The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on May 6, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Three

By Chrissy and Peyton

The middle of the following week Stephanie was at work when she received a call on her cell phone that indicated it was from the hospital.

"Hey Steph, it's Bob."

"Hey Bob, what do I owe the honor of hearing from you today?"

"I'm sorry it took me so long, but I may have a way to get Mia off of weekends and on to weeknights with more money per hour and less hours," Dr. Bob explained to Stephanie.

"Oh, I almost forgot I asked you to look into that. What did you find?" Stephanie asked sounding surprised.

"The emergency room has a person on each shift that is responsible for the inventory of drugs, which you know most are narcotics or controlled substances and have to be tracked and inventoried constantly, so no one can walk out with them. After each patient is handled, the nurse will log in and record what drugs were used, then the doctor certifies it so two people are certifying the use of the drugs. The inventory person compares the certification to what they dispensed to the doctor or nurse and to their inventory on hand. If they need to replenish, they write up an order and send it to the pharmacy that fills the order. The inventory person will sign for it and log it into the emergency room inventory. The person is required to be certified and bonded, but the hospital will handle that process for the person. I compared what Mia was getting per hour to what she could make doing drug dispensing and she could get up to eight dollars more per hour, working the same hours she is on the weekend. Instead of the three days she is working now, she could be spreading it out over the week instead working say from five to eleven. Or she could work less hours making the same amount as she is now. They constantly have openings for this job as most people are like Mia in that they are in school or waiting for a full-time job in another department in the hospital. I talked with personnel on her behalf and they said, based on her record here, they would gladly allow her to move into that job."

"Bob, that is wonderful. When I get home this afternoon, I will run it by her and see what she says. Thank you so much Bob. You are a sweetheart," Stephanie told him.

"No problem kiddo. I'm glad I could help. She's a cute girl and you two make a great couple. And I'm especially glad to see how happy you have been lately. You know all of us have worried about you since what happened several years back. You take care and I'll see you maybe this weekend."

Stephanie came home hoping to catch Mia in the right frame of mind to tell her what she and Dr. Bob have been up to without hurting her feelings, or with the change, put too much pressure on her. She found Mia in her usual place out back reading a textbook, but she also had her laptop up and some papers spread out.

"Hey beautiful," she said as she walked out back to tell Mia she was home.

"Hey to you too. How was your day?" Mia asked.

"My day was super. How was yours?"

"The usual, but I did get a lot of reading done. I had this one problem I couldn't seem to get right, but then found I had made an entry wrong which is why I couldn't get the answer I knew I should have gotten."

"Good, I have something to discuss with you about work whenever you can take a break," Stephanie asked.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Have you ever thought of working second shift instead of the midnight shift or working during the week so you would have your weekends off?"

"Yes, I did. But I can't work as many hours during the week and still have time to study and attend classes. Working the weekends solves that problem."

"I know when we met it didn't at first seem to be an issue, but now that we a couple, we don't have time to do as much together. It would be nice if you had weekends off so we could go out and not have to worry about you being at work later that night," Stephanie said and paused to allow Mia to absorb what she had just said about being a couple and wanting to spend more time together. "What if I told you there was a way for you to work the same hours or less and make a lot more money during the week so we could have weekends together?"

"Well I'm all ears, but I don't know what you could find that I couldn't, since I'm not certified to do more than I am now," Mia said.

"A couple of weeks ago I asked Dr. Bob if he knew of any position there you would qualify for, yet work during the week so you would have weekends off. It was when we went on that overnighter and you couldn't go. He asked about you and I told him with your work and school schedule it was hard for you to find time to be off."

"You didn't mention to him about us sleeping together did you?"

"No, I didn't mention us sleeping together and he wouldn't ever ask a question like that. He knows just seeing us together we have something going on, so it isn't any secret to him or the others like I told you it wasn't. Anyway, he found a job in the emergency room doing inventory of controlled substances, dispensing and restocking the emergency room supply of drugs. It pays a lot more than what you are making now and you basically can set your hours because they need people in that position to alleviate the nurses from doing it."

"It sounds interesting and you say it pays more?"

"Yes, Bob said it paid eight dollars an hour more. You have to be certified and bonded, but the hospital takes care of that for you. Would you be interested in looking into it? It would mean you have more money and we would have more time together."

"Sure, I would be interested especially if it pays more and I can work less hours. Working overnight and going to school during the week is really hard on me, and sometimes I don't know if it's night or day for sleeping. Who do I go see about it? I can go in early on Friday and talk to someone if I can."

"If I were you, I would run by there tomorrow after class because you have to talk to personnel and I don't think they are there at night. They already have your name from Bob, so they should know what you are there for when you go in," Stephanie explained to Mia.

"Thank you. I'll do that. It sounds like something interesting. It beats changing sheets and cleaning up puke," Mia said and laughed. Mia then got up to go into the house. "I need to go in and check on dinner. I put a casserole in the oven not long before you came home and it should be close to being ready."

"I'm not sure I like dinner mentioned in the same thought as changing sheets and cleaning up puke. Tell me you don't equate a casserole to puke?" Stephanie laughed while squeezing her nose."

"Gross. No I didn't equate the two. I just thought of your dinner because of the time," Mia said back scrunching her face. "Although now that you mention it a casserole does...".

"Don't even go there. I won't be able to eat if I think of puke!" Stephanie laughed with Mia following.

They walked into the house but not before they exchanged kisses. Stephanie went in and changed clothes putting on casual clothes. When she came out, she could see Mia was pulling the casserole out of the oven and had the kitchen table all set up for them.

