The Tennis Player and the Genius - Science Fiction

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Feb 27, 2022



The Tennis Player and the Genius

David Green was on the M3 on his way out of London on his way to Torquay. Only two days ago he had won the men's singles crown for the England National tennis championships. He had had a great season and at the age of 18 he was number one in England and 88th in the world.

He played quite a few events but he was not as obsessed with tennis as others were. In fact the national coaches were always on at him for not giving 100% to the sport. The fact was that he was also interested in other subjects such as physics and astronomy and was secretly doing an open university degree. He was sailing through it and his professors also moaned that he was not giving 100% to his studies!

David wondered about his future. Was he making the best of his opportunity in life? Maybe something had to change and he should concentrate on one or the other. On the one hand he felt he could contribute to the scientific world and on the other hand he could earn a shit load of cash at tennis although this would not fulfil his mental requirements.

His problems were in reality only those of luxury. Now he needed a break and he had agreed with his sponsor to make a two-day visit to the Torquay tennis club and then would take 5 days down in St Ives in Cornwall for some R&R. He was looking forward to the downtime to make some serious decisions about his future.

Possibly the most important decision was regarding his sexuality. He was 18. He felt great urges towards boys of his own age but had to keep deep in the closet for the sake of tennis. There were no openly gay men's tennis players even though it was well established that some of the girls were lesbian. It seemed the world was not really ready for male gay tennis stars just yet. He had no boyfriend, no girlfriend but when he was out and about on the tennis circuit he sometimes dated a girl to hide his true feelings. He had even slept with one or two just to keep the image of the super tennis player intact.

In truth with his good looks David could sleep with just about any boy or girl he wanted. He was a 6 foot blond super god with a super physique and a great brain. He did not often find a girl or a boy who could match his desire for intellectual discussion after the sex was over. Maybe he was asking for too much and he should just accept a good fuck now and again. It was difficult to do this with discretion. He thought about hiring a rent boy since that seemed to solve at least some of his problems with sexual desire. After all he was a horny 18 year old.

It took him 5 hours to get from the Bisham Abby area of London to Torquay. He arrived at the Grand Hotel in Torquay at 5pm. The hotel was paid for him by the tennis club but his tournament winnings had already made him financially stable although not yet rich. He checked in and then went out for a walk along the seafront after which he used the gym for a couple of hours and then went into the bistro for a light but quality evening meal. At 9pm he crawled in bed and flicked on the TV. He was asleep inside 20 minutes.

The next morning he arrived at the tennis club as agreed at 10am. He was greeted by the club captain and he saw 20 young and not so young budding tennis players ready and waiting for him, hanging onto his every word. He suggested to the club captain that he start with a few words about transitioning from club player to international player and then they could play a few rounds. David suggested the club captain set some pairing's to ensure he got to play with and against every person. The captain nodded to this excellent suggestion. David went on to say that after lunch he could fit in one or two technical sessions based on what he saw during the morning.

Of the 20 there were at least 4 girls and 4 boys of his own age. He saw the girls basically slobbering over him and the boys giving him the elevator look in desire, respect or envy. David found himself staring at one boy who looked just like a clone of himself. A blonde boy, his height, same build, hairless legs and a blonde hair cut. It was uncanny and it was noticed by more than one person!! The other boys name was Peter Green.

During the morning David as said played with and against everybody. There were very different standards. When David played with Peter they shook hands and introduced each other and their hands stayed locked for more than just a few seconds staring into each others face. David apologised for staring but he said he was simply taken back by how they looked alike, They could have been one-egged twins! Peter was an ordinary club player who actually did well for the little he played.

Lunch came and went and then David held some sessions with simple drills on backhands, net shots and serving. It all seemed to go very well. He left at 4pm and promised to be back the next morning.

