The Team Mascot

By Vincent T.

Published on Dec 7, 2021


College was not really different from high school. I was still the smallest guy around. Still the shy one, the nerd. Everyone around me seemed to have the time of their lives. And I was not. It felt like I was still trapped in the same anxiety despite having moved across country and left behind all the bad times.

I was 17. A year younger than all my peers. The countereffect of being deemed "a genius". If adults really knew how kids and teenagers felt, they wouldn't make dumb decisions like sending their child to college before their time. I got accepted on a recommendation from the faculty of my old school. No entrance exam, no interview, just the one letter that said "Congratulations, you got in!". At the time, I couldn't accept the offer fast enough. All I wanted was to get out of that damn small town and that damn school.

But when I arrived, the difference between me and the other students was immediately apparent. I was 5'7, 135 lbs soaking wet, short black hair and tanned skin. Really nothing exceptional. All the guys seemed to be these massive muscle men that came straight out of workout magazines. And the girls... well I didn't really care about the girls.

I always knew I preferred men. I personally didn't have a problem with it. I came to term with my attractions early in life. I knew I was no abomination or hell spawn or anything of the sort. But when you live in a small town... you are CONSTANTLY reminded of your difference, even if you don't act on it. At least not of your own volition.

So there I was, adjusting to this new freedom, and not knowing what to do with it. The campus was straight out of a movie: old stone buildings, vast expanses of grass and old trees. I was lucky enough to be in the dorms on my own. At the last minute my potential roommate decided to be a no-show. Fine by me. The only modern building on campus was the training center. In good old North-American fashion, sports were a big thing on campus. But being a smaller university, our athletes didn't excel in football or basketball, we had the best wrestling team of the league.

I'm no sports fan, I'm more of a bookworm. But I had to say that the obsession for physical performance was contagious. Since I didn't really have a problem with money, I signed up for an individualized training program at the beginning of the year. I knew I would not become an athlete, but getting in shape would do me good, and exercise was known to boost morale. In just a few sessions, I started noticing some light changes mainly to my endurance and to my mood. I had just finished my weekly meeting with a personal trainer. We were chatting about the next steps in his office. He was trying to get me to eat a little more to add some muscle mass to my small frame. I promised I would try my best. "It doesn't have to be a lot yet, you're already following the plan with more dedication than some of our athletes. Try to add a snack or two in the day, with protein."

"Eat more? Easier said than done" I thought.

I was coming out of his office and into the locker room to get changed before heading back to the dorm. I was already lost in thought about how I could adapt my meals and what snacks to buy etc, I barely heard the shower running as I walked into the locker room. Usually there was nobody at this hour. I didn't really like to be around guys in the locker room. Self-esteem issues.

When I snapped back to reality, I was at my locker. It was close to the entrance of the communal showers, and I could hear the sound of water running. I looked up and there was only one guy in the shower. He was a little taller than me, maybe 5'10, and pure muscles. His thighs were thick, his biceps and shoulders bulging and his chest and pecs chiseled like a statue, ending in the perfect adonis belt. His hair was light brown and straight in texture, kept short on the sides and a little longer at the top. I couldn't see his eyes as they were closed. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it. My eyes went down to his dick. He was hard as a rock, pointing straight up, mostly likely a good 7,5" with a wide head and oversized low hangers. He was rinsing his body, visibly enjoying the warm water. I was a little out of it and I didn't hear him turn off the water.

"Like something you see?"

I came out of my trance and he was facing me, looking straight into my eyes. He made no effort to hide anything. His erection was pointing straight at me. He didn't look mad or anything. I could finally see his eyes. They were almost grey. He started walking toward me. I couldn't move. When he was almost in my face, I reflexively put my arms up to shield my face from the inevitable blow... that never came.

"Chill man, I just asked if you liked what you saw"

I was confused. I put my arms down and looked at him. He was still naked. He was still hard. And he was smiling with a goofy grin on his face, dripping wet from his shower.


"I... I mean... well..."

"You like? Take a look I don't mind"

"You're not... mad?"

Now it was his turn to look confused.

