The Thane

By Brian Suddards

Published on Dec 23, 2009


Usual disclaimers: This story deals with sex between males. Also with anything else, a male could or would like to do with another male. Some things you might find disturbing. This fiction, science fiction. All names, places and events are fictions. If you are under the age where reading this type of story is prohibited, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 3

The leader stood from his desk, walked around and shook my hand.

"Brett, it so good to see you again."

"Thank you leader. I have a few questions."

"You may ask anything you wish Brett."

"What happens to the bodies after their organs are removed?"

"They are processed into a soup that is fed to those in hibernation."

"Do you process enough for your own needs?"

"Oh yes indeed. We process about 20,000 a day, which is plenty for our needs here."

"The males used for milking, do they live indefinitely?"

"No Brett. They last only for about 30-45 of your days until they need to be replaced."

"I want to start an experiment to speed up the DNA change. To do the experiment I will need a vast quantity of Thane sperm. Is it possible to milk the Thane now in hibernation to get the quantity I need?"

"It is possible I suppose, but I don't know if it has ever been done. Let us check the main frame for that information."

He walked out of his office and down to huge door. He placed his hand on a plate on the door. It just opened. Inside was a massive computer complex. He walked to single screen and sat down. He punched the question. The answer came back almost immediately.

"Yes it can be done and in fact was done long ago. The process was used when vast quantities of sperm was needed for cloning. The sperm is collected, purified and then frozen until needed. It is then brought back to Thane body temperature and used."

"So how do we start the process again?"

The leader entered the query.

"I only need to order it and the computer will begin the process."

"Please order the process started." I asked.

The Leader entered several commands.

"Done. With 100,000 donors, it will produce about 10 liters a day."

"Well I guess that is a start. I was hoping for more."

"What is it you plan to do Brett?"

"I plan on feeding a few select specimens a total diet of Thane sperm. That is all they will receive as well as a regular diet. I am hoping that it will speed the DNA change."

"Very good Brett."

"Would it be possible to see the hibernation section?"

"Of Course. Any part of this ship is open to you. Come I will show you."

When we entered the hibernation chamber I was totally astounded at its size. Row after row of Thane bodies filled the chamber for as far as the eye could see. Each body had a thick array of tubes and electrodes attached to it. All looked exactly alike. Perfect in every respect. I stopped by one and looked at it. There was a huge assortment of electrodes cover its body. A tube was inserted in its mouth and other tubes were in his ass and a sheath covered its cock.

"The electrodes stimulate the muscles. Some of the tubes supply nourishment while others remove wastes. The sheath on the cock does double duty. One to remove urine and the other to milk his testicles. However until that order was given it was not in use. Now each of these bodies will be milked four or five times each cycle."

"How big is this ship?"

"I wondered when you would ask that question. This is one of ten such chambers. Each capable of sustaining 100,000 Thane. If we had come to earth with all the chambers full, we would have simply taken over Earth at that time. We also have 20 processing centers. We are only using five. This ship is almost 1000 kilometers in diameter. If it could be seen on earth they would think Venus had a new moon. Some of those processing centers will be moved to the planet surface."

"I might need all fifteen Leader."

"Why so many?"

"I would like to eventually have three in Africa, five in India, five in China and two in Japan."

"Again I can only ask why?"

"As I told Alnoma, I plan on reducing the World population by 6.5 billion people."

"My God. You think all these people will just walk meekly into oblivion."

"Yes and no. To begin with I plan on getting rid of all forms of Government. Which means getting rid of all politicians. Every single one will be processed eventually. Thane will hold all offices worldwide. A few select ones may be saved to run some part of their government. Also to begin with only those unemployed or in destitution will be processed. That should reduce the population by at least 1 billion or more. In less than a year all departments of the World Government will be controlled by Thane. At that time Alnoma will know as much about running the Government as I do. He could easily replace me if that is what you wish."

"That will never happen Brett. I will fulfill my promise to you as you are fulfilling your promise to me."

