The Teacher's Pet

By John Smith

Published on Aug 15, 2024


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that contains adult/youth, dubious consent, and bondage. Please do not read if these categories offend you or you are under the age of 18. This is purely for fantasy purposes and should not be taken seriously in any way, shape, or form.

Any feedback or suggestions for future stories are appreciated.

Discord: Bagem (rgbage)

Kyle was over fifteen minutes into the hour-long video now. Heavy breathing was the only sound in his room, the teen more than turned on at the sight of him tied to the bed. With Miss Stahl looming over his form on the screen, memories came flashing back to last Friday. All the fun she had with him... he shut his eyes and gripped his bulge beneath his shorts momentarily, pausing the video as he collected himself. He had just seen himself lose control for the first time in the video, and despite the embarrassment at seeing himself so vulnerable, he was rock hard. He didn't want to jerk off, finding the idea of watching her seduction without touching himself more appealing. He stripped, taking his shorts and shirt off but choosing to leave his boxer briefs on.

Sitting back in his chair, he pressed play.


"I'm so sorry you had to experience that, Kyle; I hope you don't have too much of a headache. I think I put just the right amount of dosage in that lemonade." Miss Stahl said with an apologetic smile. She didn't wait for him to respond, turning around and shutting the bedroom door. The loud click of the lock turning made Kyle gulp. He didn't know what to do, he had just woken up to find himself tied to a queen-sized bed, blankets missing, only a pillow for his head to rest against along with a sheet cover. Hearing her comment about the lemonade, however, made his attention snap to his teacher.

"Dosage? Did you..."

"Drug you? I wouldn't say that Kyle, it was more of mixture that would help relax and help you fall asleep."

Kyle just grew even more confused at his teacher's revelation that she had drugged him. He was scared, but there was also something in Miss Stahl's body language that told him that she wouldn't hurt him.

"Did you tie me up?!" The teen raised his chest off the bed, abs flexing much to the delight of Miss Stahl. He was unintentionally giving her exactly what she wanted.

"Well, I don't see anyone else who lives in this house, right?" She said it with an innocent tone, but Kyle was at least smart enough to see right through it. Miss Stahl had planned this from the start the moment he stepped foot in her house. Anger and bewilderment flooded his body, the ropes creaking once more as he strained against his bonds. He planted his feet on the bed, trying to jerk his body up, but there was no give to the ropes that held his hands.

Miss Stahl giggled at his plight, moving to the bedroom windows to make sure the blinds were drawn tight.

"Don't think we'll have anybody watching, but just in case."

Kyle chose to stay silent, letting himself relax for a moment against the bed. He assumed he was in Miss Stahl's bedroom, judging by the decorations adorning the wall as well as a phone charger by the nightstand. His anger gave way to embarrassment and anxiety as he observed his teacher check things around her room. Why did she do this? Why was he tied up? What was she planning?

Seeing that the bedroom was in a condition to her liking, Miss Stahl gave a satisfied hum before stepping to the foot of the bed and staring down at Kyle with a luscious smile. The young teen found himself unable to make eye contact, shying his gaze away as he turned his head to look at her paintings on the wall.

"Kyle, look at me please. I need you to understand why you're here like this."

A quietness enveloped the room as Miss Stahl waited for him to look at her. Kyle continued to stare aimlessly at the paintings, before he reluctantly turned his head back to look up at his teacher. He felt like he was looking at a different person at this moment. Satisfied that his attention was now on her, her smile turned into a teasing smirk.

"I think you'll get the message loud and clear, my star pupil."

Kyle's eyes went from wide to bug-eyed as he watched his geometry teacher cross her arms and grab the bottom hem of her wool sweater. In a slow, yet smooth motion, she began to draw it up her body. Even though he had never been intimate with a girl, it took Kyle a split second to understand just exactly what was going on when he saw more and more of her slim stomach appear in his sight. His mind went back to a distinct moment, right when Miss Stahl had walked by him and Michael that fateful Monday just a few days ago.

"Miss Stahl gave you the `hungry eyes' look. I recognize that glance she gave you."

If Michael was telling the truth, then this is probably the closest thing to `hungry eyes' that Kyle would witness.

Holy shit... is this really happening?