"You're going to make someone a good little wife someday Mia. All you need is a cute little apron and a short mini skirt that rides up when you bend over while you are getting into the oven," Stephanie said kidding Mia.

"Why thank you, miss," Mia said and wiggled her butt at Stephanie then turned around and gave her the one finger salute causing them both to burst out in laughter.

After dinner, they were on the sofa, Mia with her feet in Stephanie's lap who was rubbing them. "That feels very good. It is real soothing and somewhat erotic what you are doing," Mia softly said to Stephanie.

Stephanie in turn picked up one of Mia's feet and began to kiss her toes one at a time. She then sucked on them one at a time making sure she licked the underside at the base of her toes then between each of them. Mia's eyes closed and she mewed at the feeling Stephanie was giving her. Stephanie put that foot down and began to do the same to the other foot when Mia told Stephanie to move sideways on the sofa so she could do the same to Stephanie's feet as she was doing to hers.

It then became a game of seduction as they looked at each other while kissing, rubbing, and sucking on the other's feet and toes. Mia used her foot that wasn't being caressed putting it between Stephanie's legs pushing her toes up and down Stephanie's pussy over her shorts. Both were already feeling hot and getting wet down there from the sensuous caressing of their feet but once Mia's foot began to play with Stephanie's pussy it escalated.

Stephanie sighed and pushed her pussy more towards Mia to increase the pressure of Mia's toes on her. At the same time, she placed her foot against Mia's pussy doing the same to her. In a matter of minutes both were turned on and wanting to do more. Stephanie unzipped her shorts and pushed them down along with her panties. Mia took the opportunity to do the same and once their shorts were off, they resumed caressing the other's foot using the other to rub it up and down the others now bare pussy.

They kept their eyes on each other as they continued to play this game. Mia used her big toe to push between the lips of Stephanie's pussy eliciting a moan from Stephanie who then did the same to Mia eliciting a moan from her. They used their feet to continue to tease the other's pussy until their breathing increased and they were to the point of no longer teasing but now wanting to make the other cum.

Mia was breathing hard and having a difficult time caressing Stephanie's foot so she let go of it but grabbed the foot that was rubbing her pussy and pushed the toe farther inside of her and rubbed it harder on her pussy. Her other hand started rubbing her clit in circular motions and her eyes closed as her head went back.

Stephanie was feeling the same way and stopped caressing Mia's foot and followed her by pushing Mia's toe inside of her rubbing her clit with her fingers. They moaned and panted as they continued to make love with their toes both getting close to cumming.

"Oh fuck," Mia called out as her orgasm hit her and she jerked her legs going stiff. Stephanie seeing Mia cum and having Mia's foot pushed harder into her pussy when Mia came couldn't hold out either and she came at the same time.

As they both eased down from their orgasms, Stephanie slowly got up, picking up her clothes, and as she walked towards the bedroom she turned to Mia. "Let's go to bed and finish this in there."

Mia smiled and as she got up, she told Stephanie, "I think I might just develop a foot fetish after tonight."

Once they were in the bedroom, they wasted no time removing the rest of their clothes getting in bed. Their arms wrapped around each other as they kissed and moaned already turned on. Both of their hands found the other's breasts and they massaged and tweaked the other's nipple. Mia moved slightly on top of Stephanie with their legs between the others. Mia sat up with her leg between Stephanie's legs and turned Stephanie slightly to her side so their pussies were touching each other. She grabbed Stephanie's top leg and holding it up she began to move her hips back and forth so her pussy was rubbing against Stephanie's pussy. Stephanie moaned and began to move her hip back and forth against Mia. The tribbing became more intense and their moans increased growing louder.

"Oh fuck Mia, don't stop, I'm going to cum," Stephanie moaned.

"Yes Stephanie, cum, let it out, let me feel you explode on my pussy," Mia moaned back.

Mia increased her rhythm and pushed harder against Stephanie which only hurried Stephanie's orgasm as she came hard against Mia. As the two had been in sync for a while now when Stephanie came it caused Mia to cum too and she exploded in her own orgasm. Mia held onto Stephanie's leg as her orgasm overcame her then she kissed Stephanie's calf and foot which is where this erotic session began.

Stephanie lay there awash in her own orgasm allowing Mia to kiss her leg and foot which extended her arousal. "Oh my, you are becoming quite the aggressor when we get in bed. Just think not too long ago you were hesitant to do anything like this," Stephanie with her eyes still in a glare said to Mia.

"It's your fault. If you weren't so damn beautiful and sexy all the time, I wouldn't be in a state of arousal when you are around," Mia smiled back then lay down next to Stephanie and kissed her lips.

They hugged and kissed for a while before their hands moved to each other's pussy where they found them warm, wet and inviting especially when the other spread their legs out to allow the other to finger each other to another massive orgasm. Afterwards they lay arm in arm falling asleep.

The next day Mia went by the hospital to see about the job Dr. Bob had found for her. The lady in personnel knew exactly who she was when she came in and mentioned the job Dr. Bob had talked to her about. She assisted Mia in filling out the paperwork for the transfer and also helped her fill out the papers necessary for her to be bonded and certified in the work. She then told Mia who her supervisor would be. He already knew she might be coming so he would be waiting for her. They set up her schedule and Mia was able to cut four hours off her work load going in at six and getting off at eleven Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She now had Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday off in addition to making more money. This would still allow her enough time to do her studying and any assignments during the week.

Mia went home and couldn't wait to tell Stephanie she would be making more money working less hours. She was home before Stephanie was there trying to come up with a way to say thank you to Stephanie. She thought about it and decided in her own way how she would do this. She pulled out the things she wanted to make for dinner setting them the way she would need to execute her plan.

