The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on Jun 1, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}}

Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


Tampa Chronicles 3 - A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen

TC3 - Chapter 4: Who's Travis Jacks?

Mornings came early in the Jacks household, and it was no different for Wednesday, June 13, 2018. Bryce was usually up by 5:00 am, to be ready to for work. Now that Travis was fifteen, he would let him sleep in, and stay home, instead of waking him up. This morning was a little different.

The house was a historic bungalow on the outskirts of Ybor City off 24th Street. It was a small three bedroom, two-bath place, painted seafoam green with white trim. The interior was an open concept with a small kitchen in the back. The two men of the house had it decorated in a pleasant style, that reflected the Cuban culture of the area and a heavy dose of Florida style.

Bryce had received a call the day before, that the rental company was sending a representative at 8:00 am sharp to go over some business issues. It was now 8:30 am, and Bryce looked devastated. He was glad that Travis wasn't awake yet. Or so he thought.

"Let me get this straight. The landlord has sold the house to a developer, and they are not honoring the lease agreement?" Bryce sat on the edge of the couch. His hands were animated as he talked.

"Yes, and no. There is a clause in the current lease agreement that states if the property is sold, the lease would terminate at the end of the month of the title transfer. That would be the end of this month. The new owners are happy to sign a new lease with you, but they are requiring an increase in rent." The man was younger than Bryce by at least twenty years. Dressed well in a suit-and-tie, and highly polished loafers. "I'm sorry, I had to deliver this news to you, but we felt it was better to do in person. You've been here for many years, without a rent increase."

"How much of an increase are we talking about? We're currently paying only $833 a month."

"The new owners want $2500 a month."

Bryce was horrified. "Seriously? That's three times what I'm paying now. I can't afford that... can we negotiate?"

"I'm sorry they are firm on the new rate." The young man's sadness seemed sincere. "We can provide references if you choose to vacate the property to another location. We also have several properties that you can move to . However, the cheapest is $1500 a month."

"When do we have to be out by?" He let out a long breath and rubbed his face with both hands.

"The new owners will give you 'till July 15th, with no additional rent for the partial month." A buzz from his phone indicated he had a text message. "I need to cut this short. You have my number and email, you can call, text or send me a message after you think it over."

Bryce saw the rental agent out. Once he closed the door he pressed his forehead against it. "Shit..."

"Is it that bad, Uncle Bryce?" Travis stood in the doorway of his bedroom, which was just off the main living room.

"Yeah, it is." He turned towards his nephew he had adopted and gave him a half-hearted smile. "After all these years, you still don't call me dad."

"I love you like you were my dad, but I don't know, it feels right to call you Uncle still. You've always been Uncle Bryce to me." Travis gave him a shrug. "I really don't remember my real dad, who was your brother, nor my mom."

"How much did you hear?" Bryce met him in the center of the room.

"All of it. I woke up when his loud ass car pulled up in the driveway." He gave his uncle a hug. "What are we going to do?"

"You are going to go to Jeremy and Robert's place and have fun, while I go to work. Then I'll be over for dinner, and you will be a teenager, while I worry about what to do."

"I'm old enough to get a job. I can work fast food and give you the paycheck." Travis' voice was soft and pleading.

"No." Bryce was firm on this. "I don't want you getting a job, to help pay the bills. I've got this. Besides, you need to focus on your schoolwork, so you can get that scholarship you're going for. You have to maintain what GPA?"

"At least a 3.8 GPA. I can do that while working. I don't mind-"

"I said, No! That's final!" Bryce interrupted. He stared pointedly at Travis.

"Fine. Be that way, Uncle Bryce." He stormed off back to his room and slammed the door. Travis tossed himself back on his bed. {{Why won't he let me help! He's done everything for me, not even dated anyone. He doesn't even like his job. It's so not fucking fair.}}

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Travis, son. You need to get ready to leave."

Travis sighed and grabbed his clothes. He opened the door and went to the bathroom, refusing to look in Bryce's direction. A few moments later, Travis was done with his shower and morning routines, and had finished eating a breakfast bar and a glass of milk. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"He speaks!" Bryce gave him a playful punch in his arm. "Come on, little man. Let's not fight today. I want you to have a good time. Let me worry about this, ok?"

