The Tour

By socrazii92

Published on Jun 10, 2015



P.S. More character may be added along the way upon popular demand.

Chapter 2: The Beginning

(August POV)

Oh my god. This hangover is beyond disrespectful. Last night's party was off the hook. Everybody showed up and showed out. I'm scared to get on any social media, I know it's blowing up with the events from last night. Granted I didn't knew it would get pretty crazy but not how it did. Chris Brown and Drake started beefing out of nowhere, Lil Wayne and Trey Songz got into it, Future was turning up a little too much with the groupies, I mean wow. If that was just one night I'm curious to see what a whole year all together will do. Day 1 of the much anticipated Tour. Rolling over and peeping the clock, I barely wanted to move. It was already 11:43am and the photo shoot starts at 12:30pm. As I sat up my phone started going off, I saw it was Drake and decided, against my better judgement, to answer it...

Me- Yea

Drake- Damn bro I can smell that morning breath through the phone

Me- Fuck you man

Drake- That's what you got ur new boo for

Me- New boo? What the fuck you talking bout

Drake- Dayum you wasn't even that fucked up last night

Me- Apparently I was, the last thing I remember is when Future had all then groupies in our section

Drake- Are you serious dude

Me- I'm dead ass man

Drake- Look just get here, I'll fill you in later

Me- Alright I just need to get a few fits together and I'm there

Drake- For what

Me- The shoot

Drake- Bro they hit up all our stylist already, everything is here & so is everyone except you

Me- Damn aight. Lemme hop in the shower and I'll be there

Drake- Hurry up fool

Me- Alright. (Hangs up) Damn

I rushed to the shower and wasted no time. As much as I wanted to take my time and go through my normal routine, I had to speed it up. I only briefly thought about this "new boo" Drake mentioned. Out of everybody there I can't begin to think who it is. I know who I'd like it to be but sadly, for me, B.o.B gave me straight vibes the whole time. But even though I know it's not him it didn't help narrow it down any. Guess I'll have to suffer the wait. I quickly hopped out the shower and barely dried off. After throwing on a pair of sweats and a beater, I called up my driver and let him know to be waiting. My hat (as always) was my final touch before I basically ran out the room. I could see the elevator door closing as I got closer to it...

Me- Hold the elevator

I saw a hand stop the doors from closing right before I hurried inside. With how fast I was moving I didn't even see the other person but I knew it was just us. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath. When I heard his voice though, my spine tingled...

B.o.B- You too huh

I opened my eyes and looked over. B.o.B was standing there rocking a pair of jogging pants and a white v-neck...

Me- Yea. We was playing kinda hard last night

B.o.B- Y'all were partying hard last night

Me- Oh really and you wasn't

B.o.B- I wasn't

Me- So why you running late then

B.o.B- Umm I guess you can say it was a private after party in my suite

Me- Damn you ain't invite me

B.o.B- (Chuckles) You wouldn't have even been able to handle it, especially not the way you boys had to carry you to your room. You would've been completely whiskey dicked

Me- (Laughs) I don't even remember none of that. Hopefully my driver assumed I needed a coffee so I can best this headache

B.o.B- Driver? I thought you wasn't one of them Hollywood rappers like that

Me- Na it ain't even like that. I live in New Orleans, my hometown. I don't drive in LA traffic. Sucks though these drivers don't got no type of personality. It be a boring ass ride

B.o.B- Just ride with me then. We goin to the same place and I probably got sum'n better than coffee to take care of that headache

Me- You sure

B.o.B- Yea. We gonna be cooped up on a tour bus together anyway. Might as well get a early start on being around each other

Me- Aight. That don't sound like a bad idea at all

The elevator dinged and he looked away. As the door opened, we both tried to walk out at the same time and ran into each other...

