The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on Jun 4, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}} Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


Tampa Chronicles 3 - A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen

TC3 - Chapter 5: A Day to Remember.

Thursday morning, June 14, 2018, came hours later, to the sound of soft squeaking from the air mattress. Travis stirred and was the first to wake. His brain was slowly engaging, and he smiled seeing that Jeremy was still asleep laying on him. {{Huh? What's going on?}} Travis lifted the covers some. Jeremy was still sleeping but during the night his hand had drifted down into Travis' boxers; he now held Travis' hard-on in his hand. {{This is awkward...}}

Travis reached down and gently grasped Jeremy's hand. He lifted it off his hard-on and moved it to his chest. Feeling the heat in his cheeks, Travis slowly blew out the breath he'd been holding. As he settled back down, he pulled the covers over them both.

A light sleeper, Jeremy was awake, but he kept his eyes closed. Horrified at the position of his hand, relief flooded through him when Travis had simply moved it.

Jeremy moved to whisper in Travis' ear, "I'm sorry... can we talk when they leave?"

The early morning sunlight illuminated the room. Travis nodded. Leaving his arm around Jeremy, he met the other boy's eyes. They held only friendship and understanding.

Robert and Giles had been awake for some time. They'd found a way to nearly silence the squeaking mattress. Their deep kissing covered the climax of their passion.

The pair in bed waited until the squeaking stopped. "Rob, why don't you and Giles go to your room? Trav is still asleep, and that thing is loud." Jeremy spoke softly.

"Ok. See you at breakfast, little brother." Giles and Robert climbed off the mattress, pulled on their underwear, and left the room, closing the door softly.

A couple of minutes passed as both boys sat up in the bed. Jeremy felt the need to address the elephant in the room. "I'm sorry, Travis. I don't know why I grabbed you last night while we slept. Is this going to be awkward between us?"

"Not unless we make it so." Travis put an arm around his friend.

"Are we still friends?"

"Yes, we are." Travis noticed Jeremy's misery. "What are you thinking about?"

"I don't want to mess things up." He laid his head on Travis' shoulder.

"You haven't Jer. I like you, and I wish I'd had asked you to go out with me before now. I was too scared to do so."

"I would have said yes, you know."

Travis' grin nearly split his face.

Duncan knocked on the door and put his head around it. "Hey guys, breakfast is ready. Come on, so it doesn't get cold." He could clearly see Jeremy had his head on Travis' shoulder.

"Thanks, daddy Duncan. We'll be out in a moment." Jeremy gave him a smile.

Duncan got a huge grin and laughed. "Daddy Duncan. I love it. Both you and Rob call me that now. Soon, we'll get it official after it works its way through the proper channels." He paused a moment to assess the two boys. "It'll be in the warmer but don't be long. Adam is taking you two and Rob shopping."

"Thanks." Both teens gave a little wave, as Duncan shut the door.

"You know, he's wondering what we are up to." He leaned his head over and rested it on Jeremy's. "I can't explain it, but I have this urge to kiss you."

"Like you did last night?"

"You know about that?" Travis was surprised.

"Light-sleeper. I heard the poem too." Jeremy steeled himself. "Okay, just one kiss for now."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, do it before I change my mind."

Travis looked at Jeremy, then tilted his head and pressed his lips to the other boy's. The kiss didn't last long for the two inexperienced teens, as both kissed the other. They parted from each other and released a collective sigh.

Travis and Jeremy smiled at each other, their faces slightly flushed. A few giggles escaped from them.

"Let's go eat. Can you help me with the sheets?"

"Sure, I'll get the air mattress."

Jeremy stripped his bed, while Travis grabbed the air mattress' sheets, deflated it, and folded it up. They headed for the laundry in the utility room, found in the hallway leading to the garage, and Duncan's office. "It's my laundry day, I'll start these, and then get my clothes after we get home."

"You have scheduled days?"

"Yes, we do. So that way, we're not on top of each other, or fighting about whose turn it is. Adam and Duncan have Tuesday, I have Thursday, and Rob took Sunday." Travis and Jeremy waved at Duncan as they went past him.

Duncan smiled at them. "I'll set your food out."

They finished up in the utility room and returned to the kitchen as Duncan was cleaning up the breakfast dishes. The pair sat at the counter bar, where Duncan placed their food and drinks.

Adam was off in his retreat as he got ready to go. He called Bryce about where he was taking the boys while Robert escorted Giles home.

Duncan and the two boys talked about the plans for the day. Travis and Jeremy finished eating just as Adam joined them and Robert came in through the garage.


Adam navigated the downtown traffic to Kennedy Blvd. Turning west onto Kennedy, he headed towards Westshore Blvd. Robert sat up front with his father, while Jeremy and Travis sat in the backseat. Neither teen knew how it happened, but they ended up holding hands.

"Ok. Travis, you're the guest, so where would you like to go?" Adam maneuvered around a slow car.

"Anyplace is fine with me. Help me out, guys. Where do you want to go?" He looked nervous.