She went into the bedroom looking for the right outfit to wear, but not really seeing what she wanted. She hated to do it, but she rifled through Stephanie's clothes, coming up with an outfit that wasn't what she wanted but would serve the same purpose. Since her and Stephanie were about the identical in size, she knew it would fit. She pulled out a sewing kit and quickly made some temporary modifications to it that would serve the purpose, but not mess up the original piece. She got dressed and went back out to the kitchen to make sure she had placed things the way she wanted them laid out. She was now ready, so she went into the bedroom to put on some extra makeup she would need to complete the outfit.

About an hour later Stephanie came walking in from work. Today she had worn a nice skirt, just above her knees, and a pull over sleeveless blouse with a jacket over the blouse. She looked very professional which she needed to be from time to time at work. Walking in she put down her purse and took off her jacket and heels walking into the kitchen to see if Mia was there or out back. As she walked in, she found Mia bending over the oven putting something in the oven. What caught her attention was Mia was wearing a very short mini-skirt. When she bent over, her panties were showing, and she was wearing a thong which basically allowed Stephanie to see everything. She also noticed she was wearing an apron and socks with heels. She stood there for a second taking in the sight until she realized Mia was just bending over waiting for her to make a comment.

"And what has my little maid been up to today?" Stephanie asked, putting her finger to her lips, and her other hand on her hips pushing her hip out to accentuate where her hand was resting.

Mia turned around and said, "Oh madam, you are home. I have your dinner almost ready for you," as she curtseyed for Stephanie. "Would you like to start with a drink?"

"Yes I do believe I will," Stephanie said. She noticed that Mia had braided her hair into pigtails on each side of her head and had bright red lipstick on her lips. She also had put red blush heavily on her cheeks and on her eyelids making her appear to look like a baby doll. The other thing Stephanie noticed, it appeared Mia didn't have a bra or shirt on under the apron that came up high enough to cover her boobs. Stephanie walked over to the table to sit admiring the view and eager to see what Mia was up to in her outfit.

"Let me get that for you madam," Mia said and hurried over to the table pulling out a chair and turning it sideways to the table so it would be facing Mia and not the table.

"Thank you missy. Now my drink, if you don't mind?" Stephanie said playing along with the game Mia was playing.

"Of course madam," Mia said and poured a glass of wine for Stephanie.

"Would madam like to know what we are having for dinner?" Mia asked.

"Yes please," Stephanie responded.

Mia had already prepared a plate with some of the items she intended to serve to Stephanie. She picked it up and brought it over to the table setting it down next to Stephanie. Mia then smiled seductively at Stephanie and bent over pushing Stephanie's skirt up almost to her crotch high enough you could easily see Stephanie's cream colored silk panties she was wearing. Mia then sat down on Stephanie's lap, facing directly at Stephanie with her legs parted and on each side of Stephanie's legs.

"First I thought madam would like some sliced breaded zucchini," Mia said and took the whole zucchini showing it to Stephanie then licking it and placing it in her mouth as if she were sucking on a cock. She watched Stephanie's eyes and face and noticed Stephanie's mouth open and form an O as if the zucchini were in her mouth. After sucking it making it wet she took it out and not breaking eye contact with Stephanie who was intently watching Mia's hand that held the zucchini. She pulled her thong aside and inserted the zucchini in her pussy and pushed it in and out a few times until her own juices had the zucchini soaking wet. She withdrew it with Stephanie still watching intently what Mia was doing, bringing it up to her mouth and licking her juices off of it.

"Now that it's seasoned, I thought I would also include summer squash too," Mia said and put the zucchini down and picked up a yellow squash. This time she rubbed it on the outer part of Stephanie's panties before she pulled Stephanie's panties aside and inserted the squash in her pussy. Stephanie gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head from the tantalizing Mia was doing to her. Mia pulled the squash out and brought it not to Stephanie's mouth but her own and sucked on it. "mmm, perfectly seasoned," she said.

She placed it back on the plate. "For the main course we can have left over casserole from the other night or we can have taco's using the casserole as filler." As she said this, she took a flour tortilla shell folding it in half, biting out the very center of it so when she opened it there was a hole in the middle of the tortilla. She took the tortilla and placed it over her pussy so that the hole was centered over her pussy. Taking Stephanie's hand and holding two of her fingers she rubbed her pussy once then let go of Stephanie's hand and folded the tortilla up like a taco. Her eyes were watching Stephanie, whose eyes were glued to Mia's pussy. She placed Stephanie's hand on the tortilla to hold it in place then with her hand she rubbed Stephanie's pussy gently getting a moan from Stephanie. "Or we could have biscuits and warm butter with the casserole, "Mia said softly and seductively . "Your choice madam, casserole or taco's?" she questioned Stephanie looking her in the eyes.

Before Stephanie could answer Mia continued, "For dessert we are having strawberries, cherries, and bananas with whipped cream. As Mia said this, she untied her apron from around her neck letting it fall into her lap exposing her bare breasts. She then took a can of whipped cream she had brought over with the plate and sprayed whipped cream on her nipples rubbing the strawberries and cherries around in the whipped cream. She took Stephanie's hand and the tortilla shell away from her pussy and sprayed some whipped cream on Stephanie's pussy then inserted the banana into Stephanie's pussy. Once it was coated, she took it out and this time put the banana up to Stephanie's nose and let her smell it before she took it away and placed the cherry she had rubbed on her nipple to Stephanie's mouth. Stephanie opened up her mouth taking the cherry letting out a guttural moan as she did.

