The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on May 19, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Originally posted on Gay Authors:

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}} Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


The Tampa Chronicles 2 — My Son

TC2 — Chapter 4: Rob's First Thursday in Tampa

Adam was the first to wake up and was in the kitchen brewing up a pot of coffee when Robert walked out. The weather forecast was for a sunny Thursday, March 8, 2018.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. What do you say about us going out for breakfast?" Adam poured himself and Robert each a cup. He passed Robert his and leaned against the counter.

"Sounds good, Dad," Robert added cream and sugar to his coffee and sat down at the island bar. "Do we have anything planned for today?"

"I have my meeting with Jace, my business partner, this afternoon. You don't have to go if you don't want too, but I would like for you to go. There's a game tonight, Lightning vs. the Rangers. I was planning on going to the arena for the game. You're more than welcome to come, I already added you on to my season ticket account."

"I'll go to both the meeting and to the hockey game tonight. Neither are my team, but hell, live hockey is always good." Robert paused a moment. "Would you be mad if I asked you to buy me a Lightning Jersey?"

"It's part of the season ticket package." Adam grinned at his son. "They have a chip sewn into the sleeve that you swipe, and it goes to your season ticket member account. Who do you want on it? Or do you want your own name?"

"Stamkos or Hedman."

"That's doable. We can head to the arena after breakfast and get your jersey."

They sipped their coffees in silent contemplation.

{{I wonder why Dad wants me to go to the business meeting with him.}} Robert let out a long sigh. "Um, Dad... the other night, you and Grandpa, talked about school... when do I have to go back, and which one?"

Adam cleared his throat and sipped his coffee, giving himself some time to think. "Hmm, that is a good question. Let me ask you one. Were there any sports you were active in?"

"I did some lacrosse and hockey for my school in Boston. I could do without either if they are not played here."

"It seems that you're in luck. First, we need to wait for Sylvia. She's been trying to get your school records from Massachusetts, so we can enroll you here. It should take a few more days, so you're stuck with your old man for a bit longer." He chuckled, and Robert smiled and laughed as well.

"Second, we have a few options. If you want to play lacrosse and hockey, then the public high school we are zoned for, H. B. Plant, has both. They are also a pure team in the Lightning High School Hockey League, meaning all players come from that school. If you want to stay home and be home-schooled, that is an option for you. You can also stay home and go to the Hillsborough County Virtual School, where it's work at your own pace and all online. Or we can find a private school for you. I don't know if you're religious, and if you follow the Catholic faith, but Jesuit High School is an all-boys private school, and they have a pure team." Adam paused a moment to take a drink of his coffee. "I'm leaving the choice up to you, Rob."

Robert shook his head stunned. "I... I... don't get you, Dad."

"What do you mean?"

"You've done so much already. You've changed things and included me in everything, and now you're saying I can choose my education?" Robert shook his head in disbelief. "I don't get it. Mom wasn't like this."

Adam nodded and walked over to his son. He reached over and squeezed his shoulder lovingly. "Ah..." He took another swallow of his beverage. "This is how I see it. Rob, I love you. We're still getting to know each other, and all our little quirks."

"Now, you are sixteen-years-old. You're old enough to drive with a restricted license here in Florida. You can get a part-time job if you want to. You're a couple of years from being able to vote or go into the military. Hell, right now you're physically capable of fathering your own child, if you were straight and seeing a girl." Adam paused.

"What I'm getting at, Rob, is this. You're a young adult. So, instead of treating you like a child who doesn't have his own opinions, likes/dislikes, and his own agency, I decided to treat you like an adult. Yeah, I'm the dad, I have to enforce the rules, be there to give you guidance, but it would be a mistake to treat you like a child instead of an adult. That's how I see, and feel, about it. Does it make sense to you?"

Robert nodded. "It does Dad. I... I'm still trying to get used to all this." He let out a long calming breath. "Let me think about the school choices, and I'll let you know later. But... why do you want me at the business meeting?"

Adam sat down facing Robert at the island bar. "Two reasons, really. It could be yours one day if it becomes successful, and I thought it could be something we could do as a father and son project. I'll be honest. Yesterday afternoon I was considering pulling out of the deal. However, after our naps, I thought better of it, and got to thinking that we could do it together."

