The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on May 13, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Four

By Chrissy and Peyton

Thanksgiving had been over for a couple of weeks. Mia and Stephanie's relationship, while they both loved each other immensely, the issue of Mia not willing to admit her sexuality and her relationship with Stephanie in public created enough friction they hadn't been able to fully appreciate the love they had between them. It continually came up every week as there was something Stephanie had going on that Mia resisted being seen as Stephanie's date or girlfriend. To many of their friends the strain of what was happening was showing though most had no idea the extent the tension was causing to their relationship. They kept quiet thinking it was either none of their business or that two of them would work it out on their own.

Stephanie made such a deal of Mia attending her work Christmas party she had made Mia feel guilty if she didn't go. Mia finally relented but made her going conditional, which didn't sit well with Stephanie.

"I'll go but only on my conditions," Mia finally told Stephanie after they had fought for almost an hour over her continuing to stay in the closet despite most of the people they knew being fully aware of their relationship. This left Stephanie feeling like Mia didn't care for her as much as she claimed too.

"What conditions would that be?" Stephanie asked back not convinced she would accept them and still showing anger in her voice.

"I'll go, but do not introduce me as your girlfriend but a friend you are helping out. More like a sister arrangement between us. And I don't want you kissing me or trying to hold my hand. And no dancing close either," Mia stated.

"Why don't we go in different cars and I won't act like I know you at all? Geez Mia, if you are going to have all those conditions it is pointless in you coming," Stephanie fired back really pissed now.

"Stephanie, you know how I feel. Coming with you is a big enough step for me. I don't want to disappoint you and not go at all because I know how much this means to you. All I ask is don't introduce me as your girlfriend and don't act as if we are more than platonic friends," Mia pleaded.

"Whatever Mia. You are right about one thing. At least you are going, but it is going to be very difficult for me to act like there is nothing between us. You are my girlfriend and I'm proud of you and want to show everyone what a beautiful smart girlfriend I have," Stephanie said but finally giving into Mia letting go of her anger.

Mia walked over to Stephanie because she could see how this was hurting her. "I do love you Stephanie, and I know you are having a hard time with this issue of me not wanting people to know. I appreciate everything you have done and one day we will be able to celebrate in public our love for each other." Mia hugged Stephanie who was on the verge of crying, kissing her and holding her tight.

"If I wasn't so in love with you, I would have sent you packing a very long time ago. I am just so proud of you, and having you as my girlfriend, it is very hard to understand your reluctance to let anyone know when those who matter the most already know anyway," Stephanie softly said to Mia as Mia held her.

"One day I promise you things will be different," Mia told Stephanie.

The night of the Christmas party arrived and the two were dressed to the hilt and on the way over to the ballroom at the hotel Stephanie's employer had contracted with for the night. As they walked in Mia of course separated herself from Stephanie by a few feet. At first no one noticed them until a few of Stephanie's employees saw her and came up to greet her.

Most of those in her department were females and all but one was married.

"Hi, Stephanie," Gina said. "You remember my husband Rick don't you?"

"Yes of course, nice to see you again Rick. Are you two having a great time so far?" Stephanie asked them.

"We are, the food is great, the drinks are great and the band this year is even good, not like that one we had last year," Gina laughed.

"Oh, I remember. Even drinking didn't make them any better," Stephanie laughed back.

"And who is your guest tonight? I'm Gina and this is my husband Rick. I work in Stephanie's HR department," Gina said and held out her hand to Mia.

"Nice to meet both of you. I'm Mia, a friend of Stephanie's," Mia said back.

"Excuse us Gina," Stephanie said wanting to pull Mia away from Gina so she wouldn't be questioning Mia on their relationship. "We were on our way to get a drink and get this party started."

Stephanie and Mia walked over to the bar that was set up and they each got a drink. "Are you satisfied so far?" Stephanie asked Mia but she was being a little snippy with her tone.

"Don't make this harder than it is Stephanie, please," Mia said back hearing the tone of Stephanie's voice.

More people came up to them and each time Mia introduced herself as a friend of Stephanie's without explanation. Stephanie stayed by Mia or vice versa for the first half hour but as time went on Stephanie would begin talking to someone and move away from Mia. Stephanie did some of this intentionally so it wasn't apparent that she and Mia were together. She even was asked to dance by her boss in an attempt to get more people out on the dance floor which she gladly accepted.

"Are you here with Stephanie?" this one lady asked Mia after walking up to her seeing her standing off to the side.

"Yes, I'm a friend of hers," Mia replied back.

"How do you two know each other?" the lady asked.

"Oh we are friends. We actually met by accident as my tire blew out and almost hit her while she was riding her motorcycle. She helped me out getting my car fixed and we have been friends since," Mia explained.

"I see," the lady said. "What brings you here tonight? Don't you have a boyfriend?" the lady continued getting more personal.

"Stephanie didn't want to come alone and I was not doing anything so I agreed to come with her," Mia said now feeling very uncomfortable with this line of questioning by this lady. She was hoping Stephanie would finish dancing with the man she was with so she could excuse herself and get away from this lady.

While she was dancing, Stephanie noticed Mia standing off to the side with a lady Stephanie knew to be the wife of a floor manager in the plant. She knew she was a busy body and always prying into others business and she could see Mia looking uncomfortable standing next to that lady. Fortunately for her the band took a break at the end of the song and she excused herself from her boss and made a bee-line straight for Mia.

"Oh there you are Mia," Stephanie said as she walked up. "I have someone I would like for you to meet," she said as she took Mia's arm excusing them and walking away from that lady.