"Oh, and I almost forgot," Mia said and gave off a sexy little giggle. "We are going to have cucumber salad too." As she said this, she picked up a cucumber and spraying whipped cream on the end of it she placed it at the entrance of her pussy and pushed it in. She moved it in an out moaning but watching Stephanie, whose face looked like she was going to have an orgasm from this seduction game being played out by Mia.

The cucumber proved to be too much for Stephanie who moaned then quickly grabbed Mia by the arm pits lifting her up and throwing her back on the table moving the dishes and food that was sitting there out of the way spilling some of it on the floor. She bent down and kissed Mia, her tongue pushing its way into her mouth with force. She spread Mia's legs and Stephanie's hand went immediately grabbing the thong and ripping it off of Mia. She then kissed each nipple hard biting it too, bringing both pain and excitement to Mia.

Stephanie lifted Mia's legs up and held them in the air as she pushed her head between them and devoured the whipped cream that was surrounding Mia's pussy. She then stuck her tongue inside of Mia tongue fucking her and nibbling on her vagina like it was her last meal. She sucked Mia's clit into her mouth and bit down on it sending lightning bolts of pleasure through Mia. It was only a matter of a minute or two and Mia was cumming hard moaning and screaming she was cumming.

Mia lay there gasping for air after being ravished by Stephanie before she was able to look up and see Stephanie holding the cucumber in her hand and pushing her own panties down. Mia got up as quick as she could and took the cucumber from Stephanie helping pull her panties down. She then told Stephanie to sit back in the chair and raise her legs. Mia inserted the cucumber into Stephanie's pussy and began to fuck her with it as if it were as dildo. Stephanie moaned and gasped watching what Mia was doing and like Mia, in a few minutes she was at her peak and came so hard she squirted a little bit. Mia seeing this leaned down to make sure she got a taste of it.

"What the fuck got into you today?" Stephanie asked after she was able to gather herself.

"I wanted to do something special for you because again you have come to my aid and got me a great job at the hospital."

"You got the job?" Stephanie asked with excitement.

"Thanks to you," Mia said nodding and smiling.

"Don't forget Dr. Bob. He was the one who actually found the job. But you had better not thank him the same way as you did me. Maybe just a thank you and a hug and kiss would suffice," Stephanie said laughing but hugging Mia tightly.

"I think that was some thank you. God, it was so erotic. I'm still not over it yet and horny as fuck. We need to hurry with dinner because afterwards you and I are headed for the bedroom. Oh and don't use either of the zucchini or cucumber for dinner tonight. We are going to need them later," Stephanie said and gave a seductive smile to Mia.

They hugged and Stephanie went into to change clothes as Mia cleaned up in the kitchen and prepared dinner putting aside the zucchini and cucumber they used earlier in their seduction game. She had other zucchini to use for dinner but that was the only cucumber left so she made the green salad without it instead.

"What is your schedule now on your new job?" Stephanie asked while they ate.

"I have Tuesday's, Saturday's and Sunday's off and I work six to eleven the other days more if I want," Mia told Stephanie.

"That's great. That will give us more time together and we can do things on the weekend and not have to worry about you getting to work each night. Plus we get to sleep together every night now instead of only during the week."

Mia smiled at Stephanie winking at her.

"How about we go out and celebrate Saturday night. I'll make a reservation at Geraldo's for a nice dinner then we can go to Malio's afterwards and dance and enjoy the night?" Stephanie excitedly asked Mia really wanting to go out with her lover.

"Geraldo's is too fancy. Let's go to Jimmy's Place where it is more casual and then to a movie. I haven't been to a movie in ages and I'm not much of a dancer anyway," Mia countered.

Stephanie agreed as it was a celebration for Mia. If that is what would make her happy, she wouldn't question her though she really had wanted to take Mia to Geraldo's and show her off.

After dinner was cleaned up Stephanie took Mia by the hand and grabbing the zucchini and cucumber they headed for the bedroom.

Nothing was said but Mia knew exactly what Stephanie was up to as she wanted it too. Once in the bedroom Stephanie took Mia's hands and held them to her chest. "You know, what you did today, took a lot of thought but more love than thought, and it made me think while I was changing, just how much I have fallen in love with you. The rest of tonight will be about me thanking you for coming into my life and bringing me such happiness and love to be able to share it with you and the world. Oh, and you look so adorable in that outfit except that is one of my favorite skirts you are wearing and I see you have hemmed it up to make it shorter," Stephanie said and then laughed a little.

"I was careful to hem it with only temporary stitching so it wouldn't hurt the skirt. I'll take the stitching out tomorrow and have it dry cleaned so you won't be able to tell it was shortened," Mia said but almost sounded like she was apologizing.

"It's okay if it doesn't come out. I can replace it. But I can't replace what you did tonight. You were so in character. God, if we had filmed that it could be a late-night hit on some porn channel. It was downright erotic. Now though, you need to get out of that skirt and since you don't have anything else on other than the apron ditch it too," Stephanie told Mia as she took off her long t-shirt she was wearing and slipped her panties off leaving her naked too.

They climbed in bed with Stephanie climbing on top of Mia hugging and kissing each other as they rolled back and forth on the bed. For Stephanie it was love that she had missed all these years and she finally found the one who made her so very happy again. For Mia while she was still in denial about her sexuality, she knew in her heart she loved Stephanie more than she had ever felt for anyone before.

Their hands began to roam rubbing each other's breasts, backs and faces. Stephanie moved her hand down between Mia's legs to find her already very wet there. "You know for someone who is straight you sure do seem to get really wet when we kiss and get close to making love."

"Just shut up and fuck me will you! You have me turned on and willing to do anything. Are you going to pass that up with talk?" Mia smiled and said.

