The Tampa Chronicles

By Brayon Hopper

Published on May 28, 2019


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DISCLAIMER: The following story and series are fictional. While real life places in and around the City of Tampa, Florida are used, a lot has been changed from it's real life counterparts. The story will have sex between teenage boys with each other. There is also gay sex between adult couples in later chapters. If you are underage for your jurisdiction, or it is against the law, do not read.


SERIES NOTE: The Tampa Chronicles Series is set in my hometown of Tampa, FL. There is currently 3 books in the series with a fourth in the works. Here is the break down of books and number of chapters.

Series Title: Tampa Chronicles Book 1: A New Life - 1 Chapter Book 2: My Son - 7 Chapters Book 3: A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen - 5 Chapters Book 4: Being written - Final book of the series.

Author's Note: {{Text within double bracketts are inner monologues.}}

Credits: I need to acknowledge my editing team on GA... Backwoods Boy, Mikiesboy. They are a god send.


Tampa Chronicles 3 - A Few Days in the Life of Jeremy Isen

TC3 - Chapter 3: Healing Starts

It was the morning of Saturday, June 9, 2018. Jeremy was awake and had been for about thirty minutes. He needed to relieve his bladder, had a raging hard-on from it, but couldn't do anything about it. Like the past couple of nights, Robert had slept with him when the nightmares started. While Jeremy didn't really mind, and silently welcomed it, that Robert slept with him all night, this morning Jeremy found himself pinned underneath Robert. He couldn't help but smile looking at the boy that became his cousin, and soon to be his adoptive brother. Robert's eyes were closed, mouth opened a bit as he breathed in and out, and his hair tousled from sleep.

Robert slept on Jeremy's right side, using his arm as a pillow. Jeremy's hand laid on his cousin's back, his fingers slid across the smooth hairless skin, to brush against the ragged scar tissue that marred the shoulder. A soft moan escaped Robert.

{{If I don't get up now, I'm going to wet myself.}} "Rob... I need you to wake up please." Jeremy applied some pressure to his chest with his free hand. "You need to move before I piss all over you."

"mmhmm... errr..." Robert started to snore softly.

"Don't make me tickle you..." Jeremy sighed and ran his finger up Robert's right side.

Robert yipped, and was immediately awake. "What... huh?"

"Good!" Jeremy quickly got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. The sound of his urine stream was loud with the bathroom door mostly opened. "I've needed to do this for half an hour and you wouldn't wake up."

"Sorry." Robert moved into the bathroom too, his mind was sleep-addled. With one quick move, he fished out his manhood and let fly a stream of his own.

Jeremy was in shock. While he didn't mind Robert sharing the toilet with him, he wasn't prepared to see his uncut semi-hard-on. {{This isn't happening, is it? I must be dreaming. Nope, not dreaming... that was wet.}} He finished up, washed his hands, and went back to his bedroom. {{I'll admit Rob is good-looking by what people say beauty should be, but nope. He's not doing anything for me. Yup, my hard-on is going down fast. Guess I won't be jacking-off this morning before breakfast.}} Jeremy's arousal was completely gone, as he dropped his boxer briefs to the floor, and slipped on a new pair, along with some shorts. "I'll see you in the kitchen, Rob."

"Alright man." Robert stepped out of the bathroom after flushing the toilet and washing his hands. Jeremy had just stepped out the bedroom door. {{Wait... did I just go piss with Jer? Fuck, I did. Damn it, I didn't mean to do that.}} He fetched his phone from the nightstand next to Jeremy's bed and headed to his room.

Jeremy stepped into the kitchen, scratching his head a moment. {{Lights on, but Duncan isn't here.}} Jeremy picked up the note that sat on the center island. {{Huh, so they're both gone.}} He turned to Robert, who had just wandered in. "We're on our own this morning. They left early to get to some farmer's market, and swap-meet."

"That's cool. What would you like to do? Eat here, or we could run someplace."

"We can do that?" His eyes widen. "I mean, take one of the cars and leave."

Robert nodded. "Yeah, Dad mentioned to me last night that they might go off this morning. Left me some cash just in case and said I could take his RDX out to get breakfast if you wanted to go out."

"Oh, ok. Yeah, let's head out then... where should we go?"

"Well, we have a limit. We can go someplace here in Downtown, or at the furthest in Hyde Park."

"Hmm. I vote no McDonald's, or Burger King. I have nothing against them, but if we can go anywhere, let's hit a place that a bit better."

