The Touch

By Myke D

Published on Apr 14, 2020


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The Touch Volume 1

"The Void"

By: Myke D

Part 2: Connections

Chapter 12: Summer Choir

Eastwood High Academy had a special party at the end of the school year that included a small carnival. Mrs. Grant had reminded us about it numerous times during the last few weeks of school. The Varsity Choir was going to perform during the festival, and Natalie and Greg had decided to make sure that my parents had been invited. I had originally planned on sweet talking Natalie into letting me stay the night with them, so I wouldn't even have to tell my family about the annual event. Natalie had apparently thought I would be using that as an excuse early on and decided that she would take it upon herself to let my mother know about it. That was how I found myself stuck between my brother and sister the next day as my dad drove all of us down to my old middle school. I had texted Chad when we were on our way, and he had decided to meet us out front of the school.

"Hey, Zachar..." Chad's face went red in embarrassment once he caught what he said. "Oh boy, I mean... Wow, Zyan. You've just gotta make this difficult."

I grinned at the older boy.

"It's taken me some time to get used to, also." I said with a giggle.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery." Chad greeted my mom and dad with a smile before he turned to say hello to Sarah and Kyan as well. "Zyan and I have to get backstage. Natalie and Greg wanted me to tell you that they saved some seats for you guys up front."

I groaned inwardly as I thought about the fact that my entire family was going to be up front to see me mess up. Chad had excused me from several of the rehearsals for the show due to the fact that they were going to do a few songs from the beginning of the school year. My only job during that time was to play the piano. I had made Natalie swear to keep the specifics of the show away from my parents. I could freak myself out beforehand enough. I didn't want anybody fussing over me anymore than they had been. Kyan grabbed my hand for a moment as everyone else walked forward.

"Are you going to be okay?" Kyan asked me quietly.

"Yeah, Kyan." I told him honestly. "Music is one of the few things that has kept me happy for the past few years. As long as mom and dad don't embarrass me, I'll be fine."

"Good luck with that, baby brother!" Kyan said with a snort before he turned my attention to where my mom and dad were showing Chad some pictures on their cellphones. I groaned as Chad glanced up at me and winked.

"You won't even need to use your phone during the show, Mr. Montgomery." Chad said as he walked with my mom and dad. "Mrs. Grant hired a studio to come in and record our performance. I'm in charge of distributing the copies to parents, so I'll make sure you're set to get a copy!"

I chuckled as my father reached over and patted Chad's shoulder.

"Thanks, Chad." My father said with a smile. "Lauren and I would both appreciate that."

"Anything for the parents of my favorite singer..."

Chad's statement caught me off guard for a moment until he glanced back at me and smiled. Kyan poked me in my side.

"I think he likes you, baby brother." My twin teased me with a giggle. "I think dad approves, too."

I froze in my tracks as I realized what my brother had said. He knew about me. My father knew. I felt my heart beginning to race in my chest as the lump formed in my throat. Suddenly, Chad was in front of me and pulled me into a hug. I took a deep breath and sighed as everything in the moment felt right all of a sudden. It was like I had been waiting for someone to hold me like that for an eternity. It wasn't like my family hugged me. It wasn't like the hugs I got from Natalie or Greg, or even Toby for that matter. I felt Chad's embrace clear down to my core like his very soul was holding me tightly in its own embrace. My mind instantly cleared.

"Wow," I whispered in disbelief.

"Come on," Chad said with a light laugh as he pulled away from me.

"Well then," Kyan said with a mystified tone and an amused grin on his face. "I definitely approve."

I groaned and followed Chad towards the school. My mother stopped me and pulled me into a hug as I tried to slip passed her.

"You're not getting away that easy, mister." She chuckled as she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, Zyan. No matter what."

My father reached out and was about to ruffle my hair, but I quickly pulled back with a pained expression on my face. Sarah had already warned me not to mess up her masterpiece. She had something special planned for me after the show, and she insisted that I had to look good enough for where we were going.

"Don't you dare touch his hair," Sarah chided our dad and he instantly pulled his hand back. "I did not spend over an hour working on his look just for you to run your fingers through it, old man."

"Good luck, baby boy." My mother said as my sister continued to berate our other parent. "Hurry up, so you're not late."

"Thanks, mom." I kissed her cheek before I followed Chad into the school.

