The Traffic Stop

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 20, 2023



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This is a work of fiction.

Andrew was driving home from the party feeling good. He had macked on some hot girls and he couldn't wait to Snap them later; maybe get some hot tits for his spank bank. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the blaring sirens of a police car filled the air. Andrew quickly glanced in his rearview mirror and saw a police car behind him, lights flashing. He pulled over to the side of the road and waited as the officer got out of his car.

The cop walked up to Andrew's window and tapped on it with an authoritative knock before saying, "License and registration." Andrew fumbled around in his glove box trying not to let it show that he was nervous as a result of being pulled over by an intimidatingly muscular officer who looked like he worked out every day; it said "Jackson" on his name-tag. After handing over his papers, Officer Jackson asked him if there was any reason why Andrew had run through a red light back at the intersection two blocks away. Andrew tried not to stutter as he responded no, but could tell from looking into Officer Jackson's eyes that something felt off about this particular situation--like maybe this wasn't just your average traffic violation stop after all..

"Sir, have you had anything to drink tonight?" Jackson asked, his gaze never leaving Andrew's.

Andrew was dumbfounded and he stammered for a moment before answering, "N-no sir, I haven't had anything to drink." That was a lie. A stupid lie, but Andrew couldn't stop himself before he'd said it.

Officer Jackson paused before saying in a suspiciously stern voice, "I'm going to need you to step out of the car so that I can perform some tests." At this point there was no denying that Officer Jackson suspected he might be intoxicated. Andrew got out of his car slowly, feeling defeated as he realized the night wasn't going quite as planned. As soon as they were both standing outside of the car next to each other under streetlight illuminating them both clearly enough for anyone passing by or observing from afar could make out their features easily: Andrew was nineteen, 5'11 with blonde hair and a thin runner's build; Officer Jackson was a 29-year-old, six-foot muscular cop with brown hair sporting a short beard.

Andrew knew it was time to cooperate, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as Officer Jackson walked him through a field sobriety test. Andrew stumbled through the tests, unable to keep his balance or focus. Jackson could tell that Andrew was clearly not sober and he asked him to take a breathalyzer. Andrew knew what this meant - if he failed this, he would be arrested for DUI. He took a deep breath, trying not to show how scared he was as Officer Jackson handed him the device and instructed him on how to use it correctly.

When the results flashed, they revealed that Andrew was indeed over the legal limit and had been driving under the influence of alcohol--and underage at that. His night of partying had just taken a very unexpected turn for the worse. He felt like he was in a nightmare as Officer Jackson moved to place him under arrest. His mind raced with panic as the gravity of the situation sunk in and he realized that his fun night out had just turned into a serious legal battle.

Without thinking, Andrew suddenly bolted away from Officer Jackson and down the road towards the woods nearby. He heard shouts behind him but didn't look back, focusing solely on getting away as fast as possible. His feet pounded against pavement until he reached the edge of a thick forest and then cut off into it without hesitation, weaving between trees recklessly while dodging branches left and right. He kept running until his lungs burned with exhaustion and could run no further. Andrew leaned against an oak tree for support, panting heavily from exertion while trying to come up with some sort of plan to get himself out of this mess.

Andrew felt a wave of panic wash over him as he heard Jackson's shouts getting closer and closer. He had no idea what the officer planned to do to him, but there was no time to think - only react. So Andrew took off again, this time deeper into the woods with Officer Jackson close on his heels. He could hear Jackson's heavy footsteps behind him and shouted back in desperation,"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything wrong!" But his words were met with an angry reply from Officer Jackson,"Stop running! You are under arrest! You're not going anywhere until I say so!"

Andrew turned around just in time for Officer Jackson to lunge forward at him with pepper spray aimed directly at his face. Instinctively, Andrew dodged out of the way and kept running through the thick foliage of trees ahead. He heard more shouting behind him but ignored it as he continued running blindly through the darkness. He felt like he was running for his life, but it was only a matter of time before Officer Jackson caught up. His heart pounded in his chest as the officer's footsteps got louder and closer, until suddenly Andrew felt something tackle him from the side. He was thrown like a rag-doll by the force of Jackson's big frame and landed hard on the ground with a thud.