"Anything huh? Now what can I do?" Stephanie paused as if to pretend to think then reached over grabbing the cucumber they had brought to bed.

She placed it at the entrance of Mia's pussy running it up and down to coat the end with Mia's juices. She slowly began to insert it into Mia getting her to gasp as the end made its way inside of her. Stephanie had it in as far as it would go, allowing her to still hold onto it, and began moving it in and out of Mia. Alternating from looking at Stephanie's face and at what she was doing with the cucumber, Mia began to move her hips to match the thrust of Stephanie and the cucumber.

"Oh fuck, yes. A little faster, yes oh god that feels so good," Mia moaned. Her one hand grabbed onto Stephanie's arm that Stephanie was leaning on and with the other she held her one leg up in the air. "Oh god, Steph, yes, yes keep going. Fuck me please, oh god!"

They were both moving fast as Stephanie moved the cucumber in and out of Mia. Mia was thrusting her hips up to match the thrust of Stephanie when she felt her orgasm rise in her body like it was a geyser about to ready to explode, then her body shook and she arched her back up screaming she was cumming. Stephanie kept pumping the cucumber into Mia until she saw her collapse onto the bed and her eyes closed.

Stephanie knew she had just about fucked Mia's brains out as she came so hard, she passed out. Stephanie pulled the cucumber out and softly massaged Mia's pussy not letting her fingers go inside and avoiding her clit. She lowered her head and gave gentle kisses to Mia's forehead and cheeks.

Mia began to stir looking up at Stephanie and smiled. Nothing was said for a minute as they stared at each other. Mia took her hand and brought it up to Stephanie's cheek holding it gently there before she lifted her head and kissed Stephanie lightly on the lips.

"Wow is all I can say," she softly spoke.

"Wow is all that needs to be said," Stephanie smiled back at Mia.

They hugged and kissed some more, lying there holding each other before Mia grabbed the zucchini and used it on Stephanie. The effect the cucumber had on Mia was the same as the effect the zucchini had on Stephanie. She had a powerful orgasm coming around to see Mia sucking all of her juices from the zucchini before she set it down.

Saturday came and they went to eat at Jimmy's Place. It was really more of a sports bar but was very family oriented. Mia insisted they sit at a table so they had chairs to sit in and not a booth and Mia sat across from Stephanie not next to her. After dinner they went to the movies and picked an action movie not the romantic one that Stephanie was hoping they could see. They sat down in their seats and during the opening credits, Stephanie reached for Mia's hand. Mia looked around before she allowed Stephanie to hold her hand, then she placed her sweater she had worn because it was a cool night over their arms to conceal that they were holding hands.

Stephanie came close to saying something but she didn't want to start a scene in the theatre. Instead she frowned so Mia could tell she was not pleased with Mia's reluctance to their public display of being together. She made a mental note to discuss this at a future time with Mia.

They enjoyed the movie and afterwards stopped at a nearby ice cream coffee shop and got a sundae which they split before going home. They laughed when they got to the banana and whipped cream remembering a few nights ago and Mia's surprise seduction of Stephanie.

In two weeks there was going to be the final organized ride for the club until spring as the weather was turning colder. Many of the bikers would not ride in the cold because they did not have cold weather gear. Mia agreed to go along on the ride. They would be riding in the town parade to celebrate Veterans Day. Mia asked Stephanie if she minded if she could ride on the back of Dr. Bob's motorcycle. He owned a cruiser and Mia wanted to see how it felt to be on the bigger motorcyle with a seat that was made for comfort of the passenger.

"You will have to ask Dr. Bob if he will let you, but I don't see why not," Stephanie said though disappointed again feeling like Mia's explanation was pure bull shit and not why she didn't want to ride with Stephanie. "Are you sure that is the reason you want to ride on his bike and not so you would be seen during the parade behind me?"

They were standing in the kitchen when this conversation began and after Stephanie's question that was obviously meant to stir trouble, Mia looked at Stephanie, sighed and walked out back with a book ignoring Stephanie's question.

The next day at work Mia was able to catch Dr. Bob as he was leaving the hospital and she was going into work. She asked him if she could ride on his motorcycle in the parade. Dr. Bob told her he would love to have a beautiful girl riding on the back of his bike not thinking twice of any reason he should say no and not knowing of the growing feud between Stephanie and Mia over public displays.

The day of the parade came and the club met at the Harley dealership before departing for the parade staging area early in the morning. It was very brisk that day and the bikers had dressed with their leathers on their legs and jackets to stay warm. Mia had bought a pair of chaps from the store the week before so she was prepared for the cold. Stephanie looked great as she had red, white and blue streamers wrapped around her bike. She of course had full leathers on too and in her braided pony tail that hung out from behind she attached red, white and blue bows down the braids. They all attached an America flag to their motorcycle none of them more than a two-foot in length to make it easy to ride with.

As they left the dealership Mia got on Dr. Bob's motorcycle not noticing the disappointment in Stephanie as she did, but Sam did and got between the two bikes looking at Stephanie and smiling signaling for her to smile and chin up. Stephanie gave him the middle finger salute but then smiled and held her head up so her chin was sticking out before letting the clutch out and gassing the bike to go.

They got to the parade staging area and were told who they were to follow along the parade route. Stephanie made sure she and Sam were the two lead motorcycles so she didn't have to look at Mia riding on the back of Dr. Bob's bike. After they started, she forgot all about Mia not being on the back of her motorcycle. She was enjoying the ride in the parade, waiving to the crowd as they rode along the route. After the parade they hung around the downtown area for a while with Mia shadowing Dr. Bob and not Stephanie.