"My parents and I went to Westshore Mall a lot. It's decent, been updated, and has some places that International doesn't."

"Dad took me to International Plaza when I moved down from Boston. It has a lot of higher end stores and merchandise. We could go there, Westshore, or hit the Veterans Expressway to go up to Citrus Park Mall." Robert turned in his seat to look back at Travis. He noticed the hand-holding but didn't say anything. "Answer me this... if you could buy any brand of clothing, what kind would you like to get?"

"I've liked looking at clothes from Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Hollister Co., Forever 21, Sears, and Dillard's on the net. Well, I liked looking at the guys, but the clothes were nice too."

"International Plaza," Adam, Robert, and Jeremy all said at the same time.

"They don't have Sears, but they have the others." Robert turned back around, a smile spread across his face.

Adam turned north onto Westshore Blvd. and drove the short distance to International Plaza.

"Alright, here is the plan. I'm going to let you three boys roam around by yourselves while I sit in the food court and wait for you. Call or text me when you're done shopping or if you have a problem, and we'll meet up."

Adam pulled into the parking lot and parked in front of Nordstrom's. "One moment please, Rob." He turned his head towards the rearview mirror. "Boys, Rob will catch up with you in a moment." Travis and Jeremy unbuckled and got out of the car.

Adam handed Robert a debit card. "Okay, Rob here's your debit card. I still don't get why you want me to hold onto it-"

"Because I don't trust myself with that amount of money."

"-Fair enough... now, you're the oldest, and in charge. I expect y'all to be on your best behavior. Go do whatever you want to do. All of you can get stuff, but make sure Travis gets several outfits. That includes underwear, socks, and shoes. He was upset yesterday when he came over and was worried someone would tease him." Adam paused for a moment to let Rob take in all that information. "I'm proud of you and Jeremy for accepting him." Adam hugged his son briefly. "Make sure he doesn't suspect that this was mainly for him, so get yourself and Jer outfits too. Take him wherever he wants to go."

"I will Dad. Is there any place or things that are off the list?"

"I'd prefer you didn't buy an Armani T-Shirt. That shit is expensive at $600 for a plain t-shirt that looks like it came in a Fruit of the Loom three-pack."

"I'll be careful."

"Just be reasonable, and I'll reimburse what you spend."

"Okay, Dad." Robert leaned in and gave his dad a kiss on the cheek. "I love you Dad. I think what you're doing for Trav is fantastic. Jer and I wouldn't tease him, he's a great guy."

"I would do it for anyone who's part of our family and friends."

Robert noted he stressed the word family.

They got out of the car, caught up to Travis and Jeremy, and headed into the mall via Nordstrom's.


The three teens walked out onto the lower level of the mall after looking around Nordstrom's. They spotted things they wanted but held off for the time being. They walked in a loose line, side by side, with Robert on Travis's left, and Jeremy to his right.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you two. Dad said for us to get what we wanted for the trip, with several outfits each. That means you too Travis. When Dad says all of us, he means it, and I don't want to piss him off."

"Ok. Your dad is a special person. I don't know of anyone who's that friendly." Travis turned his head towards Robert, with a puzzled look. "He doesn't hit you when he's mad, does he?"

"Oh, no! He's doesn't do that. I've only pissed him off once, for grabbing beers out of the fridge, without permission, for Giles and me. I was grounded for two weeks and Dad wouldn't let me have another beer for a month. I had to earn that privilege back." He smiled at Travis. "He is special, and I wish my mom hadn't kept us apart."

"He lets you drink beer?"

"Only occasionally, and there's a limit to how much he will allow. Though I've been sampling the brews we're going to sell once the brewpub opens. Jer's allowed to have beer too, but he doesn't drink."

"Correct. My Sifu would kick my ass if I did, though I've been thinking about it, a lot more lately. I might try one of the brewpub's beers. I don't smoke or do drugs" Jeremy smiled at the other two. "Oh, that's a big rule at the house. Zero-tolerance on drug use. I'm not sure why."

"Because of Dad's brother, my uncle Tibot. He had a bad drug problem. Dad helped him for years until uncle Tibs started some shit. Didn't speak to him for years." Robert nodded to Jeremy, who had an astonished look. "Something like 16 years or so. They only reunited because of me. I don't know how, but uncle Tibs handled my Grandparents going to jail and Dad and me being reunited. It's a long story, for another time."

"Gotcha, it sounds like a story." Travis took in the chaotic symphony of people around him. He ran a trembling hand through his hair. "Are you two used to this? I've been to malls before, just not in a while, and it was never this crowded."

"This is light compared to some days. Are you, all right? Is your social anxiety acting up? Do you have your anxiety meds?" Robert was concerned.

"Yeah, this is making me anxious, like school does. And no, I don't have them with me. I kept them in my backpack because I trusted you two. Then after we worked out with Giles, Bray, and Chan, I was no longer scared. I wasn't expecting to go shopping at the mall, so I left them at your house."