The teen's breath hitched as she drew her sweater further and further up her body. A faint outline of her ribs pushed out, and then Kyle tensed his body upon seeing a more revealing detail. The lack of shirt that was under Miss Stahl's sweater. His evening full of surprises wasn't done yet, as the biggest reveal came when she finally drew her sweater above her head, and her boobs lightly bounced down against her chest.

Boobs that lacked a bra to be more precise.

Oh my God, it's really happening.

He stared transfixed at the sight of her firm breasts. While Miss Stahl wasn't `big' like the porn stars were in videos he had watched, her tits were real if the young teen was anyone to judge. Kyle gasped when his teacher did a little shake of her torso, the breasts swaying back and forth, yet also having a rigid firmness to her chest that showed little to no sag. Her breasts held a slightly paler complexion than the rest of her olive skin, most likely a result of sunbathing with a bikini on. Dusky, perky nipples sat stiff on her boobs, a clear sign of arousal. The teen's jeans suddenly felt tight. Too tight.

"C-cup size, figured they'd be pretty enticing to you. You think you understand what's going on now, Kyle?" If Kyle didn't get the picture by now, he'd officially be labeled the dumbest human on planet Earth.

"Yes..." Kyle whispered, but he was still freaking out on the inside. Here was his teacher, topless with her tits out right in front of him, and yet he was still torn. The ropes around his wrists didn't help anything, and the fear of future consequences terrified him. Was she going to have sex with him? What if someone found out? His inexperience and age were working against him, waging a mental battle between right and wrong. As much as he had been crushing on Miss Stahl recently, a lot of it was hormone riddled. He felt like he was skipping too many steps, going from pecking a girl on the lips of the playground in elementary school to fucking his geometry teacher with no in-between seemed too much for him.

One part of Kyle's mind is yelling at him to stop everything, reject Miss Stahl's advances and pretend it never happened. The other part of him wants everything she has to offer and more. He can just imagine Michael right now if he knew about Kyle's situation.

"Do it! Are you fucking stupid Kyle?!"

"M-miss Stahl, what time is it?"

His teacher chortled at that question. "That's your reaction to seeing my tits? I'll indulge you this one time, Kyle."

Taking her phone out of her jean shorts that seemed to hug her thighs so well, she cooed as she showed him that there was half an hour left of their tutoring session.

"Not much time left... we're definitely going to need more than thirty minutes if I'm gonna fuck you."

"WHAT?!" Kyle nearly shrieked, grunting as his body was thwarted by the tight ropes holding his arms back.

"Let's keep our inside voice on, shall we? You're going to need energy for when I bring out your outside voice." She said with a seductive tone. Miss Stahl pulled Kyle's own phone out of her other pocket. Turning his phone towards his face, she used the boy's facial recognition to unlock his phone.

"W-what are you doing?" Kyle stammered, nervous that she was now invading his privacy, or even worse, telling someone what she was up to.

"Relax, sweetie, I'm just sending your mother a text telling her you're staying at Michael's house for a sleepover. Should buy us plenty of time." He didn't like the way her voice emphasized the word `plenty', but his pants grew even tighter at the thought of what lay in his future. A blush formed on his cheeks as he found himself growing harder, his gaze flickering back and forth between the walls around the room and her perky tits.

Fortunately for Kyle, his mom responded in record time. A light chime emitted from his phone indicating that she had responded, and Miss Stahl emitted an excited squeal that he had never heard her from her before.

"Ooooo, seems like your mom's more than fine with you being there! She's asking about the tutoring session. I'll tell her it was very helpful, and informative." She added that last part with a wink, and Kyle's cock was swelling more and more at the prospect of getting laid for the first time in his life.

He watched with a dumbfounded expression as she finished sending her text to his mom and dumped his phone in his backpack which he just now realized was against the wall near the bed. Kyle's mind was still running a million miles a minute, still trying to come to terms with the predicament he was currently in. His inner turmoil took a backseat when Miss Stahl mounted the bed. His chest heaved up and down rapidly as she slithered herself over his form, so she was straddling him. Her legs were on either side of his hips, but she didn't quite sit her weight on his pelvis yet, choosing to hover over him as she gave the teen a fond smile.