David had plans for that evening. He had done his research and found a hotel called "Cliff House". This was gay friendly and had a bath house in the cellar. He reckoned that nobody would recognise him. After all he was not exactly a world star just yet. At 6pm he found himself at "Cliff house" on the cliffs overlooking Torquay. He went quickly into the cellar. It was dark. He put his clothes in the locker and had a shower. He opened the door to the steam room. He could feel it was quite full of bodies but it was so dark he could not make out any faces. He found a free space to sit. He looked around but he made out only shapes as his eyes accustomed themselves to the dark. WIthin a couple of minutes he felt a leg pressing against him and a hand wandering up his leg. He had never done this before. He was a little shocked but in fact this was what he was here for. One hand was persistent and the face came over to him and asked for a kiss. The face was clean shaven and felt quite young. David put his own hand on the person's legs and he found the leg to be strong and trained. The boy was probably around his own age. This was very welcome and David was not sure he wanted to be fondled by a guy old enough to be his Daddy. They began to kiss heavily and caress each other's rock hard cocks. Suddenly the other boy moved his attention down and took David's cock into his mouth in one swoop. David could not have stopped it even if he had wanted to. David did not want to stop him. He was getting a blow job and it felt lovely. A lot of the stress of the last few months was flowing out through his cock into the other boy's mouth.

David was getting close and the other boy could feel it. The boy came up and whispered to David

"Lets find a private room?"

It was a question but also a commandment. David simply nodded.

The boy led David by the hand. They left the steam room and turned to look at each other for the first time. To their horror they recognised each other from the tennis only a couple of hours earlier. David looked at Peter and Peter looked at David. They were both highly embarrassed. After more than a few seconds of silence David broke the silence

"So what do we do about this?" said David

"How about having a good fuck" replied Peter

They both laughed. It had released the tension. Peter led David by the hand again to a private room. Peter closed the door behind them and turned to face David. They stood in silence for a few seconds. Looking at each other naked. They both were in shock to see a mirror image in front of them. Eventually Peter walked closer to David and kissed him on the lips

Both boys relaxed and fell into a frenzy of passion. They hopped onto the bed and devoured each other's bodies. Every hole and inch of skin was kissed and stroked. Peter said to David "turn over for me lover. I need you have you now"

David said "I have not been fucked before, Please take it easy"

David was ready and he needed to be fucked. Peter wanted to look into David's eyes so he got David to lie on his back and took David legs over his shoulders. Slowly and gently he entered David's willing arse with his stiff cock.

Slowly in and out, a little at a time in and then out again. Eventually Peter pushed all the way in and held there. David was in tears not with pain but with joy. For the first time in his life he felt at peace and fulfilled. He knew he was gay. Peter fucked him for 20 minutes whilst he pulled on David's cock. David arched his back. David felt Peter's cock growing just that little bit more and then pushed his sperm deep into his bum. Peter collapsed beside David. They kissed and stroked for a couple of minutes then Peter said "Your turn"

With that Peter went back to David's cock and quite simply sucked the cum out of him. David spewed deeply into Peter's mouth who drank all of it.

They lay still for 10 minutes wondering what was going to happen now.

"What now?" said David "You cant tell anybody"

"Dont worry" said Peter "I am as deep in the closet as you are so just relax"

Both boys felt the need to talk more. To exchange their thoughts and possibly find out why they looked so alike.

Peter said "Why don't we go out for a bite to eat. I know a pretty private place. It does not matter if anybody sees us , we were in a tennis camp together and anyway people would take us for brothers"

"Good idea" said David

They had a quick shower and left Cliff House. David and Peter parked their cars at the hotel and Peter led the way to a nice Italian place.

They found a quiet table and sat down to look at the menus. They were both hungry 18 years olds but they wanted quality as well as quantity. David ordered lobster for the both of them. They both took a cola as neither took any spirits. After ordering they looked into each other's eyes and smiled. They discussed how alike they looked.

"It feels as though I have just fucked myself" said Peter

They both laughed.

They ate a quality meal and talked and talked. David asked Peter what he did.

"Well I am at Oxford University most of the time. I am just finishing a Ph.D. I lived here as a boy and I have kept in contact with the town and its people.

"But you are only 18" said David.

"Yes i know" said Peter "Actually I went to Oxford as a 12 year old. I got my degree in two years and then did a first Ph.d and now this is the end of my second Ph.D"

David's jaw dropped to the ground "A right little Einstein," he said

"Well actually Einstein made some really good works but also some terrible errors so I am continuing some of his work on relativity"

"So you are telling me I have just been fucked by young Einsteen?" said David

"That's about right," said Peter. "Einstein had an IQ of about 190 but mine is around 250 which is actually one of the best ever recorded. I use sport to keep fit and de-stress. I try to play tennis but I run, swim and go to the gym every day even though I am a nerd."