"You... you're serious. You want me as a partner?" Robert sat dumbfounded. {{I can't believe this. Am I dreaming?}}

"Yes, I'm serious. Granted there are some legal things we need to consider, but it's not something we can't work out." Adam tilted his head and gave his son a smile. "What do you say? Want to give it a shot?"

"Sure... sure, Dad... I'll try."

Adam smiled proudly. "Good. Now, go get dressed, and let's get today started. I'm thinking 'First Watch'. Unless there's a place you want to go?"

"What's 'First Watch'?"

"It's a breakfast, brunch, and lunch place. They have a spot here in Downtown Tampa, and several more around the Bay."

"That sounds good. Mom used to take me to 'IHOP' or 'South Street Diner'."

Adam laughed a little. "There were many times that your mom and I went to both of those places, more often to South Street. Drunk as a skunk. They were good times." Adam sighed with the happy memory. "We could go 'IHOP' if you want?"

Robert shook his head no. "Nah. I'd rather try this new place." Robert looked away sheepishly.

"I know we'll go there eventually, but I'd rather go someplace different with you."

"I get it. You want to keep the special memories of the two of you there."


Adam gave his son a reassuring hug. "Alright... go get ready, and I'll meet you in the library." He kissed Robert on the top of his head, and they both left to shower, change, and get ready to go.


Adam and Robert met up in the library before heading out. They each dressed separately, but somehow managed to match again. They both wore black jeans shorts, and black tennis shoes. Robert wore a grey "Hockey is for Everyone", Boston Bruins GLBT Pride shirt, while Adam wore a Lightning Blue t-shirt that read "On Point" with Lightning player Brayden Point's name and number, 21, right above it. They shared a chuckle.

"I thought you were in the closet up north?" He pointed at Robert's gay pride shirt.

"I wasn't at school, and Mom knew I liked guys. She asked me not to tell anyone else in the family, as she thought I was just going through a phase. I kissed a girl once, and I didn't like it."

Adam nodded. "And now we know why; she didn't want anyone else to know."

"My Uncle Seth, he's married to Mom's sister, Aunt Kimberly... he knew about me being gay. He... kinda... walked in on me and my boyfriend Martin... in the middle of... um." Robert's face had turned into a shade of red.

"You don't need to say any more, Son. I get the picture. Have you talked to your Uncle Seth since this happened?"

"A couple of times. He wanted to take me in, but the bitch wouldn't let him." Robert hung his head. "I should talk to him more. He... was the closest I had to a father growing up. I'm sorry if that makes you mad."

"It doesn't make me mad. I'm glad he was there for you. Call him, text him, email him, stay in contact with Uncle Seth. I bet he misses you as much as you miss him. I'd like to meet him." He gave Robert a reassuring hug and grabbed his wallet and keys. "Let's walk, and grab a downtowner. You got your wallet, watch, testicles, and socks?"


Adam chuckled and clasped his son's shoulder. "Something my dad loves to say. He got it in the Army."

"Oh... yeah, I do. Not sure why, no cash."

"Here... we'll work something out for an allowance." Adam passed him over a couple of $20's. {{Shit... Didn't think about if he had cash, and he'll need some if he wants to go out by himself.}}

The pair walked out of the house and up the sidewalk to the northern section of the island. They talked and joked around as they went, and Robert spotted a teen boy coming out of the house down the way and getting into the car in front of the house there. He looked to be the same age and height as Robert, with bushy shoulder length dirty blond hair and a copper suntan over an athletic frame, but it was the shirt he was wearing that caught Robert's attention. The teen was wearing a Lightning PRIDE T-shirt.

{{Damn, he's gorgeous. I hope the shirt means he's gay, and not just a supporter.}} The car with the teen in it backed out, and they waited for it to pass.

Adam waved to the driver, a woman, who shot him back a smile. While Robert and the teen locked eyes with each other. The teen pointed at Robert's shirt and gave him a thumbs up before the car was put into gear and drove off.

"Dad, did you know there was another gay boy over here?"


"Are there a lot of gay guys around?"

