The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on May 27, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Six

By Chrissy and Peyton

Mia drove up to the house and her hands began to tremble. This was the first she could remember having been back to this house since the accident. The house looked the same as it did then, though somehow it did look different at the same time. Noticeably Stephanie's Jeep was not here nor her motorcycle. In their place was Sophie's car parked in the garage as the door was open for Mia to see. She wasn't sure she was ready for this but she knew she had to step into the house if she was going to see Sophie.

Sophie hearing Mia drive up came out the front door to greet her. She could see an uneasy look on Mia's face and she knew Mia was having feelings about coming back to this house. "Is this your first time back here since Stephanie died?" she asked Mia as she gingerly walked up to the porch.

"I believe so. I know I moved out obviously, but I don't remember doing that so it does feel weird being back here," Mia said trying to put on a good face for Sophie.

"You probably were in a state of shock during that time and I'm sure your mind has tried to block much of what happened out. It had to be hard to deal with it so I'm sure you have just chosen to subconsciously forget all of it. If you don't feel comfortable after a while we can go to your place if you would like, or go on a road trip and stay in a motel somewhere down the road if you prefer," Sophie said trying to comfort Mia.

"Thank you Sophie. Maybe after a while being here the feeling will go away. It just seems like I was here yesterday with her and now so many years have gone by yet all those feelings are coming back to me," Mia said and let her words trail off as she wrestled with her emotions.

"It's called love Mia. You two were in love and even in death that love doesn't go away. What you have to learn to live with is, you will always love Stephanie and she can't be replaced. But in your heart you have to make space for someone else to love and love you. That is the hard part especially when you have so many things reminding you of her in your life," Sophie softly said as she held out her hand for Mia as she walked up on to the porch.

Sophie took Mia's hand and squeezed it then gave her a hug which Mia hugged back but she had a few tears running down her cheeks as she felt both relieved and guilty. Relieved that Sophie was opening her heart again to loving someone and guilty because she felt she was cheating on Stephanie especially since Sophie and Stephanie were related and Sophie was living in her house.

Mia pulled back from Sophie's hug and looking into her eyes she said, "You must be sent from heaven to be able to touch me in so many ways and make sense of everything. How did you get so smart and sensible to rationalize everything about how I feel?"

"I'm neither Mia. Your mind is capable of the same thing. Your mind is like a jigsaw puzzle. In order to make sense of it, you have to be able to see the big picture to put all the pieces together to make the picture come to life. Right now you are still clouded by memories, fears and regrets and your mind is not able to see the picture in order to connect all the pieces together. Because I don't have those feelings you are dealing with, I am able to see the bigger picture and help you connect all the pieces together to complete the puzzle. Come on, let's go in and sit. We can decide what we want to do tonight and tomorrow and where we will stay," Sophie told her and led her by the hand into the house.

In the house Mia recognized some of the furniture as being Stephanie's and some different which she surmised would have been Sophie's. Sophie took Mia's bag and put it in her bedroom then came back out and led Mia to the kitchen. They sat at the table discussing things they could do tonight and tomorrow. They decided tonight they would go for a quick bite to eat at a restaurant then go see a movie.

Since they were going casual, the restaurant was more of a local hangout than a fine dining experience. The two walked in the door and were seated by the hostess. As they walked to their table Sophie put her arm through Mia's so it was obvious they were together. Mia had no choice as Sophie latched on to her arm in a way that if she tried to pull it away it would be more obvious than to leave it where it was.

The table they sat at was close to being in the center where they would be the center of attention if someone chose to watch them. Mia felt uneasy about the location and looked around to see if there were other tables they might sit at that were more out of the way. Sophie realizing what Mia was doing, spoke up to the hostess. "This is a great table. Thank you for seating us here."

Thus she gave no wiggle room for Mia to request another location without drawing more attention to them. They sat down but instead of sitting across from each other Sophie sat at the chair on one of the sides of the four person table. After she sat she reached over taking Mia's hand and squeezed it. "I love this place," she said. "It has the best soups and a really good Caesar salad if you are looking for something light."

Mia wanted to pull her hand back after Sophie told her about the light fare but Sophie was holding her hand too tight. Mia knew what Sophie was doing and her head looked up and as she started to look around. Sophie squeezed her hand more. "Mia, don't. No one is going to care. Just look at your menu or at me and pay no attention to anyone else."

After a few minutes Mia began to relax. Sophie still had a nice grip on her hand and it was obvious she wasn't going to let it go anytime soon. The waitress came up to take their order. Mia saw her glance at them holding hands and when Mia looked at her, the waitress gave her a big smile and a nod. Once the waitress had left, Sophie told Mia, "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" She then released Mia's hand.

Mia relaxed more during the meal and at one time reached over to take Sophie's hand in hers as she made a point on what they were discussing. After they finished and paid the bill they stood to leave. As they walked out Sophie placed her arm on Mia's back as they headed for the door. They passed their waitress on the way out and she again smiled at Mia this time giving her a wink as they left.

Sophie and Mia went to the movie theatre having already decided on what movie to watch. Again as they walked in Sophie took Mia's hand in hers and led her into the theatre and on to their seats. During the movie Sophie and Mia were often holding hands though there weren't many people in the theatre to notice. As they walked out of the theatre Sophie again took Mia's hand in hers to walk to the car.

Mia though nervous and uneasy didn't try to pull away from Sophie or look around to see who was watching them. On the drive home they discussed the movie until Mia brought up the restaurant and the theatre hand holding. "You are still testing me aren't you?"

"If I hadn't, would you have held my hand on your own?" Sophie asked Mia.

"Probably not," Mia replied.

"Do you regret me holding your hand?"

"No, of course not," Mia stated.

"And you noticed no one else cared if we were holding hands either? Am I right?" Sophie asked of Mia.

"The waitress noticed," Mia said.

"True but did she give us poorer service or did she give you any indication she was offended by it?" Sophie questioned Mia.

"No just the opposite. She seemed to approve. She smiled as we walked by her on the way out and she winked at me," Mia said.

"Oh, we can't have that. I'll have to back there tomorrow and register a complaint. Sounds like someone was hitting on my girl," Sophie stated and smiled.