Jackson quickly regained control over Andrew and pinned him to the ground, yelling,"Stop resisting! I have you now! Stay still and stop resisting!" Despite all of Andrew's efforts to break free from Jackson's grip, he found himself unable to escape--there was no way out this time as he lay helplessly beneath Officer Jackson's muscular physique. "You are under arrest for DUI, underage intoxication, resisting arrest, and fleeing the scene of a crime."

They were both panting heavily, and Andrew could feel the drunken anger rising inside of him. He tried to break free again, but the officer's grip was too strong. As Jackson placed handcuffs on him he started to thrash and scream. "Fucking pig! Faggot! Dumb fuck! Let me go!" He continued to spew profanities, as Jackson finally managed to cuff him.

Officer Jackson sat on Andrew's legs, just staring at him, his face expressionless as the boy continued to rant. Finally, he said in a cool voice, "I suggest you calm down, sir. You're only making this worse."

Andrew clenched his fists and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew the officer was right, but he couldn't help it. He was drunk. He was so angry, so frustrated. He felt like he had been backed into a corner and he had nowhere to go. Jackson stood him up and pressed his chest against a big oak tree. "I'm going to conduct a search of your person, now sir." Andrew's heart pounded in his chest. He had never felt so angry and frustrated before. He wanted to lash out, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. He felt the officer's hands patting and rubbing him down.

"You know," Jackson said; something had changed in his tone of voice. He smirked. "It's kind of ironic you calling me a faggot when you're the one who's got this pretty little ass."

Andrew felt his face flush. What? How fucking dare this cop talk to him like that! "Fuck you, pig!" he spat.

Jackson just laughed and groped the younger man's ass again. "Now, that's no way to talk to a police officer, kid."

Andrew screamed. He was humiliated, angry, and scared all at the same time. Officer Jackson's hands roamed over his body, as if he were inspecting a piece of meat. Andrew felt a wave of disgust wash over him, but he kept his mouth shut, biting his cheek. He didn't want to give the officer any more ammunition to use against him. Jackson finally stepped back and smiled at Andrew. "You're such a pretty little twink," he said in an almost mocking tone. "It's too bad you got yourself into this mess."

Andrew clenched his fists; he wanted nothing more than to punch the man in the face, but his hands were cuffed. Instead, he let his anger get the better of him and yelled. "You fucking faggot pig! I'm gonna kill you!"

Jackson just laughed and shook his head. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that, kid," he said. "Because you've now threatened a police officer, I'm going to need to conduct a cavity search to ensure that you don't have any dangerous items." Andrew felt his stomach drop as Officer Jackson stepped closer to him. He wanted to run away, but he couldn't move. Jackson suddenly yanked his jeans and boxers down to his ankles, leaving his lower body totally exposed to the cool night air. Officer Jackson ran a hand over his bare ass and Andrew tried not to flinch as he ran his hands around his thighs and under his balls looking for any "hidden weapons or contraband."

Jackson lifted up Andrew's soft cock and huffed. "What a tiny little cock," he mocked, before dropping it pitifully. Andrew was humiliated and angry and he started back-talking Jackson. The words just spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Fucking sick faggot cop. Bet you gotta get off by abusing real ladies-men like me."

Jackson stood up slowly and gave Andrew a cold stare. "If you're going to talk like that," he said in a low voice, "I'm going to have to conduct an anal search too." Andrew's eyes widened in horror as Jackson moved closer again. His hands ran over Andrew's ass, exploring every inch of it with a sickening fascination. "Relax," the officer said in an almost soothing tone as he continued his exploration.

Andrew was in a state of panic now. The thought made him sick to his stomach. In a desperate attempt for help, Andrew started screaming for someone to come and save him. "No one can hear you," Officer Jackson said in an icy voice as he thrust his finger into Andrew's tight virgin ass. "We're miles from civilization out here, and you're the one who ran into the woods. There aren't even any drivers who are gonna see you."

