The things I do for a term paper

By Michael100 banks

Published on Sep 6, 2003



This story includes adult languages, and gay sex. If you find this offensive please do not continue. However, if you enjoy this kind of stuff, feel free to do anything you like as you read this story. Email me about your comments at

  • The things I do for a term paper *

7:20 in the evening. I am all ready to go home after a hard day in school. My Psychics professor gave me a terrible headache with his boring and never ending discussion. I kept staring on my wristwatch waiting for the long hand to strike on 6, however 10 minutes still seems like an hour. It's quite confusing how time slows down when you're waiting for it to come and how fast it is when you're having a good time. Then suddenly not moment to soon, the bell rang at last. Everybody stood up from their chair and went straight out of the door while our professor reminds us of our homework and then, before I reached the door "Mr. McGavin, could you come for a second?" He called me looking at papers in his hands. "Yes Mr. Hewitt?" I asked. "I just finished reading your term paper Mr. McGavin and I want to inform you that out of 40 students in this class, you're the only one who got an F" he said with a high-toned voice. "I'm really sorry Sir, it's just that I've got this problem at home and...ahhhh and..." I replied tried make excuses. "Well, whatever your problem sure is affecting your I'm giving you a chance, rewrite your paper and I want on my desk tomorrow afternoon...understand" says Mr. Hewitt. "Thank you Sir" was all I could say and then head out of the door.

By the way, before I go on with my story; let me tell you a little something about myself. My name is Michael McGavin. I'm 19 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall with blue eyes and brown hair. I'm the kind of guy girls want to date, meaning...good looking, great body and one of the popular guys in school. I have had a lot of girl friends but not really the thing you called relationship. I guess not into that kind of thing yet. I love fucking girls...especially with big tits and they love being fucked by my 8-1/2 inches cock. Some girls would even ask me for a night with them. (I think you got the point)

Anyway, after that little conversation with Mr. Hewitt, I directly went to the bus stop. I was not in the mood of calling my friends on the cell phone and ask them to hang with me on the bar or something. I have lots of situations in my mind; one of them is my term paper. So there I was, sitting on the bench waiting for the bus, thinking of what to do, wishing for a miracle to come and give me helping hand. "Quite night ain't it?" somebody said. I look to my left and saw a familiar face but don't really remember where I've seen him. "It sure is" I replied. He looked around for a second and then sat beside with a little smile on his face. "So, what do you think of Mr. Hewitt's discussion?" he asked while looking at the street. I looked at as if I don't know what he's talking about. " probably don't know me or even recognize me by face, I'm Mark...sitting front row of Mr. Hewitt's class." He clarified. "Oh..I thought you looked familiar, yeah...I do recognize you." I said with a grin on face. "well...Mr. Hewitt's discussion is not what I really called fun, and besides I hate his stinking guts." I told him looking really mad. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "What? Why? I think Mr. Hewitt is cool, you just gotta know him well." He replied. "Easy for you to say, but wait `til he you an F then you'll know I'm talking about" I shamefully said to him. " he gave you an F on you term wonder why you hate." He said with a low voice. "So is he giving some remedial of something?" He asked. "Yeah...he told me to rewrite my work and that I should have it on his desk by tomorrow...I don't know if I can right anything right now...I mean I hate writing stuff that I don't even give shit especially if I don't know anything about it." I explained sounding very exhausted. Few moments later the bus arrived and both of us went inside.

We talked a lot during the ride. He told me that he's in the glee club on our school, and that the lowest grade he ever had in the entire school life was a B+. You probably thinking that is some kind of geek but in all honesty he really doesn't look like one. He's tall, I think about 5'11, blonde hair, blue eyes and probably working out.

When we were about 2 blocks away from his house, he told me that he could help me with my term paper. "I can make it if you want to" he said. "what...ahhh" I hesitated at first but knowing that I could never get it done by tomorrow I just said "really man?" "yeah...but...ahh" he replied shyly. "but what?" I asked. "ahhhh...ahhh..." but before he could say anything "listen, if your having some money problem I could pay you for it" I interrupted. " no no...but your on the right track though." He replied. "What do you mean." I asked. "I do want something in return but not money." He answered. What he said somehow scared me a bit, but with my term paper on head... I could do almost anything. "ohh, so what do you want then?" I anxiously asked. "Well, hummm... since the beginning of the semester I've always thought that you're kinda cute and jealous of all the girls you've been with." I was shocked and don't know how to react. It never occurred to me the he could be gay until just now. Thoughts have flooded my mind with the possible things could ever want. "Shit, maybe he wants to have a relationship." I thought to myself. "ahhhh I don't get it" I said pretending to confused. "Michael I'm going to say it straight, but please don't over react." He said nervously. "okay" was all I could say. "ahh, I will do your term paper for you if you let suck your dick" He said and nod head down. Somehow, what he said made me at ease. If he ever mentioned relationship I would definitely say no, but since he only wanted to me give a blowjob and I needed a term paper by tomorrow... so I said yes. I think it's better than failing.