"Your girl? Since when did I become your girl?" Mia joked back.

"Since last night unless I was just some sort of fling to you. Besides you don't want me to be your girl and you mine?" Sophie quipped right back.

"Too early to say but I do like the ring of it," Mia quickly replied back.

Sophie laughed at first, "Sometimes Mia we don't have time to wait and decide. You have to go with your heart. Sometimes you get hurt and others you find everlasting love and happiness. But to wait is certain to throw away valuable time when we don't know how much time we have on earth," Sophie said now sounding more serious and thoughtful.

"There you go with your insightfulness and rationalization again," Mia said and laughed.

"Just looking out for my girl," Sophie smiled back.

They were home shortly after that but Mia was still thinking about what Sophie had said. Sophie had captured Mia's heart and no matter what resistance she had it seemed to fade around Sophie. She was also feeling something she hadn't felt in years in her heart and she was not sure how to handle it.

Walking inside the house Sophie knew in the next few minutes Mia would need to make her decision on staying or the two of them leaving and going somewhere else as Sophie was wanting to get ready for bed and cuddle with Mia. After putting down their purses, Sophie kicked off her shoes and walked up to Mia. She took her in her arms and looking at her face and eyes, gave Mia a smooch on her nose then on her lips. "I'm ready to get you in bed next to me but if you are going to be too freaked out knowing the bed you will be lying on and in the same bedroom we can go over to your place if you would like," Sophie lovingly asked Mia.

"I know you would like to make love and so would I but would it be alright if for tonight we just cuddle together and allow me to come to peace with the surroundings?" Mia asked back.

"Not at all babe, if you want to cuddle, I'm fine with that too. I fully understand what you are going through and we can take small steps until you are comfortable lying in the bed. I want you to know that while the bedroom suite is the same, the actual mattress is not the same. That would have been too weird even for me," Sophie advised Mia.

They got dressed for bed and soon were lying in bed with Mia's back to Sophie and Sophie's arms around Mia with her top leg wrapped around Mia's. She was kissing Mia's shoulder and neck as they lay there talking and Sophie could feel Mia shaking. Mia eventually moved slightly onto her back so she could kiss Sophie's lips. Tears began to roll from her eyes. She whispered to Sophie, "I miss her so much Sophie. I didn't realize fully what she meant to me until you began to show me. Thank you for being so patient with me. I am trying to get over my fears and reservations and having you here to help me is what I have needed."

"You're welcome babe. You are doing great and I can already see the change in you from the first time I met you."

They kissed some more with more passion holding each other very tight. "Do you think I will ever get over Stephanie and not have this feeling of cheating on her?" Mia asked.

"No, you won't. You were deeply in love with her and you shouldn't try to get over her. You should keep her love in your heart forever. As I told you earlier, make room in your heart for someone else but never forget the love you and Stephanie had. Then you will be able to move on and find peace with both and you will be happy again," Sophie told Mia.

Mia ran her hand across Sophie's face and lips as she talked, "I don't know what it is about you Sophie Baker but I am so glad to have you in my life. I still love Stephanie so much but I feel my heart is opening up to let you into it."

Sophie smiled at Mia and pulled her in close. "Mia Fernandez, I know I am falling in love with you."

They cuddled some more and kissed a few times before they were able to fall asleep. The next morning Sophie awoke first. She eased out of bed to go pee. As she was peeing Mia walked into the bathroom. "I couldn't wait until you came out," she said as she walked in.

"No problem, had I known you like water sports I might have tried that with you already," Sophie laughed.

"I have in the past and they can be fun," Mia said and sat on the toilet letting her stream go as soon as she sat down.

"Wow, you really did have to go," Sophie said.

"Yeah, sorry," Mia responded as she sighed from the relief.

As Mia stood up Sophie took her by the shoulders and kissed her passionately on the lips. Mia returned the kiss wrapping her arms around Sophie's waist. They broke the kiss and Sophie asked Mia, "Do you want breakfast first or a shower?

"I can wait on breakfast. How about we take a shower together," Mia said and tilted her head to the side giving Sophie a little wink.

"Shower it is," Sophie said and walked over to the shower to turn on the water. She then lifted her nightshirt up and off of her tossing it onto the laundry hamper leaving her naked.

Mia followed suit and took off her nightshirt leaving her naked too. As the water warmed they got into the shower together. Sophie took the soap lathering up the washcloth and began to wash Mia's back. She washed down across her buttocks to her thighs and calves even picking up each foot and washing it too. She then moved up Mia's legs to get in between her legs and across her buttocks. Mia moaned when Sophie washed between her butt cheeks making sure she pushed her butt out a little so Sophie would be able to get in her crack.

Sophie turned Mia around and began to wash her front side paying particular attention to Mia's breasts and her nipples causing Mia to moan again and lean in towards Sophie. Sophie moved down from her chest to her stomach and then her pelvic area then down her thighs and calves. She moved up her inner thighs until she got to Mia's juncture then she washed her pussy moving the washcloth very slowly and deliberately through Mia's slit. Mia moaned and leaned into Sophie placing her head on Sophie's shoulder.

"Oh Sophie, please," she moaned as she began to move her hips back and forth against the washcloth that was between her legs.

"What Mia, what do you want?" Sophie softly asked into Mia's ear as she applied more pressure to Mia's pussy.

"I need you Sophie, I need you to make love to me, please," Mia moaned.

Sophie let the washcloth fall to the shower floor and holding Mia with one arm around her she used her fingers of the other hand to slip inside of Mia's pussy. She began to thrust them back and forth using her thumb to rub Mia's clit at the same time.

Mia increased her hold on Sophie kissing her neck as she moaned from Sophie's fingers giving her pleasure. "Yes, yes, keep going," Mia moaned again.

Sophie continued to use her fingers inside of Mia as the two stood in the shower with water falling on them both. Mia lifted her one leg and placing it on the ledge in the shower opening the area between her legs for Sophie. Sophie pulled her fingers out of Mia and knelt down in the shower pulling Mia's pussy to her face by pulling her butt cheeks closer to her. As soon as her tongue reached Mia's pussy, Mia let out a long guttural moan and grabbed Sophie by the head pushing her tight into her pussy. Sophie sucked and licked on Mia's pussy as Mia continued to moan and move her hips back and forth against Sophie's mouth and tongue.