As soon as they moved to the other side of the ballroom Stephanie let go of Mia's arm. "Sorry about that. That woman is a known for butting in to other people's business and wanting to know your life history. Everyone here does what they can to avoid her," Stephanie said.

"Yeah, I could tell. I was being twenty questioned when you came up. She already had asked how we met and why I was with you instead of my boyfriend," Mia said and giggled a little.

"There are a few others in here too, but unless I see them I can't point them out to you for you to avoid. If she comes up again just tell her you have to go to the lady's room and walk away. She will find another person around her to question and most likely won't follow you into the ladies room," Stephanie told Mia.

After an hour or so Mia was feeling more relaxed as she had not been cornered by anyone else since that one lady. Stephanie meanwhile was flitting around the room talking and having a good time. At times Mia was with her but mostly she stayed off to the side as much of the conversation was work related and she had no idea what was being said.

"Excuse me, would you care to dance?" this guy asked Mia after he walked up to her.

"Oh, no thank you," Mia responded.

"You aren't married or taken are you?" he continued.

"No I'm not," Mia replied.

"Then there isn't any reason not to dance. Come on, you will have a good time instead of hugging the wall all night," he pleaded.

Mia didn't want to make a scene so she acquiesced though hesitantly. The man escorted her to the dance floor and they danced a semi fast dance but then a slow dance played and he took Mia's hand and brought her up to him to dance to the song. As they danced to the song the man spoke, "Are you here with someone?"

"Yes, I came with Stephanie Gordon," Mia told him.

"Are you her date?" he asked.

"No, just a friend who agreed to come with her tonight," Mia said.

"Lucky me then," he said and pulled her into him closer.

"Why does that make you lucky?" Mia asked.

"Because if you are not her date then I don't have to worry about you and me dancing together and maybe going up to my room later," he said and kissed Mia's neck.

Mia immediately stopped dancing and pulled back looking at the guy, "I don't know what you are inferring, but regardless of who I came with, I'm not about to go up to your room with you now or ever." Mia said and turned walking off the dance floor not believing what this guy had done.

Stephanie had been looking for Mia and seeing her storm off the dance floor she was waiting for her as she came over. "What happened?" she asked Mia who she could see was livid.

"That fucking asshole kissed me on the neck and asked me to go up to his room with him," Mia said still heated from what happened.

"Did you tell him you were with me?" Stephanie said.

"I told him I came with you and he asked if I was your date. I told him no, I came as a friend then he said it was his lucky day!" Mia fired off.

"Mia, I'm sorry, but there are a lot of single guys here tonight and once they see you alone and not here as my date, they in their feeble little minds, thought you were fair game. This is why I wanted you as my date and not a friend. Then no one would bother you," Stephanie replied.

"I just want to go home. This was a disaster coming here tonight," Mia said.

"Do you really want to go home?" Stephanie sadly asked.

"Yes, I do," Mia replied.

Stephanie stood there for a few seconds looking at Mia in disbelief. She heavily sighed saying, "Okay, then let me get my purse and give you the valet ticket. You go home and I'll get someone to bring me home later." It was obvious Stephanie was not happy with Mia's decision. Stephanie knew if Mia would acknowledge they were here as a couple then no one would try to hook up with Mia. She went to the table that was reserved for them and Stephanie retrieved her valet ticket. She handed it to Mia's along with Mia's purse. "Please Mia, stay longer then we will both leave together.

"No, Stephanie. Stay as late as you want. If I need to come back and get you call and I will. I can't stay here any longer. It was a mistake to come in the first place," Mia said not realizing how she was hurting Stephanie with her comments. She really wanted to hug and kiss Stephanie but she wasn't about to here, so she smiled at her then turned and left.

Stephanie was deeply hurt by Mia not wanting to stay. She knew because of Mia's insistence they only be known as friends, she couldn't be with her the whole time. This was the reason the single males and busy body women singled her out. Had she been able to introduce her as her girlfriend those people would have avoided Mia. She just couldn't convince Mia admitting they were girlfriends would be easier than trying to hide it.

As the night went on Stephanie's anger subsided mainly because she drank and kept busy dancing and talking with coworkers. The party was beginning to wind down and she was about to call Mia to come get her when she decided she would get a friend and coworker of hers who worked in the accounting department to take her home.

Upon getting home Mia was in the living room watching television.

"Did you have a good time?" Mia asked.

"What do you think?" Stephanie fired back her anger immediately coming up when she saw Mia.

"I'm sorry, Stephanie. I know I ruined your night. I should have stayed and at least tried to be social. I guess it was my luck as usual to have the two idiots come up to me which didn't set the stage for a nice party. I hope I didn't cause any problems for you after I left?" Mia apologetically asked.

As mad as Stephanie was she couldn't stay mad at Mia. Her love for her was too great. "Let me change and we can talk," she told Mia.

Stephanie changed out of her dress and into her night clothes. Mia was sitting on the chaise side of the sofa as she watched the television. Stephanie walked up and spreading Mia's legs she sat down on the sofa lying back with her head on Mia's chest. Nothing was said at first as they lay there Mia running her hands through Stephanie's hair.

"Mia, I am so in love with you yet I'm dying inside," Stephanie began. "I don't know how much more I can take as I feel I am at my limit right now."

"I know babe. I'm so sorry for how I am affecting you this way. I don't like it when I see you hurt because of me. It breaks my heart too. I just don't know what to do," Mia said to Stephanie.

They lay there for a while Mia holding Stephanie in her arms until Stephanie fell asleep.

