The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on Jun 9, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Eight

By Chrissy and Peyton

New Year's was long over and Mia and Sophie were happily living together in Stephanie's house. Mia had a whole new outlook on life now that she had finally realized that being in love with another woman was nothing to be ashamed of feeling. In fact, she found more happiness, joy and more caring friends now that she didn't hide her love for Sophie. They were invited to many parties of people they knew. They weren't afraid to go to the movies, out to eat or shopping together holding hands or exchanging a kiss with each other while they were out.

Sophie was happy too as she no longer needed to push Mia out of her comfort zone where ever they went, trying to show her it was alright to be gay and she shouldn't worry about what others felt. Now instead of concentrating on getting Mia out, Sophie could concentrate on the two of them having fun and showing their undying love for each other.

Spring had arrived and people were more likely to be out as the weather was perfect for outside activities. The downtown area was especially active as there several streets were lined with stores of various sorts and attracted many people on the weekends. It was considered the place to go now and businesses of all sorts were sprouting up to take advantage of the high pedestrian traffic.

Sophie and Mia decided to go downtown this weekend since the weather was to be perfect to walk around and do some shopping. Ever since New Year's and their conversation about being together for life Sophie tried to think of something they could get or do to signify their love for each other. They still wore the pinky rings they bought many months ago and that was part of their bond but Sophie was looking for something more permanent that would mean more to both of them.

They spent most of the morning walking in and out of stores buying a few things but mostly looking around and talking about if they remodeled their home this would look good as a motif. They stopped for lunch at a small caf‚ that had a few outside tables which they were able to snare one when another couple finished and got up to leave.

They both ordered salads and were sitting there eating and talking.

"Hi Dr. Fernandez," a voice said catching Mia's attention but before she could respond a light- colored dog came pulling its owner up to Mia and Sophie.

"Buttercup! Hi there girl, how are you?" Mia said to the dog and bent over to rub her ears.

"I'm sorry to bother you Dr. Fernandez, but Buttercup saw you and she made a beeline for you. She is just in love with you," the lady said as she struggled to hold Buttercup's leash.

"Oh it's quite alright. I'm always happy to see Buttercup aren't I girl. Yes, you are just so sweet. Mrs. Graham this is my girlfriend Sophie," Mia said pointing over to Sophie, which Mia didn't realize was an introduction of Sophie as her girlfriend for the very first time in public.

I'm Gina, Buttercup's mom. It's nice to meet you Sophie. Dr. Fernandez is the best veterinarian in town and all the fur babies are in love with her," Gina Graham said.

"It's nice to meet you Gina. Mia does have a passion for her work," Sophie replied. "Are you enjoying the wonderful day out like we are shopping?"

"Oh, yes. Winter and I do not get along too well so I am happy to feel the warmth of the sunshine. My kids and husband are next door shopping but this little one either heard or saw you all and just had to say hello," Gina said.

"Well I'm glad she did," Mia replied. "Not all sweeties are happy to see me when I start poking and prodding places they don't like poked," Mia said and giggled and kept scruffing with Buttercup's ears.

"This one knows when we drive up to your clinic. She starts prancing in the car and wagging her tail anxious to get out and to come inside to see you," Gina told both Sophie and Mia. "If we sit in the car a minute too late she cries and starts pawing at the door to get out."

"Well that's good to hear," Mia said. "You want to join us for a soda or ice tea?"

"No, I won't keep you two from your lunch and enjoying your day. I just wanted to come over to say hi since Buttercup felt the need to drag me over here. It was very nice to meet you Sophie. Dr. Fernandez, it was wonderful to see you again."

"Nice to meet you Gina, take care," Sophie said.

"Enjoy your day. Tell your boys I said hi," Mia told Gina as Gina pulled Buttercup back towards the store her husband and kids were in.

Mia looked over at Sophie who was sitting there staring at her with a big smile on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that? It was bound to happen I run into one of my babies at some point if we are out. This isn't exactly New York where the chances of running into someone you know are next to zero," Mia said to Sophie.

'It's not that we ran into someone you know but how you introduced me," Sophie told Mia.

"How did I introduce you?"

"You called me your girlfriend and didn't hesitate one second over introducing me as such," Sophie said and took Mia's hand in hers. "Do you know how long I have waited to hear that?"

"Okay, okay, don't make a big deal out of it. I know you have tried for months and I know how I have resisted. Don't embarrass me now for being so stupid before," Mia pleaded with Sophie.

"Oh, babe. I would never embarrass you, at least not in public. It was just so wonderful to hear you say that and you don't know how much my heart grew hearing those words come from your mouth," Sophie said with her lips slightly quivering from the way Mia had introduced her. "I love you."

Mia smiled at Sophie and squeezed her hand back. "I love you too."

They finished their lunch and continued walking stepping into stores that drew their attention or just window shopping from the sidewalk. Later that afternoon they ran into Bert, one of Mia's employees and her husband.

"Hi Bert," Mia said coming up behind Bert after she and her husband had come out of a store.

"Dr Fernandez, Looks like we all are enjoying this weather. I just ran into the Werner's earlier," Bert told Mia.

"And we just ran into Buttercup and the Graham's a block away. It seems like everyone is out today," Mia told Bert.

"John this is Dr. Fernandez and her lovely girlfriend Sophie. Sophie this is my husband John," Bert said making the introductions.

"We're not at work so just call me Mia. John it's nice to meet you."

"It's Nice to meet both of you. Bert has nothing but high praise for you, Mia. And I get to meet the infamous Sophie who apparently knows how to liven up the place with her entrances," John said laughing.

"John, why would you say such a thing? You're going to get me fired," Bert fired back.