As her orgasm began to rise she moved her hips faster and her hand applied more pressure to the back of Sophie's head. "Oh gawd, oh fuck, I'm going to cum Sophie. Awh, awh, oh gawd, " Mia moaned then let out a deep guttural noise as her body tensed and she came on Sophie's mouth. Mia jerked and flinched bringing her other hand to join the other holding Sophie's head to her pussy. She cried real tears as her orgasm overtook her body and she crumpled to the shower floor when her body began to relax as she lost the strength to stand.

Sophie could see the real tears coming from Mia's eyes and she kissed them pulling Mia's face to hers holding Mia tight. Mia continued to sob as she lay on the shower floor with Sophie holding her. As she slowly began to get control she looked Sophie in the eyes, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me but it felt like I had been set free and forgiven by Stephanie."

"You probably were. Up until a few minutes ago you were still incapable of moving on from her. Being with me made you feel guilty you were cheating on her. She saw you suffer and that was her way of letting you go. I told you she would communicate with you. She knows you still love her and won't forget her but she is also telling you it is okay to love someone else now. You have spent enough time grieving and feeling guilty," Sophie told Mia as she continued to hold her on the floor of the shower.

"Thank you Sophie. Like I said, you must have been sent from heaven as you are so insightful and understanding," Mia told Sophie.

They hugged and kissed a few times before the shower began to get cold. "We never finished washing," Mia laughed.

"You were clean, I made sure of that," Sophie said. "I spent enough time under the water to get clean enough until tonight when the water will be warmed enough to take another shower. Let's get out and go get some breakfast. I think someone is feeling better and relaxed enough to eat and I know I am hungry."

They dried and got dressed going out to the kitchen to make breakfast. After breakfast they decided to go to the mall to look around to see what sales they might find or what clothes they saw they might want to get as the holidays were approaching.

As they walked from their car to the mall Sophie took Mia's hand in hers. Mia began to protest but Sophie stopped her and turned to face Mia. "It's time Mia, you can do this. No one will care or say anything. If they do just ignore them as they aren't worth the time of the day with their self righteous attitude. Do you trust me?" Sophie asked her.

Mia at first held her head down but as Sophie spoke she looked up into Sophie's eyes. What she saw was someone who she felt she could give her entire self to and not have a single regret. Someone who she could love for eternity and never question whether what she did was for the best. A smile came over Mia and she nodded her head at Sophie. They continued to walk into the mall hand in hand with Mia gently squeezing Sophie's hand.

The first store they came to was a women's accessory store. They wandered around letting their hands go as they looked at the earrings, necklaces and other assorted items such as scarves, hats, and gloves. They would hold up earrings asking the other's opinion before setting them down to look for something different. Mia bought a pair of earrings and a cute pinky ring she liked. She bought a matching one for Sophie too. Sophie bought a scarf to wear this winter and a pair of gloves that matched the scarf.

When they walked out of the store to Sophie's surprise Mia took Sophie's hand as they walked down the mall to another store.

"Did you see the look of that sales clerk when I picked out the matching pinky rings?" Mia asked Sophie.

"Yep, I thought she looked like her heart was going to melt she thought it was so sweet. Her smile went from ear to ear," Sophie remarked.

"Did you think she was cute?" Mia asked.

"Fuck yeah, she was sexy and cute but a little too young. She couldn't have been more than seventeen or eighteen," Sophie replied. "Why did you think she was cute?"

"Yes I did and I noticed she couldn't take her eyes off of you," Mia said and shoulder bumped Sophie as they walked.

"Do I detect a bit of jealousy coming from you?" Sophie laughed.

"Yes, you do but she would be in for a cat fight if she thinks she could take you away from me," Mia laughed back.

"No worries my love, I'm only here for you and only you," Sophie replied to Mia and squeezed her hand bringing it to her mouth and kissing the back of Mia's hand.

The next store they went into was a mid to high end department store but with the sales going on they thought they might find some nice clothing at a decent price.

They ate a late lunch in the food court after spending a few hours and not too much money shopping.

"Sophie, I know I'm jumping way ahead of ourselves but if things go the way they are with you and me, do you see us having any issues with the fact you are Stephanie's cousin? I mean maybe with her dad or even with us being at her house?"

"Does that mean you see our relationship developing into more in the future?" Sophie asked.

"Don't you? I mean I feel like when I am around you the whole world is right and there is nothing to fear. I feel this attraction to you I have only felt one other time in my life. My only concern is how Stephanie's family will react knowing Stephanie and I were lovers and how my relationship with Stephanie will affect you and me," Mia explained.

"As far as her family is concerned I know how much they like you and I'm sure they will be happy for us," Sophie replied. "I have talked with her parents and her aunt and they have all told me they were glad we had met and hoped you were doing well. They knew how much Stephanie loved you and they were sure we would be good for each other."

"Then you have talked with them about me?" Mia asked.

"Yes, the other day and they all seemed happy you were doing well."

"What about me and you?" Mia asked.

"As far as you and I are concerned, I don't see any issues that we aren't facing now. In fact for you to be even considering us having a future tells me you are opening your heart to someone besides Stephanie. I don't mind sharing you with her and to be honest I don't want you to ever forget her or stop loving her. There is room for both of us in your heart and all I ask is for you to make enough room for me," Sophie continued.

"Let me ask if you see any issues we may have to deal with for us to have a future together?" Sophie asked Mia.

"Well one of the biggest I faced last night and this morning. Being in Stephanie's house was hard to handle when I first got there. You made me feel more relaxed and took my mind off of the feelings I was having when I first got there. Then holding me last night in bed, you were able to make me feel safe and how shall I say, like I belonged in your arms and belonged there in bed with you," Mia explained.

"Like I told you it was nothing I did, but showed you it was alright to have those feelings and have others at the same time," Sophie replied sweetly to Mia.

"Now this morning what you did was over the top," Mia said and laughed.

"You didn't like what I did?" Sophie said and smiled shyly at Mia.