Andrew felt tears streaming down his cheeks as the officer continued probing deeper inside of him with each passing second. He wanted to fight back, but there was nothing he could do against this man who held all of the power over him right now. He just lay there against the tree helplessly, wishing it would be over soon. Suddenly Andrew felt Jackson's finger curl into his prostate, and he gasped at the sensation. He had never felt anything like it before, and it sent a wave of pleasure through him that made him shudder. His body seemed to heat up even more as Jackson moved his finger in circles around Andrew's sensitive spot. What the fuck?' He thought to himself. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?'

He could feel himself getting aroused despite the fear and humiliation he was feeling. It disgusted him. It almost felt good but this cop was violating him against his will. He wanted to scream for help but knew no one would hear him out here in the middle of nowhere. All he could do was lay there helplessly against the tree whimpering as Officer Jackson continued fingering his hole. "You like this, don't you kid?"

Andrew's face flushed with embarrassment and he closed his eyes, not wanting to show the officer how aroused he was. He wanted to deny it, but the truth was that it did feel good and that scared him more than anything else. He felt his cock betray him as it began to grow hard despite the fear and humiliation he was feeling. The officer stepped back and looked at Andrew with an amused smirk on his face. "Well, well," he said in a mocking tone. "Looks like someone is enjoying this after all." Andrew felt his face flush as he heard Officer Jackson's words. He wanted to deny it, but he couldn't. His body had betrayed him, and he knew there was no way he could with a hard cock between his legs.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. `This is wrong, I shouldn't be feeling this way... but why can't I help it? What is wrong with me? Am I really that weak-willed that I can't even control myself in this situation?' He opened his eyes again and saw the smirk on Jackson's face as if the officer could read his mind. Andrew looked away quickly, not wanting to give him any more satisfaction than he already had gotten from this humiliating experience. Andrew felt the cold metal of the handcuffs against his skin as Officer Jackson stepped closer and spun him around to face him. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and he knew that this was going to be bad.

"On your knees," Jackson ordered, pointing at the ground. Andrew slowly complied, feeling a wave of humiliation wash over him as he did so. He had never been in this kind of situation before and he was absolutely terrified. Jackson looked down at him and looked into his eyes with an expression that could only be described as smug satisfaction. "Let's see how big of a faggot you really are," the officer said in a voice dripping with disdain before grabbing Andrew by the chin and forcing him to look up at him again. Andrew felt his stomach lurch as Jackson spat in his face. He wanted to scream out, to fight back, but he knew it would be useless. He lay there helplessly, feeling the saliva drip down his cheek. It was a disgusting humiliation.

Then Jackson slowly opened up his uniform pants and pulled his cock free into the night air. Andrew felt himself freeze up as soon as he saw it--Jackson's huge cock stood proudly between them like an imposing monument of power and dominance over Andrew's small body; it was so much bigger than his own. Andrew had never even seen any other hard cocks before outside of porn! The sheer size of it filled him with disgust, fear and awe all at once; he felt insignificant and powerless next to its grandeur while also strangely aroused by its magnificence...

As if sensing his inner thoughts, Jackson smirked again and flexed his heavy cock. "See, slut? This is why I'm the one calling the shots here." Andrew dropped his gaze immediately, not wanting to show how intimidated he truly felt by this powerful man towering above him now with such confidence and authority radiating from every inch of him like some kind of god-like creature cast down from Mount Olympus itself! His heart raced faster still as realization slowly sunk into every cell of his being: There was no escape for him here tonight; no way out except through submission.

He felt his stomach churn as Jackson's voice echoed in the night air. "Open up, boy," he said with a cold smirk on his face. He knew what was coming and he wanted to turn away, but Jackson tapped his big cock head against his lips and he knew he had no choice but to comply. He slowly opened his mouth and felt the hot, hard shaft slide into his throat. As he felt his mouth being filled up completely by this huge cock, all he could do was kneel there, trying not to gag as Jackson thrust deeper and harder. `Is this really happening to me?' He thought to himself as Jackson forced himself through Andrew's gag reflex again and again. Tears streamed down Andrew's face as Officer Jackson thrust his huge cock in and out of his mouth. His throat burned from the sheer size of it and he felt like he was choking, but he couldn't move away or push him off. He could only kneel there, feeling more powerless than ever before as thick drool dripped from his lips with each new thrust.