Robert laughed. "I agree with you. Hey, let's go to that burger joint... they have breakfast... um... I've only been there once with Dad... The 'Goody Goody,' that place."

"Cool. I'll go get dressed. Meet you at the car in twenty?"

"Alright, little bro."

They both laughed as they went to their rooms and got dressed. Jeremy ended up choosing black jean shorts, with an unadorned white sleeveless open-side tank top, and black New Balance shoes. Robert wore a similar outfit of black-colored cloth cargo-shorts and a plain neon blue tank top.


With it being Saturday, the drive over to Hyde Park went smoothly. They pulled into the parking lot of the 'Goody Goody,' got out, and walked around to the front. There was a bit of a wait, but Jeremy had used his phone for advanced seating. They were seated after a short five minutes and soon were ordering their food. Both boys ordered The Hangover dish, a fresh-made biscuit split and topped with home fries, cheddar, green onion, sausage gravy and two over-easy eggs, and coffee.

"When's Giles getting home?" Jeremy sipped his coffee looking at the inside of the restaurant.

The interior of the 'Goody Goody' was bright and cheerful. It was busy, and the staff hustled between tables. Yellow, green, and white tiles were on the wall, with similar colors for the tables, booths, along with wood tones, and chrome metal. It had the flair of an upscale dinner.

"He's supposed to be getting in around 3:00 pm, and then he's coming over to the house. He wants to hang out for a bit before we head to get food and the movie." Robert speared a mixed bite of food and chewed silently. "He mentioned, he's bringing something back for you."

"For me? Why?" He gave Robert a questioning look, while he took a bite of his own food.

"I don't know. He told me yesterday when we Skyped, that he had a gift for me when he got home, and that he's bringing something for you."

They ate in silence for a bit, while the sounds of the other patrons washed over them.

"Did you tell him about my parents?" Jeremy's words were barely a whisper.

Robert nodded. "I did. Told him that you'll be staying with us for now on and that I've been helping you at night."

Jeremy nodded back to him, his face a mask. He went back to eating, tuning out all.

Robert gave up on talking to Jeremy but was happy to see him finish his breakfast and coffee. He ordered a full Butterscotch Pie to go when the waitress brought the bill, so they could have snack stuff later. The trip to the car was equally silent.

The boys got into the car and buckled up. Robert started the car and headed back to downtown.

"What's wrong Jer?"

"Nothing really." He turned his head towards the window. The houses and businesses along Swan Ave passed by at a leisurely clip.

"Jer, please talk to me. What's wrong bro?"

"Well, we're not brothers. You're just the son of the man my Uncle married." Jeremy snapped. "I don't need you or your boyfriend's pity."

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"Oh, maybe from the fact that your boyfriend is bringing me a gift, because you told him I'm a nutcase from my parents dying and that you have let me cuddle you every night, just so I can sleep." He fumed in the passenger seat and stared daggers through Robert. "I bet it's some sort of stuffed doll, for the baby that can't handle his problems."

Robert concentrated on the road. {{Now is not the time, for an argument. He's hurting, and it's only been a week since the accident.}} "Jer... Giles is my boyfriend, and I wanted to let him know that I was sleeping with you, non-sexually. I wasn't going to hide that from him, and I had to tell him why. He understood, and in fact, Giles told me just to do it. Don't wait for you to have a nightmare, just to go to bed with you, when you do. Did you know that he used to suffer from night terrors?"

Jeremy's shoulders slumped, as he let out a breath that took his anger with it. He looked exhausted now, as his cheeks started to glisten. "Oh..." He paused to catch his breath, and to hold back a sob. "I'm sorry... Robert. Please, forgive me." Jeremy found a napkin in the center console and dabbed his eyes. "I was so sure... you two were playing games..." He couldn't hold it back now. The tears were free-flowing.

Robert reached over and squeezed Jeremy's shoulder. "We're almost home Jer..." They pulled into the driveway a moment later, and Robert parked the car back in the garage. They got out of the car; Robert immediately circled it and pulled Jeremy into an embrace. "It's ok Jer. I understand... come on, let's get inside, and sit on the couch." The Nissan Rogue was still gone.

The boys, holding each other walked into the house through the side door. Robert deactivated the alarm and sat the Butterscotch pie in the kitchen on the center island. A moment later Robert was sitting on the couch. He pulled Jeremy down with him, to have the younger teen sit on his lap. Robert wrapped his arms around his soon-to-be brother's waist, while Jeremy put his right arm across his shoulder, and rested his left hand in his lap. "Jeremy. It hasn't been that long, since we met, started hanging out, and such. But, I love you like family nonetheless. We're about to become brothers when Dad adopts you, and daddy Duncan adopts us both." He paused catching Jeremy's eyes.

