The Tooth Fairies

By Tony James

Published on Feb 26, 2017



I walked into UB's dental clinic and approached the reception desk. The receptionist greeted me with a smile, and I explained to her that I had an appointment to have a cavity filled. Her keyboard went tap tap as she looked up my information. "Aha! There u r!" She exclaimed triumphantly after a moment. "Yes. Room 69 is free. Just go down the hall and make a right. U can't possibly miss it."

I thanked her and was on the point of following her directions, when she beckoned me back. "just a moment Mr. James." I retraced my steps until I stood before her once more. Lowering her voice conspiratorially, she said, "I see that your insurance will cover this visit no problem there. However, we need not charge them so much as a cent." Surprised, I inquired after the reason for this." The receptionist flashed me a mischievous grin and lowered her voice still further. "well you see, Travis and Amicus are perfectly happy to offer their services free of charge. They ask only that you participate." She dropped me a wink and made shewing motions with her hands. "They're expecting you."

A little confused, I walked down the hall until I reached the room The receptionist had indicated. I pushed open the door and saw a site that made my dick stiffen in my jeans. A tall and well muscled latino boy who was probably no older than 21 or 22 was standing next to the chair usually reserved for patients. The boy was dressed or undressed simply in open blue jeans. The boy's rich umber skin gleamed beneath the fluorescent lights.His tits stood out clearly from his smooth and well defined chest. He was moaning softly. My gaze traveled down his body and I saw why he was moaning. A second boy was neeling before the first. This individual was black and dressed only in a pair of boxers. The black boy was probably in his mid 20s. . This angel had his lips rapped around his friend's cock and was sucking with great gusto. I slipped into the room and quietly shut the door.

The boys seem to become aware of me for the first time. The standing boy tapped his friend on the shoulder and with great reluctance, The black beauty pulled off. The Latino looking boy smiled at me. "hello there. I am Amicus and this here is my boyfriend Travis." The boy who had been kneeling now rose gracefully to his feet and turned to face me. Travis had a beautiful smile and brite green eyes.

Leaning against the closed door, I sed, "I was enjoying watching u boys play. Please don't stop on my account." Amicus and Travis exchanged a significant look. Travis spoke to me this time. "I am guessing that you were not informed about what we do here." I raised my eyebrows quizzically. "I was under the impression that you guys filled cavities. Obviously I was mistaken." For some reason, this comment seemed to make the two Adonis' smile and give each other a hi-five. "told ya it was a good cover." Travis told Amicus gleefully. Amicus turned back to me. "yes, we do indeed fill cavities." A slow, sexy smile spread across his face. "we do not, however, use instruments." Travis reached out and playfully tugged on his boyfriend's dick. "not unless you count this as an instrument.

Amicus crooked a finger at me in a come here gesture. "let us show u what we mean. I moved away from the door and stood between the two boys. Amicus smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. As our lips met, I felt two sets of hands on my body. Travis was rubbing my back and ass while Amicus teased my tits through my shirt. My hand closed around Amicus' still hard dick. It felt massive like a 7 inch piece of steel.

Amicus broke our kiss to say, "lets get u out of those clothes. "Hell yea," I panted as my belt was tugged open to allow my t-shirt to b pulled off. "You lie down," Travis instructed. As I obeyed, the two boys positioned themselves on either end of my body. Amicus was next to my hed, his delicious cock within range of my tongue. As I licked it, Amicus moaned. His hands were all over my chest and stomach, rubbing, massaging, and teasing my tits.

At the other end of my body, Travis was rubbing my legs and crotch. He had opened my jeans and had pulled them down just past my hips, revealing my boxers. They were tented with my raging boner and slightly wet with precum. Travis moved his hand up between my legs to play with my balls.

The two studs were already driving me crazy and we hadn't even started properly yet. Amicus had moved forward so I could attend to his dick properly. I was licking and sucking it with great skill and gusto. I took Amicus out of my mouth long enough to growl at Travis, "quit teasing me dude. Start strumming or humming." "Yes master." Travis chuckled as he finally pulled my jeans down the rest of the way. As Amicus filled my mouth again with his tasty rod, Travis pulled my rock hard tool out the fly of my boxers. My dick was wet with precum and Travis wasted no time in lowering his mouth over it. I moaned around the dick in my mouth. I'm only about 5 inches long so Travis had no problem at all taking me down balls deep. Amicus had shoved his jeans down so I was able to lick and suck on his balls as well. They were big and completely smooth.

I took my mouth off Amicus' dick again and told Travis I wanted to do a 69 with him. Travis got out from between my legs only long enough to get rid of his boxers then he climbed back on top of me. As my cock disappeared into his mouth again, I filled my own mouth with black dick. Travis was probably about six or 7 inches of tasty boy meat. While me and Travis were sucking each other, Amicus had ditched his jeans and repositioned himself behind Travis.

