The Ten Positions

By moc.liamg@83elambus

Published on Apr 21, 2011


This is a story of erotic fiction meant for adult readers over the age of eighteen years.

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The Ten Positions - Position #3

That first day had been quite an experience! I knew where I belonged and I just wanted more. I couldn't wait to find out what the other eight positions were.

I was fortunate that another business trip took me back to his city. In fact, it was a new contract that would have me coming here fairly often over the next few months.

Like any good teacher, he made sure that I "remembered my lessons".

The moment I arrived at his front door that next weekend he paced me through the first two positions. He made it very very clear that I was not to let myself go until he told me he would allow it. He made it a little easier on me by making sure my hands were tied up - behind me when in position #1 (on my knees) and in front of me when in position #2 (on my back with my throat exposed).

He didn't fuck my throat for as nearly as long this time. I guess he was as eager to teach me the next position as I was to learn it.

I was stark naked, laying on his large coffee table, with my head over the edge, taking his massive member into my throat, as he informed me about the other "ground rules" that I must always obey when in his presence.

"You've been a good boy. I am going to enjoy training you", he said as he slowly rocked his cock in and out of my throat.

"I told you last time that you are to be naked at all times in my presence. Regarding how you are to proceed when you arrive in my home, I am changing the rules slightly. Now listen up."

"Whenever you come to this house, you will immediately go into the foyer bathroom and strip completely naked. Fold your clothes neatly and place them on top of the dryer just outside that door. If I am home, you will then come back and stand at the center of the foyer awaiting my inspection. If I am not home, then the first thing I expect you to do is to give yourself a complete douche using the enema equipment I keep under the sink in that bathroom. Fill the bag with warm water and just keep on douching yourself until the water comes out crystal clear. This is very important. There will be many times that I will fuck you and then push my cock into your mouth. I cannot have you getting sick on me, so cleanliness is of extreme importance."

Thinking about his own words must have got him a little hotter because he stopped talking for awhile and just fucked my throat for a few minutes in silence.

His pace slowed a little as he finally continued, "After you get yourself clean, you must slather some lube on your ass. Be as liberal as you want, because when I fuck you I may not be very gentle. There is a nice sized black dildo in the left-side drawer. You might want to use that a few times to get yourself accustomed to an anal invasion because I need you to be prepared to get fucked long and hard at any time. Don't take too much time enjoying that dildo because I will expect you get some things done for me when I am away."

I laid there with my eyes closed, focused on remembering every detail. I loved the sound of his voice. It was almost hypnotic to hear his slow deliberately spoken instructions as his glorious cock penetrated my larynx with a steady rhythm.

"Wrap the dildo and the enema plug carefully in a Kleenex, and bring them into the kitchen. You will find an old copper pot in the drawer under the stove. Boil some water and put those items in there when the water is hot. Don't you DARE get my stove dirty."

"I will leave a list of things I want you to do beside the stove. They might be errands or they might be sexual activities. No matter what they are, you are never ever to put on any clothes, even if those activities are to be completed in the garden. You may have noticed that the gate access to the yard area is always locked. I am going to give you a key. A select few of my friends have a key to that gate, so if anyone comes knocking on the door, you don't have to worry that they are a stranger to me nor someone from the general public. You are to answer the door as you are - naked. You will always greet them with the words, 'I am my Master's servant, what can I do for you Sir?' If my friends tell you to do something for them - anything - I expect you to comply as if those instructions were coming directly from me. Do you understand everything I have told you boy? Blink your eyes if you do."

I blinked my eyes.

I would do whatever he told me to and now, apparently, whatever his friends told me to. I just hoped his friends were sane. Somehow, I knew I could trust him and that his friends would not hurt me.

"Good boy."

I might as well have been his puppy dog at that moment. He said, 'Good boy' and I felt like wagging my tail. That simple praise from him was all I needed to be happy.

"It's time". He pushed his cock to the very depths of his 9" shaft and then pulled it out slowly. I wrapped my lips hungrily around the fat head as it pulled out with an audible 'pop'. He wiped the remnants of my saliva and his pre-cum on my cheeks and chin.

"Follow me," he commanded as he walked toward the stairs.

I quickly rolled off the table and jumped to my feet in pursuit of his beautiful buttocks. He was a site to behold.

I estimated his height at 6'2", a couple of inches taller than me. He easily outweighed me by fifty pounds. With each step of this tree trunk-like legs, his arms swung causing his back muscles to ripple.