"Average for any area, but we are close to Ybor City. It's also called Gaybor, because of all the GLBT activity down there. Stores, bars, and Hamburger Mary's."

"Hamburger Mary's?"

"Bar, restaurant, and drag show. They do a lot of special events, some for charity. Their Drag-Bingo is awesome." Adam smiled and pulled Robert into a one-armed hug. "So, I saw you got a thumbs up from him. What did you think?"

"Um... he was cute." Robert blushed deeply. "Are you trying to set me up?" He pulled out of the hug with a smile on his face.

"Not really. I didn't know what time they headed out. Although... I know he is single, and he's sixteen-years-old."

"How do you know that?" He perked a brow, looking at his dad.

"They came by last week, him and his mom. A fundraiser for a GSA club at his school, and we started talking. His mom is the Homeowner's Association President and wanted to invite me to the next Homeowners meeting. Because we are new to the neighborhood and hadn't been to one yet, she felt the need to personally invite us." Adam laughed. "Half the neighborhood knows I'm gay now, and I have a gay son."

They walked on and crossed the fence-line into the business area of the island. Adam took out his phone and used the app to order a downtowner. The downtowners were a fleet of open-air electric cars that were free to use in the limited area in which they operated. They didn't wait long for it to arrive.


The pair arrived at First Watch and were seated at a table just as the morning rush was starting. Breakfast went well; they both ended up ordering the Floridian French toast.

"This is a nice place, Dad. Kind of busy."

"That it is. Lots of the downtown-based city and county workers eat here." He pointed at one lady sitting at a wall table. "That's the judge in our custody case."

Robert nodded, speared a bite of French toast, a slice of banana, a slice of kiwi, and dipped it in some syrup. {{That woman holds the fate of my life in her hands. I... I... don't know what I'll do if she strips me from Dad. I don't want to leave him.}} He ate the bite and speared himself another one. {{There is a way out if that happens. Just end it all... Where the fuck did that come from?!?}}

They finished breakfast in silence.

Afterward, they took another downtowner from the restaurant over to Amalie Arena. They walked in past the McDonald's Ticket Office, turned right underneath the main staircase, and into the Tampa Sports shop. They ordered Robert's Lightning Jersey with Victor Hedman's name and number, 77, on it. They made arrangements to pick it up in a couple of hours, with the Season Ticket Member account chip sewn in.

With time to kill, Adam and Robert grabbed the TECO Streetcar Line and took it over to The Florida Aquarium. Adam showed his sponsor card and got them inside. After a brief stop at the Guest Services desk to add Robert to the account, the father and son pair made their way upstairs to the exhibits.

They paused walking into the 'Florida Wetlands' zone, a large atrium area that was hot, humid, and filled with animals and plants from the Everglades, to watch the river otters play.

"This is wonderful, Dad."

Their path through the exhibits took them from the large atrium into a cooler part where small aquariums were located before they got to the more massive ones.

"Would you believe, Dad, I want to go to school for Marine Biology?" Robert's face shone with childlike wonder. "I just don't know where."

"There are a couple of schools here that are really good. Eckerd College across the Bay, the University of Tampa right around the corner from us, and the University of South Florida here in town, they all have programs."'

"That's cool." They walked further and entered the massive coral reef exhibit. Robert stopped and stared at the hundreds of fish, turtles, and sharks that swam around. "Amazing..."

Adam smiled as he watched his son. "Just so you know, I come here at least once a week. I find it's very relaxing and helps me focus, and I started doing volunteer work while I was waiting for our house to be built. I also pledge money for sponsorship for the aquarium. We could come here every day if we wanted."

"That's awesome, Dad." Robert smiled. I'll be here all the time!

They finished their trip a little before noon, went back to Amalie to pick up Robert's jersey, and caught a downtowner to take them home.


Having gone to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles to get Robert his license, Adam and Robert now sat at a table inside Starbucks in the business district of Harbour Island. It was little after 3:00 pm, and they were waiting for Jace to show. Jace had called to inform them he was stuck in downtown traffic behind an accident near the island's bridge. Father and son sat in silence, each lost in his own thoughts. Adam sipped on a freshly brewed cup of regular coffee, while Robert drank a Caramel Frappuccino.