He wanted to scream out for help, but no words could come out; all that escaped from his lips were muffled gurgles as he tried desperately to get air past the giant cock blocking its way. His eyes squeezed shut as Jackson thrust into him harder and faster, making him shudder and quiver beneath its mighty force. Andrew felt a wave of relief wash over him as Officer Jackson suddenly pulled out of his mouth. He coughed and sputtered, trying to clear the taste from his mouth as tears streamed down his face. His throat burned with each breath he took, but he was just thankful it was finally over.

He heard Officer Jackson say in a cold voice,"Nice work, slut." Andrew felt humiliation fill him again at the officer's words, but he stayed silent; too afraid to speak or even look up at this man who had so thoroughly violated him tonight. Suddenly, Andrew heard Jackson's voice again in the stillness of the night air: "We're not done yet." Fear coursed through Andrew's veins and he wanted to run away more than anything else now; this man seemed determined to make sure that Andrew learned his lesson--whatever that might be--no matter what it cost him!

Jackson grabbed hold of Andrew's arm and roughly pulled him up off the ground before pushing him back against the oak tree. The bark dug into Andrew's chest painfully but there was nothing he could do about it now; all he could do was stand there quietly while Officer Jackson loomed behind him with an aura of authority radiating around them both like some kind of sick power dynamic between predator and prey. He kept his eyes closed tight, breathing heavily. He could feel Jackson's hot breath on the back of his neck and he shuddered at the sensation. Andrew felt a cold hand slide between his ass cheeks and he gasped out loud in surprise. His eyes flew open when he felt Jackson start rubbing circles around his hole with the pad of this thumb. The feeling sent shivers down Andrew's spine; it was both terrifying yet pleasurable all at once!

He wanted to move away but there was nowhere for him to go--Jackson seemed determined to make sure that Andrew would experience whatever he saw fit tonight. Then the officer tapped his exposed ass with his huge cock again and again; "You're mine now, slut!" He said in a stern voice. "This is what you get for driving drunk and running!" Andrew felt tears streaming down his face as he realized that Jackson was right--he had no power here; all he could do was submit to this man's will and take whatever punishment Jackson saw fit to give him tonight. He closed his eyes tight again and tried not to think about what would happen next. All Andrew knew for sure was that Officer Jackson wasn't done with him yet.

He felt his breathing quicken as Jackson's huge cock pressed firmly against the tight entrance to his virgin hole. He could feel a slick liquid spreading from it and knew that it was precum; a sign of Jackson's arousal from this perverse act of violation being committed on him tonight. He wanted to scream out in protest, but all he could do was lay there quietly, feeling more powerless than ever before as Officer Jackson continued rubbing himself up and down on Andrew's hole. He felt something cold and wet on him then, as Jackson spread lube he'd produced from somewhere across his tight entrance. He hated that the cop's lubed fingers gliding over his hole felt almost good. Andrew closed his eyes tight in an attempt to block out the sensations that seemed to be consuming him now.

Before he knew it, Jackson had pulled his hand away from him again. A small bottle suddenly appeared under his nose. "Breathe," Jackson said in a low voice. Andrew tensed up as he felt the hot head of Jackson's cock press against his hole. He opened his eyes and saw that the bottle was labeled poppers. "This will make this easier for you," Jackson said sternly, pressing his huge cock harder against Andrew's clenched hole. "Relax. And breathe." Andrew finally gave in. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the poppers deeply. Immediately he felt his body relax as the pungent fumes flooded into his system. He felt himself go limp against the tree; his fear and disgust giving way to a strange sense of calm that was almost otherworldly in its intensity. He felt Jackson press harder then, pushing with more force than before until finally Andrew could feel the head of Jackson's huge cock slide past the tight entrance to his virgin hole. Andrew gasped out loud at the sensation; it was both painful yet strangely pleasurable all at once; like nothing he had ever experienced before!

Jackson pushed his big cock deeper and deeper inside him now, sending shockwaves through Andrew's entire body as each new inch entered him slowly but surely until eventually he could feel every single inch of the cop's huge dick inside him--filling up every corner of him completely and totally consuming any remaining traces of power or resistance that may have still been left within him. He felt Jackson's hands gentle on him now, caressing his back and soothing away the pain of entry. He could feel Jackson's breath hot against his ear as he whispered words of comfort in a low voice while pushing himself deeper inside Andrew with each new thrust. He felt something cold against his nose again; it was the poppers bottle that Jackson had given him earlier. "Breathe," Jackson said softly, pushing it closer to Andrew's face until he finally complied; inhaling deeply.

