The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on May 23, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Originally posted on Gay Authors:

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}}

Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


The Tampa Chronicles 2 — My Son

TC2 — Chapter 6: Friends in Low Places

Tampa's road system is built around a network of major roads that includes three interstate routes, two toll roads, and several county, state, and federal highways. It wasn't always like that. Like lots of smaller cities when the first interstates came in, Tampa blossomed to a large thriving metro area dependent upon them.

Where two of the interstate routes meet, I-275 and I-4, the Tampa locals affectionately call it 'malfunction junction'. Duncan and his brother Ian sat in traffic, stuck behind a car accident... It was only 8:10 am on Saturday, March 10, 2018, and traffic was already backed up.

"I told you to take the Crosstown from I-75." Duncan sat on the passenger side, looking at his brother.

They had departed early from Key West and had driven all through the very early morning hours to get back to Tampa. Ian had told Duncan he had forgotten about an appointment Saturday evening, until his phone went off shortly after 3:00 am, and he would need time to get ready. Duncan had accepted the explanation, but thought it was bullshit.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I should have known I-4 would be horrible, but I don't like paying tolls. It's partially your fault for living in that clusterfuck downtown traffic."

"Fucker. You live on the island across from me. Just as much of a clusterfuck to get there." Duncan's tone spoke of his playfulness. "It's not bad, once you get used to it. Besides, the pay is really good, a lot more than where I was working at, and I've got a roof over my head."

"Yeah, well, I don't have to drive through downtown to get there, I get to drive around it." An opening occurred, and Ian hopped the two lanes to get into the exit for 21st Street and Ybor City. "And this wonderful, great paying job has nothing to do with the fact that Adam is in love with you? You can't deny he is. All you have to do is look at him when you two are around each other. Tell me the truth, Little Brother, are you using him?" His tone was accusatory.

Duncan let out a silent sigh and shook his head. "I'm not using him..."

Ian glanced over at his brother, and back to the road. He took the exit ramp, and turned left onto 21st Street, headed south towards Ybor City. They stopped at the light for 7th Avenue, the main strip through the historic district turned party place. "What are you not saying? I've known you forever, and you're hiding something."

Duncan turned his head towards the window. Tampa residents were already out, setting stuff up for the day's activities, and a few tourists were looking at the old architecture of some of the cigar warehouses turned shops, clubs, and restaurants. Banners were being hung by the Gaybor coalition for the upcoming PRIDE parade and the weekly Saturday street market off of 8th Avenue in Centennial Park.

"Giving me the silent treatment?" The car started moving again, as Ian turned onto 7th Avenue, headed west towards Nebraska Avenue.

"No... I... Fuck you, Ian, I didn't want to come out to you or the family like this." He let out a long breath. "Alright... I'm bisexual. It took me a long time to accept I was, and it's the reason why I'm getting divorced. I told Cheryl, tried to discuss it with her, but she doesn't want to be married to - her words - 'a fudge packer that might cheat on her'."

"That's just fucked up. I never thought Cheryl was like that." Ian shook his head.

"She was pretty upset when I told her, and she didn't believe I had never slept with a guy. Cheryl went and got an HIV test done to make sure I didn't infect her. I got tested too, I'm clean by the way. Cheryl wasn't the only one I've had unprotected sex with." Duncan shook his head and released a small breath. "The fucked up part, there's a part of me that still loves her, but she's not my future." He paused and cleared his throat. "I've had feelings for Adam for years. I just denied them."

"Damn Bro... Does Adam know, or suspect?"

"No... I've not told him, but you know that damn instinct of his. He knew you and Debbie were getting married not long after you two started dating. Our mutual friend Nicholas, Adam knew Nick would meet Stephanie and get married three months before they even met each other. It freaks me out sometimes, for I've never seen him wrong." He paused to let out a frustrated breath. "I don't think he suspects anything, but I don't know. I know Rob doesn't. We just met on Tuesday."

The brothers sat in silence while the car moved steadily down the road past the historic buildings. Ian took a back street to get over to Channelside Drive.