"Oh no he's not," Mia said. "He's absolutely right. She does have a way of making an entrance. That's one of the reason's I have to keep her close. So that she doesn't embarrass me any more than necessary," Mia said and hooked her arm with Sophie.

"Guilty as charged," Sophie said raising her hand and joining the laughter.

"You know there is a saying about true love and plenty of laughter came out of the same bottle," John said. 'Without one there isn't the other. If you can't have fun together then love is plain boring."

"Look whose Mr. Advice here," Bert said. "Come on, John, let's go before you really get me fired. See you on Monday, Mia and next time you come in the clinic Sophie."

"Never, Bert is one of my three best employees," Mia said.

"You only have three," Sophie tried to say softly but intentionally loud enough for all to hear.

"And I couldn't do without any of the three," Mia responded.

They all chuckled and said their goodbyes. After they left Sophie was beaming again.

"What is it this time?" Mia said noticing Sophie's big grin.

"Nothing, just not only do I get recognized for being your girlfriend, now we're recognized as being in love," Sophie remarked.

Mia still with her arm hooked into Sophie's said, "You just get a kick out of rubbing it in don't you?"

The day was winding down and Sophie and Mia had almost covered the entire area of stores and shops. They came to this one store walking past it before Sophie stopped Mia.

"I've got an idea. Come with me," she said and took Mia's hand pulling her back to the shop they had just passed.

As they were about to enter the shop Mia asked Sophie, "You want to go in here? This is a tattoo shop."

"Yep, come on. Let's look to see what they have to offer and maybe we can get a tattoo," Sophie said.

"I'm not sure I want to go in here or get a tattoo. I hear they are painful, expensive, permanent, and not necessarily the best hygienically thing to do," Mia said.

"This from the person who sticks her fingers up dog's butts and mine too I might add," Sophie quipped back to Mia.

"That's different. I have gloves on when I work with dogs and with you well I have no excuse but you have such a cute butt and it is so tasty," Mia giggled.

They entered the store which was divided into two sections. The outer sections had the walls lined with various tattoos you could have with a counter that had catalogues of books with other tattoos you could get. The other section was where the tattooist did his work. It had a table or chair similar to a doctor's office that could be lowered, raised or put you in a prone situation depending on where the tattoo would be placed.

Someone was already in the chair and the tattooist was working on that person's arm. A lady at the counter came around and asked if she could help them.

"We were just walking by and wondered about getting a tattoo that we each could get. Sort of like a wedding ring to signify our love for each other but something only we would know had significance," Sophie told the lady who had tattoos on her arms and neck.

"We have many couples come in here and get either matching tattoos or something similar maybe with the others initials on it," the lady said. "Where on your body did you want to put the tattoo and how large do you want it to be?"

'Actually we hadn't discussed it until we walked in here so we really have no idea," Sophie continued.

"The most popular places are on your upper breast over your heart, your lower waist, or on your upper arms or the back of your shoulder. If you want to be more intimate then we can put one close to your mons, directly on your breast, or on your butt cheeks. Why don't you look through these two books here which are mostly for women and see if you see anything that grabs your interest. We can also custom make what you want or vary any of the ones you find in here to match what you would like. I'll let you look and not pressure you. If you need me just let me know."

"Thank you," Sophie told her then opened the first book to see what was in there they could get.

"What are you thinking? I'm still not sure of doing this," Mia whispered to Sophie.

"My girlfriend here is concerned about hygiene having a tattoo," Sophie addressed the lady at the counter over Mia's objection.

"No problem. We get that question all the time. As you can see, we are not your off the main drag hidden away type of tattooist. We are right on Main Street where we are visual to all. Inside our procedure room which is separated from the main area to limit the contamination that can occur by frequent visitors. After each visit the table is aesthetically wiped down, all the instruments are first washed in germ cleaning solution then placed in the sterilizing box before they are used again. Joe, wears gloves at all times and sterile towels are used around where you are having the tattoo. With all procedures there is a risk of infection but we take pride in having the safest most sterile room and instruments for the procedure. I can assure you it is very safe," the lady explained.

"See they use some of the same cleaning methods you use at your place," Sophie told Mia.

"What do you do?" the lady asked Mia.

"I'm a veterinarian," Mia responded.

"And I bet a good one too," the lady responded. "I can tell you really care about your patients and make sure they get the best care. We feel the same way here only our patients are two-legged not four. "

Mia and Sophie spent the next fifteen minutes looking at the books not seeing anything that caught their attention or they could agree on as neither wanted a tattoo that would be conspicuous to everyone. About this time Joe had finished his tattooing and came out to talk.

"Did you find anything you like yet?" he asked Sophie and Mia.

"No, we are having a difficult time finding something we can agree on and where to have it put," Sophie told him.

"Tell me why you want a tattoo and what your concerns are with its location.

Sophie told Joe they wanted something intimate to them but not conspicuous or bold but showed their love for each other. Joe then proceeded to tell them a matching tattoo strategically placed where unless they were almost naked would be what he would recommend. Not too big but enough to have meaning.

He then took another book from the table and began to search for a particular tattoo he had in mind. When he found it he showed it to Mia and Sophie. It was a cluster of roses on leaves with a butterfly in the middle.

"This one is new. I haven't done one yet but I think it is perfect for what you are looking for. I could do it no bigger than your fist and I suggest that one of you put it on your right thigh just below your hip (he put his fist on his leg to show where it would go) and the other one of you on your left thigh. It would be bold enough, meaningful enough yet hidden unless you were wearing bathing suits or naked. Roses have always represented love and the butterfly representing the cross pollination or in this case the joining of the two in love. You could even have different color roses to represent what is your favorite color and the butterflies could be different colors too so that each of you has the favorite color of the other on their leg."

