The Temple

By GayFan Boy

Published on Sep 13, 2024


The Temple 2



This is fanfiction based on the art of Priapus of Milet.

Galleries of his works can be found here.

The Hero left the light of the desert behind, walking bravely into shadow.

Whatever dangers lurked within this darkened realm, he knew would have to continue to face them alone.

At first the cut, cold stone of The Temple felt rough to the bare soles of his feet, so long had the man marched through nothing but sand. Even the noise of his own footsteps felt foreign to his ears.

Was this place more normal than the one that was now in recession?

If so, why did it then feel so strange?

Why did it feel like the man still belonged outside?

Grimacing, The Hero knew he would have to adjust to this new. There were far greater difficulties ahead than the uneasiness these indoors now stirred within his soul.

Such as which path was next for him to choose.

Several branched away from the ancient foyer in which he now dwelled.

All ended in the same blackness, however. No clue emerging from their pitch on the secrets that lay beyond.

The Hero would have to choose blindly, destiny to be his only guide.

But the man would not do so rashly. He would not charge into death's embrace willingly.

Or foolishly.

Or ever.

Not if he could help it.

And help it he would certainly try.

Eyeing the ever burning torches that lined this grand entryway hall, The Hero knew that one would eventually be his. Gently removing a cracked, and dusty vase from the pedestal that had been its home for centuries, the muscled hunk lifted this heavy carved statuette high above his head.

Sweat emerged from The Hero's beautiful pale flesh to glisten on his smooth form as the man crossed this first antechamber, massive chisel in hand.

Standing in front of one of the enchanted braziers, the masculine stud filled his lungs with air, then swung the stone pedestal down with all his might!

A great crash echoed throughout the silent Temple, traveling down its empty stone hallways to vanish in the distance, only to reemerge back within this massive vestibule seconds later, faded and dull.

The torch was now free of the wall.

Soon it was within The Hero's firm grip.

Smiling handsomely to himself, the naked muscled hunk knew he was finally ready to press onward.


Having chosen one of the passageways at random, The Hero half understanding in his heart, and half understanding in his head, that all would eventually lead to the same destination, the man continued his journey into the depths of The Temple.

Lighting the way forward with a torch that never seemed to burn low, the beautiful hunk banished the shadows that lay within his path.

Onward he strode.

Deeper he traveled.

Until the gorgeous man realized he was no longer alone. Not quite at least.

For lining the walls of the chamber in which he now stood were carvings of the men whom had made this journey before.

Tall men.

Handsome men.

Strong men.

Men embracing one another.

Men cherishing one another.

Men loving one another.

The Hero was immediately enchanted by their beautiful forms.

How long the man had wandered the wastes without seeing another like himself, he could not say.

But now, gazing upon these masterworks of art, The Hero knew just how lonely he had become.

And so the hunk halted.

Content to just look on the images of others for some time.

While his torch flickered endlessly, keeping the darkness at bay.

And while he waited, and while he watched...

...a stone phallus slithered along the wall behind him unnoticed.

The magical beast had been waiting dormant.

Asleep the long millenia for a trespasser to invade these sacred ruins.

And when the earthen snake had awoken, it had found The Hero's back turned.

Silently the rock creature slid amongst the beautiful statues standing heroically behind the man, until at last it was ready to strike.

And strike it did.

Right at the vulnerable entrance guarded only by the hunk's fleshy round pale orbs.

The Hero cried out!

Never in his memory having felt before the pain of an invader!


Aching filling the void inside!

The rough edges of the stone phallus agonizingly scraping his sensitive lips!

The red haired stud yelled out once more, his magical torch slipping from his grasp to fall to the floor beneath him.

Soon The Hero himself followed, the whiplike stone cock weaving between his unsteady legs, yanking the muscled hunk to the cold floor unceremoniously.

The beast then encircled it's prey, wrapping around the hunk's wide torso, holding him still, while it's head squirmed ever further inside.

The Hero's erection soon responded in kind, growing to its full hard length, untouched at his waist.



The man was at the beast's mercy.

Tighter it squeezed.

Deeper it journeyed.

The heroic stud felt as if he would burst!

But from where first, he did not know!

Was this to be his end?

Was this stone serpent to be his final undoing?

The Hero fought his arousal, trying with all his might to maintain his mind's hold on his body.

But as the muscled stud cried out once more into the darkness, he did not know how much longer he could last!

And then once more The Hero's gaze fell upon the manly art standing all around him.

Of the heroes that had come before, whom had valiantly conquered the dangers that had lain within The Temple.

And he saw amongst them, resting upon their muscles, hugged to their chests, and entering their most hidden sanctums... the stone phallus which had so ensared his form.

But these men were not afraid.

They were not at war with the serpent.

They were not in danger from its wrath.

They were instead... its lover.

And so with a confidence born of new understanding, The Hero let himself become ever more entwined in the stone beast's embrace.

When the earthen cock surged ever further inside, the man now opened himself to it instead.

And replacing the pain, The Hero now felt need.



The pair now writhed as one on the stone floor beneath the beautiful statues doing much the same.

And when The Hero's balls grew hot from the incessant penetration, the destined hunk let himself experience climax without nary the hint of fear.

The ginger hunk unloaded his manly essence, all over himself and the snake, just as he now knew he should.

And the stone phallus was then gone.

And The Hero was alone once more.

Alone with the statues that had guided him to his victory.

The red haired muscled stud rose to his feet once more, ready yet again for whatever trial lay next within The Temple.

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