"If I may ask... if you've never been with a guy, how do you know?"

"How do you know you're straight?"

"Point taken... let me just say for the record... I love you no matter what, man... gay, straight, bi, or even if you have three eyes and two heads---"

"Fucker... three eyes and two heads? Had to make a joke." Duncan sighed after he interrupted.

"---What are you talking about?" He stopped for a red light.

"You're not that dense, brother dear." He noticed Ian looked lost. "It must be the lack of sleep. A guys second head is his cock... and your asshole is your 'third brown eye'... you never heard of that?"

"I didn't think of that at all." Ian laughed. "To finish what I was saying. The point being, you're my little brother, and I will always love you unconditionally." He gave Duncan quick brotherly punch to the arm. "I know Jeremy will love you no matter what. He's always been more comfortable around you than anyone else. Did you know he doesn't like it when Debbie or I touch him?" Ian's pause lingered some, and he didn't catch the light changing green. The car behind them honked their horn, snapping him out of it.

"Ian, you are fucking out of it. You need me to drive you home?"

"No, I'm good to go. Just worried about stuff." He cleared his throat. "It's the damn weekend. There shouldn't be this much traffic!" Ian sighed. "You should have said something. I did kind of expect you weren't totally straight."

"How so?"

"You've always had a certain look when you were around Adam. It wasn't disgust or anything like that, it was more like you were hiding your true feelings. When you, Adam, and his friends dragged me to the Tampa PRIDE parade in Ybor, which has always been fun, you were more relaxed... in your element, but there was a vibe you were hiding a secret."

"I was. From a lot of people. Myself on top of the list." He looked out the window with a little chuckle. "I'm thirty-seven-years-old, and I hid this from myself since I was a teenager. Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if I had let Adam blow me on that camping trip."

They reached the roundabout in front of the Aquarium, where two cruise ships were in port. Traffic was heavy, and pedestrians were all over the place. "Clusterfuck-of-traffic." He looked at Duncan giving him an accusing look. "No use dwelling on it now, Bro. Gotta live with the outcome, but I know you'll get through this. Are you going to tell Adam?"

"I am. He's a good-looking guy and my best friend. I can see us dating."

Ian nodded. "I can too. Hell, I can see you two getting married." He paused as Duncan sputtered next to him dumbfounded. "You two would be perfect together, and now that I know you like guys, I totally approve of you two as a couple. I'll say this, though... he's been longing for you forever. You do anything to hurt him... I'll kick your ass. Duncan, seriously, be careful... it's not just your heart. If you have any doubts about this, don't pursue it."

"I know." He paused, and took in and released a breath to calm himself. "I've never said this out loud. I do love him."

Silence fell again in the car, as they waited in traffic to turn onto the bridge to Harbour Island.

"I'm going to stop at Starbucks."


"Another question... do you know how to have sex with a guy? And what do you think you are, a top or a bottom? Did Cheryl ever plug you?"

"Fucker. I'm pouring my heart out over here, and you're making jokes." Duncan punched Ian in the shoulder playfully, but with a bit of force behind it, while Ian laughed at him. "Sort of. I've been watching bisexual and gay porn for a while now." He paused, then laughed. "If you're cruising for a blowjob, ask someone else."

"Yuck. A blowjob is a blowjob, and I fooled around with guys when I was younger. But man... no, you're my brother, and there's a creep factor attached."

Duncan laughed heartily. "I'm only fucking with you, bro."

They bantered more and pulled into Starbucks for coffee.


The electronic chirp from the alarm panel near the front door made Duncan pause a moment. But not as much as seeing the hurricane retractable storm shutters closed across the back of the house. He set down his luggage and punched in his code to deactivate the alarm. {{Odd... the alarm is usually off during the day, and why are the storm shutters closed?}} He grabbed his bags and headed towards the kitchen. His face crinkled. {{That smells like puke, and piss.}} Duncan turned the corner headed towards his bedroom when he spotted Adam.

