The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on Jun 17, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Nine

By Chrissy and Peyton

Stephanie had been scanning the auditorium trying to find Mia. When she came back from her ride this afternoon she was feeling better having cleared her head. Mia hadn't moved her things out, which was a good sign, so she figured she was at work and would see her here at the event. She wasn't sitting in her priority seat that Stephanie had reserved for her but once the presentations had begun the escorts were not seating people up front but in the back until the presentations were complete. She hadn't noticed if Mia had been seated in the back but she was watching for her hoping her ultimatum that she had given to Mia hadn't had the opposite effect and Mia had left her. Clearing her head had been what she needed as she realized despite her anxiousness she needed to give Mia the time, support and guidance through her coming out. Pushing her was not the answer.

Once the presentations were completed guest in the back were escorted to their seats. One of the doormen approached Dr. Bob and whispered in his ear. He thanked the doorman then walked over to the emcee talking to him for a minute before he came back to the seats where he and Stephanie were seated. Instead of sitting he leaned over to Stephanie and whispered in her ear.

"Come with me. I have something to tell you. Bring your things with you," he said and helped her up holding her arm as they walked out of the auditorium.

Once they were out in the entranceway, he pulled Stephanie aside. "There's been an accident. Mia collapsed at work and apparently hit her head. She has been in and out of consciousness since this afternoon. Mia never listed any contact information when she first started working here and she didn't add you so they didn't know who to contact. One of the doctors remembered I knew her and so they just now notified me. Come on we'll go see what happened."

Stephanie gasped and immediately got weak and began to shake. Tears began to flow as she and Dr. Bob walked over to the hospital to see what had occurred. Walking into the emergency room they talked with the doctor who initially treated Mia.

"It was late this afternoon right after we got a call about two trauma patients being brought in. Betty had called out to Mia to give her advanced notice when she said Mia gasped "No please no," then collapsed. Apparently before Betty could get to her she fell hitting the back of her head on the counter. We've taken x-rays and done an MRI. She has light bleeding at the base of the brain and is showing signs of some swelling. They have her up in CCU sedated monitoring her condition. Betty remembered that you knew her outside of work so we thought we would let you know if you knew of any contact information for her," the doctor explained.

"This is Stephanie Gordon, she is the next thing to a relative," Dr. Bob told the other doctor. "Thanks Jim, we'll go up and see how she is doing."

As they were walking to the elevator Stephanie began to openly cry. "What have I done?" she sobbed.

"You didn't do any of this Steph. It was a workplace accident," Dr. Bob tried to explain. "I'm sure she will be alright."

They walked into the CCU room which was a cluster of rooms with the nurse's station in the middle. All the rooms had glass panels so the patient could be visible to any of the nurses at the station. The nurse at the counter recognized Dr. Bob when he came in though he was now dressed in a formal coat and tie with Stephanie in tow also dressed in a formal.

"What brings you in dressed up tonight, Doctor?" she asked as he approached the station.

"Mia Fernandez, which room is she in?" he asked not wanting to exchange pleasantries.

"Four B," the nurse said pointing to the room.

Can I see her chart?" he asked her.

Stephanie and Dr. Bob walked into her room. Mia was lying on the bed with monitors and IV's hooked up to her. Stephanie immediately was at her side holding her hand as she leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Mia," she said and wept.

Dr. Bob read the report and saw the results of the MRI. "She has light bruising on the back of her head and slight area of swelling. If it doesn't increase she should be okay."

"And if it does?" Stephanie asked in between her sobs.

"We'll wait and see," Dr. Bob said not wanting Stephanie to know what would come next if they needed to operate to alleviate any pressure on her brain.

They hadn't been in the room very long when the treating physician came in to check on her. "She's resting comfortably. We have her sedated. The next MRI will be in the morning and we'll see if the swelling has decreased. She apparently took a nasty fall in the ER hitting her head in the worst spot when she went down."

"She's going to be out over night if you want to come back in the morning," The doctor stated.

"I'm not leaving her," Stephanie immediately stated.

"I understand," the doctor said. "That chair next to her bed pulls out to a recliner if you want to stay. The nurses will give you some pillows and a blanket."

"Let me take you home to change then bring you back. I'll come back tomorrow morning during my rounds to check on you both," Dr. Bob told Stephanie.

Stephanie reluctantly agreed kissing Mia once again before she left. Dr. Bob informed the nurse Stephanie would be back and staying with Mia through the night.

That night Stephanie stayed with Mia. She didn't move and Stephanie worried Mia would not recover. The next morning early they took Mia away for another MRI to see if there was any change. Dr. Bob came in the room finding Stephanie curled up in the single recliner. He covered her and tried to slip out of the room.

"Don't go," Stephanie whispered.

Dr. Bob turned back around towards Stephanie. "Where is she?" he asked.

"About ten minutes ago they took her for another MRI," she said as she tried to rise up.

"Did you sleep any?" he asked.

"Very little. She was so still and I was too worried about her to sleep," Stephanie said.

"If they just took her it will be awhile before she is brought back. Why don't you come with me to get something to eat," Dr. Bob told Stephanie. He took her to the cafeteria and got her coffee, eggs and toast.

When they came back up Mia had been brought back in to the room. Immediately Dr. Bob went to see her chart. "It looks like her swelling has stopped and there doesn't appear to be any more bleeding," he told Stephanie.

The attending physician had come in to check on her and also read the chart. They discussed the results and agreed that it was still a waiting game for Mia. They would ease back on the sedation allowing Mia to be in a twilight state if she was able to do.

Dr. Bob left Stephanie as he had work to do telling Stephanie he would check in on her as much as he could.

Stephanie stayed with Mia throughout the day having called in to work advising them she was not coming in. She stayed by Mia's side holding her hand most of the time or running her fingers through Mia's hair.

Half-way through the day Mia started muttering mostly not being coherent for Stephanie to understand what she was saying. Every once in a while, she thought she heard her say or call out the name Sophie. Stephanie wasn't sure why she would be saying that name as she didn't think Mia knew anyone by that name. By the end of the day it was clear she was saying Sophie and it was as she referred to her as her girlfriend.

Dr. Bob came back in to check on the two of them and he heard Mia mutter the name Sophie. "Who is Sophie?"

"I only know one Sophie and Mia doesn't know of her so I don't know. I've never heard her refer to a Sophie before. I was her first girlfriend, so unless she was lying to me, which I doubt, I don't know. She keeps repeating her name calling Sophie her girlfriend though,"

As they were discussing this the attending doctor came in. "Mia has been resting quietly through the day. It's still a waiting game until she comes out of this for us to know if there are any long term issues but my guess right now is she will be fine after a few days rest. She is still going to be out until we're sure it is safe to bring her out of the state we have her in. Why don't you go get something to eat Stephanie? I know you didn't get much sleep last night or today. While I was in and out checking on her, I was also keeping an eye on you too."

