The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on Apr 22, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part One

By Chrissy and Peyton

Stephanie Gordon was riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle on her way to meet the local chapter of Harley Riders Club that she had been a member for the last five years. She had ridden motorcycles since she was thirteen years old usually on the back of either her father's or uncle's bike both having ridden all their lives. She loved the feel of the wind in her face and the sounds of the loud pipes that her father and uncle had on their and her motorcycles. It was therapy for anything that was wrong at the time when she was on the back of a bike and had helped her through those tough times such as the loss she had suffered in her life five years ago.

When she turned sixteen her father and uncle bought her a used smaller Harley so she could ride her own motorcycle. She had ridden trail bikes and some other motorcycles but she longed for her first Harley. They took her on back roads trying to keep her out of traffic until she could learn to handle the bigger, heavier and more powerful Harley.

Now in her mid twenties she was on her third Harley, a new Heritage Soft Tail Classic. It had white fenders and chrome everywhere along with leather saddle bags. Her father had quit riding a few years ago after his eye sight began to fail him and he was afraid of hurting himself or someone else riding. Her uncle rode most of his life right up until he passed away from heart disease. When he died, he donated his motorcycle to the biker's club who had it on display at the local Harley dealership. It was a Harley Street Glide with a custom paint job in orange and white, the colors of his favorite college football team. But Stephanie wasn't ready to quit and had kept riding even if she had to ride by herself.

Stephanie road everywhere she could unless she needed to have the space of a car or because of inclement or cold weather then she drove her Jeep Wrangler. Some called her a tomboy but not from her looks. Those who know her knew she was very much a lady and looked it too. When she rides, she wears her jeans, riding boots and depending on the weather usually a tank top or some sort of sleeveless shirt, her long brunette hair braided hanging out the back of her helmet. When she dressed up and wore dresses then you would never take her for a woman who rode motorcycles. Her slim but statuesque figure would take the breath away from most men and many women.

The local bike club she belonged to was unlike the stereotypical biker's club. Members ranged from lawyers, CEO's to construction workers. The majority were males but there were some female riders too who rode their own motorcycles instead of on the back of their husband or boyfriend's bike.

Stephanie was well liked in the group and had been an officer of their club for many years presently acting as the secretary. She volunteered for any charity projects the club undertook most of the time being the first to volunteer especially if it had to do with children as she loved children planning to someday have children of her own.

Today's ride wasn't to be a long ride only covering no more than one-hundred-fifty miles with several stops as the club visited some historical sites and was making a run by a children's hospital to see some kids who were a part of a program in an economically depressed area. She had left early as she wanted to buy some souvenirs at the motorcycle dealership where the club met, that she would give the kids they visited in the hospital.

Stephanie only lived twelve miles from the dealership. Since she lived in a rural area outside of the city, she was able to take back roads all the way. It was a beautiful day as there were few clouds in the sky and mild temperatures so she wore her favorite white denim button up sleeveless shirt with tassels on the sides and embroidered with the Harley name, bar and shield logo on the back.

As she rode down a remote road which was really a cut through from one major road to another; she noticed a car coming up really fast behind her. She moved over as far to the right side as she could to allow this lunatic who was obviously speeding to pass her. As the car passed and pulled back into her lane the right rear tire of the car exploded and shredded. She took evasive action to avoid being hit in the head or arms with pieces of the tire but couldn't avoid all of them, almost losing control of the motorcycle and rolling it and her. She gained control but went off the road and into a field where she was able to stop the Harley.

She got off the bike saying a few cuss words, well actually a whole string of them, looking to see if there was any damage to her Harley. She wasn't concerned about herself and she hadn't noticed the cut she suffered on her upper right arm that was now trickling blood down her arm.

Mia Fernandez was on her way home having worked the night shift at the local hospital as a nursing assistant. She worked three nights a week to help pay her way through college. Now a senior studying animal science, her goal and desire was to become a veterinarian. While at work she received a call from a neighbor telling her that her mobile home she lived in was on fire. She raced out of the hospital and drove way too fast as she needed to get home hoping to save what she could from her burning home. She knew a cut through to the main road that led to her road and she turned down it. She saw the motorcycle in front of her hoping it stayed where it was as she passed by it. Soon after she passed it and began to move back over she felt and heard a tire blow. She barely caught a glimpse of the motorcycle behind her as it swerved then went off the road before she had to focus on straightening her car and getting it safely to the side of the road after the tire blew apart.

"Oh shit!" She yelled to no one as she brought her car to a stop. "This is the last fucking thing I need. Not only do I need to get home but I cannot afford to buy a new tire. Now if I hurt someone, I can't afford to pay their medical bills too. I'll never graduate and become a vet. Why can't I get a fucking break?"

She jumped out of the car not even looking at her car but running back to where the motorcycle went off the road. As she ran over to Stephanie, she called out frantically, "Are you alright? I'm so sorry my tire blew out." She hadn't noticed that the rider of the motorcycle was a girl or that she was bleeding from a deep cut across her tricep.

Stephanie hearing someone call out to her turned as she was taking off her helmet revealing she was a girl. "I'm okay, I think. I'm not sure if my bike is though. Why in the hell were you driving so fast?" Stephanie said showing some anger in her voice.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding," Mia squealed as she saw the blood dripping down Stephanie's arm. "Let me get some bandages from my car and take care of that. Come up to my car," she called out to Stephanie.

