The Tiny Humiliation of Cody

By FoxBarking

Published on Nov 14, 2015



The Tiny Humiliation of Cody

Note: This is an over the top story of a boy named Cody who has an 1.5" boner and a crush on a lifeguard named Josh. Nothing that occurs in this story is meant to be realistic and it is mainly an SPH (small penis humiliation) story. If you have any comments, feel free to email me at

Cody was having a fun day at the pool. Not only was it a cool way to spend the hot day, his favorite lifeguard, Josh was on duty that day. Josh was super hot and Cody always got a raging boner when he was checking Josh's body out. Fortunately for Cody, no one would have noticed his boner anyway because it was far too little to even compare with most soft cocks. Cody's maximum boner length was smaller than two inches. When it was hard, though, it made up for length by being hard as granite.

Cody had a crush on Josh for a really long time. He figured that a guy as hot as Josh had to be straight though. Any guy who was as hot as him had to be. But even if Josh was gay, there was no way an 18 year old high school senior would be interested in a 16 year old kid like him. Cody knew, therefore, that he had no chance at all with Josh, but that didn't keep him from trying to be a showoff around the hot lifeguard.

Josh was watching the diving board that particular day and that gave Cody an idea. He was a great diver but didn't dive too much at that pool because it was always crowded. But if there was any way he could impress Josh, it would be with a perfect swan dive. Nothing showed off Cody's body better than a swan dive.

With a bit of swag in his step, Cody strutted over to the diving board to make his dive. He got up, and when he was in position, he noticed that Josh was looking right at him. Cody smiled and knew this was the chance he had been waiting for. With another look at the object of his lust, Cody moved to make the dive. Unfortunately, the board was wet and when he moved, Cody slipped off the board. He hit his head really hard on the board and he was immediately knocked cold before even hitting the water.

Cody was feeling something on his lips when he finally came to. He opened his eyes a little and was both shocked and elated that it was Josh pressing his lips against Cody's and breathing into him. He noticed a crowd around the two of them and he was very touched that people were worried about him. But amongst the crowd, he thought that he heard someone giggling for some reason. He didn't really give it much thought at first though.

Josh must not have noticed Cody had opened his eyes and Cody was enjoying the mouth to mouth so he closed his eyes and pretended to be out so Josh wouldn't quit. It was rather perverted, he knew, but he didn't care. He felt a little bit of stirring in his little peepee but he was not worried about that either. He was fine with getting a hard-on because no one would notice it anyway.

While Cody was enjoying the attention from Josh, he heard something that ruined it for him: "Hey, his shorts are still floating in the pool!"

Cody's eyes opened wide when he heard that. He hoped and prayed that the voice was not talking about him. Josh still hadn't noticed Cody was awake so Cody slowly began to look down to see if the voice had been talking about him. Though he could barely see it, his tiny little weenie was clearly not covered up. He was lying completely naked and exposed to the entire pool

"I don't think Cody ever went through puberty!" he heard someone giggle. "He barely has a dick and he never grew any pubic hair!"

The slight stirring in Cody's groin immediately changed into a swelling. As Cody felt his weenie growing bigger, he heard some more chuckling out in the crowd. Cody closed his eyes again, shocked that anyone could find anything amusing when a guy was laying on the side of the pool getting mouth to mouth. However, he felt Josh's tongue brush his lips and his baby boner swelled to its one and a half inch length. It throbbed a couple times but Cody barely noticed as he was frozen in fear.

Josh interrupted Cody's thoughts with more mouth to mouth. Cody was scared but not sure how to react. His little peepee had not only hardened, but it had gotten hard fast. And in mere moments, his 1.5 inches were only display for the entire pool.

"Hoy fuck," he heard a boy yell. "Cody popped a boner!"

"I thought he had shrinkage when they pulled him out," another laughed. "He doesn't even have a proper dick!"

Cody moaned, feeling like he wanted to sink into the earth. His weenie, however, wanted to stand up but definitely not tall. Worse, he was terribly horned up not only from being handled by Josh, but also because he was getting oddly turned on from being seen by everyone. His little tiny peepee began to tremble. And then his lips began to tremble because he knew exactly what that trembling was trying to tell him. It would not take much more before his wee little boner shot its load all over him and Josh. A couple tears flowed down his eyes as he realized he was going to shoot his little baby load in front of the entire pool. He tried everything he could to hold back though.

Josh moved away from Cody's mouth because the boy was obviously not drowning. When he did his eyes glanced back and he noticed the tiny little toy that had been putting on a show for the rest of the people. Josh turned back, noticed that Cody was awake and slightly crying and trembling.

