The Tease

By Duncan Jules

Published on Aug 7, 2020


If you can please help provide for this amazing site also this story involves dominating action with an individual thinking that they can control those aiming to control him. Please feel free to contact me on

DAY 1 - SUNDAY 13:00

So here I was inside my studio completely naked my cock hard and dripping pre-cum onto my leather chair. My phone in my hand and looking at the screen as I began editting the logo in front of me. My phone vibrated and a message from my long distance master from America whom I had met online came through.

`You best be naked boy.'

My cock jumped as I read it. I looked up at the camera he had asked me to set up and bit my lip another message came through,

`Good boy, stand up.'

I stood up and my hard cock was on display for Sir to see. I smiled at the camera and then I sat back down. A few hours passed before I was happy with the editted art and I couldn't help but smiled up at the camera as I stood and left the studio.

When I was out of the camera space I breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed the pair of shorts I had left on a drawer.

These strategically placed shorts had let this master and sub relationship go on for a long time without me having to fully invest. This had been going on for three months since I started speaking to this master online. I felt safe and secure in my bubble yet giving enough away that I felt enough of a thrill.

The rules he had set was: 1) You are always nude inside your house unless a delivery is due 2) You may only wear a jock to answer the door 3) You can wear clothes when streaming 4) Only have sex with when and which people I permit

These was easy to pretend to comply with when the Master was so far away.

I am an early 30's man with dark medium length hair, brown eyes and a slim build not that lockdown which had originally caused my venture into `full time' ownership. Since lockdown had been lifted Grindr and such had got busier again so this arrangement had felt even more loose on my end as they was trying to tighten the rules over my servitude thats why it didn't surprise me when I got a message that night saying.

`Delivery coming to your house of new toys, via Amazon 5 stops away'

I grabbed a pair of shorts and t-shirt and sat down on the steps my phone in my hand as another message came through. I quickly put my dog outside in the back yard as deliveries can be made awkwardly trying to play with any visitors.

`Show me you'

I pulled off my shirt and shorts slipped on the jock I had placed near the door and took a photo. Taking it off again and putting on the shorts and t-shirt before sending the photo with a smirk on my face.

`Good, you haven't broke any rules have you?'

I replied quickly with a simple no.

`Then we can start putting in more cameras?'

I began to panic, more cameras meant he could watch me more and I could cheat less. I typed slightly panicked my internet wouldn't be able to cope with many more on the WiFi.

`4 stops away'

Which was quickly followed by.

`Ok, just don't be breaking the rules'

I breathed a huge sigh of relief before I put the phone to the side. These deliveries could take some time to do 4 stops and I knew as normal this could be a good 20 minutes.

My cock was hard at my cheating against this `Master' I think the idea of been owned was hotter then losing of complete control.

I popped on some music as Bitter Sweet Symphony played I sat back on my steps my head resting back.

`3 stops walk into your studio now'

I stopped the music, I quickly got changed again and walked into the studio. I held my arms aloft and then messaged back a simple you need to trust me.

`Should I boy.'

I walked out the studio,changed my clothes yet again, this was tiring this pretend submission but it still didn't stop the enjoyment when I wanted some fun with the guy thinking he was in complete control.

`2 stops enjoy your gift'

I paced up and down the living room with just my shorts and t-shirts on, I went back to relaxing on my steps when I began to zone out a van pulled up outside and a young adult male couldn't be much older then 18 knocked on the door confidently.

I opened the door he was stunning to say the least his brown hair brushed up and slender body covered in a white top his dark jeans that allowed his red and and white boxers on full display. Looking down I gulped as I looked at his red hi-top trainers.

I looked back up to his face and gulped, "I errr..."

He just smiled and bit his lip. My shorts tented as I looked over at him. He passed the parcel over and smirked, "I'll be back after my shift. Have some beers ready."

With that he turned and walked away.

Opening the parcel there was a chastity device I smiled yet another thing I would have to fake.

Within minutes and the notification must have been recieved I got a message.

`Now get in the studio and put it on you will keep it on till I tell you to take it off'

I looked at the lock in the package and then at the keys there was two on the ring. I took one of the keys off and placed it in the draw and replaced it with one of the keys I had for my luggage.

Waiting a moment before stripping I went over into the studio and attached the lock looking up my cock. I looked up at the camera and smirked while smiling to myself. My cock flicked in the cage this did not feel good I was looking forward to getting rid of this cage.