Andrew felt the pleasure of the poppers fill him again as Jackson started moving his huge, thick cock inside of his tight ass. He gasped out loud at the sensation; it was like nothing he had ever experienced before! It was both painful yet strangely pleasurable all at once--a unique combination that sent shivers down Andrew's spine and made him quiver beneath Jackson's powerful thrusts. He could feel every inch of Jackson's big cock entering him now, stretching and filling up each corner of his body completely until eventually he felt totally consumed by this man; feeling powerless to resist or fight back against this domineering force taking control over him tonight.

Andrew gasped in pleasure as Officer Jackson started to truly fuck him against the oak tree. He had never felt anything like this before, and his drunk, popper-addled brain was starting to lose himself in the feeling. Jackson thrust harder and faster, each time sending shockwaves of pleasure through Andrew's body. He wanted to protest, but instead all that came out were moans of pleasure. His tight hole felt so good wrapped around the officer's big cock, and he found himself wanting more and more with each thrust.

Andrew's mind was spinning as he felt Jackson thrusting inside of him. His body was responding to the sensations, but his brain was still trying to fight back against them; no, I'm straight!' He told himself silently, I like women... I like pussy!' But as Jackson thrust his big cock inside of him again and again, Andrew felt his brain slowly start to succumb to the pleasure; `COCK...COCK...COCK,' his mind kept repeating over and over, like a mantra each time the cop thrust into him. He felt himself getting more and more lost with each passing second until finally he couldn't take it any longer. "Oh GODDD fuck me!" He screamed out loud without even fully realizing what he was saying.

Andrew lost himself as he started to move with Jackson's thrusts; pushing back ever so slightly. He could feel the pleasure greater now that he was totally submitting to this man and his desires. He felt a strange sensation building inside him as Jackson continued to fuck into that pleasurable spot nestled in his ass; it was like nothing he had ever experienced before! His body started trembling uncontrollably as each powerful thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout his entire being, making him quiver beneath its mighty force until finally Andrew felt an orgasm rip through his body--one so intense that it left him gasping for air in its wake. Andrew felt himself panting for breath as he lay there against the tree, the intense pleasure of orgasm still coursing through his veins. He suddenly was confused; he had expected to cum, but nothing had happened--his cock was still hard and ready for more despite having just experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. What the fuck was that?

He could feel Jackson continue thrusting inside him with each powerful stroke; pushing deeper and harder than before until eventually Andrew realized what had happened: He wasn't actually cumming--he'd just experienced an anal orgasm! This was something completely new to him; something a buddy of his had told him about once but he hadn't believed. Something that left him feeling both shocked yet strangely satisfied all at once. Jackson kept fucking him harder and faster now until finally Andrew felt another wave of pleasure start to build within him again; this time even more intense than before! His body shook uncontrollably as he reached another incredible peak that seemed to last forever, leaving him utterly spent when it finally passed.

Andrew felt Jackson's hands on him again; gentler than before. He could feel the warmth of his breath against his ear as he whispered words of encouragement and praise in a low voice; "I love how your hole spasms on my cock, slut." Andrew blushed at the words and he couldn't deny the pleasure that came with them; knowing that his body was pleasuring Jackson. He could feel every inch of Jackson's huge cock inside him now; pushing deeper and harder than before until eventually Andrew was bucking his ass backward with each thrust--chasing every inch and becoming one with this man in uniform in a way he hadn't ever expected to. Jackson kept deep-dicking him, sending pleasure through Andrew's entire being as he moved closer and closer to another incredible orgasm. His body trembled uncontrollably as waves of intense pleasure coursed through his veins until finally Andrew screamed out loud in ecstasy--Nothing on Earth had ever felt so good before!