Jeremy smiled, pulled him into a 'bro-hug,' and leaned in to whisper. "You got me and Rob, and we're not going to let anything happen. Just stick with us. Now, take my hand for however long you need it, let it help you stay grounded."

"Alright." Travis grasped Jeremy's left hand, with his right. "You won't be uncomfortable?"

"Nope, and if someone has an issue, fuck them." He smiled and followed Robert.

Travis returned the smile. "Do you think we can walk around first? I feel if we did, it'll calm me down before we shop."

"We can do that." Robert patted him on the shoulder. "Will you be fine trying on clothes? Hey, dumb question, are you still growing?"

"I should be fine. I'm not claustrophobic, I just get scared in a crowd of strangers. And no, I'm not growing anymore; the growth plates are already fusing. When I was in the hospital after I was beaten the first time, they found I had a growth hormone deficiency. It was too late by then to help me grow more. But, I am taking synthetic growth hormone now, and will be the rest of my life, as you need it for proper development of muscle, metabolism, and sex hormones." There was no sadness in his voice; just a note of acceptance.

"Sorry to hear that man." Robert tousled Travis's hair, while he gave him a smile.

"It is what it is."

Jeremy listened to what Travis was saying. {{I need to be checked for that? I don't know if I was or not.}} "How do you take it?"

"Injections, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday currently, sometimes every day. They check me every month to see if I need to adjust. I usually do it before bed, as I get tired from it after a couple of hours, but I can take at any time. I usually keep it with me, or Bryce keeps it while at school. It's damn expensive, and our neighborhood has had several break-ins. Today, I left it at your house."

"So, last night?"

"Yes. When I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, I was shooting up. Bryce said he told Adam about it, to let him know what was up."


They stopped at Starbucks, where they sat in the lobby off in a corner that had a comfy chair and a couch, and sipped coffee. Travis calmed down as he people watched, holding Jeremy's hand. Robert looked pensive. In a faint voice. "Answer me something Jer..."

"Ok Rob, what's up?"

"Do you think Dad is trying to break up me and Giles?"

Jeremy was taken back. "I haven't seen him do anything. Why do you ask?"

Travis just looked between them.

"A couple of reasons. There's how he looks at Giles. He has this disappointed look when we're together or kiss and hug. Last night was the first time he allowed Giles to stay over since the night we won the custody case. I did sorta have him stay without permission after Dad and daddy Duncan went to bed."

Robert paused, as he coughed to clear his throat. "Then today, he made it clear that Giles was not invited. 'I want to spend time with you and Jer. We're taking Travis with us, as he's our guest.' But then when we get here, he takes off, and lets us go off by ourselves."

Robert turned towards Travis. "I'm not blaming you, Travis. I'm glad we're spending time together. Seeing that we're going to be family."

"I understand." Travis looked puzzled. "Family?"

"Yeah, it's how Dad said it to me earlier, that he would help any of our family or friends. And he hasn't been wrong. I overheard him talking to daddy Duncan the other day about Chan and Bray. He said he had a gut feeling they are planning to get married."

Robert paused. "It's true. I've been helping them plan it. They wanted to do it this December, but they have to wait for Brayon's emancipation to go through. After hearing how long that is going to take, they are now waiting until after we graduate. I'm paying for Brayon's emancipation. He still wants it, as his parents are starting to be dicks, and our cousin Carol is handling the case. Chan and Bray helped me a lot when I first got into Plant H.S., and they introduced me to Giles. None of the parents, or Giles, knows about it, so keep it quiet for now."


Jeremy let out an uncomfortable breath over the current topic and changed the subject. "Um, well, big brother, our dad doesn't seem like he is. He's keeping the same room arrangements for the trip but adding Trav in with me. If he was trying to break you up, I think he would switch us around." He shrugged. "You're his natural son, and this is your first boyfriend with him. Maybe he's doesn't want you to get heartbroken?"

"Perhaps, I don't know."

"How is it between you and Giles?" Travis let go of Jeremy's hand, he slipped his arm around Jeremy's shoulders. Jeremy leaned against Travis as if it the most natural thing to do.

Robert noted Travis and Jeremy cuddling. "Things are different. Up north, I fooled around with a couple of friends, you know experimenting. But I only had one boyfriend, and we didn't do much more than normal stuff... I topped him a few times. Giles... he's being kinda pushy. Wants to get more-" He stopped midsentence, realizing there were people at a table that could possibly hear them. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "He's wanting to get more... physical, and rough... do stuff I'm not ready for." Robert let out a frustrated breath. "Also, he's more experienced than me... he told me this morning, 'my last three boyfriends went all the way faster than we have.'"

"He's sixteen and on his fourth boyfriend?" The astonishment was clear on Travis' face. "I hope you've been using protection."

"Not every time..." Robert blushed.

"I'm sorry, not trying to make you uncomfortable."

"It's cool man. I started this conversation."