"Once again, I'm sorry I had to do things this way Kyle. I think though that you'll come to appreciate the effort put into this. I've seen the looks you shoot my way during class, Kyle. The glances, the stares, it's cute how obvious you are sometimes, especially how you try to hide it. It makes me feel flattered, despite how... taboo this situation is." She chuckled at that, and Kyle knew it was an understatement of the century about the `taboo' of what she was doing to him.

"Regardless of the perversion of this, I think you'll like it... maybe love it even once I'm finished with you." Kyle shivered at that statement, goosebumps appearing on his skin that did not go unnoticed by Miss Stahl, whose smile grew larger at his reaction. "But in case you're wondering, I won't be undoing these knots anytime soon." She tapped at the cords around his wrists, and Kyle was scared once more at the thought of being tied up for a long time under the whims of his teacher. Deep down though, a part of him... liked it?

"I think you'll appreciate being bound like this though. Believe it or not, you've made me so aroused like never before. You made me feel like more than some object with a pretty face and body, and your actions show it. You didn't have to wear that cologne, yet you still chose to spray it on to impress me. Well... color me impressed. Deep down, you'll want this too. I want you, Kyle, and I've finally got you where I want you. All alone... no one around... which gives me plenty of time to enjoy you, and for you to enjoy yourself. So..." she ran her hands down his bare chest, and Kyle sucked in a huge gulp of air upon feeling her cool hands caress his bare torso, "relax, and let me take care of you."

Ever so slowly, Miss Stahl sank her weight down onto Kyle, pinning him to the bed even further. The teen wheezed, body tensing as she continued caressing his chest. She let out a dark chuckle when she felt him throb against her, and the laugh just made the boy pulse even more. There had never been a time he had been more nervous yet turned on at the same time. Hearing Miss Stahl confess her attraction to him, he still couldn't believe it. All that time he doubted she cared for him, how he thought he was just another student to her, yet here they were. Him, tied down tight, with his topless teacher straddling him.

As much as he wanted her to, Miss Stahl refused to shift her hips to grind against him. Instead, she opted to plant her hands on either side of his head as she leaned in closer to his face. Up close, Kyle could really see the beauty that beheld her. The high cheekbones, the subtle eyeshadow, her red lipstick... it all looked so appetizing under the dim light. She moved her right hand up to his rugged black hair, sifting her fingers through it as she began to lightly pet him.

Kyle's body relaxed a tad bit at the sensation, and Miss Stahl's lips parted as she asked a question that made his hormones run rampant.

"Have you kissed a girl yet?"

He hesitated to answer for a moment, unsure if he should lie and say he hadn't or tell the truth. He opted for the latter.

"I... I have, in elementary school. It was... quick." Kyle could barely speak, not with the teacher of his dreams so close to his face as the bedroom almost faded from existence. She was a witch, and she had casted a spell that had him wrapped around her finger.

"Well let's give you a real first kiss then."

Kyle couldn't respond as her lips enveloped his. It took him a moment to shut his eyes, deciding to follow her lead as he felt her lips start to move after a momentary pause. He didn't know how she did it, but her lips began to lead him like they were in a waltz, and she was the dancing instructor. Small hums of delight left Miss Stahl, vibrating into Kyle's own lips as she alternated between capturing his bottom and top lip, sucking intensely on each part that had the boy's erection twitching beneath his jeans.

A breathy snort left her nose feeling his hips push up into hers on instinct. She pressed her hips down harder, pinning him down as she controlled the pace. Kyle's gasp at feeling her core press into his boner was swallowed by her lips once more. The poor teen could barely keep up, heart racing as she tilted her head to deepen the kiss. When the boy opened his mouth for some more air, she attacked. Her tongue delved deep into his mouth, the boy's eyes shooting wide open as she gripped his hair tighter, devouring him with a hungry French kiss. Her left hand cupped his cheek, holding his face steady as her lips molded to his.

Kyle was astonished as to how Miss Stahl could do this with her eyes closed, but those thoughts were overwhelmed once more by the feeling of her tongue dragging against his own. She seemed to be looking for leftover remnants of his lemonade, swirling her tongue across his teeth as the boy was helplessly whimpered and mewled every time she pulled back to suck or bite his bottom lip. She was devouring him, inside and out, and his body was loving every second of it. He dug his heels into the sheets as he tried to push his hips up once more for some much-needed relief, but Miss Stahl was an experienced lover, and she took what was hers.