I felt so fortunate that he chose me to serve him. He was everything a man, or should I say a boy, like me could desire.

At the top of the stairs he commanded me to stop. There were 6 doors down the hallway. I assumed five bedrooms and a bathroom.

"This first room is for you," he said as he pointed at the first door to the right.

"You are never to enter any of the other rooms unless invited. Do you understand?"

I responded with a nod of my head.

"I want you to go into that room now. You will find a sling suspended in the middle of the room. Get your scrawny ass into that sling and tie your feet above you using the straps provided on the chains. Then get yourself comfortable because it's going to be a good long fucking. Oh yeah. You might want to prepare yourself with a lot of this." He passed me a tube of lube.

I admired the swing of his hips as he walked down the hall and into the door at the far left side. I stood there at the top of the stairs, naked as a jay-bird and wondered if he wanted me to wait for him to return first. After a minute, I figured I had better make a decision one way or another, because just waiting could be the wrong decision.

I walked into the room.

It was deceiving from the hallway. I expected an ordinary bedroom about 12' by 12' with a closet, a bed, and a chest of drawers.

There was a closet, and there was a chest (more like a treasure chest) in the corner, but other than that the room was clear of any normal bedroom furniture. The room was about 16' in height. The ceiling was almost all skylight, with a large wooden been crossing the entire width of the room at about the 12' level. From the beam, suspended with chains, was the leather sling he described.

There was a door beside the closet, I assumed led either to a bathroom or to the next room down the hall. The room itself was immense, probably measuring 14' by 18'. You could have easily fit a large pool table in there.

There was a large flat screen TV on one wall, with a comfortable looking couch facing it, situated in the middle of the room about 8' away. A couple of chairs sat at each end of the couch. At the other end, was a wet-bar, complete with leather stools and glass shelves that were well stocked with every type of liquor I could imagine. Against the wall, past the sling, was a St. Andrew's Cross. On the wall to my right there was a criss-cross of leather straps that went up about 12' and measured about the same across. There were small leather straps, meant to tie up arms and legs, I assumed, dangling all over the contraption.

I finally regained my composure and quickly set about to follow his instructions. The sling was slightly higher than my waist, so I had to turn around at jump up a little to get into it. It engulfed me like a hammock. It was easy enough to tie my first leg up, via my ankle, to the leather strap dangling from the right-hand chain, but when I tried to tie up my second leg, I fell back and into the sling. I pulled myself up, folded myself at my stomach and reached up to my left ankle. It was an effort, but I finally got it tied up and just in time to watch my new Master enter the room. I never did get a chance to put any lube on my hole, and so left the tube sitting on my bare stomach.

He walked in like a peacock, his cock standing hard at attention in front of him. He looked like a God. I just wanted to worship him.

"Nicely done boy. This is position #3. My friends know all of my positions, so you are to quickly get into any position that any one of them might tell you. I call this simply the 'sling fuck'. "

I had not noticed them before, but he unlatched a couple of ropes that were loosely rapped around each of the chains now holding my legs. The ropes were attached to pulleys that were located on the beam about 5' away from where the chains attached to the beam. He pulled on the two ropes at the same time. The effect was to spread the chains outward, starting just above where my ankles were tied. My legs spread wide and I felt fresh air wash up against my anus.

He stepped back a few steps and admired his handiwork - my ass totally exposed to his view.

"Nice. You have a nice hole there, boy. I am going to enjoy making it mine."

"Put your head back and relax now."

I laid my head back and it nestled into a leather mesh pillow. I looked at this 'pillow' and saw that it could be detached from the chains and realized that the result would be that my head would fall back and I would be in a sort-of position #2. Meantime, I could look at my Man as he stepped up to the plate. Thankfully, he slathered a copious amount of lube all around my hole and then pushed the tube right up to my anus and squeezed some more right inside.

"This is going to hurt a little boy, but I know you'll learn to love it soon enough."

He pushed that massive cock-head against my hole. I told myself to relax. As he pushed harder I pushed back, begging my hole to open up for him.

"You might need this," he said as, from where I don't even know, he produced a pair of underwear and shoved them into my mouth.

With me now fully gagged, he forced his thick turgid pole into me. I could not help but scream into the gag. It felt like I was being ripped open. I have had some big cocks, and even some big dildos and butt plugs pushed into that hole, but nothing compared to this. He must have been terribly horny, because I am sure his cock was thicker than it ever was going down my throat.