"Alright, Uncle Bryce." He got up grabbed his backpack, swim trunks, an extra set of clothes, and headed for the truck.


Traffic was backed up going into Downtown Tampa. When they got into the truck, Bryce set the GPS on his phone, and they both were shocked to see that it took them to Harbour Island. After a moment to get around the backlog from Kennedy Blvd., they pulled onto the island. They were in an older Ford F150.

"They said they lived in a gated community, I didn't realize they meant here." Bryce pulled up to the guard shack.

"Can I help you?" The guard stepped out with a clipboard.

"Yes. We're guests of Adam Smith, my name is Bryce Jacks."

"Bryce Jacks..." The guard flipped a page. "Gotcha right here." He gave them directions to the Tuscan-styled house and opened the gate for them to pass.

Travis stared open mouthed at the houses, condos, and cars as they drove through the community. "I'm feeling like I shouldn't be breathing the air here."

"It'll be fine." Bryce patted Travis' leg assuredly.

They got to the house a little after 9:30 am and were greeted by Duncan. After a brief stay, Bryce apologized for having to run and left to get to work. Duncan showed Travis to the kitchen and family room, the hub for the house.

"Can I get you anything, Travis?" Duncan stood near the fridge. "We have coffee, water, ice tea, OJ, milk, some soda..."

"I'll take some ice tea, please." He sat down at the counter. Travis was impressed by the décor. "Thank you." He sipped the tea, that Duncan handed him.

"I was about to fix something for breakfast. I hope you're hungry." He smiled as he started pulling out stuff to cook omelets.

"I ate a breakfast bar before coming over. That'll do me till lunch."

Duncan tilted his head some turning towards Travis. He appraised the teen sitting at the counter. {{Hmm, so Monday's outfit seems to be the norm for him. He doesn't look comfortable, but he isn't freaking out.}} "Come on... I make a mean omelet, you'll love it." He smiled over at Travis. "Trust me."

"Ok... I'll take one." Travis smiled half-heartedly.

"The boys should be up soon." He started cutting up the onions, bell pepper, and chunks of meat. "Is something wrong, Travis? If you want to talk, it'll stay just between the two of us, and my husband."

Travis looked down at the glass of tea before him. "I'm sorry... I'm just feeling uncomfortable." He cleared his throat. "You have a great house and live in a really nice place."

"I understand. Growing up, I spent summers working with my parents, Adam did too, in the cleaning business they started. We scrimped and saved and got the business big enough to be successful. But times were hard. Before Adam hired me to be his steward, I was living with my ex-wife in an apartment over off Westshore Blvd." He smiled again. "There are times, I'm astonished how far I've come."

"Um... you work for your husband as a steward?"

Duncan laughed. "At first I did. Then after my divorce was final, we started dating after the custody case with Rob. Adam fired me as his butler because of the whole employer/employee dynamic. Now I'm a stay at home dad and owner of the family business." He mixed up a batch of dough for drop biscuits, formed them, and tossed them in the oven to bake.

"So, all this is Adam's?" Travis blushed. "Sorry, I shouldn't pry. None of my business."

"No, it's fine." Duncan walked over and sat down. "He'll say it belongs to all of us, but after he graduated from M.I.T. he worked in the medical technology field, designing new devices. He sold six that he patented and built all this. He's even opening a brewpub, as a new business venture." He paused a moment and turned towards Travis catching his eyes. "I'll be straight with you, if you're straight with me, ok?"

"Okay." Travis cleared his throat and sipped his drink. {{I wonder where he's going with this.}}

"Travis... you're safe here. No one in this house is going to judge you based on where you're from, or what you're wearing. Each of us has our own demons were fighting." He gave Travis a squeeze on the shoulder as he stood to get the biscuits out of the oven. He started on the omelets. "Can I get you to give me a hand?"

"Sure." Travis walked over and started helping Duncan. "You're sure no one will tease me?"

"I'm sure." He shot him a smile. "If they do, I'll kick their spoiled ass." They shared a laugh.

"Now what else is eating at you?"