Stephanie smiled at the doctor and said something about getting something to eat and a cup of coffee that would do her a world of good so Dr. Bob took Stephanie to the cafeteria so she could get something to eat.

"Don't worry hun. She has the best care and since most people know her, they're paying even closer attention to her. We'll figure it out what happened and go from there," Dr. Bob said and took Stephanie's hand in his giving it a little squeeze. "I already told Sam and he has contacted the rest of the club to let them what is going on. They send their best and are praying for Mia."

"That explains it. All day my phone has been going crazy with text from everyone. I had to turn it to mute because I thought it would wake Mia up," Stephanie said and laughed.

They finished eating and went back up to the room. Before Dr. Bob left he hugged Stephanie and squeezed Mia's hand. Stephanie sat back in the same chair she was sitting in before taking Mia's hand in hers and looking at Mia sleeping. Another day passed and Mia was still asleep. The doctor told Stephanie not to be concerned as he had her in that state. The brain unlike the rest of the body needed this type of time to heal and it couldn't be rushed. It was not a bad sign but one of healing.

The next morning Stephanie awoke with Mia still calling out the name Sophie. The doctor had visited advising Stephanie the swelling had greatly reduced over night and Mia might awaken anytime now. Three more hours went by with Mia still asleep but still moaning out Sophie's name.

Mia slept for another hour before finally beginning to stir a little past noon. Stephanie began to tear up seeing Mia move her head and open her eyes. Mia looked over and seeing Stephanie she smiled. "What happened?" Mia asked.

"You fainted and are in the hospital," Stephanie said with tears running down her cheeks.

"Is it time for your awards ceremony? Don't you need to get ready?" Mia asked.

"Honey, that was three nights ago. You've been in here for almost three days."

"No way! I don't remember any of it."

The doctor being notified Mia was awake came into the room. "Well Mia, how are you feeling today?"

"I don't know. I'm still unsure how I got here," Mia said.

The doctor kept glancing up at the monitors as he talked to Mia watching her heart rate and blood pressure as the machine continued to display them on the screen next to the bed.

"Tell me what you do remember?" he asked her.

"I remember the charge nurse saying we had two extreme critical patients, the result of a motorcycle accident coming in. The next thing I remember is waking up here."

"You passed out in the emergency room and while falling, you apparently bumped you head really hard. We had to place you in twilight sleep to allow your brain to have time to heal from the fall," the doctor explained to her. Now we need to get to the source of your fainting. How about stress? Anything you remember causing you stress?"

"I remember thinking about something that has been bothering me and knowing I needed to make a decision by the time I got home and that is really the last thing I clearly remember until I just woke up here," Mia said.

"Without getting into details was that something you were thinking about something important and causing you to stress over or was it just something you needed to decide based on time?" the doctor continued to question Mia.

"It was something very important. Life changing," Mia said.

"Well based on what I can see from your lab results we ran and based on what you have told me I believe this was all stress induced combined with physical exhaustion which caused your heart rate to accelerate and your blood pressure to climb to dangerous levels. That resulted in you fainting fortunately downstairs at work. Unfortunately you hit your head causing the stay in here."

He continued, "I've been watching your monitors as we talked and the only time your heart rate and blood pressure elevated was when you mentioned having to make a life changing decision. Your iron count is low, I believe you are trying to work too many hours and with the added stress of whatever it is that is bothering you plus lack of sleep caused you to black out. I'm going to keep you here for another day before I release you then ask that you take it easy for a few days before getting back to work. You need to work less hours and reduce your anxiety so you don't end up back in here. You are being missed already in the emergency room and they are anxious for you to come back."

"Thank you, doctor. I'll cut back. I know I was pushing it seeing how I only have so many months before vet school starts and I was trying to pick up as much extra money as possible to get by," Mia told the doctor.

Mia and Stephanie were left alone for awhile. Stephanie began to cry and Mia still somewhat groggy looked at her. "Why are you crying?"

"Because this is all my fault. I'm the one who put the pressure on you giving you an ultimatum about coming the other night. You could have been hurt more seriously and I would have never forgiven myself," Stephanie sobbed.

"Stephanie you didn't cause this. I did. It is my fault for being so damn concerned what everyone else thinks about me and us and I let it get out of hand. Besides what I didn't mention was, despite how much I love you and I really do, I am not ready to come out. I had decided it was best if I move out like you asked. I made that decision right before I passed out."

Ignoring Mia's comment about moving out for the moment Stephanie asked, "Who is Sophie? You kept mentioning she was your girlfriend."

"Sophie? I don't know a Sophie. Are you sure I said Sophie and not Stephanie?"

"You said Sophie. I heard it and the doctor heard it and whoever was around when they brought you in as you apparently were saying no not Sophie. I can't lose her too," Stephanie explained but the hurt from Mia asking for someone else instead of her was apparent.

Mia turned away and told Stephanie quietly, "I don't know a Sophie." There was silence for a while then Mia quietly told Stephanie, "I think you should go. I had no intention of coming out and your presence here is broadcasting to everyone we're together. When I'm released I'll come by and get my things as you requested." Tears were running down her face and her monitors began to ring.

Stephanie had tears running down her face too. The nurse came rushing back in to see what was going on. "I can see from both of you whatever you were discussing is causing your heart rate and BP to go up again," she told Mia. "Do I need to have the doctor begin the sedatives again or can you two work this out without causing any more problems?"

"I'm sorry, I'll leave," Stephanie said though not wanting to leave Mia. Stephanie left the room and not saying any more or looking back at Mia. Before she was in the elevator Dr. Bob came around the corner.

"Stephanie what's going on? Why are you crying?" he asked.

Stephanie had discussed this issue with Sam before but she had not done so with Dr. Bob. She wasn't in the mood to discuss it right now either instead she wanted to go home and cry. Dr. Bob got in the elevator with Stephanie. They were the only ones in it at the time. "Honey, tell me what's going on. I can't help if I don't know what is going on," he asked.

Instead of letting her leave Dr. Bob took Stephanie into the cafeteria getting both of them a cup of coffee and sat down to talk. Stephanie finally opened up to him telling him how she and Mia had been arguing about her not wanting to come out and how she had given Mia an ultimatum the other day and that is probably what brought on all the pressure on Mia that caused her fainting. They had been discussing it now and Mia told Stephanie to leave and she would move out once she was discharged as she couldn't afford to come out. Mia had another episode and the nurse came in and said work it out or she would tell the doctor and put her back on sedatives so she left.