The next week Mia and Stephanie finished their preparations for Christmas. Stephanie's company usually shut down a few days before Christmas not opening again until after the first. Mia was working extra hours at the hospital since school had let out and she had graduated allowing her to pick up extra money she was going to need for Vet School and for living expenses.

The New Year arrived and the two were still going strong despite the tension that remained about Mia's refusal to come out. Mia having graduated had been accepted to Veterinarian school but not until the fall term which meant she had eight months she could work and not have to study at the same time.

Mia and Stephanie continued to work through this tension but there hadn't been anything big come up that would test their resolve. They went to movies where they could hold hands and as usual Mia would conceal this by covering their hands or letting Stephanie's hand go if someone was able to see. The same if they went out to eat. They always sat across from each other and never held hands or shared any intimacies while they were in the restaurant. Stephanie had yet to convince Mia to go out to a fine dining restaurant where only couples or dates usually were taken.

Over the winter the biker club still met monthly. In February, they had their annual Biker's Ball which was a way of celebrating good health and safe riding for the upcoming year. It was a semi formal event with dinner included for the price of admission. RSVP's were required for the event so the number of dinners would be available and enough tables were made available.

Stephanie kept trying to convince Mia to come with her but Mia was still being obstinate about her sexuality. She claimed she had to work but Stephanie caught her on that saying she was working extra hours and she could afford to take off one night for this event. She even reminded her that those in the bike club already knew of their relationship though Mia insisted they were only assuming and did not actually know.

Stephanie was discussing the arrangement for the event with Sam since they were on the committee to put this event together. Having previously talked about Mia's stance on public displays, Sam told Stephanie he would see what he could do.

After Sam and Stephanie had talked Sam set in motion a plan to get Mia to attend without her knowing he and Stephanie had talked about their situation. He got Mia's cell number from Dr. Bob who got it from the hospital records and called Mia when he knew Stephanie would be at work.

"Hi Mia, it's Sam," he said after Mia answered her phone.

"Hey Sam, how are you?" Mia asked.

"I'm doing good Mia, how about yourself?" Sam said making small talk.

"I'm doing great Sam, thanks. What can I do for you?" Mia asked knowing something was up for Sam to be calling her.

"I'm sure you know our Biker's Ball is coming up in a couple of weeks and I need you to do me a favor," Sam asked.

"If I can, what is it?" Mia knowing she wasn't intending to go but if it was something she could do otherwise, then she wouldn't mind helping out.

"You know Stephanie has been our secretary for the last few years and her term is up this spring when we hold our elections for new officers. I haven't talked with her to see if she is going to run again or for another position but we wanted to honor her for the tremendous work she has done for us over the past few years," Sam continued trying to get Mia to see the importance Stephanie had been to the club.

"That sounds wonderful, Sam. I know she would be honored to be recognized," Mia replied. "So what is it you need from me?"

"We know how much Stephanie jumped at the chance to help you when we first met and there are a few others around the area who she has personally assisted too. We want all of you to attend to be a part of the recognition and present her with the plaque we are getting for her. You were planning on being there weren't you?" Sam stated knowing Mia wasn't but wanting to sound as if he didn't expect anything other than her being there and not letting her know he and Stephanie had talked.

"Well actually Sam, I'm not sure I will be able to because I might be working that night," Mia said.

"Oh, you can't get off that one night? It would mean so much to all of us if you made the presentation to her since we know how close you two are? We can talk to Dr. Bob and see if he can't help you get the night off it you need help with that," Sam said now tightening the screw on Mia to force her hand on being there. "Plus I know that the plaque will mean so much more to Stephanie if you were the one to present it to her. You don't have to give a speech, just give her the plaque and I will make the presentation speech to her."

Mia knew she was now caught between a rock and a hard place because Dr. Bob had the clout to get her out of work that night plus since she wasn't scheduled that night anyway it would be too easy for Dr. Bob to find out. Without work as an excuse, it had become too difficult to come up with a reason for her not to be there since most in the club knew she and Stephanie were living together, though she felt their actual relationship was still not clear to the others.

Not wanting to commit in case she could think of another excuse to come up with that she could use to get out of going, Mia told Sam, "Let me see what I can do and I'll let you know Sam."

"Okay sweetie, just give me a call in the next week so we can get you up to speed on how it will work. Thanks Mia, I know Stephanie will very much appreciate you giving the plaque to her," Sam added hoping to make Mia feel bad if she tried to get out of coming.

After Sam hung up with Mia he called Stephanie.

"Hey Sam," Stephanie said answering her phone.

"Hey Step," Sam said. "I called Mia and hopefully I guilted her into coming."

"How did you manage that?" Stephanie asked.

"Well, I played a trick on her. I knew from talking with her she would use the excuse of work so I told her we could call Dr. Bob to make sure she wasn't scheduled for that night with him using his clout. I could tell from her tone that I caught her on that part as she knew Dr. Bob would be able to have her not scheduled for that night," Sam told Stephanie.

Stephanie laughed knowing coming from her Mia would argue, but once Sam and Dr. Bob were involved she wouldn't be able to use that as an excuse.

"Then I told her the real reason for coming was to present you with a plaque for being secretary for the past couple of years and all the work you have done to help those in need. I told her it was a special presentation and we wanted her and few of the others we assisted this past year to attend and make the presentation. I told her how special it would be coming from her to you," Sam explained to Stephanie.

"You didn't? You know we give out plaques to all outgoing officers every election time? It isn't anything special," Stephanie said and laughed.

"Well, she doesn't know that and I wasn't about to tell her either. If she attends thinking she is making a special presentation and one is made then what difference does it make how she got there? We succeeded in getting to her there, right?" Sam reasoned.