"And I will tell you what, if you both get this I will throw in the Chinese red thread proverb though it won't be quite red but dark almost black. It will run from the end of the stem on the rose across the top of your thigh to just on the upper inside of your thigh just an inch or so from you're a.. "

"He's trying to say your vagina," the lady interrupted since Joe was hesitant to say the word.

They all giggled at big Joe covered in tattoos and afraid to say the word vagina.

"What proverb is that?" Mia asked.

"It says an invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it can never be broken," Joe told them.

Mia was hesitant but the addition of the Chinese proverb did have a pull to it. She looked at Sophie who was obviously in thought. "Well, what do you think?" Mia asked her.

"I like it a lot. And it's close to the one on my foot. I think for what I wanted this is a perfect fit and the location is perfect too. How long would it take to do?" she asked Joe.

"I don't like to keep people too long in the chair. They get restless and it becomes harder to work as they want me to rush. I would say two to three hours each over two or three days. The coloring is what will take the longest. I'll first us a stencil to outline the tattoo in black then go back in and fill in the color after that. You can pick your times to come in and if it has to be over three or four weeks, no problem."

They priced the tattoos out and decided to come back over the next couple of Saturdays making an appointment for each until they were complete.

"One other thing. Does it hurt?" Mia asked.

"Most people feel no more than light pin pricks here and there but usually nothing painful. And the location you are putting it is not an overly sensitive place. The only place you might feel a little discomfort is on your inner thigh but I will be quick with that and we are only talking about a thin line so not much to do there. You will have to take off your pants so I have room to work and wear something that doesn't cover this area like a bikini or g-string. I'll put a towel across the rest of you so you are not exposed while sitting there."

They thanked Joe and the lady who turned out to be his wife and left the store. Mia was still somewhat scared and knowing this was permanent had her concerned but she was also very excited about it and it was one thing that would also show hers and Sophie's commitment to each other.

As they walked away from store Mia asked Sophie, "Is now a good time to ask you about the one on your foot?"

Sophie hesitated and looked at Mia with tears forming in her eyes. "No, but there isn't going to be a good time to tell you," Sophie said.

"Then don't tell me. Obviously it bothers you," Mia said trying to comfort Sophie.

"I told you I would and I should. You see years ago I was in a relationship with a girl much like yourself who was afraid to come out for fear of what her parents and other friends would think. She had been told it was a sin to love another girl and she was sick if she did. We eventually broke up after I gave her an ultimatum to choose either me or a life of misery afraid to love the one she loved. Shortly thereafter I got this tattoo as a reminder that love is as fragile as a butterfly and not to waste it or time or it could be gone. Shortly after that there was an accident and we never saw each other again," Sophie explained.

"Oh Sophie, I'm so sorry. Why then did you take a chance on me if I was not out?" Mia asked.

"Mia, we cannot choose who we love. We can only take what love gives us and makes the most of it. I didn't choose to love you. I fell in love with you and every minute has been worth it. This tattoo serves as a reminder to me to do everything you can to show your love before it flies away. I just hope I show you how much I love you."

Mia held Sophie's hand tight as they continued to walk, "You do more than you know. I'm glad you took a chance. I won't ever let you get away. I love you too much, Sophie."

Over the next three weeks they got their tattoos. They both were very proud of them and it seemed to bond them even more if that was possible. Mia and Sophie continued to do things in public. Most of the times they were out they were holding hands or leaning into the other often giving the other person a quick kiss on the cheek. To anyone who saw them together these two were definitely in love with each other. Mia for all intent, seemed to be completely out and not concerned with who knew of her sexuality or of her relationship with Sophie.

Summer time was just around the corner. It was bathing suit weather and if they wore them anywhere other than at home their tattoo would be there for all to see. They didn't have a pool so only when they sunned did they wear a bikini and then sometimes nothing at all with the privacy fence surrounding their yard. They both though seemed to want to be in a position of showing them off.

Sophie had been attending some LGBTQ+ meetings that were being held at various locations around the city. Pride week was approaching and this would be the first year they were going to have a parade in town in celebration of the week. Sophie, unbeknown to Mia, had signed them up to ride on one of the floats. It was sponsored by two businesses and was going to have a Hawaiian theme with the riders dressed in bikini bras with the rainbow colors on the cups having short streamers dangling off of them. They would wear long flowered skirts that were open on one side all the way up to their waist exposing one entire leg. Sophie made sure their skirts opened on the opposite sides so their tattoos would be on display for everyone to see.

"Babe, in three weeks they are having the first Pride parade downtown. I've signed us up to ride on one of the floats," Sophie told Mia one night after they had made love.

"You did what?" Mia asked Sophie getting up on her elbow to look into Sophie's eyes.

"I signed us up to ride on one of the floats," Sophie told her. "We were planning on going to the parade anyway so I thought why not participate in it?"

"Do I have a say in this?" Mia asked.

"Nope, what's the difference if we are going to the parade anyway if we are on a float?" Sophie reasoned.

"I don't know. I guess none. It just sounded weird to say we were riding on a float. What kind of float?" Mia asked.

"It is a rainbow float decorated with the rainbow flag of course. It will have a Hawaiian theme to it and we will have costumes we will wear," Sophie told her.

"Uh oh, why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?" Mia said.

"It will be alright. We will be dressed like Luau girls with a bikini bras and a long skirt that is cut up on one side. I already gave them our measurements so they will have the costumes made to fit," Sophie explained.

"I'm going to have to find you a job so you don't have so much time on your hands to keep coming up with things for us to do," Mia told Sophie then leaned over and kissed her.