Dr. Bob asked Stephanie was Mia not aware that everyone in the biker club knew of their relationship and most of the emergency room staff was aware of it too and no one thought any less of her? He then asked her to let him talk to Mia and for Stephanie to go home and get some rest. He also told her to get some clothes for Mia to wear when she was released since all she had there was her scrubs from the other day. He then left to go up to talk to Mia.

Mia had settled down and her BP and heart rate had lowered back to normal levels when Dr. Bob came into the room. He went over to the side of the bed and sat in the chair looking at Mia who was wiping her face and eyes.

"Mia, I'm going to stick my nose into your business and life and I want you to listen to me. I know what you and Stephanie are going through right now. I have known her since she was knee high and her dad would put her on the back of his bike or her uncles and she would ride with us on the weekends. I adore that girl as if she were my own daughter. In the past year I have also got to know you and think of you in the same way."

Before Dr. Bob could continue Mia looked at him trying to stop him from talking.

"Mia, listen to me. I'm not leaving until you do. You may not like what I'm going to say but you will listen to me." He then continued when Mia sighed and looked straight ahead not looking at Dr. Bob. "I understand your reluctance and I'm not here to change your mind. That is your decision and one only you can make. What I am going to do is provide you with some knowledge that you need to know before you make your decision."

He paused then continued. "Years ago Stephanie had a girlfriend. Stephanie at the time had not come out but most of us already knew she was gay. Stephanie and this girlfriend became very close and the girlfriend was already out. She tried for months maybe years to get Stephanie to come out but Stephanie was determined that if she came out people wouldn't like her and turn against her. She couldn't take that because her career was taking off and she was heavily into volunteering and she was afraid it would affect both."

Dr. Bob paused some more to let what he had said to sink in with Mia. "Stephanie finally came to the realization she needed to come out and not be afraid of who thought what. Before she did her girlfriend died in an auto accident. It took many years for Stephanie to get over both her girlfriend and the fact she wasted so much time worrying about coming out. She hasn't really dated anyone for many years until she met you. By then she was out and didn't care who knew about it. The funny thing is everyone who mattered to her already knew so it was no big deal and nothing changed in her life. I think what is going on between you two has become very personal to both of you but more so to Stephanie. She knows first-hand from experience about losing time and life because of not facing what everyone who matters already is aware of."

Mia lay there finally looked over at Dr. Bob with pain in her eyes and face. "Do you think things will be different for me if I come out?" she asked.

"Yes I do. Very different. You will be relieved of so much stress and will be able to enjoy life the way it was intended to be enjoyed. The club is already aware of you two and no one thinks any different about you. They all care about you and Stephanie. Most of the hospital staff is aware of you too only you have been so concerned trying to hide it, you can't see. They won't discuss it waiting on you to open up about it. They all are anxious for you to get well as they miss you after these few days. And if you are concerned about Vet School you realize there are many gays and lesbians that are veterinarians just like there are nurses, doctors and other hospital staff. I know of three doctors who are gay in this hospital plus an anesthesiologist and nurse who are a married lesbian couple. You don't need to worry so much about what others think. The ones that matter to you already know. Mia, there isn't anything you and Stephanie can't overcome. Sometimes it won't be easy but together you two can do it. Don't throw love away because of what others think about it. It doesn't come around that easy and it can be taken away in an instant."

Mia lay there tears trailing down her cheeks as she listened to Dr. Bob. He left her after his speech telling her he would come back in a few hours before he left for the night to check up on her.

The rest of the afternoon Mia thought back over on her life before and after meeting Stephanie. She wondered what she would have done without Stephanie and if she would ever be able to come out. Mia continued to think about what Dr. Bob had mentioned to her about not only Stephanie but also about everyone already knowing

Mia spent the afternoon debating with herself about her future. Even though she had been a sleep for days she drifted back asleep. It was during this time Mia felt a presence with her. It was if someone or something was leading her to her decision and she felt the person say, "Mia, I've broken all the rules coming back to you again. Did I not teach you anything? Did I give you all my love for nothing? Mia, I love you more than anything. I thought I taught you to love and accept who you are. I have to go, this time forever, but find it in your heart to love who you want regardless of what others think. Oh and Mia, make room in your heart for two. Somehow you will know I am there with both of you and only both of you."

Mia awoke calling out the name Sophie. It was then she realized she had been a fool to chase Stephanie away and maybe it was time she stood up for herself instead doing what she thought others wanted her to do.

She made her decision and hoped since it was life altering, it would be a good decision and not come back to haunt her. Her cell phone was in the closet with her other belongings, which was out of reach to her anyway. Besides it probably needed to be charged after this many days. She picked up the hospital phone and following the directions to get an outside line called Stephanie. The phone rang but no one answered and it went to Stephanie's voicemail. She hung the phone up without leaving a message then cussed herself for hesitating and dialed the number back again this time leaving a voice mail when Stephanie didn't answer.

Stephanie had gone home after leaving Dr. Bob and she collapsed on her bed which was really hers and Mia's bed. She cried thinking she had lost the one she loved, again over coming out, and she felt she was done with that issue. If she ever dated anyone again it would be someone who was already out and proud of it. She got up taking a shower to refresh herself then went into the kitchen to fix something to eat. Her afternoon had been one of remembrance and one of regret. She wondered why her love life always ended with such hurt. It was early evening and hours since she had left Mia. Her cell phone rang almost causing her to jump out of her chair. She didn't recognize the number so she put the phone down without answering the call. Stephanie's phone went off a second time and seeing it was the same number she ignored it muting the ringer.

Stephanie saw her phone light up a third time indicating she had a voice mail. Since she didn't recognize the number she didn't pay much attention to it and finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen. She then got a beer out of the refrigerator thinking she would drink and watch television before going to bed. She sat down on the sofa but before she turned on the TV she picked up her phone to listen to the voice mail she had received.

"I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I would like to know if you would be willing to come back up here and stay with me. I miss you and need you Stephanie. If I don't hear from you I will know I have hurt you beyond repair and all I can say is I do love you and I'm sorry."

Stephanie replayed the voice mail two more times before she got up and went to her bedroom to get some clothes for Mia and herself putting them in an overnight bag and headed for the hospital.

Mia not hearing from Stephanie figured she had ruined her chance with her and was lying in the hospital bed tears coming to her eyes again. She was wiping her eyes with tissue when her door opened and in walked Stephanie. Mia held out her arms. Stephanie placed her purse and overnight bag on a chair hurrying over to the bed and leaning over giving Mia a hug.