Adam smiled and got Robert's attention. He made a wiping motion on his nose and pointed at him. Blushing Robert wiped off the spot of whipped cream that was on the tip of his nose.

"There he is." Adam stood up as Jace approached. "Heya, man... Welcome." He shook the man's hand, and they both sat down.

"Sorry, I'm late. Traffic was murder coming across Channelside. Some guy got hit by a cab." He took the coffee Adam slid over to him.

"No worries man... shit happens. I hope that guy is alright..." Adam sipped his coffee. "Jace this is my son Robert Turner. Rob, this is Jace Stratton. He's my business partner in the brewery project, and a cousin of ours on your Grandma's side of the family."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stratton."

"Likewise, but please call me Jace." Robert nodded to him. "So, down to business then?"

They sat and talked about business plans. Adam and Jace discussed the properties and the benefits of leasing over building and buying outright. The trio settled on two locations for the business. One for the microbrewery and the other for the brewpub. They included Robert in the conversation as well, with Adam explaining to Jace why he wanted his son involved. Robert excused himself and went to the men's room.

"So, Jace... do you have any issues with Rob being involved?"

"No, I don't. You're the controlling partner, so it's your choice. He's thoughtful, and has some good ideas."

"Thanks. I'm hoping that it helps him acclimate to Florida, and helps him get over his troubles."

"Have you thought how you're going to handle it?"

"Well, we're already in a 60/40 partnership. I'm thinking I'll give Rob 10%, out of my share. Then we'll be 50/40/10. However, Jace, I might need to lean heavily on you. I spoke with Carol earlier when we were out, and there's an issue developing in the custody case."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Just let me know what you need me to do."

"Will do. Thank you for being understanding."

"You're welcome. I can sympathize with you... You know how my sister went through custody issues with her kids. It's a hardship I don't ever want to experience." His phone chirped. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to head back to my day job and get some paperwork done."

"If you want to go full time on this project, we can file the articles of incorporation now, and I can pay you to take care of everything." Adam smiled with sincerity in his voice. "It wouldn't take long for my financial advisor to work up the accounts."

"I don't need to think about it, I'll take that offer. It will take a couple of weeks to get everything ready."

They shook hands, and Jace was packing up when Robert walked back over. They said their goodbyes.

"Well, it's a quarter after four... I think we have enough time to head home and get ready for the game. We can eat at the arena - food and drinks are included in our Lexus Lounge package. Plus we can get in at 5:30."

"Alright, Dad..." Robert paused. "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Well, you look something is weighing on you."

Adam sighed. "Nothing that can't wait for tomorrow, and right now is really not the place to discuss it."

Robert nodded, and they left Starbucks and headed for home, and then for the game.


Robert and Adam sat on the couches in the family room. They still wore their game attire, and Robert was buzzing from the experience. The Lightning had defeated the New York Rangers 5-3, and after the game, they had walked home from the arena.

"Jesus, Dad... I never thought I would be able to experience something like that. The seats you have, the club experience, and then Thunderbug showed up with... with that gift for me." His smile lit up his face. Robert still held the certificate that read 'My First Lightning Home Game', and the signed game puck, autographed by #86 Nikita Kucherov. "I've been to games before, and had some autographs from the Bruins, but this was different!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. What was your favorite part?"

"When the Tesla coils went off. That was a blast. The food was awesome." Robert rattled off a few more moments from the game he enjoyed. "I love how Tyler Johnson has his own goal song."

"Johnny B. Good... Stamkos has one as well. They play MC Hammer's 'Hammer Time' for him. You know, 'It's Stammer Time.'" They both shared a laugh. "Wait till the playoffs. They do an ice projection before the game. You can see an old one on YouTube from the last season when they played the Pens."

They talked a bit more about the game, just chilling before talk turned to different subjects.

"So, Dad... I think I made up my mind about school."

"Alright, which option did you want to go with?"

"I want to go with the public high school. You said it was Plant High School? I was a sophomore in school back in Boston, so that's two years I should be able to play hockey and lacrosse."

"If that's what you want, we'll get you enrolled as soon as I get your records from Sylvia."

