The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on May 14, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}}

Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


The Tampa Chronicles 2 — My Son

TC2 — Chapter 1: Meeting Each Other

It was Monday, February 5, 2018, when Adam Smith opened the door and let the woman in. He had spoken with her earlier that morning and had been on an emotional roller coaster since.

"Please come in. Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, water?"

"No thank you, but I appreciate the offer," Sylvia Cramer said. She smiled as he shut the door behind them. She looked around the house, taking in the sights. It was her job as a social worker for the Florida Department of Children and Families.

"The living room is located to the left. It's a five-bedroom, six-bath house, and I'm still settling in," Adam said as he led her into the living room.

The house had a Tuscan feel on the exterior that continued inside. A stone façade and cobblestone driveway led to the front entryway in the front center, and a three-car garage to the right. Immediately one stepped into living space, with the front room on the left and dining room to the right. Two-story ceilings with wood beams gave the place an open and massive feeling. Off the living room were a powder room, the door to the master retreat, and a library. The rest of the house was off of to the right past the dining room. The warm cream color on the walls was carried on throughout the house.

Adam sat down in a comfortable chair, while Sylvia made herself comfortable on the couch.

Adam took his mug from the coffee table. He'd made coffee just before Sylvia's arrival. He noticed his hands were shaking. In addition to the couch, two armchairs, and coffee table, all facing a fireplace, paintings hung on the walls. They were tasteful art in an impressionist style.

"It's a nice place you have here. Is it new construction?"

"Yes, it is. They just finished building it about two weeks ago, and I'm slowly adding my personal touches. I've got lots of things to buy to furnish the place fully." Adam replaced the mug. He drew in a deep controlled breath and let it out slowly. {{Calm down and slow down.}} He smiled and spoke to Sylvia. "Sorry, I've been a nervous wreck since you called earlier. It's not every day you learn you're a father."

"No worries. I can understand the situation," Sylvia said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Now, I'm doing the formal home inspection. There are some questions I need to ask as well."

"Go ahead. I'm an open book."

Sylvia smiled and took out a voice recorder and a file folder from her bag. "Do you mind if I record this?"

"I'm fine with that."

She clicked the recorder on, and began with the questions, "So, can I get your full name and age, for the record?"

"Adam Smith, and I just turned thirty-eight years old a week ago."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm retired. I went to M.I.T. and into business shortly after. I patented a new medical device I designed. I did quite well when I sold it to a pharmaceutical company. I'm now looking into starting a new business here in town. It's going to be a microbrewery and restaurant."

She nodded and jotted down the answer. "I'm not going to ask for your finances, but the judge may want tax records before everything is finalized. You said earlier you were single. Are you seeing anyone?"

Adam shook his head. "No, I'm not seeing anyone currently. My last boyfriend didn't want to move when I decided it was time to come back home."

"So, you're gay?" Sylvia said in a neutral tone.

"I am. Is that going to be a problem?" Adam asked, getting a bit defensive.

"No... not at all. However, I do need to let you know your son, Robert Turner, is gay too."

Adam was speechless. That morning he had received the call from Sylvia Cramer, informing him that he was the father of a sixteen-year-old boy who was placed into foster care after the death of his mother. The child's mother turned out to be a college friend named Michelle Turner.

Adam and Michelle were inseparable during those first years at M.I.T. when Adam was coming out of the closet and sowing his oats. Michelle stood by him the whole time.

They had a falling out when, for his twenty-first birthday, his friends took him out drinking at a local bar. He and Michelle ended up in bed together and had sex. Adam regretted it the next morning. Regret turned to hatred when he learned the truth. Michelle had planned it. She had fallen in love with Adam, and hoped by sleeping with him he would accept her. It had the opposite effect. He pushed her away and lost track of her when she left M.I.T. a few weeks later.

"That... that's not going to be a problem is it?" Adam stammered. "I mean with the Judge or Michelle's family? I know not everyone would be thrilled about a single gay man raising a teenage gay son." He took another deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh. "Damn, I can hear the accusations now. Some perverted incest is going on in this house."

Sylvia shook her head and gave him a small smile. "You have nothing to worry about. There is case law that protects you, and the Family Court Judge, in this case, is very fair. She will handle this with a sensitive hand, and she usually takes the cases dealing with GLBT youth. Normally cases are assigned first come, first served, but they do trade offs. As for his maternal family... no need to worry about them. They signed away custody once they found out he was gay. I think that hurt the boy a lot."

"Those bastards," Adam said while shaking his head. "Oh, sorry..." He blushed realizing what he had said.