David was stunned "Then why on earth are you wasting your time playing tennis and going into gay saunas? You are much better than that"

Peter replied "Becuse I am gay, in the closet and need to have sex now and again"

"Actually" said David "I am in the middle of a degree myself. I find it quite easy, I should probably find something more challenging to fill my days"

Both David and Peter were in fact becoming more intrigued by how close their lives are. They could be clones of each other and obviously, David could do a lot more intellectually than he challenged himself to do right now. It was becoming important for them to investigate this.

Peter explained that he was an orphan with no knowledge of his parents. David said his father and mother had died in a skiing accident when he was 14. The only way they could take this further was to have a DNA test. They decided to think about it!

It was 11pm. They knew they had tennis the next day. David reached over the table to touch Peter's arm and said "please spend the night with me?. I feel the need to be in contact with you and not necessarily just sex"

Peter said he felt the same. They left the bisto and walked back to the Grand Hotel. Without any fuss they got into the lift and up to David's room.

They talked more about their childhoods and their sexuallity. They both realised they were trapped. David by his tennis and Peter by his intellectual abilities. Peter described that in fact his second Ph.D had been ready for some time but he was worried the results would be used for purposes of war and not the good of mankind. He was pretty sure he was being tracked by MI5. For that reason, Peter had his phone turned off right now.

David wondered if his problems with tennis and lack of sex were just small problems compard to those which Peter faced.

"Where do we go from here?" said David "I want to see more of you. Maybe we had the same father or same grandfather, or something?"

Peter agreed but they had to have some sort of plan.

They talked and realised that since they had been introduced formally at the tennis club they had a good reason to be seen together. More than that they looked like clones of each other and most people would take them for brothers. It worked.

They agreed to go back to the tennis club the next day as good friends and even admit to sharing a meal together. After that David was going to St Ives for a few days and then back to Bisham Abby for national training. Peter would go back to Oxford and ponder how to finish his Ph.D

They both got into the shower once more and then naked into bed. They embraced each other but with a total feeling of fulfilment fell asleep in each other's arms within 10 minutes. They enjoyed the feeling of facing each other. They held each other's dick whilst cupping each other's backside. It was unusual for them both but it felt right. They stayed that way for most of the night.

In the morning they awoke at 7am and spent a good half an hour fooling around in bed. It finished with both of them cumming in a lovely 69 in each other's mouths at the same time.

David said that he just wanted to suck the sperm out of young Einstein in case he passed on some brains! Peter saw the humour in this.

The tennis started again at 10am. They had a great day. The girls really layed into David with sexual inuendo. It was clear they wanted him. He found at least two phone numbers in his bag with a message "ring me darling". At 4pm the day finished and David said goodbye to them all. He had of course exchanged phone numbers with Peter. They simply shook hands in front of the crowd.

Peter and David exchanged messages daily. They used WhatsApp since it was encrypted messages end to end. When they rang and spoke it was very guarded without any hint of sexual activity.

Three weeks later David was home after an event in Italy and invited Peter to stay for the weekend. He wanted to see Peter, touch Peter and be fucked by Peter. In fact, he also wanted to fuck Peter. This was not just sex, it was something more. Was he in love? He had only seen Peter for two days 3 weeks ago!

Peter arrived Friday afternoon at David's flat. As Peter rang the bell his cock was already rock hard with expectation. In the ten seconds it took David to reach the door and open it he was also standing to attention. The boys embraced and then David pulled Peter by the hand through the door and closed it. Smiling at each other they launched into a deep kiss and explored each other's mouths with their tongues. Their bodies pressed close to each other and their rock hard cocks pressed into each other.

David was wearing some skimpy training shorts but Peter was wearing standard levis. Peter reached down and slid his hand down David's shorts and cupped David's cock.

"I can't wait," said Peter "I need your body now, you are so sexy"

David took him by the hand and walked further into the room. Peter pushed David back onto the sofa. David lifted his hips whilst Peter removed the shorts. David was left with a thong which hardly managed to hold his cock. David was leaking pre-cum and Peter circled the wet patch with his finger and then took cum to his own mouth to taste. Peter moved the tiny thong to one side and David's cock popped out. Peter could not wait. In one go he swallowed David's cock to the root. David let out a gasp. David was in heaven and it was three weeks since he had seen Peter. Within a few minutes, David could have cum but he did not want this to be over so quickly so he pulled Peter off. He stood up, taking Peter by the hand he walked towards the bedroom. There he pushed Peter back on the bed. He undid the button on the jeans and undid the zip. Peter was not wearing anything else and his cock stood to attention. David pulled his jeans off and threw them on the floor.