"I didn't have much family up north. Just my grandparents, and my Aunt and her husband, and no cousins. The extended family didn't have many kids either. So, I am happy that you're in my life." He gave Jeremy a huge smile. "I will never play games with your emotions. I had that happen to me. When I needed family, I didn't have anyone, until Dad took me in. I cried myself to sleep several nights, was beaten in a group home. I won't let that happen to you."

Jeremy nodded slowly, his head was on Robert's shoulder. "I understand. I feel like shit for what I said."

"Don't. I forgive you, little bro. It's what family is for." He gave Jeremy a warm-hug. "So, what should we do until the dads come home?"

"I need to train. I haven't in over a week. Sifu knew my schedule would need to be adjusted with me coming here for the summer, but now we need to set something up for the long term." He sat up and moved off Robert's lap. Jeremy wiped his eyes. "Care to help?"

"Sure... where do we start?"

"We warm-up, cardio, and stretching."

"Alright... what's Sifu?"

"It means teacher. It's what we call our instructors." They stood up and made their way outside.

Robert grabbed a couple of workout towels and some water bottles.

"Ok, Sifu Jer. Tell me what to do."


Robert developed a new respect for Jeremy after their shared workout and training session. After the brief warm-up, and stretching exercises, which Robert had issues with, Jeremy went into a workout routine that would make a Crossfitter envious. After that, Jeremy went to training on the heavy bag, and then the Wing Chun dummy. Robert never seen someone's hands and arms move so fast, and in such an intricate pattern, where he would bob and weave while smacking full force the three wooden arms and single spring leg of the dummy. Jeremy showed Robert how to do it and had to stop after a few moments from the pain in his forearms.

They were floating in the swimming pool, having just gotten done, skinny-dipping.

"Aren't our dads gonna be pissed about this?" Jeremy was letting the water relax his muscles. Being Florida in the middle of summer, the water temperature was warm.

"What they don't know won't hurt us."

Jeremy chuckled. "I guess. When will they be home anyway?"

"Last text I got from Dad said they were headed over to St. Pete to meet with Uncle Tibs. He's getting out of the halfway-house soon and wanted their opinion on a house he's looking to buy." He gave his brother a smile. "I don't expect them home until this afternoon, and Dad is usually really good about texting. He'll send one right before they leave to come home."

Jeremy rubbed his left shoulder. "No offense, but Adam seems a little bit of a controller."

"I see your point. Yeah, he can be, but he's treating us like we're adults and equals." He swam over to Jeremy and got behind him. He reached up and started massages his shoulders and neck. "You're all tense in here."

"Sifu once said, I wear my stress and anxiety in my shoulders. He's always getting onto me for not relaxing enough." Jeremy let out a groan, as Robert hit an especially sore knot. "I can tell I haven't trained in a week."

Robert was silent as he massaged Jeremy's shoulders. "Speaking of training... I was wondering if you can help me with that. I'm in good shape and can hang in there on anything the coaches throw at us, but you kicked my ass today. Hell, my arms are killing me from that power-rack. What was that again?"

"Isometric exercises. It builds muscle strength and endurance, by doing passive resistance. It was one of Bruce Lee's favorites, I was told. You know he was an engineer? Most of the techniques he developed were based on engineering principles. Like his three-inch punch, and the three-step lunging sidekick." Jer smiled. He loved talking about one of his passions. "Yeah, I can help you. Stretching and endurance will help you on the ice, and the workout routine will help you develop stamina."

"Good. Thank you."

They swam for a few more moments, chit-chatting about nothing, before getting out and heading inside. Robert grabbed them each an after workout shake from the fridge, and they both went to their rooms.

Jeremy stepped into his room and headed for the shower. After a quick run through the water, he dried himself and laid on his bed naked to relax. It wasn't long before he was in a dreamless sleep.


Robert and Giles laid naked in Robert's bed, kissing, and coming down from their shared orgasmic high. While the parents were still gone, and Jeremy was asleep in his room, Robert took Giles to his room, so they could share some intimate time. The week of not seeing each other was sated with a sixty-nine session that left them both spent. They tasted themselves on their lover's lips, as they lay facing each other, forehead to forehead. Giles draped a leg over Robert's hip, his arms around Robert's shoulders.

