The Task in Hand

Published on Mar 12, 2014



Maybe it was because he knew Mitch and Benny were coming over. Or just because he had saved it up since the weekend.

But the more he stroked, the more excited he got that afternoon. Usually he just pulled it from under the shorts and jacked till exhausted. But that afternoon he stripped totally naked, standing in front of the full length mirror, Steve touched his taut skin watching himself.

It felt good making his muscles twitch and skin tingle. It was as if he had never done it before. His smooth skin sides, his stomach, his thighs and butt all responded to his touch.

The view of the side of his body, smooth skin from his sides down to his lower thighs. His butthole was open already so his finger became two then three pushing deeper than ever before. His smooth tender flesh inside pushed against his prostate sending him to a nearly gasping edge.

He wished Tony was there behind him, his large muscular hands moving over him, his thickness pressing up inside him, his thighs pressed against the back of his own as he was fucked while others in the imagined locker room watched and jacked their own cocks' intent on lathering the two.

His nipples hurt when he twisted them. But the electric shock sent his chest and stomach into spasms. He twisted them again and again, wanting the nerves throughout his entire body to carry the painful pleasure up and down his body.

Steve released them, then gasping attacked again, feeling himself held by other naked boys holding his shoulders while another stood in front of him smiling evilly intent on torturing him with fingers attached and twisting each pink vulnerable nipple.

He screamed not hoping the boy would stop but that everyone would enjoy his pain so much, it would become more severe sending his body into convulsions without an ending.

Deep inside him, the fire grew hotter. Flinging himself on the bed, Steve jammed fingers into him while others twisted and pulled each nipple, making him wish there were others there to do it all to him as rough as they desired and rougher then he could endure until his body exploded with hot lava like sperm splattering all within reach.

He had gotten hot enough before to send it arching across the room and landing on the mirror he had just stood near. This time it would go further he hoped..But not wanting that moment to happen too soon.

Steve curled his legs up until his knees pressed against the self-tortured nipple flesh. His hands grasped for the toy that he had put on the bed awaiting his body.

It was 9 inches, thick, pink, newly unwrapped and already glistening with the Vaseline he had coated earlier. He had peeked through his sister's open door when she shoved one inside her. He had watched her pleasing herself before, but that day introduced him to the toy.

Steve chuckled remembering the late night he had snuck into the adult toy store. The little rooms in the back showed the same porn he had seen on the Internet. Grown men in suits stuffed themselves in them. He heard the clink of tokens activating the videos they would watch. One man invited him to join him but Steve declined moving instead to the shelves of toys.

"Hey you get out of here" the clerk spied him and yelled. Steve already bulging with the toy stuffed into his jeans ran out noting the smiles of a suited man whose eyes were aimed at the bulge.

It was clutched in his hands now aimed. Steve wanted it sighing to relax so the phallus wouldn't hurt as he pressed it inside. It did hurt at first. He sighed again trying to relax. The dildo slid further until his fingers felt his own stretched open butthole. It was in.

He moved it with one hand finding his softening cock with the other. He stroked inside and outside and his cock responded quickly expanding to the full length skin tight size it had been seconds before. He knew he was fucking himself. The pressure against his prostate was better than his fingers had been.

He felt Tony grabbing his shoulders so his cock could go deeper than thought possible. Holding the lockers Steve begged for the cock to fuck him harder.

It fucked him faster and faster. Steve could hardly breathe as he knew the eventual goal was within grasp and grasp it he did, harder and faster than his aching arms could take. But he didn't stop, there was no stopping now.

The skin teasing, nipple twisting, reflected self-images were foreplay to the unstoppable fucking and jacking that he endured now until he gasped, cursed and barely could breathe while deep inside his body, organs, vessels, glands fought for dominance.

And the second it released, Steve didn't know what was happening. Then the flow of hot lava moved in him pushing open valves and channels until the streams pulsed out of the tip of his penis, getting more sensitive with each stream.