Sam caught up with Stephanie as they were walking. "Are the two of you okay?"

Stephanie looked at Sam but didn't say a word and kept walking.

"I know it is none of my business, but you two have been together for some time now and always looked so happy. Now though, I see both of you at odds over something and neither of you are willing to deal with it. Instead you are making it obvious to all of us something isn't right. You know you can talk to any one of us anytime, right?" Sam told Stephanie.

Stephanie looked at Sam and Sam could see Stephanie's eyes water up as she tried to deal with what is going on.

"Give me a call at work tomorrow when you are alone. I might not be any help, but I can be a sounding board for you to let it out. Maybe whatever it is you will be able to resolve it internally."

The next day Stephanie called Sam at work. "Hey Sam, it's Steph. Is this a good time to talk?"

"Anytime for you Stephanie, tell me what's going on?"

"Well it is sort of hard to say as you know I don't like to share my dirty laundry with others, but I am having a hard time dealing with it."

"I'll leave it up to you what you want to share but you can trust me to keep whatever you say to me to myself," Sam told Stephanie.

"I feel like déjà vu all over again. Mia and I have been together for months now and she still is in denial of her sexuality and afraid of other's finding out and it hurt her career," Stephanie told Sam with her voice quivering.

"It does sound eerily familiar doesn't it? So what is it about her feelings are you having issues with?" Sam asked.

"I'm frustrated. She doesn't want to be seen as a couple in public, I can't take her to nice restaurants or clubbing and even around you guys she doesn't want it to be known," Stephanie continued.

"Well it's a little too late for her to worry about us. We all can see what is between you two which is why I told you to call me. But the other issues you should already know how to handle from past experience, so I don't quite understand why you are so frustrated," Sam questioned Stephanie.

"I told her the same thing about you all and her response is they don't know, they just are assuming. And I am aware of what happened the last time, but it is still frustrating and I don't know if I have the patience to wait her out?"

"Stephanie, I know what you went through the last time and how long it took you to get past it, but these things take time. I know you have the patience and compassion to see this through. Mia is new to this. Give her time."

"I don't see me as being a patient person or that compassionate for that fact either," Stephanie said somewhat sarcastically.

"You are both and then some. You have a club of twenty to thirty bikers that would follow you down a dangerous gravel road on their bike if you told them to follow you. You have their complete trust and admiration. They see your compassion every day in the charities you engage us in and how you treat every member and their families when they are ill or having a hard time. Don't even try to tell me you are not compassionate and patient. Give Mia time. Don't push her, but encourage her and she will see it on her own. If you force the issue, she will run the other way and you will lose her for good."

"Thank you Sam. I needed this to get my head on straight and I knew you would be able to help me," Stephanie told Sam.

"Anytime, sweetheart. You can count on any of us to help you. All you have to do is ask."

Stephanie sat in her office thinking for a while about her prior experience and realized Sam was right. She needed to give encouragement to Mia but not push her. She just hoped she could maintain her patience as she wanted to be able to have Mia with her over the upcoming months when there were going to be a lot of events to attend.

Two weeks later it was going to be Thanksgiving. Mia had agreed as Stephanie always had Thanksgiving at her parent's house, to have Thanksgiving with them. Only two weeks after Thanksgiving was Stephanie's office Christmas party, which as a department head she would be expected to be there and she wanted Mia to go with her.

As they sat at the table eating dinner one night, "Mia, I mentioned this to you before and you never responded. The company Christmas party is going to be in three weeks and I would really want you to go with me," Stephanie asked.

"Babe, you know how I feel about public displays. If I go with you, I might as well be wearing a sign that says "I'm Stephanie's lesbian girlfriend. I'm this close to graduating and getting accepted into vet school. I just can't take that chance," Mia tried to explain to Stephanie.

"Just so you know, I think you are over-reacting and it makes me sound like I'm some sort of person with the plague," Stephanie said and got up from the table, throwing the rest of her food in the garbage and putting her rinsed plate in the dishwasher. She left the kitchen and went to the family room sitting on the one-person recliner turning on the TV.

Mia felt bad but she wasn't about to change her mind just because Stephanie didn't like her decision. She finished eating and cleaned the kitchen up before getting her laptop out and one of her textbooks to study.

Nothing else was said and while there were some tense moments over the next few days Thanksgiving came and it seemed all was forgotten about the issue. Mia had Thanksgiving with Stephanie's family. She didn't feel out of place or self conscience as Stephanie's family made her feel welcomed as just another member of the family.

"Oh my god, I ate way too much. Your mom and aunt really know how to bake," Mia said unfastening and unzipping her pants after she walked back into Stephanie's house. "I thought I was going to bust out of my pants."

Stephanie laughed, "Yeah I should have warned you to wear something loose as I always over eat when I am over there. By the way my family really did like you."

"Do you think so?" Mia asked.

"Hell yeah! My dad even whispered to me he was so glad I found someone like you as he could see the changes in me when I was around you."

"See, that is what I'm so afraid of. They just assumed we were a couple and noticed how we are together," Mia blurted out without really thinking of what she was saying.

"Fuck you Mia. My parents have known about us since day one. I don't hide anything from them. They are my fucking parents for god sake. They know me better than anyone else and know my reactions when I'm with someone," Stephanie angrily said to Mia. She then regretted saying what she said and more so how she said it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fly off the handle at you. I know this is hard for you, but it is hard for me too and I'm just having a hard time dealing with it," Stephanie said and with tears in her eyes she walked past Mia and into the bathroom locking the door behind her.