Travis let out a sigh. "Uncle Bryce had a meeting with a guy from the rental office, for the house we've lived in for the last ten years. It was sold, and the new owners want to cash in on the development in Ybor. We've got to move out by July 15th." He paused as he fetched the different bowels that Duncan asked for. "And... we had a fight this morning. I offered to get a job to help with the bills, and he refused the idea. Told me no."

"Did he give a reason?"

"He did. Even though I'll only be a sophomore next year, I'm already in consideration for a scholarship. It'll give me a full ride for a four-year degree at a college of my choice in the state of Florida." He moved the plate of omelets to the central island. "I have to keep a minimum of a 3.8 GPA. He wants me to focus on that."

"It might be hard to hear, but I have to agree with him. If Jer or Rob was in the same competition and asked about getting a job, we would say no too."

"I know." He sighed. "I hate that he's put his whole life on hold for me. Bryce doesn't even like his job and hasn't had a girlfriend since I was six."

They fell into silence, as Duncan and Travis finished making breakfast together, rounding out the omelets with fresh fruit, biscuits, and bacon. The other three men of the house showed up shortly after, and they all feasted on the meal, with a little small talk.


After breakfast, the three boys played Xbox in the exercise/game room until Giles came over.

Jeremy took the other boys outside and started his workout training session for himself, Robert, and Giles. He offered to help Travis as well, who gladly accepted. Jeremy started off with the basics of warming up and stretching out. Sifu Jeremy put them through their paces, pushing them in the CrossFit style workout to the point of exhaustion. They were sitting catching their breath, while Jeremy moved on to his hand-and foot-work. Travis grabbed his bag, pulled out a sketchpad, a pencil, and started doing a quick sketch. Robert took Giles by the hand and led him to the power-rack. They took turns using the straps, ropes, and chains that were attached for the isometric exercises.

About an hour later, Adam stepped out with a tray of drinks for everyone, a pitcher of lemonade, and called for a break. "It's hot and muggy out. I want you all to stay hydrated."

A chorus of 'thank you's' came his way, while Robert, Giles, and Jeremy grabbed their drinks, and went back to working out.

Adam sat down at the patio table with Travis. "Are you doing alright?"

Tavis reached over and took his glass of lemonade. "I am. I did that training thing with them, but right now they are working on stuff for sports and martial arts. I'm not into that stuff." He sipped the ice-cold lemonade and went back to drawing.

"You got some talent, Travis. Is that Jer?" He turned towards Travis and the sketchbook.

Travis smiled. "Yes, it is." He turned the drawing, so Adam could examine it. While it was still a rough drawing, you could clearly make out that it was Jeremy as the model. He was posed striking the heavy bag with a left-handed straight punch, his right hand up protecting his chin.

"This is really good."

"Thanks, you can look at the others. If you want."

Adam nodded, and started at the beginning of the sketchbook, each page was covered in completed drawings. There were several different styles of drawings, but most were in a realistic form. Some took the whole page, on others they were small enough to where two or three were on the page. He passed one towards the end, and it was another of Jeremy, this time it clearly showed him in a school setting with his camera taking a picture.

Of the final two before the incomplete drawing, was yet another of Jeremy. This time, it depicted the fight from Saturday night. Several pictures were on the page comic book style, starting with Jeremy running up on Driggs, and ended with the spinning back-hand to the thug that held Travis. All were from Travis' point of view.

"These are amazing. How did you do this?"

"Doctor Knowles says I have an eidetic memory. So, I just need to see things for a few seconds and then I can draw them." He took the sketchbook back when Adam offered it.

"You like Jeremy, don't you?" Adam had noticed Jeremy was featured in several of the sketches.

Travis nodded some with a blush. "Yeah, I think he's good looking, and he's been ultra-nice and sweet to me. He saved my life. I don't doubt that at all." He turned his head towards Jeremy; who was standing next to the Weng Chun dummy, wiping his face, with a towel. The muscles in his right arm, chest, and abs flexing with the movement and displayed his right armpit with its light dusting of dark hair. "I can't say I know him that well, as it's been just three days since we started talking over Snapchat and Skype, but I want to get to know him better. Doc thinks I might be a little captivated with him. He's the type of guy I'm in to. Strong, friendly, great body... I... I... tried several times during school to ask him out, but I was too scared to."