Me- My bad

B.o.B- You good

He stepped aside allowing me to go first. It's a good thing I did because if he would've walked in front of me my eyes would have been glued to that nice plump ass he's packing. He didn't sag much but the times I seen it, it as mind blowing. He's just so skinny and his ass his so big, it's hard to believe it's just for show but nothing he's said or done has given me any indication that he swings my way. I could feel my dick starting to inflate as I though about him. Even though I tried to keep my mind in other places it was impossible to think about anything else when he's only a few inches behind me. We walked out the doors, when his car pulled up I was stunned. He was driving an all white Lamborghini Aventador with the Rasta colored racing stripe going down the middle. It was almost as sexy as him...

B.o.B- You gone get in or just stare

Me- I don't know yet

He burst out laughing as we both made our way to the car. I mean I've seen these cars but this one was just wow like that's the only way I could describe it. When I opened the door the Rasta styled interior was fresh as fuck. We got in and he reached over towards my leg causing me to jump...

B.o.B- Chill dude. I'm not like that I was reaching for this

He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a black case. When he opened it up I was smacked by the glorious scent of sour diesel. He pulled out the stogie and put the case back then sparked up as he pulled off. I tried to hold back but I had to put the topic...

Me- What did you mean when you said you weren't "like that"

B.o.B- Huh

Me- When you reached for the glove compartment

B.o.B- Oh. Shyd you flinched like I was bout ta touch yo leg or sum'n. I was just reassuring you that I'm not on no gay shit or nothing

Me- Oh oh ok. I was just asking

B.o.B- Yea I know how it is out here. You never know who in the closet, know what I mean

Me- Hell yea. It's crazy out here

B.o.B- Shyd you ain't gotta tell me. My first album release party I thought I hit the jackpot when these four girls approached me. We got back to the room and found out one of em was a nigga

Me- (Laughs) Dayum. What you do

B.o.B- Kick that nigga out SAP. I wasn't gon put my hands on em because that's bad for my career but he had to go

Me- And what about the other ones

B.o.B- I made em all show me the pussy before I dove in

Me- Right. Right

B.o.B- You ain't had nothing like that happen to you yet

Me- Nope. All my action be a-1

Mainly because I knew what I was about to fuck. Now I'm 1000% he's straight. Most straight guys can't tell when a good tranny is is their midst. So much for some Bobby Ray action on this tour. I mean theirs other options but he's been my ultimate celebrity crush since "Nothin' On You". It was already hard trying not to fanboy over him when we did "Numb", turns out that wasn't shit. Now imma have to endure a year of him in person without coming on to him. This tour just became Survivor. Once we finally pulled up at the 40 acre land that was Cash Money Manor, we were high as hell and it was 12:50pm. We were buzzed into the property and he pulled up behind the last car in the row of 12 cars. It took us a while but when we finally found where everybody was I was shocked. Every artist was still looking like they just arrived in the huge makeup room. As we made our way in I could hear the other artist talking about how their were no make up artist, no

photographers, no background or anything. The only thing here was 18 artist, a few with drinks, and weed in the air. B.o.B walked over and chatted it up with Ti while I walked to the back corner where Drake sat next to Trey. They were casually talking as I sat down next to Drake...

Drake- Finally

Me- Shut up

Trey- Imma go see what Chris up to

Drake- Trey? Trey

Trey got up and left without speaking to me or responding to Drake...

Me- What's wrong with the diva now

Drake- Well in addition to us waiting for the photographers, he don't like you and you sat down

Me- Oh please ain't nobody worried bout him

Drake- Anyway what took you so long

Me- We were riding but traffic is a bitch

Drake- What you mean we

Me- Oh, B.o.B gave me a ride. We were in the same hotel

Drake- That's all he did

Me- Don't even start. It's disappointing

Drake- What he gotta baby dick or sum'n

Me- He's straight

Drake- And what's that sposed to mean

Me- No he didn't have to tell me or anything, my gaydar didn't go off once the entire time

Drake- Damn. I was hoping he was swinging. Shyd I wanna take a crack at that myself. Well I got Trey & you got ur new bae

Me- Oh yea tell me the whole story with this new bae

Drake- Well as you know we was getting wild last night. The dance floor was pitch black too, like you couldn't even see the person next to you forreal so for some of us that was the perfect opportunity to really let loose. Niggas was twerking on each other, coping feels, kissing, just going all out

