The Tie That Binds

By moc.loa@PnenuohsiB

Published on Aug 14, 2000



Hi! First of all, this is not an S&M story... hehehe... It's been awhile since "The Clique"' huh? Well, to all those Nifty readers who remember that story long ago, I'm back with a new story. Why the long hiatus will be explained in the closing commentary at the bottom of the page for all those interested. Oh! Don't forget the drill...Any comments can be sent to


The Tie That Binds

By: Phil

The air was still as the sun bid farewell to the rising moon, casting a pink haze across the horizon. Tension was high as the runners took their mark. With a blank, fired into the air, the young men took off running down the track. The on-lookers stood up and cheered for their friends to win.

As the runners approached the midway point, one individual appeared to break away from the pack. His feet glided across the gravel as if they were winged like Mercury's. The pack tried desperately to catch up to his break-neck speed, but to no avail. In the end it was him who took first place, not them.

"Why do we even need a team? Kai could easily do every competition and still bring home all the gold..." A student whispered from the bench. "That's for sure!" Another student agreed.

"That's all for now! Hit the showers boys!" The coach opened the gate al let the boys file out of the track area, single file, but stopped the two who were whispering and held them back.

"What coach?" One boy shouted in outrage.

"That kind demotivated talk is something that I won't tolerate! We are a team first and foremost! Maybe if you ladies would work a little harder, Kai wouldn't seem like such the track star!" The coach yelled.


"But nothing! Three laps now!"


"I don't care if you miss your next class! Three laps!"

The two had no choice but to suck it up and run the three laps. As they ran off, Kai approached the coach sipping on his water bottle. "Idiots," he scoffs under his breath as he watches he two team mate run their punishment laps.

"Kai." The coach called out as he reached out for him.

"Sir?" Kai replied.

"How about it? He's not at all interested in trying out for the track team?" The coach asked with a sympathetic face. Kai cringed at the answer he was about to give be with a deep breath he replied, "Sorry coach... he's just not interested."

A bright red hue took over the coach's face as he tried to hold in his anger and disappointment. Straining to keep a calm face he smile at Kai and asked, "Isn't there anything you could say to him? I really want him on the team!"

"Excuse us." The two whispering students said as they ran between the coach and Kai having just completed their laps and are heading back to the locker room.

"Yeah, sure," He said to them as he stepped aside, not taking his attention off of Kai. "Well?" He asked impatiently.

"I'm afraid not sir, he's not really one to dedicate himself to anything anyways." Kai smiled, trying to comfort his track mentor.

"Shit," The coach cursed under his breath. "Sir?" Kai asked, missing out on what the coach had just said. "Nothing Kai... maybe I should complain. I got you don't I?" He smiled. Kai blushed a little at the compliment but then turned towards the locker rooms. "Kai! Here!" The coach reached in his pockets and threw Kai a pair of keys. "Since you're going to be the last one out of the locker room, lock up and give me the keys when you come for early morning practice tomorrow at... what time?"

"Four-thirty sharp!" Kai hollered back as he ran towards the school.

As Kai walked back to school, his thought began to wander to the young man coach was referring to. "He beat me in a race once before, even though he'd had no training. We were just freshman, but I'm the one who's been running track meets since middle school... Still he beat me!" Kai opened the door to the locker room just as its last two occupant left. "It's been a year since then..."

As Kai took off his jersey, the door to the locker room swung open. "Kai-kun! Where's my sexy, bubble butted Kai-kun?" Kai rolled his jersey into a ball and hurled it. "Shut up you idiot!" Kai scolded.

"Awww... did I upset my little Kai-kun?"

"First of all, the 'kun' suffix is for a little Japanese boy, I'm Chinese... and secondly, you're being a complete dork."

"Fine, I guess Gavin Parker will just have to find another CHINESE boyfriend."

"Fine! Go! I don't care... I'll just find myself another big American penis who doesn't talk in the third person."

"Fine!" Gavin quickly turned and headed for the door. "Gav!" Kai called out. "Catch!" As Gavin turned around, Kai threw him another pair of running shoes that he kept in his locker

Gavin caught the shoes in his arms and looked at them with a confused look. "Wah?"

"One sprint around the perimeter of the main gym. If I win, you join the track team with no arguments." Kai propositioned with a sly grin.

