The Tight End

By chris Andy

Published on May 7, 2004


THE TIGHT END Part 3 (M-M) (Oral)

by Chris Andy


Tony and I established a pattern--when we were alone, just the two of us, I had to call him "sir". When we were out in public, or in class, we continued to joke around and he called me, "sir." (in class). I'd blow him before school and either before, during or after football practice. (Hitting and aggression caused him to get horny--although about anything made him that way!)

I craved his warm jizz and had broken it off with my fiance, Mary Sue. I wanted to spend more time with Tony--not her. On Friday, I'd wait for him in the parking lot behind the stadium after the game. He'd be singing the fight song and be naked from the waist up and I relished the sight of his sweat sliding down his stomach, abs and back.

He'd climb into the driver's side of my BMW and greet me: "Hey bitch! Happy to see me?"

"You know I am, Tony, Sir." I'd say.

"Ready to give me my bath?" he'd ask.

I'd reach across the seat and put my hand on his powerful running back thighs. My eyes worshipped those rippled abs, jutting pecs, and huge, dynamic guns. Then he'd drive to my apartment where he'd stride into my bedroom, flop on my bed and tell me to strip off his pants, jock , shoes and socks and lick him clean.

"C'mon, cunt," he'd say, putting his hands behind his head, "Start with the pits."

I loved the smell and taste of my football hero when he came to me straight after a game. His body reeked with testosterone and the heady smell of his unrelieved aggression. I smelled in his armpits the stiffarms, cuts and reverses that combined for his many touchdowns.

He lay back, kinda moaning as I licked out his pits. I worked on his right one for several minutes before he said, "Get the other one, Billy!"

"Yessir." I said, licking across his abs to the other side. 'Christ, I love his flavor,' I thought.

"MMMM, You know, Billy. I love you working on me. At first I thought I hated you--for being a fag, but you and I always have a bunch of fun--without the sex. So. I decided to let our friendship ride and, as long as you do exactly what I say, your homo secret is safe with me. Plus, I love having my own personal dicklover." he murmured. "Now do my feet."

And I moved my tongue down to the balls of his feet. 'Maybe I was a faggot all along,' I thought. I can't have just started being one with Tony.' I thought back over the years and, I guess, I did appreciate the beauty of both boys and girls.

He loved for me to suck on his toes and I sucked 'em with vigor. From the little toe to the big one, right foot, left foot. And back. I fuckin' loved his feet!

"Lick my balls, homo. Wash 'em down with your faggot tongue." Tony said.

"Awww--fuck, man! That feels way awesome!" he continued. "Now back off--look up here in my eyes and beg me to let ya suck my dick."

I was way too embarrassed to look at him and beg, although I really could hardly wait to latch onto his 'real man's cock' as he called it! So I looked down and said. "Awww--man. Don't make me beg ya. Please don't...."

Whap! Slam! Crash! I landed flat on my ass with my face stinging where Tony had slapped me. "Hey--c'mon, Tony!"

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up so we were eye to eye.

"Listen, queerboy! When I tell ya to do something--you fuckin' better do it! And if you can't--then I'll just have to tell Mr. Julian that one of his favorite teachers is a cocksucker!" said Tony, his face almost touching mine. "Now--get down there and beg! And hurry it up--I got a date!"

"Yessir." I said, sliding back to my knees and looking up into his beautiful, blue eyes. "Please, Tony, sir. Please. May I kiss and suck your way awesome, powerful cock. It's so hard--and I need to taste it. I can't think of anything else. Please, Tony." I begged.

"That's better, bitch. Now get me off. Take your time. But give me the best blow job you've ever given me. Do it like I like it." Tony instructed, climbing back onto the bed and leaning back against the headboard.

I began working on his cock--pleasuring him. I started licking the head--like it was a lollipop. I took my tongue and cleaned out his piss slit--loving the taste of his pre-cum. Then I worked my way down his shaft--licking and lightly sucking. He rewarded me with a groan of pleasure, saying, "Fuck--you're an incredible cocksucker!"

I continued sucking and slurping. I knew he liked me to take the whole thing down my throat, but up till now I could only swallow about 3/4s of it! I concentrated on relaxing my throat as he pumped his big peter like he was fucking a twat. Slowly it slid in and down till my nose was stuck in his pubic hair. I had it all! I felt a sense of pride! What a fag I'd become!

"Awwwww....Fuck.....I'm cummin' Tony hollered. "Eat my little men, queerboy!"

I'd swallow his sperm, licking and cleaning his dick. Then he'd leave....for a date or a party or whatever and I'd be alone. Sometimes he'd come back later that night and spend the rest of the weekend with me--depending on his mood.

One night (after the Van Ness game) I was dozing in my chair watching a rerun of a baseball game on ESPN Classic, when I heard someone bellow, " Where's my cocksucker?! Hey cunt!"

My hero appeared with 'Herky' Hurdzan, a linebacker and a real hottie! But I was stunned. He promised he's not tell anyone and here he was telling a fellow football player!