"gawd" he said to nobody wanting the convulsions to continue and yet not knowing if he could handle the mixture of pain, pleasure and as yet unnamed feelings his eruptions caused.

Then he panted laying there, his legs uncurling, the dildo still inside him, his hand slimed with his own juices.

"Shit man you were goin" the voice startled him. Looking up, Steve saw the camera first, then the hands and Benny standing there laughing. Mitch stood beside him.

"Like that dick inside you bitch?" Mitch added

Steve reached down to pull the accused invader out of him as if that would negate Mitch's comments.

"Naw leave it" Mitch moved forward pulling Steve's arm away. "We got plans" he added.

For an instant, Steve thought Mitch was going to fuck him. He had fantasized about it, not only by Tony but others too. Mitch and Benny had threatened.

"We like having a buddy with a cute ass" Benny had said now and then.

Tony was tall, broad shouldered, not embarrassed walking naked in the locker room showing off his thick penis. He knew Steve looked; hell everyone looked. But he wasn't arrogant or even rude. It just seemed natural. Perhaps he and his brothers at home were naked. Steve wondered about that. The brothers were in the same school. One was younger, athletic and the other older and more of a computer nerd.

Steve couldn't help the image of Tony entering his head each time he masturbated.

"If you don't want us to show this or put it on the internet, you gotta jack us off" Mitch said. It was the first Steve realized that his friend's cock was rock hard sticking out of his jeans, aimed at him.

"Come on man" Mitch said. Steve wasn't sure if he was urging him to obey or Benny to join him. It must have been the latter because Benny's shorts were pushed down and his own boner was soon nearby.

"Jack us both or it goes on the net" Benny said aiming the camera at him.

"Fuck you" Steve said knowing he should.

"OK man" Benny turned the screen. On it was the image of Steve dildo fucking himself and jacking off. "Nice picture of you man, I think everyone will love it on campus too."

"He might even get a boyfriend that way" Mitch said "Is that what you want bitch, a boyfriend to fuck you like that dildo in your ass?"

Steve knew they were serious enough at the moment to push a button and send that video to where they threatened. Later they might not do it but at that horny excited second he was in danger.

He reached and touched Mitch with his sperm slickened hand and began to pump. Despite the orgasm that Steve thought had drained him, it was exciting. He moved forward dragging the dildo that still hung out of his expanded ass.

"Both at the same time" Benny said moving forward. The Vaseline from the dildo had coated Steve's other hand and now lubricated his stroking of Benny's twitching cock.

They curse him, berated him, but in his head it wasn't their voices. He had reached up and bumped into Tony's cock. "Sorry man" he had said but put it in the palm of his hand.

"Go ahead bitchboy, you've been wanting to touch it now I want you to suck it down your hungry throat" Tony's voice said.

Steve bent forward. Benny's cock wasn't between his lips but still in the grasp of his hand. But the defiant comment guys made to each other was now a real activity. Steve pumped each hand, he moved his butt to feel the dildo then sat back to have it go back inside him.

The more he moved his ass the better the thickness inside him felt. It rubbed against his intestines, pressed against his prostate, felt good at the end of its reach; he concentrated as his arms moved automatically on the two cocks.

Steve felt his own now hard moving against the bedcovers beneath him. As he moved his ass on the welcomed dildo, the sensitive cockhead moved against the bed. He wanted to stop but couldn't and felt the oozing first then the surprising squirt of more of his sperm escaping him.

He didn't notice at first but then he felt Mitch's sperm against his.

Mitch shot first splattering the side of Steve's face and shoulder. He kept stroking until Mitch pulled it away. Then moving onto the bed he squeezed the drops onto Steve's face.

Benny's cock exploded multiple streams some landing on Steve's forehead, nose, lips and dripping off his chin. His one eye had closed as sperm was about to land on it. Steve reached up and wiped it away.