"I supposed but hopefully she doesn't find out we do this all the time," Stephanie said.

"I'm not going to tell her and your position is the only one up for election this year, so you will be the only one getting a plaque. We will just make sure there is a little more to the presentation to make it seem it is not a tradition of the club," Sam said and chuckled.

"As long as no one says any difference it just might work. Thanks Sam, you are my savior," Stephanie told Sam.

"No problem girl. You know we'll do anything to help you out. She is to let me know within the week. Once I hear from her, I will let you know. Talk to you later, Steph."

"Bye Sam," Stephanie said and laughed after she hung up hoping their little scheme didn't back fire on them.

Though Stephanie was a part of the scheme to get Mia to attend the Ball, Stephanie didn't let on when she was around Mia and in fact acted as though she was still trying to convince her to attend. "The Ball is in one more week and I really need to know if you are coming or not as they need the final count by this weekend Mia. Will you please come with me sweetheart," Stephanie asked one night after they had gone to bed.

"If I go will you please not refer to me as your girlfriend or put your arms around my waist as if we are a couple?" Mia asked.

"As hard as it will be to keep my hands off of you, yes I will not refer to you as my girlfriend or put my hands around your waist," Stephanie said sighing though she knew her and Sam had conned Mia into coming.

"Then yes I will go with you. Only because I know most everyone and it would look bad if I didn't attend," Mia said.

"Oh love, thank you, thank you," Stephanie said and tried to act ecstatic.

She rolled to face Mia pulling her in and kissing her on her lips. They kissed and rolled back and forth on the bed as if there had been nothing between them before. Their tongues began to make the dance of two passionate lovers as they twirled around each other's mouth with their tongues. At times they teased each other with their tongues just touching at their lips and other times one sucked the other tongue into their mouth. They even would give little love bites to the other's lips as their passion for each other increased and their hearts beat faster.

"Oh God, Mia. I so missed us doing this. I love you so much," Stephanie sighed as they kissed.

"I love you too, Stephanie," Mia responded.

"Touch me. I need to feel your hands on my breasts and your fingers inside of me," Stephanie whispered to Mia.

Mia moved her hand to one of Stephanie's breast feeling the nipple and between her thumb and index finger twirling it and lightly pinching it.

"Oh fuck, yes Mia. That feels so good," Stephanie moaned and using her tongue she licked the inside of Mia's ear.

Mia moved her other hand down and between Stephanie's legs feeling the heat and then the moisture as her fingers found Stephanie's slit soaked from her arousal. She ran two fingers down through Stephanie's slit easily parting her lips.

"Oh, Uh," Stephanie moaned and with her arms around Mia pulled her in tighter. Stephanie opened her legs wider as Mia's hand moved down her slit and her hips pushed harder into Mia's fingers as they moved slowly down her slit and then back up. "Fuck me Mia, make me cum for you," Stephanie moaned some more.

Mia wasted no time as she could feel Stephanie's needs in her body motion and her breathing so as she brought her fingers back up through Stephanie's slit she pushed her two fingers inside of Stephanie and began to push them in and out. She turned her palm up so when she brought her fingers out she curled them and was able to run her fingers over Stephanie's g-spot.

Stephanie moaned hugging Mia even tighter if that were possible her hips moving back and forth as Mia's fingers made love to her vagina. "Yes, baby, yes," she panted as she moved back and forth. "Oh yes, just like that, oh god!" Stephanie squealed.

Mia's hand was moving as fast as it could in and out of Stephanie and she was feeling crushed by the grip Stephanie had on her with her arms wrapped around her so tight. She tucked her head into Stephanie's shoulder where her neck began and she sucked some skin in her mouth and bit slightly on it almost as if to be using it to hold on to Stephanie. Her hand working on Stephanie's pussy with the other gripping and tweaking Stephanie's nipple she could feel Stephanie getting closer and closer to her orgasm.

Stephanie feeling three spots of extreme eroticism moaned loudly she was coming then her body went into convulsions as she came hard on Mia's fingers. Her hips moved jerking back and forth as her orgasm filtered through her body.

Mia was not about to let this feeling go and as Stephanie relaxed her grip on her she pushed Stephanie onto her back and moved quickly between her legs pushing them out. She quickly began to lick all the love juices that were leaking out of Stephanie then after that she pushed her tongue inside of Stephanie and began in earnest to lick her pussy.

Stephanie moaned louder and with her one hand she held the back of Mia's head down on to her pussy as she raised her legs up as she opened them wide. "Oh fuck, Mia, yes, eat me! Oh, oh, yes, oh god!" Stephanie moaned as her head went from side to side. Not having completely calmed from her first orgasm Stephanie second of the night was fast rising inside of her. She warned Mia she was coming but Mia increased her licking and sucking of Stephanie's pussy and clit causing Stephanie to explode in another orgasm more powerful than the first.

Even yet Mia wasn't done with Stephanie. As she was calming from her orgasm Stephanie began to sit up so she could go down on Mia but Mia was not finished pleasing Stephanie and wasn't about to let her relax just yet. As Stephanie sat up Mia sat facing her she opened Stephanie's leg so she could use her fingers to please Stephanie.

Before she realized what Mia was doing she had pushed two fingers inside of Stephanie's pussy and began to finger-fuck her not allowing Stephanie to touch her other than allowing Stephanie to hold on to Mia's wrist while her fingers were moving in and out of Stephanie.