She tucked her feet underneath his thighs and locked them tight, trapping his legs between the backs of her thighs and calves. This caused her groin to press firmly into Kyle's crotch, the boy moaning into the French kiss as she thwarted his attempts to thrust his hips up into her. It was like two pythons had coiled around his quads, locking them tight so every time the boy pushed his hips up, it would make her rise with the motion. There was very little chance for Kyle to properly grind against her now, and he moaned in anguish while Miss Stahl let out a muffled laugh into his mouth. The teacher had her student right where she wanted.

The whole process of Frenching with his teacher was... strange, yet so erotic he could barely contain himself. He thought it would be gross, but Miss Stahl's mouth tasted very pleasant if he had anything to say about it. Kyle inhaled sharply through his nose at the sensation of his teacher twisting her tongue in his mouth, like she was trying to wrap it around his own and subdue his flicking appendage. She was wrestling his tongue for dominance, and he was more than compliant as she corkscrewed around it, no longer kissing as she shifted to an open-mouthed tonguing.

So wrapped up with his teacher trying to fuck his throat with her tongue, he finally took notice of another part of Miss Stahl that was pushing into him. The math teacher decided to finally give him more and began sliding her tits back and forth across his bare chest. The sensation of her stiff nipples sliding across Kyle's chest was indescribable. The boy moaned out loud, muffled once more as she sealed his mouth shut with her lips. She was slow yet precise, locating the boy's own stiff peaks with her nipples as she rubbed against him. He was blowing constant hot air through his noise, barely getting any breath in as she continued devouring him.

Every time his hips tried to press up into her, she would clamp her legs down tight and keep him pinned to the bed. He was hers tonight, and he wasn't going anywhere.

Finally, after a few minutes of passionate kissing that felt like an hour to Kyle, Miss Stahl separated from him with a wet smack. A thick strand of saliva bridged between their lips, severing as she pushed herself back up to sit against the bulge that was begging to be freed from his jeans. Looking down the plane of his chest, Kyle could only watch her leering gaze explore his bare torso. He followed her eyes, tracking their path as she let them wander down... and down...

Looking back up at him, they held each other's stare for a moment, before a breathy Miss Stahl asked him a question.

"Do you guys' practice soccer shirtless?"

Kyle furrowed his brow slightly, thrown off at the question. It came out of left field, and the teen had to take a moment to catch his breath and answer her properly without coming apart at the seams.

"I... sometimes? When it's hot I guess, but since it's getting close to October, we just usually keep our shirts on."

She shot him a huge grin at that answer, looking like the cat that ate the canary. Kyle wasn't sure why that was important for her to know, but he was nervous and excited to find out where his teacher was going with this. Miss Stahl leaned back over him, casting a light shadow over his form from the overhead light that shone above them. Biting her bottom lip, she brought her left hand up to his right nipple, brushing a thumb over the pointed peak. Kyle's breath stuttered, stomach dipping slightly at the tingly sensation that raced through his body. He had never felt something like that before, even when close to a climax when he masturbated, his body had never been so... stimulated before.

"Can you change into your soccer clothes without anyone seeing you?"

His mouth gaped open like a fish, still confused about Miss Stahl's intentions. "Yeah? I can change in a bathroom stall if I need to. Why?"

A throaty chuckle left her throat, and she leaned in close to drag her tongue up the shell of his left ear, leaving Kyle a stuttering mess once more as his cock throbbed under his jeans at the delicate touch. Giving his earlobe a light suck, she hummed lightly which made him moan lightly at the vibrations that ran through his ear. Releasing it with a wet smack she placed her lips close to his ear and whispered something that made Kyle clench his stomach with excited anticipation.

"Cause I'm about to give you marks for your eyes only, Kyle."

Dipping her head slightly, she placed a kiss at the corner of his jaw, then another one just under his chin, then another, and another... creeping her lips further down until they settled over the pulse point in his neck. She gave it a light flick with her tongue, and Kyle could only shudder and gasp at the sensation. He stared straight up at the ceiling, hands curling into fists as they strained once more against the tight ropes. The boy was overwhelmed, body aching for more as Miss Stahl then sealed her lips against his pulse and sucked. Hard.

