The Tour

By socrazii92

Published on Sep 21, 2014



PS: More character may be added along the way upon popular demand.

Ch.1: Intro

(August Alsina POV)

I really don't get why so many people want to be famous. I mean, it has its perks: the money, the fans, performing, interviews, all types of shit. But then you have the rumors, the nosey ass reporters, or lie today, the early morning meetings. 8 in the fucking morning for a meeting. I'm not even all the way woke at 8 in the morning. But like they say, its the price of fame. Its 6:30 in the morning and I have to sumble through a shower, brushing my teeth, getting my head together, damn. I was lying like hell when I was writing "I Luv This Shit".

I rolled over and started my day how I normally do, with a phat ass blunt. After I hit it like 3 times I stood up and dragged my feet all the way to the bathroom then turned on the shower. I still had a lot of blunt left and I wouldn't doubt it lasting through the whole morning routine.

I dropped my boxers and stepped under the water, making sure to hold my blunt out of the way of the water. Like always, I had my morning wood to take care of. Normally id have some groupie or hotel staff help me out but that's only if I don't have early plans. See unlike most people while I love getting head, I can't just get head. If somebody sucking my dick, then I'm fucking something. Best part of being me is that I can have just about anybody I want, bitches and niggas.

Mostly everybody in this business is bisexual. When you lead the lives we do, it becomes all about the pleasure thing. We have way too much stress to beat around the bush. Me personally I like the feminine side of females but its when it comes to guys its everything about them. They way they act, the way they talk, their bodies, and its nothing better then a guy with a tight bussy. I can honestly say that im way more into guys then girls. So now I'm faced with a new question: who will I be jacking off to today?

Last nights party definitely had a few prospects. It was my album release party so you know all the sexy mufuckas was out. My nigga Lil Wayne came through wit my bitch Nicki. Both of them was looking bad as fuck. I swear I should've rolled with them last night, probably could've had the threesome of a lifetime. Wayne probably got one of the best asses I done fucked so far, its like 2 soft, meaty mounds and the tightest but still wettest hole. He just whines too damn much. Always screaming how much it hurt when I go too fast or hit it too hard, then he want me to hit it slow and be all sensual, like he be doin way too much. Thinking about Wayne was doing it for me but now I'm back where I started with less time.

Who else was looking good last night? Oooh ASAP Rocky was teasing me all night. He so fucking sexy and he knows it. From what I heard, he was a triple threat in the bedroom. Good tongue game, good dick game, and good ass. Judging by how it be stuffed in his pants I wouldn't doubt it. I don't know if it was intentional or not but I could swear in the club he copped him a feel of my ass when he walked passed me. But I didn't mind at all. I do it too when I see something I like.

Speaking of something I like, B.o.B was looking good too. He always did but last night right before we took the stage for "Numb" I noticed the huge bulge in the front of his pants. Now I haven't heard much about him in the industry which I guess is why I'm so intrigued by him. Besides in the studio I've never really hung with him, which is somethin I regret. I hear he's a really cool dude to fuck with. Shockingly, I haven't heard anything about him in action, maybe he's one of the few entertainers that really is straight. But I do wonder what I might feel to have him fucking me into the mattress. I put my blunt out on the side of the tub, then put my fingers in my ass and my hand around my dick, I was imagining what a night with B.o.B would be like. Him long stroking my ass like it ain't no tomorrow, some roughness, a lil ass smack here and there, just pure domination. He seemed like the rough dominating top who never fails to satisfy. Right now he didn't either as 6 shots of cum squirted on the wall.

Finally somebody did it for me. Now I can start my day. I finished my shower, turned off the water, and climbed out then headed to the sink. As i began brushing my teeth, I could here my phone going off in the other room so I hurried and answered it...

Me- Hello

Guy- Yes Mr. Alsina, you have a Drake requesting permission to visit

Me- Ok, send him up

Guy- Sure thing, he'll be up shortly

Me- Alright

I hung up and went right back to the bathtoom sink and started brushing my teeth. Don't get the wrong idea, Drake is my closest nigga in the industry. The most sexual thing we did was kiss and a little ass grabbing here & there. Other than that he was like my industry bro. We talked about everything from him & Wayne to him & Trey. Their were vurtually no secrets between us. When something happens with him, I'm the first person to know and vice versa. I heard my condo door close...