Me- Was I apart of all that

Drake- Hell yea. You was the most turnt one. You started throwing em back heavy. Then I had to start watching you

Me- So is this where "he" comes in

Drake- I'm getting there. So then when I took you to the bathroom and waited outside, ASAP Rocky goes in about 2 minutes later. Then like 15 minutes go by and when I went in there you and him was nowhere in sight. But then I heard a moan. So then locked the door and checked under the stalls and there y'all was. I saw you standing towards the toilet and he looked like he was sitting in the toilet

Me- Wait so I got some head from him, how that make him bae

Drake- If you stop interrupting me I will get there. So anyway after I hear you cum he started saying something all I heard was ok. Then out of nowhere you moaned like you was taking some dick for a minute then the moans was muffled. About another 45 minutes went by and y'all came out the stall, which y'all were both scared by me. When y'all were at the sinks cleaning up, he hugged yu from behind and you threw a hand around the back of his neck then started making out with him. Once we made it back to the VIP section, y'all was all up on each other. Stealing kisses while nobody paid attention. Then when we left y'all ain't wanna separate for real

Me- I'm still confused as to how that's bae now

Drake- Nigga you said it was. Then when he got here he asked "Where bae at?" And trust me he was serious

Me- Oh my god. I was so fucked up last night how'd anybody take anything I said serious

Drake- I mean it ain't a bad thing. Now you got available action for the whole tour and he's sexy as fuck

ASAP Rocky- (Walking up to then) Who sexy as fuck

Drake- Ooh. I need ta go talk to Wayne. (Gets up & starts leaving) I'll be right back

I couldn't even look him in the face. As I watched Drake mouth something as he walked away ASAP sat down in his seat...

ASAP Rocky- So uh, things got pretty crazy last night huh

Me- Crazy? That's a hell of an understatement

ASAP Rocky- Ok. Should we talk about it

Me- I honestly was too drunk to remember but I'm sure it was great

ASAP Rocky- Well that sucks

Me- Why

ASAP Rocky- Because I was hoping you would remember our little talk

Me- Actually I don't, but maybe you can help jog my memory

ASAP Rocky- Well long story short we kinda agreed to a simple friends with benefits situation but after last night I'm not sure if that's what I want

Me- Oh. What do you want then

ASAP Rocky- Well the very detailed dream I had about you, well us, made me think about it and maybe we could try a relationship

I almost choked on my own breath at the word. Not only do I not date other guys forreal, but I don't even do relationships forreal. On top of that we're about to be working together for a whole year. I mean he's cute but not boyfriend cute, plus I hardly know anything about him...

Me- Umm doesn't a relationship demand you to actually know the person you're with

ASAP Rocky- Yea and

Me- We don't know anything about each other

ASAP Rocky- I'm prepared to spend the entire tour finding out everything I can about you

Me- Ok look, I don't do relationships with guys. Especially the way my career taking off right now. I can't afford to be spotted too close to somebody who already has gay rumours floating around

ASAP Rocky- Damn

Me- Hey I'm sorry but if I'm not being honest then I'm not being myself

ASAP Rocky- Na it's cool. It's just that I tend to get attached to people so fast

Me- I mean there's no reason we can't be friends though. I'm gonna need somebody other than Drake and Nicki to keep me entertained

ASAP Rocky- Oh so now I'm just entrainment

Me- I mean according to Drake you were pretty entertaining last night

ASAP Rocky- Well I had some help with that

Me- So, (Picks up a blunt from the ash tray on the table beside him, lights it, then passes it to ASAP), to new friends

ASAP Rocky- (Takes the blunt and hits it) With a few benefits I hope

Me- We'll have to see about that

ASAP Rocky- Whatever. You know I'm irresistible

Me- Cute, yes. Irresistible, I'm not to sure about that

ASAP Rocky- Shyd, I bet if I kissed you right now you wouldn't pull away

Me- Oh. Who knew ASAP Rocky had such a huge ego

ASAP Rocky- It's not the only big thing I got. Oh and it's Rakim

Me- Rakim? Well considering we're in a room full of people who could out us, I would pull away if you kissed me right now

ASAP Rocky- Say what you want but it won't change my mind

Their was a long lingering stare between us. Our faces seemed to have been moving closer to each other. As soon as we got close enough to sneak in a kiss, Birdman walked in with his assistant...