"What? You don't like the things I plan for us to do?" Sophie asked.

"Most of the time I do, but you keep coming up with something different and I mean really different each time. Last time I spent hours on a chair wearing only g-string panties with a guy poking needles into my leg very close to my pussy where I know when he did that last line he could see clearly what I had," Mia told Sophie.

"Well good thing you aren't into guys and got aroused when he was working there. Or were your aroused and that is what worried you?" Sophie said and laughed.

Mia pushed Sophie onto her back and got on top of her tickling her sides, "No I wasn't aroused because of him."

Sophie squirmed trying to keep from getting tickled and while laughing she said, "But you were aroused?"

"Yes, I probably was but it wasn't because of him. I was trying to distract myself from him putting that line across me. Because it was tender right there and he was resting his hand on the inner part of my thigh, I had to think of something fast so I thought of us the first time when we made love at my apartment," Mia said.

"You thought of us making love the first time? Why would you think of that when he is working so close to your pussy? Sophie asked starting to laugh.

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking. I just needed a distraction and that came to my mind how far we have come since we met. Call me stupid but that is what I was thinking," Mia said and buried her face into the pillow laughing with embarrassment.

"Aw babe, I think that is so sweet that you thought of that. Your timing wasn't the best but the thought is what counts. I bet he got a thrill if he could smell or see your arousal," Sophie said and laughed some more.

That caused Mia to laugh too.

"Come here," Sophie then said and pulled Mia to her. "I love you so much and to think that you thought of us in that situation shows me how much you love me. You make me so happy with little things like that you don't realize how much I love hearing that."

"You don't think I'm stupid?" Mia sheepishly asked.

"Not one bit my love. You are one of the smartest most beautiful people I have ever known and I can't begin to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you and to be your girlfriend," Sophie said then kissed Mia holding her head to hers with her hand on the back of Mia's. "We just need to work on your timing for thinking things like that."

Sophie pulled Mia on top of her, Mia's legs opened to allow Sophie's leg to move in between them. Sophie kept kissing Mia but had moved her leg tight against Mia's pussy and then began to lift her pelvic area up and down so Mia's pussy was rubbing on Sophie's leg. Mia moaned at the movement of Sophie's leg and began to move her hips up and down meeting Sophie's movement.

As their kissing intensified so did the movement of their hips as Mia's pussy rubbed up and down on Sophie's leg getting it completely wet with her juices. He breathing increased but she held tight to Sophie's lips with their tongues dancing together.

"Oh god, Sophie, oh, oh," Mia moaned.

"Let it cum baby, cum on my leg," Sophie moaned back to Mia.

Sophie moved her hands down and grabbed hold of Mia's butt cheeks pulling them down with each thrust Mia made.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum," Mia moaned.

"Yes, yes, I can feel it baby, cum for me," Sophie moaned in response.

"Awwwhhhh," Mia cried out and arched her back up pushing her pelvis down hard onto Sophie's leg. Her body jerked and tensed with the feeling of her climax flowing through her body. She jerked a few more times before her body began to relax then she collapsed on top of Sophie. Her head fell to Sophie's shoulder as she lay there panting and dripping with sweat.

"I'll never tire from feeling you get close then explode in your orgasms. It is the most wonderful feeling to feel and see you cum like that with me," Sophie whispered to Mia.

Mia placed her hand on Sophie's cheek and with panting breath said, "I can never get enough of you either. You make me the happiest person in the world Sophie."

They lay there for a few minutes while Mia recovered from her orgasm. Mia then got up and off the bed. Sophie thought she was going to go to the bathroom but instead she went to the dresser and opened the drawer where Sophie knew they kept their sex toys. Mia looked in and pulled out the strap-on. She put it on with Sophie watching her every move and a big smile on her face. Her one hand was already running lightly over her pussy feeling the wetness and anticipation of what was about to happen.

"Are you ready for some serious fucking?" Mia asked Sophie.

Sophie spread her legs and pointed to her finger that had a sliver of moisture attached to it running down to her pussy. "Does this answer your question?" Sophie said holding out her finger to show Mia.

Mia crawled onto the bed between Sophie's legs taking Sophie's wet finger and putting it to Sophie's mouth. "Mmm, I do taste good if I say so myself."

"That you do and then some," Mia smiled at Sophie and lifted the tip of the strap-on to Sophie's waiting pussy and ran it up and down getting the tip of it wet. With her finger she spread more of Sophie's juices on the shaft to get it wet all around before she moved up tight to Sophie and inserted the tip inside of Sophie.

"Oh fuck, yes," Sophie moaned feeling the dildo slide inside of her. "I've been thinking of this for a few weeks now. We seem to be on the same wave length."

Mia pushed the dildo inside then pulled back until it was almost out before pushing it back inside. Once she knew it was completely coated with Sophie's juices she began to push it in and pull it out with a faster motion. Sophie grunted and moaned each time Mia moved it in or out, her head back on the bed, knees bent and legs in the air and her hands on Mia's hips.

"Fuck Mia, faster, harder," she moaned.

Mia increased her pace trying to give Sophie what she was wanting with the strap-on. Sophie moaned her breathing shortened and rapid as she was being fucked. "I'm going to cum Mia. Don't stop!"

Sweat was dripping off of Mia but she kept going, knowing she had Sophie close. She wanted her to cum and give her the satisfaction she needed. Sophie looked up at Mia, her eyes getting big and then she cried out and gasped as her orgasm hit her. Mia kept driving the cock into Sophie wanting to stretch out this orgasm as long as possible. Finally, Sophie had to tell her to stop as she needed to rest and catch her breath.