David pushed Peter's legs apart and gorged himself on Peter cock. In the same way, Peter did not want to come so quickly. He was hard and horny but he needed David. Peter pulled David up and onto the bed and pushed David onto his back. Lifting David's legs over his shoulders he used the precum from them both to lubricate David's arse and then he slowly pushed in. David gasped with the penetration. For 15 minutes he thrust in and out. Peter had David's cock in his hand and was jerking him with a similar rhythm. Both boys were close, they could feel it by the speed of their breathing. They were ready and they needed to release their cum. Peter started counting 5-4-3-2-1 . Peter's cock expanded just that little bit more as he came into David's willing hole. Both boys came together. For 60 seconds they enjoyed the orgasm and David's spunk was all over David's stomach. Peter pulled out and licked David's cum off his stomach. They lay beside each other kissing and caressing for another 30 minutes.

They did not have to go out. David had prepared some really good steaks and they stayed naked. It felt natural for them.

Not long after the meal they found themselves in bed once more enjoying the carnal pleasure of their youth. It was more than just sex, more than just love. It was as though they were drawn together by some greater force. Neither of them could explain it.

Once more Peter lifted Davis' legs over his shoulders and plunged into Davds arse. It was his favourite position. He liked to look David in the eyes whilst fucking his tight hole. This time he took it slower and it was 45 minutes until he shot in David's arse again.

An hour later they sat drinking coffee naked.

There was silence. Peter said

"I have a problem. I may have to disappear for a while"

"Why?" said David

"The government is after me to complete my studies but I don't want to publish, I know they want to keep it for themselves. I may just have to disappear."

"What's your research about?" said David

"Well it's the continuation of Einstein's work on relativity. It's about the bending of time and space and hence time and space travel"

Peter was not stupied. "You mean you have solved the problem of time travel?"

"That's right" said Peter "It could be used to travel back in time and change events in the future. It's more of a weapon than a benefit to society. The same happened to Ruthered when he split the atom!"

Peter was in tears. He was visibly troubled.

David went over and held him tight . They sat like that for 10 minutes or more. The tension passed between them.

In the next few hours David and Peter discussed some solutions. Peter could disappear, possibly forward or backward in time. He could just lose himself in Cornwall somewhere or just make his discovery public through the media, without the details or course so that the weapon was no longer a weapon.

The great danger was that if published the solution would be stolen by one or more governments. He could also be the subject of kidnapping and torture to get the secret from him.

He could simply keep his solution a secret and move on to some other subject of research. Right now that seemed to be the better solution.

Peter said there is one more problem "Apparently MI5 want to interview you. You have to be careful what you say. I cannot be sure we had not been bugged in Torquay."

Peter pulled out a little device which was a bug scanner. "Now I am sure we are not being bugged here" he smiled. They agreed to be very careful over the phone but only to talk more freely over WhatsApp although that was not 100% safe.

Peter was in shock. They lay on the sofa naked. David put on a science fiction film and he gently caressed Peter. Peter's cock got hard and an hour later just at the end of the film Peter arched his back and his load shot into the room. It visibly relaxed him.

David led Peter to bed and they fell asleep.

Both David and Peter had a sleepless night. So much so that at 6am they found themselves out on a 5km run to take their minds off Peter's problems.

At breakfast, David had a chance to think more clearly.

"Look Peter," said David "If you publish then your solution may get used against the world. Hence it's better not to publish and maybe use it yourself for the good of the world. Maybe you can stop a few dictators from getting born."

Peter discussed the possible dangers involved in changing the past. People may cease to exist.

"Might be a good thing," said David.

Peter visited David every few weeks between events. They grew to know each other more closely and after 6 months took a DNA test. It confirmed that they were close relations for a common tree not more than three generations old. It could not tell they had the same father!

One year later David had hired a cottage in Cornwall for a week and invited Peter with him.

Almost as soon as they arrived Peter got out his bug scanner and checked the place. They had agreed to turn both their phones off from home.

Peter looked very serious

"What is it?" said David

"My solution works," said Peter "It is ready, I have already been back in time a couple of times"

"Fuck me," said David "his jaw hitting the floor". He was silent.