"I missed you this week. I couldn't even jack-off with the parents in the room with me." He pressed his lips again to his lover's, stealing a soft kiss.

Robert smiled as his left arm held Giles from underneath and trailed his right hand over his boyfriend's left side, back and chest. He loved feeling Giles under his fingertips. "I missed you as well." They shared a breath and moved to hold each other.

They were silent for a while, just holding each other. A few kisses, and lightly stroking each other.

"I have to ask, you seemed to not care on the phone, but you're fine with me sleeping with Jer at night?"

"Yeah man. Anything that will help him... he is your family." He turned his head and locked eyes with Robert. "I'll admit, I was jealous a little when you told me, but he is family."

"I love that you're understanding." He grinned and kissed Giles again.

"Well, I can't say that I'm not still a little jealous. I mean, he gets to sleep with you every night. I haven't been able to do that since that first week you moved back in from Samantha and Derrick's."

Robert laughed. "Consider it, I'm practicing for when I finally get Dad to allow us to stay the night together again. Oh... almost forgot. It's official that we'll take a train to Boston and he's ordered four-sleeping car rooms for the party. You and I will get a room, same with Brayon and Chandon. I think Jeremy gets his own room."

"Will that be good for him?"

"It should be, why?"

Giles let out a relaxing breath. "If he's still having nightmares, and I know the train ride will be one night only, I rather that you stay with him. As much as we planned to spend the time being alone together on the train, I want Jeremy to be alright."

Robert smiled and ran his hand through Giles' hair. "That might be for the best. If it comes to that."

Giles leaned up, and kiss Robert. "Let's get cleaned up, and wake up Jer. I need to give him his gift."

The boys left Robert's bed and took a quick shower together. They had just gotten out when Robert's phone chirped. "A text from the Dads, they'll be here in about thirty minutes."

They left Robert's room and walked the ultra-short distance to Jeremy's room. Giles knocked on the door. The door was barely latched and opened on its own. "Hey, Jeremy... you awake?"

They were gifted with a look of a naked Jeremy, as he scrambled to cover himself. "HEY! Don't barge in!"

"Sorry... the door wasn't completely shut." Giles smiled and waved a medium-sized gift bag at him. "Mind if we come in?"

"Sure... but I need to get dressed." Jeremy sat up in his bed, his pillow in his lap.

"Nothing we haven't seen already, little bro." They walked in and stopped at the foot of his bed. Robert plopped down, next to Jeremy, putting an arm around him. "The dads texted. They'll be here in less than thirty."

Jeremy nodded. "I got the same text. It's what woke me up." Jeremy motioned to the desk chair. "Have a seat Giles, and I'm gonna get dressed. Just don't stare too much."

"No sweat man." Giles walked over to Jeremy and knelt to give him a quick hug. "I'm really sorry I wasn't in town when you got the news. I'm really sorry for your loss, and if there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know."

Jeremy stood, dropping the pillow in the process, and forgetting about modesty now. A single man tear fell from his eye, as he tried to control his emotions. "Thank you, Giles." He returned the hug, as it lingered a little. Breaking from him, he quickly moved to the dresser.

Giles sat in the chair and sat the gift bag on the bed where Jeremy was a moment ago. "Quick question. How would you like to go to the movies tonight with Rob and me?"

Jeremy stopped midway pulling on a pair of underwear when he heard the question. "You want me to go with you two on your date?" He finished putting on the bikini briefs he pulled out and turned to his guests. "I thought you two were wanting some alone time?"

"We just did." Robert waggled his eyebrows at Jer.

"Ah, that's why Giles smells like your body wash. Still, why do you want me to go?"

"Because you're a good guy, and all I know about you is what I've seen at school. I know things are now different here, and I want to get to know you better. We're practically in the same classes at school, and you're my boyfriend's year-younger soon-to-be-brother." He gave Jeremy a smile as the younger teen finished dressing. "Besides, you are sleeping with my boyfriend, and I should get to know the person I'm sharing him with." His laugh was infectious as all three teens broke out in laughter.

"Alright, I'll go with you two. What time, which cinema, what movie, how are we getting there, and do I need to pay for myself? I can, I have cash, but you know."

"Centro Ybor, 9:00 pm showing of Ready Player One in 3D, and we're walking and streetcar." Giles nodded to Robert.

