The Therapist

By Blackscar

Published on Jan 6, 2024



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, organisations, or events is entirely coincidental.

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The Therapist – Part 1b

"You have mail". Does anyone else hate that voice like I do? I had just been stroking my cock, thinking about Ryan and Ged and what I would like to do with Chris given the chance. I opened my laptop and clicked on my email account.

It was an email from Andrew, "Hi, it has taken some arranging, but we can make it for this weekend. Please send full details."

I grinned, "Oh, that would be my total pleasure."


There is not much to recommend Penrith Station in the Cumbrian market town. Not unless you count one of the platform track side warning signs, which proudly proclaims, 'Keep back from the platform edge' then, in smaller writing below, 'Or you may get sucked off'. I always point it out to the guys I meet at the station, it sets the tone. It also nine times out of ten reinforces the 'sad dumpy one' who looks shocked and highlights the Alpha, who laughs his bollocks off.

Bing, bing, bong. The tannoy system had definitely seen better days, too. "The train now arriving at platform two is the fourteen - fifteen service from London Euston."

This was the train I had been asked to meet. Now I normally made the 'Retreat' attendees get a taxi out to my place, but this time I didn't. For the last few days, I couldn't stop myself looking at Chris' photograph, I wanted to meet him in person. Hopefully, I would get to splatter my load across his face, just like I had several times over his picture.

The train came to a halt, and the door opened. I scanned up and down the platform, sure I would be able to spot them immediately they showed; well, Chris anyway.

"Ah, welcome to the Lake District. Peter Wiltshire and you must be Chris and Andrew." I held out my hand as the two guys approached me along the platform. Chris was all smiles, Andrew slightly behind him wasn't.

"How was your journey?" I saw Chris raise his eyebrows, mumbling, "Don't ask, he hasn't shut up about it." He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"That good huh," I gave Chris a wink. He just nodded.

Andrew bustled forward, holding out his hand, I shook it; God, talk about a wet lettuce, "I'm Andrew."

I nodded.

He pouted, "Oh I am sorry, we are both hot and sweaty, the air conditioning on the train was defective. We must smell awful."

Another skyward look by Chris. I leant into Chris, "You smell good to me."

He gave me a cautious look of surprise, then smiled and nodded.

"Come on, let me get you back to my place and we can get you both started on your retreat."

"Oh, excellent, I need a shower first." He flapped his hand, "Phew", yes, it was Andrew again.

I put Andrew in the back of the car with the luggage; making up some story about the boot not opening. The gullible idiot fell for it, but didn't look too happy as I shoved in their cases next to him.

Chris got in the front with me. I could smell him. Pure man, not in a bad way, not shower material, but maybe a tongue bath. I smiled to myself as we set off, the two of them not speaking but both looking out at the beautiful passing countryside.

I deliberately took a few of the bends a bit fast, smirking as I heard the grunts from the rear seat as the cases shifted and landed on Andrew.

"Oh, sorry, are you okay?"

There was a muffled, "Mmmm", from the rear. I caught Chris' eye and gave him another wink, he just smirked. Did he know yet what I was up to?

I turned off the main road, "Nearly there, that is the place over at the foot of the mountain."

"Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it, Chris... Chris, I said it is beautiful, isn't it?"

"I heard you."

"Well, you could answer me! What will Peter be thinking?"

I glanced at Chris. He shook his head, eyebrows raised again. "Yes, it's beautiful." His voice mocking Andrew's.

I smiled. Could this get any better? You bet it could. Well, for me and Chris, anyway.

Andrew was all smiles as we pulled up, "Oh, this is lovely." Chris didn't say a word.

I showed them in and to the small room. Andrew glanced round, his face speaking volumes. "Is there an ensuite?"

I chuckled, "Not unless you can see a door that I can't. The shower and toilet are next door."


Chris bounced his arse on the mattress, "Bed feels nice and comfy."

I nodded, not that he would be sleeping in here.

"Well, I just must have a shower." There was that whiny voice again.

"You don't have time. This is a full-on course. I will give you a couple of minutes, then meet you on the decking by the sauna and I can get to know more about you."

"I won't take long."

"No, you are correct. I will see you on the decking in a couple of minutes."

Andrew shook his head. I heard Chris hiss, "Do as Peter says. Why do you have to whine about everything?"

"Shush, I'm not whining."