Adam ginned at the answer. "Be right back." He got up and went around to everyone filling up their glasses, before coming back to sit. Travis worked on his drawing. "Duncan told me about your situation. I hope you don't mind, Travis."

"I don't mind." He raised his head and turned it towards Adam. "He said he would, with you being married."

"Yup. We don't keep secrets from each other." He paused and took a drink. "He told me about the scholarship. If you need any help, whatsoever, let me know. At the very least, I can write a letter of recommendation for you, which I will. Just make sure I have the info on where to send it. Also... if something happens, and you don't get the scholarship. I have some connections, that I can use, and we'll get you one."

"Thank you." Travis slowly shook his head in disbelief. "You'd do this for me? I'm practically a stranger."

"A stranger who likes my soon-to-be son." He gave Travis a smile. "I would do this for Giles too. I like to help people...especially the ones that are close to my family or becomes family." He locked eyes with Travis. "I have a feeling, we'll be seeing a lot more of you around here."

Travis was stunned. "Uhhh... maybe. Jer asked if I wanted to work out with him. I said sure, but I don't want to learn how to fight."

"I know the feeling." Adam chuckled. "If you will excuse me, I'm going to head inside and take care of a few things. It's was good talking to you, Travis."

"You as well."

Adam headed inside, while Travis went back to his drawings.


Brayon, Chandon, and Jill showed up around 3:00 pm, and the six boys spent time playing video games in Jeremy's room. Travis drew in his sketchbook when it wasn't his turn on the game system. In addition to Jeremy, Robert and Giles now had pictures too, and he was working on ones for Chandon and Brayon.

Jill and Adam sat and talked at the kitchen bar while Duncan prepped for dinner. Duncan was dicing vegetables for a salad and the marinated chicken and steak sat ready, on the counter.

"The summer vacation will be in a couple of weeks. The plan so far is, I need to take Rob to Boston, for a week. Then down to D.C. for fireworks on the Fourth of July. From there, Duncan and I will split the boys up into two cars, and head to Knoxville, Tennessee. I have an Aunt and her family there that I haven't seen since I was Rob's age." He paused to sip his Bud Light. "So, are you good with that? I'm only planning a week but might add some surprises in, it could be almost two-weeks that we're gone."

Jill nodded. "Sounds fine. I know you said that you will pay for all expenses, but do I need to send anything with Chandon and Brayon?"

"Only if you want too. I'm going to give each of them $1,500.00 to spend on themselves. Duncan and I will pay for food, lodging, and transportation. Plus, any group stuff we do. But if they want a souvenir or some doodad, or anything they forgot to pack like clean underwear, it'll be up to them."

"You're way too kind, Adam."

Duncan grinned. "That he is Jill, that he is. I'm going to go fire up the grill. I'm still wondering why you went charcoal instead of gas."

"The taste, man." Adam turned his attention back to Jill. They talked for a few moments and discussed various things. Eventually, the situation with Jeremy was brought up. He explained what he and Duncan planned with the adoption of the boys, and the counseling the whole family was going through.

They shared a laugh over a joke Jill told, as some cheering came down the hall. "They sound like they are having a good time." Jill turned to see if anyone was coming, and then back to Adam. In a low voice. "What about Travis. Do you think his Uncle Bryce will let him go?"

"We're supposed to talk about it when he comes over after work. In fact, he should be here soon."

"Speaking of Travis, that reminds me. I wanted to look at his stitches, as his lip shouldn't be as swollen as it is." Jill stood up and headed for the bedroom. Adam went and fetched the first aid kit.

Jill and Travis walked into the family room. She gave Adam a "thanks" and took the first-aid kit from him. She sat with Travis on one of the couches. With gloves on her hands, she looked at his bottom lip and checked the tenderness of the bruises on his face and body. "Well, the good news is, you're healing nicely. I'm going to write a prescription for an antibiotic for you. Just to make sure that cut on your lip doesn't get infected. Have you felt any other discomfort?"

"No... I haven't. Well, just a little burning when I eat certain foods."

"That's going to take a few more days until it's all healed up." She smiled at him. "Ok, you can go back to your Fortnite deathmatch." Travis went back to Jeremy's room. Jill turned to Adam as they cleaned up the first-aid kit. "He was kicking ass in that game."