"I'm wondering how?" Jeremy sounded puzzled. "I'm just coming to terms with myself. Trav, you told me you were twelve when you realized you were gayish. Rob, you were how old?"

"I was thirteen but didn't date 'till high school."

"When did Giles figure it out?"

"He told me he was thirteen as well"

"He's sixteen, and in three years, he's found, dated, and dumped three other out gay teens? Even with your GSA club he and Chan started, you still only have a handful of gay teens that have come out." Jeremy shook his head slowly. "Look, Rob, either he's lying to you, or he was damn lucky. Ask Chan, they've known each other longer."

Travis nodded. "I would do that. There's another thing. He's being pushy. That should be a cause for concern." He paused. "Last night, he seemed pissed off. He yelled at Jer and me, and the stares I was getting from him... I almost said something but didn't want to cause an argument."

"You sure you saw that? That he was shooting you stares." Robert acted a bit skeptical. {{What the hell is Giles up to?}}

"I am, man. Photographic memory, remember? If you want, I'll tell you what you were doing at the time."

"Next time, say something, Trav. I would have found out what his fucking problem was." Jeremy's voice became loud and defensive.

"Guys... I know I started this, but he is my boyfriend. So be a little respectful, please."

"Then make sure he checks his fucking attitude at the door." Jeremy fumed.

Robert glared at Jeremy. "Look bro. I'll talk to him, but let's drop the subject for now. Okay?"

"For now."

Travis started to fidget. "Fine, okay, whatever. Can we go? We're getting stares... and that's freaking me out." Travis took Jeremy's hand again.

"Okay... Let's head out." Robert patted his shoulder, as they walked out of the coffee shop.

They walked off the rest of the first level of stores, noting which ones they wanted to come back to.


They took the escalator up to the second level, where they stood outside of Dillard's. Robert pointed towards the store. "Let's head there first, and then head to any place you want, Trav. You're our guest, so you get to decide where to go."

"We need to take him to a sporting goods store. I want to get him some training gear unless we find it here." Jeremy squeezed Travis' hand lightly. "Would you consider learning to fight, at least to defend yourself? For me, please?"

"I'll think about it, but the thought scares the shit out of me."

They walked in and headed over to the Men's department on the second floor. The boys looked at different clothing racks and shelves. A few moments later another customer, a young man in his twenties wearing a pullover shirt and jeans, walked over near them. The customer looked at a display of shirts that gave him a clear view of the boys.

"Over here Trav. What size underwear do you get, and what kinds?" Robert stood at the racks that held the men's undergarments.

"Depending on the brand, small or medium, I think these might be mediums. I usually only get boxers or boxer-briefs."

Jeremy and Robert shared a look. "Do you trust us?" Jeremy smiled.

"I do..." Travis was puzzled.

"Assortment." Robert and Jeremy said at the same time.

The brothers went to work selecting assorted styles of underwear, in three-packs and singles. They found an Armani jockstrap that was on clearance for $25 and snagged it for Travis. Jeremy spotted the Under-Armor gear he wanted from the sports store and snagged them, they were cheaper here. A small fortune of underwear was selected for the three of them.

"We need to go to Nordstrom's. There's a jockstrap I want to buy Travis." Jeremy grinned impishly.

"We just got him one."

"This one is special."

"Okay. While he's looking around, let's get this paid for." The brothers headed for the cashier stand.

As the brothers selected undergarments for Travis and themselves, Travis began to wander around the men's clothing and shoe section. He turned a corner, went past several racks of shirts, and had started looking at a nice pullover shirt when he noticed that he was being followed. The young man from the underwear section stood two racks over.

Travis started to tremble. He put the shirt back on the rack, turned, and walked back the way he had come. As he returned to the underwear display, he scanned the area searching for Robert or Jeremy. Taking a breath, he walked to the main aisle. A glance into a mirror revealed the young man keeping pace.

With a trembling hand, Travis wiped away the sweat from his forehead. He felt the redness in his cheeks. He panted as he walked along the aisle searching for his friends. As panic took over, he didn't notice he'd stumbled into a dead-end in children's clothing. Desperate, he rounded a corner and ran into the man who had been following.

"Stop right there-" The young man reached for Travis.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He was in a panic and stumbled back. Travis tripped over his own feet and fell against a display table of children's clothing. He remained on his feet, but the table slid into a display model. The clothing rained down onto the floor, the table overturned, and the model fell over with a loud crash.

The scream and noise attracted the attention of employees and customers alike. Jeremy and Robert ran from the cashier stand. Jeremy jumped in between them, while Robert slid to a stop next to Travis.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Jeremy instantly went into his fighting stance. "Who the hell are you, mister?"

"Travis are you alright?" Robert checked his friend over for any injuries. "Travis, answer me... please."

Travis was silent as his panic attack consumed him.

Robert turned his head. A few employees had walked over. "You, call security, and get your manager here immediately!" The female cashier, Robert directed, nodded, and ran off.