Adam was lying passed out in a puddle of his own puke and had wet himself in his sleep on the hardwood floor in the hallway before the wine closet. A mostly empty bottle of Jack Daniels lay on its side near him. He snored deeply, oblivious to Duncan's arrival.

Duncan shook his head. "What the fuck is going on?"

He stashed his bags on the middle kitchen island, walked over to his friend, and went to his knees. "Adam... wake up, man." He shook his shoulders, and Adam slowly stirred. "Wake up man. You've had way too much JD. What if Rob sees you like this?"

Adam's eyes were bloodshot and blurry, but he was starting to be somewhat coherent. "Rob isn't here. They took him. I'm about to puke again." He started heaving when Duncan grabbed the small wastebasket nearby and shoved it under his face. When Adam was done being sick, he leaned back against the wall with Duncan's help. "When did you get home? I went to your room last night to talk, and you weren't there."

Duncan couldn't help but smile. "You're a mess when you're drunk. Who took Rob? Why?"

"D...C...F... they said I fucked him. I didn't... its Michelle's motherfucking parents..."

Duncan was still on his knees, stunned. "I know you would never do that, Adam. Come on... Let me get you cleaned up and we can talk." He stood up, helping Adam to his feet. Seeing his friend wouldn't be able to walk without help, he wrapped an arm around Adam, while draping one of Adam's around his neck. "On 3, we're going to walk to your bathroom. Okay... 1... 2... 3!"

They stumbled but managed to walk to Adam's bedroom and through it to the bathroom. He bypassed the tub and took him straight to the shower. Duncan sat his inebriated friend on the shower bench and proceeded to strip Adam out of his soiled clothes, tossing them over to the side. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a bottle of Pedialyte from the bedroom's wet bar, and handed it to Adam when he got back. "Drink that."

Duncan proceeded to strip off, completely naked, while he watched Adam drink.

"You wouldn't believe how often I jacked off thinking about this." Adam's voice was slurred, but more awareness was coming to him after being up and moving around.

Duncan laughed, and just shook his head. "I figured you would have, and I absolutely don't mind that you did. Kinda like it actually." Duncan smiled and helped Adam to stand. "Now Adam, you're drunk, I don't mind if you get handsy, but we are not screwing. I won't let you fall, but you smell like shit, man."

Adam chuckled. "You like that I jacked off, thinking about you. That's nice."

Duncan flipped the ice cold water to full and braced himself as the rain-shower head opened up above, and started pouring cold water on both of them.

"GAH!" Adam was shocked into being awake, and semi-fought with Duncan to get the hot water on. After less than a minute, warm soothing water began to flow down upon the pair of men.

"That's better... you're a good friend." Adam pecked Duncan on his cheek and turned his back towards him. He took a washcloth and body wash and scrubbed the filth off of himself. When he wavered, Duncan would grab him and help him stand while he washed. It wasn't long before Adam became aroused from the sensation of Duncan's hands on his body. "We're going to need to talk when I sober up."

"That we do." He let out a long sigh and shook his head. There was no hiding how his body was reacting to Adam naked with the light sparkling on the sheen of water on his skin. "And not just about the situation with you and Rob, and why I found you in your own puddle of puke... Adam... this is not the time to say it, but... I've got to be honest with you. You've been right all these years. I'm not straight, I'm bisexual, and it took me a long ass time to accept it. It's the reason why Cheryl asked for a divorce."

"Seriously?" Adam had turned to face his friend.

"Yeah, seriously... I've never been with a guy before, but she was scared I might cheat on her."

Adam nodded, and almost fell over, but was caught by Duncan. "No sudden movements of the head." It slowly dawned on Adam that his and Duncan's hard members were pressed up against each other. "This is so... awkward."

"Yeah... Hurry up and finish man. Let me get you dried off, dressed, and back to the kitchen with some Pedialyte and coffee. Then we can talk this out... how we get your son back, and what this all means for us."

"Sounds like a plan, but normally it's supposed to be getting me out of my clothes and in bed." Adam smiled lopsidedly and hugged his friend. "I'm proud of you. It takes balls to admit who you really are, and come out."