Mia stood there for a minute and realizing how this was affecting their relationship knew she needed to talk to Stephanie. She turned and walked to the bathroom only to find Stephanie had locked the door. "Stephanie, I'm sorry. I never intended to say anything to hurt you. I do love you, but if this is too hard for you to deal with, then if you want me to leave I will."

There was no response from Stephanie and Mia resigned herself that hers and Stephanie relationship might be over and she would need to prepare to find her own place to live again. She went into the bedroom and began to undress and put on her nightshirt to get into bed. Tears were in her eyes as she didn't know how to resolve this issue with Stephanie.

She must have been deep in thought as she didn't hear the bathroom door open and Stephanie come out. As she was bending over taking her jeans off her feet Stephanie placed her arms around her waist and bent over hugging her laying her head on her bare back. She stood up and could feel the moisture from Stephanie crying on her upper back.

Mia maneuvered so she could face Stephanie who just looked at her with a sad face. "I'm sorry, I don't want you to leave, ever. I love you. Help me get through this and understand my impatience as I will try to understand and give you reassurance. I love you and want everyone to know I love you and we are together. I guess I don't have the patience I thought I had but I'll keep trying. Just don't leave me Mia, please."

Mia's heart broke seeing the person she so loved but also the person who she saw as strong, determined and insightful feeling this defeated. She pulled Stephanie to her, "I'm not going to leave you. I love you too. I will try harder to allow us to show we are together because I know how much it means to you."

They kissed and both had tears running down their cheeks. The kissing became more passionate and with Mia not having much on, Stephanie was able to let her hands roam across Mia's body heightening both of their arousals. "You need to catch up my dear," Mia said to Stephanie as she began to unbutton her blouse.

Stephanie smiled and alternated her eyes from Mia's hands as they began to disrobe her and from Mia's eyes as she looked with love into them. Mia, after getting Stephanie's blouse unbuttoned pushed it off of her shoulders allowing it to fall to the floor then reached behind her and unclasped her bra and pulling it off and dropping it to the floor too. She then leaned into Stephanie and kissed her gently on the lips, her eyes looking at Stephanie as she did.

Mia's hands moved lower on Stephanie and unzipped and unfastened her jeans. She tugged along the pockets pushing the jeans lower until they fell and gathered around Stephanie's knees. Mia got on her knees and pulled the jeans lower having Stephanie raise one leg so she could slide the jeans off then the other leg. She kissed Stephanie on each knee and thigh moving up kissing each leg before moving higher. When she got to the junction of her legs and pelvis, she kissed each side then kissed Stephanie in the middle over her panties.

Stephanie moaned loving how Mia had learned the art of seducing as she had done so well the many times they made love. Mia had a knack of bringing Stephanie to the point of climaxing without ever touching her where the most stimulation was usually required. She could kiss and cuddle Stephanie and Stephanie would have mini climaxes from Mia's seduction games.

Mia stood leaving Stephanie's panties on so they both were only wearing panties. She took Stephanie's hand and led her to the bed pulling back the covers and having Stephanie lie down on her back on the bed. Mia crawled in next to her on her side and wiping the remaining tears away from Stephanie's face. She kissed her cheeks, nose, forehead, eyelids and then her lips. She then kissed her with more passion moaning into Stephanie's mouth. Stephanie moved her hand up to cup Mia's breast feeling her hard nipple in her palm.

"Don't," Mia said and removed Stephanie's hand from her breast. "This is for you. I owe you for all you are to me and how I have treated you lately. I want you to just enjoy and let me show you my love for you so you will know how much I do love you and have no intention of ever leaving you."

Stephanie reluctantly removed her hand. Being this turned on and Mia laying next to her it was very difficult not to want to touch her but she wanted Mia to understand too that she loved her and would do as she asked.

Mia kissed Stephanie's neck and upper chest moving lower to her breast kissing each of them all over but avoiding the areolas and nipples. She left those for last and instead of kissing them she licked them with her tongue circling the nipples then using her teeth to pull Stephanie's nipples out a little before letting them go and then licking them. Stephanie already in a highly aroused state arched her back up and moaned loudly when each nipple was pulled.

"Fuck, Mia. You are driving me crazy."

Mia smiled at Stephanie moving back up and kissing her lips. She then got an idea and got up out of bed. She went to her side of the dresser and pulled out two soft silky ropes she had bought on the internet that were for use in bondage. She brought them over to the bed and straddled Stephanie sitting almost directly on her chest. Mia took Stephanie's left arm and pulled it up over her head and out towards the bedpost. She slipped the one end of one of the ropes over Stephanie's wrist and pulled the slipknot tight. She then tied it to the bedpost so it was tight but not hurting Stephanie. She repeated doing this with the right arm. Stephanie did not question or resist what Mia was doing. In fact, she was even more excited now than before with another of Mia's unexpected seduction games.

Mia kissed Stephanie's arm down to the armpit and then she did the same to the other one, her breast just hanging over Stephanie's face as she did this. She lowered her breast down to Stephanie who was raising her head to suck on Mia's breast. Each time she got close, Mia would lift up so her breast was just out of reach of Stephanie's mouth. Mia took her left breast in her hand and pulling the nipple out, barely out of reach of Stephanie's mouth said, "Is this what you want baby? Do you want to suck on my hard aching nipple?"

Stephanie was almost delirious now in lust and was crossing her legs from the discomfort she was feeling between her legs. Though she was in need of an orgasm, she nodded her head and moaned, "Oh Mia, yes, let me suck on your nipple."

"Not yet baby, not yet. I'm not done with you yet. Soon it will be your turn only if I decide to let you go," Mia whispered in her ear then licked Stephanie's ear putting her tongue inside of it causing Stephanie to moan again.