"I'm so sorry," Mia sobbed. "I'm such a fool. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I think you already have that answer since I am here. I'm sorry too for pushing you so hard," Stephanie sobbed back.

"No, you were right to do it. I needed the push or I wouldn't have been able to make it on my own. Of course, it didn't hurt to have Dr. Bob ream me a new one for being such a fool either," Mia said and laughed in between her sobs.

"Yeah, he sort of gave it to me too. He always has been a sentimental fool and wants everyone to get along and live life enjoying it," Stephanie said.

Stephanie and Mia continued to hug and hold each other until the nurse came in doing her rounds. "Oops, sorry you two but I need to check Mia out here to make sure everything is fine though I can see from her smile everything is fine."

Mia blushed from the remark and gave a look at Stephanie who shrugged her shoulders. Stephanie took the overnight bag placing it on the floor next to the chair and sat down. After the nurse left they giggled and held each other's hand. They talked a little then watched some TV until it was getting late and Mia was feeling sleepy.

Mia asked Stephanie to climb in the bed next to her and moved over to the other side to make room. It was a tight fit but Stephanie rolled on her side giving them more room. Mia moved some to be partially on her side too so she could see Stephanie while placing her hand on Stephanie's cheek and running it through her hair. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Stephanie smiled and replied, "Not near enough."

Mia leaned over and the two of them kissed. Mia pulled Stephanie's head to her with the hand that was on her cheek then moved it to the back of Stephanie's head. They kissed until their breathing became more intense.

"You're going to set that machine off if you keep doing that," Stephanie said softly.

"I don't care," Mia whispered back. She then took Stephanie's hand and pushed it under the covers until it was between her legs.

"What are you doing? We could get caught and your machines are going to light up if we do anything," Stephanie whispered out of shock.

"I don't care. I need your fingers inside of me. It will only take a minute and by the time they come in we'll be done," Mia continued.

Stephanie hesitated but this in itself was a big step for Mia and if they got caught they would just get caught. She pulled Mia's hospital gown up over her waist making sure the covers were pulled up to their chest to hide where Stephanie's hand was. Since Mia didn't have any panties on Stephanie rubbed Mia's mound and down through her slit.

Mia moaned and kissed Stephanie with more passion. Stephanie pushed two fingers inside of Mia who gasped in Stephanie's mouth thrusting her hips towards Stephanie's fingers. Mia was already wet and Stephanie had no trouble getting her fingers wet enough to move in and out of Mia. She increased her speed knowing the faster she went the quicker it would be before Mia would cum.

Between the moans and gasped Mia held onto Stephanie's lips kissing her. She was correct it would only take a minute or two as she was climaxing on Stephanie's fingers. "Oh fuck, Stephanie," she gasped before her body shook and tensed. She collapsed back on the bed about the time the door opened and the nurse stuck her head in.

"Everything okay in here?"

"Everything is just fine," Mia said panting but with a smile.

"I can see that. Don't make too much noise as I can't close the door all the way because of protocol and at this time of night you can hear noise three to four rooms away," she said and shook her head before she walked out.

Mia and Stephanie laughed into each other's shoulder. "You are so bad Mia Fernandez. What have I unleashed in you?"

"God I needed that. Sorry you will have to wait until I get out of here tomorrow then I will make sure I take care of you and then some," Mia said with pouting lips.

"I'll hold you to that but since you are the one in the hospital, I didn't mind taking care of your needs here."

Mia and Stephanie laid their heads down next to each other and within minutes they were both asleep.

The next morning Stephanie got up and went into the bathroom to pee with Mia still sleeping in the bed. When she came out, Mia was sitting on the edge waiting her turn but because she still had an IV connected, she had to move that machine with her into the bathroom which also meant she couldn't close the door all the way. She finished and came back the bed Stephanie helping her with the IV lines and the placement of them.

"I had a dream last night. Well actually it wasn't a dream that I recall but it was a remembering of a dream I had after I fainted until I woke up here. And even yesterday afternoon it was like someone was talking to me. It was really weird but if I can remember all the details of it, I need to tell you," Mia explained to Stephanie.

"I'm all ears," Stephanie said.

Before Mia could tell her story the doctor came in. "Good morning Mia. How do you feel today?"

"I feel really good, thank you," Mia said and grinned at Stephanie.

"There is nothing in any of the test we ran or lab work to indicate any problems with your heart. I believe it was stressed induced and your heart and blood pressure have been perfectly normal since you were brought in here. I'm going to release you but I want you to promise me you will get plenty of rest, eat right, take some iron tablets to get your iron level up, and limit your working to no more than fifty hour a week preferably forty. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes doctor and thank you for being so kind. I think I have a handle on the stress and hopefully won't be back in here as a patient for a very long time."

"Good, as soon as they process your paperwork, they'll get you unhooked from everything and you can go home." The doctor then turned to walk out of the room.

Waiting another hour Mia was being wheeled to the door of the hospital where discharged patients were taken. Stephanie was there in her Jeep waiting for her. They put Mia's worn clothes in the back of the Jeep. Mia had a bag with her jewelry and her purse in it. Once in the car, she took out her watch putting it on then she put her pinky ring on her finger as Stephanie drove away.

"Take me someplace to feed me. The food in there sucks, I'm starving, and I need some real food," Mia told Stephanie.

Down the street there was a little diner that served breakfast all day. Stephanie figured this was a good place to take Mia so she would have her choice of what to eat. They ordered their food and while waiting for it, Mia began to tell Stephanie about her dream last night.

"I had decided because of the pressure my not coming out was putting on both of us to plead with you one last time and if you still said no then I would move out. I remembered referring to your place as home and that's where I considered my home but if you didn't want me then I would leave. It was right after that I remember hearing they were bringing in two people in extreme critical care a result of a motorcycle accident one being female and I instantly thought of you. I guess that was enough to cause me to faint. The next thing I remembered I was visiting your gravesite."

"My gravesite? You know I'm right here and I'm very much alive don't you?" Stephanie injected.

"Yes, but this was my dream. Anyway I had been visiting your gravesite for years to talk to you about my life and how things were going. While at your grave this girl came up behind me asking if I knew her cousin pointing to your grave. She was the spitting image of you only several years younger."

"You also know I don't have any cousins especially ones that look like me," Stephanie said her interest really piquing now in the story.

"She said she was your dad's sister kid. And I know you are going to say your dad doesn't have a sister," Mia said.

"You got it, and my aunt and uncle had no girls only two boys so no girl cousins or even second cousins," Stephanie told Mia.