He sank his cock into my aching anus a few inches and then stopped. The pain slowly eased off and when the tears stopped streaming down the sides of my face, he pulled the underwear out of my mouth.

"I know it hurts, boy. You'll be OK for a moment now. Just relax and breathe. Close your eyes and breathe deeply." He could have been a doctor with a great bedside manner as he comforted me with his words. I followed his instructions and the pain quickly diminished. As I accommodated his girth, I began to feel warm and contented.

Then, almost imperceptivity at first, he started moving his hips. First back. Then forward. First a millimeter, then a little more, then more again until he had slide an inch or two of his gorgeous fat cock in and out of me. My head was positioned up just right to allow me to watch, in fascination and awe, as his cock pulsed in and out of my hole. I was like a man suspended above his deathbed, watching the scene as if I were not in the body that was not being impaled by the thick stick of dynamite. The veins pulsed along the length of his cock, making it thick and hard and red. Inch by inch he pushed in and pulled out. Inch by inch my hole gave up its strength. Inch by inch I gave my body to him. Soon, that body would relinquish its soul. I lost track of time as I watched him take me. Finally, his cock was buried deep inside me. I could feel my organs move and adjust to the invasion. Then he stopped. He just stood there, his cock with no further to go. He smiled at me. He knew exactly what he had accomplished. I would never, could never, think about a life without that cock filling me up. I was in my own heaven. My mind stopped whirling and I came down from the ceiling. I looked up into his deep blue eyes and saw into the depths of his soul. He was truly a God. He was my God.

As if he knew that I had reached that conclusion, he started pulling out of me. Again, excruciatingly slowly, he pulled back, his cock leaving a void that begged to be refilled. He pulled straight back in a long, steady, slow motion. He acted like he was going to leave me; leave my body; leave me begging for him to fill me again. He just kept pulling out and pulling out. I was already begging for him in my mind, but I just kept watching his eyes; watching for a glint that would tell me he was just fucking with my mind; that he would not leave me like this - aching to have him fill the gap that was quickly forming in my bowels and in my mind.

With just his head left inside me, he stopped again.

He stood motionless for an eternity. Then, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there was something else. It was much more than the glint I had been looking for. There was an animal there! As ferocious an animal as ever one that set a gazelle running for its life. He gave me a long cold stare, then surprised me by shoving those underwear back into my mouth. He put the fear of God into me at that moment, because I knew that I was in trouble! I was at the mercy of an animal that had only its own lust on its mind. He was no longer the man that was kind and thoughtful. He was the beast that intended to breed me.

And that he did.

I cannot really describe what happened next. The next hour or so was simply incomprehensible to me. All I know is that my insides were torn out. His hot throbbing cock invaded me with reckless abandon. He fucked me like a rag doll. I watched in amazement as that thick fucking pole drove into me over and over and over again. His stamina was unfathomable. For at least an hour he drove into me again and again. The sweat was pouring off his forehead. His entire body was dripping as if he had stepped out of a pool. And still he went on and on.

My head fell back and I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to control myself. I cried from the pain. I cried for mercy. I cried because I knew that I wanted this. I wanted to be his fuck-toy. I wanted him to use me. I wanted him to abuse me. The harder he fucked me the more I became his.

And he fucked me hard. My hole must have turned inside out by now. He just kept fucking me as if he were was a machine and I were the switch that turned him on.

Relentlessly he drove his cock into me. Over and over again he would pull it all the way out of my hole and then push it in again to the hilt. That cock head that was so difficult to take the first time, was not ramming in and out of me like my hole was made for it. There were no longer any sinews left in my sphincter. There was no resistance left. Not in my hole. Not in my head. Not in my heart.

Then, out of nowhere, he let out a blood curdling roar! I felt his seed fill me up. His cock throbbed like a beating heart and with each pulse I could feel another load of his glorious seed fill me up.

He pulled his cock out of me for the last time and, without a word, pulled the gag out of my mouth and left the room.

I laid there in agony and ecstasy. I felt his seed dripping out and down the crack of my ass. I heard it as it dripped onto the floor. I tried to no avail to contain it. I wanted to keep it. I wanted to keep it inside me forever. But my ass would not respond. There were not muscles left to control. I feared for a moment that it would always be so - that I would not be able to control myself and would have to carry one of those awful shit-bags with me wherever I went. I knew that it would not be so. In his wisdom he would protect me. He would not cause me such harm. I am sure I was not the first man that he had taken this way. I was also sure it would not be the last time he would take me this way.

"My God," I thought, "And this was only position number three!"

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