Mia then moved down to Stephanie's breasts sucking each one into her mouth and twirling her tongue around the nipple as she did. Then she kissed her way down Stephanie's stomach kissing her belly button and using her tongue to lick all around it making Stephanie giggle a little where it was tickling her. Moving lower she kissed over Stephanie's panties seeing how wet they were around the area of the crotch.

"Umm, someone is just a little too excited and seems to have gotten her panties all wet. Mia then ran her fingers through the slit of Stephanie's pussy pushing her panties inside her slit as she went.

Stephanie moaned and raised her hips up to meet Mia's fingers as they parted her very wet lips. Mia moved completely between Stephanie's legs pushing them out as she did. She leaned down and pulled Stephanie's panties to the side then licked some of her juices that were seeping out of Stephanie's pussy.

"Have I ever told you how I love the way you taste? Sometimes when you are not home, I will rub my pussy thinking of my mouth licking and sucking you. I've even got some of your panties out of the hamper and smelled them while I masturbate thinking of your pussy being over my face," Mia quietly and seductively said to Stephanie while looking up at her.

"Oh fuck," Stephanie moaned and kept trying to raise her hips up to meet Mia's tongue.

"Raise your legs baby. I want them up in the air so I can lick your asshole. I want to fuck you with my tongue right there," Mia said as she applied a little pressure to Stephanie's rosebud. "Come on baby, raise them up for me," Mia said and pushed Stephanie's legs up. Since Stephanie's hands were tied, she couldn't hold her legs up, but Mia once they were raised, pushed them together then pulled Stephanie's panties up and off. As they came off, strands of moisture stuck to Stephanie's pussy and panties, causing Mia to smile at how she now had Stephanie in a position she wanted.

Once she took Stephanie's panties off Mia opened Stephanie's legs again and helped her keep them up. With them up, Stephanie's pussy and rosebud were pointing up at Mia. She couldn't resist the beautiful sight below her and she lowered her mouth, licking Stephanie from her rosebud to her clit. Stephanie moaned loudly, almost howling from the sensation and how aroused she was.

Mia didn't waste any more time as she knew it would only be torture if she kept teasing Stephanie and that was not her intention. She lowered her mouth again this time licking all around Stephanie's rosebud making Stephanie moan, "Yes, oh god, yes, Mia. I'm going to cum. Please Mia, don't stop!"

Mia didn't stop keeping her tongue moving across and around Stephanie's rosebud. She had moved her one arm around Stephanie's leg holding her leg up with her shoulder allowing her hand to be free which she used to rub circles on Stephanie's clit. Stephanie moaned and almost came off the bed as the sensation bought her to her peak. She moaned again and came very hard crying out like she had never done before.

"Oh God Mia, oh fuck!" she cried out. "AWWWWHHHH!"

Stephanie's orgasm seemed to last forever and Mia wasn't allowing her to calm down either as she kept the pressure on Stephanie's clit and moved her tongue down to fuck Stephanie's pussy licking all the juices that were flowing out of it.

"Mmm," Mia said. "I think someone was so excited they either squirted some or peed some as I taste a different taste."

"Oh god, Mia, I'm sorry," panted Stephanie. "You had me so turned on I think I did pee a little bit."

"Mmm, then you like to pee on me huh? How would you like it if I peed on you?" Mia said and licked more of Stephanie's pussy and clit to make her more aroused again.

"Mia, oh god," Stephanie moaned.

"I'll take that as a yes you want me to pee on you, don't you?" She said as she licked and sucked on Stephanie's clit keeping her arousal at almost her peak again. "I can't hear you?" she seductively said in between licks.

Stephanie knew she was going to cum again and she needed to cum but Mia's game had her in another world and all she could get out was, "Yes, oh god yes!"

Mia got up and overtop of Stephanie. She hadn't gone pee since they left Stephanie's parents and all of the coffee and water she had drank at Stephanie's parents had worked its way through her system. She really needed to go. She held her lips open a bit and let a small stream come out and on to Stephanie.

"Fuck," was all she heard from Stephanie who was watching her pee so she let out more. Mia was lost in her own eroticism and feely embolden she let her bladder relax emptying it of her pee. Moving up and down Stephanie, she soaked her from her upper chest to below her waist in pee.

Mia was overcome with excitement and having quit peeing, plopped herself on top of Stephanie, rubbing her pee into both of them as she was kissing Stephanie passionately and emotionally. She had tears in her eyes over what she felt for Stephanie and it all came out as she squirmed on top of Stephanie.

She couldn't wait to untie Stephanie instead getting up on her knees over top of Stephanie and with two fingers inside of herself and with her other hand rubbing her clit she fucked herself looking at Stephanie who was watching Mia's hands and moaning.

Mia's climax was almost instantaneous and as she came, she squirted some on Stephanie who was watching still helpless with her hands tied to the bed. "Oh god, oh god, awwwkkkk!" Mia cried out as she came. She then collapsed down on Stephanie and lay there for a minute or two before she was able to reach up and untie Stephanie's hands.

Being untied Stephanie immediately wrapped her arms around Mia hugging her tightly and with tears in her eyes told her, "Oh god Mia. I love you so much. That was the most turned on I think I have ever been and I don't think I have ever seen you so into it as you were tonight. God, I love you!"

They lay there for a few minutes hugging and kissing and looking into each other's eyes knowing what they had been through previously. It seemed all was all forgiven and their love would survive. After stripping the sheets and thankful they had bought a waterproof cover for the mattress, they jumped into the shower and cleaned themselves up and the room before going to bed sleeping very soundly.

End of Chapter Three To be continued......

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