"No worries. I've said the same a few times, both during and after talking with them." She put the file away and turned off the recorder. "Let me check the rest of the house, and then we can call the visit done."

Adam showed her the rest of the house, starting with the library and master bedroom; then the other side where the kitchen, a family room, gaming room, and the four bedrooms were. Adam said that the one immediately off the kitchen would be for a live-in butler he was hiring, while the remaining three would be guest rooms. Of course, his son would get one. All were spartanly decorated, as he was still in the process of furnishing the rooms.

"Well, that will do it. I'll file my report, and make my recommendation that your son be given to you," Sylvia said with a grin. They stood at the front door and talked a bit. "Off the record, let me give you two pieces of advice."

"Please do," Adam said while hoping he didn't sound apprehensive.

"I don't trust his maternal family, so I would get a lawyer, for the very reason you said earlier. A gay man, with a gay teen... I've seen it before. They are going to go ballistic. Also, you may want to put locks on the wine closet, and the wet bar."

Adam nodded listening to her. "I'll retain a lawyer tomorrow. When... when should I expect Robert?"

"After the paperwork is submitted and he's transferred from Boston, Massachusetts to Tampa, Florida. I feel it shouldn't be more than two or three days."

"Thank you, Sylvia."

"You're welcome, Adam," she said. She turned and headed to her car while Adam shut the door.


Over the next three days, Adam was in a whirlwind of activity. He retained a lawyer the following day, a cousin of his who worked with Family Law. After that, he contacted the contractor who had built his house and paid for a rush job to add locks to the wine closet and the cabinets for the wet bar. They were able to schedule for the next day. He spent the remainder of the three days interviewing potential butlers and shopping to finish furnishing the bedrooms. He decided to hold off on getting anything else for Robert until he arrived and they could take stock of what he still had.

Sylvia called the third day after the home visit to say there was an issue. The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families had placed a hold on the case pending review, and a paternity test. Adam agreed to one and contacted his cousin for legal help. Working with Sylvia and his cousin they got all the necessary paperwork done, blood work, and Adam even paid for the airfare to have Robert transferred. He purchased first-class seats for both him and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families chaperon.

Finally, the end was in sight, after a month of legal filings. Robert's plane was set to arrive at noon, at Tampa International Airport. Sylvia, per protocol, was picking him up. The Florida Department of Children and Families would need to do their intake, which meant Robert wouldn't be arriving at the house until later in the afternoon.


Robert Turner sat in the passenger seat of the car, staring out the window at the buildings in Downtown Tampa. Sylvia was driving; she had music playing low, and was chatting about life in Tampa in general. Robert wondered if one of the high-rise condos would be his father's place. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, on Monday, March 5, 2018, with barely a cloud in the sky. The temperature outside was in the high 80s, and the sun shone in all its brilliance. Robert felt like he could get used to Florida. Well, perhaps not the heat, but he was determined to fit in.

Over the past month, Robert finally had accepted the fact his life had changed. He wasn't sure if it was for the better, or for the worse. He was surprised by the first-class accommodations on the flight to Tampa, and to learn that it was his father who had paid for it. His mother had told him his father had died in a car accident when he was two-years-old, and had even given him a false name when he was older and wanted to look for grandparents. He was starting to resent her for that. He loved her, however, and missed her so much it pained him to think of her poorly. He was hurt deeply when his grandparents and aunt rejected him for being gay. That was when the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families got involved, and he had to come out of the closet. He never thought his family would be bigots, with their Democratic values.

As they took a detour and passed by Amalie Arena along Channelside, he looked at the bridge crossing over to an island in the bay. They were driving over it when he asked, "My dad lives on an island?"

"Yes. This is called Harbour Island. It used to have a retail mall, but now it's some businesses, some condos, and a gated upscale housing community," Sylvia said in a pleasant tone.

"So, not only an island but he, well... I mean, we also live in a gated community?" Robert asked a bit stunned. "What does he do for a living?"

"Didn't the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families go over this with you?"

"No, they didn't. They only told the foster care facility things, and I was left in the dark. The only thing I know for sure is that Adam Smith is my biological dad."

Sylvia let out a long sigh but didn't respond immediately. They had pulled up to the gate's guard post, and she was dealing with that to get on the island. The guard had just opened the gate for them to pass when she responded. "I'm sorry you went through that Robert. I can tell you the basics, but it's best you learn from your father. He was just as much in the dark about you as you were about him.