Cody didn't want to look Josh right in the eye, because he felt so low, so instead he looked down. He immediately realized his mistake as he looked right up the leg of Josh's shorts. Josh's cock, which was a real cock was hanging limp and long down his leg. It was easily six inches soft and cut.

Seeing Josh's cock was too much for Cody. His little boner trembled again and Cody bit his lips as he braced himself for the inevitable. His tiny weenie shook a few times, throbbing visibly to the entire crowd despite how tiny it was, and Cody came. The first cumshot shot two feet up in the air and the cum came splatting down all over Cody's body. His little dick moved and he cringed as the second shot hit Josh right in the face. Josh winced from the cum hitting him and turned back to look Cody in the eye cum running down his forehead and cheek; one smudge on his lip. Josh looked completely shocked but not angry. Cody grimaced and had to close his eyes to the humiliation as his toy shot three more loads all over him and his beloved lifeguard.

Everyone in the crowd was laughing and calling Cody all sorts of names. Tears were trying to escape his tightly shut eyes as his little peepee finally came to a rest. He just lay on the side of the pool, unable to face the scorn of everyone around him. When he was finally able to open his eyes and look around, he saw that Josh was looking at him and smiling. It was not an unkind smile either, just a bit of a devious one.

Cody scrambled to his feet, his microscopic boner shriveling down to a soft and useless noodle. In mere seconds his penis was practically inverted and his balls were too small to even matter. Once he was up, he easily covered himself with two fingers and ran, tears in his eyes, back to the locker room amidst the scorn and laughter of everyone at the pool.

Once he was back into the locker room, Cody was unsure of what he was going to do. He had a change of pants, but the key to the locker was in the shorts that were lost in the water. Completely naked and with his dickie shrunken to practical non existence, Cody ran and hid in the corner of the showers. Tears flowed down his eyes as he realized how much of a change his life had taken.

"Don't cry, needle dick," Cody heard a voice say to him. He looked up and saw Josh looking down at him and smiling. "It's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Cody asked. "You're not the one who just got humiliated in front of the entire pool." He looked around. "Are you the only one in here?"

"I'm the lifeguard," Josh reminded Cody. "I locked the door so you and I could be alone for a while." He smiled at Cody. "Move your hand."

Cody moved his legs together. "No, you're just going to make fun of me," Cody refused.

Josh rolled his eyes and he sat down right next to Cody. The naked boy tried to move away but Josh did not let him. He grabbed Cody's knees and he pried them apart with relative ease. Then, he removed Cody's hand from in front of his little dick. Cody wanted to resist but he was completely unable to hold Josh off.

"Aww, such a cute little thing," Josh laughed and he put his hand down and actually began fiddling with Cody's little micro weenie. He took one finger and began slapping it back and forth with that finger.

"Please stop!" Cody begged but it was obvious that Josh was not going to stop. Resigned to his humiliation, Cody looked down and he watched as the tiny nub between his legs began to get hard under Josh's playing. The micro dickie grew quickly to its full one and half inches. Josh took his index finger and his thumb and put them around Cody's tiny penis and began stroking. Well, not really stroking. Josh was barely moving his fingers and it was more of a slight tremble than a stroke. Cody just stared as his miniature dick began throbbing.

"I think tiny Cody likes me, don't you?" Josh asked as he kept playing with Cody's mini boner.

"No, I'm not like that," Cody protested.

Josh stopped stroking Cody's Tootsie Roll sized penis. He then squeezed the tiny thing hard between his two fingers. A large glob of precum poured out and Cody moaned and trembled.

"Oh, I think you are," Josh laughed. He squeezed Cody's trembling little dickie again and Cody almost went into convulsions. "Do you want me to be your boyfriend?"

The moment Josh said that word, Cody almost came. His body went into convulsions but Josh removed his hand before he could cum. When Cody calmed back down, Josh returned his fingers to Josh's toy.

"I'll take that as a yes," Josh laughed. "Well, I won't be your boyfriend but I think you're definitely going to be my slave."

Cody looked shocked. "I'm not going to be your..."

Before Cody could finish, Josh squeezed his little peepee again. It throbbed.

"Oh yeah you are," Josh laughed. "You're going to do what I want because if you do, I'm going to keep doing this... and you obviously love this. Don't you?"

As Cody looked down while Josh was playing with his tiny baby boner, Josh knew he couldn't deny what was happening. He nodded his head and whispered, "Yes, I do."

"And you want me to keep giving you a finger job don't you?" Josh asked, laughing at his new term.