"A-ah! Oh god..." Kyle husked, toes curling at the foreign sensation of her sucking at his neck. It tickled, yet not the kind that would make one laugh. It was a tickle that went straight towards his groin, hips rising on instinct as if looking for stimulation. Miss Stahl continued her attack, placing more suction-like kisses across his neck. Reaching the hollow of his throat, Kyle wheezed when he felt his teacher drag her tongue ever so slowly up his throat. He twitched when the tip of her tongue ran over his adam's apple, trailing further up until she finished with a flick at the bottom of his chin.

"I can't leave any marks on your neck, unfortunately. Wouldn't want people asking why you're wearing a scarf, do we Kyle?" She smirked down at him, tits heaving as she took her own deep breaths. "Doesn't mean I won't leave a lot down here though." She leaned back in, forming a seal with her lips his right pec and sucked hard, right above his nipple. Kyle keened, and a humming laugh left her mouth to vibrate through his chest as her tongue swirled around the spot as she continued sucking hard. Miss Stahl switched over to the other side, doing the same thing as Kyle saw two red marks begin to form on his pectorals, shivering as she ran her tongue over each mark delicately.

She didn't stop there, opting to really break him down as her mouth swallowed his left nipple whole. Kyle's back arched, the boy moaning out loud now for the first time. He had been stifling himself before as best as he could, nervous teen energy making him self-conscious in front of his sexy teacher. It seemed Miss Stahl liked that moan he released; a pleased hum exited her mouth that made his nipple vibrate. His cock tingled in response, throbbing in his jeans once more as he felt slight wetness beginning to form in his boxers. She didn't quit, lavishing the pointed nipple with her tongue as she then alternated from sucking to nibbling. The sensation bordered on painful, but the bite did its job as Kyle dug his heels in the bed and thrust his lower half up once again.

Miss Stahl seemed to pay no attention to the crisis Kyle's body was going through, letting the teen continue to moan throughout the empty house as she switched to his other nipple, giving it the same treatment it deserved. The biceps on Kyle's arms bulged, arms straining as he unconsciously pulled his arms toward him once again. The restriction was killing him, but his cock throbbed even more, entwined with the seductive charm of his math teacher.

This... this can't be happening... Kyle moaned once again as she sucked hard and swirled her tongue around his nipple at the same time, interrupting his thoughts. I can't believe she's doing this, holy shit.

She finally gave him a reprieve, releasing his nipple with a wet smack that echoed in the room. Giving each nipple a kiss, Kyle looked down with a dazed expression as her lips crawled further down his chest towards his stomach. She began tracing his ribcage with her tongue, and Kyle could do nothing but pant and tug at his restraints while she gave him a sultry stare. He felt like he was being hypnotized by her hazel-colored eyes, her gaze never leaving his while she used her teeth to nibble the skin surrounding his ribcage. He watched her settle her body down, so she now lay between his spread legs. Kyle could feel her boobs press into his waist, so soft yet firm, while she made more marks across his torso. If this is what a hickey felt like, the teen would gladly wear winter clothing during the summer if it meant hiding Miss Stahl's marks from the public eye.

A devious smile formed on Miss Stahl's face, making Kyle grow slightly apprehensive. Even with his teen hormones running wild, everything still felt like it was going too fast. He should be getting a girlfriend of his age, holding hands that would eventually evolve to kissing, dry humping, and then maybe sex at the end of it all. Miss Stahl, however, was breaking down his defenses, hazy arousal making his brain just want more touching, more kissing, more sucking...

She seemed to notice that Kyle looked apprehensive, tapping his sternum with her finger to grab his attention.

"It's totally understandable for a boy your age to be nervous Kyle. Trust me though," she caressed his chest as she used her palms to massage his pecs, "this will feel really good if you let your inhibitions go." She leaned down at that moment to place a delicate kiss just above his navel, one that made him quiver with delight. Holding onto each side of his chest, Miss Stahl began to use her thumbs to caress and flick Kyle's nipples with a gentle touch. The touch had Kyle tossing his head back into the pillow, squeezing his eyes shut as he let out a shaky gasp. "So stiff up there. I love a guy that has sensitive nipples." She whispered into his stomach, planting more kisses around his belly button. The amorous teacher brought her index fingers into play, lightly pinching and massaging the stiff nubs as Kyle arched his back into her touch.