"Anyway, she and I developed this relationship and eventually we fell in love and I mean a deep love that others rarely find. She knowing what had happened between you and me, would take me places and do things with me which was moving me closer and closer to being out without having to reveal it. We went out to the Beer Mart first and nothing happened there other than we talked. Then we went out to Jimmy's Place and there she took my hand in hers and made me look her in the eyes not letting me look around the room while she held my hand. Then after a while she told me to look around and she said, "See, no one is even paying attention to you." We then went to a lesbian bar on the outskirts of town and we danced and we kissed. That night we made love for the first time. After that she would take me to the mall and hold my hand or give me a quick kiss on the cheek telling me no one cared or was even watching. She kept doing this until she knew I was comfortable with her touching and kissing in public."

"You mean like I have been trying to do with you?" Stephanie said and tapped her finger on the table.

"Oh shut up. Whose story is this anyway?" Mia said with a smile.

"Long story short she knew everything about your uncle and dad and you and was living in your house because your dad gave it to her. We fell in love and I was to attend an awards celebration which was going to honor you posthumously and also the bike club for your work in volunteering. She was going to accept the award on your behalf because your dad was still blaming himself for your death because he got you into motorcycles. By this time I was a vet and had my own clinic. I was at work and had just shown my staff an engagement ring I had purchased and was going to give it to her when a state trooper came into the clinic. He said there had been an accident and he was sorry to have to tell me that Sophie..... and then I blacked out."

"When you first woke up did you still remember this Sophie?" Stephanie asked.

"I don't know. I don't think so. I remember after you left feeling very tired and not sleepy but not awake and a voice coming to me and ask me, "Did I not teach you anything and did I give you all my love for nothing," Mia continued. "Then my whole dream with her came back and I remember her saying not to forget you or her and forever keep both of us in her heart. She also told me life is too short to throw away love because of what others think.

"She sounds pretty amazing," Stephanie said and gave a snide smile at Mia.

"You're enjoying this me having to eat crow aren't you?" Mia fired back.

"No, Mia. I'm not enjoying this. I'm relishing the fact that it took a ghost to make you see what I've been trying to make you see this past year."

"You know it's funny. The last thing she said to me has me was similar to what you said," Mia continued. "She placed the invitation on the table next to me like you did except she kissed me and told me it was time for her to go yet it was early in the morning. She then said to tell you hi when I got there and to tell you I was Sophie's choice. Why would she say that?"

Stephanie hearing this last part suddenly choked taking a sip of her coffee spitting some of it back out. "Are you sure she said to tell me you were Sophie's choice?" Stephanie stumbled to say.

"Yes, why does it mean something to you?" Mia asked seeing something to have made Stephanie to react oddly.

Stephanie didn't immediately say anything but stared out the window her eyes getting red from her thoughts. She mumbled barely audible, "No, it can't be."

"What can't be?" Mia asked.

Stephanie then shook her head as if to get the cob webs out turning back to Mia, "Nothing. It was nothing at all."

"The bottom line is my dream with Sophie and the discussion or should I say the reaming out from Dr. Bob made me finally realize all my fears of not coming out were foolish and I realized how much you meant to me and I didn't want to lose you," Mia told Stephanie who still looked like she was thinking something else.

Before they paid the bill and headed home Stephanie noticed Mia's pinky ring. She didn't say anything as it looked like the one she had in her jewelry box at home. She wondered if Mia was going to say anything about getting her ring out of her jewelry box not that she minded her wearing it.

They were passing close to the cemetery and as they did Mia exclaimed, "Turn here!"

Stephanie jerked from Mia's sudden outburst and turned just a little too fast causing her tires to squeal as she turned. "Fuck Mia, you scared me! Why did you want me to turn?"

"I need to go this way. I have to see something that's really important," she told Stephanie.

"Okay, but don't yell like that. You scared me like I was about to hit something and I could have wrecked," Stephanie explained to her.

"Sorry, but I didn't realize I wanted to go this way until we got here. Take me to the cemetery," she told Stephanie.

"Okay, now which way?" Stephanie said as they turned into the entrance to the cemetery.

"Go straight and take the first right," she told Stephanie.

"Now follow this around and pull over by that big tree up there," Mia instructed Stephanie.

They pulled over by the tree and got out of the Jeep. Mia began to walk to where she wanted to go but as she did Stephanie stopped her.

"Wait. Let me take you to where you are going. If I am wrong then you can point me in the right direction," Stephanie said and led Mia to where she thought she was going.

They arrived at the spot standing a few feet to the side of the headstone. "Is this where you were going?" Stephanie said and pointed to the headstone.

"Yes," Mia said.

Before they moved to the front of the headstone Stephanie took a deep breath and grabbed Mia's hand. "When we get in front of this grave hold on tight to me," she told Mia.

They moved around so the name was visible on the headstone. Mia read the headstone and her knees became weak and she grabbed a hold of Stephanie. There before them the headstone read, "In Memory of Our Loving Daughter, Sophie Baker." Below the name it read the date of her birth and death which was five years ago from today.

"I don't understand. Who is she?" Mia stumbled to say.

"Sit and let's talk. Sophie won't mind," Stephanie told Mia and helped her down so they were sitting in front of the headstone.

"Mia, you see Sophie was my girlfriend before you. I met her in the department store. We were looking at the same shorts and we started talking. By the afternoon we were walking around the mall together as if we had known each other for years. We fell in love and I was in your position of not having come out. Sophie and I had many discussions some not so nice over me not coming out."

Mia sat there listening to Stephanie and looking at the headstone still in disbelief why she had come here thinking it was Stephanie's grave.

"Sophie tried everything she could to get me to come out. I like you wouldn't listen. We had a really bad argument one day before her and her parents, who are buried in that grave next to her, left for a trip to California. We sort of broke up as she had given me the ultimatum of coming out while she was gone or she was going to move on. While she was traveling with her parents visiting Sonoma Valley they were in a car accident and died."

"Oh Stephanie, I am so sorry. But why do you think I would know who she was, to be able to come here and make up a story like that? You never told me about her before. You've mentioned a previous girlfriend but not the story about her and you never mentioned her name to me."

"I can't answer that. It is perplexing to me too. Anyway what's even more bazaar is the last thing she said to me over the phone the morning she died, I had asked her to give me more time and she said, "No, I've given you enough time. It's time you decide. Me or stay in the closet. I can't live like this anymore. That's my choice so let's say it's Sophie's Choice." She then hung up on me and hours later she was gone.

Stephanie continued, "So when you said she told you to tell me you were Sophie's Choice it brought back all the hurt her death caused and I felt like her spirit was telling me you and I were meant for each other and for me to not give up on you." Stephanie then leaned her head onto Mia's shoulder and began to let her tears flow.