Mrs. Grant greeted us at the door to the Choir Room and had me slip into one of the black robes that she kept from one of the school's plays. The idea was to hide me from sight until it came time for my first solo. Only then, would my costume be removed, and I would be introduced for the remaining part of the concert. The best part was that the other members of the choir were going to be doing the reveal. All I had to do was sit there and sing...

"Guys," Mrs. Grant began once we were all ready to walk to the auditorium. "I would just like to take a moment to say that you have been one of the best groups of performers to come through these halls in the past few years. You've managed to overcome obstacles that many teenagers your age would have failed at due to the way you've come together as a family. It has been an honor for me to work with each and every one of you, and I hope that next year is just as great – if not better. Geoff, and Carla." Mrs. Grant paused and smiled. "You are moving on to high school after this. Bigger and better things. But, never forget the people that are following along behind you and remember to help them when they find themselves being the new people in school. Zyan Montgomery," I turned at the sound of my name and found the teacher smiling at me. "You haven't been with us very long, young man, and you've been through more than anybody could possibly imagine. Things that have shaped you into the person standing with us, today. For you, I have to say thank you, Zyan."

"Why?" I asked nervously.

Mrs. Grant smiled at me as tear fell down her cheek.

"I want to thank you for reawakening the reason inside all of us as to why we even do this," the teacher said with a slight incline of her head. "You have touched each and every one of us from the moment we first heard you play the piano just a couple months ago. I only wish that we would have found you sooner, so that your time with us didn't have to be so short."

"Wait," Heather interrupted in disbelief. "What do you mean, Mrs. Grant?"

I felt myself flush, but Chad put his arm across my shoulders and answered for me.

"As you know, our little friend here wasn't who he thought he was." Chad squeezed my shoulders when he felt me tremble slightly. "The person that we all knew as Zachary had been kidnapped from his family when he was two. The day after school let out, our dear friend happened to find his family once again."

"I thought they had just discovered that Zach wasn't his name," Samantha said in confusion.

"I was a little vague on the details," Mrs. Grant said with a slight chuckle.

"Man, the news reports were all wrong." Heather shook her head for a moment. Samantha laughed nervously and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well then," Samantha said as she brushed her red hair off of her shoulders. "Let's make this the best performance we've ever had!"

We all cheered together and hugged before Mrs. Grant led us towards the auditorium. Chad grabbed my hand and pulled me to him as we waited in the wings of the stage. We could hear everyone in the auditorium talking amongst themselves as they waited for the show to begin. I felt myself beginning to grow nervous until the dark-haired boy slid his arms around my waist and held me against his chest.

"So, your brother approves?" HE whispered in my ear making me blush.

I nodded hesitantly.

"What about you, Zyan?" Chad's voice was low and breathy, and I turned to face him. "Do you approve, also?"

I grinned sheepishly at Chad and nodded again.

"I approve..."

"Good," he said. "I've been waiting months to do this..."

I gasped as Chad pressed his lips against mine. My body instantly melted against his and I sighed deeply. I felt warm all over and every single bit of unease I felt that day left my body in an instant. Chad pulled back slightly and nuzzled my nose with his.

"It's about time," Samantha teased us. "I thought we were going to have to lock the two of you in a room together."

Her comment didn't even phase me as I stared into Chad's emerald green eyes. He squeezed my waist slightly and smiled at me.

"You're beautiful, Zyan." Chad whispered before he kissed me again.

I blushed as Chad pulled back from me. The auditorium suddenly grew quiet as Mrs. Grant stepped out onto the stage with a microphone in her hand. I continued to stare at Chad for a moment until he suggested that it was time for us to take our places. I pulled the hood over my head and made sure that the robe would fall away when certain pieces of it were pulled on by the other choir members. Mrs. Grant had made us practice this transition for two days straight just so we wouldn't mess it up. My only worry was the costume not holding up to all of the tugging. The moment the lights in the auditorium went dark, I headed for the piano. There was dim glow from the platform that the instrument sat on to help me see by, but I had practiced it enough that I could do it with my eyes closed. I settled myself on the bench and watched as Chad took his place at the center of the stage with several people standing in the darkness behind him.