"This changes mankind," said Peter. "Nobody else but you knows, you are my only known relative and I needed to tell somebody"

"Yes of course," said David "I am honoured"

"I have been back a few days and then a few months and then a year. I went back to our first meeting at the tennis club and I saw us playing. I always thought it was possible to meet yourself and now I know it's true"

David had a little chuckle to himself

"What?" said Peter

David replied "Well what if we both go back to that day and meet up with ourselves and have a four way fuck? You could end up fucking yourself"

Peter forced a smile.

"It's a secret for now" said Peter "But we could have some fun in the interest of science"

"What do you mean?" said David

"Well I really want to branch out onto my own and set up my own independent research facility. For that I need cash. I thought I could go forward a few months and take a look at what the stock market is doing and then come back and make the right investment. "

"Is that legal?" said David

"I don't think there is any legal groundwork based on time travel"

They both laughed.

"David" said Peter "I want you to be part of this . I want to spend more time with you. I know you are very intellectual and have the capacity to understand all this if you were not off hitting little yellow balls over a net"

They both fell silent.

This was a lot for David to suddenly take in.

Peter took David by the hand and up to bed. Let's think over it whilst we are having some fun. They fucked like rabbits. Every hole was violated , they loved it.

They devoured a wonderful meal of fish made by David. After the meal he served them coffee on the terrace under the moon. They held hands on the sofa.

"I am in 100%" said David "I realise I can't be bothered to give myself 100% to hitting yellow balls but your invention and further research could change the course of humanity for good if handled in the right way"

"Good boy," said Peter. Peter held David tight and kissed him on the lips

They sat staring into the stars for more than an hour chatting about a future together and the security they would have to set up.

Firstly they would have to find the right financial target. David would investigate the stock market and find the right stocks to invest in. He would also find a suitable remote property or empty ground in the Cornwall area. Possibly on Dartmoor.

The chance came. Peter moved forward in time one year. Bought a newspaper with the stocks. He only stayed in the future for 5 minutes. The very next day David invested 100,000 in green technology. The reason being that global warming had hit hard, Putin had stopped the flow of gas.

The stocks David invested in rose 1000 percent in a few months. Now they had plenty of cash to get going and could repeat the exercise when necessary. The best thing about this solution was that it was seen as a totally legal stock rise. They did not have to steal anything but now had enough money for private research.

Peter left Oxford and David stopped playing tennis. They purchased an old farm in Cornwall and after getting planning permission built a small but suitable lab for Peters research. They got the builders to clean up the farmhouse and then three months later moved in. They crossed the threshold together hand in hand.

They were both horny. "First things first," said David

David kissed Peter on the lips and simply said "I need your body lover"

Peter did not resist

They went upstairs and made love - yes love - for two hours before being exhausted.

Peter was surprised to see David taking the active role for a change but he was not disappointed. Peter was thrown on his back and David's cock was plunged deep into the willing hole. Peter did not stop him.It was a good job they were on a remote farm since the groans and screams could have been heard for more than a few hundred metres. It was pure raunch.Two young boys at the peak of their sexual ability.

They discovered that to earn money for research then it was best to move forward in time a few months and see the future. However to really change things they had to go into the past and prevent things from happening. They speculated very much about going back to ensure Hitler never grew up. They seriously considered killing him !!

Killing Hitler could have serious effects. For example, the Chinese or Russia could end up ruling the world and even 6 million Jews would not have been murdered. It was simply too dangerous to change the past. They had long discussions about the best way to proceed.

"What was the real turning point of global warming?" said David

"The industrial revolution, the creation of the internal combustion engine" replied Peter "But to prevent the combustion engine from being built would be to stop all progress and the change could be very dangerous."

"What then?" said David

"Then we have to give them a choice," said Peter. "We have to give them a better choice, better than wind energy. We need a form of clean but powerful energy. Something which is easy to find on this planet"

"So what is the most easy resource to find on this earth?" said David

"Water" replied Peter "It covers two thirds of this planet"

Both boys looked at each other and smiled.

The next day Peter and David researched the subject. In fact, there was the odd scientist that claimed to run their cars on water only. However, everybody considered this to be a hoax and nothing came of it. The inventor disappeared and was maybe murdered.

The boys wondered if it was indeed possible.

"What would happen if it was possible to actually create electric energy from water?" said Peter.

"Then the oil and gas companies would come after us and the governments would lose all that money in tax. Basically, they would try to prevent it''

Peter and David now knew what they had to do and began to lay their plans.