"Yes," Cody admitted in a small voice.

Josh used his other hand, reached into his own shorts and hauled his own cock out of his shorts. It was soft, but he stroked it with his free hand while he twiddled with Cody's little toy. Cody watched as the soft six inches became a hard and thick eight inches. He knew he was drooling also.

"You wanna touch it?" Josh asked. Cody quickly looked up at Josh with wide eyes and Josh laughed. "You can. Put your hand around it."

While Josh continued to play with Cody, Cody slowly put his trembling hand out and reached for the warm flesh of Josh's big cock. When his hand touched the soft skin of the dick of his dreams, he felt a convulsion. He kept himself from cumming and he slowly closed his hand around the big shaft. It was hard and warm and unlike anything Cody had ever had in his hand before. Cody tried to stroke it but before he did, he came just from touching the pulsing cock. Cody's cum shot straight up in the air and hit him in the face. Josh laughed and he squeezed Cody's little weenie and caused another squirt to fly out. Cody began crying again as Josh squeezed out four more shots. When he was done, Cody wanted to sink further into the earth. He tried to pull Josh's hand off of his shriveling dick, but Josh was a lot stronger. He did, however, pull Cody's hand off his own cock.

"You be a good slave and I'll let you touch it again," Josh informed Cody. "But only if you do whatever I want, no matter how humiliating and whenever I want. Deal?"

Cody looked down at his tiny nub still held between the fingers of his biggest crush. Despite what he was feeling, he wanted it. He wanted Josh to give him finger jobs and he wanted to give Josh's real dick handjobs. So he nodded.

"I'm your slave," Cody heard himself tell Josh.

Cody was sitting in his math class, as terrified as possible. It was his first day of school since his humiliation at the swimming pool and Josh had changed his life even more. Josh decided he was going to set up public humiliations for Cody to have his mini penis exposed to more and more people. Although Cody was scared of being seen naked in public, his obedience to Josh was much stronger.

Throughout the entire day, Cody had been worked up worried about how his fellow students were going to torment him about his teeny weenie. Fortunately, it seemed like the majority of them hadn't been there because other than some bad natured snickering at his expense, no one really said anything to him. He knew that would not last long after Josh was done with him.

About five minutes before math class, Josh looked over and saw Josh's friend Matt give him a thumbs up. That was the signal. Josh and Cody were not in any of the same classes, so he had to use a friend of his in order to make sure that Cody was following his rules.

Groaning inwardly in frustration, Cody got to work on his first order. He reached down and his slowly and quite loudly unzipped his zipper all the way down. A few of his fellow students heard it and turned and gave him a look. Cody did not meet any of their glances but he was also not allowed to cover himself up either. He stared sheepishly forward.

Cody's experience at the pool the previous day had a real effect on his libido. The humiliation of being exposed in front of the entire school and cumming twice in public made him begin getting horny from public exposure. As he sat there with his fly open, his tiny little weenie began to stiffen up. He wasn't wearing underwear so it was possible his hard weenie could peek out. The miniscule piece of flesh began to lengthen and Cody felt it getting fatter and longer... or at least as fatter and longer than a useless inch and half dickie could get. The whole time, Cody kept glancing down to see if his tiny peepee was visible to anyone else, and it wasn't even visible to him. He wasn't sure whether or not he was more relieved or depressed that his mini boner wasn't visible.

After class was over, the real test began. Cody was ordered to walk from his math class to the locker room for gym class without covering himself up at all. He stood up and immediately felt his hard little dickie poking straight out from his body. He groaned again but when he looked down, he saw that his fly was not open wide enough for anyone to actually see in it. He was relieved.

His relief did not last long however. Matt came right over as he and Cody were the only two students left in the room. He looked down and saw that Cody's fly was not opened up and smiled. Matt reached down and grabbed the sides of Cody's fly. He rudely pulled the fly wide open so absolutely anyone would be able to look right in and see the mini penis laying within.

"Come on, Matt, please don't," Cody begged.

Matt shook his head. "Just for that, it's going to get worse," he smiled. Matt reached in and grabbed Cody's little stiffy and pulled it straight out. He laid the tiny shaft right onto the teeth of the fly, the miniature head visible to absolutely everyone.

Cody opened his mouth to complain more, but Matt caught him. "One more word and I'll take your pants altogether," he warned. "Now get on your way."