"Look up look up" Benny said and Steve did seeing the camera aimed at him.

"You're gonna look good on this video man, my cum all over that sweet boy face"

"Did you get me in it?" Mitch said suddenly concerned.

"Naw man just your hand and cock squirting our new bitchboy" Benny said "Sign him"

Steve was exhausted. He felt the coolness on his back. "What are you doing now?" He though Mitch was pissing on his skin or something.

"Here it is. You gotta get each guy to sign you, date and everything". Benny talks as he moved behind where Steve still knelt. Steve felt the coolness.

"There we've both signed you. You need seven more, one per day. And if you fake it, we'll check. If you don't get 5 more by next weekend, you'll be seeing yourself on the Internet and we'll arrive with a few who want to do this to you."

Steve jumped as the dildo was pushed so deep inside him it pushed against him.

"Maybe we should just fuck him now" Mitch suggested. Steve felt the cock moving through the slime on his face. "Or maybe you'd like a taste instead" it moved across his lips.

"Maybe fucked in the ass and mouth at the same time?" Benny moved the dildo more. Steve couldn't help his cock from getting hard again.

"Shit look, he wants it" Mitch said "open up Stevie boy"

"Naw man, wait. Let's see if he gets his quota" Benny said "I gotta go" Steve realized he hadn't said anything. He watched Benny putting his shorts back on and pulling his tank top on too. The guy had a nice body.

Steve wondered what would happen if he begged Benny to fuck him right then and there. On campus they didn't talk like they had in the privacy of his bedroom. Maybe?now was the time.

"Yea so bitchboy, get the cocks to squirt on you and sign your back. "

"Oh yea don't wash it off either. We want you to smell like cum all week long, or we'll show this.." Benny showed him the screen. Steve was jacking two cocks and squirming. Only his face could be seen.

He nodded reaching for his own cock.

They left him like that jacking again sitting back on the dildo. It took time and hurt like hell but he was intent on a third orgasm and it came eventually leaving him hurting inside, his butthole sore too, his cock so sensitive he jumped when touching it to piss later.

Steve turned towards the shower stall. Glancing in the mirror, the black letters on his back appeared. He couldn't quite read it all.

"LET HIM JO YOU, SIGN AND DATE IF YOU WANT TO FUCK THIS NEXT WEEKEND" A line and arrow pointed downwards. Then there were two initials and that day's date.

The water didn't wash it off. There was swim team practice, gymnastics class too. He'd be naked, his back would be seen.

Sunday morning he was due at the pool. Usually few were there. Steve went and found a private place to strip down and pull on his speedos. The white tank top he wore looked weird but he wore it to hide the writing and swam the usual number of laps.

"So what's up?" Clyde Smarter appeared in the locker room.

Steve, tired from his 25 laps, forgot his back was bare.

"That for real?" Clyde patted his back.

"Uh a prank" Steve said

Clyde was naked. He held his cock. "Shame, I could use a good wank"

Steve reached and touched it. Nobody was there; he felt it grow in his hand. His own cock expanded despite being tired and he jacked until Clyde was spewing all over his body.

"Shit man that was nice" he said "wait let me sign up"

Steve realized they could have been caught, kicked out or worse trouble. The coolness of the felt tip on his back told him there was no going back. He had begun the task.

"See you next weekend" Clyde said rubbing his dribbling cock on Steve's bare shoulder.

The message had an attachment. Steve saw it was from Benny. The attachment opened and he was soon watching himself jacking and fucking himself with the dildo. He started to delete it but decided to watch.

His cock felt good in one hand, his nipple felt good in the other. The longer the video ran the more excited he got until he wanted the dildo.

Restarting the video, Steve mimicked his own actions, the dildo jamming into him, his cock in his other hand and the video urging him on and on until his body exploded.

It wasn't as draining at the Saturday the video was made and Steve felt a bit shamed he was doing it. It made him feel like the shameful pigboys he had seen on the Internet.

