The Tide Began to Rise

By moc.oohay@yrotsetihwmiT

Published on Nov 11, 2022


The Tide Began to Rise - Chapter 34


Hey, here's is the thing that nobdy reads. If your not 18 dont read this. This story is made up, not real. It came out of my Crazy, messed up head. And to start off i want to apologize if this bring back any repressed memories.


The Tide Began To Rise
Chapter 34

[Tyler’s POV]

“Hey Peter, any luck yet?”

“Nothing for sure yet. There are a few places that I’m waiting to hear from. How is the job search coming?”

“Ok, I’m looking at a few places in Omaha and Council Bluffs.”

“Duh, I don’t mind driving back here every day for school, or I can always switch schools.”

“OK, there is a place that I know of in Omaha that is income based. A friend of mine lives there. I think he pays 50 a month.”

“Wow, try there.”

“OK. Hey, I need to head to work. I will talk to you later.”

Peter gave me a hug, I got out of the car and he left. Brie walked up to me shortly after.


“Hey, I need to tell you something.” She said as we sat at a table inside the cafeteria.

“What is it?”

“Someone told me that Brent is planning on signing you a song at the talent show.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. So I was thinking, if you wanted, we could cancel our song together, so you can do one by yourself. That is if you want to.”

“Well, maybe we can do both. I will talk to Mrs. Fast. I’m sure she will let us. She loves me.”

“Well, let’s go ask her.”

Brie and I got up from the table and walked to the music room. Mrs. Fast is the Choir director at the school.  She is also the one that is setting up this year’s talent show. The reason why she loves me is because I’m the section leader for the tenors. So for this year, I have made my section the best out of the entire choir. Mrs. Fast wants to send our section to a choir completion.

“Hi Tyler, How are you today?”

“I’m good. How are you?

“I’m great.”

“That’s good. I have a favor to ask.”

“Ok, what is it?”

“I was wonder if I can get another slot in the talent show. I still want to sing with Brie, but something has come up and I need another slot.”

“I will give you another slot if you help me with the freshman. I know you’re a tenor, but I’m sure you will be able to help with all the other sections.”

“I have a class that period.”

“Don’t worry about it; I will give you a note to get you out of there. So will you help with them?”

“Yeah. If you get me out of that class; and I will help you every day for the rest of the semester.”

“Is it a class that you need to graduate?”

“Nope its a filler class.”

“What class?”

“Accounting, I love the class, but I need out.”

“I think I know why. I have noticed a slight change in your singing. It’s you and your boyfriend right?”

“Close, Ex-boyfriend.”

“Ah, ok well, I will see what I can do.”

“Thank you.”

“Here is a note for today.” Mrs. Fast wrote a note for me to give to my teacher.

Brie and I left the music room.

“Yay” she said. “I’m so excited. I didn’t want to give up my slot with you. So you are going home with me so we can go over the song one more time before tomorrow.”

“Umm, duh. Where else would I be going? I’m staying with you, remember.”

The bell rang shortly after. So started another day in which I must ignore Brent staring at me, another day of notes getting passed to me, then ripping them up. At least one class will change. Mrs. Fast will get me out of it.

Today went like the rest of the days this week. Brent tried talking to me, but I ignored him. He left notes in my locker, I threw them away. I could feel his eyes on me all day long. Hopefully after the show tomorrow, he will take the hint and move on. I want him to be happy, just not with me anymore. There are obvious feelings between him and Collin, and he should explore that. When I’m ready, I going to talk to Brad.

Brie sent me a text during that last class of the day. It said that I should meet her in the front of the building when I got out of class. She didn’t have an 8th period.

When the bell rang, I bolted from my desk to the door. I didn’t want Brent trying to talk to me. I heard him say my name, but I just kept going. I heard him call me all the way down the hall. I ignored him. I ran straight to the front doors. I didn’t want to stop at my locker, because it would give him a chance to catch up to me.

I got in Brie’s car and we drove off. I saw Brent in the mirror. He was shouting something, but I couldn’t read his lips or hear him. I kind of laughed.

We went to Brie’s house. We went over the song 40 times. I would listen to her signing, then I would help her with the trouble spots that she had, and she would do the same thing for me. Then we had her mom listen to us to see how we sounded. That wasn’t the best idea. She didn’t like the type of music. She still said we sounded amazing.

After the 40th time of going over the song, and picking out our clothes; we were exhausted. When we woke up in the morning we did as we planned. Once we were looking fine, we headed to the school. There was already a ton of people there. Most of which were people performing, some were there to watch.

Brie and I fixed our makeup and decided to go sit in the audience until it was our turn. We were supposed to be the 10th group to perform. We watch the first 8 then went to the back to get ready. The 8 that we did watch were really good.

Our music started and Brie and I ran on stage.