The lights faded up slowly as I began to play the opening notes of the song, and Chad stepped up to the microphone to perform his solo. As he sang, his voice rang out through the auditorium and I felt my stomach turn in knots from how pure he sounded. The rest of the group joined in for the remainder of the set as the songs transitioned from one to another. Then, the spotlight followed Chad as he moved over to the piano and sat on the bench next to me. I knew that all of the cameras and everybody's attention was focused on me, but Chad reached down and touched my leg. The contact made my nervousness disappear completely as I transitioned into the opening chords of my own solo. Then, Chad reached up and slowly pulled the hood back from my head. I felt the thin snap holding the hood break easily, and my friend dropped the piece of fabric onto the ground.

I closed my eyes for only a moment as the feeling of the music washed over me before I opened my mouth to sing.

"I thought this moment would last forever..."

"I guess I was wrong..."

"I used to think I was meant for nothing..."

"I had to stay strong..."

I felt Samantha walk up behind me and slip her hand down the front of the robe. She popped the snap easily, and the garment fell away from my body. Chad slid closer and began to play the piano with me for the next few lines.

"How could I move on?"

"After all that I've been through..."

"I'm so lost and confused..."

"How do I carry on?"

"How do I stay strong..."

I turned away from the piano and stood to my feet. Chad wouldn't be able to help me as I moved towards the center of the stage with the robe falling apart around me. The silver shirt I wore underneath shimmered in the stage lights as the music began to crescendo.

"This is my chance..."

"This is my moment..."

"I can't let it pass me by..."

"I have to take control of my life!"

"I have to stay strong..."

"This is my moment..."

"To move on..."

"I have to move on..."

"I have to stay strong..."

The music faded to the next song as I sat down in the middle of the stage with everybody around me. Samantha put her arm across my shoulders and kissed my cheek before she started her own solo. I glanced towards the audience at one point, and saw my mother and father holding hands as they watched me with tears in their eyes. I blushed for a moment, but the feeling of Chad's arms wrapped around me flashed back into my mind, and I was suddenly able to focus on the music again. During the next song, I joined Chad at the piano until another man slipped in and played the accompaniment to the last song of the evening.

It was my turn to lead the group in the last song, and I couldn't help but smile as I stepped up to the microphone for the last time.

"Every story deserves a happy ending..."

"Every story deserves a loving couple..."

"And a mystery, that isn't quite what it seems."

Chad and Samantha joined me on either side as we sang together.

"Every story deserves a villain,"

"That thinks he knows what he's doing,"

"He's always got the master plan..."

"Every story..."

I glanced over at Chad and out at my family as I sang the next line.

"In every story someone deserves to find love..."

The entire group stepped forward into a single line as we joined our voices together.

"Every story deserves to be filled with action..."

"And every hero gets that second chance at redemption..."

"Just so they can take their final stand..."

"Every story deserves a romance..."

"Every story deserves to have a song..."

"One that will leave the people yearning..."

"Needing more..."

"Every story..."

"Every story deserves to have some magic..."

"Just a little magic..."

"To create the wonder..."

"Of the moment..."

"Just to draw in the crowd..."

"Every story..."

"Every story..."


"Every story deserves a battle..."

"That's on the verge of finally being won..."

"Every story deserves that moment..."

"When everyone realizes what they knew was wrong..."

"Every story..."

"In every story, someone deserves to be loved..."

I flinched slightly when the audience erupted into cheers. Chad pulled me into a tight hug before everybody bowed to our admirers. I felt myself flush as Mrs. Grant announced each of our names, and the entire front row began cheering loudly when she came to me. Mrs. Grant hugged each of us before she finally went to the center of the stage and thanked everybody for coming to see our show. Kyan sat there with a stunned smile on his face while Sarah had a smug grin on hers. My mother and father were cheering right along with Natalie and Greg. That's when I saw Gavin and Geoff sitting beside my foster parents. I blushed even harder as Toby yelled out that he loved me above everybody else's noise. Chad chuckled and pulled me into his side.

"So, how do I become a member of the `Zyan Fan Club'?" He asked me with a teasing grin.

I giggled and shrugged.

Kyan, Sarah, Gavin, and Toby were waiting to pounce on me the moment Mrs. Grant excused us from the Choir Room. Toby leapt into my arms and hugged me tightly while the others tried to hug me around him. Toby giggled happily in my ear.