I turned to leave, "Two minutes."

I was just through the door when I heard him say, "Now you made me look silly... I need a shower, I smell and so do you."

"Andrew, just do as Peter says, will you? Why does everything have to be a debate?"

I smiled to myself and flicked on the power to the sauna.

A few minutes later, they both appeared. "It's just so beautiful, you are so lucky to live here." There was that voice again.

I stood and invited the two of them to sit with me on the decking. I handed them both tall glasses, Andrews' held flavoured water, Chris' a mixture of vodka and a mixer. They both took a drink, none the wiser they had different drinks.

I smiled, "So let me officially welcome you both to the retreat. I had better start with some housekeeping and basic rules."

They both nodded.

"To get the most out of this retreat, you are both expected to follow my directions without question."

"But..." Yes, it was him again.

I cut him off, "If I think something needs further discussion, I will invite it."

Andrew swallowed, glanced at Chris and, getting no response from him, finally nodded.

I glared at him. He mouthed the word, "Sorry."

"Good! Right, I have found that clothing is a natural barrier to expression and communication, therefore, in a moment, I will invite you both to strip off and join me in the sauna, to continue our 'getting to know you session'".

"Strip naked here?" There was that voice again... "We are all going to be naked?"

I looked straight at him. "Are you intending to question everything I say? If you are, I will run you both back to the station right now!"

Andrew's face went white, he shook his head, "No, sorry... It's just that, you never mentioned we would be naked... all the time." His voice trailed off as Chris joined me, glaring at him. I could see him mouthing, "Will you shut up?"

There was a barely audible, "But he didn't."

I glanced at Chris and smiled, "Is he always like this?"

Chris' lips tensed and he gave a nod. It was noticeable he didn't rush to defend him.

"If it helps, I will strip off first... as one of us seems a bit shy... You are not one of those guys who does a contortionist show, towel dance when getting undressed on the beach, are you, Andrew? Ashamed of your body?" He looked down, avoiding my eyes. I smiled, "I bet you're not, are you Chris?"

Before either of them could say anything further, I stood and, facing Chris, began to remove my shirt. Now, I have to confess, I look after my body as the gym equipment in my room will testify.

I felt both of their eyes on me as I slipped the shirt off my muscular chest. Slowly, I dropped my fingers to the belt buckle of my cargo shorts. My fingers brushing through the dark column of hair which formed my treasure trail. I always go commando, Andrew let out a gasp as my soft, fat, six uncut inches became visible, as I slipped down my shorts. I did that man thing facing him, my fingers running through my trimmed pubes and giving my dick a tug, un-sticking it, before cupping my heavy balls.

I stood naked, facing them both. "Chris, perhaps you would like to go next?"

"Sure." He stood and pulled his rugby top off over his head, revealing his chest. It had a coating of hair, a similar colour to that on his head. His armpits likewise had a nice bush of hair, it was slicked to the underside of his arm, he hadn't been wrong about being sweaty.

"Shall I get undressed now too?" There was that voice again. Fuck, he was irritating. Here I was trying to take in Chris' sexy body and all I could hear...

"No, you will go after Chris."

"I just thought..."

"Chris, stop, get dressed, I am taking you both back to the station." I grabbed my shorts.

Andrew swallowed and began babbling, "No, please sorry, please, I won't say another thing. I promise... I just thought..." He shut up.

I sat myself down, so I was level with Chris' groin. "Ready when you are."

His eyes twinkled as he flashed me a grin. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of his jeans and glanced at me again. His tongue lazily traced across his lips and he slid them down. He was in a pair of fitted boxer briefs, a healthy bulge filling out the front. More eye contact and he slid them down. Chris was hung like me, uncut, with a nice thick, veiny shaft, his pubes were pretty bushy and his balls smaller than mine. Like me, he gave his junk a shake. I was sure I could smell him from where I sat.

I tore my eyes away from his groin. He had caught me looking. He smiled and gave a little nod. I smiled, adding, "Very nice. Very nice in deed." I am sure his chest inflated just a bit more; as I blew some smoke up his arse.

"Thank you, I don't get many complaints." He shook his hips, giving his junk a waggle.

Smiling, I glanced at Andrew, "Not even from him?"

Chris chuckled.

"Right, your turn." Purposely, I didn't even say Andrew's name.