As Cody walked through the hallway, it took every amount of strength he had to not put his books in front of his crotch. He little hard dickie remained nestled right on top of the teeth of his zipper, the head completely visible to anyone who looked. Once again, his mini stiffy was both a blessing and a curse. If it was any bigger, more students would have seen it. But being small, the students who did see it knew Cody almost had no dick.

About a third of the way to the gym class, Cody felt his baby boner throb noticeably. Looking down, he was horrified to see a large glob of precum had come out of his tiny piss slit and was hanging from his peepee head halfway to the floor. In a panic, he first tried to cover himself but knew that he could not. Then he tried to hurry down the hall to get to the gym faster. That caused more problems because it only drew attention to him and his leaking weenie.

"Hey, Cody, where's your dick?" he heard a voice call at him as he rushed by.

"Why don't you just take your pants off, Cody, you've got nothing to hide!" he heard another friend taunt him.

"Yeah, NOTHING," another student agreed.

Cody did his best to ignore them as he rushed through the crowd of students in the hallway. His tiny dickie didn't bob back and forth but it did continue to expel quite a bit of precum. Each time he looked down, he saw that more of more precum was hanging down from his tiny and exposed cockhead.

When Cody got to the door to the locker room, he was at first relieved that the embarrassment would finally be over. That did not last long, though, as Cody saw Josh standing right in front of the door.

"Can I go in?" Cody pleaded. "I'm so exposed!"

Josh shook his head. "I believe I told you to walk at a normal pace through the hallway, didn't I?" he asked Cody. He had a very stern look on his face.

Cody groaned. "Yeah, I am sorry," he cried. "I tried to but I couldn't."

"Drop your pants," Josh ordered.

"What?" Cody asked, not ready to drop his pants in front of the whole hallyway.

Without missing a beat, Josh reached out, grabbed Cody's pants and quickly pushed his pants to his ankles. Cody's bare ass was at first exposed to the entire school.

"Nice ass, Cody!" he heard a boy yell at him. "Show us the rest!"

Josh grabbed Cody by his shoulders and spun him around, showing the hallway `the rest.'

"Holy fuck! Where's your dick at, Cody?" he heard someone yell.

"Did you borrow my two year old brother's penis?" another student inquired.

Cody tried to cover up his teeny stiffy but Josh grabbed both of his hands and held them behind his back. Then, holding Cody back, Josh moved him back and forth, causing his hips to rotate and his tiny penis to throw precum all over the place. It made quite a big mess and even got on some other students who were grossed out. Cody was mortified but could do nothing but stand there with his hands behind his back, his pants around his ankles and his little dickie throwing it's baby precum all over the place. Cody felt tears falling down his eyes again.

When the bell rang, Josh finally pulled Cody into the locker room. However, Cody tripped over the pants that were around his ankles. When he did, Josh grabbed them and began pulling them off of Cody's feet. It only took him a few moments to get the boy's pants off. He then grabbed Cody's shirt and ripped it totally off of his body. The short tore and took another few moments to leave Cody's body, finally falling ruined and in tatters on the floor. This left the boy naked, hard, dripping and throbbing on the floor of the locker room in front of at least 30 male students. Cody looked up and saw many big and even average cocks that made his look nothing more than the tiny little toy it was. He closed his eyes and just listened to all of the taunting as tears fell from his eyes.

Cody felt someone grab him and pulled him to his feet. Standing there naked, Josh ordered him to put his arms up. Cody, still crying, immediately obeyed. Josh had a green t-shirt which he then pulled down over Cody's chest.

When Cody put his arms down, he looked down at the shirt. Since he was naked from the waist down and still hard, his tiny dickie was sticking right out from under his shirt. The shirt had written in yellow letters "Small Baby Dick" on it and had an arrow with was pointing straight down to the miniature hardon that was on display to the entire laughing gym class.

"He's crying!" he heard one of the boys taunting him.

"Well that just confirms it," Matt laughed. "He cries and he has a baby dick so I guess he's just a little baby."

"Look at the crying baby!" he heard several of his school mates taunting him.

Cody tried to cover up his little weenie but no one was letting him do it. The boys kept slapping his hands away when he tried to put his hand over it. Cody kept shuffling his feet, trying to move his hips so that he could hide his mini member and it just wasn't working. The boys were calling him all sorts of names and creating such a ruckus that it eventually drew the gym teacher out of his office and over to see what was going on.

"What the hell is going on here?" the gym teacher, Mr. Gray asked. Looking around, he immediately looked over and saw Cody standing in the middle of the group of boys, being taunted. His eyes read over Cody's shirt and he smirked a bit. "You wear a shirt like that, Cody, and you have to expect being made fun of a little bit." He chuckled a bit and then, to Cody's horror, he watched the eyes of the coach slowly follow the arrow down the front of the shirt until it came to rest on the miniature hard on that was barely sticking out below. "What the fuck, Cody?"