"Hey Jamie I need a favor can I come over?" he called one of his best friends. Jamie was the kind of friend he'd tell troubles to, complain about his parents or voice his confusion about girls too.

"What's up?"

"Promise you won't laugh" Steve said as he removed his tee shirt and turned around.

"What are you getting into?" Jamie said touching his friends bare back with writing on it.

"All I gotta do is jack off some guys and get them to sign it, so they won't show the damn video" Steve said.

"What video?"

Steve told Jamie about Benny and Mitch forcing him to jack them off.

"Well it doesn't quite say that. It says to get you to jack them off and they could fuck you this weekend"

Steve was speechless. Benny and Mitch had said if he got 5 guys to let him jack them he wouldn't be gang banged.

"Just sign and fake it" Steve said "I'll get some others to do it so that damn video isn't shown"

Jamie smiled "I have another idea"

Steve watched as Jamie stripped off his shirt and pushed his shorts off.

"Fuck man you want me to really do it?"

Jamie stepped forward "who wouldn't"

Steve cupped Jamie's balls with one hand and stroked his cock with the other until it was spraying him as others had done.

"Fuck there" Steve said acting angry "so sign me and I'll get outta here"

"Naw not yet" Jamie knelt "good think you don't' have a camera" His fingers unbuttoned Steve's fly and reached inside.

Steve stared as his friend moved his hear forward. The wet warmth on his cock was new and he lay back on Jamie's bed as his friend sucked his cock. It was his first blowjob and his body responded too soon, ending the pleasure in his cock and mind too soon.

"Man I didn't know you'd do that stuff" Steve said

"Hey there's allot of things you don't know about me or the other guys" Jamie signed Steve's back.

"Besides Benny said you'd probably call me" Jamie laughed. "Want me to call others?"

Steve would be well known by the end of the week, he knew.

He dove into the school pool the next morning during early practice. There was no shirt needed because there was no secret about what he had to do.

Meryl came all over his face and chest after practice and signed his back.

"Four more" Steve said out loud

"Can't wait till the weekend" Meryl said. Steve ignored the comment. "They told me different" he thought.

Gym class was hard. He lifted, tumbled, jumped and sweat until locker room time.

"Hey" Tony naked as usual, was beside Steve at the lockers.

"I uh heard" Tony leaned back to look at Steve's bare back "You need three more" he added.

"I guess" Steve said wanting to look hesitant when in fact he wished Tony's cock would be in his hands right then and there. But doing it in front of everyone was a fantasy. Tony wouldn't do that he knew.

"I'd offer but got a meeting, maybe later" Tony said "I'd like a good hand job" he patted Steve's bare butt "maybe more"

Steve began to wonder if he understood what Mitch and Benny had said. "Get 5 or you get fucked all next weekend" or was it "get 5 signatures so you can be fucked next weekend".

He found Mitch in the hall, whispering as loud as he dared.

"It doesn't matter man, just do it" Mitch said

Jamie had promised and Miller, a tough guy called him as Steve crossed the campus. "Hey you get on the back. I promised that friend of yours, Jamie".

Steve straddled the cycle and sped away. Miller's room was a mess. The odor was worse than the locker room but somehow excited Steve. He watched Miller strip off his shirt. To his surprise the guy was firm, muscled and cut.

His jeans hung so low on his hips the top of his pubic hair was visible.

"Ok kid, here it is" his hand held out his soft but large cock.

"We can fake it, just sign and I'll go" Steve said.

Miller reached and pulled on Steve's shirt stripping it in one move.

"Naw gotta do it for real, now do your thing kid" Miller "get it hard and drain it"

Steve touched the cock like it was a foreign animal threatening to bite him. It moved in his hand expanding.

"Shit man" Steve said watching the loose skin move more until the thickness reminded him of a beer can.

"Use both hands" Miller instructed.