"I will say this about Adam. After he found out about you, he's done everything in his power to get you here with him. If Massachusetts hadn't denied him visitation over the past month, I dare say he would have been in Boston, seeing you every day. He wants this to work out between you two."

Robert nodded but remained silent; he didn't know what to expect from moving down to live with a stranger who had proven to be his biological father. They approached a house that overlooked the water, and towards Davis Islands and Seddon Channel. It was a massive two-story Tuscan design that Robert couldn't help but be in awe over. They pulled into the cobblestone driveway and stopped facing the front door. Sylvia turned off the car and was stepping out when the front door opened. Adam stepped out and waved to her.

"That's Adam, your father," she said through the open door. "Go on up to him, and I'll get your suitcases out of the trunk."

Adam stood near the front door and waited for Sylvia and Robert to move. He'd been waiting in his library working when he saw the car pull up. Adam was very nervous, and his palms were sweating. He brushed them off on his pants and took a few calming breaths. When the passenger door opened and Robert stepped out of the car, he knew this was his son, and in his heart he felt the first stirrings of love a father has for his child. He couldn't help but smile looking at Robert, and started to walk to him.

Robert nodded to Sylvia as she shut the door and went to the trunk. He was also nervous; he was shaking and couldn't open the door at first. He then realized it was locked, and quickly unlocked it before getting out. He grabbed his backpack that was in the floorboard and shut the door, looking towards Adam. There was an instant connection. He could sense it was true that Adam was his father, and he was home. He shivered as Adam moved towards him, standing frozen in his spot. He wanted to go to him, but he couldn't make his legs move. He was overcome with emotion.

When Adam stepped up to Robert, he stuck his hand out to shake. "Robert... it's good to meet you, Son, finally."

Robert looked at the offered hand and finally reached up with a trembling hand. After a moment, he dropped his backpack to the ground and embraced his father in a bear hug. He didn't know how it started, but the tears began to flow down his face as he began to sob into his father's chest.

Sylvia stood at the back of the car and watched the scene unfold in front of her. She looked at both men, and you couldn't deny they were father and son. Adam stood six-foot-two-inches and was built like a lumberjack. Powerful chest and arms, and well-defined legs, brown curly hair, and sea green eyes. Robert was his spitting image - same hair and similar build, but a little shorter at five-foot-ten-inches. He had his mother's eyes of crystal blue though.

She watched as the two embraced. Adam rubbed Robert's back comforting him, as he cried into his father's chest.


The emotional meeting lasted a few minutes. After Robert got control of himself, Adam took him inside and left him in the living room, and told him he could look around if he wanted. He returned outside to talk to Sylvia and invited her inside. She politely declined so that the family could have some bonding time. After finishing up all the paperwork DCF needed, she excused herself while Adam took Robert's bags in. A follow-up meeting was scheduled for Friday that week.

Adam sat the two suitcases by the door and looked over at Robert who was looking at the paintings in the living room. He smiled watching his son. "They are by a local artist. I found them at the street market in Ybor City over one weekend."

"They're nice," Robert said, looking back at his father. "You have a nice place."

"We have a nice place. It's now your house as well. Come, let me give you the tour, and I'll let you choose which bedroom you want."

They left the bags, and the pair of them walked the house off. They talked briefly about things concerning the house while they looked around. Robert chose the back bedroom overlooking the small backyard and the water. He liked the furniture Adam had already placed in there. They wound up in the kitchen, where Robert sat at the island bar, and Adam went to fix himself a coffee. "Would you like something? We have coffee, and I got different K-Cups you can have. We have some ice tea in the fridge, some OJ or milk, and I didn't know if you drink soda, but there's a 12-pack of Pepsi, Coke, and Mountain Dew in the pantry."

Robert smiled, "I'll take some ice tea. Is it sweet?"

"Of course," Adam said with a laugh. He fetched a glass of ice tea for Robert and passed it to him, then fixed his coffee. He stood across leaning on the center island, looking at Robert.

The silence stretched between them, as they sipped their drinks and looked at each other. Robert cleared his throat, "Um, what time is dinner? I haven't eaten since before we left Boston this morning."

"Oh shit... Sorry, I hadn't thought about that. I was planning on going out. There's a place over in Hyde Park, called the 'Goody Goody', and they have some of the best burgers in the bay area. You eat meat, right?"

Robert laughed. "I do eat meat, err... Adam... Dad... Father... Sorry, I'm not sure what to call you?"

"Dad is cool, Adam if you don't feel like it yet. I was going to ask you the same thing. What do you want me to call you?"