All of the boys in the group burst out more. Mr. Gray walked over to Cody and grabbed him by the wrist. "Why the hell would you want to advertise that and walk around the locker room with a boner?" he asked. He started dragged a protesting Cody by his wrist. Cody had to get on his tiptoes in order to keep up with the teacher, who was not going easy on him. His butt was bouncing around for every one of his classmates to see and several of them came the hot, round and bare ass a couple slaps as the nearly naked boy was dragged along behind the gym teacher.

"You guys all come too," Mr. Gray ordered as he dragged Cody along with him. "We're going outside to run laps on the track. Our little dicked joker here can run bare assed and in just his t-shirt since he likes being an exhibitionist."

Cody felt his insides go cold. His little peepee, however, did not go down at all. It just throbbed and throbbed and kept leaking precum. "Please, coach, don't do this to me!" Cody begged. "I wasn't showing off or anything! The guys pantsed me and put this shirt on me!"

Mr. Gray was not paying any attention though. He just kept dragging a protesting Cody through the gym, out the door and finally out to the track on the back of the school. The whole class was following him and Cody felt a lot worse than he did when he was at the swimming pool the other day. At least then most of the people at the pool were people that Cody did not know. These were all guys he had known for years and grew up with.

When the class arrived at the track, Mr. Gray stopped and he spun Cody around so that the entire class could see him. Cody once again tried to put his hands in front of his little weenie but Mr. Gray slapped his hands away. Cody was shocked and when he looked down, not only was he as hard as steel, but there was a strand of precum that hung from his piss slit all the way down to the ground.

"We're going to jog for the entire class," Mr. Gray informed the class. "If Mr. Likes to Show Off here even tries to cover up this embarrassing excuse for a boner or this ass, I want the closest runner to do this..." He grabbed Cody's arm and spun him around, exposing his bare butt to the class. Then, in the ultimate humiliation that he had experienced so far, Mr. Gray slapped Cody on the bare ass three times, which caused Cody to rise up on his tip toes.

"Now get going," Mr. Gray ordered.

Cody started jogging along with the rest of the class. He had never known that a human being could experience the level of complete and utter humiliation that he was feeling. As he ran along, his tiny little boner refused to go down at all. Instead, it kept belching out extreme amounts of precum as it literally vibrated in horniness. As he ran, the strings of precum swayed back and forth in the air. A strand would get stuck to his legs and then another one would form. About three times, Cody tried to reach down and wipe the precum off his cock. Each time he tried, however, a fellow student assumed that he was trying to cover his little package up. The student immediately would grab Cody's wrist, spin him around and spank his bare and horny ass in front of the entire track.

By the end of the class, Cody was a complete embarrassment to himself. He was exhausted and his little boner was just as hard as it was before class had begun. His face was completely covered in his dried up tears while his legs were completely drenched in his precum.

"Now, get your damn pants on Cody and you better stop showing off!" Mr. Gray told Cody in front of the class and then dismissed everyone.

Cody went back down the stairs with his class to the locker room. He tried to cover his crotch once but when he did, Matt grabbed his wrist and spanked him in front of the class until Cody had tears running down his eyes again. When they got down to the locker room, Matt finally returned Cody's jeans, which the boy eagerly put on.

"Do you got another shirt for me?" Cody asked, realizing his own shirt was in tatters.

"Did you hear how ungrateful this homo is, guys?" Matt asked the class. "He gets his own shirt ripped and out of the kindness of my heart, I give him a brand new t-shirt and it's not good enough for him! I have half a mind to pull your jeans back down and whip your ass again in front of class."

Cody immediately panicked. "No, I am sorry, Matt!" he begged. "It was a stupid question. Please don't spank me again! Please!"

Matt shook his head sadly. "You're pathetic," he remarked. "It wouldn't even be worth it. Get you and your little dick out of here."

Cody ran out of the class and made his way to chemistry class. He tried his best to cover up his shirt on the way there, but lots of students saw what it said. Cody got teased and humiliated but he was fortunate enough to make it into chemistry class before the teacher arrived. They didn't have assigned seats in that class so he was able to sit towards the back of the class behind a lab table so he could hide his shirt from the class as much as possible and especially from the teacher. Unfortunately many of his fellow classmates came in and saw the shirt and laughed at the poor and humiliated boy.