Steve complied stroking and began to breathe deeper as his own cock hardened inside his jeans. It was work, hard work.

He looked upwards to see if Miller was enjoying it, if he was getting hard. Miller's hands were sliding over his own naked torso, fingers pinching his nipples. Steve wished the guy would bend over and grab his nipples torturing him into submission until he was naked, willing to lick the cock and feel it turning his ass into a hole so wide it wouldn't shrink back to its normal size.

Then it flooded him. Steve hadn't realized his mouth was open until sperm landed in his mouth and spilled out of his lips dripping down onto his bare skin.

"Shit man that was?" he started to say but a second flood began to gush out onto his face and a third until Miller pushed his hands away.

"That's all there is kid" He said "gotta piss, you up for that too?"

The stream began before Steve could reply. It washed the cum from his face and chest flowing down to his jeans.

Steve was stunned, not only because he was being pissed on for the first time but because he discovered the feeling pleasing if not exciting. He pulled his cock out and jacked it cumming as the streams slowed and stopped.

"Kid you are a kinky pig aren't you?" Miller said as he moved behind Steve. The boy didn't move as the familiar feeling of the felt tip pen on his back indicated Miller was signing.

"If you're that kinky all the time, your phone is going to keep ringing" Miller said "want a ride back?"

Steve shook his head. He felt ashamed. It would take the long walk home to dry off in the afternoon sun. He didn't want anyone to know what just happened or that he let it happen.

"Every guy I know needs a pigboy like you. Hell my squeeze won't even give me a hand job. Glad you're available" Miller left the room as Steve went out the back door for the long drying walk home.

Steve had decided to stay in town after high school and go to the local college. Friends from high school were doing the same. And until that afternoon, any thoughts about leaving the hometown were dismissed. But now he wondered if he'd have to leave. Even if the video wasn't circulated, guys talked.

Maybe he was a bitchboy like Benny and Mitch had said or a pigboy like Miller said or just plain gay as he had wondered about since his years even in junior high. There was nobody he could ask or talk to about it.

And the week wasn't over yet either. First he had to finish the week and get that video from Benny. Then he'd see if this would blow over. But there was the possibility he needed to start over somewhere else so his parents didn't know about him, let alone the old high school classmates.

"One more" He said to himself getting out of bed that Friday morning. He wondered if Tony would let him that day. There was Mr. Adams, the swim coach, a former Olympian. He was tall, slim and usually wore nothing but loose shorts that displayed his meat when they were wet or when the sun shone through the nylon cloth. He had looked and sometimes Adams had caught him looking. The man would smile or wink. Steve assumed he was used to such attention.

Morning lectures were normal, boring and Steve took notes. He sat on the grass with a study group and saw the usual hint of male genitals in bulging jeans or occasionally actually revealed in an open leg of someone's shorts as guys sat cross-legged.

The afternoon came too soon.

"So how many kid?" Benny stood nearby. He was holding his camera.

"Almost" Steve said eyeing the screen on Benny's camera. "You haven't shown that to anyone, right?"

"Just Mitch and me, thus far. But tomorrow, everyone will see it"

"You said unless I ?"

"Unless you get seven on your back or should I say in your hand." Benny laughed snapping the screen shut on the camera.

Benny and Mitch were both former classmates from high school. Mitch was supposed to go to State; Steve thought but appeared on campus with Benny the first day everyone had to sign up. They were always friendly but not close friends like Jamie. Gradually they began to hang out with Steve, Murray, Jamie and others bonding with the other former high school classmates.

Video games, sharing lecture notes, computer issues and sometimes just hanging out found them in Steve's room or Steve in one of theirs. Only a week ago had they gotten into physical stuff. Maybe it was his fault getting carried away masturbating that day. He had explored many things since graduating, taking chances, shop lifting in the adult store, watching guys at the beach, even masturbating in this window at night, daring Jamie to come watch.