"You're proposition is a little late, I'm already a sophomore; furthermore, haven't you all started training?"

"It's never too late Gav. What's the matter? Scared?" Kai knew the exact buttons to push with Gavin. "Fine. But if I win..." A devilish smile grew on Gavin's face. Kai then knew exactly what Gavin was going to say. "If I win, I get to screw you!"

"I knew you were going to say that." Kai sighed. "Alright, it's a deal."

"Outstanding!" Gavin cheer as he began to unbutton his uniform. "Oh! One more thing Kai."


"If I win, we do it here."

"Here? Are you nuts? Have you forgotten that we are at a private school? There are nuns and priests everywhere!!!" Kai shouted.

"Have YOU forgotten that it's well after school? These hallowed halls are empty."

"What am I going to do with you Gavin? You're like some sex maniac!"

"No Kai... the real question is, 'What am I going to do to YOU?' since I am going to be the one at the finish line."

"We'll see..."

Kai, dressed in his track uniform, took out the coach's keys and opened the door to the main gym. Gavin dressed only in one of Kai's spare shorts and shoes followed. The two took their mark at the far corner and on the count of three they shot off. The two kept parallel for most of the way, but then Gavin pulled ahead and won the race. "You cut that corner! I saw you!"

Kai yelled, out of breath. "You never established any formal rules." Gavin chuckled.

"Bastard!" Kai shouted, taking a swing at Gavin. Gavin veered away, avoiding Kai's fist, but keeping his eyes on Kai's face. "It's such a turn on when you're mad!" Gavin thought to himself. As Kai fell forward, Gavin quickly snatches the set of keys out of Kai's hand and runs to the door, locking it.

"Still, with no reservations, I win!" Gavin beamed, tossing the keys to the far side of the gym. Gavin grabs Kai from behind and pulls him down to the ground. "Fucker! That's not fair you cheating prick!" Kai shouts as Gavin runs his hands under Kai's jersey. "Get off of me and take your mark again!" Kai demanded, struggling to get up. "Breaking your gentlemen's agreement?"

"Gavin, you are not gentleman." Kai chuckled, still trying to get away from his boyfriend. Gavin slowly wraps and arm around Gavin's neck and pulls him closer. Whispering in his boyfriend's ear, he says, "I'm not going to let you go," and slides his hand into Kai's running shorts.

Kai's hand quickly grabbed Gavin's and pulled it out. "S-stop that you idiot!" Kai stuttered out.

"I once heard that some hardcore track runners believe that wearing nothing under your uniform with give you a weight advantage and make you run faster... is that true?" Gavin moves he free hand to Kai's chin. "Come on." He pleaded. "I want to feel what you're feeling."

"Y-you sex maniac!" Kai replied.

"You know you like it." Gavin smiled. Slowly moving his lips closer to Kai's, Gavin's arms began to loosen and as their lips touched, Kai had all but forgotten his struggle to get out of Gavin's arms.

As the two embraced each other, Gavin's wandering hand slowly makes it's way down to Kai's backside. He slips into Kai's shorts and kneads Kai's flesh with his hand. Gavin the traces a trail of kisses on to Kai's defined chest. Kai let's out subtle moans as Gavin's tongue plays with each nipple. Enthralled in ecstasy, Kai runs his fingers through Gavin's blond hair and pulls on it every time Gavin decides to bite Kai's skin.

With passion in his eyes, Gavin looks up to his lover and asks, "What do you want me to do? Huh? Just tell me..." Gavin had already made his way to the taught, golden skin that was Kai's washboard abs when he tried to answer between his moans. "I-I want..."

"Yeah baby; tell me what you want." Gavin encouraged.

"I want you to stop you pervert!" Kai gasped out.

"Do you ever stop complaining?" Gavin questioned as both his hands grabbed onto the elastic waistband of Kai's short. As he slowly pulled them down, he mouth began to salivate in anticipation. Gavin's eyes glowed when they saw Kai's proud 6 inch, uncut member standing to full attention.