Birdman- Alright. The photographers and make up crew is pulling up to the house right now. As soon as they get you all together, your gonna be paired up with one other person you collaborated with. We need 5 good shots so the faster you give us what we need, the faster we can officially kick off this tour. Oh I almost forgot, after I got all of you to sign on in one meeting the big guys decided to add 6 more to the roster

We were all caught off guard by that news. I mean it's not like were not already 10 packed on a bus, now what we're adding 3 to each bus. Birdman stepped aside and in walked: Kendrick Lamar, Alicia Keys, J. Cole, Arianna Grande, Eminem, and Tyga...

Birdman- Now for the paired shots. Your pairs are as follows:

  1. Wayne & Jeremiah

  2. Chris & Tyga

  3. Abel & Arianna

  4. Tip & Iggy

  5. Rihanna & Eminem

  6. Pharrell & Miguel

  7. Ne-Yo & Jason

  8. Big Sean & Kendrick

  9. ASAP & Drake

  10. Nicki & Alicia

  11. J. Cole & Trey

  12. Future & Usher

  13. B.o.B & August

Seriously? I have to now be tortured by being close to him again....

Birdman- So while the photographers get set up, I want y'all to pair up & start working on some poses our sum'n so we can get through these real quick because we are behind schedule

Lil Wayne- Behind schedule? Where we gotta be

Birdman- Your assistants will give you the itinerary after we finish the shoot

Me- So what kind of events are we doing

Birdman- Talk shows, radio interviews, school appearances, autograph signings, more photo shoots, everything

B.o.B- And everybody doing them

Birdman- It'll rotate with each new state. So while some well be super busy, others can rest up. Now I got more business to handle so get to work

As Birdman left, all the artist found their opposites. I watched as some partnered up with joy and others as if they didn't even care. Without me noticing B.o.B had taken the seat next to me...

B.o.B- You alright

Me- Yea just zoned out for a minute

B.o.B- That good herb ah do that to you

Me- Boa you and never lied. So how we bout ta do these pics

B.o.B- I don't care. We can do some back to back poses, shoulder to shoulder, you down in front me standing in the back, or vice versa. Just have fun with it

Me- Alright sounds like a plan

B.o.B- I wish they hurry up and get this shit over with though

Me- It ain't like you got somewhere to be

B.o.B- I just don't like waiting.

Me- Ooh impatient are we

B.o.B- Just a lil bit

Me- (Whips out his phone) That's why I have this on hand

B.o.B- You saying that like I don't have a phone

Me- No. I'm just saying that maybe while you're waiting you could be working on some lyrics to pass the time

B.o.B- Oh. So what you got then

Me- What you taking bout

B.o.B- Lemme hear sum'n. Sum'n not off the album

Me- Na

B.o.B- Come on

Me- No

B.o.B- Why not

Me- Because I don't want to

B.o.B- Then let me read em to myself

Me- No

B.o.B- Damn I just wanna see what you got

Me- No. Why do it matter so much

B.o.B- It don't. I'm just tryna waste time by fucking with you

Me- Man I'm too high for this shit

B.o.B- Ain't no such thing as too high. Theirs high, then theirs high as hell, and finally fucking high

Me- (Laughs) You stupid

We both started laughing. As soon as I saw it I couldn't look away. While he was laughing his smile was just gorgeous. I'm a sucker for a perfect smile and he has one. I could feel that I was smiling and of course I knew I was staring at the pure perfection in front of me. He glanced at me as I was staring and of course I was so caught up in my own fantasies that I barely noticed...