"Look, I'm loss prevention. Your friend was acting suspiciously. He took off, I followed him." He fished out his credentials and displayed them for Jeremy and Robert.

"Acting suspiciously, how?" Jeremy was beyond pissed. "He was looking around the store, while we shopped, for him."

The loss prevention guy didn't answer.

"What a bunch of bullshit. I bet you saw what he was wearing and profiled him. You son of a bitch. What the fuck did you do to him?"

"I did nothing but try to detain him for questioning. He was acting all suspicious, started trembling, sweating, and running through the aisles."

"He has social anxiety issues. You caused a panic attack."

Travis dropped to a seated position, leaning on Robert. He shook and rocked, as a wet spot grew on the front of his jeans. Robert did his best to comfort and calm him down. "It's alright Trav, listen to my voice..."

The manager and security came quickly to the scene. They saw the situation and heard the accusation Jeremy made about profiling. Security separated the young man from the three boys, while the manager apologized profusely. He saw that Travis had wet himself and asked one of the employees to grab a blanket.

Several moments passed while Travis, wrapped in the blanket, was calmed down enough to move. He cried silent tears while they were escorted to a break room. Robert called his dad and explained the situation.


Adam sat in the food court answering email on his smartphone. When Robert's call came, he sprinted up to Dillard's. The chocolate shake he'd dropped spread unheeded on the floor.


"Dad, we saw that guy while we were choosing underwear for the three of us. I thought he was another customer." Robert spoke frantically.

"I noticed he walked off after Travis said he was going to look around. Trav was okay with that, as there weren't a lot of people. I should have been with him. I said we would keep him safe." Jeremy sounded devastated now that the excitement wore off.

"You two boys did good. I was trying to let you three be teens without the parent under your ass. I'm sorry about that." With a nod, Adam turned and walked over to the manager, who took him into an office across from the break room. Adam's voice carried through the door and made the boys cringe with the language he used. He stepped back out a few minutes later.

"Robert, go grab some clothes for Travis, please." Adam walked over to the boys. "Jeremy, please stay with Travis. Help him when Robert gets back."

"Yes, Dad." Robert took off to the showroom floor.

"I will, Dad." Jeremy turned his attention back to Travis.

"There's a gym/spa across the parking lot that we have a deal with, so our employees can use their facilities. There's a way we can escort you through the back hallway and use their private locker room we rent from them. Whatever clothes you grab are on the house." The manager looked ashen.

"We would appreciate that. Thank you." Adam turned away from the boys, to the manager.

"Who was that Loss Prevention officer?"

"Not someone who works here. The mall security added some because of pickpockets. There is several walking around in plain clothes." The manager was an older man in his fifties. "Mall security should know him."

The manager walked off to fetch a copy of the incident report.

Adam turned and sat down next to Travis and Jeremy at the table. Travis cried, while Jeremy sat forward in his seat as he whispered calming words and held him.

"Travis. I am so sorry this happened to you." Adam reached over and smoothed his hair out of his face. "When you're ready, we'll get you changed and head home."

"Don't. Please don't leave because of me. I need to face this, or I won't get past it." Travis had turned to face Adam. His tears fell but he wasn't sobbing. "I'm more embarrassed that I wet myself and am crying like a baby."

"Don't be. I've had panic attacks before myself." Adam gave him a smile. "Alright, Travis, we'll stay, but if you feel at any time you need to leave, tell me."

Travis nodded. "I will. Thank you."

Robert walked up with the fresh clothes. "I hope you like these." It was a full outfit of black shorts, a leather belt, a crimson pullover shirt, New Balance tennis shoes with socks, and a single Calvin Klein brief. Robert also grabbed a men's travel case with soap, shampoo, a washcloth, and other toiletry items, and a towel.

"They're nice. Thanks, Rob." Travis took the clothes and case, got up, and with Jeremy in tow, headed to the back hallway for the second level. They were escorted by the Assistant. Manager.

Adam stepped back into the office area and called Bryce.


Travis and Jeremy walked into the locker room, locking the door behind them, and sat the clean clothes on the counter.

"I don't know why Adam sent me with you. I'll turn around to give you privacy."

"It's fine Jer... I don't want to be alone." He smiled at Jeremy sadly. "I don't mind you seeing me. It'll be yours, someday."

"You're that confident, about us?"

"Yes. Since the day I first saw you. I can't explain it, but I know we are meant to be together. Your dad seems to think so too."

"According to Rob, he's almost always right." Jeremy smiled and squeezed his shoulder. He then went ahead and opened the travel case, setting the items out while Travis stripped. Travis took the soap, shampoo, and washcloth, and stepped into the shower.

In a brief time, he was finished. Jeremy handed him the towel while getting a beautiful view of Travis' front- and back-sides.

Travis stepped out of the stall, with the towel around his waist, turned to Jeremy and hugged him. "Thank you. For helping just now, not judging me, and coming to my defense."

"You're welcome. I'll always help you when I can."