"Is there anything else you wish to see or do today Brett?"

"Yes. I'm hungry. Can we go eat in your mess hall. Can I also use one of the cubicles and lastly I would love to service you again Leader."

"Brett, we have no human food in the mess hall."

"That's okay. I will eat what the Thane eat."

To be quite honest, I love liver. It is one of my favorite meals on Earth. The liver I ate in the Thane mess hall tasted no different that what I had, had on Earth. The rest of the food was very bland but tasty. After I was finished, I used one of the cubicles and thought that the cock I sucked was probably Asian, considering its size and texture. After leaving the cubicle I returned to the leaders office and enjoyed his cock as well. I also was fortunate that two other Thane were in his office and I enjoyed their sperm too. Before leaving the Leader brought two Thane to his office.

"These two have being assigned as your personal body guards. They will also do anything you ask of them without question. Come back again anytime Brett. You are always welcome here."

I stood next to the two Thane and pop was back in my office.

Alnoma came in, acknowledged the two Thane and walked over and kissed me.

"Enjoy your trip to your ship Brett."

"It's your ship, not mine and yes it was a very interesting trip."

"Actually Brett, my love, it is now your ship. The Leader has decided that as you are going to save not only earth, but our race as well that it is you who are now the Supreme Leader of us all."

"Wow! Two days and I go from the Director of Finance to Supreme Leader of two races."

"Did you enjoy your lunch Brett?"

"Yes Love, I did and I have also decided for you that we will have Thane food at least twice a week. Make sure you order the liver from the ship until the processing plants on earth are up and running."

"Yes Leader."

"Make sure you have enough on hand for my two body guards as well."

"Yes Leader."

"Now Leader we have another problem. The Ambassadors from all the countries of Earth are holding a congress to elect a new President."

"Well I guess I should inform them that I am their new President."

"How do you wish to do that Leader?"

"Well just popping in might be too much for them to handle. I think we will need about 100 Thane in the Chamber of Congress as well. Order my limo and security. We will drive."

We drove, under escort to the old Congressional Building of Washington. It was the only building that survived the nuclear bombing of Washington. It had been rebuilt and was now the Chamber of the World Congress. When I entered the hall of Congress, I ordered the door attendant to announce me as the President of the World.

I walked down the aisle with Alnoma on my right and my two Thane bodyguards behind. When I reached the dais, the Leader of the Congress stepped aside.

I waited until there was silence in the Chamber.

"Before President Killen killed his wife and daughter and then committed suicide he turned over his office to me. All the Directors of the World Government witnessed it. So there is no need for you gentlemen to pick a new President."

My first order of business is to dissolve this Congress and order you all to go home. Any that refuse will be considered in Revolt against a lawfully appointed World Government and will be dealt with accordingly."

Absolute bedlam took over the Chamber, with everyone talking and yelling at once. I waited again until order was restored.

"In alphabetically order, each countries representative will stand and either accept me as President and Supreme Commander of the World Government or not accept. Those countries that do not accept will be considered in revolt against the World Government."

Out of the one hundred and sixteen countries in the World Alliance, only six refused. The largest one who refused was India. All the others were small states in the old Soviet Union. The representatives of those countries were immediately removed from the Chamber. All were sent for reprocessing.

"The first thing I want is for a complete and fully augmented birth control regime put in place in all countries. Every family will be limited to one child. If the first born is male, then they will be allowed to have a second child."

"Next. The persecution, detention and execution of Homosexuals will cease immediately. All of those presently in prison or awaiting execution will be released. After all they don't plan on having children. The world is in crisis. We can not feed everyone now and in twenty years we will be back to where we were before the last war. Over the next several years I hope to bring the Population of Earth to a point where we can feed, cloth and educate everyone."

"There will be some hardship and there will be some very drastic measures used. But understand any country that refuses to cooperate will have their population reduced to Zero."

"This Congress is now adjourned."

I left the Dais and made my way out. After getting back to my office I sat down and had one of my guards bring Alnoma and myself a drink.