When we got to his stop, both us directly walked to his house. He's living in his parents' house but alone since they were reassigned in another state.

I was feeling a little nervous because I've never had gotten a blowjob from a man before. If wouldn't do it if I don't have problems with Mr. Hewitt, but I don't really have much of a choice...I really need his intelligence right now. Their house was very organized; the living room looks completely neat. "Do you want a beer? I could get some if you want" he offered. "no thanks...lets just get this done and over with" and replied. "well, if your nervous...a little beer could really help." He suggested. "No...really, let's just get to it" I claimed. "well, ok! If that's you want." My heart was pounding so fast, so I sat on the sofa and noticed Mark coming towards me. Then, he knelt between my legs and spread wide a little bit making himself an easy access to my crotch. He ran his hands from my thighs up to my abs, then he got hold of my shirt and took them off me. I laid my head back on sofa board and just let him do what he wants. Then I felt something wet on my nipple, it was his tongue...he's playing at it from one to another. "hmmmmmmm, I've been longing to this for a long time" he whispered. "whewwwww" I sighed a little and closed my eyes. Then I felt his tongue on armpit. It tickled a bit but can't say anything. I don't want him to think I'm enjoying it. "huuuuhh I really love your smell hhhmmmm". He moaned. After that, he then, licked his way to my abs. My heart then was beating so fast that I could almost hear it. His tongue played with my abs for a minute and then I felt his hands on my crotch unzipping and unbuttoning my pants, managed to pull them with my boxer just enough to expose my semi-hard dick. "Wow...that's quite a tool you got there, just what I expected" he said. I didn't say anything, I just want this done and over with. I felt his hand wrap around my shaft and started stroking it slowly, he licked the head a few times and I almost moaned but managed to control it. "mmmmmmm mmmmmmm...taste much better than I imagined. My dick is starting grow harder and harder and until it reached to it's full 8-1/2 inches. I then felt his lips around the cockhead and moving lower and lower. "mmmmhhhhhh huuhhhhhhhh" he mumbled. I hate to admit it but his mouth really felt good, in fact better than some of the girls' mouth that my dick had ever been. But still I don't want him to know that know I'm enjoying this, so I just kept breathing hard and not moaning. "Hmmmmmmm hhhhmmmmmmm...mmmhhh" he moaned as he pumped up and down much faster. It felt so damn good that I just bit my finger to avoid moaning with my head laid back on the sofa board. Then, he to hold of my balls with one hand started massaging it while sucking my hard mantool. "huuhh ohhh" I let out a little moan but not loud enough for him to hear. As he keeps this routine, my cock is almost ready to blow its load. He must have felt that I'm close to cumming coz he went faster and faster...and then after a few more pumps "ahhhhhhh...huuhhhhhhhh...whhhhaahhhhhhh...ohhhhhh" I couldn't control it anymore and moaned like I've moaned before. It felt great... I never thought that a man could also give me so much pleasure.

Mark keeps on licking my softening cock, making sure not to leave a single drop of my cum. He went on for 10 minutes licking and sucking my dick and balls after I blow my juice. I then realized how much he likes me.

I stood up, pulled back my pants and put my shirt back on. "I have to go now." I said to him trying to sound as normal as it I was. " me at the lobby at 8:00 AM and I'll give you your term paper" he replied. "Ok then...bye" I said and walked to the door.

"ahhhh Michael" He called before I could reach the door knob.


"do you think... you ..." he tried to say something but before he could finished his sentence.

"Hey listen man, if you're volunteering to do all my project in exchange for what we just did, the answers no! I don't think I could handle it again" I exclaimed.

"ohhhh... Okay" he said with a very lonesome voice and then looked down.

"Okay...see you at then" I assured and then walked out.

  • if you want to hear more about this story just let me know. Email me at

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