Drake- Yoooo! Where you at

Me- Bathroom

Drake- (Walking into the bathroom) Damn nigga you still ain't dressed

Me- I'm getting their

Drake- Nigga when. Its 7:26, Birdman said the meeting starts at 8

Me- He got invited too

Drake- He running the shit. I just found out today. This morning when I woke up, I was going down to the kitchen to get some food and when I walked past the bathroom I heard Wayne moaning and shit. Then Baby told him to hurry up, he gotta be in the conference room early

Me- So what you know about the meeting

Drake- Nothing. Evverything been pretty hush hush

Me- Damn

Once I was finished in the bathroom, Drake followed me into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. While he chatted about his night and the lastest hollywood bs, I was looking through my closet for anything that felt right. Easily, I grabbed a black stripped tank, a pair of black true religions, and my newest j's. A black snapback was deemed necessary as always. Now I could focus on a conversation while I got dressed...

Me- So do you know who all is sposed ta be at the meeting

Drake- A few names: Trey got invited, Wayne got invited, Breezy got invited, Nicki got invited, and ion know who else

Me- Damn sounds like trouble for you homie. Wayne and Trey

Drake- I know. But Wayne ain't really bout that shit, and Trey promised me that he wouldn't put hands on Wayne

Me- Man whatever, Trey ain't bout that shit either

Drake- What the fuck ever

Me- He wasn't on that when I was at his neck

Drake- Because he wasn't fighting over me

Me- Ain't nobody fighting over you

Drake- Shyd once I dicked em down its like they ain't got nothing better to do

Me- Ha you hyping yo own head way too much

Drake- How would you know, we ain't never fucked

Me- I'm just guessin

Drake- Exactly

Me- So, I think ASAP Rocky was flirting wit me last night

Drake- I wouldn't put it past him. When we was in the studio, he made passes at me, Kendrick, and 2 Chainz. He gotta rep for being a huge flirt. Now as far as actual hookups go, ion know too much. I would've hit but I was being faithful to Wayne at the time

Me- What were you even attracted to with Wayne? I just can't deal, he ain't cute at all

Drake- I'll admit he ain't too cute in the face but once you take off all the cloths, you got a nice, tight, sculpted body, he's packing 10 inch of steel, and that ass is fire, I'm telling you. If you get chance to hit, take it

Me- Na I'll pass, he ain't my type

I was finished getting dressed, once I assesorized we were out. Of course Drake just had to have a driver instead of driving himself but that's not none of my business. The ride was smooth, with both of us tuned into the world of social media. Just for kicks we had a brief selfie photo shoot. Then once I posted the pics, they instantly started doing numbers. Even when I wasn't famous my pics did numbers but now that i was their wasn't a single pic of me that didn't get commas in likes and/or comments. I love that aspect of my life.

We pulled up to an office building downtown that already had a few reporters in front of the building. If I had to guess, I would say we were either one of the last to arrive or the last to arrive. As soon as the driver opened the door, mics were thrusted at our faces and cameras were on us. But these particular situations was not the time for press. Business meetings were always intented to be private and no info was to be released til after the fact. So of course we just had to push our way through the crowd and into the office building. We got in the elevator and Drake hit the 5th floor button. Once we reached the 5th floor, Drake lead us to conference room 5A. We both walked inside and were meet with Birdman standing at the head of the table and 18 other artist. Now it got interesting, looking around the room I knew everyone in attendance going clockwise around the table....

  1. Lil Wayne

  2. Nicki Minaj

  3. Trey Songz

  4. Chris Brown

  5. The Weeknd

  6. Future

  7. Pharell Williams

  8. Miguel

  9. Iggy Azeala

  10. Ti

  11. ASAP Rocky

  12. Usher

  13. Big Sean

  14. Rihanna

  15. Ne-Yo

  16. Jason Derulo

  17. Jeremih

  18. B.o.B

Damn. Now I'm really wondering what's going on. Drake and I took the final 2 seats with me sitting next to B.o.B. Even though we worked on Numb together, I was nervous sitting next to him. I mean come on the guy is sexy ass hell and then you throw that accent on top of it its like DAYUMMM. I hope he don't do too much talk cause just the sound of his voice could cause this table to flip over. Ok, enough drooling over my super crush, what does Baby have in store for us today...

