The Time Machine

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 14, 2019



The Time Machine John Bromfield >

In this day and age of computers and laser cutting technology. My job was on shaky ground but there are some areas where only the human hand can do. I am a signwriter no small or large job refused. There seemed to be a steady stream of work. A sign outside would last about 3 years before needing a repaint.

I lived in a small rented room and once a week I pay a cleaner to come to clean. I don't have very good self esteem. A bit of a loner after being rejected and hurt. I am not going to get myself in that situation again. Some live their lives as Oh I'll get another partner in 5 years for a newer younger model. I am not like that I am here for keeps.

I get home from work on the Friday and go into the bathroom for a shower and mirror steams up. Written on it says "Hello are you there? Now that is odd as only my cleaner has been and she would not have done this. So the logical thing to do was reply "Yes where are you? I thought that will put the cat amongst the pigeons. I have a nice hot shower with lots soap to take away the smell of paint thinners.

On the mirror has a reply "I am travelling to you. Leave lighting on so guidance system can lock-on to you", Well am I expecting a visitor or a plane that requires landing lights? If its close it maybe too late to leave the building but at least the bathroom. Logic hits the brain get the fuck out of here. As I close the door behind me I see flashing lights appear in the door edges and like someone was lifting a heavy metal object on the floor. I waited awhile, lets not rush into things. I open the door, the shaving mirror light was no longer white but gave strobe light effect of red and blue. The mirror said "Please leave this room arrival imminent" well they were right about that. The shower was on but I have never seen one that is a rainbow before. Ahead of me was new too a low vaulted passageway. Something was making its way towards me and it was not human.

It was 4ft tall and silver and green colour and its head looked too big for its body. There was four arms, two with sucker pads while other two had fingers. The creature had no visible signs of sex organs. The feet were webbed like a frog. It held out a sucker pad to me and placed my hand forward. The moment of contact an electric shock went up my arm and I passed out.

I awoke with huge headache and my arm felt like I had pulled a few muscles. I was lying on my bed. The creature was siting at the foot of the bed. It spoke but it spoke inside my head. "Sorry I gave you pain I needed to go to your knowledge storage area and program it so we could talk to eachother. I also checked your brain functions and modified them to attain better speed for knowledge transfer. As you have no military backround it is safe to give you a limited amount of knowledge. Your or human brains are not designed to hold very much. Now close your eyes for data transfer." As I closed my eyes the creature put it sucker hands on both sides of my head. I fell again into a deep sleep.

On waking I was not in my bedroom, I was somewhere different. Looking up I saw the dark red vaulted ribbed ceiling that I had seen in my modified bathroom. I tried to move but my head was spinning. I was confined by straps to a narrow stretcher bed. "Hello" I said ouch my head. Around me I sensed movement. The creature unties the straps "Takeoff can be difficult sometimes so and that is why you were restrained. Forgive me no insult was meant" "No insult taken" I replied. Then the creature said "I am going ask you a question and you will able to answer it. "What is the equation of light into the transition of mass into light and back again?" I gave a very long answer in letters and numbers "That is correct your knowledge unit is working fine" its seems I have now greater knowledge than all the top scientist in the world. It is the formula to build a space ship that can travel faster than the speed of light and no one would ever know. Why? I am a signwriter who left school with a C plus report and here's mud in your eye Mr Woodward my science teacher.

"Where are we or where are we going if we have taken off?" I asked "We left your planet a long time ago in your years and I am to meet the main battle cruiser at Sigma 4. Attain Star maps Solar system to Sigma 4 travelling at Light Speed 2 estimate time of arrival? And nearly immediately I said "48 hrs if you remain at this speed" "Good you learned well" he said. "I have a question or a few, is that ok?" he looked at me "I will answer your questions if I am allowed to. If I can not I will tell you I can not" "Question: Why did you select me?" "Because you were an ideal subject" he was hiding something "Question: What am I the idea subject for?" now you could see he was uncomfortable I had ask a question he didn't want to answer. "Of all the people on your planet I wanted you as my soul mate. It is time or close to when I must have a partner. If I don't I will die as chemicals will attack my body's cells." "Question: Are your cells harmful to me?" and he replies "All tests made on humans that we captured and let go have shown no ill effects from our body cells"

"Can I get something to eat and drink in this place?" trying to break up a difficult pause. "Oh I am sorry forgive me come this way" he said as he led me into a large room. On the wall was a keypad after a set of number were keyed in a draw opened and there was breakfast steaming hot. I like that idea. The food was perfect, (well near perfect) it tasted right but internal colour was white. I can cope with that. Once I have eaten my friend asked if I wanted a tour of the ship. Yes that would be nice. "By the way what is your name?" I asked "You can call me Ren but not in hearing of others we meet" and I said "I'm Pete"

I was led into reasonable size of bedroom "And this is my room if you are willing to share it with me? please" there was a pause and yearning in Ren's voice. "OK Ren but don't hurt me or zap me again with those paddle hands of yours" I said laying down the rules which men will until they are about to cum then they want the greatest pleasure above anyone on this planet. I lay on the bed and take my clothes off so I am naked. Ren had no clothes to take off and I will enquire about that later. He rubbed his slit between his legs and it widened. Ren's breathing became laboured out came a green narrow cock. I got on my knees and presented him with my rosebud, he give a small cry as the pointed cock entered my tunnel of love. "Oh Pete I need this please oh this is beyond belief. How could this feel so good. Oh Pete you bring me such Oh I can take it anymore Ahhhh Ahhh Ahhhh Ahhhhh" and as he cums deep inside his cock expands and we are locked together and at that moment he puts his pads on my side giving me a shock that make me cum with equal joy. Oh fuck Ren is asleep and we are locked together and I am not complaining we are both in a sexual bliss. He has found his partner and his mate. If my life is to be his mate and he needs to fuck my ass to live then life is going to be Oh so sweet

Note: Ren better known as your Majesty

Notes: Time Machine: On being ask if I could design a time machine after a few hours returned with a design but it did have limitations. You could only travel ahead of time and would take the full resources of the planet to build it. The man said that's not good enough. (Why oh why do I bother with such men?)

Mr Woodward was not my Science teacher

The ship that docked in the bathroom had a cloaking device so could not be seen from the streets below

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