"Tony, be quiet!" I said, tears in my eyes.

"Hey, bitch! What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"Tony, you promised you'd never tell anyone about this!" I sobbed.

"Herky's my best buddy, Billy. He's not just 'anyone.' He cool!" Tony said

"Hi teach!" Herky said, obviously (like Tony) too trashed to be embarrassed.

"Get on your knees, cocksucker, and kiss my peter 'hello!' " Tony ordered.

"Tony, I can't ......I started to give good reasons why I couldn't blow him with Herky there. But Tony had different ideas as he pummeled my face-- "Whap...Slap. You do what I tell you, faggot. Now kiss my cock 'hello!'

"Yessir," I said. I was afraid he'd smack me again if I disobeyed.

"Sir? Sir?," Herky laughed. "He calls you 'sir?' That's fuckin' awesome, bro!"

"He sure does," Tony said, slapping my fingers away.

"I told ya to kiss it--not take it out! Stupid, fuckin' queer!" he snorted.

"That's tellin' him!" Herky said, laughing his ass off!

I kissed his dick through his jeans. I loved the package and was too addicted to him to even feel humiliated

"I told ya, dicklover, kiss it 'hello' and welcome it back," he said. .

I kissed the lump that was his cock and said, "Welcome back, dude. I missed ya!"

"I bet you did, fag!" Tony said. "Now get busy and welcome Herky's peter to your apartment.

I looked at him, my eyes begging, "Do I have to?"

His eyes never blinked and they turned so cold that I knew that I had better, or get my ass kicked So I moved over to Herky, slid to my knees and kissed the outline of his peter through the soft, faded denim.

"Ah, shit, Tony. This is un-fuckin-believable. Will he do anything ya want?" Herky asked..

"He sure will. Hey cocksucker, undo my jeans, pull 'em down--take down my Calvins and lick my balls!" Tony commanded.

"Yessir," I said and crawled over to him, pulled his jeans and underpants down I stuck out my tongue and licked his hairy ballsack.

The flavor almost caused me to cum. I licked and kissed his wrinkled ballskin. I thought to myself. 'What's wrong with you, dumb ass. Acting like a faggot queen over a high school senior boy! But I quit worrying and started loving the texture and aroma!

"Feels fuckin' awesome, faggot! Now lick my ass pucker," Tony directed.

I thought about saying 'no'--not in front of this other kid and I must have hesitated too long, Tony plowed me in the stomach. I fell to the floor, but he grabbed me and pulled me even with his face--"When I tell ya to do something, bitch--you fuckin' well better do it! Now, lick my asshole, cunt!"

"Yessir." I said, defeated and stuck out my tongue, touching his anus.

"What a sick fag he is--Jesus!" Herky said.

"Hey, homo--you gonna blow me, too?" Herky continued.

Tony smiled. "Yeh, slut--get over there and take care of Herky. He's really horned up. You'll love his manjuice!"

I crawled over to Herky, started kissing his big mushroom head. Herky's dick twitched and filled, filling my mouth as I bobbed up and down on it--kissing and licking the shaft.

"Ah, fuck---ah, fuck!" Herky moaned. "Suck my big dick, fag boy! Suck it!"

As I feasted on the peter of this studly, 200 pound, blue eyed, dirty -blonde linebacker, I asked myself "Are you really not gay? I thought you only liked Tony, but here you are chomping this other kid's dick? Even if Tony told ya to--you didn't really have to. What's up?"

"WowowowowoWow!" Herky shrieked, "I'm coming--I'm fuckin' coming!!"

I felt Herky's dick explode with the boy nectar I so loved. "Shit"--I thought--"I don't care!" "God--does he give a great blowjob. I ain't never felt anything like that before. It's as fuckin' good as pussy!" Herky said.

"Clean his dick off. And tuck it back in his jeans," Tony ordered. "Then get your fag ass over here and suck on my big Italian sausage. You love it, boy!"

I finished Tony off in a hurry--he said they had more partying to do tonight. "Clean my pecker off, gayboy and tuck it back inside my jeans." he said.

"You fuck him yet?" Herky asked.

"Nah--I just use his mouth. Why?" Tony asked.

"Buddy of mine who goes to Martin City has this fag who blows him and a lot of other football dudes. He says faggots love gettin' fucked--and it feels a lot like cunt!" Herky said.

"Maybe I'll do him later. Right now I wanna get over to Dana Fiesal's house. She throws a mean party." Tony said. "By the way, Hurdzan. I will fuckin' pound your face in if you even hint to anyone that Mr. Langston is a faggot. I fuckin' love this guy--and he can't help it! Besides, if you tell, he'll get fired and it'll ruin our playground. It's fun havin' a cocksucker for a teacher and slave!"

"Tony, I'd never tell, bro." Herky said. "You know me better than that!"

"Let's go, dude. We're late!" Tony said.

And they left--no 'goodbye' or 'see ya later' or anything. They walked out. I felt used. Like a real slut!

Next: Chapter 4

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