The Trading of Sons

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 30, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Nolok followed his father and chief of his tribe through the forest. Both were decked out in colorful feathers, beads and their finest deerskin leggings. Nolok's chest held crossed in an "X" his bow and the strap of the quiver of arrows perched across his back. He would not draw them on this journey, for this was a mission of peace between his tribe and the tribe of Metepan. As it had been in the past for years untold, so would it be this day. An exchange and a bonding, and there would be peace between the tribes.

They reached the clearing marked with the white stones of parley and sacred by the gods to the negotiations of the five tribes in the region. Already waiting in the clearing was Metepan himself and with him, his son, Suram.

Metepan and Nolok's father, Bizadi, raised their weapon hands upwards, to show their emptiness, to show their peaceful intent. Nolok waited a moment, then when Metepan looked at him, he raised his hand the same way. At that moment, so did Suram as Bizadi gazed at him.

Nolok felt Metepan's eyes studying him very carefully, and he understood the gaze. He knew he was a tall, sturdy young man, his skin a tawny golden color, his hair jet black and bound from his face by a colorful beaded headband with three white feathers whose tips had been dipped in red adorning it along the left-hand side. His chest was hairless, broad and strong from pulling the bow and carrying home his kills, his waist was slender with only a slit of navel distorting its otherwise flawless flatness, his hips were slim and the cloth flap of his deerskin leggings lifted out slightly where his manhood filled out his crotch in this erect stance (his body, not his manhood!), and Metepan smiled at Nolok, who returned the smile bashfully.

"We are met in peace." Nolok's father intoned.

"In peace let us speak and in peace depart." Metepan finished the ritual.

"I would have the peace of this time extend to both our tribes." Bizadi continued. "If we can forge a bond that would withstand the disagreements of our peoples, we can spare many lives and much sorrow."

"I can agree to that." Metepan went on. "It has been four generations since our tribes have exchanged our chieftain's sons. Our bonds have weakened."

"We should strengthen them again this day." Bizadi gestured to Nolok, who raised his head proudly. "This is my son, Nolok. He is strong and healthy, honest and kind."

"And this is my son, Suram." Metepan responded. "He is younger than Nolok, but his heart is pure and his body is well and his aim with a bow is the surest in my tribe. He will serve your people well, if he is acceptable to you."

"He will serve well." Bizadi agreed. "Let us bind ourselves anew with this exchange then. My son will travel home with you and I will take yours and he will be my son and I will love him as I have loved Nolok."

And I will take Nolok home with me and he will be my son and I will love him as I have loved Suram."

"And so our tribes will dwell in peace, with Suram leading my people after I die, and Nolok your heir."

"We will dwell in peace." Metepan agreed.

And Nolok and Suram stepped forward and around each other and Nolok took his place behind Metepan and to the right, the place of a man's son. The two chiefs raised their hands, repeated the ritual of peace, and Metepan turned around and left, with Nolok following him.

Nolok had just been adopted by Metepan as his son and heir. His life would never be the same again.

They walked, with Metepan speaking to him of his tribe, of the men who were leaders of their families, of the families, everything he would need to know to integrate smoothly into the new tribe. Nolok listened to all of this carefully, for every tribe's customs were different and though he'd learned what he could before this day, a mistake in custom would be disastrous. It was very rare that a tribal chief disinherited a new son such as he...but it had happened in the past. It always led to war between the tribes with much slaughter.

They arrived to a feast which Nolok participated in with as much heartiness as he could muster. The food was good, the music was well-done, the dances were close enough to his own tribe's that he managed to participate in with only a few missteps that everyone could forgive and did.

Then he had to sacrifice his headband (his tribal mark) to the tribe's own gods, and accept in turn a headband in the colors of Metepan's tribe, with no feathers, this tribe used the colors to mark their important personages. He felt oddly naked without the three red-tipped feathers of royal blood, even if this new headband was gaudier than the feathers could ever hope to be.

He sat and watched another dance, and his head bobbed in weariness. His new father saw this and leaned over to whisper to him, "You may take to your bed now, there will be no offense now that the sacrifice is over."

"I am tired." Nolok agreed.

"Then bow to me twice, once as your chief and once as your father and you may go. You will sleep in the bachelor's lodge. My younger brother Ocevok will show you to the lodge."

Nolok blinked at that. A second son of the former chief? He hadn't known that there would be a contender for his spot as the new chief of the tribe some day! If he failed to ingratiate himself with this tribe before Metepan's death, he would find himself banished in favor of the brother! Well, Metepan was still fairly young, they would both be old men before the chief's position would be open to discussion. And maybe this brother of the chief would die first....

There was a shadow above him and Nolok looked up to see...a young man much his own age!

"Won't you come with me?" he said, putting out his hand.

Nolok took it and, together, he and the brother bowed to the chief, then Nolok bowed a second time to Metepan as his new stepfather, and then he was led to the bachelor's lodge. A large building of strips of treebark bound to poles, he went inside to see a long array of furs laid out, and he hesitated.

Ocevok was behind him and he turned to ask, "Which one is to be mine?"