Birdman- Now that our last 2 nominees are here we can this thang poppin. So I know all you must be wondering what y'all are doing here? A few months ago, you all entered yourselves in a popularity poll. Rather it be your personality, your music, your performance, your appearence, whatever, you all were in the top 20. Now for the next faze of this thing, you all are going on tour

We all applauded at that. A few of them looked confused as to how they made it but they did so everybody was relitively happy...

Birdman- Now with this tour, we're doing a week in every state in the US. Throughout the week, they'll be a number of rehearsals and promotional events for all of you. Its set to be 2 shows per state so Day 1 & 2 will be rehearsals and promos, then Day 3 promos in the morning, dress rehearsals in the afternoon, the evenings you'll have some down time, then all the shows will begin at 10. After the shows, we move to then next city and repeat the same process. Then the 7th day we relax. Now any questions so far (Rihanna raised her hand)

Rihanna- So what about after we do every US state? They'll still be 2 weeks left

Birdman- Good question. So we obviously have to end in the US, so we have a week for London and then I decided to give you all the week of Christmas off. Our last show will be on New Years Eve, in Times Square. And we're all gonna do the countdown together. So any questions after that. (No one had any) So moving on, one of the big thing we are stressing with this is the unity of performers, so a part of this tour will focus on you all getting along with each other to show how a bunch of talented performers can drop all the bullshit beef and come together to create something amazing. That being said, each time we arrive in a new city, you all will be randomly paired up with a roomate. You will do promo shoots together, interviews, all that. We're all mature adults so that will include of ladies as well. Now are their any questions after that (B.o.B raises his hand)

B.o.B- All I wanna is what that paper gone look like

Nicki- Yea, you gotta phatten the pockets, and give me the ism's to put the cash in my hands

Birdman- (Chuckles) So, with this battalion of performers, of course each venue has to hold at least 500,000 fans. So its automatically a 20K signing bonus for the tour, then we get 50% of the ticket sales with $40 being the cheapest of all the venues, and also 250Gs per show. So you tell me how that sounds

Everybody turnt up for a brief moment, then calmed down so we could finish the meeting...

Birdman- (Handing Wayne a stack of folders with each performers name) Now coming around is a stack of folders, find the one with your name and inside is your contracts. The areas for you to initial is highlighted yellow and where you sign is in orange. Once you're finish signing, we done here

Everyone was done with this part pretty quickly...

Birdman- Alright, now that that's over with. Party tonight at Sound Nightclub. All of you need to attend. Tomorrow photo shoot at the Cash Money Manor. Saturday night be at Cash Money Manor with your luggage and all stylist will be contacted and will have your wardrobe where it needs to be and when it needs to be there. Oh and I almost forgot, we will be doing this old fashioned and we're split up 10 on each tour bus and I will be following behind in my own ride

And right there, everybodies jaw dropped as if he just told us we had to perform naked or something. A few of us gave eye contact with each other so that we could all be on the same bus. Childish right...

Birdman- Oh and if you would pay close attention to everybody on your side of the table, that's whose on your bus. That's everything. See y'all tonight

And that was the benediction. Birdman walked out of the room and everyone else followed. From the time I walked out of the conference room to the time me and Drake got into the car, I was spaced out. I just kept thinking about how hard its gonna be to contain myself on a bus with B.o.B for a whole year. Something was bound to happen between us rather it be bad or good. I knew because throughout the meeting I kept catching him staring at me. Why else would he be looking at me that way without thinking about what it'd be like to kiss me, or something like that? I mean I'm sort of in the closet so I know when someone else is. Or at least normally I do. I just wonder what's gonna happen next, hopefully its something I enjoy...


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight (Chapter 3 on hold), Pairings (Chapter 3 on hold), The Sugar Shack (Chapter 2 in progress), Perfect Pitch, and Puppy Love (Chapter 13 coming soon)



Next: Chapter 2

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