B.o.B- You good

Me- (Snapping out of it) Yea

B.o.B- Aight

Thankfully the makeup teams, hair stylist, and stylist rushed into the dressing room. Then everything kicked into overdrive. The stylist were laying out outfits, shoes, and accessories while a line was built up for people to get dressed in the bathroom, didn't care for privacy and got dressed in front of everyone (not that anybody was really focused on anyone else), while others took care of makeup first. While my stylist worked on my hair I looked into the mirror in front of me and I could see into the mirror on the wall behind me. Yet again I have to be tortured but the sight of B.o.B. I could see him pull off his shirt revealing his tight body, then he dropped his pants and I couldn't believe the size of the tent in his boxers. I mean for a skinny guy he was packing. It must be at least 6 inches and it's not even hard. I could feel my own dick rising and instantly I looked away and thought about something else. With the mental images of Rasputia from

Norbit and Big Momma wrapped in the towel on Big Mommas House 3, I was able to get soft. Around the room, everyone who was completely dressed were in all white with gold accessories. B.o.B was dressed in a white Versace ensemble looking like an angel. About 30 minutes went by and everyone was dressed, the hair stylist and makeup artist were putting on their final touches as the first couple of groups went out for their pictures. Since they were going by twos I assumed we'd be going last. Time flew by, all of the stylist were gone and it was only us. I was on my phone venting. I couldn't keep in all my urges, thoughts, and feelings so I write them down. I figured no one ever gets a hold on my phone anyways so why not. Then while I was getting into it, B.o.B snatched it from my hands. When I tried to get it back he ran from me...

Me- Give it back

B.o.B- I just wanna read the lyrics

Me- No

I got close enough and tackled him onto a couch. We wrestled as I tried to get my phone back. He was a lot stronger than he looked too. Then we fell on the floor with him now on top of me. He sat on my stomach and held it in the air. I squirmed beneath him trying to wiggle from under him as he fought away my reaching hands with his free hand. Then I lifted up my lower half causing him to hop up, then as he came down I grabbed the back of his head, pulled him chest to chest with me, and rolled us over. With my hands on either side of his head, I was on top of him in between his legs with our crotches now pressed together. We both were frozen with our faces only a couple inches apart. He was staring into my eyes and I was staring into his. I knew that I should just grab my phone and get up but I don't want to. Because finally I'm feeling something between us. Something was telling me that in this moment, it's ok for me to act on my urges and I listened. I

filled the space between us and smashed my lips against his. His soft, plump lips against mines were everything I dreamed of. To my surprise he grabbed the back of my head and deepened the kiss. It felt amazing. Something was different about his kiss that I've never received before from anyone. It was almost electric. I can't pinpoint what it is but I like it. He licked my lips and I opened them allowing tongues to come into play. While we kissed, I slowly started grinding into him. I could feel him moaning into my mouth. I'm surprised he hasn't pushed me off yet but then again he's so wrapped up in the pleasure of everything that he probably doesn't care. Me on the other hand, my focus was completely on him. His lips, the smooth warn skin of his neck, his hands running up and down my arms, I just knew by the feeling that it couldn't be wrong and it couldn't be my imagination...

(B.o.B POV)

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh shit. What am I doing? Why am I kissing him back? Why haven't I pushed him off and beat his ass? Why is my dick hard right now? Seriously I've never been intimate with a guy before and I never wanted to, but something about this kiss won't let me stop. Then he's causing friction between our dicks, and it feels fucking great. But I gotta stop it, I'm not gay. Then I did it. I pushed him off of me and quickly hopped to my feet. He was stunned, staring into space. Neither of us could say anything. I tossed his phone into his lap and sat down on the couch. He got up and sat next to me...