And there was Tony. The more he fantasized about the guy, the more Steve wanted to try sexually. The midnight he snuck into the adult bookstore alley. A tall man in a suit waved him inside and there he watched the porn the man was watching. The cock in his hand, the man urged him to do it too. They masturbated until Steve left suddenly after erupting on the floor. That was the first time he did stuff like that in front of another person.

He watched two guys in a stall at the beach bathroom. One was fucking the other guy whose swim trucks were around his ankles.

And there was the time he performed watching himself in the mirror while his own phone camera recorded the event. Steve watched it again and again afterwards amazed his own image excited him so much. He wished he could send it to Tony's phone. And then say it was an accident getting the guy to promise not to tell anyone or share. Or if the guy said the right things, maybe volunteering to do something in return for his silence. But instead he erased the video before he made a mistake or worse yet; his sister would somehow find it.

Sally, his sister was always playing tricks on him. Even when he began to explore satisfying himself, she would tease him with "nice tent this morning perv" or "going to do it again?" when he left the living room or "he's in the bathroom so much he's going to hurt himself".

Then there were the photos. A flash would announce her interruption of his shower, changing in his bedroom or sitting on the toilet.

Fortunately Sally went away to a University by the time he was midway through high school. He had plenty of opportunities to play tricks on her before then. There were the times she was making out with guys on the couch while he was supposedly sleeping. But Steve was more interested in watching the half-naked guys then taking photos or saying something to their parents that would end the opportunities.

Even the time he watched her masturbate was more educational then an opportunity to tattle on her. Later even when she was making fun of her, he saw her use a dildo. Rather than say anything to the parents or her, he was more intrigued then anything. And later he shoved one down his jeans, shop lifting the toy that apparently was fun for such private times.

And somehow he knew that someday in the future, he'd need Sally on his side when he'd have to admit to his parents that he was what he was, whatever that was.

"See you tomorrow bright and early" Benny said.

"Murray" Steve stood need to one of his friends at the lockers. "Need a favor" he said.

"I wondered when you'd come to me" Murray closed the locker "when and where?"

"Did Jamie tell you?" Steve asked.

"Hell man everybody knows about this" Murray patted Steve's back.

"Shit" Steve muttered "who?"

"Well just a few of the guys, don't worry. What does Benny have on you to make you do this?"

Steve felt relieved. Benny hadn't indeed shown or told anyone about the video of his perverted self-pleasuring or masturbating them, at least not yet.

"Can't go to my place, the folks are in town, they leave tonight" Steve said

"OK tomorrow then" Murray said

"Can't the guys expect it done by tomorrow morning" Steve said

"OK tonight, I'll stay over, video game stuff, and we can get it done" Murray

Murray hadn't slept over since they were kids. Jamie too. In fact the three of them first saw each other's boners years ago during those overnight events.

"Maybe I should call Jamie, it'll be like old times" Steve said

"Well not quite, but close" he laughed

His parents stared at him then resumed packing for their usual weekend getaway. Since Sally moved out and he started college, they began taking long weekend trips. He watched the house and occasionally they would visit Sally or go on some pleasure trips. "A sleepover, at your age?" His mother smiled.

"Yea I guess, we figured we'd hang out and do stuff" Steve knew he sounded like the teenager he used to be.

"Stay out of my liquor" His father said. His Dad had said those years ago as well.

They were sleep when Murray arrived with Jamie. They carried pizza, reminiscent of their preteen sleepovers.

In Steve's room they fired up the video games, talking and laughing as if this was to be a normal night.

Suddenly Steve realized something "What if they just think everyone did it. I mean all I need is Mur to sign my back" he suggested.

"Naw won't work" Jamie said

"Why not? I mean you could have, " Steve started to say.

"Pics man, they have each of us take a pic of you jacking us" Jamie said as he held up his phone "see?"

There was an overhead pic of Steve, shirtless, jacking a cock, Jamie's cock.