"Anything but Bob or Bobby, I hate being called that. My friends and Mom..." he got quiet a moment, then continued, "called me Rob. My boyfriend used to call me Stark, because I looked like Rob Stark from Game of Thrones." He paused a moment and went white as a sheet. He realized he'd just outed himself absentmindedly.

Adam smiled and moved to stand next to Robert. He laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, as Robert jumped from the touch at first. He was still shaken when Adam spoke. "You have nothing to worry about. Sylvia told me you were gay the first day she told me I had a son. Now... My ex and I used to go to Halloween Parties, wearing nothing but whitey-tighties with fake cardboard leaves glued to the front and back. As a couple, we were Adam and Steve."

"You're gay too?"

"Yup... I guess it runs in the family. There is the gay gene, they've discovered. I don't know all the research behind it."

Robert was speechless, shaking his head with the revelation. "Wow... This is getting weird like I'm in a dream."

"It'll be fine, son. I'm here for you. Just let me know if you need anything or are having any issues. Speaking of which..." He walked over to a counter drawer and grabbed some paper and pen. He passed them to Robert. "Here you go, Rob. Make out a list for me of what you use, like deodorant, shampoo, that sort of stuff, and anything else you need. After we snag dinner, we can hit a store, and get your toiletries at least."

Robert nodded and started writing out his list. Adam went and fetched his bags from the living room and took them to his bedroom for him. "If you want a shower before we head out, I have some spare stuff in the linen closet in my bedroom you're welcome to have."

"Thanks, Dad. I have a small travel case of stuff in my bags that'll do me for now. Give me twenty minutes?" Robert finished his list, and slid it over to Adam, then headed to his bedroom.

"Sounds good," Adam said to the departing Robert. "I'll be in the library when you're ready."

Robert walked into his new bedroom and over to his suitcases. He retrieved his toilet kit and a change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom, snagging a towel from the linen closet. He turned the water on in the shower, letting it get hot while he stripped off, and stepped into the water. {{Lord, I needed this,}} Robert thought to himself. {{Dad seems like an okay guy, and damn, he's gay too. Finally, someone that understands me.}} He soaped himself, cleaned the day's travel dust off of his body, and rinsed.

Adam stepped into his room and grabbed a fresh outfit. He went into his bathroom and quickly showered off. ((Well, Rob seems like a good kid. So much we need to talk about, and he needs to meet the family. Also, I need to tell him about our steward Duncan. I'm glad I gave him a couple of days off. I hope I'm doing this right.}} Adam stepped out of the shower drying off, and put the new outfit on: a pair of black jeans, some tennis shoes, and Brayden Point's Tampa Bay Lightning Home Jersey. The Goody Goody diner had a special on Mondays for those wearing Lightning gear, even in the off-season.

Adam left his room and went to the library to wait for Robert. He was shutting his laptop down when his son walked in. Adam looked his son over, and couldn't help but to chuckle. Robert stood at the door, wearing black jeans, tennis shoes, and a hockey jersey as well... for the Boston Bruins' Patrice Bergeron.

"Like Father, like son..." Adam said, shaking his head.

Robert laughed as well, seeing his dad in the Lightning gear. "Well I have to admit, Brayden Point is doing a great job for the Lightning, and your team is killing it this year."

"Yeah, they are. I would be surprised if they don't make the finals."

"Same here."

"Please tell me you're not a fan of Rat-boy?"

"Who?" Robert asked before he got the reference. "Nah. I'm not a fan of Marchand."

Adam grabbed his wallet and keys from the desk, and the two headed out for dinner.


Dinner and shopping at Walgreens went well for Adam and Robert. They did idle chit-chat while they were out, bonding more over their shared love of Hockey. Adam, being a season ticket holder for the Tampa Bay Lightning, called and added another season ticket for Robert to his package. More common interests were found in similar tastes in music, and they both loved outdoor sports. Adam let Robert know about their live-in Steward, Duncan Isen.

The trip home from Walgreens was peaceful. They arrived home in short order, and after Robert put his stuff away, they sat in the family room, each with a soft drink, and talked for a while.

"Okay. So, I think we need to cover the rules of the house, and I welcome your input on them. Alright?" Adam asked, his tone was pleasant and authoritative.

"That's fine with me Dad."

"The first rule is no raiding the liquor cabinet. I'm also not stupid, and I know you may drink when you're out with friends and such. So, I propose this. I will allow the occasional glass of wine, or even a beer, here at home. No hard liquor. Keep it on the weekends, and if you ever come home drunk, you'll lose this privilege. If you are too drunk to drive or with someone who is, call. I will come to get you, no questions asked, but we will talk about it in the morning."