The soap and shampoo were unscented, and as Jeremy held Travis in the embrace, he breathed in Travis' redolence becoming intoxicated by it. Something stirred in Jeremy. {{Why am I getting hard suddenly?}}

"I'll do it Jer. Teach me how to fight. I don't want to be scared anymore."

"You got it. We'll start tomorrow. Call your uncle, let him know, and we'll go from there."

They broke the hug, and as Travis got dressed, Jeremy took his time to pack up the soiled clothes and to think. He turned to see Travis fully dressed and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Most of my clothes are second-hand from thrift stores. These are the nicest I've ever worn." He had to wipe his eyes. "Bryce and I talked when I was first assaulted. It was the first time he explained how little money we had and why we shopped the way we did. He almost bankrupted himself to get me teeth implants and my jaw fixed, but he didn't care about the cost and got the best he could get. He loves me as if I was his real kid and not the nephew he was forced to adopt."

Travis was quiet while he looked at his chin in the mirror. He spoke almost to himself, "The scar from the surgery has faded some, not much, but for two years it looks good. Cocoa Butter, Neosporin, and the liquid dermal glue worked wonders."

Jeremy stepped closer to look. He reached out and tentatively ran his hand over the scar. He felt the metal plate that was still in there.

Travis didn't move.

"Yeah... it doesn't look ... bad at all." Jeremy stuttered as he caught another whiff of Travis' scent.

"Is something wrong? You're acting strangely."

"No... nothing is wrong." Jeremy cleared his throat. "Ready to head out?"


They left the locker room and met up with Adam and Robert.


Adam stayed with the boys as they finished shopping. They first spoke with the security supervisor on duty, filing a full report with them, and with Tampa PD. They made several stops gathering about twelve outfits each. Jeremy and Robert took off to Nordstrom's to get Travis' gift. One store they stopped in was selling art supplies, and Adam bought several things for Travis. With a final stop at the Microsoft store, Adam bought a two-in-one laptop for Travis.

"So, you have something to do on the train and in the hotel rooms."

"Thanks, Adam." Travis was emotional over the purchase. "This is perfect for drawing and digital animation."

Jeremy handed him another box. "You'll need this. It's a handheld wand scanner, so you can upload your drawings from your sketchbooks."

He first hugged Jeremy, then Robert, and finally Adam.

"It's past lunchtime. So, let's hit up a restaurant on Bay Street, and head back to the house."

Lunch was at the Cheesecake Factory where they had an enjoyable time and then left for the quick journey home.


Jeremy and Travis sorted their clothing that had become mixed in the shopping bags. Jeremy grinned and handed a small Nordstrom's bag to Travis. "I got you something."

Travis reached into the bag and pulled out a jockstrap from the clothing brand 2(X)ist and their PRIDE collection. The waistband, brand name, and straps were rainbow colored while the pouch was black with multicolored stars. "Thanks. I love it."

Jeremy grabbed the bag that held Travis' wet clothes. He set it in the basket with his new clothes and dirty laundry. "Did you leave anything in the pockets?"

"Nope. I took it all out when I stripped them off."

"Alright, I'll be back in a moment."

Travis was setting up his new laptop and connecting it to the house's WiFi when Adam stepped in.

"Hey, Travis. I just got off the phone with your dad, and he says he's going to be working late. The school board is doing a surprise inspection, and he and the principal can't leave 'till it's over."

"They did that last year too. Uncle Bryce didn't get out until sometime after midnight. I was already in bed when he came home."

"That's what he said too." Adam smiled. "He asked if you could stay another night. I told him sure, but he wants to make sure it's good with you."

"Hell yes, it is. Do I need to call or text him, or do you need to?"

"He said for you to text him like you have been. He won't be able to talk on the phone."

"Thanks, Adam." He instantly sent the text to his uncle.

"You're welcome." He smiled. "I take it, you're comfortable being here?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm happy, and not because you are buying me stuff. It's been a while since I had friends. Rob and Jer are the best. So are Chan and Bray."

Adam caught he didn't mention Giles. "I'm glad, and you're welcome here anytime."

Jeremy slipped by Adam and sat on the bed with Travis. "What's up, Dad."

Adam's smile could rival the sun at that moment. "Travis is staying an extra night. If Rob is going to sleep with you tonight, I can put Travis in the guest room."

"Um. I know he was planning on it. But now..." He shrugged.

"I'll let you three decide." He turned and left the room. Just a minute later, Robert walked in.

"Hey, Dad told me what's up. I don't mind sleeping in my own bed tonight. You and Travis can bunk together again."

"Thanks, Rob." Jeremy let out a short breath. "I wish these damn nightmares would stop. I don't mind you guys sleeping with me, and welcome it, actually, but I need to be able to take care of myself."

"But not tonight. You'll have me." Travis was a little bit on the eager side.

Robert nodded and shut the door, he sat on the bed looking at the two fifteen-year-olds. "What's changed?"

"What do you mean, Rob?" Jeremy was puzzled.