Mia pulled out and rolled off of Sophie onto the bed next to her both of their chests rising and falling trying to catch their breaths. As they got back to normal Sophie spoke up, "Damn, Mia. What got into you? I don't think you have ever driven that thing so hard and fast into me before?"

"I'm not done yet either," she said and she pushed on Sophie to roll over. "Get on your stomach and on all fours."

Sophie tried to protest but Mia pushed her over anyway. She got up on all fours dipping her head onto the bed. She felt Mia move in behind her and spread her legs apart. Sophie felt the tip of the cock moving through her slit then Mia shoved it in almost the entire way inside of her.

"Oh gawd," Sophie moaned. Then she felt Mia begin to move her hips back and forth forcing the cock in and out of her pussy. Mia placed her hands on Sophie's hips to help her balance and to aid in her body movements while she was fucking Sophie with the strap-on.

Mia moved it as fast as she could sweat dripping off of her face and on to Sophie's back and on the bed. She continued to piston the cock inside of Sophie even though she already had climaxed once a minute ago. She wanted Sophie to be completely spent from fucking, trying to show her love for Sophie.

"Shit, oh gawd," Sophie moaned as a second climax was building inside of her. She wasn't sure how much more she could take but she was definitely enjoying what Mia was doing to her.

Sophie moaned and made other weird noises as she took the fucking from Mia. At times it sounded as she was crying, she was in such an aroused state. Then without warning her orgasm hit her again and she yelled out, "Fuck, Awwwhhhh!"

Sophie collapsed completely on the bed unable to move and panting hard. Mia fell partly on top of her as she was exhausted too. They lay there for several minutes panting, trying to catch their breath.

"You know I'm not complaining about what we just did but you literally fucked my brains out and now it may be days before I can even touch myself down there. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow," Sophie panted to Mia.

Mia leaned into Sophie kissing her then brushing her hair from her forehead. "Between how sexy and gorgeous you are, it's how much I love you that has me so intent to give you everything I can to show you my love. It's like something has been opened up for me and I don't quite know what it is but all I want to do is show you my love and show everyone else how much I love you."

"I'm definitely not going to complain. I know I love you more than life itself and everything you do to me and for me makes me immensely happy to have you as my girlfriend," Sophie replied. "But I know why you feel this way and you should too."

"Tell me what it is why I'm feeling this way," Mia asked now curious as to what Sophie was referring.

"Do you remember not long after we met you asked me when was I going to stop testing you?" Sophie asked.

Mia nodded her head and said, "Yeah."

"Do you also remember me telling you when you are where I wanted you to be and you asked where was that? Do you remember what I told you?"

"You said where I should be," Mia replied.

Sophie smiled and nodded her head. "You don't feel how liberated you have been for the last few months since you haven't cared about who knows about us or your choice in lifestyles?"

"I hadn't thought of it like that," Mia said.

"Your heart and body have awakened and you are at ease with yourself and other's opinion so you can now completely show your love. I just happen to be the lucky one on the receiving end for now," Sophie told Mia.

Mia looked at Sophie like she was questioning what Sophie had said. "You make it sound like I'm going to find someone else or now that I'm liberated you are going to leave."

"I'll always be with you Mia in one way or another. Life gives us no guarantee so we have to live in the moment. We know what we have today but tomorrow is another day and until it is here nothing is guaranteed."

"Okay, I don't like where this conversation is going. You started out great but it has turned very remorseful and we need to change the subject. Let's get a shower and change these sheets so we can go to bed and sleep," Mia told Sophie.

They got up and taking a shower together washing each other making sure to kiss each other a few times in the shower and say how much they loved each other.

The next few weeks were very busy for Mia at work. It seemed more and more people were coming to her with their pets. She had also embarked on a campaign of helping the poor and financially limited. One day a month with the assistance of the county welfare office, she would hold a clinic at the welfare office for pet owners who qualified through the welfare system and were unable to pay for normal veterinarian services. If the animals were too big or there was a lack of transportation she made arrangements to go to their place to exam their pets. It seemed she remembered what Stephanie had told her when they first met about caring for animals and that one day she would pay it forward.

Whenever she held these days she would remember Stephanie and thank her for recognizing in her something she wasn't sure was there. She made sure to visit Stephanie's grave and tell her about whom she had helped so Stephanie would hear it from her that she had not forgotten what Stephanie had told her.

The day came for the Pride parade. Two days before Sophie had brought home the costumes they would be wearing. They both tried them on and modeled for each other taking some pictures with their cell phones of each other dancing or posing sexily. Both were excited about riding on a float with everyone seeing them.

This being the first Pride event in the town and there were bound to be a few glitches. Today was no exception as their float had trouble getting started and they had to be moved towards the back of the parade while it was being fixed. It didn't matter to them as they were being served spiked punch drinks by the sponsors of their float. As long as it was stationary, they drank more because once it started moving drinking was difficult with a moving float and with waving to the crowd.

On the float they met some of the other riders both male and female. They were having a good time without moving but once it moved, they found moving around a bit more difficult. On their side of the float Sophie and Mia were next to each other. There were two other girls on their side and one guy. The one girl was okay but they tried to stay away from her as she was very outspoken and cuss words were most of her language. The other girl was younger than the two of them in her late teens or early twenties having recently come out as they discovered.

As the parade went on the three of them stood in the same area and were able to carry on a conversation. The float had to stop because a disturbance in front of them. The police had stopped their float to clear the disturbance. When the float stopped suddenly the three of them fell slightly forward almost falling to the floor of the float. Sophie was in front and caught Mia as she stumbled holding her to keep her from falling completely as she was facing backwards talking to the girl behind her. The young girl that was behind Mia when she fell, her head landed in Mia's waist. As she landed she put out her hand to catch herself from falling and it landed on Mia's mons which because of the way the dresses were cut was exposed you were able to see all of her bikini she was wearing.