"You mean they have one of these for each guy?" Steve said

"Suppose so, it's written on your lower back, didn't you see it?"

"Can't see it"

"You should have asked" Jamie said "No matter you're almost done aren't you?"

Steve was stunned. Now not only the video existed but there were several pics of him jacking off different cocks.

"Did you get Tony too?" Murray asked as he continued the video game.

"Naw he's too much of a pussy" Jamie

"Man you've been eyeing the guy like a hungry calf for a year now" Murray said.

Steve was surprised that they knew about his Tony fantasies. Maybe it was one of those things where everyone knew about him before he admitted to it, to everything. If that was the case, this whole week didn't matter.

"Did Benny or Mitch know?" Steve asked.

"Buddy every guy on the team knows, you two are hard to miss. You take the longest time to change in the locker room then anyone" Jamie offered

"And Tony hangs out naked waiting for you too" Murray said "or anyone for that matter" the two laughed.

"Shit, shit shit shit" Steve said. He was indeed known about.

"Ok it's time, all this talk has gotten me horny or maybe this killing game has" Murray stood and peeled his shirt and shorts off. His penis bounced up like a bird in a cuckoo clock bounding out of its' door at the appointed time.

"You better get ready, I haven't jacked in a week" he warned.

Steve heard Jamie giggle. He saw his clothing hit the floor too.

Hands reached for his tee shirt and pull it off. Steve stood and shucked the jeans he had put over his bare skin earlier, leaving him naked.

"It's like old times" Murray said "except this time we are gonna do what we should have done long ago"

He moved forward and Steve began to stroke the cock and cradle the ball sac he had fantasized about years ago. Maybe that was when it all started. The three of them, naked in his bedroom, watching each other show off their pubic hair, boners, threatening to do things to each other but instead ending up wrestling or horsing around until parents yelled for them to quiet down.

The room filled with their odor. They whispered at first. Murray began to curse calling Steve names that had become familiar to him, like bitch, fuck face, pervert, and pigboy.

Jamie stood nearby jacking his own cock watching his two friends. Steve reached and soon was jacking the two of them. He felt like 12 again, having tented his jockey shorts until they had to be taken off. Touching his two friends years before they knew the name for what they were doing or cared about it if they did know. Experimenting then was something different now.

Steve bathed in their sperm as it bathed his body. He tasted their dribbling cocks and sucked until a second load came to him. And as he lay in the bed between them, his hands touched, explored and stimulated them.

It wasn't the task anymore but long held and kept secret desires that took the three of them over until a cock replaced the sensations remembered when he used a dildo and another cock rode his warm tongue. He wanted it, he needed them both. And the obliged through hours of searches for memories, pleasures and animalistic expression.

Still naked, Murray made pancakes. Jamie and Steve ate as if they hadn't eaten for weeks.

"Glad you found the apron, you might have burned something important and about that guys about last night" Steve hesitated to talk about it.

"We should have done all that years ago" Jamie said "we knew you wanted to"

"How?" Steve said

Murray plopped down another plate of pancakes. "Hell man we were buddies then, and now we're fuck buddies" he smiled wiping his hands on the apron. As he lifted it, his half hard cock was in plain sight. Steve wanted to go over and kneel taking it in his mouth as he had the night before.

"Look maybe you're bisexual, maybe we are too . It doesn't matter. All that matters is we had fun." Jamie added "and maybe we can keep having fun whenever we want to, agreed?"

"Agreed" Murray lifted a cup as a toast.

"Agreed, Oh shit you need to sign" Steve said suddenly and Murray began to do that as Benny and Mitch arrived.

"Well congratulations" Mitch said "We didn't think you'd do it"

"Done but I don't think you got the pic from Murray yet" he said revealing he knew about the pics.

"Yea we got it last night" Benny said, "see?" The overhead pic of Steve was like the other he'd seen except this time he had both hands on hard cocks.