He stood, practically squirming. "I am not as big as you two." He blushed as he undid the cuffs of his dress shirt. It looked like this was going to take some time. I turned back to Chris as Andrew continued to slowly undo each of his shirt buttons in turn.

"So Chris, you work out, I take it... Those look like a powerful pair of glutes, they must give quite a thrust." Chris grinned and his dick gave a little twitch.

"Right, that's me." It was that voice again.

I turned round, knowing exactly what I would see. I wasn't wrong, a hairless, pale, flabby unkept chest and stomach, chunky thighs, hands held tightly cupping his junk.

"You are you shy?"

Andrew squirmed, "No, not really, well, a little, you are both so much fitter and bigger," he nodded downwards, "There than I am." He slowly moved his hands to his sides.

I nodded, only adding three words. "Yes, I see." He blushed. "Okay, into the sauna."

Chris and I sat facing each other, Andrew squirmed on to the bench next to Chris. What was wrong with this guy, Chris had a beautiful man spread, his cockhead heavily rested with his balls on the wooden bench like mine. Andrew? Well, Andrew sat legs together, ankles crossed, arms crossed in a pointless attempt to conceal his disgusting body from us.

"So, shall we begin?"

They both nodded. Now rule number two of relationship counselling, or is it three, never ask a question you don't know the answer to.

"So, Andrew, how often do you and Chris have sex... together, that is?" I looked directly at Chris, my tongue tracing between my lips. He smirked in response and subconsciously licked his lips, too. 'Unconscious echoing', this was going to be easier than I could ever have hoped.

"Well?" I barked, causing Andrew to jump.

Andrew blushed, avoiding my gaze again. "With work, it's not always easy..." He whined, "We are both often tired."

I leant forward, spreading my legs wider. "So how many times a week, would you say?" A little twist of the knife.

"Well..." It was that whiney, pathetic voice again.

"Oh, for God's sake. We don't... we haven't for ages, probably at least a year." Chris grunted, then mumbled, no mouthed, "Not together." With that, he looked straight at me.

Andrew glared at him, "It hasn't been that long."

Chris glanced at me. I spread my legs and let my fingers run down my sweat glistening shaft to the large hooded tip. Chris' eyes watched, before he added, mumbling, "Yes it has?" His legs spread a little wider, his cock giving another twitch.

I turned back to whiney. "Andrew, you have to be totally honest with me, like Chris just was, by lying to me, you are just deluding and lying to yourself."

Squirming, Andrew practically whispered, "I didn't think it was that long."

I smiled to myself, "So it has been at least a year." I said, reinforcing the point.

"At least." There was Chris echoing me again; excellent.

I turned back to Andrew. "Andrew, how well do you know Chris' body? When was the last time you licked him all over?"

"Licked him?"

Chris' eyes met mine, "He has never done that."

I turned back to Andrew, "Really? You have never licked your man all over?"

Andrew shook his head, "I don't really like that... sort of thing. I don't like sweat."

"He doesn't like doing anything," Chris mumbled.

Andrew looked hurt, "That's not true."

I leant back on the bench, spreading my legs wider, as my cock twitched to a fat semi. "Do it now. Chris, lay back."

Andrew, as I expected he would, looked horrified. "But he is all sweaty from the train."

"He is... Why not start with his armpit?"

"But..." Andrew visibly paled, he looked like he would collapse.

"Are you getting too hot? Do you need some fresh air?"

Andrew nodded, he looked totally flustered as he headed for the door.

"Take ten minutes to cool down and then fetch Chris and me a cold drink... Knock, when you are ready to come back in."


"That is what I said."

Andrew nodded and paused by the door, he looked at Chris, "Aren't you coming out too?"

I answered for him, "No, Chris is remaining here so I can continue his therapy... after all, this is about both of you, not just you. ... Now, out you go."

The silly fucker nodded and left, pulling the door closed behind him.

Chris sat in silence, his eyes flitted from the door to me.

I smirked, "So, are you seriously telling me you have never had your pits or body licked?"

Chris shuffled on the wooden bench. "No, Andrew is pretty vanilla... Where sex is concerned."

"And what about you?" I stood and walked the couple of feet separating us, "Raise your arms, put your hands behind your head."

Chris glanced at the door again and then slowly raised his arms behind his head, exposing his hairy, sweaty pits to me. His musk hit me straight away, flooding my nose with his alpha pheromones.