Mia being a little light-headed from the punch let out a slight moan then trying to make light of the situation said to the girl, "Honey you could have asked before we started any foreplay, do you like what you are feeling?"

Sophie chimed in immediately, "You two can't wait until we get home to fool around, can you? And why wasn't I asked to join you two?"

The girl whose name was Ronnie moved her hand and turned red from embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I guess that's one way of getting introduced." Then she laughed and stood up.

After that both Mia and Sophie engaged the young girl in conversation as the float continued in the parade.

"How did you get on the float, Ronnie? Sophie asked.

"My dad is close friends with the sponsor and he asked him for me sort of a peace offering since he went ballistic when I first came out," Ronnie explained.

"You know as long as he is accepting now that's all that counts," Mia added.

"Yeah, I supposed your right. I just wish others were more tolerating and understanding. Having just graduated from high school it has been tough. I had come out about six months ago right after the new year as a resolution to my then girlfriend. After that the she dumped me. I guess I was some sort of game to her. Since then I have found it hard to meet other girls who are gay and I thought being on this float might get me noticed and I might meet someone else," Ronnie added.

"In time you will find many others who are like you. Riding the float is a great way to meet people and for people to recognize you," Sophie told Ronnie.

"A very wise person told me once before to pay no attention to those who don't approve. Those who do approve are the only ones that matter. It will get better for you sweetheart. Once you find someone who you love the whole world will be waiting for you," Mia told Ronnie.

Sophie whispered to Mia, "that was very sweet of you to say that to her. And just who was this wise person who mentioned it to you?"

"I think it was Ellen on one of her shows," Mia said and laughed.

"Uh huh," Sophie said and kissed Mia cheek.

"Ronnie, you have the right idea about being noticed and putting yourself out there for someone to see. But touching my girlfriends pussy is not the attention to get unless you ask my permission first, which in this case you have my permission," Sophie interjected.

They laughed but Mia and Sophie were giving each other looks as if to say, could this be the right person for our three-some?

The more they talked to Ronnie the more they became interested in her and the inclusion of her into their bedroom fun. By the time the float reached the end of the parade and they were getting off the float they decided to ask Ronnie if she would like to come home with them after all the festivities were over.

"Ronnie, why don't you come with us and let's enjoy the rest of the activities here," Sophie asked Ronnie.

"You don't mind me hanging with you guys? I'm only eighteen single, and you are a couple?" Ronnie replied.

"Age doesn't matter to us unless you think we are too old for you and you wouldn't be single, you would be with us. Come on, we won't bite too hard that is," Mia told Ronnie and took her by the hand.

"Alright, if you say so," Ronnie said and held Mia's hand as they walked off grabbing Sophie's with the other.

Over the next few hours they snuck a few drinks to Ronnie when they would buy their drinks and walked around seeing all the games and people who had crowded into the area that had been roped off at the end of the parade route. They were having a good time and they really got to liking Ronnie and she as well liked them as they treated her as an equal even when they kissed they would make sure they kissed Ronnie so she didn't feel left out.

The afternoon wore on and Sophie and Mia were thinking it was time to head home. Ronnie was getting them a pretzel to share at one of the kiosk that was set up. Sophie and Mia had hung behind leaving some distance between them and Ronnie.

"What do you think of Ronnie?" Sophie asked.

"I think she is absolutely adorable very small yet so very sexy," Mia said.

"Yeah she is. Remember when we were that age and the whole world was before us?" Sophie said.

"You're not going to get all sentimental and think we are old timers are you?" Mia asked putting her elbow into Sophie's side.

"No, I just remember being in her shoes coming out and having to deal with feeling so alone and isolated. I don't envy what lies ahead for her," Sophie said.

"Well let's not worry about her life down the road just yet. We don't know what lies in wait for her. For all we know she will find love like we have. Instead why don't we treat her to an evening of sexual bliss with the two of us making sure she never forgets the pleasure of being with a woman?" Mia asked.

"My, my, my. Look how far someone has come from being afraid to come out to now openly wanting a three-some with a barely five foot, one hundred pound teenager. And a beautiful one at that with those dark eyes and long blonde hair," Sophie said making fun of Mia.

"Yeah, and look who said a similar teenager was too young for her not too long ago," Mia poked fun at Sophie.

They both giggled and decided it might be time to leave as many in the crowd were also dispersing. Ronnie had walked back over to where they were standing and gave them each some of the hot pretzel she had bought. "Ronnie, we are about ready to leave and were wondering if..." Mia began to say.

"Ronnie, Ronnie!" they heard someone call out.

They all turned in the direction of whoever was calling out to Ronnie to see a young girl most likely Ronnie's age jogging over to them.

"Hey Ronnie," the girl said as she came up to them.

"Hey Sue, what's up?" Ronnie said then turned towards Mia and Sophie. "Oh, Sue, this is Mia and Sophie. We were on a float together and have been hanging since," she said.

They all said hi to each other. Mia and Sophie both noticed Sue had a rainbow flag button on her shirt and was wearing sun visor cap that had a rainbow insignia sewn into it.

"Ronnie, I didn't know. I mean we've talked several times this past year in classes we had together but I didn't know you were gay too?" Sue said.

"Yeah, well I never really came out until the first of the year so not many know. Did you like the parade?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah, it was great. That's when I saw you on the Hawaiian float. I told some people I was with I thought it was you but wasn't sure. Then I saw you here and knew it was you. I wish I had known when we were back in school. We would have hung out together," Sue told her.