Firstly they had to have sufficient funds to create a sufficiently large lab. They actually need to buy land on a small island somewhere in Europe. They decided on the Scilly Isles. They hopped forward a few times to find out stock prices only one day ahead and bet on them the day before. In this way, they made millions in just a few weeks. The stock market became interested in their success but no charges could be laid against them. There was simply no evidence.

They bought their property in the Scilly Isles and Peter went ahead with his research. In fact, David was able to help with his common sense and keen mind in some of the processes. Within 6 months Peter had a prototype available. A simple engine running on water. He worked again on making this a closed unit. That is taking a water deposit and giving electricity back. He built in a safety mechanism such that if opened it would break into a million pieces and also that it would expire after a period of 5 years. The last idea was David's to ensure that better technology would be used if available. Peter liked it.

They realised that as soon as they started marketing it then they would be the attention of the world. They decided that they need the help of the most advanced thinkers on the planet. At the time Elon Dusk was experimenting with electric cars and space but his designs were primitive. Through his contacts at Oxford Peter contacted Elon and they met on the Scilly Isles 14 days later.

To put it mildly, Elon was excited. He agreed this was a game-changer. Water covered two-thirds of the world's surface and if one cup of water could generate heat, light and warmth for one house for a year then the world's problems of global warming were over for the next 10,000 years. E=mc2 . Water was heavy and hence gave a lot of energy out after processing.

Elon left with one engine for verification with strict instructions not to try and open it.

14 days later he came back and asked for one more. He had to admit that his engineers had tried to open it and they had been fired.

Peter and David discussed with him the subject of trust. Elon had been caught out and embarrassed. David then sprung his conditions on Elon.

"We are willing to give you a franchise for the H2O converter," said David.

"I am listening," said Elon

"We don't need to get rich but we need to make sure the world is not screwed on this one. Each element is small enough and powerful enough to run a normal house for five years. That is enough energy which would normally cost around 4,000 pounds per year. We will sell each unit to you for 500 and you will sell for 1,000. 100 percent profit should be enough for anybody."

"We will work on industrial size units in the next few months"

David brought out a contract in two copies which Elon, Peter and David signed. The local signatory and two layers were also present.

Elon agreed that this was dynamite and that to ensure the security of them all it needed to be made visible to the media and world without delay. The very next morning Peter and David found their lab surrounded by 200 media, MI5, the army, the police and Mi6.

The boys admitted one person from each of the police, Mi5 and Mi6

They were told to give up the H2O engine as it was of national security. The boys refused and the media had already splashed the news over the whole world and the world was hungry for the engine. The police had no choice but to back off. The government and energy companies went into absolute panic as they saw their revenues, stocks and shares plummet.

Peter produced the first batch of engines by hand. Elon personally picked up one hundred by armoured flying transporters which had great difficulty landing on the Scilly Isles. Once again the British government tried to intervene by trying to refuse export licences. However Elon was far too politically connected and off he went. To ease the situation the boys ensure Elon sold the next batch to the British government.

Peter and David were almost locked into their research centre. To relax and get away from things they travelled back in time only a few months and to a remote exotic island. Here they could be themselves.

The boys knew they were trapped in their little home. They built a gym and a steam room. They used this during the weekend to remind them of their first sexual encounter. They also had a tennis court built and enjoyed vigorous activity before sex. They ran on the grounds and swam in the sea at the property.

Sexually they continued to experiment. They bought each other g strings, sexy underwear, butt plugs and dildos. In fact, they liked sex best looking into each other's eyes. They played with different scenarios but it was always without pain or degradation. Peter loved to bend Peter over the edge of the sofa with one of Davids's legs lifted up onto the edge. David's legs were spread at 120 and his hole was totally exposed to any and all objects which could be introduced to his anus. David totally trusted Peter. David was the English number tennis player and he enjoyed being the slave at least with Peter.

David bought a copy of the gay kama sutra to keep their sex lives interesting. Since they were alone they agreed on a little rule that there should be no private masturbation. At any time each of them could simply ask for sex and the other had at the minimum to give a hand job. It worked well for them both. It could get quite funny if they were eating. David asked for sex and Peter had to crawl under the table and give David a blow job or a hand job. They agreed never to watch porn but instead to concentrate on each other. They enjoyed every second of each other. They were well matched sexually and David was now quickly catching up on Peter intellectually as well as looking after the business side of the business.