"Dad already gave me enough money to cover you Jer. We didn't talk about it, nor did he ask me to take you, but you know Dad and him spoiling his family. We'll need to ask him or Duncan about you going."

Jeremy nodded and walked back over to the bed. He picked up the gift bag and sat down in its place. He reached in, pulled out some items. "A book on meditation, a blank journal, a really nice pen set, and an iTunes gift card?"

"Yeah, when Rob told me what happened, and about the nightmares, I made my parents take me to a mall in Orlando. In my therapy, the doc assigned me homework to journal my dreams, thoughts, and emotions. He also suggested I take up meditation. So, that's the book I started with, which goes over the basics, and some advanced techniques for it, and a journal to write in. Rob tells me that, you'll be seeing a family counselor soon, and I thought you could use this to get a head start." He smiled some. "The gift card is so you can buy some relaxation music. I like Native American flute music."

"Thank you, Giles." Jeremy stood up, went to Giles, and gave him a hug. A friendly peck on the cheek followed before he sat back down.

Robert and Jeremy's smartphones chimed at the same time, letting them know someone was entering the house. "Looks like the Dads are home." Robert stood up, as the other two boys followed him out of Jeremy's room. They met up with the two men in the kitchen, who stopped and got dinner on the way home.


The movie was good, and Jeremy had a fun time with the other two. They sat in good seats, near the top of the auditorium, which commanded a view of the theater room. {{Is that Donald Driggs? Great, movie's over I'm going to have to pass his ass.}} "Hey guys, let's wait till after the credits."

"Why, what's up Jer?" Robert gave him a concerned look.

Jeremy point in Driggs' direction. "Someone, I'm not supposed to be within a hundred feet of."

"Oh, shit." Robert and Giles shared a look. "Yeah, we can wait."

They waited as the room cleared, and the credits finished. After the last person left, the trio got up and started for the exit.


"No worries, Jer."

The left the cinema headed downstairs and turned towards the Streetcar station. Jeremy walked a little ahead of the lovers and stopped suddenly. {{Did I hear that correctly?}}

"Catch that little faggot... he's headed towards the park." The hateful voice was noticeable as Donald Driggs, and Jeremy turned in his direction. Driggs limped behind his buddies, as they took off after another boy. They headed down the road towards Centennial Park. Jeremy couldn't tell who they were chasing, his hands opened and closed into fists.

"Rob, call the cops. Driggs is headed to Centennial to beat on a gay kid." With that, he took off at a dead sprint towards the park.

"Jer wait!"

Robert and Giles took off after Jeremy pulling their smartphones out. Robert called 911, while

Giles activated his camera app to capture what was happening. They were only a few seconds behind Jeremy and arrived at the scene virtually together.

Driggs' buddies had caught the youth and were holding him in the shadow of a building out of view of the street. He was already a little roughed up, with a split lip, and a gash on his forehead. Driggs was laying into him with a right hook to the youth's already busted lip.

"Caught you now faggot. You don't think I would have forgotten you?"

Robert was frantically informing the police of what was going on, and where to find the location while Giles filmed it for evidence. That's when Jeremy sprang into action. He bolted forward, going low on Driggs from behind, sweeping his legs with a low spinning kick. Jeremy followed through with his momentum, coming up in a spinning backhand to the thug holding the youth on the right. The thug went down, letting go of the youth.

"Watch out!" The warning came too late, for his buddies, as the thug on the left tossed the kid at Jeremy and tried to run. Robert intercept him.

"You son of a bitch!" Driggs yelled looking at Jeremy. He hopped up and started throwing wild punches at Jeremy.

Jeremy parried and blocked the punches as they came at him, flowing like water between the actions. In one fluid motion, he targeted Driggs in the stomach, and with a three-inch punch, he sent Driggs flying back five feet. Falling to the ground, Driggs grabbed his stomach, yelling out in pain. The smell of urine and shit filled the air as he relieved himself in his pants from the hit.

As he turned towards the last thug, Jeremy felt the punch connect to his jaw, and it snapped his head to the side. The thug was bigger and stronger than him. Stepping in-close, Jeremy grappled with the larger teen and took him down to the ground in a submission hold. He locked out the teen's right arm. "Don't move, or I'll break it."

"Alright, alright..." The thug went still.

"Everyone freeze!" The cops had finally arrived, on foot from where they were patrolling the party district.

As Jeremy released the thug and stood up he looked over at the teen that had been assaulted. He recognized him from school.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." The teen said. "Thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome. I'm Jeremy."