They both finished up, and a half-bottle of Pedialyte later, Adam was feeling slightly back to normal.


They were back in the kitchen, and Adam sat at the island bar with his mostly empty bottle of Pedialyte. He smiled at Duncan as his friend passed him a freshly brewed cup of coffee, made with the equally fresh ground dark roast beans. It was not how he usually took his coffee. Adam nursed the powerful brew, letting its warmth and caffeine push away the looming hangover.

"This is not normal. What did you do, make it as black as a witch's heart and as strong as the Devil himself?"

Duncan gave a full-throated laugh. As Adam sat drinking his coffee, Duncan cleaned the floor of Adam's indulgence, washed his hands, grabbed his own cup, and moved to talk face to face with Adam. He leaned against the middle island. "So, what's going on?"

"Michelle's parents are taking their grief out on me, and abusing the system by filing different court briefs and injunctions." He sipped his coffee, letting out a small moan of satisfaction. He then recapped the events of the past week, both what he and Robert did together, and everything the Turners were doing in Massachusetts. "They must have hired a private investigator because they had shots of the house from the backyard. The printouts they gave me are in the library."

"Well, that explains why the hurricane shutters are down." He motioned towards the French doors.

"I didn't feel safe. My own fucking house and I was scared to be here by myself."

"What was in the photos?"

"One was of me giving Rob a beer, but the picture had it as a regular Budweiser. I gave him a Bud Light. Another printout was a series of shots of me, taken with night vision, walking to his room in just my underwear. And the last was of me in bed with him, under the covers, spooning and kissing the back of his head. Those are fake... I was on top of the covers, but I was cuddling him after a night terror. Like how my mom and dad did me."

"Well, the beer is illegal. It's a $500 fine, and up to sixty days in jail, if convicted. All the rest is just bullshit. But why would they doctor the photos?"

"The only thing I can guess is they are trying to play on homophobic fears... a gay man with the gay teen in bed. You know that sort of shit. Add in the old rape accusation Tibs pulled..." He finished off the Pedialyte and went to get up when Duncan reached over and grabbed the bottle. Their hands touched briefly, and a spark of electricity passed through them. "Thanks, man... you don't have to wait on me."

"Nonsense. You're my friend, and I'm taking care of someone who is hurting, and was a little stupid for getting passed out drunk." Duncan took the empty bottle, tossed it in the recyclables, and walked back to sit next to Adam. "Adam, you could have died last night from drinking that much. You were lucky you passed out on your stomach. Robert doesn't need you to be stupid... neither do I."

Adam let out short breath and nodded in agreement. "It was stupid. I need to be more careful. The addiction gene runs in my family, and while I don't do drugs, I am a borderline alcoholic."

"I could tell you not to be hard on yourself, but not this time. Cut back on the booze, and I'll help you with that." Duncan reached over and rubbed his friend's back. "You need to call Tibs. Let him know what's going on, and warn him a PI is in town and trying to scope out information."

"Right... I'll do that in a minute." Adam looked down at his cup of coffee.

"Good and you need to prepare for this to get worse before it gets better. You said DCF took Rob to your parents?"

"Yeah, Sylvia called them after she left with Rob and took him to Tampa General. Mom called me shortly after, and then later on when they dropped Rob off. I was able to talk to him for a bit, though we're not really supposed to unless it's supervised. They did a physical looking for signs I raped him." Tears were threatening to fall.

"I know you want to cry, I can see it, but don't. Bottle that up for now, and use it. Use the rage, and the hurt, and take the fight to them. They are vulnerable. They are public servants and are as corrupt as they come. I'll stand by you in whatever you do." Duncan reached over and lifted Adam's face up. "Look at me. I'm serious. I'm behind you one-hundred percent, in whatever you are going to do."

"Thank you..."

"We're gonna get your son back, and get you back to normal." Duncan's hand still lingered on Adam's face, as the realization dawned on them both. Duncan was the first to pull away and grabbed his coffee to take a drink of it.

"Well, I'm gonna go call Tibs..."

Duncan nodded. "Good luck with that, and don't lose your cool."