"Fuck Mia, no, I can't," Stephanie moaned yet she didn't have the strength or ability to resist what Mia was doing to her. "Oh, god, oh Mia, oh," Stephanie moaned over and over as she watched Mia's fingers move in and out of her. Her face was scrunched up from her ecstasy her mouth occasionally forming an O as her third orgasm in less than thirty minutes was rising inside of her. She looked up at Mia with her O expression to see Mia smiling at her then lean into her kissing Stephanie's lips.

Stephanie moaned louder and her body tensed for her pending orgasm as kissing Mia was what she needed to send her over the edge. She cried out she was coming with tears coming from her eyes as she was in such a heavenly state then her whole body quivered and she grabbed Mia's arm and the bed as she involuntarily shook and jerked from her orgasm.

Mia kept the pressure up on Stephanie as her orgasm swept through her body with the intent of getting a fourth orgasm out of Stephanie. But Stephanie couldn't handle it and she grabbed a hold of Mia's arm and pulled her fingers out of her pussy. She pulled Mia down with her to the bed holding her one hand over her pussy to prevent Mia from touching her there. Stephanie's chest was rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. She lay there almost lifeless for minutes trying to come back to normal. Eventually she was calm enough to roll over to Mia who was lying there watching her recover.

"Holy shit, Mia! You about fucked everything out of me. I couldn't breathe and was too sensitive yet I was too aroused to stop you. You had me on the edge not allowing me to rest," Stephanie smiled at Mia and leaned over to kiss her.

Mia smiled back and laughed, "I know how hard it has been for you trying to cope with me and I know I haven't told you or showed you just how much I do love you. I wanted to make sure no matter what you at least tonight knew how I feel about you."

"I would say you accomplished what you intended to as I am completely exhausted and spent from what you did. But now I need to show you what you mean to me," Stephanie said and rolled on top of Mia.

"I already know how much you love me. If you didn't, I'm sure I would have been kicked out long time ago. Just having your patience and understanding is all I need to know how you feel," Mia said.

As Mia was completing her response to Stephanie, Stephanie began kissing Mia's neck and her hand slipped between Mia's legs and caressed her pussy lips.

Mia let out a gasp as she hadn't realized how turned on she had gotten making love to Stephanie. "Oh," she gasped, "And maybe a few fingers strategically placed inside me." Her legs opened up for Stephanie to get better access to her and she began to moan as Stephanie used her fingers to move and touch all the right spot of her pussy as they moved around.

Stephanie used her fingers to bring Mia to a peak but just as she felt Mia get there Stephanie withdrew her fingers bringing them up to Mia's face and having her lick them both clean. Stephanie then inserted them back into Mia's pussy again bringing her to the edge before she again pulled them out this time licking them herself.

Mia was both turned on and frustrated by Stephanie getting her to the edge then stopping leaving her hanging without climaxing When Stephanie, for the third time, put her fingers back in Mia and got her to the edge, she grabbed Stephanie by the upper arm and pleaded with her to make her cum. "Keep going, Steph, don't edge me again. I need to cum so bad," she moaned.

Stephanie not wanting Mia to hurt anymore as she knew you could only bring someone to the edge so many times before it became painful to stop, kept her fingers inside of Mia allowing her orgasm to peak. Mia cried out she was cumming and her body twisted and convulsed from the level of intensity that had built up inside her from Stephanie edging her. Mia's body continued to have wave after wave of small orgasms as she lay there next to Stephanie.

Stephanie allowed Mia to calm down before she moved between Mia's legs. Her tongue immediately when it touched Mia's still sensitive clit brought a jolt from Mia. Stephanie sucked on it gently to ease its sensitivity then she moved down licking the juices that had escaped from within Mia. Mia moaned and like Stephanie previously she was too weak and too turned on to stop what Stephanie was doing to her. Stephanie moved Mia's legs out and lifted her butt up some so Stephanie could lick her pussy without laying her chin on the bed.

Mia put her feet flat on the bed and arching up raised her pussy high enough for Stephanie to easily get to her pussy. It also brought her rosebud up which Stephanie was not going to ignore her tongue licking down and over it. Mia moaned and Stephanie seeing the reaction from Mia wet her finger and inserted it into Mia's rosebud while she licked her pussy. Mia moaned louder her body pushing into Stephanie's tongue and finger.

Stephanie continued to fuck Mia with both her finger in her rosebud but also with her tongue in her pussy until she could tell Mia was ready to explode in another orgasm. She kept the steady pace when she felt Mia's body tense and began to jerk as her orgasm swept through her.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh, oh,!" Mia moaned as her body was consumed with her orgasm. She lifted her butt up and her hands grabbed the sheets as she saw stars and bright lights while her orgasm was flowing though her body. She collapsed on the bed unable to move from the strength being sapped from her from the intense orgasm.

Stephanie moved up next to her and took Mia's head and laid it on her chest placing her arms around Mia's shoulder and side as Mia's orgasm subsided. Mia looked up at Stephanie after she had to strength to move again, "Okay we are even," she smiled at Stephanie then she saw the mark she had left on Stephanie's shoulder when she bit and sucked her skin into her mouth. "Well almost even but don't even think of trying that on me," she said and ran her fingers over it.

"I will wear it proudly and maybe even go collarless at work so everyone can see the mark you left on my neck," Stephanie chided Mia.

"Don't you dare! You put some cover-up on it before you leave this house. What you need to wear is a mock turtleneck to completely cover it up," Mia said.

"We'll see," Stephanie said and hugged Mia. They lay there for a few minutes before they both had relaxed enough and from the big emotional release this night, they both drifted off to sleep.

The night of the Biker's Ball, Mia and Stephanie had been getting along great. They were both happy but inside they had a secret as to why they were attending this event together. For Stephanie as long as Mia didn't find out she had been conned, everything would be for the best and she hoped it would show Mia that no one really cares about her sexuality. They drove to the event having a good time and talking with the other members and their spouses or significant others.