`Good now leave the keys in view of the camera and do whatever you need to today I need sleep'

Leaving the studio I went to the drawer picked up the key to the key and undid the lock. Removing the cage I placed my hand on my cock and stroked it a few times before heading over towards the shorts and t-shirt putting them on I couldn't help but look at the jock and the lock before I looked at Grindr before stepping inside the studio and pushing the record button.

3 hours into the recording I got another message.

`How does it feel to be locked and recording'

I just looked at the camera and then hung my head in pretend submission. Little did he know I wasn't near his control.

Before going to sit down on the sofa in my shorts and my t-shirt I let the dog back in resting for the next few hours with my hand resting by the back of my head I smiled thinking of the promise the delivery guy had given.

Hearing a van pull up he looked to the left and grabbed the jock and the chastity cage throwing it in a drawer. Ran the dog out the back of the house and ran back to the living room.

I saw the door handle move down as I watched it my heart started racing I knew the door was locked but oh my cock jumped my heart raced and I wanted this. I reached and unlocked the door as he pushed it open his eyes met mine and my heart was bursting.

He moved forward placing his lips on mine in his dirty Scottish sounding accent he stated, "So why you getting chastity cages delivered." He paused looked down on me as he came through the door, "You someones bitch or looking to be owned strip. Strip now."

I could not stop myself I stripped for him he looked over at me.

"On your knees while I explore."

I dropped to my knees I placed my hands behind my head he walked off as I bowed my head looking down at the floor I saw his red trainers go past me.

Minutes felt like hours yet this was making my cock harder and harder. He came back ten minutes later and looked down at me with a smug grin.

"You, go get me a spare key." He paused as I looked at him dead in the eye. "Now boy."

This was scary could I really give this kind of control over to someone I couldn't control how they would be able to use it.

My heart was pounding my head was spinning but my cock was leaking more and more over the floor. I placed my right arm and left leg in a position to stand.


Dropping back to all fours I crawled across the room into my studio where I kept my spare keys I glanced up at the camera trying to stay out of the view. Grabbed the key and crawled out as swiftly as possible.

"Put them in your mouth." He snarled in his Scottish accent.

I placed them into my mouth and crawled over to him, I looked up at him and all he did was smirk. From my point of view all I could see see was his sizable bulge as I was looking up at the stud above me.

"You are filthy." He took the keys out of my mouth, "What are your limits?"

I looked up and he slapped me. "No scat, no water sports, no full time control... I..."

Rolling his eyes at me, "So you like to play bitch but not want to submit; I will break you."

"I want to be owned but I don't know about how deep I can go." I looked down at the floor.

Walking past me he said softly, "Let's build slowly from the ground up, you shall sleep naked." He stopped after walking past me, "Is that too hard for you."

"It isn't sir." I replied. Normally I would sleep just in boxers anyway this was nothing major and nothing intrusive.

"I will come down every Monday night and fuck you but you must stick to my rules." He turned his head to look at me as I looked at him.

"Yes sir." I wanted to smile such a simple rule for casual sex once a week.

"You may only wear shorts, trainers, socks..." He paused. "When inside the house or doing chores like taking the bins out."

I stopped looking at him and at the floor, this was acceptable especially since this summer has been so warm. Winter could be an arse tho so I replied, "Tracksuit bottoms when it is very cold sir."

He seemed to chuckle, "Fair but only when it's below 13 degrees, but I will treat you much better if you can stay in your shorts laddie. But when I ask for you to be naked you have ten seconds to remove the shorts or the bottoms."

"Agreed Sir. Any other rules?"

"Well good to start with three you will agree to review the rules and add anything we agree to every Monday before I fuck your brains out."

"Yes Sir."

"Now get up and get dressed as you should be when I am not here." I quickly got dressed in black combat shorts and a pair of trainers. I stood and turned as he continued, "You will enjoy Monday night." He tapped me on the arse as he walked past me checked the lock on the door with the key and smiled at myself and then he added, "Don't break the rules and we can experience and push the boundaries I will treat you well. Now go let your dog in before the neighbours complain about the barking."

End of Episode 1

Thank you for taking you're time in reading this first episode. We have started to build the story up which will hopefully with some of your feedback: That poll is free to do with no registration or you can e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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