Andrew felt his eyes roll back as Jackson continued to fuck him hard against the tree. His body felt limp and heavy from the intense pleasure coursing through it, and he could hear himself moaning like a whore with each powerful thrust of Jackson's huge cock inside him. `Who even am I?' He thought to himself. He couldn't help but wonder what he looked like in this moment; what it must look like to someone else watching as this powerful man in uniform took him from behind and showed no mercy in his own pleasure. Andrew felt like he was in a trance; his mind and body completely taken over by this cop as pleasure consumed him. Suddenly, Andrew heard Jackson's voice again: "You're mine now," He said with a smirk, pushing himself even deeper inside Andrew with each word. The intensity of the sensation sent shockwaves through Andrew's entire being until finally he screamed out loud in pure ecstasy--feeling another peak of pleasure building in his prostate so intensely that it left him shaking uncontrollably when it finally passed.

Andrew felt Jackson pushing the cold bottle of poppers back up to his face. "Breathe," he said again in his ear as Andrew immediately inhaled the drug deeply; he felt the fumes flood into his system and relax every muscle in his body. He heard himself begging for more as his body went slack, his face pressing against the rough bark of the tree. Jackson kept thrusting inside of Andrew with powerful strokes until finally he could feel another peak of pleasure start to build up within him. His body started trembling uncontrollably as he felt himself getting closer and closer to orgasm until eventually Jackson spoke again. "Jerk your little cock slut," he said in a low voice that was both commanding yet strangely soothing all at once--like it had been made just for Andrew alone. The words sent a thrill through Andrews veins and without even thinking about it, he found himself reaching down and slowly stroking his hard cock while Jackson continued to fuck him like an animal.

Andrew felt himself getting closer and closer to orgasm with each powerful thrust of Jackson's huge cock inside him. He could feel his body trembling uncontrollably as he furiously stroked his cock and felt the pleasure build up within him until finally Andrew couldn't take it any longer; his cum shot out in massive bursts, spraying the tree in front of him with thick white hot semen. At that same moment, Andrew's hole clenched tightly around Jackson's big cock - sending shockwaves through both their bodies as they both reached orgasm together. Jackson roared out loud in pleasure; pushing even harder into Andrew until eventually he too started shooting load after load deep inside Andrew's ass, flooding every corner of him completely until finally they were both spent from exhaustion and pleasure alike.

Andrew felt Jackson press against him from behind; his hot breath fanning across Andrew's neck as he panted heavily. His cock was still buried deep inside of Andrew, and the sensation continued to send ripples of pleasure throughout his body--a reminder of all that had just happened. Andrew was in a daze; like he'd been transported to another world entirely after the multiple anal orgasms and the huge cum shot that had left him trembling uncontrollably beneath the muscular cop.

Officer Jackson finally pulled out, his cock sliding free from Andrews tight hole with a wet pop. The boy gasped as his ruined hole tried to clench on the air as it slowly returned to its normal shape. He felt suddenly empty and gobs of Jackson's cum started to drip out of him. Officer Jackson held Andrew close from behind, his strong arms wrapped around him protectively as they both slowly drifted back down to reality. Andrew felt himself being lifted off the ground and carried away by Jackson. His mind was still in a daze from all that had happened tonight, but he could feel his body starting to relax as he felt himself being securely cradled in Jackson's arms.

The next thing Andrew knew, he was waking up inside of the squad car; his head throbbing and his body sore. He blinked a few times and looked around, unbelieving at what had just happened here tonight. Jackson suddenly opened the door and climbed into the driver seat beside him before turning to face him with an almost fatherly look of concern on his face. "You blew clear before you passed out. You can drive yourself home now," he said softly, handing Andrew's keys back to him without another word or explanation needed between them both right now. "No charges," Jackson added after a moment of silence; his voice firm but gentle all at once and a slight smile on his face.

Andrew nodded slowly, still in shock from everything that had happened tonight--and thankful for the mercy Jackson had just shown him despite his underage drinking and driving. He mumbled goodbye before climbing out of the squad car, standing somewhat dumbly on the side of the road as the officer drove off without another word. Andrew walked to his own car, his mind still spinning with questions as he processed what exactly he'd just experienced here tonight. He felt himself slowly coming back down to Earth, but there was still something different about him--he'd emerged from this experience changed... in ways he couldn't even begin to understand.

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