"I saw the sheets move, and you whispering in Trav's ear this morning. Then in the car, you two were holding hands, and then there was the stuff at the mall. Travis wrapping his arm around you, you leaned into it, how defensive you got over him to me and the LP asshole. After you left the locker room, there's been something off with you Jer." He watched as they both squirmed.

"It'll stay between us."

Jeremy and Travis shared a looked. Jeremy motioned for him to speak. "You can tell him."

Travis relayed the events of the morning.

"Have I done that to you, Rob?"

"No, you haven't. But, you're changing the subject."

"Nothing else happened. Hold on, there was the kiss."

"You two kissed?" Robert was surprised.

"Yeah. Just a peck on the lips, lasted less than a minute, though it felt like a lifetime to me. Like Jer said, nothing else happened." He turned his head to Jeremy. "I like Jer a lot, and I can, and will, wait for him until he's comfortable with us being together."

Robert sat astonished. "Do our dad and Travis' dad, know?"

"I don't think so. It's not like they need to worry. I won't be having sex anytime soon." Jeremy was about to speak more when a knock on the door interrupted them. "Come in."

"Yeah, guys." Adam ginned watching them. "Sorry to interrupt, but can I steal Travis a moment? Oh, and have you decided where you all are sleeping?"

"Yeah, we did Dad." Jeremy glanced between the other two teens. "I'm sleeping with Travis again, and the bed is big enough for Rob, so I want him in here with us. If that's ok?"

"That's fine with me." Adam wiped away a tear. "Travis, bring your laptop, and we'll get it set up. I have a way to get the bloatware off, and I can install Office2016 and Photoshop, and whatever else you need."

"Thanks." Travis grabbed the laptop and followed Adam out, shutting the door behind them.

"You want me in here with you two?"

"I do. I know nothing will happen, he hasn't pushed anything. I told him to kiss me. I just want to curl up with my big brother, and someone that wants to be my boyfriend."

"Ok. What else is going on? You seem like you want to talk. Remember, I said we can talk about anything, no subject is taboo between us."

Jeremy nodded. "What does it mean when you smell someone, and you get hard?"

"Oh boy." Robert let out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. "You really don't understand this stuff. It means your body is reacting to someone's pheromones, and it caused a reaction getting you ready for sex. I bet that was the reason why you grabbed his dick this morning. This isn't something they teach in normal Biology, Health, or Sex Ed. I learned it in my Human Anatomy class. When did it happen?"

Jeremy told Robert about what happened in the locker room from the time they entered to the time they walked out, what was said, how he was confused about it, and the urge he had to bury his face into Travis' chest and neck.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

"No. I like him as a friend, spending time with him, talking about anything. I want to get to know him better. If he had asked me out, I know I would have said yes, but I can't explain this at all. I don't understand it. It feels good to be around him, like when we slept together last night, but I felt that with you too."

Jeremy paused and cleared his throat, as he tried to keep his emotions in check. "When he puts his arm around me, it feels like I'm supposed to be there. It's confusing the fuck out of me, Rob" He paused yet again. He had to wipe his eyes. "I haven't thought about how much I miss my parents in the past two days. That has been on my mind since it happened; you saw how I've been. I just realized, I've called Adam 'Dad', not once but four times today... all since Trav has been here."

"I'm sorry Jer. I don't know what to say." He smiled at him. "I wish I did know and could help you. I think you should talk to one or both of our dads."

"I feel better just saying it out loud to you. I'll talk to both when I have a chance."

"I'll leave you alone, Jer, and let you think about this. Do some meditation, that might help you."

Robert hugged his brother and stepped out of the room. Jeremy sat thinking things over.


The night passed with the boys playing video games in the exercise/game room, while Adam lounged on the couch, legs up on the cushions, with Duncan sitting between his legs and reclining against his chest. A blanket was draped over them. Adam had his arms wrapped around his husband, with his hands resting in Duncan's lap so he could do an occasional grope. Adam nuzzled Duncan's neck, lightly kissing it, and whispering what he wanted Duncan to do to him that night.

Robert stood up and walked around the fireplace. "Hey, dad. Do you mind if I have a beer?"

"Sure, you haven't had one this week, and only the samples last week. Can you refill mine and Duncan's wine glasses?"

"I can do that." He walked over a little closer to his dads and knelt to their level. "Can I get one for Travis?"

Adam sighed. "What do you think Duncan?"

"I think he's not our kid. Do you two want to deal with a pissed off dad?"

"Not really. Rob, ask him to come here, and then go get yours and the wine, please."

"Yes, Dad." Robert fetched Travis and then went to get the drinks.

Travis walked around and stood at the end of the couch. Jeremy followed being curious. "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"Well, first, don't call me 'Sir', 'Adam' is fine. Second... Does your dad allow you to drink alcohol? Be honest please."

"He's let me have some whiskey that he was drinking, a few times. It was surprisingly good. He does pick up some beer, and I can have it if I want. I don't drink often, because of the anxiety meds, but I have one a week, maybe two."