Stephanie looked down and saw the blood running down her arm almost to her hand. She looked up and saw a cut about two inches in length just above her tricep. It looked pretty deep so she knew she needed to have it taken care of. She tried to keep her arm away from her white shirt hoping to avoid staining it with blood as she walked towards Mia's car.

"I'm so sorry this happened," Mia apologetically said to Stephanie as she got a bag she kept in the trunk for emergencies. Still in her uniform, Mia tended to Stephanie's arm.

"I'm so sorry. Fuck, this is going to need to be looked at by a doctor. You are going to need stitches from the looks of it. I work at the hospital and I could get one of the doctors there to take care of it for you," Mia said and began to shed some tears.

Stephanie allowed Mia to clean and place pressure bandages on her arm to help stop the bleeding and then cleaned her arm for her.

"Why were you driving so fast? Do you live out this way?" Stephanie asked her. "This road is not used very much as it's a cut through and there aren't many houses out here, only a few mobile homes."

"I was using it to get to the main highway. There was a wreck on the other road and I was trying to get home because I got a call my house was on fire and knew this road would get me around the wreck. I didn't count on my tire blowing out. Now I won't get home and probably have lost everything." Mia's crying increased as she continued, "I'm not sure I have the money to pay for it but I'll make sure I pay for all your medical bills and any damage to your motorcycle. I may have to do it in payments but I promise you I'll pay for everything," Mia said but was also pleading with Stephanie at the same time.

"I'm sorry about your home. I hope the fire department made it there in time to save part of it for you," Stephanie told Mia. Then she focused on her bike which was her pride and joy. "Just clean this up for me and help me get my bike back on the road and then I can assess any damages. Looks like you have some to your car too. When that tire blew it came completely apart and you were running on your rim. It will probably need to be replaced and you also have some damage to the quarter panel on your car,"

Mia continued to shed tears running down her face at the news because she lived from day to day, check to check. She and her parents no longer talked. Her father was in prison for murder and would spend the rest of his life there and her mother was a drug addict in and out of jail or rehab. After she graduated from high school, she moved three states away to put that life behind her. Now after just turning twenty-three, going to school and supporting herself only working part time, life had been very difficult but she was determined to make a decent living for herself. She found a mobile home outside the city that while old was in decent shape and was affordable. She was able to pay tuition at a community college graduating from it on time. Since then her tuition had increased greatly attending the University and she was only able to pay for a few classes a semester. Now after 2 years, she was a senior and within the year would graduate and be able to enter veterinary school. The last thing she needed was extra expenses. That would mean either having less or not going to school for a semester.

"Sweetie, it's ok. It was just an accident and other than this cut I'm fine. My bike looks to be ok but we'll check it out. Your car only needs a new tire and rim though it appears your other tires are worn out too. Your really need new tires on this car," she told Mia.

"I know I do but I can't afford them right now. I'm only working part time because I'm also attending college and I can't work more hours, " she sobbed. " but I'm reliable and you can trust me that I'll pay you back for any damage I've caused. I'll work a couple extra shifts to make up for it or I won't go to school for a semester."

The golden heart that Stephanie had was already seeing something in this girl and was deciding if she should take a chance and trust her or go ahead and call the police about the accident. "Look, I'm in a bit of a hurry too as I am supposed to meet several friends this morning so let's just get my bike up to the road and we can see where we stand," she told Mia.

They both went down into the field and picked up the heavy bike. Stephanie showed Mia how to lift and where not to touch as they lifted. They got the bike up and Stephanie started it up right away. The ground was somewhat hard so she was able to use the power of the motorcycle to get it back up and on the road. She placed it on its kickstand and began to survey the damage. Luckily it appears there were only a few light scratches on some of the chrome. Stephanie thought she could buff those out but other than being dirty it appeared to be okay.

"We got lucky there isn't any damage to it. Other than my arm I'm alright. Do you have a spare we can put on your car?" She asked Mia.

"It's already on the car. The tire in the trunk is flat," Mia said tears flowing down her face.

"Then we either need someone to bring a new tire and rim or have the car towed. Are you a member of any auto club?" Stephanie asked but she already suspected the answer was no.

Mia shook her head.

"Okay, I have an idea," Stephanie said as she pulled out her cell phone and typed in a name. "Sam, it's Steph. I need someone to bring the car trailer on the cut off road ASAP. Also is Dr. Bob there this morning? Good, tell him to have his bag ready. I need his expertise." She paused... "No I'm okay but I have a stranded motorist who needs our help and I may need some stitches." Okay thanks love, sorry to mess our morning up. Get here as soon as you can please." Then she put her phone back in her back pocket.

"I have some friends bringing a trailer that we can put your car on and take it where we can get it fixed and one of them is a doctor who can take care of my arm. We'll just have to sit back and wait," she told Mia.

"Oh thank you, I don't how to repay you but I will. I promise." Mia said.

"We'll worry about that later. How far away is your house?" Stephanie asked her.

"It's called Johnson's Junction. It's east down the highway until you reach Highland Street then down there about a mile before you come to my street. It's a mobile home next to the farm about three blocks down," Mia told Stephanie. "I'm sure by now it's gone and everything I owned with it. What I have on and my car is all that I have left. Luckily I had my school books and laptop with me."

"You work at the Mountain View Hospital?" Stephanie asked her.