When the class started, Cody was a bit shocked when he saw Josh walk into the room. His eyes grew wide and Josh met his eyes and smiled wildly.

"Okay, class," the teacher began. "This is Josh. He's a senior teacher's aid who is going to proctor this midterm. I'll be out of the room for the majority of the test, so Josh is in charge. Now, he cannot answer direct questions for you, but he can explain anything you might have to say about the questions themselves. If you need help during the test, go ahead and raise your hand and Josh will come right over to you. Now get your blue books out and begin." With that, the teacher left the room.

Cody took out his blue book and turned his midterm over. He noticed, out of the corner of his eye that Josh was walking around the room. He tried to ignore him, but he knew that if Josh volunteered to proctor this test, he did it for a very specific reason and that was to humiliate Cody.

Josh eventually made his way over to the table that Cody was sitting at. Because of Cody's shirt, no student had decided to sit next to him. So, Josh took the bench beside him and leaned over on the table.

"I heard about gym class from Matt," Josh whispered. "I'm proud of you. You did a really good job."

Cody felt his little baby boner throb a bit. It was likely equally from Josh being so close to him and from the compliment.

"Thank you, Josh," Cody replied.

Josh pretended like he was helping Cody with work. He whispered, "Now this is going to be what you're going to do next. You are going to take your little baby boner out in this class. And then you're going to take your shoes, socks and pants off and you are going to pull on your slippery and wet little boner until you cum on the table."

Cody was shocked to hear everything Josh said. Although he had been humiliated badly at both the pool and in gym class, jerking off during a chemistry test was much more intense. Rather than being tormented, it would appear to be a completely voluntary action.

"I can't do that, Josh!" he protested. "I want to make you happy, but I just can't do that! I'll get thrown out of school!"

To Cody's surprise, Josh didn't get mad. At first he just smiled at Cody. But then Cody watched as Josh's hand slipped off the table and then lightly rested on his crotch. Cody's heartbeat was audible in his chest. Josh's fingers moved the flap that hid his zipper. Cody tried not to watch but he couldn't resist as Josh's fingertips grabbed the zipper and held it firmly. Then, in antagonizing slow motion, Josh pulled the zipper down. Cody heard every single sound as the zipper traveled all the way down his fly. Cody's mouth went completely dry and he heard his heart begin to beat in his temples instead.

"You want it, Cody?" Josh whispered in his ear. Cody nodded. "Remember back in the pool locker room when you touched it?" Cody nodded again. "You'd love to slip this big dick in your warm mouth, wouldn't you Cody?" Cody nodded very slowly, his eyes growing wide at the thought. "You've wanted to suck this beautiful piece of meat for years, haven't you?" Another nod. "Well, the only way you'll ever get to suck it off-EVER- is if you agree to do what I told you to without further argument."

Cody whimpered. "I want your dick, but..."

Josh cut him off. He took his jeans and pushed them down past his thighs. The object of Cody's ultimate desire was sitting before him with nothing but a pair of flannel boxers between Cody and the world's most perfect cock. "Take it out," Josh ordered.

Shaking, his heart pounding in his head, Cody reached out and lightly touched the warm boxers. He immediately felt that Josh was as hard as he was. Slowly, he unbuttoned the fly of the boxers, opened it up and reached in. He immediately felt the intense heat from the large and beautiful rod. Josh was throbbing too, so Cody knew h was very turned on by this. Completely oblivious to the fact that he was in the middle of a classroom taking a midterm, Cody pulled the large cock right of the fly. The head was leaking precum and it was visibly pulsing. Cody held the hot cock in his hand, mesmerized by it. He began to lean forward, eager to feel the huge thing in his mouth.

Josh put his hand up on Cody's shoulder and stopped him. "Oh no, it's not that easy," Josh said. "You want something then you have to give me something I want too. And you know what I want, don't you?" Cody nodded. "It's worth it, Cody, isn't it? If you agree to jack off in class, the moment you say `yes,' you'll have my dick right in your warm mouth."

Without thinking of any of the consequences anymore, Cody immediately said "Yes." He then leaned over to finally taste the beautiful cock he had wanted for years. Cody touched his lips to the dick, kissing the slick head. Then Cody parted his lips and teeth and he felt the silky fat dick pass through his lips and then came to rest right on his tongue. The cockhead was spongy but hard and the taste of the precum made Cody sigh in ecstasy. Any thought of resisting the jerking off that was going to happen was gone. All Cody wanted was the beautiful and throbbing rod that was pulsing in his mouth. Despite the Hell he had gone through and the Hell he would experience afterwards, Cody was momentarily happy.