"I need you guys to be quiet while we sort this out." The officer squeezed the talk button on his microphone. "Dispatch we'll be needing an Ambulance."

It was well over two hours, and parents were called for all those involved. The video evidence from Giles' phone was enough to show that Jeremy acted lawfully in self-defense of another. However, he did violate the restraining order against him. Carol, who Adam called en route to the scene, used a legal tactic to get Jeremy released to Duncan's custody pending a review.

It was after midnight when they walked into the house. Giles had gone home with his mom and dad. The four men stopped in the family room, as the adults sat on one couch, and the teens on the other.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your date Rob, or your night Adam and Duncan." He sounded sheepish and couldn't look anyone in the face.

"You didn't ruin anything Jer. Hell, I think that kid was lucky you were there." Adam gave him a smile.

"Yeah, but I violated the restraining order. That's going to cause a lot of problems."

"Don't worry about it. You did the right thing, and you helped that kid Travis."

"Yeah, little bro. You were amazing. Hey, how did you make Driggs shit himself?"

Jeremy blushed. "No big secret. It's the same thing that happens in MMA and Boxing. Hit the right body parts, anyone will crap themselves. Happens a lot more often than what people think."

"I will say good night to you two... it's been a long day all around." Adam stood up and held a hand out to his husband. "Ready for bed love?"

Duncan smiled, as he took Adam's hand. He stood up and kissed his husband. "See you in the morning boys. We'll talk about this then."

The adults left the room, with the boys still sitting on the couch.

"Are you all right Jer?" Robert scooted over and turned Jeremy's face towards him. "You're going to have a wicked bruise, where you got punched."

Jeremy let out a long calming breath while running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just worried about the violation. Not sure what's going to happen from that."

"You did good, little bro." Robert smiled and clapped Jeremy on the shoulder. "Did you know that kid they attacked?"

"Travis? Not by name. I recognized him from school, though."

"I never saw him before tonight. Not that I can recall."

"He's kind of a loner, from what I can remember. He's in several art classes."

Silence fell between them, and it wasn't long before they started yawning. "Let's head to bed. I'll meet you in your room after I shower."

"Will do."

The teens got up and headed for their rooms to get ready for bed.


It was Monday morning, June 11, 2018, and the four men were sitting in the lobby of Doctor Knowles' office. Bay News 9 was playing on the TV, displaying the local news stories. They weren't there long before the intake assistant came out for Jeremy.

Jeremy was led to the back, where he waited just a few mins before Doctor Knowles came in.

"You must be Jeremy Isen. Good to meet you. I'm Doctor Malcolm Knowles, and you can call me Doc, Mac, whatever. Just don't call me late for dinner." They shared a laugh.

"Nice to meet you Doc."

"So, tell me why you are here today?"

Jeremy recapped the events of the past week. His parents' deaths due to ISIS terrorism, his nightmares, and sleeping with Robert to beat insomnia and nightmares. He confided that he loved Adam almost as much as his uncle Duncan, but it was different with him. Jeremy just didn't know him that well.

They then talked about the incident after the movie, that past Saturday night. Tears were shed, and plenty of Kleenex was gone through before Doctor Knowles brought in the rest of the family.

Jeremy and Robert sat in the lobby waiting for Adam and Duncan to come out. Bay News 9 was still on the TV when a story about the altercation from Saturday came on.

"Holy shit." Robert poked Jeremy to stir him from his thoughts. "Jer look!"

"Huh?" He turned to the TV, as they aired footage of the fight. "Oh God, that's not going to be good."

"You don't know. She just said that Driggs is being charged as an adult for felony assault, and it's being elevated to a hate crime."


"Boys watch your language please." The receptionist scolded and went back to her paperwork behind the counter.

The door opened from outside, with a tone letting all know that someone was entering. Jeremy didn't know if it was the stars-aligning or just one of those galactic concurrences, but in walked Travis Jacks with a middle-aged man.

Travis stopped immediately, locking eyes with Jeremy. Travis was around the same height as Jeremy at 5'2" and was skinny. He had shoulder-length light brown hair and green eyes. His clothes were a little dated, with some patching on the knees of his pants, and the white shirt had seen better days, though it was all clean. Jeremy couldn't tell what brand of shoes Travis wore, but they looked worn.