"Have the Congressional building destroyed and the White house. I want to wipe out all the old conventions of the World Alliance.

"Leader, what are we going to do about those states that refused. I know we do not have the military might to take on India."

"Well I think we will not have to fight them. Have Thane transport into each government installation in those countries and take control. All males between 18 and 21 will be tested. Any that measure up to a set standard can be transferred to the Health Institute for further testing. Any that fail that testing can be reprocessed."

"Once we have control of the governments in those rebellious states we will begin to process everyone. No exceptions."

"Yes Leader. As you say. It will be done."

"We will build the three in Africa, but will put all thirteen others into India, once we have control of the government in India."

"Sir, there are over 2.5 billion people in India. It will take fifty years to process that many."

"I have been thinking about that Alnoma. I think I am going to take a page from history. All those too old, say over fifty and all those too young to be of any use can simply be eliminated by the most humane method possible. That will reduce the processing to under 700 million."

"That my leader is mass murder on a scale that has never been seen before."

"Do you disagree Alnoma?"

"No Leader. It's just I did not believe you would go so far."

"If the Thane had invaded, would you have gone that far?"

"Yes Leader."

"Alnoma, I want to live a long and very enjoyable life. I want you and your race to enjoy a long and happy life. If it is necessary in the short term to eliminate 3-5 billion people to do it I will. I love you and I will do anything to preserve your life. I want a thousand years of us together."

"My Leader was right. You are our true Leader."

"Good. Now order the infiltration of those countries not applying our principles."

"As you Command Caesar."

Alnoma went back to his office to issue the appropriate command decisions. I decided I wanted to suck off both my body guards. I asked them if I could. Both readily agreed.

Alnoma came back into my office as I was just finishing the second.

"Damn Love, I missed it."

"Later Alnoma, I will swallow all of yours and feel more of it inside me. And I hope I might deposit some of mine in you."

"Yes Love, all I have is yours for a thousand years."

It was almost a carbon copy of the previous night, except Alnoma prepared a Thane meal for dinner. Both my body guards were invited to partake. Not only liver, but heart and kidney was cooked. He used Earth bound vegetables as a side. The meal was exquisite.

Cannibalism is not a lost art in human history. Many tribes in Africa and North America ate their enemies liver and heart. Some times raw, cut out of the living body. It was said it gave them the heart and liver of a lion in Africa and the soul of the body in North America. Many tribes also drank the blood of their victims.

"That was fantastic Alnoma. I should have you cook all the time Love."

WE sat on the balcony enjoying a chilled wine as the sun set. Later was night of pure enjoyment as we coupled. Feeling his cock inside me and feeling my cock inside him was the most wonderful sex I had, had for a very long time.

The following morning I went down to the conference room. I had been informed that the Directors that I did not require anymore were finally all there with their families. Alnoma and my two guards went with me.

I first had them mind controlled and then separated them into three groups. All the directors and men over 25 were in one group. All the women, small children another and the men 18-25 in another.

The directors and older men were sent for processing. The women were sent to the Health institute for clone testing. The young men sent also to the health Center for sperm count testing.

"Well that takes care of that." I said after I was back in my office.

"Alnoma, I think that is how we will split all groups up as they are brought in. That will give us a large supply of both female embryos and men for sperm testing."

"Some of the older men can held back for labor."

"Yes Leader. However, I don't think the younger children will be of much use for testing purposes."

"I agree."

But now came a very hard decision for me. To simply kill everyone else came very hard for me. Well that decision I could delegate.

"Alnoma, I leave that decision to you."

"Yes Leader."

Running both the World Government and the finance department became too much of a work load. Under mind control I assigned my chief accountant to take over the Finance Department. On reviewing the World Health department, I found that by far they had the largest budget. Consuming almost half of the World Budget.

Digging further, I found almost a third of that budget went to maintaining life support aides to terminally ill patients. I ordered all terminally ill patients to be reprocessed. Also all condemned persons in prison and those considered insane.