Kai lays back onto the hard wood floor as Gavin wraps his lips around Kai's head. The feeling was sensational. Kai places his index finger in his mouth and bites down on them as Gavin pleasures him. Gavin's lips continued with Kai's member as his own hands found their way to Kai's hole. First with one finger, then two, Gavin slowly penetrated Kai with his fingers. The friction was giving Kai and incredible sensation that he had never felt before. Kai grabs Gavin's hair and stops his motions. "I want you Gavin... I want you to love me." Gavin obeys his lover's plead and takes one last suck from Kai's penis, but not before leaving it's extra-sensitive head with a scrape from his teeth making Kai jump in pleasure.

The two maintained eye contact, laying back to back on their sides, as Gavin positioned his 8 inches at Kai's awaiting hole. Slowly Gavin pushes in. He glances down and with his hand guides his member into his lover. Kai quickly turns his head away from Gavin and bites down hard on his finger.

Once Gavin was completely in his lover, he looks to see that Kai had drawn his own blood. "You idiot!" Gavin yells as he yank Kai's hand away from his mouth. Small drops of bloods falls onto Kai's cheek. As Gavin moves in and out of Kai, his tongue likes the droplets of blood off of Kai's face, and then moves to his ear wear he whispers to Kai, "I won't give you up... Not to anyone! You're fingers, your hair, you eyes, your skin... all mine." Kai turns his head and gazes into Gavin's eyes, feeling the tears well up. He closes his eyes and lets them fall. Gavin gently wipes them away while he continues making love to Kai. Kai slowly leans into Gavin and spreads his legs further apart. At the same time, Gavin grabs Kai's erect penis and increases the amount of pleasure Kai is receiving.

"I'm going to cum," Kai pants out. Gavin stops his thrust and lovingly caresses Kai's member until Kai's entire body clenched and with loud moan Kai released his nectar all over his stomach and Gavin's hands. The pressure Gavin felt on his penis as Kai orgasimed was so great that it triggered his own, so as Kai was coming down from his orgasm, he felt Gavin's hot semen pour into his bowels. With Kai lying face up on top of him, Gavin wrapped his arm around his lover and gave him some sharp thrust to get the remaining juices out.

Fifteen minutes had gone by and they still laid on the floor of the school gym. The two had since gone flaccid but were still in embracing one another. Gavin gently brush the hair out of Kai's eyes to reveal the face of his exhausted looking Asian angel.

"Gavin?" Kai asks, sensing that his boyfriend had something to say.

"I was just thinking how much I want to gouge out your eyeballs and keep them." Gavin smiled.

"Well, that killed what ever sex drive I had left," Kai chuckled, "what for? Starting a new hobby?"

"Hmm.. Not a bad idea, collecting eyeballs. But there's just one pair I want..." He raised his hands and pointed to Gavin's crystal blue eyes and said, "these. Just these eyes looking at me forever."

"When you put it like that, I can't think of any objections," Kai smiled, "If you do that for me... I won't have to look at anyone else."

As Kai watches Gavin dress, he thinks to himself, "Why do I get so weak when I'm around him? Even now, when he flashed me that smile... I can't help but lose to him." As Gavin unlocks the gym and walks out, he turns around to face Kai; "I'll be in the hall waiting for you to get done. Don't keep me waiting."

"Okay..." Kai smiles as he gathers his track uniform.

"Oh, and Kai?"


"I love you!"

"I love you too!" As watched as the door closed behind Gavin and sighed, "I guess I'll never learn."


So what do you think? Should I continue? I chose an ending that could stay as is or... if you guys prefer to know more about the world of Kai and Gavin, send me e-mail. It all depends on your vote. It's an election year after all ^_^

Now about everyone curious about what happened with "The Clique..."

Every so now and then I get letters about that story and I just want to clear up what happened to it. The truth of the matter is that I just got too tired with it. I slowly found writing a story like that was so generic. Everyone was rich and drove fancy cars and lived the life that all high school students dreamed... I got tired of it. I also got sick of the fact that I specified too much. I even wrote about what brand of clothing they wore... Armani, Gucci, etc... What I hated the most was giving a detailed description of each character. That I didn't like because now I see that too much description stiffles the imagination, making the reader see the guy of my dreams not theirs. In this new story, all you know that Kai is Chinese and Gavin has blond hair and blue eyes.

But even with all it's flaws, I still have a soft spot for "The Clique." It was my first story after all and a lot of you seem to like it. In the past few months or so, I've matured quite a bit and I hope you can see that in my writing.

Thanks to all who sat and read this. I just needed to get somethings off my chest.


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