"Yes, I'm a nursing assistant which really means I'm just a maid," Mia said and smiled now less stressed. "I clean up messes, get supplies for the RN's and change sheets. It's good money and the shift work allows me to go to school too."

"What are you studying?" Stephanie asked her.

"Animal science. I want to be a veterinarian. After five years I'm finally a senior but my classes are more expensive now and I have to really be careful of what I spend," she said.

"You must love animals? And you sound like you are focused and determined. I'm sure you will make it and someday look back thinking it was all worth it. Just keep your focus and take it a step at a time," Stephanie told Mia.

They chatted a little more, Stephanie trying to keep the conversation casual, getting Mia to settle down as Stephanie could tell she was close to breaking completely down. As they were talking, she could hear the roar of several Harley's coming their way. "I think the cavalry is about to arrive," she told Mia then stepped out in the road to see. "Yep, but I didn't expect all of them to show up," she laughed.

As she said this about twenty bikers road up on Harley's followed by a truck pulling a trailer. Mia was a little worried as she had never been around this many bikers before and she didn't know if they were bad like the rumors she had heard or if they were safe. She stood close to Stephanie hoping she would protect her.

"Damn I didn't expect everyone to show up," Stephanie told the driver of the truck as he got out. "A little over kill don't you think?"

Sam who she had earlier talked to on her cell phone smiled and spoke, "You don't think when you call for a trailer followed by needing help from Dr. Bob that all of your other friends are not going to come running to help you do you?"

Stephanie laughed, "You are all sweethearts. Sam I would like for you to meet.... oh all of this and I don't even know you're name," she said to Mia.

"It's Mia, Mia Fernandez."

"Well Mia Fernandez, I'm Stephanie Gordon. And this savior here is Sam and the rest of these people are my dear friends that I ride with. Oh and this is Dr. Bob who you may have run into at the hospital," she told Mia.

Everyone introduced themselves and Stephanie spoke up, "I was behind Mia this morning when her rear tire exploded and knocked me into the field. She doesn't have a spare and she needs a new rim and four new tires and has no money to pay for it right now. I thought we could load her car onto the trailer and take it to Eddie's and see what he can do. On top of all that she was headed home because her mobile home was on fire."

Mia heard moans and groans of sympathy from the group and several came up to her telling her they were sorry and not to worry as they would make sure everything was okay before they left her.

Sam then spoke, "Let me call Eddie and see if he can help."

Dr. Bob walked up with a medical bag and saw Stephanie's arm bandage but traces of blood showing through. "What happened here?" He asked and took Stephanie's arm and held it out.

"I couldn't avoid all of the tire before I went off the road. Mia here works part time at the hospital and she was kind enough to clean it and put a bandage on it but she thought it might need stitches," Stephanie told him.

"Let's take a look at it. Come sit on the tailgate of the truck let me see," he said. Dr. Bob unwrapped the bandage seeing a nasty cut that had been cleaned and three pressure bandages holding the cut together. "You did a nice job Mia. It's well cleaned and you closed it up nicely. It does need about six stitches. I can do it now or take you to the hospital where the facilities are better."

Mia smiled at the compliment Dr. Bob had given her.

"Stitch it here. I've no desire to go to the hospital nor do we have the time if we are to make it to St. Joe's on time," Stephanie told Dr. Bob.

Dr Bob proceeded to get what he needed and asked for Mia to assist him. Stephanie grimaced as Dr. Bob put stitches into her arm and bandaged her cut. In the meantime, Sam came over after talking with Eddie.

"Well I have some good news. Eddie said he has a few cars on his lot that no longer run and they were using them for parts. He could pull a rim off of one and he has tires he would discount to cost to help out. All in all, it would cost Mia around two hundred dollars to get a new rim and four tires."

Mia was very appreciative but Stephanie could tell she was too embarrassed to say she couldn't afford them so Stephanie spoke up, "Everyone, I need ten dollars from anyone who can afford it to help Mia out."

In less than a minute Stephanie was holding almost three hundred dollars as some gave more than the ten dollars. She handed it to Mia telling her, "We take care of our friends."

Mia was beside herself and tears rolled down her cheeks. Her voice trembled as no one had treated her this nice before. "I don't know what to say. I am so thankful. I will pay you all back, I promise."

"Honey you don't owe us anything. We are glad to help those who need it. Your concern for me and your thanks shows us what we did was the right thing for the right person. Someday you will be in a position to help others and you can pay us back by helping them. Besides you have more to worry about than paying us for your tire. You've probably lost everything in the fire and will need to find a place to live and get new clothes and belongings," Stephanie told her.

Mia came over and hugged Stephanie telling her thank you so much again then hugged everyone there. They loaded her car on the trailer and were ready to head over to Eddies.

"Ever ridden on the back of a bike?" Stephanie asked Mia.

"This is the closest I've ever been to a motorcycle," Mia responded.

"Do you want too?" Stephanie asked Mia. "Anyone have an extra helmet we can borrow?"

Mia didn't know what to do but she didn't want to insult the people who had helped her so she put the helmet on. With the help of Stephanie showing her how to strap it on, she then got on the back of Stephanie's motorcycle.

"Just avoid touching these," Stephanie said pointing to the exhaust pipes. "Keep your feet on these even when you are getting on and off the bike," Stephanie showing Mia the foot petals where she could put her feet.