Ocevok smiled. "There is no special order, the sleepers change nightly, and sometimes there are more than one to a bed while others lie empty. What does it matter, this is not to be your home forever, only until you take a wife and build your own lodge."

Nolok had a quick flash of the many naked bodies (everyone slept naked, of course) writhing about and shivered. He stepped quickly to one of the beds on the left toward the middle and undressed. Placing his items at the top of the bed, where a small space between it and the side of the lodge was, he soon was bare and in the bed. It was far too hot on this night yet to crawl under the furs, though he might before the night was done be happy the furs were there. The room was lit through the ventilation holes on the sides some eight feet up, from the many torches that blazed around the village for the festival still going on. For now, he simply lay there, alone (for the stepuncle had gone back out to rejoin the party) and tried to fall asleep in this strange place. He was weary, indeed, but his spirit didn't dare journey to the land of dreams in this new place, with all these strangers about. He told himself firmly that they all wished him well, they were his own people now, he must trust them as they would trust him one day to lead them as his stepfather now did....

He was indeed mostly asleep when the covers shifted under him, someone was joining him in the bed. He turned to look up at who this was. Near to Nolok's own age, a bit shorter and wider than Nolok, handsome in an almost bestial way. Only one man of many he had met this day and been told their names, but this one, he almost remembered it... "Farlan." he said as he caught hold of the name at last.

"Nolok." Farlan returned as he scooted in, his naked body, lithe and smooth and a slightly paler shade of brown than Nolok's, and he pressed himself closely to Nolok.

"Has the festival ended?" Nolok asked. He looked about, they seemed to be the only ones in the lodge yet. The lights still burned brightly.

"No, it will go on for some time yet."

"So why have you joined me in this bed. Is it yours?"


"I can take another bed." Nolok offered generously and started to rise, but Farlan's hand caught him.

"No, please. Stay in this one. I would share with you this night."

Nolok thought he knew what this meant, but a new tribe has different customs, he may yet be wrong. "I know that the men in this lodge sleep where they will at night."

"We do more than sleep." Farlan said as his hand moved from his wrist to his body in a way that could not be misunderstood, for it had roved from his wrist to his ribcage, down his stomach and was approaching his manhood. When it arrived there, it found Nolok's prong, not yet stiff, but rising rapidly into hard readiness.

"Yes, we do more than sleep at night." Farlan said softly to him. His face, his lips, was scant inches from Nolok's. "If you are but willing, that is."

"I am. When I saw this lodge, I had hopes, but didn't dare to do more than hope."

"And now you know your hopes to be well and true?"

Nolok only smiled and moved his face toward Farlan's and Farlan and he kissed as Nolok's hand found and gripped Farlan's cock tightly. Farlan released Nolok's lips to groan and his own hand began to work Nolok's pud and it was Nolok's turn to grunt and he returned the favor, and the two worked eacht other's pricks.

This was all Nolok was expecting, the playful handling of each other's pricks as he had done when a younger child from time to time with the other boys. They had given up the game as they had gotten older, and then Nolok's body had dived headlong into puberty, filling his dreams with fantasies so much like those halcyon days of youth but with an added, disturbing dimension, like there was more to it than just the hand of a friend, but he couldn't quite see it.

So when Farlan began to kiss his way down Nolok's body, Nolok enjoyed it, but didn't understand it as anything more than a funny way of kissing. He was in a new tribe, all customs were different, this was a pleasant surprise, but it didn't have to be anything more than that....

And then Farlan's mouth got precariously close to his cock. He was nuzzling the base of Nolok's cock and Nolok marveled that another man would get so close to his cock that it was actually pressing against Farlan's cheek, if he got his mouth any closer than that...

He got closer, and Nolok gasped as Farlan's mouth closed upon him. The wetness and the warmth was more intense than anything he'd ever done to himself or had done with a friendly hand, it was exactly what he'd been longing for in his dreams! That warm mouth went deeply down and covered his entire manhood, it was buried within Farlan's mouth and throat, and Farlan's tongue was dancing upon the side of his shaft and he moaned, writhed as that mouth held him and held him and held him deep within that warm maw....

When Farlan rose up, he held tightly with his lips to the shaft and Nolok felt the rising oval grip as raw passion. He groaned again and Farlan shifted in the bedding to lie with his feet toward the head of the bed, and Nolok saw Farlan's cock bobbing, untended and unfettered, and those lips of Farlan's were driving him wild with desire, and this was his first friend among this new tribe, and he wanted to give as much as he was getting from this joining. And with much enthusiasm but no skill, he reached out and caught Farlan's prod with his mouth and tried to give Farlan was he was getting.

Farlan grunted, choked, squirmed, and then pulled his cock bodily from Nolok's mouth in pain. "Oh, oh!" he gasped out. "My dear Nolok, I must teach you what you are to do if you are to aid me in my pleasure as I aid you."

"I am ignorant, I know." Nolok mourned. "Pray, teach me, my friend."