"I finally got dibs!" He giggled with a mischievous whisper.

"I love you too, Toby." I told the boy that had been my foster brother.

My parents were with Natalie and Greg when they found us in the hallway. Sarah and Gavin were discussing my talent for the piano while Kyan just held onto my arm as if he was afraid I was going to disappear.

"That was... unexpected." My father said as he kneeled in front of me. Kyan reached over and pried Toby away from me.

"I look exactly like him, Toby." Kyan teased the boy. "You can hug me for a minute if you want."

Toby giggled and hugged my older brother.

My father reached out and took my hand in his own with a bewildered smile on his face.

"All of that, came out of your tiny self?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded slightly and let my eyes fall to the floor. My father put his hand under my chin and made me look into his green eyes. "That was the best thing that I've heard in a very long time, Zyan. Even better than the guys we had at the party, last night."

I looked at him dubiously, but he smiled and nodded.

"I don't lie, Zyan." My father reassured me before he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby boy. Don't ever hide that beautiful talent from us. I don't think I will ever get enough of your voice."


"Yes, little one." He replied with a laugh. "You gave us goosebumps, Zyan. Not even Sarah can do that."

"It's true," my sister interjected. "And, Kyan can't sing at all, so you're the singer of the group from now until forever."

Kyan laughed and shook his head.

"I can play the guitar better than you, Sarah." Kyan chided our sister before he stuck his tongue out at her.

I giggled and hugged my dad tightly again.

"I love you, dad." I told him.

"I love you too, Zyan." He replied. "Now, I believe that your sister has something planned for you this evening..."

MY father stood and handed Sarah a set of car keys.

"You better be careful, Sarah." He said sternly.

"I will, daddy." Sarah replied and kissed our dad on the cheek. Then, Sarah grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her. "Come on, little brother. We don't want to be late."

"Where are we going, Sarah?" I asked nervously. It was only my first full day back in the custody of my family, and my sister was already dragging me off on an adventure and leaving me completely in the dark about it.

"You'll find out in ten minutes, Zyan." Sarah replied with a smug grin. "You're just as impatient as Kyan is."

"I sort of have a reason to be this way," I said without thinking. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks, and her green eyes were wide in shock. I immediately dropped my gaze to the ground and tried to force myself not to cry. "Sorry... I didn't mean..."

"I'm sorry, Zyan." Sarah said as she pulled me into a tight hug. "I didn't even think about how this might affect you mentally." I tensed at her words and my sister swore under her breath. "Shit... I'm really bad at this, Zyan."

I nodded meekly and leaned into my older sibling. It surprised me that she wore the same perfume as our mother. I sighed as the scent of it relaxed me. Sarah giggled lightly and hugged me tighter.

"I'm taking you someplace that's very special to me, Zyan." My sister said softly. "We only have the place for a few minutes which is why I'm trying to hurry. I swear to you that the surprise is going to be worth it." Sarah smiled at me. "Especially, after what I heard come out of you tonight."

I blushed and hugged my sister.

"Let's go," she said and instead of releasing the hug, my sister picked me up into her arms and carried me to the car. "You're really light, Zyan. You need to eat more."

Sarah parked the car and we walked up to an older looking building with a theatre sign on the front of it. There was a ticket booth with a young woman sitting inside, and she waved at Sarah as we approached.

"Hi, Molly." Sarah greeted the cashier.

"Hey, Sarah." The cashier returned the greeting. "Hey, Kyan. Did you do something with your hair? I could have sworn that it was cut differently the other day."

I had turned my attention to the different posters hanging up on the brick walls and didn't realize that the dark-haired woman was talking to me. I did notice my sister giggling and I turned to look at her in confusion.

"What?" I demanded.

"Wait a second..." The cashier stared at me before her eyes went wide. "Oh. I'm sorry. Kyan is here all of the time with your sister... I just assumed you were him."

"Molly, this is my little brother Zyan." Sarah explained with a smile. "He's Kyan's twin."

"Why haven't I met him before?" Molly asked curiously and I felt myself cringe.

"It doesn't matter, Molly." Sarah said as she squeezed my shoulder gently. "He's back with us now."