They started up the bikes and followed the truck to Eddies. Mia was actually enjoying the ride as she had never experienced this before. She had her hands on Stephanie's waist holding on and enjoying the noise the bikes made as they accelerated. She also enjoyed the looks they got from other drivers as they pulled up next to them and all these bikes were in a row. They arrived at Eddies and dropped the car off. He looked at it and said he could have it ready in about four to five hours. The group was anxious to get on the road as they were running a few hours behind their schedule. They had told the children's hospital they would be there at a certain time so the kids would be at the windows when the group rode up to the hospital.

"We have to be going. We are visiting a children's hospital today and handing out toys. I can run you by your home to see if there is anything left and then bring you back here to wait on your car if you would like?" Stephanie told Mia.

"I don't want to be a bother. You have already done too much after I could have killed you. I really am sorry. I know better than to drive like that," Mia said.

"First, you are not a bother and second it is completely understandable to want to get home to see what you could save. I really don't mind taking you by your home. I know when we have to be at the hospital and I can meet them there with time to spare," Stephanie told her.

"I really would like to see what's left," Mia said.

Stephanie talked with some of the others telling them she was going to take Mia by her house then drop her back off at Eddie's and she would meet them at one of the other stops they were going to make. The group left to get on their way as Stephanie and Mia got on Stephanie's motorcycle to go by Mia's place.

When they arrived at the mobile home, the fire department was still there doing mop up work on the fire and putting their equipment away. The sheriff was there too talking to some of the neighbors.

"Oh, fuck!" Mia called out as they approached but also crying at the same time. "It's all gone, everything."

They got off and talked with the sheriff and fire department. From the initial inspection the guess was it was an electrical fire cause by old wiring in the trailer. They asked her if she had any insurance which of course she didn't but told them the farmer down the road actually owned the mobile home. They gave her the names and contacts of local charities in case she needed them to get assistance and a place to live since it was obvious that she wasn't going to live there anymore.

Mia was devastated and Stephanie could tell this poor girl was close to losing it. She didn't know what kind of life she had led up to this point but she knew whatever it was this girl needed help and she felt like she should step in and be the one to help her.

"Mia why don't you come stay with me for a while until you can find a place to stay and get yourself back on your feet? I have a three-bedroom home and it's just me living there. I'm much closer to the hospital and university so you wouldn't have to drive so far," Stephanie proposed to her.

"I can't stay with you. It's not right. I almost killed you then you and your club doing so much for me already. I would feel like I'm taking advantage of you. Not to mention I don't know anything about you and you know little about me," Mia stated.

"You're not taking advantage of me though I might let you later," Stephanie said trying to ease the tension that Mia was feeling right now. "It really would be nice to have you there and I don't mind one bit. Those charities will help but you'll be around others who are in the same situation as you and you don't need every one of their problems affecting you. You need a place where you will be able to put things behind you and move on. Come on, I want to help you."

"Thank you. I can't tell you what this means to me. I promise I will pay you for your troubles," Mia said.

"It won't be any trouble and I'm sure you will be able to pay me back," Stephanie said.

After finishing up at the mobile home with the fire department and sheriff they got back on Stephanie's motorcycle to head back to Eddie's. Before Stephanie could put her helmet on her phone rang. Seeing it was Sam she answered it. "Hey Sam, what's up?" she said.

"Steph I have some bad news for Mia. Eddie has the tires balanced and ready to go on but they noticed the ball joints and brakes all around were shot on the car and needed to be replaced. I took it upon myself to have Eddie replace the brakes but he had to order the ball joints and they won't be in until Monday since his supplier is closed this being Saturday. This leaves Mia without a car until at least Monday some time plus more expenses than we thought."

Stephanie knowing more expenses was not what Mia needed to hear, she turned her head to speak to Mia who was sitting behind her on the back of her Harley. "You have new tires and a rim on your car. Unfortunately Eddie can't let you drive it off of his property. Your brakes are shot and so are the ball joints. Sam already told him to fix them but Eddie has to order the ball joints and they won't be in until Monday since the supply store is closed today and tomorrow. That leaves you without a car until sometime on Monday."

Mia took her helmet off and got off the motorcycle. She walked a little distance from Stephanie who could tell Mia was crying. Stephanie walked over to her putting her arm around Mia. Mia turned into Stephanie and let the tears flow putting her head on Stephanie's shoulders. After a minute of standing there and letting Mia cry she moved her away from her body to look her in the face.

Mia composed herself enough to say, "Why me? Why can't I get ahead? I'm a good person. I'm trying so hard to get by and life keeps kicking me in the ass like I've done something wrong."

"I can't answer that Mia. I don't know enough of about you to be able to even wonder why but I see this as an opportunity that is an improvement not a setback. You were living out here almost 20 miles from work and school in a trailer. If it is anything like the others out here a fire was the best thing to happen to it. It put it out of its misery. You needed tires, brakes and ball joints on your car and you were lucky to have that tire go out in front of me instead of you being on the highway and spin out and get hit by a semi or your brakes to go out and a major accident occur. We will get your car fixed and we have already covered the tires and rim. We'll deal with the rest when we know how much it is. You also have a place to stay closer to school and work and I can guarantee you it's nicer and more comfortable than your place was," Stephanie tried to reason to Mia.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't know a thing about me," Mia countered.

"I'm good at reading people and from the start I knew you were someone special. You were more concerned with me than your car or home when we met. You love animals otherwise you wouldn't be so dedicated to becoming a vet. You are supporting yourself and I can tell you are doing it independently without help from others because you are proud and determined. What else is there to know?" Stephanie asked her.