The presentations were made and the call for new officers was made. They would vote at the meeting the following month electing new officers. After the presentations were made Mia was talking to a few of the wives of the members.

"Mia, why did they have you present Stephanie's plaque to her? Usually it is done by the entertainment committee?" the one lady asked Mia.

Mia was confused because this lady was making it sound like this was something common yet Sam had told her it was something special for Stephanie. "I'm not sure what you mean? I was asked to give a special award to Stephanie?" Mia told her.

The ladies smiled and chuckled before one of them told Mia, "Honey, it sounds like someone is pulling a fast one on you. Every outgoing officer gets a plaque when their term is up. Every year one or more of the officer's term is up. This year it was just Stephanie."

Mia was stunned as she knew now she had been conned by Sam and Stephanie. She tried to hide her anger from the ladies as she laughed with them after they had told her she had a fast one pulled on her. A few minutes later she excused herself and walked over to Stephanie who was talking to a few of the members.

"Can I have a word with you?" She said and pulled on Stephanie's arm hard enough for Stephanie to know Mia was not happy.

"What kind of trick was this Stephanie? I only came here because Sam told me you were getting a special presentation and he wanted me to present it to you. Now I find out that everyone gets a plaque when their term is up as an officer and it is no special deal at all. Did you think it was funny to trick me into coming?" Mia said and sounded angry.

"Mia, I'm sorry I wasn't totally straight with you. But look, you are having a great time and no one cares you are my date and we are a couple. I told you they wouldn't. They all know and love you and could care less about our sexuality," Stephanie said now trying to come up fast with reasons for Mia to not get too angry.

"You and I will have a talk about this later," Mia said and stood there looking at Stephanie her eyes boring right through Stephanie's.

"I accept full responsibility for this and I am truly sorry I tricked you. But having you here meant the world to me and I hope you will forgive me for tricking you," Stephanie said apologizing to Mia.

Nothing more was said about Mia being conned that night or after that. Stephanie hoped Mia had mellowed from how angry she was when she found out Stephanie and Sam had tricked her. She knew Mia had a good time at the ball at least up until when she found out about the deceit.

Mia continued to work extra hours' sometimes double shifts to pick up extra money. Stephanie became concerned because Mia wasn't getting enough rest and was pushing hard to get enough money to pay for her school. Stephanie had previously told Mia she would pay for anything Mia couldn't afford but Mia was determined to pay her own way. She told Stephanie she had paid for too much already and Mia needed to know this was her accomplishment and not because Stephanie paid her way. There was an underlying reason too as Mia was still angry over being taken advantage of by Stephanie and Sam and she knew her relationship with Stephanie was not on as solid ground as it could be. Some of the long hours was an avoidance of being around Stephanie and Mia's way of preparing for a future without Stephanie if it came to that.

Stephanie understood Mia's concern over her paying for Mia's education but still was concerned about Mia's well-being as she could see how exhausted Mia was getting. Their time together was limited and when they were together Mia was too tired to go anywhere or do anything and usually would come home and a short time later fall asleep sometimes with her head in Stephanie's lap as they sat on the sofa. There were many nights Stephanie would go to bed with Mia, only to rub her hair as Mia would lay her head on Stephanie's chest and have Mia fall asleep in seconds of them getting settled in bed.

At times the issue of Mia coming out would come up but since Mia was too tired to go anywhere it seemed to be a moot point for the time being. Still Stephanie was becoming irritated at Mia's insistence their relationship remain between the two of them and not open to the public.

That was when Stephanie had been informed about the biggest event and honor to be bestowed to her. The hospital was putting on a gala as a fundraiser for their work with ill children from low income homes or those having no means to pay for their care. The biker club had been invited as guests because their work with ill children over the years. Both Stephanie and Dr. Bob were going to be recognized as charitable volunteers for the year. Everyone who was someone would be there as this event would be in all the newspapers and there would be some television coverage too. This was to be a very big event and of great importance to Stephanie as the recognition she would be receiving was very prestigious.

Stephanie, after finding out about the gala and that she would be recognized, knew this would be a test of Mia's and her relationship. Mia came to the Biker Ball but she was conned into thinking she was presenting an award to Stephanie and she already knew most of the members who would be there. This was going to be different. She knew she couldn't con Mia into thinking she would be the one presenting again and besides she couldn't hide from her the importance of this event, all of whom would be in attendance and the publicity it would receive.

Mia's absence would be noticed with those from the biker club and from the hospital who knew of Mia and her. Stephanie knew there was no way around it but to come at Mia straight away and not try to con her this time. She had to stress the importance of this event and her presence would be noticed if she were not there.

Sunday was the only day of the week Mia wasn't working. After letting her sleep in late as had been the case lately Stephanie prepared a nice brunch for Mia over which she planned on bringing up the gala.

"Good morning," Stephanie said as Mia walked out from the bedroom still with sleep in her eyes and her hair looking like the old adage, bedroom head.

"Good morning babe," Mia said as she walked straight for the coffee pot.

"Did you sleep well?" Stephanie asked.

"Very, but I could have stayed in bed for a few more hours but someone aroused me from my sweet dreams with the smell of coffee and bacon cooking," Mia said leaning against Stephanie and kissing her on her shoulder as Stephanie was at the stove making brunch.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should smell-proof our bedroom so the smells and noise don't permeate that way," Stephanie said smiling at Mia leaning over to get her to kiss her lips. "Or maybe after you eat you can go back to bed and sleep some more and I'll join you," Stephanie added.