"Suck my cock you little dick baby," Josh whispered and Cody obeyed. Cody had never sucked a dick before; he was a complete virgin in every way. His only sexual experience other than pounding away at his insignificant little weenie was when he was allowed to touch Josh's cock in the locker room at the pool. And now Cody was doing what every gay teenager always dreamed of doing and he was doing it with the boy whom although he had been cruel so far, Cody was completely in love with.

Cody enjoyed every bit of the blowjob. He especially enjoyed the soft head of the cock rested on his tongue. At first he just tried to take in a couple of inches of cock and he loved it. But even though he was inexperienced, Cody knew that this might be the only chance he ever had to have Josh's cock in his mouth. He knew he had to have the entire thing. So he worked on it, sucking it up and down over and over. Every so often, he was able to get more and more of the 8.5" cock in his mouth. After a lot of work, Cody eventually felt the silky head touch the back of his throat. He almost came in his pants when that happened. Cody was in Heaven.

"Cody is sucking Josh's dick in class!" Cody heard one of his fellow students say in the class.

"Holy shit!" he heard another say. "I knew Cody was a fag but I've never seen anyone take a huge cock like that."

Cody began to panic and almost pulled his mouth of Josh's dick. But right before he did, Josh's dickhead rubbed right against Cody's tongue and gave Cody a taste of Josh's precum and then Cody just didn't give a fuck anymore. Everyone saw him sucking off Josh, he might as well give them a show. Cody grabbed Josh off the chair, grabbing two handfuls of Josh's perfect bubble butt. His butt was nice and soft and fit wonderfully in Cody's hands. Cody lifted him up and actually set him on top of the table. He pushed a laughing Josh down on the table and climbs up himself. Holding Josh's dick with one hand, Cody began sucking Josh's dick hard. His thick and full lips began slurping on the huge boner while Cody began twisting his mouth back and forth over the cockhead.

"Look at that homo go!" one of the other guys laughed.

"Damn, my girlfriend can't even suck cock that well!" another guy chimed in.

Cody thought that blowing Josh would draw attention away from the attention his mini penis had been getting lately. It was one thing to be known to be gay; hell being gay was nearly completely accepted nowadays anyway. It was much worse to be known as a guy who had no dick.

Josh was sitting back on his elbows, watching the boy blowing him in front of 35 other students. Cody was obviously turned on as hell. He blocked the guys out of his mind and there was nothing but the delicious cock in his mouth. He felt every pulse of the beautiful dick and after a while, Josh reached up and grabbed Cody's head. Although Cody had never sucked a cock before, he had seen enough porn to know what was coming next. Josh began controlling Cody's sucking my moving his head up and down over the large rod. The dick was throbbing and Josh laid back on his back moaning. When Josh's pulsing dick began throbbing even harder, Cody braced himself for his first cumshot in his mouth.

With a loud moan, Josh's huge dick shot it's first shot of cum right into Cody's mouth and down his throat. The second shot went right on his tongue, quickly filling his mouth. Then Cody, still horny as fuck, pulled the cock out of his mouth and began jerking it hard. The third shot of cum went right into Cody's eye. Cody held the cock hard with the head pressed right against his face, smearing the fourth shot of cum all over his cheek. Cody then smeared the cockhead across his lips and Josh completely coated Cody's lips in his yummy juice. When Josh was finally done cumming, Cody's face was a cummy mess.

While Josh took possession of his dick again, Cody heard all sorts of comments from the other guys in the class. "I'm next!" one of the boys yelled out.

"No, me!" another one interrupted. "Cody will like my cock a lot better than Josh's because I got almost ten inches."


"Hey guys, calm down," Josh ordered them. He got up from the table and tucked his beautiful cock back into his boxers. While he was pulling his pants back up and fastening them, he continued: "I'm going to give you something much better than a blowjob." He looked over at the cum covered Cody. "Strip to your shirt, little boy."

Cody's face dropped, but he knew he had made a deal and he had to stick to it. Plus he was still so unbelievably horny that he wanted to jack off. But his eyes begged to be left off. "Please, Josh, don't make me do this!" he asked. Josh, however, had no sympathy despite the scorching blowjob he had just received.

"Do it now."

Cody reached down and took off both of his shoes and socks. Then, after bracing himself, Cody reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. After taking down his zipper, he slowly lowered his jeans down to his knees. His tiny cock wasn't visible at first, being hidden by the shirt.

"Step out of them," Josh ordered.

Cody stepped out of his pants. He then stood there and waited for what Josh would order him to do next.