"Mad? What would I be mad about?"

"Because... I'm a... guy..."


Now he looked really confused. It looked like I would have to explain things to him.

"Most guys don't like to be watched... like this... by other guys. Especially g... gay... guys. I'm sorry."

"No sweat, don't apologize. It's all cool."


"Yeah, it's not like you jumped on me or anything. Although, if you tried, good luck with that." he said flexing his whole body in front of me. I could feel my face blushing. My eyes darted toward his dick. As he flexed, so did it and little pearl of precum was forming at the tip.

"You didn't answer the question"


"You like what you see?"

"You were serious?"

"Of course! I workout a lot, I like to know if it pays off."

I couldn't hold back a little laugh. The situation was completely surreal.

"Well, you are one hell of a specimen for sure."

He laughed too.

"Thank you, I try my best. The name's Tyler by the way."


"So Alex, you're gay right?"

I was taken aback for a moment. But his attitude didn't seem menacing in any way.

"Well... yeah... I am."

"And... you think I'm hot, right?"


"Think you could... you know... help out?" His eyes looked down to his dick for a split second and then to mine and I blushed even more, realizing that I got hard in my shorts too.

"No rush though, I just figured, you're gay, you like what you see... and I'm hard."

I stayed silent. I was both panicked and excited.

"Care for some fun?"


"Well, it's a win-win, don't you think?"

"Yeah but I... I've never."

He was startled and backed away a bit.

"Dude, I am SO sorry. I thought you wanted it and I really need to bust that one out. But I understand. I didn't think it would be your first."

I couldn't say a word, and he wasn't mean or disappointed, it was just a matter of facts for him.

"I'll see you around campus then, maybe you can come to a match too, the team is pretty good this year." And he started to walk back to the shower.

I just realized as he said it that he was on the wrestling team. Of course he was, his body was made for this. I don't know what took over me, I'm not sure I even realized it myself, but I went down on my knees.

"Just let me take my time, I can help out."

"Really? Are you sure?"

I nodded. He sat down on the bench in front of me and spread his leg.

"Thank you so much! I need that load out and my hand won't exactly do the trick. Tell you what, I'll just sit there and you can take your time."

I must have looked a little scared as I looked at the fat head of his dick.

"I promise I won't force you to do anything. I'll just enjoy what you are doing. Like I said, it's a win-win situation."

He smelled like soap. He was smiling down encouragingly at me. I focused on his dick. There was still a pearl of precum right on his piss slit. My tongue darted out to lick it. It barely brushed his dick and I got my first taste of his precum. His dick reacted instantly bouncing up with more precum dripping from it. I did it several times. Everytime he would whimper like a puppy. I looked up and went to grab his dick. He nodded in approval and his smile got wider. It was so warm and hard in my hand. I could feel it literally pulsate. I took a deep breath and put my lips on his head and I started sucking slowly, minding my teeth. He exhaled and threw his head back.

"Fuuuuck!" He said under his breath. "It feels so good. It's been awhile."

It emboldened me. And I went further down. His dick was wide but I managed to go deeper and deeper. Each time I would come back up, Tyler would gasp as I would swirl my tongue around his length. I made a real effort to take even more of his dick each time I would go back down.

"This is some good head." He said. "You're doing great!"

His encouragements made me feel so good. I started playing with his balls a little, massaging them.

"Oh fuck, be careful, they're so full."

They felt so heavy in my hand.

I don't know how it happened, but at some point, my nose touched his pubis. I had bottomed down on his dick.

"Shit dude, you took it all. I can't believe you took it all."

In the corner of my eye, I saw him lifting his hand that had been resting on his thigh. I must have tensed a bit.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just want to stroke your hair a bit. Is that okay? I won't push."

I nodded and felt his hand stroke my hair gently. He was taking real deep breaths, gently stroking my head.

"You're doing so good. Fuck it's been a while since someone took it all. You're an awesome little dude, you know."

That last compliment made me moan.

"You liked that I called you that?"

I moaned and nodded and swirled my tongue around some more.