Mia stood there not able to respond or act. She didn't know what to do or say to Stephanie but what she heard did make sense though it was hard to see through all the problems she was having.

"Come on, since we can't pick your car up you might as well go with us on our bike ride and help get your mind off of what just happened," Stephanie said taking Mia's hand and pulling her towards the bike.

"I'm not dressed to ride," Mia told Stephanie.

"Don't worry. Out first stop will be at another Harley store. We can get you some clothes there, my treat," Stephanie said.

"I can't let you do that," Mia said. "Stop at the Goodwill store and I can pick something up there. I'm going to have to shop there for a while anyway until I have enough clothes to wear," Mia reasoned with Stephanie.

"We don't have time to go there and meet the others before we make it to the hospital. Besides no girl of mine is wearing clothes from Goodwill," Stephanie said.

Did she say girl of hers Mia questioned in her mind? Earlier she said she wouldn't mind me taking advantage of her. Am I not seeing something here? Is she coming on to me? Does she think I'm a lesbian? I don't think I look like one though I'm not real sure I know what one looks like and she certainly doesn't look like one. Just the opposite. She is gorgeous and I'm sure she has several boyfriends. Maybe I shouldn't accept her offer to stay at her place Mia began to reason in her mind.

Stephanie had already climbed on her bike and was fitting her helmet when she looked over at Mia standing there with a gaze in her eyes. "Are you coming or are you going to spend the night out here next to your burned-out trailer and all the cows?"

Stephanie's voice caught Mia's attention and brought her back to the present. She put the helmet on and got on the back of Stephanie's motorcycle placing her hands on Stephanie's shoulders until she was on then lowered them to her waist.

The motorcycle started up and off they rode. Mia had to admit she liked Stephanie but she wasn't sure she liked her as a lover. While she had kissed a few girls in high school it was more of a game and didn't lead to more than kissing and maybe touching the others breasts over their shirt and bra. She considered herself to be straight and not a lesbian and certainly didn't want to be considered one as that might affect her schooling especially getting into veterinary school.

As they rode along, she saw things she had never seen before and was really enjoying riding on the motorcycle. At one traffic light in a small town they came to about an hour later she told Stephanie, "I see why you take these back roads instead of the main highways. It's beautiful out here."

Stephanie nodded her head and reached behind her with her right -hand squeezing Mia's leg just above the knee. A half hour later, they arrived at the Harley dealership they were riding to and got a break from sitting on the bikes. Once they arrived to see the others already there Stephanie announced to everyone, "Hey everyone. Mia is going with us today."

Mia heard them cheer and clap at what Stephanie had said and it made her feel better that she was going. Mia noticed that Sam and some others were putting some boxes in the covered trailer that was behind the truck that Sam had driven earlier to pick up Mia's car.

She leaned over towards Stephanie, "Why the trailer and all the boxes?"

"Our plan is to go to St. Joe's Children Hospital and visit with all the sick children handing out clothes and toys from those boxes as most are from disadvantaged families and can't always afford new clothes or toys," Stephanie explained to Mia.

Mia was impressed and felt warm inside that she was going to be part of this.

"How are you holding up?" Stephanie asked.

"I was glad we stopped. I needed a break from sitting. How do you do it when you have to use your feet and hands all the time?" She asked.

"You get used to it. You develop an iron butt as we call it. I agree with what you said earlier about the scenery. That's why we ride back roads. It's not about getting from point "a" to point "b" but the ride to get there. If we didn't enjoy the ride, we would use our cars and take the interstate. I'm glad you are enjoying the ride so far. Now let's go inside and see if we can get you something different to wear," she told Mia.

They walked into the store with Sam walking in behind them.

"I'm almost done loading everything that Jody and Karen collected for us. Then I can follow you. We might skip the mansion tour and the seventeen-hundred bar and house because of the time. We have to be at the hospital at one and I don't see us being able to eat, see those places and meet that timeline," he told Stephanie.

Stephanie agreed saying, "We could spend more time here and take our time eating and make it to the hospital in plenty of time."

Sam turned to Mia telling her what she already knew about her car. Sam continued. "I know you don't have the money but these are things that are safety issues for you to drive and I took it upon myself to have him replace them. We'll take care of it so you don't have to worry about the money. Eddie has already agreed to do the work for cost and I'm sure enough of us here can handle the rest," he told her.

Mia just shook her head and her eyes again watered up. "I don't know what I did to deserve all of this from everyone but I am forever in your debt for all you have done. Words can't express how much you all mean to me. Thank you." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Seeing her emotion both Stephanie and Sam moved closer and gave her a hug.

"Honey we have all been blessed to make a decent living and our goal for our club is to share our good fortune and make a difference in the community. You just happened to blow a tire in front of the ringleader of our club and if she thinks it's a deserving cause we are all for it," Sam added. "but the bad news is we have to figure out how to get you around until we get your car back."

"I can handle that Sam," Stephanie spoke up. "I'll talk to Mia later about it but first she needs to get out of her uniform and into something to ride in."

"I think that's where I might come in handy," Karen spoke up. The clearance racks are over there and if you don't find anything there, I'll give anything else to you at cost."

"Come on," Stephanie told Mia taking her by the hand and leading her to the clearance racks. "What size pants do you wear?" I'd say a six or an eight."