Mia was still in an almost state of shock hearing and seeing what was before her and she wasn't sure what was real and what was not. All she knew was in her mind she loved Stephanie and in her dream she was in love with Sophie.

They sat in silence for almost a half hour until Mia made the first move. "I can't tell you what is real and what is imaginary but somehow between just days ago and today, I met Sophie in your physical body when you were younger which is maybe how she remembers you when she was alive. During that time and when I woke up in the hospital, she and I fell in love and she convinced me to come out. Only I didn't at first remember until after I slept some more and almost lost you again. I think she wanted you to know she had come to me. By leaving me with, "I was her choice", you would remember that saying and know she was communicating with us. I believe she wanted us together and for you to move on without her," Mia explained.

"I want us together too but I'm not sure I am ready to completely move on without her now. A few years back I quit coming here because I was coming monthly to have talks with her like you said you were doing with me. Then I realized I couldn't let her go and it was keeping me from finding someone else like you. So I went home telling her goodbye, took the pinky ring off you are wearing which we each had one and moved on. But now that we are together I'm not sure I want to completely leave her behind because somehow she has managed to put us together and find a way of keeping us together," Stephanie explained to Mia.

"This isn't your pinky ring. Sophie and I got these at the mall. I was the one who bought them for her," Mia said. "I didn't know you had one."

They looked at each other not saying a word but obviously thinking the same thing.

Mia continued, "Sophie always said make room for both you and her in my heart. You already had her and me in your heart. In order to put us together she had to come to me and have me fall in love with her too," Mia added. She paused before continuing, "It's okay if we keep her in our lives. Remember I said I fell in love with her too and feel like she is a part of us whether we want her to be or not. I think we should continue to come visit her and tell her how we are doing and keep her in our lives."

Stephanie was somewhat overwhelmed with Mia and her insightfulness and she leaned over kissing Mia on the lips.

"Okay it is alright for her to be a part of our lives but how about we keep her out of our bedroom lives? That might be just too creepy?" Mia said with a smile.

Stephanie smiled back, "Yeah that's alright with me though she was really good in bed."

Mia grabbed Stephanie's thigh since they were sitting next to each other giving it a hard squeeze.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Stephanie exclaimed.

"For what you just said meaning I'm not good in bed?" Mia asked.

Stephanie laughed, "No you are great in bed my love." She made sure she had both of Mia's wrists in her grasped so Mia couldn't do anything to her.

"That's better but I have to admit even if it were only a dream, she was very good, very very good in bed!" Mia said and smiled.

Stephanie looked at Mia then they both burst out in laughter.

They said their goodbyes to Sophie both kissing the headstone and walked back to their Jeep.

That night they didn't make love but cuddled next to each other. Stephanie went to work the next day and Mia called in to rearrange her schedule at the hospital. Stephanie had brought her car home while she was in the hospital so she decided she would go back to the cemetery on her own to talk to Sophie.

"I don't know how you managed to get in my mind and make me believe you were real but I just want you to know I do love you even though we never really met. Because of you my heart is twice the size and has both you and Stephanie in it. And I want to thank you for making me see it was no big deal coming out and helping me win Stephanie back in my life. I totally adore that girl and can't think of a life without her. I will take care of her for you and make sure she is happy. I don't know how for you to communicate with us but somehow I know you will let us know what you think and keep us together. Thank you Sophie, I love you dearly," Mia said to her and kissed the headstone before leaving.

After Mia got home she decided she wanted to do something very special for Stephanie to show her love and gratitude for all she had done and meant to her. She thought about making a really nice dinner which included wine and candles plus soft music but that didn't seem to be enough or at least not in the right direction as she had told Stephanie she would no longer hide their relationship. She then remembered the restaurant Stephanie had wanted to take her too that was fancy, romantic and was very popular with the who's who crowd. Mia had convinced Stephanie to take her to Jimmy's Place instead which she knew had very much disappointed Stephanie.

First she had to call to see if they had any availability since reservations were required. She called and was able to get a table for two for eight that evening. Mia then went in and picked out dresses for both her and Stephanie to wear that night. Hers included the sexiest pair of panties and bra she owned plus heels. She then called Stephanie to ask her to come home early as she had made plans and Stephanie needed to be home in time to get ready. Stephanie seemed excited though Mia wouldn't tell her the plans only that she needed to be home early to get ready.

Stephanie arrived home at five-thirty apologizing to Mia as she was held up by a personnel issue that came up late in the day with two employees fighting and the police having been called to help resolve the issue.

Mia was cool with it because she knew they still had plenty of time to get ready and be at the restaurant.

"You can tell me about it later after you get your butt in the bathroom and take a shower. I have changed your razor out and left some scented lotion to put on after your get out," Mia said with a smile. "While you are in the shower, I'll be getting dressed. Your clothes will be on the bed for you to put on when you get out."

"Wow, you have thought of everything haven't you? Just what are we going to be doing if I need to shave and lotion my body up for you?" Stephanie seductively asked.

"That is on a need to know basis and right now you don't have the need to know. Now get your butt in there because I know it takes you a very long time to get ready."

"Aye Aye, ma'am," Stephanie smiled and said while she came to attention and saluted Mia only her salute didn't include all of her fingers only the middle one.

In return she got Mia's tongue salute plus she used her middle finger to push her nose up at Stephanie which caused both of them to laugh.

Stephanie got in the shower and began to wash and shave her legs, underarms and around her pussy. The whole time she was humming as coming home to Mia and playing this seductive game with her had put her in the best of moods.

She got out of the shower and after applying lotion and drying her hair and styling it some she walked into the bedroom seeing her dress, panties, bra and heels waiting for her. She smiled even bigger at Mia's attempt to make tonight apparently something special. Her luck Mia would take her to McDonalds or something like that as a joke.

It was almost seven by the time she walked out of the bedroom dressed to the nines finding Mia waiting for her with a glass of wine. She walked over to Mia noticing how beautiful she looked in her dress and kissed her on the lips as she took the wine glass from her.

"Here's to a wonderful night and a wonderful life with the person I am so much in love with," Mia said as she held out her glass to Stephanie.

"I'll drink to that and add to the person who makes everyday such a special day and my heart couldn't be happier than it is right now," Stephanie added as they touched glasses gently then drank a sip.

"So am I on the need to know list or is it still a secret?" Stephanie then asked.

"It's still a need to know and I'm driving so you won't know until we get there," Mia replied.

"Just tell me it's not McDonalds or something like it?" Stephanie laughed as she asked Mia.

"Need to know, babe, need to know!" Mia responded.

They left in Mia's car with Mia holding the door open for Stephanie to get in. "Did you do that because I'm your date or did you think you would get a glimpse of my panties when I sat down?"