"I can't believe it's your first time. This feels amazing."

I took my hand off his balls a moment and signaled him to push on my head a little more. I don't know why, I wanted him to go even deeper.

"Oh yeah? You want me to push you on that dick. Okay little dude, I got you."

I felt him press on the back of my head.

"Breathe in little dude. Breathe in."

His dick head was right at the entrance of my throat. He kept the pressure on and I kept breathing in as much as I could.

"It's okay little dude, you're doing great. I'm gonna push just a little more, take a deep breath."

And as I took some air in, I felt his dick head pop into my throat.


He was breathing rapidly. He started making me move up and down his shaft, never forcing, never pushing too far. Each time I managed to get the head back down my throat.

"My balls, play with my balls please."

I obeyed. I started massaging his balls again. I managed to find a way to twist my tongue around.

"WOW! Little dude, you are getting me closer and closer."

I kept at it for a while longer.

"I'm so close, you're gonna make me cum... be careful..."

He lifted his hand from my head. I could have let him cum on me... but instead, I pushed myself down on his dick on my own.

"I'm gonna shoot it down your throat little dude, I can't hold it."

I moaned.

"Dude you better be sure, it's gonna be a massive one."

I moaned again. His abs started contracting uncontrollably.

"You better swallow. Here it comes."

His balls tightened up, his hand stayed firm on the back of my head, his dickhead in my throat. I felt his dick expand some more and pulsate.


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ropes of cum went straight down my throat. I managed to back up a little bit. Eight, nine, ten and eleven, four more ropes ended in my mouth and I finally tasted a man's cum for the first time. A load of sperm that was not my own.

Tyler was panting, and sweating heavily. Slowly I let his dick go. He was still semi-hard. One last drop of cum pearled at the tip. I promptly licked it, sending shivers through his body and he fell back on the wall, catching his breath. His wet towel was on the bench next to him. I took it and started cleaning up Tyler's dick and balls.

"Wow, you didn't have to do that you know."

"I know, I wanted to. It seemed like the right thing to do."

"Are you sure I'm your first? You sure know what to do to please a guy."

"Haha, yes I'm sure."

He sat back up, still panting heavily, trembling a bit.

"You were awesome. I never felt that before."

He smiled and patted me on the head. It made me feel good when he did that.

"I needed that so much. I hope I didn't push you too hard. I know I'm pretty thick down there. Do you need water?"

"No, thanks, I'm good. You didn't push too hard. It was really good."


He was looking at me with that goofy smile on his face.

"So... do you need to shoot one out too?"


"Yeah, you must be pretty excited. You need to shoot your load too?"

I put my hand down my shorts and to my surprise, it was sticky, drenched in precum. And when I took my hand and it wasn't precum... I had blown a full load in my shorts.

"Dude, is that really cum?"

"I... guess so..."

"That is so awesome. You didn't even touch yourself and you shot your load. So cool. And let me tell you, you're a natural. That's the best blowjob I ever had."

I licked some of the cum on my hand.

"It's different."

"What do you mean?"

"Your... your cum tastes different."

"Is it good?"

I felt myself blushing again.

"Yes, and there was so much of it."

"AWESOME! I'm glad you liked it. I don't get to shoot it like that often. It's usually just my hand."

"Yeah right." I snorted. "A guy like you must get plenty of offers."

"It's true. But I don't always have the time and sometimes I leave with blue balls because they can't handle it."

"Girls you mean?"

"Mostly yes, I had offers from guys too, they're always fun but they never did what you did."

"What do you mean?"

He stopped to think for a moment. He looked so focused it was sort of cute.

"Don't take it the wrong way, okay? But you're really good at it. You're a natural."

"Thank you. I didn't really know what I was doing."

"It didn't feel that way for sure. The way you used your tongue was amazing. And that balls massage did the trick for sure."

"I'm glad you liked it." A thought came to my mind and I couldn't help laughing.

"I guess I got on that plan earlier than I thought I would." I said.

Tyler looked so lost. I answered his unasked question.

"Thanks for the protein shake man."

Next: Chapter 2

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