His uncle was taller, around the height of Adam at 6'1" and had a "dadbod". Bald with a bit of a black fringe shaved short, his green eyes were the same color as Travis', but were slightly hidden by a pair of glasses. When he nearly walked into Travis, he leaned in and whispered to him, as he followed Travis' line of sight. After a moment of a whispered conversation, he stood with a grin and pushed Travis forward.

While the man checked them in, Travis walked over to Jeremy and Rob. The bruises from the fight were bad, but the swelling had gone down. Stitches marred his forehead and his bottom lip.

"Hey, this is all sorts of awkward. But I want to thank you, for the other night. I think you saved my life."

Jeremy and Robert each gave him a smile, and a "you're welcome," as Jeremy motioned to the seat next to them. "Have a seat man."

Travis nodded and sat down. He was about to speak when the man walked over. He extended his hand to both Robert and Jeremy, as they both shook it. "It's good to meet my nephew's saviors. Hi, I'm Bryce Jacks."

"I'm Rob, nice to meet you. But all I did was call the cops. Jer here is the real hero."

"Jeremy. It's a pleasure." He blushed from the praise. "I'm no hero. I'm just a kid."

"Well, you're a hero to me. I can't thank you enough what you did for my Travis." He looked over at his nephew. Bryce turned and sat down across from them. "You look familiar. Don't you two go to Plant HS?"

Robert nodded. "We do. I'll be a junior next year, and Jer here will be a sophomore."

"You're that yearbook kid... the one that takes all the pictures?" Bryce nodded at Jeremy.

"I am sir. How did you know?" He looked puzzled like he was trying to place Bryce. "OH! I know you now. You're one of the custodians at the school."

"Correct. Head Custodian actually. I'm surprised that you recognized me. Most students just walk on by." He smiled.

"I try to be nice to everyone, and I'm also taking pictures. I took several of the staff, including you during the year."

"Um... Bryce... can we stop talking about school?" Travis looked a little embarrassed.

"Sure." He gave Travis a loving look. "We should be in and out of here shortly, son."

Jeremy turned a little towards Travis. "If I'm not mistaken you were taking art classes. What do you specialize in?"

"Drawings. I'd show you some, but I didn't bring my sketchbook with me." Travis was more than blushing now. "I used to do some 3D and digital work before my laptop died."

"We'll get you a new one, as soon as I can afford it."

"I know, Bryce. I wasn't trying to be accusing."

"Drawings, huh? I like photography, myself. I'm currently using digital, but I like the old film style too."

Robert smiled at Jeremy as he and Travis talked. "I'm not that artistic."

"Bullshit Rob. You left your notebook in the bathroom and I read some of your poetry. It's really good." Jeremy smiled as he looked at his brother. "Not the typical, angsty teen crap, we see at school."

"Um... ok." Robert was speechless now.

Bryce chuckled looking at the three boys when the interior door opened. Adam and Duncan walked out escorted by Doctor Knowles. The two parents were holding hands as they walked out. "Well, I like to see you back as a family next month, but if Jeremy needs to come in before then that's fine." He stopped and looked at the lobby noticing the people there. "Ah... that's why the name sounded familiar." He gave a grin at everyone. "Well, I guess this is a little odd."

Doc nodded to himself some. "You know this is good. Adam, Duncan, can I get you two to wait around for a bit?"

"Sure Doc. What's up?" Duncan followed Doctor Knowles' gaze to the three boys. Adam had a curious look on his face.

"Boys... can you come with me for a moment? I need to talk to your parents, and I think you'll be more comfortable in one of the offices."

The boys were taken into one of the offices, while the adults went with Doctor Knowles.


"I wonder why Doc is having us stay?" Robert sat down on the couch.

This office was more designed for younger kids, as there were blocks and toys to play with, and a video game system in the corner. A comfy couch and several armchairs were over in a sitting area. A mirror took up most of one wall.

"I think it's because of me." Travis sat on the opposite end of the couch. He pulled his legs up, wrapping his arms around them, and trying to hide some.

Jeremy sat in a chair where he could see both Robert and Travis. "Why? Travis, you don't need to be scared around us. We're not going to do anything to you."

"I know that... but my anxiety is starting up."

"Ok. Travis listen to my voice. Close your eyes, and just listen." Robert turned towards Travis without touching him. "Breath in, hold, breath out. Keep doing that, slowly... now imagine all that unease is flowing out of you. With every exhale, it slips away. There... you feel lighter now that the anxiety is flowing away from you."

Travis released his legs, setting them both back on the ground. He opened his eyes. "Thanks."

"Social anxiety?" Jeremy gave him a slight friendly smile.