Molly looked at the both of us in confusion for a moment before it seemed like a switch clicked in her head and her brown eyes lit up as she realized who I was. Then, the woman smiled at me and motioned for us to go ahead and enter the theatre as tiny buzzing sound started. Sarah pulled the door open and the buzz went away. Molly stepped out of the ticket booth and hugged Sarah before she reached out her hand to shake mine. I shook her hand politely before I slipped my hand into Sarah's. Molly giggled lightly.

"I trust you have one of the rehearsal rooms reserved?" Molly asked Sarah.

"No, actually." Sarah said with a smile. "Mr. Waterson is letting me use Number One for a little bit."

"How did you manage that?" The woman asked curiously.

Sarah winked at Molly and led me away from the booth.

"Come check it out in a minute, Molly." Sarah called out behind us as she led me away. "You don't want to miss it."

"Is this a trick?" I asked nervously as Sarah led me down different hallways before she stopped outside of a set of double doors.

Sarah smiled down at me.

"Absolutely not, baby brother." She reassured me. "It's just a surprise."

Then, my sister pulled the door open and led me out onto the stage of the huge theatre. It was much bigger than the stage in our high school, and I couldn't even see the back of the auditorium through the bright lights shining down on me. I gasped and spun around as I took in the sight of the different lights and how the stage was setup for a large-scale orchestra concert. There had to be over three hundred chairs set up in a half-circle with a line of percussion instruments behind them. My eyes strayed to the white grand piano that was to the right of the director's stand. I gazed at it longingly before I heard Sarah giggle. I immediately blushed and forced myself to look away.

"What if I told you that you could play it, Zyan?" Sarah whispered into my ear.

I turned to look at her to see of she was teasing me, but my sister motioned towards the piano and nodded.

"Seriously?" I asked as I felt my heart beginning tor ace in my chest. This time it wasn't from nerves or a pending panic attack. This time my heart was beating with excitement at the idea that I would get to play a piano on a stage such as the one I was standing upon.

"Seriously, Zyan." Sarah said with her smile. "Professor Waterson already gave me permission to play it tonight while it was setup."

"Why, though?" I asked her.

"Because, I asked him nicely if I could," my sister said simply. "Now, play the thing, Zyan." She laughed and pushed me towards the piano. "Geesh, buddy. Kyan would be all over the thing if I let him in here right now."

"Kyan hasn't played it?" I asked curiously.

"Nope. He usually sits over to the side and plays his guitar," she said. Then, she pointed towards one of the chairs where I noticed a violin case placed. "I play violin over there."

I looked back at the piano and moved towards the bench. There was already a piece of music sitting on the piano, but I knew what I wanted to play. I had been listening to the song the entire week on my phone, as I tried to pick up the melody line so I could play it whenever I wanted. I ran my fingers lightly along the ivory keys before I settled on the spot for the beginning notes of "Let it Be". Out of the corner of my eye I saw my sister walk over to her chair and pull out her violin. I closed my eyes and let myself drift away with the feeling of the song.

"When I find myself in times of trouble..."

"Mother Mary comes to me..."

"Speaking words of wisdom, let it be..."

"And in my hour of darkness..."

"She is standing right in front of me..."

"Speaking words of wisdom, let it be..."

I smiled as Sarah began to lightly play from beside me, but I kept my eyes closed and just continued to feel the song.

"Let it be, let it be, let it be, oh let it be..."

"Whisper words of wisdom, let it be..."

"And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree..."

"There will be an answer, let it be..."

"For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see..."

"There will be an answer, let it be..."

Sarah continued to play along with me until the last line of the chorus when she let the sound of her instrument drift away into the background. I let the sound of the piano fade off slowly as I finished off the last line of the song with tears of happiness on my cheeks.

"Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be..."

"Whisper words of wisdom, let it be..."

"That was beautiful, baby brother!" Sarah nearly squealed as she slid onto the bench beside me and hugged me tightly.

"You helped," I said with a blush as I leaned into Sarah's hug. Sarah kissed the top of my head.

"Take some credit, baby brother." She told me. "All I did was harmonize with you. We are definitely going to have to do this more often. Good thing we have a piano at the house."

"We do?" I asked excitedly. Sarah glanced down at me in surprise.

"Haven't you even explored your own house yet, Zyan?"

I blushed and looked away from my sister in embarrassment. She grabbed my chin and turned me to look back at her.