And in gentle words and by demonstration, Farlan taught him. Some handful of minutes later, Nolok was performing upon Farlan's cock with a modicum of newfound expertise and Farlan rewarded him with his more advanced, experienced depth-charges upon his prong. Nolok tried again and again to match this spear-swallowing quality, but always had to withdraw hastily in ignominious defeat over and over.

And then his pleasure took on an urgent tone he knew so well. "Ah, ah, ah!" he grunted as he held Farlan's dick in his hand in lieu of his mouth. "My time approaches, I must release!"

Farlan's response was to suck upon him more lustily than ever, so that Nolok was granted an unceasing joy that rose and fell upon him in synch with the movements of Farlan's sucking mouth, and his desire grew and grew and built up and built up until like the thunderclouds that bring the storm, his brain broke out in thunder and lightning flashes that bounded off the hills of his skull!

He sprayed a hot load into Farlan's mouth, the heat of it even he could feel, as it boiled out of his shaft, sprayed upon the moist interior of Farlan's body, and roiled about the tongue as Farlan caught it and swallowed it, only to have more fly out to replace it and then some. Soon Nolok's cock was being bathed in the pearly essence of his manliness, and he groaned and thrust back and forth in the waning moments of his climax, when the body seeks to extend the joy by any means possible, and the movements caused Farlan to lose his grip slightly and as a result a stream of pearly joy poured down Nolok's shaft in liquid heat and Farlan gulped hard, and chased the errant river and caught it and drew it all back up and into his own body.

Nolok slumped back, exhausted, and panted heavily as Farlan shifted above him. "Did you enjoy your first night here with me?" Farlan asked.

"Of a certainty I did." Nolok assured him, though his chest still rose and fell so hard that the words were strained.

"May I teach you another way to pleasure a man?"

Nolok remembered his duty to his partner. "I shall give you as much pleasure as I can."

"But your mouth is tired." Farlan observed accurately. "There is another way, if I might teach you."

"Teach me, my beloved master." Nolok responded.

"But wet my manhood anew for a short space." Farlan said as he got straddle of Nolok's chest and fed him his pud. It was still fairly wet from Nolok's prior attentions, and he re-wet it with his tongue lapped the fat pud like a piece of sweet, juicy fruit.

When Farlan's dong was a greasy slab of man-meat, Farlan said, panting, "Now let me between your legs. I intend to press this into your lower entrance and while there will be some pain, it will soon be washed away by the pleasure that follows."

"I am yours in all ways." Nolok responded. "Only do it quickly, for I fear the festivities are soon to be over and we will be joined by others."

"The others will want you as do I." Farlan smiled. "But let us keep this first time ours alone, I agree." He had said this while moving down on the bedding and Nolok spread his legs wide to permit Farlan to kneel between them, and Farlan leaned his hips forward, arcing his back and Nolok felt the wet kiss of the glans upon his anus. "Now I needs must be rough for a time, but endure it and it will pass."

And he pushed into Nolok's asshole. Nolok winced and contracted in his pain, but he didn't pull away and Farlan persisted. "That has the head of it within you." he said after a time.

"Is that all?" marveled Nolok, for it felt like he had been impaled deeply already.

"Bear with it, it gets better." Farlan assured him again, and pushed into him again.

Nolok moaned and his fingers dug deeply into Farlan's back as he held on desperately, as Farlan pressed deeper and deeper into his body.

"That is all of it." he said at last as Nolok groaned. Nolok shifted and Farlan felt the hard dong slap his stomach. "And you are discovering the pleasure, I see."

"It burns, still." Nolok said. "But I shall persevere."

"And I shall be gentle as I can." Farlan began to fuck Nolok's warm butt.

Nolok continued to hold Farlan tightly, and after a time, he began to move in concert with Farlan's thrusts and his cock slapped Farlan's body and his own with every motion. Farlan was rising to his own orgasm, his moans increasing in intensity and as he began to move with the urgency of impending climax, Nolok moaned, threw his head back and he sprayed the both of them with a second frantic ejaculation that covered them both with steaming hot spunk.

Feeling that, Farlan thrust his cock in deep and threw his own head back and howled as he came, loading Nolok's ass with his jizz and then he slumped over onto Nolok and gasped heavily.

Nolok patted Farlan's back in tired, triumphant exhaustion, and was sinking in lassitude when he heard it.

Chuckles, softly done but so numerous that he heard it just the same. He looked over, as did Farlan, to seek that several other bachelor men of the tribe had entered some unknown time earlier and had been watching their coupling with an eagerness that showed both in their smiling faces and their hard prongs all pointing Nolok's way for they were all naked or mostly so.

"It seems our chief's new son has learned our ways well." one of them said.

"I had worried that he may want to hinder us in our pleasures." another put in.

"But now we need not worry about anything at all."

"There is one thing left to do, then."

And the young men advanced on Nolok's bed. What happened was long and involved, but Nolok was able to comport himself with sufficient skill as to win the favor of his new brethren.

With these men by his side, he was bound to be a favored chief of this tribe one day. He would lead this people in good times and bad, until one day when he took his own son to the Circle of Peace, there to trade his son for another and in this way, keeping all tribes together, bound by ties of love and trust, as it had been done for centuries before, and would for centuries more to come.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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