Amicus had spread his boyfriend's ass wide open and was eagerly eating him out. Travis was clearly enjoying it as he was growling and fucking my mouth with increasing energy. My mouth was full of precum. I knew it wouldn't be long now so I signaled to the boys I wanted to change position. Amicus stopped rimming Travis and litely slapped his ass. Travis withdrew his dick from my mouth with a little whimper, but he obviously new the script well for he climbed off of me and together, the 2 boys relieved me of the rest of my clothing. I instructed Travis to get back on the chair and assumed a missionary position. As he lay back, Travis lifted his legs. I climbed up and helped him rest them on my shoulders. I stroked my cock a couple times while I slid 2 fingers into Travis's ass. He moaned and more precum leaked from his dick. I moved my fingers in a scissoring motion trying to open Travis up more. He was squirming and moaning. Amicus had moved so that his boyfriend was able to lick his dripping dick. I with Drew my fingers and replace them with my dripping cock. Looking up at Amicus, I sed, "on the count of 3." Amicus grinned and flashed me a thumbs-up. I started counting. One." I rubbed my dick across Travis's boy gash. "Two." Amicus rubbed his dick across Travis's lips. Travis opened his mouth expectantly. "Three!"

At the exact same moment, Travis was penetrated by 2 dicks. My 5 inch pole was shoved into his ass while Amicus filled Travis's mouth with his own meat. I moaned out as I felt my dick come to a rest buried to the hilt inside the beautiful black boy. Opposite me, Amicus moaned as Travis swallowed his entire rod. I new that we were too close for anything but rough.

I started moving. I moaned at the feel of Travis's ass on my cock. It was tite. Every time I drove in, Travis's hole yielded somewhat reluctantly, but every time I withdrew, it sucked at my cock as if begging it to stay. Amicus was fucking Travis's mouth the same way I was fucking his ass.

Travis was making muffled sounds of pleasure. His hand kept creeping toward his dick, but I slapped it away. "You are gonna cum hands free." I increased the pace of my fucking. With every thrust in, I made sure to bury myself balls deep. My dick pushed Travis's button. Travis's body suddenly arched. Thick ropes of cum erupted from Travis's dick. They landed on his chest, stomach, and 1 blast even went past his shoulder. His ass clamped down on my dick and I swore loudly as my balls emptied into Travis. Amicus had thus far been able to contain his own climax, but his control broke at the site of his boyfriend's spitting dick. He pulled his dick out of Travis's mouth. It only took a few strokes before blasts of cum streaked Travis's face. Amicus was a heavy cummer. I counted 7 powerful blasts then 3 or 4 weaker ones. Travis had his mouth open and tongue out like a begging dog. Finally Amicus' big balls were empty. He slid his dick back into Travis's open mouth. "Clean it, that's a good doggy." Travis sucked and licked Amicus cock clean.

While all this was going on, I had withdrawn from Travis's ass. I now joined Amicus in licking his cum from Travis's face. We were like 2 eager puppies as we licked. Travis was giggling as we finished. "U boys r silly."

Amicus kissed Travis. Travis's hand found my dick and gave it a little squeeze. "Uh-oh, it looks like the white boy is ready for round 2." Amicus reached out and felt my hard cock also. "Ur rite," he told Travis. "I wonder what we can do to help him out." A mischievous smile spread across Travis's face. "i'm sure we can think of something."

So that's how I found myself on all fours like a dog, being bookended by 2 beautiful boys. Travis was fucking my ass, while Amicus was feeding me his cock. Since he was bigger, Travis's dick was far Mohr satisfactory inside of me. I am joyed the feeling of fullness and as an added bonus, Travis was able to hit my button with almost every inward thrust. Needless to say, I was going crazy between the dick in my mouth and the one in my ass. Travis was also stroking my cock as he pounded my ass. "Almost there," Travis growled. "Me too," Amicus panted back. I felt the two boys shift slightly. They leaned over me and kissed passionately. Both boys jammed their cocks into me at the same moment. I could feel their dicks paulsing in tandom as they poured their seed into me. Travis was cursing softly as he bred my ass. Amicus was muttering a string of uncomprehensible words. Judging from the sound, I guessed he was swearing in Spanish.

This was too much. My dick jerked in Travis's hand as my own seed came shooting out of it. Travis stroked me until my own climax ended. The floor beneath me was wet and sticky with my cum. Amicus and Travis withdrew from my body. I felt some of Travis' load leak from my ass, but Amicus was there to lap it up.

When I had caught my breath, Amicus showed me to the bathroom to wash up. It turns out the 2 devils have a private bathroom complete with shower and fluffy white towels. They help me get cleaned up. They insist on dressing me and I don't object because I love having their paws all over me. Travis suckles my tits briefly before my shirt goes back on.

Amicus bows me out the door. "You come back, yes?" I grin and kiss Amicus on his full lips. "Count on it," I say with a smile.

Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass! May your swords stay sharp! (ancient language Phrase from inheritance cycle)

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