"Oh, god Sophie. I think I am still tingly and slightly swollen from what you did," Mia laughed and reached for Sophie's hand to squeeze.

"Oh honey, I was ready to do more than that but you seemed to only be able to handle it once," Sophie smiled seductively at Mia.

"Don't tell me that because your making me tingle now and I can feel I'm getting wet down there thinking of what else you could have done," Mia whispered.

"Well, I was going to suggest we go into Victoria Secret's and find some sexy bras and panties plus maybe a teddy or two for us to wear but if you are in that much of a need we could go straight home and fool around for awhile?" Sophie said as she got up.

"Victoria Secrets? You know they have a Fredericks in here too and I just happened to see a sexy baby-doll teddy the other day on-line you would look downright gorgeous in. Maybe we can hold off a little and go by both?" Mia said and laughed.

Sophie and Mia spend the next two hours in both Fredericks and Victoria Secrets buying a couple of teddys and some matching bra and panty sets before heading back to Sophie's. On the way they went by Mia's place so she could pick up clothes for tomorrow since it was a Monday and a new work week. As they drove they giggled about spending more money at Fredericks and Victoria's than they had spent everywhere else combined but how much fun they had picking out what the other wanted to get for the other to wear.

They commented how the sales lady in Victoria Secrets got in on their conversation and how she also commented on what selection would be better on whom. They wondered if she was hinting on coming with them and making it a threesome.

They both agreed if she had asked they would have said yes as she was both sexy and beautiful and her body was to die for.

"Do you see what you just did?" Sophie asked as they were going into Mia's apartment to get what she needed for tomorrow.

"You mean unlock my door and walk in?" Mia asked.

"No, I mean talking about the sales lady," Sophie said.

"No, I don't understand what you are asking?" Mia said.

"It's more of a statement than a question. You were in a store openly discussing with a complete stranger our sexuality and she was joining in on the conversation like it was nothing to her," Sophie told Mia. "And you didn't even think twice about the consequences of someone knowing about us."

"Oh, I didn't even think of it. But now that you mentioned it, yeah I guess I did. I guess I was so wrapped up in the moment of seeing you in something very sexy and erotic and not even thinking about someone knowing about us," Mia said as she had stopped to think. "Did you plan for that to happen?'

"How could I know how she was going to react so how could I have planned it?" Sophie asked back.

"Why do things happen when I am around you that seem to be testing me on admitting my sexuality?" Mia asked.

"Why do you fear anyone knowing about your sexuality? Has one bad thing happened to you since I have gone out with you and done things with you that show us as being a couple?" Sophie asked.

"No, and why do you answer a question with a question?" Mia laughed at Sophie.

"Because until you are comfortable with your sexuality, I will continue to put you in situations where you have to decide if you are going to admit it or deny it," Sophie told Mia then moved up to her taking her in her arms and kissing Mia's lips.

"Mia, I haven't known you very long but I know in my heart I love you. Now all we have to do is convince you in here," Sophie said placing her finger on Mia's head, "And here," she said placing her hand on Mia's heart, "that it is alright to be gay and while there will always be doubters and naysayers, they don't matter in the big picture. Life goes on and we will too dealing with what is before us but we will be doing it together as one."

For Mia, Sophie again had touched her heart and reasoned why her sexuality didn't matter. She was right about everyone they had run across so far. Not a single one seemed to care or be against their relationship, in fact most seemed to be pleased with them. Her heart moved another step closer to Sophie as she felt her heart begin to glow coming alive after so many years of heartache. She put her arms around Sophie and hugged her tight kissing her lips before moving to her ear kissing it then whispering to Sophie, "Thank you again for saying everything right and making my heart continue to come alive again."

"You're welcome babe, anything for you," Sophie said and hugged Mia back. "Now pack a bag or I'm going to strip you here in your living room and make love to you all night here. You've been teasing me all day."

Mia packed a bag with things for tonight and tomorrow for work. On the assumption there might be more nights at Sophie's she packed a few extra items that would last her more than one night.

The next day was followed by the next two weeks becoming a hectic and strenuous couple of week for Mia. After she had arrived at work on Monday a fellow Vet had suffered a health emergency and Mia had agreed along with another Vet to take on the ill Veterinarian's patients. This added an extreme workload to both Mia and the other Vet but such were the hazards of the job and they knew that the ill Vet would do the same for them if need be. Mia and Sophie only saw each other a few times during the week when Sophie would go over to Mia's and fix her dinner then they would go to bed with Mia falling out immediately. Sophie could see the exhaustion in Mia but she did what she could to help alleviate any things outside of work by doing her laundry and cooking her meals so Mia only needed to concentrate on work.

At the end of the two weeks both Vets were worn thin from working extra hours each day, squeezing extra patients in during the day and even scheduling the overflow from the other Vet on their Saturday's to make sure everyone's appointment was kept. Mia was very tired having to conduct two surgeries on injured dogs the day before. This was supposed to be the last day of coverage for the ill Vet as he had found a retired Vet to replace him for the next six weeks that he would be out.

Sophie figured not only Mia but her staff of three other girls needed a pick me up on this Friday since they had worked long tiring hours the past two weeks. Knowing that Mia purposely didn't schedule appointments from twelve to closing on Fridays to allow them time for clean the clinic, restock and do paperwork and to allow her staff to go to lunch, she came in at eleven-forty-five carrying two large bags of food.

"Hi girls," she said to the two who were at the counter when she walked in. "I'm sure you don't remember me but I'm Mia's girlfriend and I brought everyone's lunch today so you don't have to leave or spend your own money on lunch. Is Mia busy?"

The receptionist remembered Sophie after she had talked a bit but the other girl who was a tech didn't remember her. "Would you see if Dr. Fernandez is busy?" the receptionist asked the tech.

Mia was just finishing up with her last patient before it was lunch time. Her tech caught her as she was coming out the door into the lab area. "Dr. Fernandez, there is a lady up front who says she is your girlfriend and she had brought lunch for everyone," she told Mia.

"Thanks Diane, I'll be there in a minute after I wash my hands," Mia said and immediately worried if this was another one of Sophie's stunts as she had never discussed her personal love life or her sexuality with any of her staff.