"That house is yours as much as it is mine, baby brother." Sarah reassured me quietly. "I'm personally giving you the tour that you should have gotten yesterday when we get home."

I smiled and leaned into Sarah again.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Sarah." I said softly.

"It was my pleasure," Sarah replied.

"Mine as well," a deep bass voice boomed out from the auditorium. I jumped and turned towards the sound, but Sarah held me tightly to her side. I squinted my eyes and I could see a heavyset man with glasses walking down the center aisle towards the stage. The man smiled as he stopped just in front of the stage. "I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Professor George Waterson."

"This is my little brother Zyan, Professor." Sarah said proudly as she introduced me to the man.

"The way you play, Zyan, is truly inspiring." The orchestra director complimented me. "Sarah, please, make sure that you bring Zyan along with you for our next rehearsal. We have that dueling piano piece that I want to try."

"Of course, Professor Waterson." Sarah agreed excitedly. "I'll ask mom and dad as soon as we get home."

"You better show him around that house of yours, first." The man said with a chuckle as he walked off towards one of the side doors.

I blushed at the man's comment, but Sarah poked me in my side making me smile.

"Come on," she said with a nod towards the door. "Let's go home. Mom and dad are going to be really happy about this."

"Really?" I asked shyly.

"Absolutely, Zyan." Sarah nodded. "Mom was going crazy over the fact that you were so talented. You should have saw her face when Natalie and Greg showed us the video of you playing at school. Luckily for you, you were asleep, or mom would have smothered you with even more hugs and kisses."

"I like the hugs and kisses," I said with a blush as we walked towards the exit of the theatre.

"You're going to be getting a lot of that over the summer, just so you know." Sarah said with a light giggle. "Kyan and I have already talked about it, too."

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"We discussed how to keep you from thinking that we were getting jealous of the time mom and dad are going to be spending with you," she informed me softly. I felt myself frown at her words. I hadn't even considered how it was going to make my brother and sister feel with mom and dad giving me as much attention as they had been. Sarah immediately reached down and picked me up to hug me tightly. "The only thing we're going to be jealous of is not getting our own time with you, baby brother. Kyan and I both agree completely on this. Mom and dad have been waiting just as long as the rest of us to have you back in our lives. Our family was broken beyond repair before you reappeared in Greg's office. Dad told me that he thought he was dreaming when he first saw you. He didn't believe it. He couldn't even bring himself to move when you passed out." Sarah giggled lightly. "You should see how he watches you now, though."

"Hey, guys!" Molly greeted us as Sarah carried me past the ticket booth. "That was amazing! I can't believe I was lucky enough to witness that! I took a video of it with my phone. I'll send it to you later, Sarah."

"Thanks, Molly." Sarah thanked the older woman.

"Thanks, Molly." I said softly.

"I hope I get to hear you play again, Zyan." The woman told me pleasantly. "It was great meeting you."

"You, too."

"I'll see you Tuesday, Molly." Sarah said before we left the building and headed towards the car. Once we were outside, Sarah continued to tell me about our father. "When you were at the house Wednesday, dad followed you around continuously. If you even so much as flinched, dad was reaching out for you. It was the same way at the party yesterday, Zyan. When you fainted, it was dad that acted first. Mom was frozen with fear when you fell into her lap, but dad..." Sarah smiled. "Just remember, mom and dad need this time with you, Zyan. Almost as much as you need it with them. Kyan and I both understand, and we only want you to get better. So, if you see dirty looks coming from Kyan, they're not directed towards you. Okay? They'll be aimed at mom and dad or me for monopolizing your time."

I giggled lightly as Sarah hugged me again.

"I love you, Sarah."

I heard Sarah gasp slightly and sniffle as she rubbed my back.

"Now, I see why mom and dad have such a hard time letting you go." Sarah said quietly. "All it takes is three little words, and you've burrowed yourself completely in my heart, baby brother. I love you, too, Zyan."

**************Thanks again for reading "The Touch"! I've been getting great feedback from people for this story and my other stories, and I just want to say that I greatly appreciate all of you that have taken the time to write me! I've been trying to get back to everyone, but if I missed you – I am truly sorry!

If you would like to be placed on the mailing list for my stories as they get posted on Nifty, please let me know!


Also under gay/science fiction-

The Legends of Blood

Be the One

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Next: Chapter 13

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