"I can feel how hard you are Kyle, how much it's pressing up from your jeans... every throb... every pulse..." she dipped her tongue into his navel, and his stomach shrank into himself, but her dexterous tongue continued to slither in the small space. He never knew an area like that could feel so good when a tongue was added. The more Miss Stahl began to explore him, the more Kyle realized just how experienced she was at this. The thought excited him more, being guided by a mature yet sexy as hell woman like her made his arousal surge, and he slowly found the aspect of being tied up more and more appealing. She then placed her lips around his belly button and sucked, darting her tongue in and out as she started marking his navel.

"Mmf... oh my god..." Kyle muttered, turning his head from side to side on the pillow as his body craved more. He felt like he was going to explode, that tingling sense of an orgasm building slightly in his stomach. He cursed his jeans at this moment, wanting them gone so he could give his cock more room to breathe. Miss Stahl was taking her time though, and Kyle tried to keep himself calm as she continued sucking new hickeys around his stomach. His abs flexed and relaxed every second, unable to stay calm as she moved onto his obliques on his sides, wet smacks continuing to sound in the room as she spent the next couple minutes thoroughly marking his lower torso. It was overwhelming, the sensation of her fingers groping his nipples while she continued sucking marks into his skin was driving him wild.

Kyle's body tried to take over for a moment, hips pushing up hard into Miss Stahl's boobs, which she responded to by using her weight to press him back down in the bed with ease. They were so soft and smooth, sliding around his pitched tent in his jeans as she kept control over him. She then ran her tongue along the creases of his abs, and Kyle nearly choked on his breath as he felt her hot breath wash over them. Looking back down, he saw her staring back at him as she continued painting his belly with her tongue. His body was a work of art, different shapes and sizes of red welts covering his chest and stomach. He groaned at the sight, turned on as he thought about how they would look the following day. Giving one last flick of her tongue to his belly, she shifted back and began to fiddle with his belt. "Let's see what we're working with under here..."

The metal clack of his belt buckle pierced the silence of the room, only accompanied by heated breaths from the tied teen and his seducer. Kyle huffed loudly as the belt came loose, his bulge rising further in his jeans as some tension was released. Miss Stahl hummed at the sight of his pitched tent, her painted black nails raking up and down his thighs. The boy laid still; face flushed as he saw his teacher lay so close to his boner. He grunted as her hands crept closer to his inner thighs, her caresses making him twitch under her grip. He never knew he could be so sensitive there, and Miss Stahl smirked at his reaction, continuing to draw her nails up... then back down... then up...

Kyle stopped breathing for a moment when she leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his bulge. He could barely feel it, but the sight alone made him whimper. Suddenly, she moved forward and pressed her face into it.

"Ah! M-miss Stahl..."

"Shh, easy now. Relax..." she drew the last word out with a hiss as she closed her eyes and rubbed her face against his covered crotch. Her face drew up higher, chin digging into his tight balls as her nose ran up the length of his shaft.

"Oh... oh my god... oh my god..." Kyle whispered frantically, and Miss Stahl chuckled at his reaction. She was winding him up further, and the boy didn't know how much he had left in him. She eventually reached the top of his jeans, and Kyle watched with bated breath as she leaned forward and bit down on the button to his fly. In a slow, practiced motion, she pulled the button up with her teeth while staring up at his flabbergasted expression. The heat in her eyes could melt the strongest of steel.


A gust of air escaped Kyle's lungs at the sound of his fly opening, and he let out a stifled moan as he watched her bite his zipper and drag it down. More and more pressure was being let off of his cock, and Kyle could still barely breathe as his dick rose up further, now straining to escape his boxers. A wet spot was clearly visible on his underwear, and Miss Stahl licked her lips at the sight as she gently tugged his jeans further until they were halfway down his thighs.

"You're so hard, Kyle. I can see it twitching for more." she whispered, dipping her head down to plant a wet kiss on the skin of his inner thigh. There was just enough between his jeans and boxers for her to drive him even further into the debauchery ecstasy. She switched to the other leg, giving slow yet firm kisses to each leg. She snaked her way back up to the waistband of his boxers, once more pressing her face into the firm length of his erection. Kyle whined at the feeling, tugging at his bonds once more as his muscles bulged for freedom. Then Miss Stahl gave a lick across the wet spot of his boxers, and he nearly lost it.