The receptionist didn't let Sophie behind the counter just yet waiting on the okay from Mia before she did but she did notice the pinky ring on Sophie's hand as being the same one Mia wore.

Mia came out from the lab area to find Sophie at the counter with two large bags. "What is this all about?" she smiled and asked Sophie.

"I know how hard you all have worked this past two weeks and I thought a little pampering would do all of you some good," Sophie stated to everyone letting them know she knew about the last two weeks.

"Ladies, in case you don't remember from the last time she came in and made a scene this is Sophie. Sophie this is Diane, Alice and Roberta or Bert as we call her. So what is in the bags?" Mia said and noticed by Sophie she wasn't introduced as her girlfriend.

"I've got six inch subs, two turkey, two ham, and one roast beef. Plus if you want to mix it up I've got extra meat of all three kinds so you can add to your sandwich. Plus I've got dinner salads for everyone and drinks. Not to go without desert, I got everyone a large chocolate chip cookie," Sophie told everyone.

"You think of everything, don't you?" Mia said with a chuckle.

"I try too. Did I forget anything?" Sophie asked.

"I think you got everything right!" Diane spoke up.

They all laughed and Mia told them to put the phone on the record mode they had for during lunch and opened the gate for Sophie to bring everything in. Out back they had a little picnic table they were able to sit and have lunch so they took everything back there to eat. The five of them ate and talked about how busy it had been but how much they had accomplished over the last two weeks.

Bert made the comment about how good the food was and thanked Sophie for bringing their lunch to them as she figured she would have to run to a fast food place as she forgot her lunch today. Then Alice spoke up, "You need to hold on to this one Dr. Fernandez. She is a real catch and so considerate to bring us lunch. Maybe she will do it again sometime."

Everyone was silent as this was now the first someone had said anything to Mia about her personal life. "I'm sorry," Alice then said noticing the silence and concerned Mia would reprimand her later. "I just assumed since Sophie said the first time she came in she was your future girlfriend, then she comes in today saying she is your girlfriend, plus I noticed you both are wearing the same pinky ring, that you two were a couple. I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have."

Sophie sitting next to Mia, Sophie turned her head to Mia and as if saying, either you tell her or I will, and waited for Mia to say something.

Mia feeling Sophie's eyes bearing into her she knew she had been put in another situation by Sophie as a test of her sexuality. She sighed as if defeated then looked at her three employees who were looking at her in anticipation of a major fallout from what Alice had said. "You're right Alice, she is a catch and I do hope to keep her around for a while, that is if she doesn't quit testing me," Mia said and took another bite of her cookie.

All three of her employees were relieved that Mia hadn't been upset with what Alice had said and relaxed a little, but Diane became more embolden, "What do you mean test you?"

Sophie looked at Mia again and said, "In for a penny, in for a pound."

Mia then smiled bowing her head and shaking it before looking up at Sophie. She took Sophie's hand in hers and turned to look at her employees. "For years I have been afraid to admit my sexuality in public. That's really how Sophie and I met, which is another long story we don't have the time to discuss. Ever since I met Sophie she has been pushing me here and there putting me in situations where my sexuality would be open. I tell her she is testing me and she says she is just trying to get me to be comfortable with whom I am and not be afraid of being who I am."

"Dr. Fernandez, you are one of the best veterinarians I have ever worked for and on a personal level a truly great person. I don't care about your sexuality. I would work for you regardless. You have no reason to hide it from us," Alice said to Mia.

Both Bert and Diane and agreed with Alice. They all agreed they respected her as a great Vet and more so as a person who they cared about.

"The first time Sophie came here we wondered if you two might be together since she said future girlfriend. Up until then, while you never discussed your personal life, we saw something that made us wonder. To us it was like you were lost or sad and we were afraid to bring it up since you had never discussed your personal life. Then after we met Sophie, it was like you were a different person. We could see how happy you always seemed to be and we knew something had changed for you," Diane explained.

"I think the two of you make a beautiful couple and I'm happy you have each other as I know you will be very happy together," Bert told both Sophie and Mia.

Sophie with Mia still holding her hand, squeezed it, and leaned over giving a kiss to Mia's cheek. "Scratch that off the list," she said.

Mia at first laughed then said, "You're keeping a list?"

Everyone else laughed at Mia and Sophie's antics followed by Mia and Sophie laughing too. Lunch was over and they cleaned up the mess heading back into the clinic. Mia grabbed Sophie before they went in. She turned her around to face her then placed her hands on Sophie's cheeks, "I'll get you back tonight for that stunt." Mia then leaned in and kissed Sophie on the lips.

After the kiss Sophie said, "Whatever are you talking about babe?"

"Don't call me babe when you are pulling stunts like that on me. You make it sound so innocent." Then she laughed and whispered to Sophie, "I love you Sophie."

Sophie kissed Mia and hugged her hard. She could feel Mia against her body and she knew tonight was going to be something special. "You coming over to my place after work or do you need to go to your place first?" Sophie asked Mia.

"I have to run by my place to check the mail and get more clothes. I won't be long," Mia told Sophie.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight," Sophie said and kissed Mia again.

"Thanks Sophie, for the lunch and company. It was really sweet what you did for everyone," Mia told Sophie.

"You're welcome. I had a good time. You have a great group of girls working for you. They respect and trust you and it will show in their work," Sophie told Mia. Then she added, "And you see it doesn't matter to them who you date."

Before everyone left work that afternoon they were all free to discuss Sophie and Mia all of them telling Mia how nice Sophie was and what a great couple they were together.

After work Mia went by her apartment to pick up some things to take over to Sophie's for the weekend. She thought soon she might as well move there as she was taking more and more over there each time she went. She picked up her mail, throwing the junk mail away and putting the bills and other items she would want to look at in her purse. She then looked around at her apartment to see if everything was okay before she left wondering how long it would be before she and Sophie would be living together. She walked out the door, locking it behind her and down to her car.

Mia arrived at Sophie's to find her in the kitchen making dinner for the two of them. She had a green salad on the table that was already set with a bottle of wine and a candle in the middle of the table.