They laughed a little as they finished up. Duncan came back inside, and the three adults hung out until Bryce showed up. He apologized for being late, explaining that he went home to shower before coming over. Duncan and Jill went to work taking the meat out to grill, while Bryce and Adam moved to the library to talk. Adam shut the double-doors, so they could have privacy.

"Care for a drink?" He motioned towards a decanter, filled with scotch, sitting on a small table.

"Sure, I'll take one." He smiled as Adam handed him a glass. He sipped it, while he waited for Adam.

Adam sat down in the leather executive office chair, with his own glass of scotch, on the other side of the desk from Bryce. "This morning when Travis arrived, he seemed upset. While he was helping Duncan in the kitchen, he told him about what happened this morning."

Bryce nodded and sat the glass on the desk in front of him. He made to get up. "Oh, I am sorry about that. That's our business..." He was barely standing when Adam motioned for him to wait.

"Please stay, there is something I want to discuss." His smile put Bryce at ease.

Bryce sat back down and picked the glass back up. He took a sip of the scotch. "Okay, fine but I'm sorry about the trouble."

"It's not troubling at all." He sipped his own scotch and took a calming breath. "I've been lucky in life, and that allows me to live here. I understand the need to earn your way, and right now we have a real opportunity I'd like to put before you."

"Oookaaay..." Wary, but interested, Bryce listened on.

"Duncan owns a cleaning company that his family started, back when he was just a kid. We're about to start advertising for a management position, but if you're interested we'd like you to come in and interview for it. Salary is fair given the hours, $65 - 75,000 a year, plus other benefits."

"Wow, I appreciate that." He took a drink of the scotch. {{Is this happening?}}

"Here's my card, with my business number." He stood slightly and handed Bryce a business card. "Call me next week, and we'll make arrangements. So, this brings me to my next question. We own some property and have a house available for rent. It's not too far from here, not far from here at all, and Travis will be in the H.B. Plant HS, school zone. The rent would be $1000 a month plus utilities. Yours if you want it."

Bryce was stunned. "Oh, that's amazing yeah. You're a lifesaver. I was looking on the computer during some free time earlier and couldn't find a place on this side of town in my price range. Thanks, a lot." Bryce wiped away a tear. "Where is it located?"

"Westside of Davis Islands, on the water facing Bayshore Blvd."

Bryce nodded. "Wow..." {{Unbelievable. He's only charging a $1000 plus utilities for a prime real estate location.}} "Mind if I ask why it's so cheap for that location?"

"Friends and Family discount." Adam grinned. "I would do that for any member of my family or Duncan's, or any friend of mine, Duncan, Rob, or Jeremy. Travis told me that he accepted an offer from Jeremy to train with him, and you'll be just around the corner from us. It'll be easy for him to get here to work out."

"Sounds fair. Thank you."

"Lastly, Duncan and I are taking our two boys and their pals on a trip up north. We'll be going to Boston, then to D.C., and then over to Tennessee. All Travis will need is clothes and toiletries. Travis and all the kids are getting some spending money from me too."

"That's very generous of you Adam."

"Like I said I can do it, and Travis seems to fit in with all of the boys. We'd love to have him join us."

"It would do him some good. He's been so scared to interact with anyone his age, and I worry about him. During the school year, he's taking his anxiety meds all the time." Bryce wiped a few tears from his eyes. "I appreciate this Adam, and he can go with you all."

"We're happy to have him here. He's a good kid." Adam smiled at Bryce and passed him some tissues. "Oh... one of the boys will be staying over tonight, they all were supposed to, but something came up for Brayon and Chandon. If you don't mind we would like for Travis to stay over, and he can hang out here tomorrow."

"I don't mind. It's up to Travis, but I'm good with it. I can pick him tomorrow night after work. If he accepts." Bryce finished off the scotch and sat the glass on the desk again.

Adam took the two empty glasses and sat them on the tray, to remember to take them to the kitchen. "I don't think he will be opposed to staying the night." He sat back down and smiled some. "He is more than a little infatuated with Jeremy. The seed is there, but I think it will take Jeremy some time. If you didn't know Jeremy is asexual, or at least we think he is."

