. There was a strong, chemical smell. My eyes saw bright spots and I was flushed with sexual energy. It was the first hit of poppers in my life.He must have shoved the poppers to the hole in my mask again for I caught another deep whiff of that magic elixir. I sped headlong down a popper highway and didn't even realize what waiterboy was doing. I just knew I loved the sensation.I don't really know how long I was popper-dazed, but I first started to land as I became aware of how painful it was having my cock swollen by the sexual rush of poppers. It was still fighting being imprisioned in that tiny little cage. Durn! I was so crazy with desire that I realized I would even suck waiterboy's cock dry and probably beg for more.It dawned on me that I was no longer hogtied. While I was floating around Popperville', he had released the rope tying my hands and feet together. My hands had been released and were now forward. It felt wonderful to stretch. I started to stretch my hands out, when they stopped about 18 inches apart. I then tried pulling my feet apart. Like my hands, there was a chain holding them. They were not bound tightly together, but there was little room to maneuver. I hadn't entirely landed from my flight on Air Poppers, but it dawned on me that I was paying for that glorious sexual high in two ways. One, my cock was now incredibly painful for it was still full of blood and fighting to get free from its cage. It was a fight I was sure the cage would win. Secondly, he had been able to work my bindings around without me having a chance to protest or attempt to get free. There is no free lunch. Every time there was pleasure, being seated at dinner with the blonde hunk, waiterboy rubbing my nipples, the poppers, there was literally hell to pay afterwards. I couldn't even begin to weigh whether it was a fair trade. I was too confused and exhausted.I sensed something clipped to the collar around my neck and felt a cold chain run down my arm. God-in-Heaven, it must be a leash. When he had said, good doggie' earlier, that fuck had meant it. He was turning me into a true doggie bitch boy!The leash was pulled hard and I found myself being yanked up on all fours by my throat. I tried to move my arms and legs, but they still felt wobbly. I did my best to hold myself up in this classic `dog-boy' stance but I had to negotiate having a limited range of motion. The chains holding the leather wrist and ankle cuffs together put a crimp in my movements. There was just enough give to hobble forward or back. I sensed my body turning crimson with shame yet again. Damn that prick waiter. Damn my own prick that lead me into this mess.I definitely felt the metal ring and weights still hanging on my balls. They were stretching them further and further down. At this rate, they could be dragging on the carpet before he was through!?!?!

I freaked for a moment when it seemed that waiterboy was mounting me. I did not want to be fucked by him. When his body rubbed on my ass and back, I realized his clothes were still on. That was cause for some relief, but I did not trust him. He was leaning over me and reaching up under me to play with my nipples. My cock had begun to recede a bit, but my nipples must be an on-switch for my cock for it shot immediately forward and crashed into the cage yet again. Some pricks just don't learn I guess. Mine sure as hell had better soon, this was much to painful. In a few moments though, the soft magic of his fingers began to blur the pain and pleasure began to wash over me again. My nipples are good size and a nice deep brown against my tanned chest. He gently tapped, tickled, and pinched them till they were hard as a silver dollar. I knew I was moaning like a hound-dog, this embarrassed me, but I was loving this. He began to concentrate on my right nipple, pinched it especially hard and then rockets of pain shot through me. While I was bucking with pain, he slapped my ass and rode me like a bronco. I slowed down and tried to comprehend what was clipped to my nipple. The SOB took that moment to attach something to my left nipple. This set me off to bucking again and him doing a bronco bill' imitation. He, slapping my ass, riding my back, and I trying to get this pain off my chest. With each buck, the weights on my balls pulled harder and the steel ring slapped against them. I didn't know whether to stop trying to buck the clips off my chest so that the attack by the weights on my balls would stop or keep trying to free my nipples and get my balls beaten and stretched. I eventually slowed down, but bronco bill' kept slapping my ass quite hard. I realized I was growling and groaning like a mad dog. He dismounted' and pulled me forward by the leash. In what had been my room, there were two chairs facing each other. They were what folded together to make one of two beds in the room. Standing behind me, I felt him tying the cord around my balls again and pulling them tight. They must have been tied to the chair behind me. He walked in front and I felt him pull my hands forward and they were attached to the chair in front of me. I was in what I would see as a classic doggie pose'. He unsnapped the cock gag and removed it. I tried to work my sore mouth, and even without the gag, the mask had my face in a virtual death-grip. I felt his pants drop for they hit my face on the way down. As it dawned on me what this meant, I felt his hand take my face and he pursed my lips around a bottle. I gasped in fear and dread and was hit by an even more powerful sensation from the poppers. Breathing them through my mouth made them even more intense. He pulled the bottle away for a second and I greedily sought it out, whining for it like the bitch dog I was. He bent down and spoke so I could just hear him through the leather mask.

"I will give you another hit, but then you have to suck me off. You ready for that bitch?"My cock was fighting the cage, my balls were being pulled by the rope, the clamps on my nipples were intense, my hands were tied to the floor, I had been despising this fuck for what seemed like an eternity, but if he would let me have another hit, I knew I would suck his cock till we got to wherever the hell we were going....To whatever extent it was audible, I moaned, "Yes,,,Sir, I will suck you. Please Sir, may I have another hit and then your cock?""Good Doggie". He patted me on my fucking head!!!

However, true to his word, he brought the bottle to my lips, I inhaled. With my next breathe, I inhaled his cock deeply into my throat and began to work it for all this cocksucking bitch was worth. I wanted his cock and I wanted to give him pleasure. I stopped trying to understand how or why this could be true. I knew that I only wanted to serve. Through the haze, I realized he would probably cum in my mouth and I would be forced to swallow. I was too lost in it and would have laughed if I wasn't so preoccupied. I vaguely realized that I was literally about to become a cumdump.Waiterboy pulled his long, hard cock out of what I was beginning to see as an oral fuckhole, gave me another hit of poppers, and I sucked his cock back into my mouth and realized the pleasure of deep-throating a Sir's cock. Could it get any......better/worse!?!?!?!?!?

Next: Chapter 5

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