"Pull your shirt and let us see you're microscopic penis," Josh ordered.

Cody slowly pulled his shirt up. Although it wasn't his intention to do so, the arrow pointed right at the small and practically insignificant 1.5" that was not only hard, but completely dripping in precum.

"Where's his dick?" one of the guys asked.

"No wonder he's gay," another yelled. "His dick is too small to play with and everyone needs some dick in their life."

Many of the other comments were lost on Cody as he stood there humiliated. He was trying to put off the next part of his torment as long as possible.

"Jerk your baby boner," Josh ordered. "Two fingers."

"No fucking way..." a nameless student muttered.

With his index finger and his thumb, Cody slowly reached down and started pulling on his tiny weenie.

"Cody likes giving himself a finger job," Josh laughed. The other guys all began laughing as well. It was followed by many anonymous and humiliating comments. It didn't help that no sooner did Cody begin jerking then he felt the familiar tingling of an impending orgasm on its way. The humiliating comments all pushed him over the edge.

"Wow, I could put a thread through that and do some sewing in home ec class."

"His dick hasn't grown since he was two years old."

"How low can you get, sucking someone off and then fingering your cock in class?"

"When your dick is so tiny, I guess you'll do anything."

Cody felt someone come up behind him and grab his shirt. He had to pull his fingers off his cock for just one second as the humiliating small penis shirt was ripped off his body, leaving him completely nude. He didn't care, he was so horny that he just went right back to jacking on his little weenie. Cody began thrusting his hips with each tiny little tug.

"I think he's about to cum!" a student laughed. The other students actually cheered Cody on, calling him Baby Dick and urging him to shoot his load.

Right before he came, Cody opened his eyes and in shock he saw the teacher had returned from the teacher's lounge and was looking right at him. Cody didn't have time to stop jerking though, and he lid his fingers up and down his cock and his baby boner went into its convulsions. With a moan that likely echoed throughout the entire hallway, Cody began squirting his cum all over the table. And it was more cum than he had ever shot in his entire life. Cody coated the table with his little boy juice, shooting nearly 8 shots all over the place. When he was done, he was standing there with his two fingers on his tiny weenie, completely naked.

"Cody, what the hell is wrong with you?" the teacher asked. The young teacher (whom Cody had also thought was cute) came over to the desk. Cody began looking around for his clothes but couldn't find them anywhere. "This is the nastiest thing I've ever seen a teenager do in school. And look what you did to your test and this table! Holy shit!"

Cody stood in awkwardness, still trying to find his clothes but was completely unable to find them. He knew one of the other boys must have taken them. There was nothing he could do other than stand there with the evidence of what happened completely covering the lab table.

"I've never ever seen this," the teacher said, in obvious frustration. He seemed to be unsure of how to handle this. "And where the hell are your damn clothes at?"

Cody could not answer. He just stood there and looked down.

The teacher shook his head. "Lick your cum up off the table," he told Cody.

Shocked, Cody looked up at him. He couldn't believe that a school teacher would suggest such a thing. But then he thought that the man was really young, fresh out of college and likely did this sort of thing in front of fraternities all the time.

"Sir, I can't..." Cody began but was cut off.

"Cody, I could call the police and have you arrested for this," the teacher threatened. "I think if you want to avoid that, you'll lick your cum up off this table right now."

Cody began crying. He felt like such a loser for doing it but he couldn't help it. He had lost every ounce of dignity he had left and now knew that licking his cum up couldn't possibly send him any lower than he already was. He leaned over the table and stuck his tongue out. Slowly, Cody began lapping the cum up off the table. It was a huge load-even bigger than the now clothed and completely inconspicuous Josh had shot- and it took Cody a few minutes to lick it all up. After he had cleaned the table, Josh picked up Cody's test and Cody had to lick the cum up off it too. When he was done, Cody didn't even try to cover his little prick up anymore. It didn't matter.

"Now go stand next to my desk and finish your test," the teacher instructed. "You like being naked, you can be naked in front of the class for the rest of the period." He looked at all the other students. "You get back to work too."

Cody went to the front of the class, his whole naked body and cum covered face on display to everyone. Standing by the teacher's desk, Cody began working on his test. Every now and then, he looked over at Josh, who just smiled at him. It wasn't an unkind smile, though. Josh had humiliated Cody beyond belief but Cody knew that Josh wasn't done. The lifeguard at one point reached down and grabbed his ample crotch right when Cody was looking at it. The hot boy was hard again and Cody immediately knew two things: he would taste that cock again and his humiliation had only begun.

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