"I'll be honest. I don't understand all these genders, sexualities, whatever, that's all out now. I'm happy to see the positive effect on people of all ages not hiding themselves, especially the kids at school. There is still bullying, but not as much as there used to be." He paused and rubbed his chin. "What do we want to do with this? I know Doctor Knowles said to let it run its course."

"I say we do just that, but I have a feeling they will work out. Like I'm certain that Chandon and Brayon want to get married, and..." Adam sighed. "I feel that Giles and Rob will break up sometime over the next two years."

"You sound like a matchmaker."

"Nah. Just someone that waited years for his husband. You can see the signs if you look hard enough, and a gut feeling about it, that's never let me down. I just hope I'm wrong, and it works out between them."

They spent a few more minutes talking, before joining the others outside.

Bryce called Travis over and gave him a long hug, and a kiss on the forehead. He told Travis of what he and Adam discussed, and Travis was stunned. He accepted the invitation to sleepover.

Chandon, Brayon, and Jill, apologized again for the last-minute change. They were scheduled for a flight in the morning, going to check on her ex-husband, Chandon's father, at Fairchild AFB in Washington state. There had been an accident on base, and he was injured in an explosion.

Dinner was good, and everyone ate their fill. Eventually, Bryce, Jill, Chandon, and Brayon left to go to their respective houses. While Duncan and Adam cleaned up, the four boys went to Jeremy's room to play with his Xbox.


"You know, your dad is cock-blocking us." Giles leaned in and kissed Robert. They sat on the floor leaning on Jeremy's bed, while Jeremy and Travis sat on the bed. They passed off the controller while playing Fortnite, each taking a turn before passing it on.

Jeremy's room was painted the same warm beige color the rest of the house was. As one walked in through the door, on the south wall, two doors were immediately to the left on the west wall. The first led to a walk-in closet, and the second to a bathroom en-suite. It was the only other bathroom with a bathtub, in a tub/shower combo, in the house.

The furniture set, from IKEA, was grey in color. He had a twenty-five-inch flat-screen TV attached to the south wall, directly above a small entertainment center, that held his Xbox One, and games. The bed sat against the north wall between the two windows; two-nightstands were on either side. A student sized computer desk, and a large bookcase sat against the east wall of the room, with a desktop computer and a chair. There was shelving throughout the room filled with various pictures, some with family, some with other stuff; knick-knacks; and a few competition trophies and ribbons.

"I know. But I suspected he would do it." Robert snickered. "I'm starting to feel he doesn't approve of us together."

Giles shrugged. "I don't know about that, but at least I get to hold and touch my boyfriend tonight." He leaned over and kissed Robert passionately.

"Hey... what you two do under the covers where I can't see it, I don't care. So, can you stop swapping spit?" Jeremy gave Travis a playful smile. "Though you might be making Travis jealous."

Travis laughed and shook his head. "Nah, I'm not jealous, but I hope you don't mind an audience. Cause I'm watching."

"Creepy dude... but, I'm sorta turned on thinking about it, and perhaps we can have a three-way while Jer watches..." Robert laughed as he ribbed Travis. Giles smiled and nodded along. "Seriously though. Are you going to be okay tonight, Jer?"

"I should be. Besides, I'll have Trav here to snuggle up with for one night." Jeremy put a hand on Travis' shoulder and gave him a huge smile.

Travis gulped and went red in the face. "Um... two things. Trav? And what do you mean by snuggle up?"

"We shorten everyone's name, here. Well, not Giles' name because we haven't found one that's cool. And I think Trav is a charming nickname." Jeremy grinned. "As for snuggling together. Two reasons. You're sharing the bed with me, while they get that squeaky air mattress-"

"Son of a bitch... I forgot how loud that thing can get when you move on it. We only borrowed it once from you guys." Robert groaned.

"-As Giles said, you've been cock-blocked." Jeremy laughed. "The second reason... I have been having nightmares every night since my parents were killed. I don't when someone sleeps with me, and that's been Rob the last few nights. It's the reason why we were at Doc's Monday. I hope you don't mind me needing you tonight..."

Robert and Giles snickered wildly, while Travis colored deep red. "I don't think Trav will mind Jer."


"You haven't noticed?" Rob exited the game and turned towards his brother.

"Notice what?"