"That's more than fair. Yeah, I've had a beer before with some friends, but I've never been drunk." Robert said with a grin. {{He's gonna let me drink, here! Damn, Mom never allowed that.}}

"Well, this would get me in a world of shit if DCF found out. I would appreciate you keeping it on the down low until this custody case is done."

"I understand."

Adam took a drink of his ice tea and smiled some. "Second rule, no drugs. I have zero tolerance for the hard stuff, and weed isn't legal in Florida, yet. If and when it does become legal, we'll discuss it."

"I don't do drugs. I've tried weed before, but didn't like it," Robert said, his voice sincere.

"Cool. That leads to cigarettes. I don't know if you smoke. I don't because I have asthma, but if you do, take it outside. Seeing you can't legally buy them, if you do smoke, write your brand down, and Duncan or I will make sure you get it."

"Wow. Are you serious?"

"Yes. I did smoke when I was in high school. Lots of stress, and other stuff, and I got hooked on the nicotine. But, after far too many asthma attacks, it took me about eight months on patches, right before I went to M.I.T., to get off them," he smiled at Robert and sipped his drink again. "So I can understand needing them."

"Well, I don't smoke anymore, but I do vape. I'll need stuff for that."

"That's doable. In that case, as long as it not stinking up the place, I'm cool with it in the house. But, I would encourage you to give it up."

Robert nodded to him.

"Thirdly...," Adam paused and took a long drink. He let out a short sigh, "Thirdly. I'm gay. You're gay. Duncan is straight. I'm normally running around the house in just boxers, or running shorts, especially in the mornings, and will toss a t-shirt on if I'm in the kitchen and cooking. I'll get more dressed up if I'm heading out, or we have people coming over. I'm telling you this so you're not surprised. You can wear whatever you want around the house. I only ask that you don't go stark naked unless you're in your room."

"I can agree with that. I used to run around the house like that too. Mom didn't care."

"My family is fairly open-minded, and nudity is not something to be ashamed of. As a kid, I used to run around the house most of the day in just underwear. Well, until Mom yelled at me to get some clothes on. But with this custody case, Sylvia said we might have an issue with Michelle's family. Just be mindful. I don't want to give anyone a cause for concern, ya know?"

Robert sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know."

"Alright, last couple of rules. Dinner, Monday through Friday, is at 7:00 pm; be home for dinner unless we have something else already planned. Duncan only cooks dinner during the week and may fix breakfast or lunch if you ask him. It's not his main priority, so if you want him to prepare for you, you've got to let him know in advance. Weekends, it's fend for yourself. I'm a horrible cook, so I tend to eat leftovers or go out. If I order out, I'll get you something. We'll decide what to get at that time."

"Duncan only works Monday through Friday, but he lives here. I gave him the week off so we can get to know each other. His job is to keep the house clean, stocked, and make dinner during the week. You are responsible for keeping your room and your private bathroom clean. I'm cool with clutter, but this isn't an '80s comedy frat house. Don't make his life hell. If it's in the fridge more than 24 hours, it's free game. If it's special, let everyone know, and we'll respect it. The whole house is wired as a smart house, and I have an app that keeps track of home supplies. If you get low on something or want to change up, put it on the list. Does that sound good to you? Do you have anything to add?"

"It sounds good to me, Dad," Robert said, and then shook his head no. "I've got nothing to add."

"Okay," Adam smiled as he nodded to Robert. "Well, you're welcome to watch TV out here, or you can use my tablet for tonight unless you got one in your bags. Tomorrow, be up before 9:00 am, and we'll head out for breakfast and more shopping. I'm gonna set you up with a phone, and get you a tablet, a laptop, and a desktop for gaming and schoolwork. If you need anything else, let me know, and we'll get it."

"Sounds good, Dad," Robert said, and they both stood to go their separate ways. "Dad?" Robert stopped and turned towards Adam.

"Yes, son?"

"Thank you, for taking me in." Rob stepped over to Adam and gave him a long lingering hug.

Adam held his son and rubbed his back. "If I had known, I would have been in your life before this."

"I can tell, Dad. I can tell," Robert said in a shaky voice.

They stepped away from each other to go their separate ways. After one or two steps they both stopped and turned. As they caught each other's eyes, they smiled and were comforted knowing they were together; they were family.

Next: Chapter 3: My Son 2

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