"I was seeing someone at that time but yeah it would have been cool," Ronnie said.

"Hey listen, I'm going to a party at some friend's house. Do you want to come with me? That is if your friends don't mind you leaving them?" Sue asked.

Ronnie turned to look at Mia and Sophie as if to ask permission but not wanting to hurt their feelings. "Go ahead Ronnie. I'm sure you will have a better time with them than us old folks," Mia told Ronnie.

"You're not old. Thank you both for being so kind to me," Ronnie said and gave each a kiss on the cheek.

"Ronnie, here," Mia said and pulled out one of her vet cards writing their names and their phone numbers on the back. "Anytime you want to talk or visit we would love to see you again."

"Thank you. I will make a point to call you and we can get together. Thanks again," Ronnie said as Sue took her hand and they walked off together talking and smiling at each other.

"Well, we didn't get our three-some but somehow I feel better seeing she has found someone her age she can be with," Sophie said.

"I feel the same way. It was like matching your daughter up with someone and seeing them go on their first date," Mia said.

"Just how old are you that you feel as though she is your daughter?" Sophie asked taking Mia's hand in hers and laughing.

"You know what I mean. Come on, let's go home and pretend we are having a three-some," Mia said and pulled Sophie towards the parking garage where their car was parked.

That night when they got home, they did make love, talking about how it would be with Ronnie in bed with them.

They no sooner had climbed in bed when Sophie climbed on top of Mia. "Wouldn't it be nice to be lying in bed with Ronnie in between us right now?"

Mia smiled and put her arms around Sophie. "You can't get her cute body out of your head can you?" Mia asked.

"I don't think you can either," Sophie said and let her hand run down Mia's body until it was between her legs. "From how wet you are already, I think that's a rhetorical question."

Mia moaned as Sophie's fingers ran over and through her slit. Sophie wasted no time in moving her fingers around and into Mia while she whispered to her in her ear, "Wonder what it would be like to have your fingers inside of her and hear her moaning from your touch?"

Sophie's erotic encouragement had Mia moaning and her hips moving up and down to the touch of Sophie's fingers. "Hear her breathing increase as her hips reach up to meet your fingers."

"Oh god, yes, yes," Mia moaned.

"Do you want her, Mia?" Sophie whispered into Mia's ear.

"Oh fuck, yes I want her. I want to fuck her with my fingers and feel her young pussy. I want her to straddle my face so I can taste her," Mia moaned.

"How much do you want her, Mia?" Sophie whispered and increased the rhythm of her fingers.

"Oh fuck, oh, oh,!" Mia moaned as she could feel her climax rise and her body begin to tense and jerk back and forth.

Sophie not wanting to waste the mood moved down between Mia's legs as she came using her tongue to lick all of Mia's cum from her. She spread her lips and stuck her tongue inside of Mia causing her to jerk even more as Sophie licked her to another orgasm that followed shortly after the first one.

Mia had to wait for a few minutes after the second orgasm but when she did she rolled Sophie over. "It seems someone else is highly aroused thinking of lying in bed with Ronnie between us," Mia said to Sophie as she used her fingers to toy with Sophie. She then went down and used her tongue to lick Sophie to two intense back to back orgasms. Afterwards they lay there holding each other, talking about how the thought of being with someone was just as erotic as actually being with the person. Soon they lay there falling asleep arm in arm.

Not long after the Pride celebration Sophie got a call from Stephanie's dad. There was going to be an awards banquet at the civic center next to the hospital. In addition to being a fundraising event they were awarding several awards to those who volunteered so much time for those in need. The bikers club that Stephanie had been a member of was receiving an award for all they do towards helping those kids in need while in the hospital. Additionally, they were awarding a lifetime achievement award posthumously to Stephanie for all her work as a volunteer.

Her dad did not want to attend even after all these years. He still was having a hard time dealing with her death so he asked if Sophie would attend on his behalf and accept the award on behalf of Stephanie.

"What was that call about?" Mia asked after Sophie got off the phone.

"That was Stephanie's dad. There is going to be an awards ceremony next month at the civic center honoring those who have volunteered so much to help the disadvantaged children in the hospital. It seems the biker club is getting an award and Stephanie is receiving the lifetime achievement award posthumously. He doesn't want to attend so he has asked me to go in his place," Sophie told Mia.

"And of course you told him yes you would go didn't you?" Mia replied.

Sophie nodded her head but Mia could see there was something bothering Sophie about accepting the award.

"What's the problem? You don't look like you want to go," Mia asked Sophie.

"No, no I want to go. I was just thinking of Stephanie. It was nothing," Sophie said.

That night they lay in bed Sophie holding Mia in her arms but not attempting to make love but just holding her. Mia felt like something was wrong but didn't want to press it thinking when Sophie was ready she would tell her. They lay there quietly though at times Mia felt like Sophie was crying but not wanting to let Mia know she was.

Eventually Mia fell asleep her head on Sophie's chest and Sophie's arms around her. Mia was already asleep and didn't hear Sophie tell her, "I love you Mia more than I have loved before. No matter what I will always love you. Sophie then kissed Mia on the head and held her tight feeling her breathe as she slept.

A month passed and the time for the banquet had arrived. Over the past month Mia noticed Sophie seemed at times very distant but then others Sophie was closer to her than she had ever been. She would constantly be kissing or watching Mia's every move. They made love more in the last month than usual not missing a night and sometimes on the weekend two or three times a day. Mia was almost worn out from the love making but to this day she couldn't get enough of Sophie and would never refuse her advances.