"Yeah. Especially when I'm outnumbered by strangers." His head hung down, where he couldn't see anyone's face.

"Well, I'm Jeremy Isen, and that's Robert Turner. We're brothers or will be soon once all the legal stuff is done. Our dads are married, and they are Adam Smith and Duncan Isen. Duncan is my uncle, and Adam is Rob's biological dad... so, there we're not strangers."

"Your dads are gay?"

"Yes. Well, Adam's gay, Duncan is bisexual. I'm gay and dating a guy, and Jeremy is asexual. You don't have a problem with that?"

"No... I'm gay. I think. Not sure. I find a lot of people attractive, more guys than girls, but I'm too scared to actually ask someone out." He turned towards Jeremy, his face was flushed, and his gaze lingered a little. "What's asexual? I know what gay, straight, and bisexual are, but not familiar with that one."

"Well, in a nutshell, it means while I appreciate people's beauty, I'm not sexually attracted to anyone. The tackle works, but not when I think about being intimate with someone." He motioned towards his crotch. "It's debatable if it's just a phase, because of hormones."

"That's interesting." There was sincerity in his voice. "You said Duncan is your uncle, how did you come to live with him?"

"My parents died." There was pain there, but Jeremy was able to keep his emotions under control. "Just a little over a week ago. I was staying with Uncle Duncan, while they were doing a second honeymoon in England. Their plane was bombed on the way back by ISIS. They didn't think I knew, but they were getting a divorce. I found the paperwork they had drafted before they left on the trip."

"Jer... I didn't know. I'm so sorry." Robert went over and hugged his brother. "You should tell Duncan, there might be stuff he needs to do because of that."

"I will." Jeremy turned back to Travis, as Robert sat back down on the couch. "You said Bryce was your Uncle, but he called you son. Was that right?"

Travis nodded and let out a long breath. "Yeah, it's true. Bryce is my uncle. My parents dropped me off with him when I was only three. I don't remember them. They then left, were supposed to be back in a couple of days but disappeared without a trace. Bryce went to court to become my permanent guardian, a week later, and then officially adopted me when I was ten. I still call him uncle, though he is technically my dad."

"How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen. How about you guys?"

"I'm fifteen and Rob is sixteen."

They ended up talking for well over an hour. About school, being GLBT, and different topics like video games, sports, and movies. On the other side of the two-way mirror, Doctor Knowles, Adam, Duncan, and Bryce watched and listened to the boys.

"I'm sorry for springing this on you three." Doctor Knowles smiled watching the interaction.

"But, after Jeremy told me about the incident last Saturday, and I saw them in the lobby I knew this would be good for Travis."

"How so Doc? I don't mind this is happening. This is the first time in over two years, I've seen Travis smile and talk to anyone close to his age." Bryce motioned at his son and wiped away few tears. "Hell, he's not all scrunched up and hiding."

"They already have a connection with Jeremy taking on his attacker. He's internalized the assault from two years ago, and while he is still functional for most activities, he needs to learn to trust people his age again." Doctor Knowles smiled some.

"If you don't mind me asking, what sort of assault?" Duncan looked over at the others.

Bryce let out a long sigh. "I took him to work at Blake High School with me over the summer, two years ago. It was still summer school, and there were other students around. We found him beaten in one of the classrooms that was being remodeled. There was blood all over his face from multiple cuts. The dental work nearly bankrupted me. Being a single dad on a janitor's salary, it's tough but we managed. When there was a head custodian job, I applied and moved to Plant. Travis gets to go there because I work at that location."

"And he never said who it was?" Adam laid a hand on Bryce's shoulder.

"No. He didn't. Said it was an older teen, and his friends."

"I believe Travis is repressing the memory." Doctor Knowles turned towards the parents. "It'll surface one day, and then he might get better or worse."

"Oh my god." Duncan fished out his phone and pulled up the video from the incident Saturday. Before the police took Giles' phone he was able to send out the video to the parents. "Right there... did you hear what that asshole said? 'You didn't think I would remember you.' I bet this Driggs kid is the person that assaulted him two years ago."

"Son of a bitch. Makes sense. Travis said he never interacted with him before."

They talked more while watching the teens interact. Eventually Doctor Knowles, suggested it would be best to go on home for the day, and let nature take its course with the boys. Adam invited Bryce to bring Travis by the house to swim while they had a cookout. Arrangements were made for the next day or two.

Next: Chapter 12: A Few Days 4

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