"Are you expecting someone? Did I come at the wrong time?" She asked Sophie as she walked up to her kissing her on the cheek.

"No, you're just in time to help before my girlfriend gets here. Why don't you open the wine and light the candle while I get the lasagna out of the oven and put the garlic bread in," Sophie quipped back.

"You only have two plates out. If this is going to be a three-way we need another setting," Mia joked back.

"I'm sorry, did I say you were invited?" Sophie joked keeping it going.

"I see, so today was just a swan song lunch date so as not to create a scene at my work?"

"You are so smart to figure that out on your own without any help," Sophie joked.

"I didn't go to eight years of college for nothing. So who is she? Anyone I know?" Mia continued.

"You met her once but probably don't remember. She is seventeen," Sophie giggled.

"The sales girl in the mall that sold us the rings? I thought she was too young for you, if I remember your own words?" Mia giggled back.

"I changed my mind. She was too sexy to pass up so I asked her over. You don't mind do you?"

"No, I don't mind. Just let me gather all my things I have over here and I'll leave you two alone?" Mia said and walked out of the kitchen trying to sound mad.

Sophie thought they were still playing a game but she was having second thoughts when Mia walked out of the kitchen so she turned to go find her. As soon as she got to the hallway and turned to go to her bedroom Mia jumped out at her grabbing her from behind.

"Seventeen, huh? I told you then she would have a catfight on her hands if she thought she would take you away from me," Mia said and grabbed Sophie by the waist lifting her slightly up off the floor.

Sophie laughed telling Mia to put her down then she turned to Mia, "Okay you got me back good. I thought you were serious and going to pack your things up."

"Not on your life at least without a fight. But it's time I got you back for all of your little stunts you keep pulling on me," Mia said.

"I claim innocence. I don't have any idea what you are talking about," Sophie said.

"Like hell you don't," Mia said and pulled Sophie in and kissed her. "Now get back in the kitchen before you burn the bread, I'm starving," Mia ordered Sophie and turning her towards the kitchen, pushing her a little but not before she swatted her on the butt.

"Hey, that was uncalled for," Sophie said and held her hand to her butt rubbing it as if it hurt.

Mia and Sophie sat at the table enjoying their candlelight dinner. "You weren't serious about that sales girl were you?"

"You mean as her and me together? No! I have you and I'm not about to fool around and mess that up. Besides I told you before I'm here strictly for you and no one else." Sophie told Mia.

"But you mentioned her and the way you did made me wonder if you were interested in her," Mia questioned.

"Babe, I'm only interested in you. But now that you mention it, I do have to admit there was something about her that made me curious. Not that I would do anything on my own but you and me with her," Sophie stated.

"You mean as a three-some then? Mia asked.

"Yeah, have you ever had one?"

"No, you and Stephanie are the only two females I have ever been with," Mia replied. "Have you ever?"

Sophie smiled and nodded. "Don't say no until you have tried it once. With the right other two people it can be downright erotic and mind-blowing. You definitely will get your fill of pussy and orgasms for one night," Sophie said and laughed.

"You sound like it is something you would want to do again?" Mia asked.

"Only if you are one-hundred percent in for it. There would have to be ground rules going in such as it is all about the sex. No seeing the person outside the two of us together and no jealousy when one or the other pairs off with the third person for part of the time. Which by the way will happen and to watch or know you are being watched is highly erotic in its self. The after sex when that third person is gone would be some of the most intense orgasms you will ever experience," Sophie explained.

"Sounds as if you have put some thought into this," Mia said.

"No, not really. I mean I did think of her about being a third sometime that next week but I'm just speaking from past experience. If we both aren't on the same page adding a third will only lead to hurt feelings and distrust. So we would have to have more conversations like this one over a period of time before we would commit to trying it. The last thing we need is to act on impulse," Sophie said.

"It's just something to think about not for anytime soon but somewhere down the road, if ever," Sophie added.

No more was discussed about the subject and after finishing dinner and cleaning up. After dinner Mia went to take a shower she needed to take, having worked all day. While in the shower she thought more of what Sophie and she had discussed at the dinner table. She had never even considered having sex with anyone else but the way Sophie discussed it, she made it seem so erotic and she could feel her pussy tingle and throb as she thought of it. She passed it over in her mind and finished taking her shower. She then decided despite being very tired from the long week she should treat Sophie to some good sex tonight and tomorrow. After the shower she put on one of the camisole sets they had purchased at Fredericks. This one was light purple and made of silk. It had spaghetti straps and the bra was fitted with the material coming down covering her mid section to the matching silk shorts. She had a white terry cloth half robe she wore over it tying it at the waist.

Sophie was taking her shower while Mia dressed so she couldn't see what Mia was wearing. She laid out a baby-doll set for Sophie in aqua color. It was more transparent than hers was with bikini panties. Sophie had a light short robe she also laid out for her to put on. Thinking back over today and what Sophie had done at the office, the dinner and hot conversation about a three-way, Mia was feeling like a young girl on her first date where she knew she was going to have sex. She was excited, nervous, and highly turned on and eager for tonight to happen.

Mia was sitting on the sofa, the lights dimmed with two glasses of wine and a romantic movie she wanted to watch on the television when Sophie came out of the bedroom dressed in the baby- doll that Mia had put out for her. She turned to see Sophie coming towards her and she gasped out of excitement.

"You are absolutely gorgeous and so very sexy," Mia said to Sophie as she smiled and patted the sofa next to her.

Sophie did a twirl so Mia could see the whole outfit though she had to open the robe so Mia would get the full view. "Something tells me we are in for a long and sensuous night," Sophie said as she sat next to Mia.

Mia turned to Sophie, smiled placing her hand on Sophie's bare thigh, "If someone wouldn't talk sex all the time and look like a Frederick's of Hollywood model, I wouldn't be in such a state of arousal."

"I guess I need to talk sex talk more often then. I like what we are wearing. Too bad no one else gets to see us," Sophie said and laid her head on Mia's shoulder.

"You are really getting kinky on me. First you talk of a three-way, now you talk of us having an audience. What else am I going to learn about you?" Mia said gently running her fingernails on Sophie's thigh.