Deciding one afternoon before she went home, Mia drove to the cemetery. She sat down at the headstone and began talking, "Something is wrong with Sophie and I can't figure out what it is or get her to say what's bothering her," she told the headstone. "She is acting so distant at times and seems sad but then each night we are together she won't let me out of her sight. If I go into the bedroom to change she is right there making an excuse why she needed to be in there at the same time. If we sit on the sofa she insists I sit with my back into her chest and she caresses my hair. Every night when we go to bed we make love and it is like she can't get enough. I feel almost worn out but I'm afraid to tell her no because I feel like if I do it will hurt her feelings more. I don't know what to do Stephanie."

Mia stayed silently by the grave for a few more minutes before kissing the headstone and walking back to her car.

The night before the ceremony they went to bed. As usual Sophie pulled Mia to her and they began to kiss passionately. Sophie put her hand on Mia's breast teasing her nipple between two of her fingers. Mia's moan were only encouragement for Sophie to continue with her hand moving down between Mia's legs and her mouth replacing her hand on Mia's nipple. Sophie rubbed and teased Mia until she was wet enough for Sophie to put two of her fingers inside of Mia. Mia gasped as the fingers entered her some from excitement and some from discomfort as she was still sore there from all the love-making they had been doing over the last month.

Sophie kissed Mia hard her arm tightly around Mia with her one hand pumping her fingers in and out of Mia's pussy. Mia became really excited at the passion Sophie was showing and her orgasm rose quickly. When she exploded in Sophie's arms, Sophie moaned and seemed to drip what Mia felt were tears on her head. By the time she had recovered from her orgasm she looked at Sophie who had apparently wiped any tears from her face and eyes but Mia could see the redness in Sophie's eyes.

She was about to ask Sophie what was going on when Sophie laid her back and moved down between her legs. Mia protested but Sophie told her tonight was hers and not to question or refuse what she had planned. Mia put her head back on the pillow enjoying the feel of Sophie's tongue as it worked its magic on Mia. Sophie tongue was intense as it sought out every bit of Mia. Mia could feel it penetrating her and licking up her juices. Sophie showed no mercy to Mia as her tongue explored her lips, clit, perineum and rosebud bringing Mia to two more powerful and intense orgasms. Mia believed it was the best she had ever been eaten by Sophie and her climax showed how good it was.

Finally she had to have Sophie quit as she couldn't take anymore. Sophie wouldn't let Mia return the favor crawling up to Mia holding her tight as they fell asleep in bed.

The next morning the day of the ceremony, Mia was sitting at the kitchen table reading a lab report on her lap top that had been sent to her from a lab that tested for certain diseases in a dog she had just seen. She was deep in her thoughts as she wasn't liking what she was reading in the report. Sophie came up behind her placing her hand on Mia's shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. She put an envelope on the table next to Mia.

"Here's your invitation to the ceremony tonight. You will need it to get a seat. I'm so very happy you made it to where you needed to be Mia. Know that I'll love and be with you forever. It's time for me to go. When you see Stephanie, tell her you're Sophie's Choice." She then leaned down and gave Mia a kiss on her lips then on her head before turning to leave.

Mia still concentrating on the lab report didn't pay complete attention to what Sophie said only to say, "I love you too Sophie," before Sophie was gone. She failed to see the tears rolling down Sophie's cheeks as she turned and left. After reading the lab report she called the clients and asked them to meet her at her clinic in an hour with their dog. She then got up and dressed in her scrubs headed out for her clinic. Mia called on her way to work to notify her staff how their day had changed overnight. She told them to cancel or rearrange her morning appointments and to prepare a room for her when she arrived.

Diane, Bert and Alice knew what to expect and handled everything with ease rearranging appointments and preparing a room for Mia.

The dog owners were met at the door and immediately led into the prearranged room. Mia along with Bert beside her gave them the bad news. The dog was already in pain and it would only get worse unless they put it down. She spent hours consoling her clients on the why they needed to put their dog down as the lab results showed terminal cancer and it had spread. All she could do was console them and not charge them for the expensive lab report or for the euthanizing of the dog.

After the pet's owners left Mia cleaned up. She hated this part of her job. She glanced at the time amazed how late it was. By late afternoon things had calmed down thanks to Mia's staff efficiently handling the rest of Mia's appointments.

"How has Sophie been? She hasn't been in here in a while," Bert asked Mia.

"Yeah, I was hoping she would come in and force you to tell us more about you two?" Alice said and giggled.

"If you all can keep a secret I'll let you in on something special I have planned," Mia said.

"My lips are sealed," Diane said immediately.

"Ditto," Alice chimed in.

"I see nothing and hear nothing," Bert said likewise laughing.

Mia went to her purse and pulled out a small box. She opened it and showed the girls an engagement ring she had bought. "I'm hoping soon I'll find the right moment to give it to her."

"Oh Dr. Fernandez, it's beautiful. Sophie will love it," Diane said.

"If she doesn't I'll marry you," Bert said and made everyone laugh.

"It looks like we have company. Maybe we are getting a K-9 to work with," Alice interjected looking out the door to see a state trooper who had pulled up out front.

The state trooper got out of his vehicle and walked into the clinic.

"Can I help you?" Bert asked right away.

"I'm looking for Dr. Mia Fernandez, the trooper said.

"I'm Dr. Fernandez," Mia replied.

"Dr. Fernandez, there has been an accident and I'm sorry to inform but Sophie...."

That was all he got out before Mia got flushed, weak, and sick to her stomach. She grabbed for the counter to steady herself then her eyes rolled back in her head as she called out, "No, please, no!" Alice and Bert as close as they were to her could not grab a hold of Mia fast enough before she went limp her eyes rolled up into her head and she crumbled her head hitting the counter then the floor.

End of chapter eight

To be continued......

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