"Oh well maybe a bit of both but if I didn't get a glimpse it is okay because tonight when we return, I'll get more than a glimpse," Mia said and smiled at Stephanie.

As they pulled up to Geraldo's, Stephanie looked over at Mia, "You're kidding me right? We are going to Geraldo's?

"Would you rather go to McDonalds?" Mia replied.

"Not on your life!" Stephanie said as the valet opened her door to let her out.

Mia gave the keys to the valet and took Stephanie by the hand and led her into Geraldo's. Did you see the look on the valet's face having the two of us drive up in a junk heap like mine?" She whispered to Stephanie.

"Fuck him, I know rich people who come here and they don't drive big fancy cars either," Stephanie said walking proudly with her hand in Mia's.

They were seated and enjoyed a very nice dinner followed by walking next door to the ballroom where there was music playing and they could dance. Stephanie was excited but letting Mia be the lead as this was her night to shine. Mia asked Stephanie to dance with her the first slow song that played and the two of them went to the dance floor and Mia could care less who saw or what they thought. She took Stephanie in her arms and they danced gazing into each other's eyes and resting their head on the other's shoulder as they danced.

They stayed in the ballroom for a few hours dancing and enjoying the night before they decided it was getting late and needed to head home. Once they got in the car Stephanie spoke up, "thank you for tonight. You don't know what this meant to me to have you there with me. I love you Mia Fernandez so very much!" The last part Stephanie said but it came out trembling as Stephanie had tears in her eyes as she said it.

"I love you too Stephanie Gordon. I can't put into words how much but I hope you will give me all the rest of our lives letting me show you just how much I do love you," Mia said back and took Stephanie's hand.

Once they were home and inside, they embraced arms holding each other tight as they kissed. Their hands began to move over each other but they didn't move far as they wanted to hold each other close. They both realized how close they came to losing each other and holding each other close was their way of knowing the other was not going anywhere.

After catching their breath from kissing and holding each other they pulled back to look into the other's eyes for the reassurance they needed.

"I love you so very much. Don't ever give up on me. I may be stubborn but I need and want you next to me forever," Mia said and ran her fingertips of one hand across Stephanie's face to her lips.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let you get away ever. I have never been so in love as I am with you Mia. You make me feel so complete."

"I believe it is time for me to get a glimpse or more of what you have on under this dress as someone kept their legs together getting in and out of the car," Mia smiled as she looked at Stephanie's dress.

They walked into the bedroom. Mia went into the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth while Stephanie unzipped her dress and hung it in the closet. She then took her bra off wrapping her robe around her to avoid the slight chill in the air. As she came out Mia was exiting the bathroom. Before Stephanie went into the bathroom, she pulled the covers down on the bed and arranged the pillows.

Mia went into the closet to take her dress off and hang it up. After removing her bra she walked to the bed getting in and pulling the covers up to just below her neck and waited for Stephanie to come out from the bathroom.

Stephanie walked out and over to the bed taking her robe off and standing next to the bed so Mia would get a good look at the soft pink silk pink panties she was wearing. They were trimmed with burgundy lace around the waist and leg openings. "Mmmm, I like those. Too bad they have to come off of you soon," Mia seductively said to Stephanie.

Mia pulled the covers back enough for Stephanie to get in bed then pulled them back up to warm them both but soon their body heat would eliminate the need for covers. Stephanie got in bed and moved over on her side next to Mia.

They kissed and placed their arms around each other and like out in the living room they pulled each other to them and wouldn't let the other go as they kissed rocking back and forth. Moans could be heard from both of them as they moved and kissed. Mia took Stephanie's arms and pushed them up over her head moving over between Stephanie's legs. She kept kissing Stephanie holding her hands up over her head. She looked up expecting to see ropes on the headboard post to tie Stephanie's hands there but then remembered it was Sophie who liked to use the ropes.

Mia quickly regained her thoughts and began to grind her pelvis into Stephanie's leg as her leg moved up against Stephanie's panties. They both moaned and the heat was building between them rapidly. They both moved their lower bodies in rhythm with the other making sure to keep contact with the other grinding their pussies into the other's leg.

"Oh fuck, Mia. You're turning me on so much. Don't stop, Mia, don't stop," Stephanie moaned.

"Oh god Stephanie. You are turning me on too. I can feel you getting wet on my leg!"

They moved faster and pushed harder as each reached their limit before screaming out that they were cumming. They both shuddered and their bodies convulsed a few times before they settled down with Mia collapsing on top of Stephanie.

Stephanie was the first to move and she brought her arms down and wrapped them around Mia. "That was earth shattering. I'm still shaking from cumming so hard," she whispered to Mia.

"That is how it is supposed to be," Mia said raising her head and smiling at Stephanie. She leaned her head down and kissed Stephanie again. They kissed some more and the fuel between them began to ignite as their breath increased and the intensity of the kissing increased. Mia moved her hand down over Stephanie's breast cupping it and running her fingers over her nipple causing Stephanie to shake and moan.

Mia moved first kissing Stephanie's cheek then in front of her ear then her earlobe. She whispered to Stephanie, "I love you with every breath I have. Tonight, you are mine and I am going to show you just how much I do love you."

She then kissed her ear again moving below it giving a shiver to Stephanie as she felt Mia's breath on her neck. Mia kissed her neck then upper shoulder before kissing her way down to Stephanie's upper breast. Mia kissed all around the top of Stephanie's breast and in the cleavage before she moved her mouth over the top and gently kissed her nipple. She then ran her tongue around Stephanie's areola avoiding the nipple before moving her tongue to Stephanie's nipple and with the tip of her tongue she batted the nipple back and forth.

Stephanie's nipple instantly hardened and Stephanie moaned arching her chest up to Mia's mouth. Mia sucked her nipple into her mouth licking it and letting her saliva coat the nipple and areola. She then kissed her way down Stephanie's stomach taking her finger and flipping across Stephanie's wet and aroused nipple.

As Mia got close to Stephanie's panties she could smell how aroused Stephanie was. She kissed the top of her panties taking her hand and rubbing with her palm up from between Stephanie's leg over across her mound and back down. Stephanie arched her hips meeting Mia's hand not wanting the contact to be broken.

Mia kissed Stephanie's mound over her panties and down farther where the panties were now wet from Stephanie's juices. "I don't think I'll take these off. They are far too cute and sexy to completely remove them," Mia said looking up at Stephanie. Mia then pulled them to the side and licked Stephanie from the bottom to the top of her opening that was oozing from excitement.

She stuck her tongue inside of Stephanie and began to flick her tongue around her pussy causing Stephanie to moan and arch up to meet Mia's mouth. "Oh fuck, Mia, yes. Lick me, fuck me Mia. I need you so much," Stephanie moaned.