__I'm at war with the world
And they try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slipping from your arms
It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last
I'm awake, I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life

(Here, right now)
Right here, right now
Stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake, and I'm alive
I'm at war with the world
'Cause I ain't never gonna sell my soul
I've already made up my mind
No matter what, I can't be bought or sold
When my faith is getting weak
And I feel like giving in
You breathe into me again
I'm awake, I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
(Here, right now)
Right here, right now
Stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake, and I'm alive

Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up in the dark
I can feel you in my sleep
In your arms, I feel you breathe into me

Forever hold this heart that I will give to you
Forever I will live for you
I'm awake, I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
(Here, right now)
Right here, right now
Stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake, and I'm alive

Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up
Waking up, waking up_

Everyone in the audience jumped to their feet. People were screaming, clapping, and whistling. Brie and I gave each other a hug, blew the audience a kiss, took a bow then left the stage.

“Oh my god, that was amazing”. I said giving Brie another hug.

“I know……… So do you want to stay back here, or do you want to go out there and watch more until your next number?”

“I want to watch more. Some of them are really good. Not as good as us but still fun to watch.”

“What are you going to want to do when Brent gets up there to sing?”

“Nothing, I’m going to watch him.”

We walked back out to sit in the audience. The entire way, we had people telling us we were great. They were telling us how much they loved it. We found some seats, and watch the rest of the show. There were a lot of good acts. As each person came on and left the stage, my nerves started to rise. I kept expecting to see Brent.

Finally I heard his name. The lights went out. A few moments later, a spot light came on. The light shown down to the center of the stage. Brent was sitting on a stool holding a mic. The music started playing and everyone quieted down.

_What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

What I got to do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.

What do I do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Yeh. Sorry

What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What have I got to do?
What have I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word._

Everyone clapped; everyone but me. I had a few tears in my eyes. Not really because the song or that Brent sang it to me. The tears were because the song that I’m about to sing to him. I stood up and walked to the back. James came running up to me.

“Hey bud, are you ok?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You got up pretty fast after Brent got done.”

“Yeah, my next set is next.”


I walked away. I went and got ready. I started thinking do I really want to do this.

“Are you ready Tyler?” Mrs. Fast asked

I guess it is too late. The music ended. I head the clapping and cheering. Then I was introduced a second time. I walked out on to the stage. I looked out in the audience. Brent was sitting in the front row.

The music started. I took a deep breath.

We've run out of words
We've run out of time
We've run out of reasons
Really, why are we together?
We both know it's over, baby
Bottom line
It's best we don't even talk at all

Don't call me even if I should cross your mind
Hard enough, I don't need to hear your voice on my messages
Let's just call it quits
Its probably better
So if I'm not returning your calls its cause

Cause I'm not coming back
I'm closing the door
I used to be tripping over missing you
But I'm not anymore
I got the picture phone
Baby, your picture's gone
I couldn't stand to see your smile
Every time you dial

Cause it's over
Girl, you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressing 7
Don't wanna hear your messages, messages
I'm tryin to erase you from my mind
Cause it's over
I swear it girl
It's over this time
So don't be callin leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you've been
Baby cause it's over

I still wake up every morning
Quarter to ten
I still eat my cereal
Right at the kitchen table
I can't even remember how long it's been
With no trouble staying occupied

They ask about you whenever I come around
I do what I can not to put my business in the streets
Last thing I need is another episode
Keep conversations short and sweet cause

Cause I'm not coming back
I'm closing the door
I used to be tripping over missing you
But I'm not anymore
I got the picture phone
Baby, your picture's gone
I couldn't stand to see your smile
Every time you dial

Cause it's over
Girl, you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressing 7
Don't wanna hear your messages, messages
I'm tryin to erase you from my mind
Cause it's over
I swear it girl
It's over this time
So don't be callin leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you've been
Baby cause it's over

You know that its over when the burning and yearning inside your heart
Ain't there anymore
And you know that you're through
When she don't do to you and move you
Like the way she moved you before
And you wanna pull her close
But your heart has froze
You kiss her but her eyes don't close
Then she goes
Out of your heart forever
And it hurts you but you know that it's better

Girl it's over
Girl, you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressing 7
Don't wanna hear your messages, messages
I'm tryin to erase you from my mind
Cause it's over
I swear it girl
It's over this time
So don't be callin leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you've been
Baby cause it's over

Cause it's over
Girl, you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressing 7
Don't wanna hear your messages, messages
I'm tryin to erase you from my mind
Cause it's over
I swear it girl
It's over this time
So don't be callin leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you've been
Baby cause it's over

When I finished that song, I just stood there. Many people were clapping and cheering. My eyes and attention were on the ones that weren’t. They were the ones that understood what that song meant. I looked down. My eyes met Brent’s. I kind of felt bad. I didn’t want to tell him that way. I figured that he would have understood from me ignoring him. Then he decided to do his song. So I had to do one in return.

I walked off that stage and went outside. I went to Brie’s car and sat on the trunk. I felt like shit. I heard a noise. I looked up from the ground and saw Brent.

There is one more chapter after this!! I am going to be doing a second story for this. I think that this one has run its coruse. I will post the prolouge to the next story here when i have it ready.

Ok everyone, I hope that you enjoyed the chapter.

Authors note:

Thanks for reading. My Yahoo group. Tell me what u think. Email me, IM me, or you can go to JUB. and leave your comment there.

Next: Chapter 35

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