"Jer, my brother..." Robert let out a breath. "I noticed it earlier, while you were working on the heavy bag, he's always looking at you. Not to mention, while Trav has drawn pictures of all of us that he showed earlier, he's drawn three of you." He motioned to Travis who had a 'deer in a headlight' look. "Very good, detailed drawings too. Jer... he likes you."

Travis' cheeks reddened, and he turned away from Jeremy. "Four... there's four of him now." His reply barely a whisper. He fetched his sketchbook out of his backpack and turned it to the last picture. The drawing was of Jeremy, from earlier in the day when Travis talked with Adam; Jeremy stood next to the Weng Chun dummy and wiped off sweat from his face.

"I'll understand if you want me to leave... I'll call Uncle Bryce here in a moment."

"Hell no. I don't want you to leave." Jeremy playful tackled him on the bed. "This is fantastic Trav, I love it. When did you do this?"

He let out a grunt as Jeremy settled on top of him. "Right before dinner, after I stopped playing video games." Travis lay on his back, Jeremy on top of him. "As I told your dad Adam, I have an eidetic memory. The first drawing I did of you, Jer, was two weeks after you took pictures in my Art class."

Travis was both happy, and sad, that Jeremy had rolled off him. Both teen boys sat back up and leaned on the headboard; Travis laid a pillow over his lap. {{Damn... he just made me hard as a rock.}}

"Trav, you're amazing, a wonderful talent. If I didn't know this was a drawing, I would have thought someone took a photograph." Giles gave him a polite smile.

"Thanks." Travis' blush seemed to be perpetual. "Jeremy... err... Jer." He grinned. "Now that you know... do you still want me to sleep with you?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're going to be sleeping with someone that wants to have sex with you." Robert had a curious look to him. "We know you're asexual, but you do understand what's going on?"

"I didn't until you explained what was up." Jeremy let out a long-frustrated breath. "I honestly don't get the whole... wanting someone thing." He turned to face Travis. "Trav, I am happy you find me attractive and want to be more than friends. If it happens, I would like it. You're a very good-looking guy, and you have an awesome talent with your drawings." Jeremy hung his head. "I hope you understand, that I'm just not wired that way, right now, and may never be."

"Jer, look at me." Travis locked eyes with him. "I understand. Again, now that you know, do you still want me to sleep with you?"

"Yes. Nothing has changed in my opinion."

Talk turned back to video games, and drifted to other topics, like school, music, celebrities, and favorite foods. The hours of the night passed as they played games and talked. Robert noticed Giles giving Travis weird looks a few times and made a mental note to ask about it. Eventually, the air mattress was blown up and fitted with sheets. All four of them lay down to sleep. After a round of good nights, and the lights were turned off, the two pairs of teens whispered softly to their bed partner. Squeaking came from the air mattress, as Rob and Giles adjusted themselves.

Travis lay on his back on the left side of the bed, as Jeremy moved over and curled onto his left side. His head was nestled on Travis' shoulder. "You don't mind? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." They were both in a light tank-top, and underwear. Travis moved slightly, to where he held Jeremy in his left arm, and lightly rubbed his back.

"I'm fine Jer." I'm just imagining us doing this as boyfriends. He grinned as more squeaks came from the air mattress. "What do you think they are doing?"

"Don't know, but they are being quiet, I'm not hearing any moans."

"We can hear you..." Groaned Giles. "Shut up and go to sleep!"

Silence fell among the four teens, as they each drifted off. Except for one. Travis lay awake holding the sleeping Jeremy. It was warm, but not uncomfortable, in the embrace.

{{Damn, I wish we were boyfriends. He's a lot more muscular than I thought, but his skin is so soft. He smells so good, too... Like sandalwood, and apples, mixed with a something sweet. I wonder if he's having a nightmare.}} He sighs softly and rubs Jeremy's back. Travis tilted his head to the side, to give Jeremy a chaste kiss on his forehead. Jeremy snuggled in closer. Travis' voice was barely a whisper.

"Know well, that I stand in vigil- to watch through the night while you slumber, I'll stand guard."

{{I need to write that down.}} Travis yawned as his eyelids become heavy. Sleep came for him shortly after.

Next: Chapter 13: A Few Days 5

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