Adam sat at the kitchen bar with his cell phone on speaker and called Tibot. He didn't answer the first call, and Adam left him a voicemail to call him back as soon as possible. Ten minutes later, the phone rang. "Hello? You're on speaker."

"Adam, it's Tibs. What's up?" There were murmurs in the background. The sounds changed on Tibot's end and went quiet as a door shut.

"Duncan is here with me, but I'm calling to let you know to watch your six. There's a PI in town trying to dig dirt up on me... they are using your old accusation..." His voice took a hard edge and he paused to get his emotions under control. "They are using that case and some doctored photos and took Rob from me last night. He's with our parents."

"That's fucked up. I'm at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting right now, but tell me what you can."

Adam did and explained the photos, the night terror, and how he comforted Rob. "His maternal grandparents are doing this, and they are both politicians in Massachusetts."

"This isn't a secured line. I'm in Hillsborough for the N.A. meeting and community service. Meet me at 3:30 pm and we'll talk. You can bring Duncan."

Adam and Duncan both had puzzled looks on their faces. "Why?"

"Those bastards are fucking with our family. I won't allow that. I can help, but you're gonna have to trust me. I know there isn't much trust between us."

"Alright, where do you want to meet?"

"Ballast Point Pier, and bring a boat. I've got to get back in there. Its court ordered I do so many hours a week." He hung up.

"I guess we need to get a boat." Duncan rubbed Adam's back to reassure him.

"Where are we going to get one?"

"Ian will loan us his. It's a small fishing boat, but it's moored off of his place."

They both left the kitchen to change clothes and get ready.


Adam sat on one of the passenger seats of the small fishing boat, while Duncan piloted the craft. It was a twenty-foot craft with a shallow draft and a wide body, suited for coastal fishing anywhere in the bay. Duncan maneuvered the craft towards the pier. A man started waving to them and walked down the pier towards the boat.

Tibot Smith was Adam's younger brother by two years, but looking at him, you'd think Adam was the younger one. Tibot was as tall as Adam and had the same brown hair, but that's where the similarity ended. Years of drug use had aged him, and his weathered features made him look older than his years. He was lanky and had a runner's build. However, Tibot had an aura of confidence you could not deny.

"Adam, Duncan... good to see you both." He hopped on board and walked over to the two men. They all shook hands.

"Tibs." Duncan nodded, as he shook the man's hand. "Life jackets are in the storage under the seat. Soda and bottled water in the cooler."

Adam just shook his head and sighed some. "Tibs... you look like hell man. I'm sorry to say that, but fuck." He couldn't help himself. He pushed Tibot's hand aside and pulled him into a hug instead. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"That I broke my body being stupid?" Tibot returned the hug. "It's not something I talk about."

There was an awkward silence as Duncan moved the craft from the pier. "Where to?"

Tibot broke the embrace first. "Show me the pictures, and let's go see the back of your house. I don't think the PI team will be there anymore, but we can at least see where they were."

They moved across the water at a slow speed towards Harbour Island.

"Why are you doing this, Tibs?" Adam grabbed a water from the cooler.

"I'm gonna say something Black Widow used in the Avengers. I have a lot red in my ledger, and you, Brother dear, hold most of it. If I can help, I will in whatever way I can."

"Why were you worried about an unsecured line?" Duncan had turned in his seat slightly towards the brothers.

"That's a little harder to explain. You know I was arrested... I was convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. Who I worked for got me released on parole, after only two years."

"What the fuck?" Adam shook his head trying to process it.

"I'm a 'made man' in the Trafficante family."

"The Tampa Mafia?" Adam was stunned. "Um, how? Our last name is Smith."

"Yes, but Mom's maiden name was Russo. We're Italian-American, and that was enough to get me in. Don't you know how our grandfather made his money? You know, the money you inherited? He was a Capo in the family, and I was recruited before he died. The drugs I got hooked on, well he took care of the dealers, and I owed him and the family."

"But, the Trafficante family is defunct now..."

