The Symposium

By J Forrester

Published on Jul 30, 2015


The Symposium Chapter 12: The Generation of Vipers

This story is a work of fiction. Resemblances to real persons, places or events would be extremely surprising.

February the second had come and gone and north of 3300 miles away a large squirrel had decided there would be six more weeks of winter.

"Thanks Pennsylvania." Callum had said.

"Call me crazy but I don't think we should let rodentia decide the weather." Iain had replied.

"The groundhog doesn't decide the weather," Callum clarified. "That could be crazy."


"It predicts the weather."

Three weeks after this and the winter had indeed persisted with stormageddon lasting days at a time -- winds, rain, sleet, hail, sun, cloud. Sometimes all of the above within half an hour. In the last two days, it had finally started to clear up. The ground was still saturated, but it was dry and the temperature was almost in double digits.

Work had proceeded as it always had. Humiliation and shameless flaunting of erogenous exploitation with occasional bouts of actually getting some work done.

Callum had been in touch with the lovely teacher Mr Robbie Holt, but hadn't yet set up a date for a date. Callum sensed lingering reluctance from Robbie and wondered if perhaps his `work' at the Symposium preceding him might be a disadvantage.

Iain had had his own attempts at meeting men, though not a date per se. Iain had hooked up once with Stanley Millwood but he had perhaps been expecting more than Iain was willing to give. Stanley liked to be on top and Iain still hadn't graduated from the use of a dildo to a real cock.

Callum was wearing short shorts, white with black piping and a black vest that showed off his skinny waistline. Iain was wearing identical shorts and a very short sleeved white t-shirt. They were in the locker room packing up some equipment they had used in morning sessions when Paul came in. He stopped and watched them in silence, admiring their long limbs. His eyes wandered up Iain and Callum's slender calves and taught thighs only just contained within the tiny shorts.

"Mr Douglas wondered if you were free?" he asked.

Both turned to face the younger man, "Which you are you asking?" Callum said amiably.

"Iain, Mr Douglas wondered if you were free to take a group for him?" Paul said.

"Oh yea, and what would that group like me to do?" Iain asked.

"If they need a few suggestions..." Paul started to say.

Paul got a playful thump on the arm.

"Where do they want me?" Iain asked.

Paul and Callum shared a look and Callum raised a finger to indicate he had a suggestion.

Callum got a thump on the arm.

"They would like you outside on the Astroturf." They all turned to see Mr Douglas watching them. "Five a side, I'm certain you are up to the task of refereeing."

"Yea, sure thing." Iain replied.

Mr Douglas was as sharply dressed and handsome as always. The tall and sexy bald man with chiselled features was always warm and especially so over the last few weeks.

"We got a very nice thank you card from the Lord Gower School, did I mention?" Mr Douglas asked. "In fact all the boys fed back to their schools with great enthusiasm, and generous donations to the Symposium. I suspect some of the boys will become members sometime soon."

Iain and Callum knew that Mr Douglas must be well aware of the facts of their visit to the school, but they did not know he had watched the video from the concealed camera. Mr Douglas had taken great satisfaction from watching them, every inch of them. The culmination of their intercourse had been particularly pleasing.

"We were glad we could inspire them." Callum replied.

"I bet your inspiration was very uplifting." Paul offered.

"He's getting dead cheeky." Iain commented but Paul had dodged out of range of another hit had got busy working.

"See you later gentlemen." Mr Douglas said, leaving Callum and Iain to their appointments. "Your group will be expecting you at noon, Iain." He tossed the comment over his shoulder.

Fifteen minutes later, Iain was walking through the reception area to the main entrance. It was not the fastest way to the pitches, which were located behind the Symposium, but he had a little time to burn. And a few calories to work off, which he did with a jog around the gym -- one lap took him past the observation window for the pool where he spied sexy lads in swimwear and David on lifeguard duty. The lap took passed the bicycle and running trails and past the pitches where seven men were in mid-conversation and didn't even notice him. Back at the main entrance, Iain did not stop but continued until he was back to the Astroturf and slowed to a fast walk.

The men he saw were all in their late twenties or early thirties. Nine men were now present -- all in shorts and t-shirts. Typical British stoicism and defiance of the elements -- the weather was not yet reasonable enough for shorts or t-shirts really, but that doesn't stop us.

"Hi there." Called one of the men.

"Hello." Iain replied. "Iain Carter." He offered his hand for the caller to shake.

"Peter Gallant." He replied. "And these guys are proper-Dave, Gilly, Jassa, Steven, Steve-o, Ahmed, other-Dave, Jake and... anyone know Sam where is?"

"In panto." Gilly replied, which earned him a look of bewilderment from Peter. "He's behind you."

"Righto, guys." Sam called to his friends. "And hello to you too."

"Nice to meet you." Iain relied.