Robert nodded. "So, um... about earlier today, you said it wasn't the right place to talk... so, what's up, Dad?"

Adam let out a long breath as he stood up, and went to the kitchen. "I'm grabbing a Bud Light." He grabbed himself a beer from the fridge, and another for Robert. "You'll find that being an adult, Rob, involves a lot of alcohol." He passed Robert his and sat across from him. He took a long pull from the bottle and watched as Robert sipped his. Robert's face took on a worried look. "While we were at the aquarium, when you were over looking at the sharks, I got a call from Carol. Your Grandpa Turner is contesting the custody, and is acting in his role as the executor of your mother's estate to try and contest the will as well."

"What the fuck, does that mean?" There was heat to Robert's voice, and he was visibly shaking. "I don't want to go back to foster care! I won't go back... I'll run away..."

"Rob, settle down..." He got up, and moved to Robert's couch and sat down next to him.

"You're in Florida now, and under our laws. You're protected here." He put an arm around his son and pulled him to cuddle on his chest. "Carol is working on it. We also have a solution for the back child support as well."

"But... but... what is he contesting?"

"Your mom left you the house, most of her possessions, and in the will stipulated that I was your father, and her wish was that you would come to me. With the exception of your material items, the house and contents were to be sold, and the money entered into a trust fund for you until you were eighteen. After I was granted temporary custody, I acted as your guardian to secure the house. Carol sent one of her partners to do all the paperwork, and... well... they found that your mother's family had already ransacked the house."

"What the hell... do they really hate me, to do all that?"

"I don't know... I do know that they hate me, and are trying to find anything they can to use against me in this case..." Adam paused and drank a large portion of the bottle. "Including using the rape case that Tibot started. The records were sealed, not expunged like I was lead to believe, and that's what they are using. They think I might molest you."

"Holy shit, Dad... what are we going to do?" Robert's tears stained his cheeks, as he leaned into his father's chest.

"We're going to do what we must do. As I said, we're in Florida and playing by Florida's rules. So, don't fret. Tomorrow, we'll go to our therapy session, and we'll do our home visit with Sylvia. Then from there we'll do what we have to do. I am not letting you go. Wild horses will not pull us apart."

They sat on the couch, cuddled together for a few more moments. After Robert calmed down, Adam took Robert to his room, wishing him a good night before retiring himself.


Robert gathered some night clothes and went to his bathroom. He stood under the shower head letting the water run down his body. {{Why do they hate me so much? Is being gay that bad for them?}} He rinsed his soap and shampoo off and got out of the shower. After drying off, Robert slipped on boxers and lay down on his bed, covering up. He was tired, but his brain wouldn't shut down. Eventually, a fitful sleep brought him good dreams, filled with experiences of the day, and capped with the gorgeous dirty blond haired boy in the Lightning PRIDE T-shirt.


Adam stepped out of his shower and stood naked before the mirror drying off. The worried look on his face stared back at him, and he threw the towel across the room in a burst of anger. "Damn it. Damn it all." He grabbed the towel from the floor, hanging it up to dry, and slipped on some boxer-briefs before heading into the bedroom proper.

Turning on a small desk lamp to read by, Adam sat down in the sitting area of his bedroom with a cup of hot tea and a Jim Butcher novel. The book and tea were soon forgotten as he stared off into nowhere. {{I will not lose him. I can't believe his grandfather would do this. The law is on our side. The paternity test, our plan for the back child support, and the fact they signed away custody, all help my case. Not to mention the assault Rob suffered in the Massachusetts foster system.}} He let out a long sigh and took up his phone. He switched on Grindr and started looking for someone he could hook up with. He had scrolled through a few profiles when the notification tone went off, and he went over to the messages.

Adam stopped and stared at his phone. {{If I go on a booty-call, who's going to be here for Rob? Do I even want to bring back a one-night-stand to the house?}} He looked at the message he was about to send and deleted it. He shut the app down and put his phone away. {{Well, I have my hand for now...}} He let out another long sigh and sipped his herbal tea. He picked up the book and started reading, and soon was lost in a story about Harry Dresden.

Next: Chapter 6: My Son 5

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