"It has the ring of truth." Duncan moved some, to see Adam's face.

"Travis will your dad be mad, if I allow you to have a beer?"

"I don't think so, Adam." Travis grinned.

"Rob. Go ahead and bring him one. If you haven't got yours yet, there's a new brew special in the fridge. It's called the 25ers."

Robert walked over and sat the wine glasses on the coffee table that was pulled close to the couch. "Thanks, Dads." He went and fetch two of the 25ers, gave one to Travis, and opened his.

"Thank you, Adam and Duncan." Travis opened his and took a sip. "Wow... this is really good. I've tried several various kinds, and this one rocks. Why is it called the 25ers?"

"That is going to be the signature beer at our brewpub. Jace and I settled on a name today for the beer and the pub." He looked at Robert. "It's the 25ers because my son, his friends Chandon and Brayon, were all born on the same day. November 25th. The brewpub will be called Novem, which is Latin for nine, and the Old English word for November."

"I love it Dad. I can't wait 'till our pub opens."

"The brewery, S.S.&T., is already in operation, and we're starting to get penetration into some of the local liquor and grocery stores. Walmart and Publix are interested in carrying it. The Pub part is scheduled to open on November 1st."

"Dad Adam, and daddy Duncan... May I try one?" Jeremy looked nervous.

"Are you sure you want one? What about your training?" Duncan gave him a smile.

"I think one won't hurt; I won't be doing it again."

"Are you doing this because of us?" Travis turned towards him. "I don't want you to feel pressured into doing this."

"Nah. I've been thinking about it for a few days, like I said in the mall earlier. I want to try it."

"Go ahead, Jeremy. You know where they are." Adam smiled at him.

Jeremy fetched a 25ers as well and came back. "Thanks, dads."

The three teens went back to playing video games, and drinking their beers, while Adam and Duncan sipped wine on the couch. A few hours passed, and they all went to bed.

Adam and Duncan made love in their bedroom. Duncan was topping Adam, which is how they liked it.

The three teens met in Jeremy's room. Travis lay on the right side on his back, while Robert lay on the left. Jeremy crawled in between them, turned to face Travis, and had Robert spoon up against his back. He then had Travis face him, and get close, so that he was sandwiched between the other two teens. A tangle of arms and legs happened so all three could be comfortable. It was hot in the embrace, and Jeremy used his phone to lower the temperature on the zoned AC unit for his bedroom. He placed his phone back into the charging pocket attached to the headboard.

A round of good nights happened between them. Robert gave Jeremy a peck on the top of the head. There was enough light to where Jeremy and Travis could see each other's eyes. They gazed upon the windows of the soul, looking into each other's depths.

Jeremy surprised himself and Travis, when he leaned forward and kissed Travis on the lips. They parted and looked at each other again with silly grins on their face. Robert just coughed once, and the two younger ones settled down. Soon all three were asleep, with Jeremy feeling secured in the arms of his brother and the boy that liked, no, loved him.


In the days that followed, Travis became a regular at the house, training with Jeremy in self-defense techniques, and working out with Jeremy, Robert, Giles, Chandon, and Brayon. Travis was a quick study. He used his eidetic memory to memorize Jeremy's grappling techniques and was able to counter a few of them. It would take a while for him to even match Sifu Jeremy's speed.

With the help of the family, Bryce and Travis Jacks moved into Jeremy's rental long before they were supposed to move. By luck, Travis choose Jeremy's old bedroom. Bryce accepted the job offer from Duncan, and he resigned from the Hillsborough County School Board the next day, effective at once.

Travis continued drawing and using some of the art supplies that Adam bought him. He painted a realistic oil painting of Adam and Duncan lounging on the couch snuggled together, with Robert, Jeremy, Giles, Chandon, Brayon, and himself sitting on the floor with Xbox controllers in hand. Uncle Bryce and Jill Bolton were both in the picture sitting in the background, sipping margaritas.

Adam loved the painting and hung it on the wall in the formal dining room. He further commissioned Travis to do artwork for Novem and paid him a reasonable value of $10,000 for each of the 20 pieces.

The house next door, which had been vacant for months, was sold to a single businessperson named Erin Ros. The extended family and friends welcomed Erin to the neighborhood with a welcome offering of a butterscotch pie from the Goody Goody, a six-pack of 25ers, and one of Duncan's stuffed grape leaves dishes.

Erin Ros stood six-foot-six-inches and had an athletic build that rivaled Adam's. His eyes shimmered with emerald. They sat beneath raven-black hair pulled into a thick ponytail. It fell just to his shoulders. His face was chiseled like the most beautiful Roman marble.

As the trip to Boston, Washington D.C., and Andersonville, TN, came close, the family and friends settled into a routine and loved life.

The End of Book 3

Author's Note:

Book 4 is still being written as of June 4, 2019. Ten chapters have been completed, and that's about a third of the content that I want to cover.

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