"Mostly. They were folded into the Five Families after the feds busted the ring here. I'm owed a lot of favors, and I'm going to cash them in to get your son back."

"Why didn't I know about this? They didn't approach me."

"You're gay, that's why." Tibot had a pained look on his face. "Granddad loved you, and that's why you got the bigger inheritance. But he couldn't bring you into the family. I don't know if Mom knew of what her dad did, besides own a few bars around the city."

The waves lapping against the side of the boat were the only sounds for a few moments.

"My only question, to both of you, is how dirty do you want to get?"

"I would go to Hell and back to get my son." Adam voice held a fury that surprised Tibot and Duncan.

"I got his back, Tibs. Where he goes, I go."

Tibot sat back, and let his eyes drift between them. "Heh... My brother is still in love with you, and I dare say you feel the same about him. I thought you were straight, Duncan?"

"It's... complicated." Duncan let out a short breath and looked at Adam.

"Right... love is never easy." Tibot smiled and ran a hand over the day's growth on his chin. "Well, whatever it is between you, I approve of it. You two were inseparable back in high school. You don't know how many times I was asked if you two were brothers, and I was the friend?"

"There's only friendship, and Adam is my employer. I'm his steward." His voice had a pleasant tone, and his smile was broad across his face. "I would like to explore a relationship, but Rob comes first. Ian approved of us being together too. Told me if I broke Adam's heart he'd kick my ass."

Adam sucked in a deep breath flabbergasted. In an abrupt change of subject, he recapped everything again with Tibot.

The trio reached the Seddon channel and slowed to a crawl as they approached the house. All of the houses on Harbour Island had docks whether they were used or not. Tibot judged the shots, based on the angles, and determined the location of the photographer.

"They were on a boat, and it was moored over near the Marjorie Park Marina. That boat isn't there anymore." He pointed at an empty berth along the docks on the Davis Islands side of the channel. "The bedroom shot, they went into your backyard, probably from the corner near his bedroom... over the seawall, and through that greenery. You'd be smart to cut it down, and install motion sensors and fencing over there."

"You've done this before?" Adam looked aghast.

"Yes." Tibot pointed out a few more details. "You got a nice house, Adam. But you need to beef up security. I'll get you in touch with an honest company that will do it. Very professional, discrete, and not in the pocket of any cartel."

"Tibot... I'm..." Adam was speechless. His eyes held a sense of appreciation.

"I know how much shit I dumped on you over the years. You're not from my world, but obviously the Turners are. They're going down." He cleared his throat, grabbed a bottle of Coke, and took a long drink. "We should head back now. I got some calls to make, and I think I know who they hired for surveillance and to doctor the photos. Only a few people in my line of work can pull off rush jobs like this and have it looking authentic."

Duncan nodded to him, turned the boat around, and headed back out into the bay. "Where do you want us to drop you off?"

"Ballast Point... My car is over there."

"Do you need money, Tibot? Anything I can help you with?"

"No, Bro, I'm good. I got funds the feds didn't touch when I got pinched. Legally made funds, which have been gathering interest for years now. Yeah, I live in a halfway house, but that's court ordered, and part of the parole. Another six months at the facility, and then I'm free."

"If you need anything, let me know." Adam hugged his brother and didn't let go for a few moments. "I want us to be a family again. I'm not saying this because you're helping me get my son. Life is too fucking short, and I need my brother back in my life. The one before the drugs, and all the shit that happened between us... I'm seeing him today for the first time in years"

Tibot's eyes misted over, and he had to wipe them before the tears fell. "I want that... I've missed you so much over the years." The pair separated. "I want you to stay out of what I'm doing, Adam. You as well Duncan. You two keep up the legal battle you're doing with Carol, and let me handle the dirty shit. The less you know the better. I won't have them killed, but their lives as they know it, are fucking over."

"Alright, Tibs. You watch your ass."

"I will." Tibot turned to face Duncan. "Watch over him for me, please. I know you'll do him right, and I'm happy for you. I don't know what sexuality label you go by, but it's clear to me you love him. It has been since we were kids growing up. The four of us, Adam, you, me, and Ian. Always been a little envious that my brother paid you more attention, but I see now it's because you're both meant to be. I'm sorry for being an asshole all these years."