"Yeah, like you would let me get more sleep if you came to bed with me," Mia chuckled back.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. You must have me mixed up with one of your other girlfriends," Stephanie joked back.

Stephanie could tell Mia was in a good mood which was a good sign for her, knowing she was going to have to have a serious talk with her and she knew this talk would change her attitude. They sat down and ate brunch before Stephanie began to explain to Mia about the gala.

"Mia honey, in a month the hospital is having their annual fundraiser for children who are less fortunate and in need of medical attention. It is a very prestigious event that will be covered by the newspapers and television. This year they are presenting an award for the club to be recognized for our work to aid in the well-being of young children. Dr. Bob and myself are going to be honored as volunteers of the year. I know how you feel about us being recognized as a couple but this is probably the most prestigious and important event for me and I don't want to be there without you," Stephanie explained to Mia.

"You already said it Stephanie. You know how I feel and you conned me once to go to the Biker's Ball but I won't fall for that again," Mia matter of factly stated to Stephanie.

"Please Mia, this is really very important. It is such an honor and not to have you there with me will not only be noticed by those who already know us. It won't be the same without you there," Stephanie pleaded.

Mia looked at Stephanie straight forward and said, "No. Those who know us will understand. But more important is those who don't. With the people who are there, being as prestigious as it will be making the newspapers and television, it could potentially reach out to those who don't attend but have a say in my career."

"Mia, I'm begging you to come with me, please," Stephanie asked.

"No, and if this is why you cooked this brunch to make me feel more guilty, then that tells me how cheap you take our relationship to think because you cooked brunch for me, I would somehow soften up and you could con me into going to another event with you," Mia said and got up from the table leaving the kitchen.

Stephanie sat there with tears running down her eyes. She so wanted the one person she loved to be with her when she received this award and Mia wouldn't even give it consideration. Stephanie's patience was at its limit with Mia and her insistence that no one know of their relationship. She finally composed herself getting up and cleaning the kitchen from this morning's brunch.

Another week went by and Stephanie continued to drop hints to Mia about coming to the gala with her. Mia continued to ignore the comments and at times would flat out tell Stephanie she would not go with her.

The following week it started to get heated as Stephanie's limit and patience had reached its boiling point. She and Mia fought about her coming and her insistence of hiding what was between the two of them. All the little things in a relationship now became a big deal, such as things like not washing or putting in the dishwasher a cup or plate, not completing the laundry, or staying in the bathroom too long making it difficult on the other to be able to use it. These things normally were not an issue for them and easily worked around or overlooked. But with the tension between them growing they became big issues and they would argue or say things intentionally hurting the other about them.

Other than these items, they barely spoke the rest of that week and did not make love at all, only kissing to say goodnight or goodbye if one or the other was going to work. They rarely went to bed at the same time avoiding their cuddle time and once in the bed together they stayed mostly with their backs to each other.

Mia continued to work more hours adding a few here and there on some days to the already double shifts she was working. The hospital didn't mind as the other's who worked that position were now taking some needed vacation time leaving the hospital short-handed in that position. When she wasn't working she was home sleeping, the long hours beginning to physically take its toll on her but also the pressure of hers and Stephanie's relationship was always on her mind too. She knew and hated how she was treating Stephanie but her mind was set that she couldn't come out until she was an established veterinarian which would be at least four more years.

The following week things were no better than they had been the previous week. In fact Stephanie had been working more hours to avoid being around when Mia was home which meant they were seeing less and less of each other. The only good thing to come of this was at least they weren't arguing or having heated exchanges leaving both with hurt feelings and sorrow.

The week of the gala had arrived. Stephanie had to make one more pitch for Mia to attend with her. Again being Sunday, the only time Mia was not working, would be the only time the two could sit and talk. This time there was no elaborate brunch made for Mia. Stephanie only had coffee brewed and sweet rolls purchased at the bakery the night before.

"Mia, it seems things are spinning out of control and we are losing sight of the love we have for each other. We don't have the magic we once had and I don't know if it will ever be there again. I want you to know I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately," Stephanie started.

"I'm sorry too, Stephanie. It has been bothering me more seeing our relationship slip away," Mia explained back to Stephanie.

Stephanie reached across the kitchen table where they were sitting and taking Mia's hand, "I know you are struggling with this concept of people seeing you as gay and it hurting your career but I can tell you from experience, fighting that concept only leads to more pain and sorrow. Once you are out you will see how easy it is and how liberated you feel. More importantly you will see how people don't care. What they care about is what's inside of you and how you treat them not who you chose to love and go to bed with."

"I'm not sure I can take that risk Stephanie," Mia said.

"Careers come and go. If you can't be a vet here, we'll go where you can be a vet and they don't care about your sexuality. Love isn't that easy. While I believe there are many people out there who we would love and love us, there is only one person who you will find that can reach the full depth of your love. Is it worth the risk to lose that one person over other's knowing your sexuality? That is the real issue you should be looking at and not how you will be treated once people know about us," Stephanie told Mia.

Are you saying if I don't come out I will lose you?" Mia asked.

"I'm saying the way we are headed our relationship can't handle any more stress and hurt feelings and survive. I don't think I can handle any more and can't live with the situation as it is. I want to be happy and feel loved and be able to show my love to my partner and to anyone around us without worrying about hiding it. If we can't have that then I guess I am saying at some point soon we need to decide what is best for both of us and if that means parting ways then it has to happen," Stephanie said with a sad and defeated look and sound.

Mia didn't say anything for a few minutes as they sat there in silence neither looking at the other but into space with their thoughts about what Stephanie had said.