"Shit... oh shit Miss Stahl." He moaned, a small burst of precum leaking into the fabric at feeling her tongue so close to where his body desperately wanted it.

"Language, Kyle."

"S-sorry, it just felt really good."

She chuckled at his apology, bringing a hand up as she ran her fingertip up the tent in his boxers. It didn't feel like much, but the sight had Kyle moaning as if he was in heat, tugging at the ropes that bound his wrists tight to the bed.

"I don't really care if you swear or not Kyle. This must be overwhelming for you, but you'll get your release. Just let it happen. I promise things will only feel even better down the road."

Her reassurance bolstered Kyle's confidence a little, which nearly evaporated when he watched her bite into the waistband of his boxers and pull backwards. He attempted to shift his hips as if to cover himself, but her forearms kept his thighs pinned down, and he couldn't open or close his legs if he tried. The teen admired her hidden strength for a moment, before being brought back to reality when the waistband caught the head of his cock. Kyle gasped, and Miss Stahl continued pulling. She had the stare of a mountain lion that was closing in on its prey, one step closer to a tasty meal.

He watched with bated breath as his dick was pulled downwards toward the direction of her mouth, and he panted hard as he saw his sparse, bushy pubes appear. Miss Stahl could only hum with delight at the sight, mouth full of his boxers as she kept pulling back, sliding her body partway off the bed as more and more of his shaft was being revealed in the dim light.

Finally, his cock sprung free. It flung back towards in him a speedy arc, slapping against his stomach with a light smack before it sprang up and hovered off his stomach. It stayed like that, hard as a rock with his own arousal coating the tip of his penis. Miss Stahl cooed at the view, and Kyle turned his head away slightly embarrassed at finally being exposed. Despite his cock feeling the hardest it had ever felt before in his life, he still had doubts and anxiety creeping through his mind.

Was it big enough? She must think I'm too small.

"So long and thick at your age... how I've longed for this."

Wait... what did she say?

Kyle looked back down to see Miss Stahl tug his boxers down to rest where his jeans were, still stuck above his knees. She started raining kisses down on his quads, and Kyle couldn't help but flex them at the tingling touch of her devious lips once more. He couldn't believe how many times she kissed him since he had shown up at her house hours ago.

Looking back up at him with lidded eyes, she shuffled close enough to where her lips hovered just an inch above his dick, poised to strike at any moment.

"For your age Kyle... you've got quite the package." She brushed a thumb across his tight sack, giggling as his balls drew further up and Kyle shook with pleasure at the new touch. "Too many boys are obsessed with porn sizes, but this right here," she tapped the bottom of his shaft with her index finger, "is more than enough to please a woman, trust me. And what's even better, is that you've still got room to grow." She finished her statement with a husky tone that titillated his senses. His attempt to form a reply was cutoff when she reached forward with her right hand and grasped the base of his cock.

"Fuck..." Kyle husked, hips pushing up on their own volition as she tightened her grip. He gritted his teeth at the sensation, and Miss Stahl's giggle only made him throb even more in her grip.

"So much to play with," she whispered as she slowly began to pump away at his shaft, "and a nice big head to play with too. I love an exposed head." She smirked at him, leaning forward to give a kiss on his frenulum. The ropes creaked in response as Kyle's body jerked at the wet kiss she placed. She slowed down her pumping, seeing more precum leak out of the tip.

"What a waste this would be." She grasped the top of his shaft, encircling her index and thumb right under the tip of his penis. Kyle could only watch in pure euphoria as she used her thumb to spread his arousal around the tip. The head of his cock was purple, a color he had never seen on his dick before. The sticky precum made it glisten under the dim light, and Miss Stahl looked to be very keen on spreading it around as best as she could. Her thumb circled under the ridge of his head, and he whimpered as more precum spilled from the slit.

"Oh, look at that. Someone's getting close." Her hot breath washed over his length as she continued her slow, gentle pump of his shaft. Miss Stahl stuck the tip of her tongue out, and Kyle could only watch in awe as she swiped up the clear bead of fluid from his slit. "Tastes delicious..." she husked. He nearly came right there, jerking in his bonds once more as he tensed his abs to stave off his impending orgasm. She snickered at his reaction, removing her grip around his boyhood as she slid her hands up to grasp his hips. "Your struggling turns me on so much, Kyle. The way you writhe... watching your abs tense every time I find a sensitive spot on you. You're making me so wet."