The take over of the Government in India went off almost too easy. The few riots that took place were put down with brutal force and all persons arrested were reprocessed. You would think I might have nightmares at some of these measures and I suppose if the office had been easy or I had time for such thoughts it might have. With Alnoma in my bed every night, such thoughts never entered my head.

The construction of the Reprocessing Sites went ahead very quickly. I was forced to have another 10,000 Thane awakened from sleep to help man these sites. Be cause that cut down on Thane sperm production I ordered every Thane awake to supply one dose of sperm to the sperm banks each day.

The finding of perfect specimens to begin experimentation was extremely difficult due to the amount of radiation most males had received during the last war. Out of over 300,000 tested males only 2300 had been found suitable and of those 2300, only 70 were perfect. Seventy out of 300,000, meant that there would not be nearly enough even if we tested every single male on earth.

The next major problem came up when the processing units on Earth started production. The so called soup produced vastly outstripped the need for it. I had the units finally reprogrammed to produce cakes, that were edible for human consumption. Also some was reprocessed into Fertilizer. This solved three major problems. One it reduced the amount of liquid produced, two it produced a food that could be consumed by some of the people in the more populous countries and third produced a bio-degradable fertilizer. That freed up vast quantities of a dwindling supply of fossil fuels.

The Thane were not inhumane in the way they carried out some of my orders. Alnoma told me that any of those not considered for reprocessing were dealt with in the most humane way possible. I did not ask how it was done.

I did see first hand what happened to anyone who rebelled against the World Government. Riots were almost an everyday occurrence in some of the States that refused to accept me as Supreme Commander. The riots were put down with bullets and bloodshed. Any survivors were sent to reprocessing centers.

One of my major joys was that I could and did have as many males as I wanted. Some willingly and some under mind control. I came to understand the varied differences in the taste and texture of different races of males on Earth. The Thane always tasted to me the best, but I also found the small Thai, the larger Negro would be my second choice.

It was still a wonder to me that I only needed to ask and any Thane, anytime or anywhere would gladly allow me to suck them or fuck them. Alnoma and I enjoyed that privilege very often. It was not unusual for me to have as many as 10 or 12 a day. I never tired of it.

I also received my first regeneration treatment and felt like a new person afterward.

After a full year had passed Alnoma brought all the figures. I was presently surprised when informed that 109,500,000 persons had been reprocessed or terminated in India and 22,000,000 had been done in Africa. Over the rest of the World 12,500,000. I guess now that I really was the biggest mass murderer ever and would that would be even worse later.

The subtle changes in the male DNA in the patients who were on the Thane sperm diet was very noticeable. However it would still take many years to change enough that they could be used for cloning. The changes in the Thane were also noticeable with the same time frame needed.

The five rebellious states in eastern Europe, were well on their way to being totally depopulated. Once their population was brought to zero, their countries would be resettled from other more crowded states. Surprisingly that raised my popularity. The availability of the food cakes produced from the processing plants also helped.

The crime rate worldwide dropped to zero, when it was found out that all criminals regardless of crime were automatically sent for processing. With the prisons empty, those employed in them were retrained or simply reprocessed. Every single Government on Earth was now controlled by the Thane or mind controlled humans.

The Thane were also building more processing plants. Twenty were being built in China and five in Japan. I suggested maybe another fifteen for India would be good too. With the total number of plants available that would reduce the World population by almost half a billion a year.

Several experiments were carried out to see if Thane sperm could impregnate human women. These all mostly ended in failure. I was surprised to note that the only Director not under mind control was the World Health Director. What he was doing, he was doing willingly. I called him to my office.

"You sent for me Leader?" he said when he entered my office.

I saw something I hadn't noticed before. He was a fairly old man, at least 60.

"Why are you so willing to continue your experimentation on human DNA?"

"Sir, before I became Deputy Director, all my research had been on extending life through cloning. When cloning was banned Worldwide, I had to switch my research. When you rescinded the ban I decided that I would anything possible to continue that research."

"How would you like to able to continue that research until a viable process is found?"