Stephanie then spoke, "I'm going to ask you one final time if you will go with me to the hospital event?"

"I don't know if I can Stephanie," Mia said sounding dejected.

"You have a week to decide pushing it to the last moment," Stephanie told her then got up and walked out of the kitchen. As she passed by Mia she put her hand on Mia's shoulder, "I do love you Mia with all my heart."

Mia continued to worry about those who didn't know about her sexuality. They likely would include some with connections controlling Mia's future and it would be the first they would know of her sexuality.

More than ever Mia was feeling the pressure of having to decide her fate. If she came out she could be jeopardizing her career or at a minimum be labeled as a lesbian and stuck with any issues that came with being labeled as such. On the other hand, if she didn't go she would be hurting the love of her life but more importantly possibly losing the person she was completely in love with as Stephanie all but said she couldn't take any more. As the event got closer Mia worried more and more. She was feeling the stress of working long hours and the stress of what to do about coming out. She had been having headaches and her body didn't feel the normal way it should. At times she even felt dizzy or disoriented and was glad when these episodes happened, she was at home or at work and sitting down so nothing bad could happen if she fell or passed out.

Stephanie too was feeling the pressure as she knew if Mia didn't go with her it would be obvious that there was a problem in their relationship and instead of having a good time she would be spending the time having to make excuses. Stephanie had been through this before with her previous girlfriend and she knew firsthand the effect of denying who you are and of coming out. It turns out it was not as bad as you thought. Still she was at her wits end again and her patience had all but run out on Mia ever admitting to her sexuality. If she couldn't, Stephanie as much as she loved Mia, was to the point of telling her to leave and not come back until she was ready to admit it so they could live a life without having to secretly get around. Stephanie didn't want to go down that road again. She wanted to enjoy life and the hell with whoever didn't like her choice or Mia's choice of lifestyle. She had all the friends she needed and knew none of them would ever feel any different towards Mia for coming out. They were the only ones that mattered. She just couldn't get Mia to see it that way.

Finally the day of the event arrived and Mia was still being Mia. They hadn't made love in almost two weeks as the tension between the two had got in the way of the love they had for each other. Neither was giving an inch and neither could foresee what this day would mean for each of them.

"Here's your invitation and priority seating," Stephanie said as she placed the invitation on the kitchen table where they were having breakfast the day of the event. "I have to be there early because a reporter is going to interview both Dr. Bob and me on our activities and those of the club. Then I have to meet with the emcees to coordinate my seating for the presentations and the order of events. Unless you get off work early and go with me, I'll have to meet you there. If you decide not to show consider it the last of us as I cannot take anymore of this hiding what we have. As much as I love you Mia, I need to move on with my life and not be afraid of who will see me or know about me." Stephanie then kissed Mia on the head. I'm going for a ride on the bike to clear my head. If I don't see you again I wish you the best of luck in your life, Mia. I love you more than life itself but I can't take any more of us hiding it."

Stephanie in her riding gear turned and walked out to the garage. Mia could hear the bike start up and soon she heard it leave. What she didn't see were the tears rolling down Stephanie's cheeks as she struggled to get her helmet on and then get on the bike and start it up.

Mia too was crying as she knew how much she was hurting Stephanie. She felt caught between a rock and a hard spot as she struggled with her decision. She had been trying to accumulate as much money as she could before she entered vet school working six days a week and sometimes two shifts a day. She was both physically and mentally tired and her concentration sometimes was iffy. Fortunately at work the few mistakes she made she caught them almost as soon as she made them and was able to correct them without anyone knowing. Unfortunately for her time had run out. She had to make a decision one way or another as Stephanie had left her with no more options.

Later she left for work still trying to come up with an alternative way to get through this. For most of the day her mind drifted toward her and Stephanie's relationship. She absolutely adored the woman and could not imagine a life without the two of them together. If she could convince Stephanie to hold out for four more years it wouldn't matter once she was a vet as she would be able to control her own destiny then. This morning though Stephanie had made it clear. Either she showed up as her date for this very prestigious night or they were finished. Mia was at the end of her limitations.

While at work she was still debating in her mind if Stephanie was saying those things to make her come out or if she really meant them. She knew she loved her but could she really tell her to leave and not come back unless she was willing to come out? Mia decided she would tell Stephanie when she got home. Home...she thought. My home is with Stephanie and I didn't hesitate to think it was anywhere but with Stephanie. Her head was confused and she felt flushed. The lack of rest was catching up with her. She had tears running down her face and she felt exhausted and flushed but she finally knew what she was going to tell Stephanie. She knew it wouldn't be what Stephanie wanted to hear and it might change their lives forever but she had to face the facts. Mia had made her choice. That is when she heard the charge nurse call out to her.

"They are bringing in two patients who were involved in a motorcycle accident, one female and one male, both are in extreme critical condition with life threatening injuries. Get prepared now getting extras of everything out as we are going to need it stat!"

Mia immediately remembered Stephanie had gone riding on her bike this morning. She remembered thinking she was very upset from the way she rode off and then the thought came to her that possibly Stephanie was not in her right mind to be riding her bike. She gasped and squealed out, "No, please no!" She felt her legs get weak as she grabbed for the counter to give her support. The room began to spin and it grew dim to her eyes.

The charge nurse turned back hearing Mia cry out to see her head fall back, her eyes roll up in her head and her knees buckle. She yelled out, "I need help here!" But it was too late.

As Mia body crumpled to the floor her head hit the counter first then the floor. Those were the last words Mia heard before her world went dark.

To be continued.....

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