Mia kept licking Stephanie and could feel Stephanie getting close as her breathing had changed and Mia knowing Stephanie's body knew she was there. She stuck her two fingers inside of Stephanie and sucked her clit into her mouth flicking her tongue around the clit as she sucked on it.

"Fuck, oh fuck, I'm cumming!" Stephanie squealed and her whole body jerked and shook as her orgasm over took her. Her hips were bouncing up and down as she had no control over them. Mia eased off her sucking of Stephanie's clit not completely though but enough that Stephanie could ease down from her orgasm.

When she had relaxed some but not completely Mia again began to suck on Stephanie's clit and pushed her finger faster inside of her not wanting Stephanie to lose this euphoria completely. She then took her fingers out of Stephanie and ran them down her crack until she came to her rosebud. It was already wet from Stephanie's juices running down over it so with Mia's fingers wet from her juices she pushed her index finger inside. Once she got it past the opening it easily slid inside of Stephanie and she was able to pump her finger in and out. Stephanie moaned from what Mia was doing to her. She had no control as she was still not out of the throes of the previous orgasm and now Mia was fast bringing her to another one. All she could do is grab the sheets and hold on as she felt her orgasm rising knowing this one was going to be bigger than the last one.

"Mia, oh god, Mia!" she squealed and her body exploded in orgasm. She saw lights flashing in her head and it was like she had lifted completely off the bed and her body was coming apart from inside. She felt her pussy throbbing and tensing along with her anus from Mia's finger that wasn't slowing down but moving faster inside of her. She wanted it to stop but she didn't want it to stop as she was in a state that she had never reached before.

Stephanie collapsed panting hard and trying to gain her senses as she was still having contractions and feelings from cumming so hard. Mia released her clit but was still using her tongue to lick around Stephanie's rosebud then up through her slit and on the outside of her labia. When Mia licked through her slit she jerked and her hands went immediately to Mia's head.

"No honey, don't do anymore. I can't take it. It is too sensitive," she told Mia and gently pulled on her head pulling her up to lay next to her. She could see Mia's face was drenched in her juices and she had to smile and giggle a little. "You are a mess, sweetie, It looks as if I squirted all over you," she said as she could now see Mia was wet on her chin, neck and down on her upper chest.

"Actually you did that last time," Mia smiled and told her.

"Oh Mia, I'm so sorry. I didn't know I did that. I don't ever squirt," Stephanie told Mia.

"I think we know differently now because I was there to receive it," Mia said and giggled back.

"You are too much. You had me higher than I have ever been before. Wow you were good," Stephanie said as she wiped some of the juices off of Mia's face. They kissed and held each other Stephanie still shuddering every now and then trying to fully recover from her orgasms.

As they kissed, she moved so she was over top of Mia. "Now it's my turn to show you how much I love you," she told Mia.

Stephanie kissed Mia as Mia had done to her. She kissed her cheek then her ear and then her neck. She moved lower and kissed Mia's upper chest then around the swell of her breast before she moved over and licked her areola teasing her nipple with her tongue.

Mia moaned and arched up to meet Stephanie's mouth knowing what she had done to Stephanie she was now going to receive and her body was already on fire. Stephanie flicked her tongue around Mia's nipple before moving over and repeating the process on the other breast. She then moved slowly down her body coming to her stomach while her fingers continued to tease Mia's nipples.

Stephanie moved a little lower her hands now on the sides of Mia's hips as she kissed lower to Mia's panties. She moved her hands to pull the waistband down a little so she could kiss Mia's mound when her eye caught something on Mia's right upper thigh. She pushed back the covers more and got up on her elbow to see what her eye had noticed.

She ran her hand over it then exclaimed to Mia, "Where did this come from? When did you get this?" Stephanie demanded.

Mia looked down to where Stephanie was looking and she gasped. "I forgot all about that. Wait, no it shouldn't be there. Oh my god!" Mia started shaking and her hands went up to her mouth as she sat up.

"When did you have time to get a tattoo and why this one?" Stephanie asked again just as emphatic.

"Oh my god!" Mia squealed again. "It can't be. It can't be." Mia began to cry mostly out of fear and astonishment.

Stephanie kept looking back and forth from Mia's face to her tattoo on her upper thigh waiting for Mia to explain. "Mia this is too old to have been done today and it is too big to have been done in one day. So I know you didn't have it done today. The other days you were in the hospital and I know you didn't get it there. Before that I saw you naked the morning of the awards ceremony and you didn't have it then either. When could you have gotten this?"

Mia looked at Stephanie and the look she gave to Stephanie was not anything Stephanie had ever seen before on Mia's face. "Stephanie, you aren't going to believe this but Sophie and I got this when we were together. But she was a dream I had so I don't understand how I could have gotten a tattoo from a dream?"

As inexplicable as it sounded Stephanie believed Mia's story. "I don't know how this happened but I knew when I saw it where it came from," Stephanie told Mia. "While Sophie and I were together we had decided to get this exact tattoo of flowers, leaves and a butterfly with the thin thread resembling the stem that twists and turns towards your inner thigh," she said.

"Do you know what it symbolizes?" Mia asked.

"Yes," Stephanie replied. "The flowers and leaves symbolize our love for each other and the wiggly thin line is from an ancient Chinese proverb: An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."

"Stephanie, you don't think that my dream of being with Sophie was real do you?" No, it couldn't be. There was no time for me to meet her and do all those things. What am I saying? Wait, where's your pinky ring?"

Stephanie jumped out of bed and to her jewelry box. She came back to the bed showing Mia it was exactly like hers that she was wearing. Stephanie put it on her finger telling Mia, "Mia, I think Sophie has somehow found a way to communicate with us and tell us she will always be a part of our lives. You earlier said we should keep her out of the bedroom but I don't think that is what Sophie wants. She wants to know and see us loving each other and be a part of it."

"It somehow makes sense now. Sophie told me she would find a way to let us know she loved both of us. I don't know how to ever explain this tattoo other than she somehow made it happen to let us know it wasn't all a dream but she was actually here to assure we stayed together."

"I think next week I'm getting a tattoo on my leg so Sophie knows we got her message," Stephanie said.

"Make that two. You need one on your foot too and so do I. I have the feeling the one on her foot was for you and we should get it to tell her we want her to be a part of our lives forever," Mia said.

"I forgot about the one on her foot," Stephanie said. "She got that right before she left on her trip. She told me when she came back if I decided to come out she would pay for one on my foot."

"I think you should. That would be Sophie's Choice," Mia replied.

The End.

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