"I had better show you what you have been missing then."

He let out a deep, low moan as I dragged my tongue from the base of his pit through the short, sticky, sweaty hair, to the centre of his pit. I buried my lips into his damp skin, sucking and licking, he groaned and stretched his armpit open wider. My hand dropped and gripped his thick shaft, I squeezed it hard and wanked it. Chris let out a low groan. "Nice?" I mumbled into his pit.

"Yes," he grunted.

With my face wet with a mix of his sweat and my spit, I pulled away, then pushed my lips to his, hissing, "Taste." Our lips pressed together, his tongue tentatively licked me. I broke away and smiled, "Now for the other one."

I moved to his other pit and gave it the same treatment, then pulled back. "Nice, isn't it?"

He nodded and glanced at the door again apprehensively.

I exposed my armpit, "Your turn!"

"You want me to...?"

I gripped the back of his head and pulled his face into my pit. "Oh, so much more than want... I demand it! NOW LICK."

Tentatively at first, then with more purpose, he began to lick my sweaty pit. "Now this one." With a handful of hair between my fingers, I pulled him to my other pit. "You like that, don't you?" He nodded, continuing to slobber at the sweaty, matted hair.

Keeping his face buried in my pit, I reached down and gripped his cock, again; it was throbbing. I chuckled to myself as I gave it another, firmer squeeze. A bubble of precum oozed out of his cock lips, I smeared it over his cock head, Chris groaned. I hissed in his ear, "You are wasted on that idiot. You are going to fuck me with this!"

"What?" Chris gasped, trying to pull away. I thrust his face back into my pit.

"You heard me..."


Chris twisted away from me, his face glistening with my sweat, his own saliva coating his lips, he licked them. "Andrew is back," he babbled.

I grinned, sounds like it. "Wait!" I barked at the door.

For the first time, Chris looked worried, "But he will think we are up to something."

"We are!" I glanced down at Chris' and my own erect cocks, "That's why I told him to wait... Don't you want to let that go down a bit first?"

"Shit, yeah."

I forced my lips to his again, pushing my tongue in to his mouth. He struggled and then relaxed into it. I had him. A minute or so later, as I sat grinning at an obviously uncomfortable Chris, there was another knock on the door. "Can I come in now?" God, he sounded so pathetic.

I winked at Chris. "Shall I let him?"

Chris swallowed and nodded, "Probably best."

I smiled, calling, "You can come in now."

Chris' eyes flashed at mine and his legs attempted to snap shut. The door open and the blob came in. He looked at Chris, his eyes travelling to Chris' obviously fattened cock. His lips formed the words, "What have you been doing?"

Chris shook his head, "Nothing. Waiting for you."

"You have forgotten the drinks, Andrew."

"Oh, sorry. I forgot I was just cooling down."

I toyed with the idea of sending him back out to get them, but knew that his mind was already in turmoil at seeing Chris' lazy lob, better to leave him to quiz him; Really get Chris pissed off with all his questions.

I stood smiling, "No matter, I will get them. The same again, both of you?"

Andrew smiled, "Oh, yes please, I would love another flavoured water."

Chris looked at me, his eyes said it all, he knew his drink was a lot more than flavoured water.

"Same for you Chris? Or should I say, do you want more of the same?"

He swallowed, "Yes, please." Andrew's Alpha had met his match.

I left them, barely able to contain my smiles as I heard Andrew, "Why are you hard, what's that round your face and mouth?"

I closed the door and went back into the main house and prepared the drinks, ensuring I splashed an extra-large measure of vodka in to Chris' water. I left the glasses on the counter and went through to my office. Let's see what is going on. I flicked on the CCTV monitor; it slowly came to life. I typed the number four on the control keypad. The view from the inside of the sauna filled the screen. The speaker next to me bursting into life.

"But what did he say?" It was whiney.

"Nothing, now stop asking."

"Well, why are you hard?" Whiney hissed.

"I'm not... Now give it a rest, Peter might hear you."

"You are hard."

"Fuck sake Andrew, no I'm not, now shut up."

Folks, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing from you that you are enjoying the story. Please take the time to email me to let me know. Blackscar.

Other Nifty stories by Blackscar.

'NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters 'Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest 'Josh's Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth 'An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military 'Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest 'Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth 'Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military 'The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest 'A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest 'A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth 'Special lube Oil' - Gay/Adult Youth

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