Friday evening was always reserved as "date night". This meant sex. At 4 pm they stopped work and went up to shower together. They used this time to shave each other of what little hair they had apart from the hair on their head. Being both blond they had little hair but it was fun trying. After that, they went out running and swimming and come back for a steak on the barbeque before sitting down on the terrace sofa for cuddles and eventually a really good fuck. They both found it erotic and satisfying.

They especially loved to go into their steam room and spread a litre of baby oil on each other. Having sex with all this oil was both challenging and funny. They simply could get a firm grip. They laughed and laughed at this simple activity.

They realised that the Island was patrolled by British gunboats in an attempt to protect the biggest secret on the planet. Eventually, the boys agreed to a platoon of soldiers being located on their perimeter. It provided them with an extra degree of security.

David began to buy local properties which he rented back to those born and bred on the Island at a very small price. This provided another layer of security since nobody on the island wanted to see them come to any harm.

Even so, David was worried.

"If I was to be murdered then you could continue but if you were killed then I could not continue. I don't have your process secret. What would you think if you let me in on it or even log it in ESCROW in case we both get killed?"

Peter thought for a moment.

"I agree that I should educate you in the process. I fully trust your judgement now. However, I don't fully trust ESCROW. I suggest we log some small and fairly harmless information in ESCROW and see if it remains a secret. If this remains untouched for a year then I will look at it again.

"Good solution," said David

The next day Peter started to educate David. David had the capacity to understand

Fairly soon it was obvious that they could not keep up with demand and they hired an operations manager and some local staff. They only ever hired those born and bred on the island. These people sourced and assembled the items but the final stages and the sealing of the units were still done by Peter or David alone in the "finishing room". Nothing was ever written down about this process.

One morning Peter opened a letter. It was from his old professor. Apparently, he sent Peter letters now and again asking how the research was going. Peter had suddenly stopped his last Ph.D without finishing it and the professor was probably suspicious or had heard something. Peter realised he had to start some research into some subject and publish it to keep others off the scent. He would have to talk with Elon about this soon.

The energy companies could do nothing. They searched all the patents but nothing had been logged and they could not duplicate the product since it destroyed itself each time it was opened. Energy companies went bankrupt and governments had to find different ways to fund activities. Elon became even richer but remembered he had to keep David and Peter alive to come up with the new version in 5 years. Meanwhile, Peter returned to the subject of time travel which could do with some modifications regarding safety under extreme time differences. He also considered the problem of travel between locations such as galaxies!

Sex continued to be good for them. They were equal in all things and found themselves topping and bottoming with regularity. They grew with each other and liked nothing better than to sit back with a glass of wine watching a tennis match on the TV whilst edging each other until the cum shot all over the room. It was intellectual heaven.

The boys had agreed that visits to the past should be "read-only". Changing things was simply too dangerous. However, the boys now and again made visits back to 1950 to a tennis club in St Ives and played some casual club tennis. They could not risk a visit to Torquay in case they met the club captain as a boy. They never permitted any photos to be taken and in fact, Peter had developed a light blocker that shielded them. To travel in time or distance they need a little device the size of a phone. To be safe they carried two each in case of malfunction. In an emergency, Peter could recreate a simple device from local materials to get them back to their own time. They did agree however that it was safer for only one of them to travel at a time in case of problems being able to return. They always worked out a protocol for return which meant if they did not return the other would come and fetch them.

Just five years later Peter and David made their first visit to the Orion galaxy. At the age of 25, the boys could go wherever they wanted and whenever they wanted.

David looked at Peter whilst standing on a Xantia 5 in the galaxy of Orion 150 light-years from Earth. Peter had found a way to bend space rather than to try and travel its length.

"We are going to have to tell somebody about this," said David

"I know," said Peter "but the knowledge will either make or break humans as we know it. In the wrong hands it would be devastating. However, it does mean when the Earth becomes unusable there is an escape route for our race. "

David responded "We might be able to ask Elon or maybe we should start our own secret society? Maybe we should just keep the knowledge in our little family of the people of the Scilly Isles. Maybe we should get a couple of girls to bear us some children to pass this knowledge to"

There was alot of thinking needed in the next few weeks to ensure governments did not steal Peters creation and use it unwisely.

They held hands in the meadow of green grass. They could see for miles and miles. There was not a building in sight but animals of different types could be seen. They had no idea if this planet had an advanced species or not.

"This is better than hitting little yellow balls over a net," said David "Let's fuck, I'm horny"

They lay down grass and fucked the arse of each other.

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