"You didn't sound opposed to a three-way and having someone watch us could be erotic too," Sophie said.

Mia didn't respond as her mind was already reeling with thoughts of what she wanted to do with Sophie and with the three-way creeping into her mind. Now the thought of someone watching them was making her even more aroused if that was possible. It seemed being around Sophie was counter to Mia's normal thinking because before she didn't want anyone to know her sexuality, now her mind was thinking about having a three-way or having someone or more than someone watching them have sex. It was almost an overload for her brain and she gave out a shiver thinking those thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to force those things on you...... just yet!" Sophie said and lifted her head to kiss Mia on the cheek.

Mia took in that Sophie said "yet" meaning she was considering them which gave Mia slight warming sensations in her pussy and a tingly feeling on her breasts.

They watched the movie for a while drinking the wine and each running their fingers around the other's thigh coming close to touching the other's sex but staying an inch from touching it keeping their arousal building.

As the movie reached the end Mia looked over at Sophie who was already looking at her. Sophie had taken her hand from Mia's leg and was running her fingers across Mia's cheek, neck and ear pulling her hair over her ear exposing her neck. They gazed at each other for a minute their fingers continuing to touch each other.

"Did you mean what you said this afternoon?" Sophie asked. "Or was it just an in the moment thing to say?"

"What did I say?" Mia asked confused.

"You said you loved me," Sophie told Mia. "You haven't said that to me until this afternoon."

Mia smiled and gave a quick peck to Sophie's lips, "yes, I meant it."

"Then your heart is opening up to let someone else inside," Sophie smiled at Mia.

"Only to you, Sophie. I never thought I would ever feel this way about anyone again, but you are like a magnet and I am constantly drawn to you and everything about you. I still love Stephanie but she is no longer here and you are," Mia whispered to Sophie now holding her hand to Sophie's face.

"Keep both of us in your heart, Mia. There is room for both of us. I love you too, Mia," Sophie softly said to Mia then they kissed lightly at first but becoming more passionate as the kiss lingered.

They kissed and not moving or progressing to more just content to lightly kiss each other and hold the other's face with their one hand. Sophie moved her legs up onto the sofa and across Mia's lap so she was facing Mia but not actually sitting on her lap. Mia wrapped her arms around Sophie and kissed her lips and cheeks with more passion. They both moaned from the emotion that was behind the kissing.

Mia turned her body sideways too so she was facing Sophie spreading her legs so she had Sophie between her legs. Facing each other fully now they continued to kiss and hold each other. There was no touching of sexual areas for the first fifteen minutes they kissed. Their love for each other was completely satisfied by holding each other and kissing. They were in no hurry to move beyond what they were doing.

"Were you really serious about us having a three-way with a young girl?" Mia finally asked again.

"You can't stop thinking about it can you?" Sophie laughed. "If I said yes, would you do it?"

"I don't know, but I can't get it out of my mind so I think I might," Mia responded.

"Mia, there isn't anything I don't want to do with you. You name it and with you I would try it. Peeing, strap-on, anal, light bondage, toys, three-ways or more, voyeur, exhibitionist, you name it and if it is mutually agreed upon then yes I would."

"I guess we are going to be busy for a very long time," Mia smiled at Sophie.

"However long it takes, time is something we have," Sophie told Mia.

"Maybe you could take me to your bed and we could get a start on some of it?" Mia said seductively smiling at Sophie.

"I think that can be arranged though it would be ashamed to have to take your cami off of you," Sophie told Mia.

"There is always a work around if you don't want to take it off. I know I can work around your teddie," Mia said and got up taking Sophie's hand leading her towards the bedroom.

Once they were in the bedroom the first things that came off were their robes leaving them in their sexy night wear. They both gazed upon the other this being the first they got a really good look at the other in their sexy outfits.

"You are more beautiful than any of those models in their ads," Mia said to Sophie.

"I was thinking the same about you. This lavender color is perfect on you. It brings out the color of your eyes and the complexion of your skin perfectly. Even your lips look more radiant. Everything about you is perfect, Mia," Sophie commented.

They stood together kissing rubbing their bodies against the other feeling them slide from the silkiness of the material they were each wearing.

"I'm so wet from everything we have talked about and done so far tonight I probably have soaked the crotch of my bottoms," Mia commented to Sophie.

Sophie tested what Mia said putting her hand between Mia's legs. She was right as she was already soaked there. "I guess you will be changing these before we go to bed or you will be sleeping with a wet spot between your legs," Sophie giggled.

"When I sleep with you I always have a wet spot between my legs. Maybe you want the honor to take them off of me?" Mia smiled at Sophie.

"No, I think I'll let them on for awhile. The aroma will be like heaven to my nose when my head is between your legs," Sophie smiled back.

You are so bad, so what kinky thing do you want to do tonight or do you want to play it by ear?" Mia asked Sophie while they were still holding each other but now their bodies were swaying back and forth as they held each other and talked.

"Mmm, let me think," Sophie said. She stared at Mia's eyes and nose then her lips before she got a smile on her face. "I think I have the perfect thing for tonight." Sophie then maneuvered them to the bed and coaxed Mia to get into the bed though she didn't lay her down but just got her to crawl onto the bed. She then walked back to her dresser and after lifting up some clothes she came out with a large toy.

She tested it to be sure the batteries were still good then turned to Mia who was sitting cross- legged on the bed. "I think my magic wand will do the trick tonight," she said as she walked back over to Mia sitting on the bed.

"How long have you had this?" Mia said as she took it from Sophie as Sophie climbed in bed in front of Mia.

"For quite some time. It comes in handy when a girl is alone and feeling horny. Sometimes your own fingers don't get the job done and you need a little extra help," Sophie explained to Mia.

"Does it do the job?" Mia asked.

"Oh yeah, in fact you need to be careful because depending on how you are feeling, the higher speeds can be way too strong. I have experienced that a time or two and it wasn't fun. I always start out on the lowest setting and work my way up," Sophie told Mia. "It is also great for both of us to use at the same time. If we sit facing each other and move forward we can both feel the effect from the head pulsating on both of us."

"Sounds like you have used it with someone else before?" Mia said.

