The Train

By moc.gnirtsgib@a1levartjg

Published on Jan 20, 2008


Disclaimers: I've enjoyed the Nifty Archives for years and thought I would take the opportunity to submit some of my personal experiences. If you like, let me know what you think.

As said so often, the usual disclaimers, please read only if you are old enough and abide by whatever laws you choose to live under...


Pulling out of Chicago, the train began the gentle swaying back and forth. That sort of motion always got my cock hard. Though still a virgin, when it came to sleeping with men, I was becoming more and more aware of what also got my cock hard. It seemed to start innocently. At first, it was a guy's sudden smile, the curve of his neck, the shape of a guy's muscled leg. Over time, I realized I was spending time staring at how a guy's ass looked in tight jeans. When I noticed that my mouth got dry when I could see the shape of his package' and that a guy must be going commando, I knew that something was happening. There was something inside of me that wanted to be understood. This awakening' took place over a few years.

Now, 26 years old and in need of a vacation, I decided to cross the country by train. At 6' 4", 210lbs, I had kept my body nicely toned. Brown hair, blue eyes, and an easy smile usually got me attention, but more and more often, I realized it was attention from guys as well. This intrigued and terrified me. As a good-old-southern-boy, you whored around on Saturday, went to church on Sunday, and eventually married a Sunday School teacher. So far, this typical plan just hadn't worked out and I was getting comfortable with the idea of why it never would.

I had a good job and had decided to take the time and spend the money to see the country from a Pullman car. The room was compact, but comfortable. Two chairs facing each other that could fold into a bed. A second bed that would fold out of the ceiling. A sink and big windows on either side. One facing the countryside and one facing the hallway. Sometimes, I was surprised that I found the view more exciting watching the hallway than out the window at the dramatic mountains and riverscapes. I was turning my head when I was awestruck by a passing site. Two beautifully shaped mounds of flesh were packed tightly in a pair of faded jeans sauntered past my window. I was beginning to accept my fascination with guy's bodies and had begun to accept I might be what I had heard of someone being called `bi'. I knew that I might one day find myself in a situation with another guy and that if I did, I knew I would be the top. I couldn't imagine my mouth around another guy's cock or anything up my is amazing how wrong we can be about some vital bits of information or perceptions, eh?

I had to shake my head in order to catch my breath. That hot ass strolled out of view just as I was imaging pulling him into my room, pulling the shades down, ripping his jeans off and slipping my cock between those hot cheeks and experiencing my first fuck. These thoughts still surprised me, but what got me even more was how quickly my cock got hard thinking about it.

I shook my head again and realized it was time to head to the dining car. I had come to like this about trains. My room was in the middle of the second of three Pullman coaches. I liked walking through the hallway and seeing if there were any hot looking guys. If so, I would walk slowly, but confidently by, trying to see if I got their attention. If I sensed they were looking, this made me smile. Funny, I didn't have the same sense when there was a cute girl in a room. I was keeping my eye discretely roaming to see if I could see the blue-jean wonder, but to no avail. I entered the dining car and almost stumbled. Being seated at a table in the middle of the car were those hot buns. His back was still to me, but I could now see he had a tight pullover that showed evidence of a beautifully sculptured V-Shaped body. Were my knees getting weak or was it just the motion of the train. The dining car attendant seated three more people. The car was filling up, and as is the custom, people were sharing tables. I realized that my cock, at least, was hoping to get to `share a table' with the blue-jeaned god and see what might happen. My heart skipped a beat when the woman in front of me almost was seated with the guy I realized I wanted, but she chose a seat at the last empty table. This left me with the chance to share a table without being obvious. Whether by luck or design, the server took me to the table and asked,

"Sir, would you mind sharing a table with this man?"

It was very odd, from the front, I could see that the guy could not have been older than myself. His face had high cheek bones, a small cleft in his chin, beautiful blond wavy hair, and the most piercing blue eyes I had ever fallen into. He exuded power. I felt like a kid standing before an adult being inspected. His eyes looked me up and down and then he pointed those incredible eyes straight into mine and seemed to almost glower. Though only a moment, I found myself revealing something to him, emitting some part of myself from my soul to his. I was somehow ashamed to be looking him in the eyes and cast my eyes down. I could tell there was a slight movement of his lips, an imperceptible smirk, a celebration of a victory.

He curtly nodded his head and looked back at the menu. The server, who had just witnessed me move from swaggering guest to submission, gave a small smile. Was I mistaken or did I see his cock begin to bulge under his pants.

At a loss, I waited a moment, the blond now before me looked again with almost a command.

"Well, either sit there or get the fuck out of my sight."

Suddenly, all I could say was, "Yes Sir, Thank you Sir," As I sat down, I asked myself what the fuck was I doing. Where did this Sir shit come from and what was I about to get myself into?

After a few minutes, he put down his menu, studied my face intently and said. "Get up and walk to the front of the car. When you turn around, walk back slowly. If I like what I see, I will nod to you. If I don't like what I see, walk by me and leave this car and don't bother me. Do you understand?"

I was stunned, my mouth was dry, but my cock was raging hard. I was thinking who the fuck do you think you are...but I found my outside voice saying, "Yes...yes Sir." I sat there for another moment, totally surprised at myself by my reaction, embarrassed as hell that I would be literally parading up and down a train car full of people with a raging hard-on trying to tear a hole out of my pants and wondering if anyone would realize I was parading myself on an inspection for something I could only begin to guess...

The walk toward the door at the far end of the car seemed interminable. I tried to walk with a confidence I did not feel and oddly with a desire to look sexy,,,,but what did that mean to me? The attendant who sat me was now at the other door and had been keeping an eye on the two of us. He was smirking at me. I didn't know if this is something he had seen before or just sensed what was going on, but I was bright red with humiliation. Still, this didn't stop me. I turned around and was crushed. The blonde was not even looking at me. Had he already made his decision? Was he just a jerk and liked humiliating guys? What the fuck was going on? Should I storm up and confront his sorry arrogant ass or just storm by? As I got closer and closer, I felt that in the pit of my stomach, I was at one of those decision points, no matter what happened, my life would never be the same. Just as I was about to walk past him and try to reclaim what shred of dignity I may have, I hesitated and looked down at him. Again, he had that slight quiver of the lips into a smirk. Without even looking at me, he gave just enough of a nod of his head to let me know I was given permission to sit down. In that moment's hesitation, my old world collapsed around me. In that brief moment, I became his. I sat, looked down at the table, and quietly said, "Thank you,,,,Sir." Did I hear him say `good boy'? What the hell did that mean, good boy??? While my mind tried to adjust to what I thought I had heard, the smart-ass server came over. He didn't even bother to look at me. A Nordic voice slid from the blonde's throat. Deep, commanding, and, like a python, totally captivating. I nearly choked on the overwhelming sexiness. He said, "I will have the steak, rare, a glass of red wine. The boy will have water, bread and a bowl of soup. We can't have him getting fat and stuffed." My mortification was complete. I felt cheap, used, owned and somehow deliriously happy.

That sexy voice was addressing me again, "you will eat quickly so that we can get back to my room and begin your training. I sense there is much you will need to learn on this trip."

What happens once they get back to the room? More to follow.

Next: Chapter 2

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