August- I'm sorry man. I just got caught up in the moment

Me- Their was a moment

August- Ok then more accurately, I got caught up in you

Me- Look it's cool. It was just a mistake. I know you didn't mean it

August- Actually I did. I've been wanting to do that since you got into the music business

Me- What you mean

August- Look, I've had a crush on you since I saw you. When we recorded Numb together & performed together, it was hell for me not to be able to say anything

Me- Wait a minute, so you a fag

August- Could you just not use that word? And no, I'm bisexual. I like men and women

Me- What the fuck

August- Look, I know your straight and I'm sorry I kissed you but you can't deny that you, even for a little bit, you enjoyed it

Me- Aww hell na, don't try to push your lifestyle on me. I'm not fucking gay. I like women, pussy. I'm not with that gay shit

Before August could fix his mouth to say something, the photographers walked in calling us to set. We both followed them into the huge living room filled with different backgrounds. I was still stuck on what went down in the room. There's no way my words didn't strike a cord. The entire way to set he was staring at the floor. But at the same time, I'm salty. August was gon be homie for this tour, now he tells me that he has some long lasting crush on me. For the business, I'll do what I have to but I don't think an actual friendship is possible, which sucks because he's actually a cool dude. And he's an amazing kisser....wait what the fuck am I thinking. See this nigga got my mind all fucked up. We got in front of the camera and blocked out the last half an hour. On camera, in sure we look like friends. I even took it a step up by jokingly pulling him into a headlock when the photographer asked for is too have some me fun. We started laughing and playing

around taking snap after snap. We were supposed to only do give pics but I guess they had more time for us since we were last. Once we finished our set, all the other artist rushed over and we started the group pics. Instead of moving as far away as possible from August, I swallowed my bullshit and stood right next to him since I noticed everyone was still next to their partner. We took a series a regular photos, then we took a couple goofy ones...

Photographer- Alright & that's a wrap

Everybody cheered...

Birdman- Ok now that's over with, it's time to change into something comfortable and load up the buses. Your assistants have already packed your luggage. The crew will be riding in their own bus and the new additions will spilt even between the 2 buses for you guys. Alright, I believe that's everything so you got 20 minutes til we're on our way to the east coast

Everybody made their way to the dressing room. I could see August taking to Drake about something serous. Once Drake glanced at me, I knew that I was the hot topic. I feel pissed and bad at the same time. Pissed because now I'm gonna always feel like he's watching me, bad because I'm basically writing him off because of his sexual orientation and that's not how I roll. Maybe I'll talk to him when we get some alone time. In the dressing room everybody rushed to get out of the outfits. Everybody was rapidly changing into road clothes.Soon as I took off my shirt I looked around and I could see August looking dead at me. I quickly got dressed and hurried out to the buses. When I walked in I saw the driver in his seat and then a door. Through the door was a sort of lounge area with a 50 inch plasma on the wall, 2 couches on each side of the aisle, then a booth further back on the left side, with the bathroom right there behind it, on the right side behind the

couch was a refrigerator, a counter with a microwave, and a floor to ceiling cabinet. Through the last door was the beds, with six bunk beds on each side of the aisle, and a single bed along the back wall. Instantly I claimed the bed that was by itself. Feeling a little overwhelmed at the things that just went down not too long ago, I just put my headphones in and laid down. I don't even know why this shit got me tripping so bad. I mean accidents happen. Then again I know damn well it wasn't an accident. He admitted to having a crush on me and wanting to kiss me. Why did I kiss him back though? I know what I like and that's females, not dudes. As I laid there slipping further and further into my sleep, my thoughts wondered more freely. Sometimes when I think to hard I find it harder and harder to come up with the answer or solution to the problem. But then I'll have these moments where when my thoughts flow freely I'll get it. Now it just came to me. I

know why did it. Why I kissed him back. I kissed him back because as soon as his lips touched mine, I wanted it too. In fact, I wanted it so much that it scared me. I've always liked women and men liking men just seemed so wrong so when I realized how much I wanted him, I felt it was wrong so I ended it. Now I don't know how to go about fixing it...


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight (Chapter 4 coming soon), The Sugar Shack (Chapter 2 on hold), Perfect Pitch, Pairings (Chapter 4 in the works), and Puppy Love (Chapter 16 in progress)


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