He moaned at her dirty talk, pushing his pelvis up towards her to have her touch him again. She pushed his hips hard back into the bed, tracing her thumbs along the v-lines that led to his groin. "You're mine tonight." she said in a low voice, placing a kiss on his tight sack as she shot him a voracious stare. "No one knows you're here except me, and we've got a looooong night ahead of us. Feel how tight those ropes are around your wrists." She kissed the bottom of his shaft, her eyes never leaving his as she crept kisses further and further up the underside of his cock. "You're not going anywhere without my say."

Kyle's heart was pounding, more whimpers and moans starting to escape him as he struggled to hold himself back. Seeing his own teacher, whom mere days ago was lecturing his class, now laying between his legs as she planted more lewd kisses up his shaft was pushing him near the edge. He was nearly hyperventilating, harsh gasps for air intertwined with wanton moans as she kissed closer and closer to the mushroom tip that throbbed for her touch. Close, so close... and then she stopped right before she hit his frenulum. Kyle whined at the loss of contact, yanking hard once more against the ropes as his back arched for more. His whine died in his throat when she suddenly gripped his cock tight, eyes bulging out of their sockets as he watched her sit up to straddle his thighs as she began to slowly pump his cock.

"It's okay Kyle, just let it happen." She whispered excitedly to him, a fiery lust in her eyes that was more real than any porn actress he'd seen online. Miss Stahl kept the pace consistent as she stroked his dick, but she added a twist with her wrist that made his body began to thrash uncontrollably. He could barely move though, her weight and binds pinning him to the bed as her breathing grew more heated, quiet moans leaving her mouth as she watched him lose control. Her other hand reached down and gently caressed his balls, and Kyle felt his orgasm rise rapidly as she stroked and groped him simultaneously.

"M-miss Stahl, Miss Stahl I'm gonna come... I'm gonna come..." he gasped out, body jolting with every firm stroke she gave him.

She responded with a tighter grip around his cock, twisting her wrist as she grinned down at him. "So be a good boy and come then."

That line threw him over the edge. Kyle threw his head back into the pillow, eyes clenched shut as he wailed out loud. He felt the first spurt land somewhere above his navel, then the second one shot up much higher and hit his neck. He heard his teacher coo at the sight, not stopping her wicked stroking as she squeezed his balls lightly. The teen felt more and more warm ropes of his essence spill across his chest, until finally it began to dribble out of him. His moans and yells of ecstasy finally died down. Deep, heavy sighs began to form as Miss Stahl gently milked out the last of his cum.

His eyes shot wide open when he felt her lick his stomach, he looked down to see her licking up the white streaks painted across his torso. Kyle went from semi-erect to fully hard in a matter of seconds as he watched her lick up more of his semen like it was her favorite ice cream. He could only gasp and shudder as he felt her tongue tickle its way up to his chest.

She's cleaning me up, holy shit. He let his head fall back to the pillow, staring at the ceiling as he laid in awe and wonder. How did I get here... I'm so lucky.

"Nngh... hahh..." he moaned out. She had reached his neck and took her dutiful time licking up the remnants of his climax as she gave him strong strokes of her tongue. He couldn't see, but Kyle had a feeling Miss Stahl had already cleaned up all his arousal and just wanted to tease him some more. He let out a muffled noise of surprise as she planted her lips against his. A muted grunt left his mouth as she slithered her tongue inside and let him taste his own semen. Despite how weird it was, Kyle found it hot as fuck and let his tongue glide against hers as she roamed his mouth. After a solid minute of spit swapping, she broke their kiss with a wet smack. She didn't say anything, instead choosing to just look down at him with a fond smile.

Miss Stahl leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Good boy." She whispered. Kyle's cock twitched at that phrase once more, and he whispered a timid thanks to his teacher as she smirked at him.

"Don't thank me yet, Kyle. I'm nowhere near done with you." She got up from the bed, and Kyle grew more aroused and anxious for what else she had left for him. Standing at the foot of her bed, she turned away from him and unbuttoned her jean shorts. The boy laid frozen in wonder as he watched his teacher sashay her hips left and right, revealing more and more skin as she pushed her jeans all the way down to let them fall at her ankles. Kyle gawked at the sight.

She wasn't wearing any panties.

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