"Mia, before I met you I did have a love life. I haven't been celibate all my life," Sophie said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. We have really never talked about your life before me other than about your parents," Mia said sounding regretful.

"It's okay, babe. Sometime other than when we are about to have fun you can ask me all the questions you want about my past love life. I have nothing to hide and don't have any regrets about what I have done," Sophie told Mia.

"So do you want to see how this works?" Sophie then asked Mia.

Mia smiled and nodded her head her tongue coming out and Mia biting on it.

Sophie leaned over and kissed Mia to get the mood going. She moved up next to Mia spreading Mia's legs out and her sitting between them spreading her legs out and around Mia. They soon were kissing passionately holding each other their hands roaming up and down each other's back and sides each using their thumbs to run across the breasts of the other.

Their moans became more intense and their hands had more purpose as they cupped the other's breast and allowed their hands to work their way down to their stomachs of the other and between their legs. They didn't actually start rubbing the other's pussy but would run their hand across it applying pressure to each other as they did. Mia was already soaked but by now her panties were sticking to her she was so wet. Sophie finally had her lay back and she took them off of Mia. So she wasn't the only one without bottoms, Sophie took hers off too.

As they continued to kiss Mia took Sophie's hand and put it against her wet pussy. "Fuck me with your fingers, I want to feel you inside of me," she told Sophie.

Sophie rubbed her fingers up and down Mia's slit getting them nice and moist then inserted two fingers into Mia's pussy. Mia moaned her head coming forward onto Sophie's shoulder as she had a rush of feelings when Sophie's fingers entered her.

"Yes, that's it, fuck me Sophie, awwwhh, yes," she moaned as Sophie used her fingers expertly on Mia's pussy. "I love you so much Sophie," she whispered in Sophie's ear as she held on to Sophie.

Sophie increased the speed of her fingers but also curled them up so when they went in and out of Mia they rubbed across her g-spot. Sophie could feel Mia's hips moving in rhythm to her fingers and could feel her breathing as it increased on her ear and neck. She increased the intensity of what she was doing to Mia driving her to a quick but hard orgasm. Mia's body jerked and tensed then went limp with the occasional mini orgasms that followed her big one. She felt Mia's fingers dig into her shoulders and back when she came, but despite the pain from that, she loved giving Mia orgasms.

Sophie withdrew her fingers from Mia bringing them up to her mouth cleaning one of them off with her licking then giving the other to Mia who eagerly licked and cleaned Sophie's finger. As Mia began to calm down from her orgasm, Sophie picked up the magic wand and turning it on the lowest setting placed it between the two of them. She moved up closer to Mia so the wand was touching both of them at the same time.

"Tell me if it is too intense for you," Sophie told Mia as she turned the setting up another notch.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good," Mia moaned as the wand was having its effect on her pussy. Her eyes closed and she grabbed the sheets with her hands. Mia opened her eyes to see Sophie looking as if she was in a trance staring at Mia then down between their legs at the wand she was holding. Sophie moaned and looked at Mia with her eyes half opened. They both leaned over so their lips could touch and they kissed trying to get their tongues to work. Sophie upped the speed of the wand another notch and they both gasped as they felt it vibrate on their clits.

"Put your hand on it too," Sophie moaned to Mia who placed her hand on the wand and on Sophie's hand at the same time. Mia then could move the wand some back and forth so it would be more intensive on her then on Sophie. They both moved their hips back and forth fucking the wand as they held it between them.

Sophie went to increase the intensity another level when Mia stopped her. "No, if you do I will come now and I want to come when you do," Mia said through her panting and gasping.

Ignoring Mia, Sophie increased the speed which was the highest level. Mia she felt the speed go up knowing she wasn't going to be able to hold out any longer and she looked at Sophie. Her eyes widened and glazed over and her mouth opened but nothing came out, then she moaned and her body started to go into involuntary convulsions as her climax began to peak.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, awwwhhhh," she squealed and her orgasm hit her like a bomb going off. She didn't realize it but she came so hard she squirted on the wand and on Sophie's hand which then triggered Sophie's orgasm and she too came her body also jerking and convulsing.

Sophie pulled the wand from between them and dropped it on the bed as her orgasm worked its way through her. She put her hand on her clit and rubbed it while her orgasm slowly subsided. Mia's orgasm was easing off and she looked at Sophie. "That was unbelievable," she said then she put her hand down to sooth her pussy feeling all the juices there and on the bed.

"Did we make this mess?" she panted.

"No my love, you did," Sophie panted back.

"I did? Did I really?" she asked again.

"Yes you did," Sophie smiled at her and showed her the back of her hand that was also soaked from her squirting. "You gushed when you came and that is what brought me over the edge."

"I didn't know I could squirt like that," Mia said.

"Believe me, you did and if my face had been there, I would have looked like I was washing my face it would be so wet," Sophie laughed at Mia.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Sophie," Mia said.

"Don't ever be sorry you came so intense that you squirted. I loved it and like I said, it is what made me cum. You can do that all the time and I won't mind," Sophie told Mia.

Mia and Sophie lay down on the bed on their sides holding each other and kissing until they both felt the burning inside for each other. They got into a sixty-nine position lying on their sides. Mia was so turned on she flattened her tongue and licked Sophie as she licked her from the bottom to her clit and back down again. She made sure she licked Sophie's perineum and even licked around her rosebud since it was there in front of her needing to be licked. Sophie moaned and made an attempt to open her legs more for Mia.

Sophie not to be outdone returned what Mia was doing causing Mia to moan too. They were in no rush so they made sure they used slow but deliberate and intense licks and their tongues covered every spot there was to cover. Mia was enjoying the slow methodic movement until Sophie used her tongue to enter Mia and at the same time she used her teeth to grab Mia's pussy lips. The sensation on Mia was too much and it sent Mia into a climax to end all climaxes. She lost control of her body and almost buried her pussy into Sophie's face. At the same time she sucked Sophie's pussy into her mouth sending Sophie's orgasm on its own trip with Sophie grabbing Mia's legs with her hands and squeezing them.

After they lay there unable to move out of breath, faces wet with the other's juices yet completely satisfied.

End of chapter six

To be continued.....

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