"Yeah, depending on the fit. I'll have to try them on to know for sure," she said as she looked through the racks. "Oh Stephanie, these are way too expensive even on sale. I can't let you buy this. Isn't there a discount store close by I can run too?"

"Don't worry about the cost. I told you it was my treat. And if you are going to ride with us and buy Harley gear then you need to accept their prices run high. I buy as much as I can when things are on sale too as I don't like to pay full price. And remember Karen said cost on the regular price items if you don't find anything here."

They continued looking and Mia found a pair of jeans that fit plus a pull over top she liked.

"Try these boots on too," Stephanie insisted.

"I don't need boots too. My tennis shoes will be just fine," Mia said trying to resist spending more money.

"Did your feet feel hot when we rode?" Stephanie asked her.

Mia reluctantly nodded her head.

"That's the heat from the exhaust. Boots will help keep that heat off of you plus the bottoms are specially made in case you need to put her feet down and the bike is still moving. Also the height of the boots will help protect your ankles in case you accidentally touch the exhaust," Stephanie explained.

Mia put the outfit on and opened the changing room door for Stephanie to see.

"Wow, girl! You look really hot in that. Those jeans are tight and really accent your figure. I couldn't really see it through your baggy uniform but you have a great figure and those boots add to your sexiness," Stephanie told her.

This made Mia feel good and led her more to believe that Stephanie was at least bi. She kept the outfit on and several of the group complimented her on how nice she looked. Stephanie also picked out a head wrap for Mia telling her it would help with the helmet head that came with wearing a helmet.

They thanked Karen and Jody for the clothes and for all their donations they packed into the trailer to take to the hospital. Next they rode halfway to the hospital and stopped at a mom and pop restaurant on the way for lunch. Mia then asked Stephanie what exactly would they be doing at the hospital.

"Each year we come up here and visit the kids in the critically ill ward handing out clothes or toys to them and sit and visit with them. We have a fundraiser where we ask for donations of clothes and toys and accept money too. Once we get the list from the hospital, we select as many kids as we can and give out what we have collected. Any money we get, we use to buy any other clothes, toys or accessories. The dealership we just left joins in with us and collects too. They do their own shopping so when we come, we aren't collecting cash from them. At the hospital we'll divide up into small groups and take a list of kids getting items for them and taking them to their room. Usually they will have them at several rooms with windows overlooking the parking lot they will block off for us and when we ride up, we will do some circle ridding so they can see us coming. Then we'll gather as a group and wave to the kids before we go in. It brings smiles to their face and warms our hearts too," she told Mia.

Mia already being a recipient of the group's generosity knew how the kids must feel. Her feelings she was developing for Stephanie were enhanced by all she heard and she couldn't wait to be a part of it.

At the hospital after they rode up and around in a circle before parking. They gathered in a group and looked up at the windows seeing several children smiling and waving down at them. They all waved back pointing at the windows the kids were looking out. Next they unloaded the gifts in bags and gave a list to each group. They in turn would take their bag into the hospital where an aide would lead them to the rooms of the kids they were assigned to visit. Mia was really impressed with her group which consisted of her, Stephanie, Sam and Dr. Bob. They treated the kids as if they were normal kids and talked with them asking about their likes and hobbies. They hugged each child before they left and if the parent was there, they hugged them too. At times she could see how emotional her group would be when they met with a child who touched their heart more than the others. After they were finished, Dr. Bob met with some of the doctors and discussed the kid's prognosis and offered them any assistance they might need.

On the way home Mia and Stephanie talked as best they could while on the motorcycle. Mia had to put her head almost against Stephanie's in order to hear her because she couldn't turn around to talk while the motorcylce was rolling.

"As bad as today started out, it has ended wonderfully visiting those kids in the hospital. As bad as I felt for myself for all I have been through just seeing how those kids as ill as they are, they were able to smile and make the most of their situation. It made my troubles feel selfish as I still have my health and can control my destiny."

After telling that to Stephanie she felt Stephanie's hand pat her on her leg and holding it there longer than Mia thought she should.

It was late in the afternoon when they got back to Stephanie's and normally Mia would still be asleep as she would go to bed as soon as she got off work. Stephanie convinced her it was best if she called in sick tonight explaining to them about her car and home. Mia did and found it wasn't a problem. She only had a few hours until she would normally have to get ready for work and she hadn't been asleep now for more than twenty -four hours. Stephanie took her inside and led her to the spare bedroom showing her the bathroom on the way. She told Mia to go ahead and get some sleep and they could talk more later. By the time Mia's head hit the pillow she was asleep as she was exhausted from not only being up later than usual but all the emotions she had been through during the day. Stephanie checked on Mia a little while later and seeing her asleep. She thought to herself after all these years this was someone she could fall for? The only thing was she had no idea If Mia was straight or gay.

Stephanie went back out into the living room sitting on the sofa. She leaned her head back to rest it and she began to think about today and how fortunate she was to not get more seriously hurt by the blown tire. What she thought more about was the girl she met and how much she liked this girl. She hadn't realized how lonely she was and how much she yearned for someone to be close with. It had been years since she was last with someone and that hadn't ended very well. Since then she hadn't made any effort to find or be with anyone as she struggled to get over her last girlfriend. Mia, she thought just might be that girl. She wasn't sure Mia was gay but she had a feeling she was and eventually she would be able to tell. She wasn't sure how long she was sitting there as she was dozing in and out when she heard Mia come walking out.