"So my task is done, give me the video" Steve said

"One more thing" Benny said and handed him the phone. "Dial this number"

Steve started to object but obeyed.

"Hello?" a deep voice answered.

"Who's this?" Steve asked

"Who's this?" the voice said


"Oh they told me you'd call"

"Tony?" Steve asked realizing that Benny and Mitch had something planned.

"Yea, so you want to do this? I mean I can tell the guys to fuck off"

Benny grabbed the phone. "Yea man come over now. He's been doing stuff all night but I think he's ready for you"

"OK here's the final task" Benny closed the phone.

"We're tired of you mooning over this guy."

"Yea this is a kind of intervention" Jamie butted in

Mitch smiled "the kind you want, you either do him or everyone here"

Murray interrupted "and we know more who want to"

"You and he fuck or you're going to spend the weekend getting fucked by so many guys your asshole will be wider then that dildo made it" Benny said

Steve didn't know what to say. He saw both Mitch and Benny stripping so now all five of them were naked in his kitchen.

"We can fuck you everywhere in this house, here on the table, in the living room, your parents' bedroom, the basement, the back yard too" Mitch's hand held his hard cock.

"You'll be drowning in our cum" Murray said

"And piss" everyone looked at Miller came into the kitchen "sorry I'm late"

He was already shirtless. Steve wished the guy would show off that beer can cock he had.

"You ready for this pigboy?" Miller asked

Steve heard himself say "Yes Sir" and that made Miller smile.

"See? I told you guys. He's a little pig"

"Tony's coming" Mitch announced.

"So Woa, guys start without me?" Tony asked as he entered.

"Naw he's all yours, he'll be up in a second" Benny said

Tony nodded and bent over. His lips moved in like an invading army with his tongue jutting out like the turret on a tank.

Steve was startled at first but feeling Tony's kiss, his hand moving down to Steve's lap, he relaxed and kissed back.

"They're gonna fuck right here" Jamie said

"Naw, I promised" Benny said "upstairs T man"

Tony backed away. His gym shorts were tented. Steve touched it. All this was unreal.

Tony left the room and Steve started to follow.

"No not yet kiddo" Benny said "here's the deal"

"You get the video, all the pics IF" he began

Steve looked at the room full of naked classmates, some with boners others drinking soda and smiling back at him.

"If Miller here is right, and we think he is, you have one final deal to make. You want time with Tman right? Tony" Benny said

Steve didn't reply, he didn't have to. His hard cock indicated he was turned on.

"Go have nice time, let Tony do all the things to you he wants. And when he's through, it's our turn" Benny said.

Steve "your turn?"

"Yes pigboy, you're gonna do stuff you and we have wanted to do to you for years" Miller said

"Jamie?" Steve called to his friend.

"It's ok; man it'll be one hell of a weekend"

Tony was naked on the bed when Steve came to his own bedroom. He closed the door. For now, it would be their time, his time. There would be touching, sucking, fucking and kissing. He didn't know how many times or how long it would last. Perhaps after the weekend, it could happen again. Or perhaps Tony like the moment would pass and it would all become a memory for years to come, something to laugh about or set the tone for the rest of his life.

Whenever it ended, he'd become something that others had names for. Things he had thought about, activities he had seen on the internet and those he had done over the past week would all occupy the next two days, 48 or more hours of unbridled, unlimited and unimaginable activities.

Benny said there were drugs that would help everyone keep going for hours to come. His asshole had stretched during the night but tightened back, hopefully enough to make Tony happy and want more of him.

He crawled on the bed and bent over. His asscrack rubbed against Tony's erection as he did so. He wanted those lips again, that tongue and eventually the cock that had teased him for a year.

And in the back of his mind, Steve wanted other things too; things that he had imagined, things that others had imagined and things that would change him forever into what he truly was whatever name there was to describe him.

But for now the task at hand was to continue to catch up for lost time and needs yet unfulfilled.

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