"Sir. I am an old man and I don't know for how long I will live. I don't know if in my lifetime such a process will be found."

"Well I am going to change that for you. I am going to have you sent to the Thane ship for a regeneration process. It will take several years off your life each process. In five years you will feel only about 45, in five years after that you will feel and look about 28."

"God Sir. For that I will give you anything you want."

"Do you know what happens to those that are found unsuitable for your


"Yes Leader, they are terminated or processed."

"Does that bother you?"

"No Leader."


"Leader, I have seen death in so many ways. Even my own. Death that gives others a chance for life is better than just dying."

Curiosity got the better of me.

"Before the Thane, what was the most humane way to terminate a human?"

"Lethal Injection."

"And now?"

"The Thane Death Ray."

"What about mass termination? Say half a million a day."

"Leader, I am a Doctor. That is not in my area of expertise."

"Humor me Director." I said with a bit of steel in my voice.

I hadn't noticed that Alnoma had entered my office. He now stood and listened to the Doctor.

The Doctor stood for several minutes collecting his thoughts.

"Leader. If some sort of conveyor system was in place and if all the people were under mind control, a massive jolt of electricity would be the quickest. The bodies would of course fall onto the conveyor where the quickest way to dispose of the bodies would emulation."

"So Electrocution and then fire."

"Yes Leader."

"Alnoma, I want our good Doctor here sent for regeneration as soon as possible."

"Yes Leader." He said.

"You are dismissed Director."

After the director had left, Alnoma came over and kissed me. I dropped to my knees and pulled out his cock and sucked until I was rewarded with his sweet sperm filling my throat.

"I'll never, ever get enough of you Love."

He didn't pull up his pants, instead just leaned over my desk. I stood and slowly entered him. God it felt so good to feel my cock sliding into that tight smooth hole. I fucked him in long slow strokes, savoring it as long as I could hold out. His inner muscles worked on my cock until I couldn't hold out any longer. Holding him deep I unloaded into him. When I pulled out he turned and we necked.

"That was nice Love." He said.

"Very nice."

Alnoma went back to his office. I was still horny. I called my two body guards in. I told them one of them could fuck me while I sucked the other one. I slipped off my pants and underwear and kneeled over a chair. One of the guards came up and slid his cock into my mouth. The other slowly entered me. Heaven had to be like this. A silky smooth cock filling both ends. Both enjoyed a long fuck and suck session. Both blew almost exactly the same time. I thanked both and went back to work.

The problem was I could not concentrate. I was tired, not physically, but mentally. I needed a break, a holiday. I asked Alnoma to come to my office.

"Yes Leader."

"Alnoma I need a holiday."

"A holiday Leader? What is a holiday?"

"I need to get out of this office and away from work for a while. When I was just a Director, I would visit my Villa in Fiji at least once a year. I would like to take about a week and unwind."

"When would you like to leave Leader?'

"As soon as possible."

"All I need is the correct position of this Fiji and I can transport us there."

"These transport controls use thought control. So if I thought about my Villa there, would it not just transport me there."

"Yes and no Leader. The control has to know exactly where it is you want to go before it can effect transport."

"It will only take a moment Leader."

I looked up at the big video screen in my office. It showed first a view of the South Pacific and then a closer view of Fiji. Next it showed my villa.

"Is this where you wish to go leader?"

"Yes it is Alnoma."

"Good, we can go now."

I ordered my two body guards in. When we were all together, Alnoma touched his control and we were standing in my living room over looking the Blue Pacific.

"Very nice Brett."

"Thank you love. I thought you might like it."

I walked to a phone and ordered my usual contingent of house boys and servants.

"The house boys and servants will be here shortly. You can enjoy them anyway you wish love and my body guards can too. They will do anything you wish without mind control."

"That is normal Leader?"

"Yes Alnoma, I contract for them every time I come here. All enjoy both types of sex in either position."

He just smiled.

"I think you will also like the food and sunshine. I know I need to get some sun."


Next: Chapter 4

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