"Yea, nice to meet so much of you." Sam said.

Iain winked but made no other response.

"The usual stakes, lads?" Peter asked.

The others smiled and slowly slipped their gaze to Iain. Iain looked back at the faces of the ten men watching him and felt a little uneasy.

"Your reputation precedes you, Iain." Sam told him

"Is that a fact?" Iain responded guardedly, he had a feeling where this was going from the way the men were leering at him.

It's a burden being a smokin' hot Adonis.

"How about the losing team forfeits to Iain?" Sam suggested, looking to Peter for agreement.

Peter and Sam were clearly the alpha's of the group.

"Agreed," Peter said, "The losing team captain has to give Iain a blow."

"Assuming you want a BJ, Iain." Sam offered, "If you'd rather get scuffed knees..."

"You're alright, thanks," interrupted Iain. "Go on then, you guys better get started."

Within a few minutes, teams led by Sam and Peter were keeping Iain busy as the football chased up and down the pitch. It kept him warm at least and Iain enjoyed the change of pace and venue -- it was not very often he got outside. It was usually air conditioned training rooms, treadmills, weights, swimming etc that occupied his days. He was enjoying chasing the men up and down the pitch -- bums in shorts, muscular legs, big arms and hot faces. A game of footy was a bit of a treat.

When Sam finally lost after fifty five minutes, the pitch had only been booked for an hour; Iain found himself facing his second treat of the day. The way Sam strutted, the look on his face, his bravado and the looks on his friends faces too; Iain could infer this was not the first time a forfeit had been paid by this band of brothers.

Sam did not look remotely fazed by his loss of the game. He moved towards Iain and gave him a flirty peck on the cheek, then knelt down and pulled Iain's shorts down in one swoop. Although there was no breeze, Iain became quite aware of the cool temperature around him. He was grateful his penis and balls had been kept cosy in his shorts by the physical activity or he would not be showing his best. As it was his penis was a lovely lump that, gently kneaded by Sam's hands, began to rise.

Iain had hoped this forfeit would have been conducted less publicly and less outdoors. There was something about not being the one on his knees that was consoling though. Once his cock was hard, Sam took it into his mouth. Sam's hand wandered and groped Iain's buttocks and slipped down the back of his thighs, the back of his calves and played with the shorts at his ankles. It became obvious, as Sam turned and lowered his head to lick Iain's balls before returning his tongues attention to the underside of the shaft, that Sam wanted the shorts off.

Iain carefully manoeuvred his right foot until the shorts could be slipped off it. He felt Peter and, Gilly was it, hold him so he would not fall over. Gill, if it was Gilly (there were ten strangers he couldn't remember who was who), caressed his arm and slipped his fingers all the way to Iain's armpit.

The two men kept holding him until he's slipped his left foot out too. Iain had been at this job long enough to know he'd never see those shorts again. Clad in his t-shirt and trainers, Iain spread his legs a bit -- he felt a hand on his arse and then a finger probing his hole.

Iain had learned to enjoy the sensation of gentle caresses to his arse. It improved his orgasm in ways he hadn't know he'd been missing. The dildo, Iain found himself thinking, was something else entirely. He knew Callum though he was stalling when it came to anal sex. Iain knew Callum thought he was a little scared to finally do it... maybe he was, but that wasn't the real reason.

Iain had not admitted but having a phallic up his bum when he came was not all it cracked up to be. If anything, Iain had so far found it distracting. It took concentration and effort and work to push and pull it with one hand, to turn the vibrate on or up and to plunge it deeper or shallower against his prostate. And that was when he could even find his damn prostate.

That was what had held him back. He was worried the `big event' would be a disappointment.

A beeping interrupted everything. Iain's cock left the warm cavern of Sam's mouth as the man looked to his colleagues who were moving away.

"Times up." Peter said. Iain didn't understand why Sam was standing and moving back to his sports bag. "We've got an afternoon appointment, Iain." He added.

Iain hadn't even asked what they did or who they worked for.

"We can't be late, sorry Iain." Sam said, he seemed sorry too. "Another time maybe?" Iain doubted it.

"We need shake a leg and hit the showers." Ahmed said.

"Squeaky bum time. Hurry up, guys." Steve-o, or Steve or proper-Dave added.

"We'll walk you in." Sam kindly offered, a wee swat on the bum as he passed with his bag and made to follow the others.

Iain, of course, was still naked from the waist down but he complied and walked with them anyway. He got the main entrance a few minutes later during which he had had a pleasant chat with Sam. Once in the main entrance, Sam ran off to catch up with his brood.

The usual attention was lavished upon him. Iain still enjoyed it: being seen being adored, being undress (so to speak) by the men of the Symposium. He wondered if it would ever get old and made a mental note to ask Callum if he still enjoyed the attention.