"You didn't sleep very long. Are you okay?" Stephanie asked.

"Well normally I'm up working at this time and because of everything that has happened my body doesn't want to completely rest yet. I need to talk if you don't mind?" Mia asked.

"No, of course we can talk. What is on your mind?" Stephanie asked her back.

Mia sat down on the sofa on the other end and turned to face Stephanie. "I know you have already told me several times about not worrying about paying you back for all you have done for me and now letting me stay here in your home when you really don't know me. For all you know I will steal you blind or kill you yet you seem to be completely at ease with me here. I don't understand," Mia told Stephanie.

"Are you going to steal me blind?"

"No, I'm not going to steal you blind," Mia said.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No, I'm not going to kill you."

"Then there is nothing to worry about is there?" I told you I was very good at reading people and in my job, it helps to be able to do that so I don't waste time on those who don't want to work. I knew what kind of person you were and I knew I wanted to be a part of your life," Stephanie explained to her.

"That is where you have me worried," Mia said and hesitated before she continued. "You have dropped many hints and insinuations today that make me think you have another interest in me beyond wanting to help a person who is down on their luck."

Stephanie instantly knew what Mia was referring to. "Is that such a bad thing?" she asked Mia.

"I'm straight just so you know," Mia flatly said.

"Are you sure? I've seen you look at me today when you thought I wouldn't notice and the way you held on to me on the motorcycle. You know there were straps on the seat for you to hold onto. You didn't have to put your hands around me. But it wasn't just that. It was the way you held your hands on me. You were running your thumbs up and down my sides as we rode like you were caressing me. That doesn't sound like you don't have an interest?" Stephanie told her.

"I don't remember doing that. I'm straight. I think I would know if I wasn't and I'm telling you I'm straight," Mia tried to explain a little more emphatically.

"Mia, honey, don't worry. Yes, I am a lesbian and have been since I was a teenager but I'm not going to try to seduce you or force you to have sex with me until you are ready. But believe me when I tell you, you may not have ever thought you could be interested in a girl but in your mind, you're having doubts. It may not happen between us but with someone you are going to come out and you are going to find love and happiness like you have never experienced it before. I'm going to take a shower and then we can fix something to eat but I would like for you to allow me one kiss then you can decide if I'm right or way off base." Stephanie got up and held out her hand to Mia who found herself not even hesitating taking Stephanie's hand and standing up. Stephanie pulled her up to her and being almost the exact same height looked Mia in the eyes as her head and lips moved ever so close to Mia's.

As she got closer Stephanie tilted her head slightly to the side and noticed Mia had closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she was waiting for the kiss. Stephanie closed that gap and let her lips touch Mia's before she held her tighter and let the kiss have more meaning to it without becoming too passionate. She held it more than she initially thought she would since she saw no resistance from Mia before breaking the kiss.

Mia stood there for a second or two after the kiss, still with her eyes closed and lips puckered, before opening her eyes to see Stephanie staring at her. Stephanie gave her a smile and one of her hands came up and she placed a finger on Mia's lips which Mia kissed. Stephanie stepped back and told Mia she was going to take a shower. She told Mia if she wanted one too her bathroom already had soap, shampoo, conditioner and towels in it for her to use.

After Stephanie left the room, Mia stood in place wondering if Stephanie was right about her. She didn't hesitate to let her kiss her and she did recall her giving Stephanie the once over several times during the day. Could Stephanie see something in her that she couldn't see? She loved the kiss and it had sent thrills through her body being held by Stephanie. Or was it the emotions from the day's events and the fact she had put her love life on hold for many years as she worked her way through school. Yes, that was it she reasoned. She was just lonely because she had not been with anyone in three or four years and here was Stephanie riding in on her Harley to save the day like she was the prince rescuing the princess.

Later after they each had their showers, Stephanie said it was too late to fix anything extravagant but she did have the makings for sandwiches so they decided to make them and sit outside on the open patio Stephanie had out back of her home. The weather had cooled off and with the breeze it was perfect weather to sit outside.

"You have a really pretty house," Mia said.

"Thank you, it's not big but it is all I need. My parents live two blocks down the street and my aunt lives a block over, so when it came on the market it was the right time for me to buy and I grabbed it up. I've had to put some money in it to modernize it but I love it," she told Mia.

"I'd say you did very well. I hope to one day have my own home."

"I have no doubt that one day you will have a great home for yourself," Stephanie told Mia.

"You know a lot about me but haven't said much about yourself. Where do you work?" Mia asked.

"I work for Titan Automotive. We manufacture parts for cars like starters, water pumps and compressors. Our location here makes starters. We employ five-hundred employees at this location and I'm the human resource manager," Stephanie told her.

"Wow, that's nice, you've done well for yourself. Have you always been single?" Mia asked probing into Stephanie's life.

"I've never been married if that is what you are asking. I came close once but after dating for a few years it didn't end like it should have. That's when I decided to find my own house and this one came on the market and I snatched it up," she told Mia.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. You seem to be really nice and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to be with you," Mia said.

Stephanie smiled at Mia and took that as another sign that somewhere inside of Mia there was some interest in her and a hope of them having a relationship.

"Tell me how you got so involved with your club and giving to those in need, especially children," Mia questioned Stephanie.