"I forgive you, Tibs. I'll watch him, you have my word on that."

Talk turned to more pleasant topics until they pulled back up to Ballast Point and let Tibot disembark. Adam returned to the passenger seat, and Duncan piloted the boat back to his brother's house.


Tibot sat on his bed and pulled out the burner phone. He dialed a number and sat back. "It's Tibs, and this is a secure burner... Yeah, it's been a while... I'm still out; I need to keep my nose clean..." He chit-chatted with the person on the other end for a few moments.

"Yeah... I'm calling for business. Cashing in a favor, several of them. I got a couple of politicians in Mass who are fucking with my family." He gave the short version of the situation, and their names, and waited. "Are they on the payroll?" His face darkened, and he shook his head. "Whose?" He cleared his throat.

"Well, I want them crippled financially, and out of office. Whatever it takes, and all the markers I need to call in. Some time behind bars, too. No, I don't want either of them dead, but I want them to know never to fuck with my family again." He ended the call and poured himself a glass of sweet tea before he went to the evening Bible study.


Adam and Duncan sat on the couches in the family room, each to their own. After the previous night's stupor, Adam forwent any alcohol and sipped some herbal tea. Duncan was drinking a Bud Light. The T.V. was on, but the volume was low and was playing the Lightning vs. the Canadiens game.

"I would have gone to the arena, but I just can't with Rob not with me."

"I can understand that. You just get him, and he's ripped from you."

Neither spoke for the majority of the game. Pizza from Papa John's sat on the counter.

"Are we going to talk about us?" Duncan glanced at Adam, and then back to the game.

"It's complicated like you said earlier. There is no denying I've had a thing for you for years. I love you like a friend, a brother, like family, more than that actually. I want to be with you, to love you physically, emotionally, spiritually, as deep as two people can get. Yeah, it's fucked up when you hear it out loud... I've been wanting you for over two decades, but you work for me and this bullshit... I don't know, Duncan."

"Yeah... with the shit going on with the Turners... I can see them trying to find a way to screw you over, using me." He paused to take a sip of his beer. "When my divorce is final, and Robert is back home with us... I would like to be more than friends and coworkers. I want everything you just said too. I was stupid for denying myself the opportunity years ago." He paused again. "I like women, and I'm attracted to them. But, if I'm honest with myself, I've been in love with you for years."

"And until then?"

"Until then... we keep things professional."

Adam was silent and watched the gamed for a moment. "Are you in love with me, or just checking things out because I'm gay and you know me?"

Duncan smiled and glanced at his friend. "I think our shower this morning should have told you if I loved you or not. How many guys would strip naked and help a friend covered in his own piss and puke shower. All the while not trying to take advantage. I so wanted to pound you up against the wall." He chuckled and looked back to the game. "There are only a few types of men I find sexually attractive and you are one of them. There are times I've had to hide my hardon from you when you're walking around shirtless, and all sweaty from working out. I've never experienced being attracted to a guy's scent before until I started living here."

"I'm more attracted to manly looking men, like athletic looking, or big muscular looking guys. Gotta have some body hair too, I can't stand the shaved look. And DILFs, love the daddy look and you're one hot DILF. It's only been within the past four years that I've slowly understood I was bi and what I wanted. I see it now, looking back to when we were kids. I was attracted to you then, but I was too scared to do anything. I had a girlfriend who I was having sex with regularly. I like women, but I'm equally attracted to men too. More specifically one man."

Adam nodded to his friend. "I get you. There are a number of men who married and had full lives and families while hiding they were gay or bi. I had an ex up in Cambridge who was bi but was hiding it from his family. Caleb had a lot of girlfriends, even one while we were together. I never went bareback with him." He paused... "You called me a DILF!"

"Yeah, I did. You do have a son... and I do want ya."

The two friends enjoyed a laugh and finished watching the game together on the TV.

Next: Chapter 8: My Son 7

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