The Thing with Nick

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Apr 26, 2001


Disclaimer: howie says hi, and thanks to all the wonderful people who are enjoying this story! Note: Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to tell me what you think of the story! i appreciate it more than you know!

Don't forget to get your nominations in for the BBSA! Speaking fo which i still gotta do that, lol. ttyl! enjoy and drop me line if u can!

The thing with Nick 4

The thing with Nick is, he acts before he thinks.

We didn't talk the next morning. Suddenly, life was going in slow motion. Even when I passed him in the halls, he would keep his head down.

" Nick, Nicky please look at me."

" I'm looking. But now we gotta go, so hurry up."

It was pointless to reason with him when he got like this. This mood he got in when he was horny, pissed, and disappointed. We'd seen it before with his previous relationships, but I never thought I'd be the cause of it this time. This time, as pissed as I was at Nick for being in his Mood, I couldn't help but smile, that here he was, Nick Carter, horny and pissed all because of me. It's a feeling I can't describe. Kinda like giddy bubbly and solemnly happy at the same time.

After the show, we went out to a near by club and danced the night away. It was nice to get away from reality for one night and just let the music control me. I sat at the bar with my second beer and watched Nick bump into and up to people as he danced in the middle of the floor.

It's quite exhilarating to watch the man that makes your heart spin and your pants tighten move his body in ways you only imagined deep in wet dream fantasies. I watched him so intently I didn't even notice when he had come and sat down next to me.

" See something you like?"

" Uh, I, hello Nick."

" I was wondering if you'd like to come and dance with me? A peace offering of sorts."

I couldn't find the words to answer him. All I did was look down.

His hand, on my lap, his finger, drawing circles on my inner thighs, and in leather pants, there is no room for tenting! The pain grew as the minutes passed when I didn't reply to him. He cupped my crotch and whispered softly into my ear.

" Come on my Latin Lover, I know you want me."

And I did. I wanted nothing more than to take him, and shove him against the bar. His legs around my body and slam into him like no tomorrow. But those were dreams, not reality. I pushed him away and shook my head.

" Nick, you're drunk. We have to talk about this, when sober, before we do anything."

" Come on! You know I love you, what more do you want?"

" Commitment."

" Jesus, right now, all I want is a good. Hard. Fuck."

His breath tickled my neck. I pushed him away.

" No."

" Fine then, suit yourself. G'nite Howie."

I walked out of the bar, into a cab and back to the hotel. I wandered around the lobby for a few minutes before deciding that I might as well watch TV in my room as I wait for the guys to come back.

I fell asleep waiting.

Around three in the morning, I heard voices. I heard sex. Now was not the time for AJ to bring back another conquest.

I pulled my boxers on and went to tell him to shut up. As I approached the door, I saw that he had carelessly left the door open. It was so, AJ of him! I walked in, not caring what I was interrupting if it meant I could get some rest.

" Ugh, AJ, Harder!"

I couldn't understand what I was seeing. The love of my life. And the love of past life. Together. Intertwined. Sweat and sex fogged over the room. I was paralyzed.

Nick clawed at AJ's back, leaving tiny red marks. The sheets had been thrown back. Nick played with himself as AJ slammed in and out of Nick's fragile body. It was like watching reruns of my life. Nick was me, and he had just tangled himself in AJ's web of lies and deception. But this time, it was AJ being sucked in, and I who was being deceived, again.

I couldn't move. The tears that soaked through my shirt, and my sobs that shook the room, didn't stop them.

The thing with Nick is, even when he's hurting me, he's still turning me on. ~~~~~~~ thanks for reading, more soon ~Elisheva

Next: Chapter 5

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