"Well it really started when I was eleven years old. I knew a girl who was coming to school every day without a coat even when it was snowing outside. I told my mom and she asked me what I wanted to do about it. I told her I wanted to spend my allowance money and buy her a coat. So my mom took me to the store and I picked out a coat I thought that girl would like and I bought it for her. After I saw her face the next day when I gave it to her, I found I was always looking for people who needed help or just a boost to get through life and I would try to do whatever was needed to help them," she told Mia. "As I got older and was more financially secure it developed into finding a way to help more people on a larger scale. I had known most of the club members from when my Dad and Uncle were members and knew Dr. Bob worked at the hospital. I approached him one day and discussed what I wanted to do and he suggested we do it as a group. We presented the idea at the next meeting and today you saw the results," Stephanie explained to Mia.

"I'm glad you helped that girl because that's what helped make the person you are today. If it weren't for that girl, I wouldn't have been the recipient of your generosity. You have taught me a valuable lesson and I hope that one day I can repay what you have done for me to someone else," Mia said.

"I can tell you Mia that it's very rewarding to see the smiles and gratitude on people's faces when you help someone. Once you experience it you never forget it. You know that as a vet you can do the same thing by donating your time to rescue dogs or horses, or treating animals for those who can't pay but they love their pets just the same. The world is full of opportunities to help others not just humans. Our pets are just as much a part of our lives and families as we humans are," Stephanie told her.

"I suppose you are right. I already see a need around here. Especially out where I lived with those who had little and couldn't afford to take their pets to the vet yet they cared and fed them as if they were another child," Mia told Stephanie.

"When you have your own veterinarian clinic, I'm sure your heartstrings will get pulled and you will help someone out," Stephanie continued, "Why did you pick animal science as a major? Did you grow up on a farm?"

"I didn't grow up on a farm but next to one in a rundown old trailer where we lived. We didn't have any money so we made our own fun. The farmer next to us allowed us to come over and help him feed and care for the cows and horses. I grew to love being around them and when the vet would come out to check on the animals, I would watch him and decided one day I wanted to be like him."

'I'm sure you will make an excellent veterinarian. How old are you Mia?"

"I'm twenty-three, how old are you?" Mia asked.

"Soon to be twenty-six," Stephanie responded. Stephanie wanted to keep the conversation going but she needed to get some rest as the events of today had her worn out. "I'm sorry to break this up but I've about had enough fun for today and sleep is sounding better and better. If you want to stay up, you're more than welcome to but I need to get to bed. Oh, do you have to work tomorrow night?"

"Yes, I go in at seven and get off at seven Monday morning. Then I've got classes at ten until two-thirty so if my car is ready in the morning maybe we can figure out how to get it so I don't miss any work or classes," Mia said.

"We'll figure it out tomorrow. My mind is too fried to think straight right now. Good night hun. Make yourself comfortable," Stephanie told Mia as they both went back into the house.

"Goodnight Stephanie and again thank you so much for what you've done to help me. I really do appreciate it," Mia said.

"No problem, Mia. It was worth it to meet you and have this time together," Stephanie said and went into her bedroom. After Stephanie climbed in bed, she lay there thinking about Mia. Her mind also drifted to her last girlfriend. It took Stephanie too many years to get over her but being around Mia she had a renewed interest in finding someone to share her life with. Maybe with Mia it was time to make the effort to love again.

Stephanie thinking of both girls let her hands first touch her breasts which she found the nipples to be hard and aching. After rubbing her nipples a few times and squeezing her breasts she sighed and let her one hand find its way down to her pussy which she found to be throbbing and needing attention. Thoughts of her old girlfriend crept into her mind and then were erased by thoughts of Mia and the kiss she had with her earlier tonight. Stephanie's fingers eased under the waistband of her panties and down over her mound to find her slit already wet and her lips opening up from desire.

She let her fingers caress her outer lips before slipping into her slit and finding her hole. She pushed her middle finger inside and gasped from the feeling she was experiencing from her thoughts of Mia. Her other hand followed and found her hood and clit and began to rub around it in circles. Her breathing picked up and her fingers quickened their pace as she now needed to have the release her body evidently wanted.

Stephanie kept her thoughts on Mia and soon her breathing was quick and short and her hips were moving with each thrust of her fingers. It didn't take long and she felt the rise and pings of her inevitable orgasm. Knowing Mia was in the house she tried to keep the noise down but when her orgasm hit, she lost control moaning, "Oh yes, yes awwwkkk!"

After Stephanie had gone to bed Mia sat in the house wondering what she was going to do but also wondering about her attraction to Stephanie. She reminded herself she was straight but at the same time she felt something and she wasn't sure what it was. She knew nothing could happen between them as her education and career were of the upmost importance to her and she couldn't jeopardize either because of someone thinking she was not heterosexual. She rose up and decided she needed to try and sleep so she would be fit for work and school the next two days. As she walked down the hall to her bedroom, she heard a moan and noise from Stephanie's room. Mia knew from the noise Stephanie must be masturbating as Mia had done that several times over the years not being in any kind of relationship.

Mia wondered what it would be like to see Stephanie masturbate then she shook her head reminding herself she was straight. She went to her room and closed the door behind her. Once she was in the room it took her a while to fall asleep as she kept thinking about Stephanie. She let her hands move across her own breasts and make their way down to her pussy. The thoughts of her being straight or being highly aroused by being with another woman never entered her mind as she masturbated herself to an orgasm imaging her and Stephanie making love.

End of Chapter One

To be continued.....

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