Iain spent some time with Paul, who spoke excitedly about his boyfriend and was thinking about a move down south. Iain made an obvious joke about Paul going `down south' as a euphemism for getting skint knees and cock in his mouth. Paul laughed but pointed out Iain was the one with his dick hanging out.

Iain got back to work and within an hour had been graced with a new pair of shorts. It was a bit of a game between Iain and Callum: once stripped how long will it be before you get something new to wear? The person who makes the closest guess... well, the cousins had their own forfeit games.

Iain's next appointment was with his favourite group: four young men with amputations who attended a session together on a weekly basis -- some of them also took single sessions and Iain was happy to go out of his way for them. Three were ex-soldiers, one had lost a leg to a venous leg ulcer. All of them were gay; none of them ever took advantage -- though they liked to window-shop sometimes. More's the pity they weren't more proactive because Iain was still desperate to cum.

However, the rest of the day was generally uneventful. It took a while for Iain to get over his disappointment in not having cum. His cock remained semi-engorged for hours - not helped by being half naked for an hour nor having his legs and bum felt up in the locker room by a rugby team Callum had been working with.

"Did any of the rugby team give you a hand off then?" Iain asked Callum.

Callum gave Iain a mock-sour look, "I don't know what you mean."

"It's an action by a ball carrier..."

"Watch it"

"...Which involves repelling a tackler."

"You're always thinking about tackle nowadays." Callum said, diverting the double entendre of rugby terminology.

"Maybe," Iain admitted.

"Didn't any of the soldier boys offer to hoist your flag pole?" Callum asked.

"You leave my soldier boys alone." Iain replied.

As the working day finally came to an end, Callum was waiting for Iain in reception. Paul had just departed, having met his handsome boyfriend. Callum had to admit the man was charming and he could see why Paul was besotted. He felt a brief pang of jealousy.

Iain could feel a charge in the air as they drove home and he realised he'd been thinking about sex all day without release. Testing the water, he slipped his hand through the dark and stroked Callum's thigh. Callum smiled and felt his dick pulse inside his shorts. Even in the dark Iain could sense it receptive to his warm touch.

Iain's hand slid into the inside of Callum's thigh and up to his groin. He could feel the fat, rigid organ contained within Callum's shorts and Iain kneaded it with the back of his hand.

"That's really distracting, you know." Callum said at last.

"Remind me to start again later?" Iain replied.

Later was not long in coming.

Callum had left the Symposium Athletics Club in shorts and a winter coat over a winter jumper. Iain was in long joggers and an equally warm jumper and coat. The coats came off and the cousins exchanged looks.

Iain was the first to move, pressing his groin into Callum's and lifting his jumper, as well as the t-shirt under it, off in one motion. Callum lifted his arms to assist, exposing his underarms, which he brought down to wrap around Iain's neck. Iain kissed Callum deeply and a moment later, Callum was lifting Iain's top off.

Callum was quite a sight in short shorts that came to the very top of his thigh; so short that his hard penis was already peeking out the bottom of them. Iain's joggers meanwhile were hanging low, with a substantial and obvious protrusion at the front.

Callum pushed the front of the joggers down to release Iain's dick. Callum's cool fingers wrapped around it and gave the cock a squeeze and long massage along its shaft. The eight inches pulsed satisfyingly under Callum's grip.

"I'm ready," Iain said.

Although his voice was low, Callum heard it clearly. He looked into Iain's eyes and was about to ask the obvious question: are you sure? But then did not. It was neither necessary nor wanted.

Callum pushed of his trainers and Iain followed suit. Joggers and shorts fell to the floor and they too were discarded where the fell in the hall. The boldly hall, they hadn't even made it to the living room. Callum stepped a bit closer to Iain and took both their cock in his grip, massaging them together in awkward strokes -- awkward because their girth together made them difficult to hold in one hand.

Finally, Iain broke away and let Callum upstairs, showing his ass which Callum was about to get intimate with. They entered Iain's bedroom where he wasted no time in getting a condom ready for Callum. Callum took a moment to watch his tall, lithe, muscled cousin with his smooth skin and flat stomach and brown nipples. Callum felt his cock throb without even touching it.

Iain handed the condom to Callum.

As Callum took it he said, "It might hurt a little at first."

"Ok," he replied. Then, "You'll stop if I ask, right?"

"Right." Callum agreed. "Lie on your back." He told Iain, tipping his head towards the bed.

Iain lay back and hitched his knees up, his feet were flat on the bed with his heels almost abutting his bum. Iain's hands wrapped around his bottom and his fingers pressed against his arse hole to gently loosen it up.

While Callum squeezed lube onto his protected cock, he watched Iain press a finger from each hand into his arse hole. Iain became aware of Callum as he knelt on the bed. Callum's hands rested on Iain's knees then stroked down Iain's calves. Gripping Iain's ankles he began to lift his cousin's legs and shuffle closer.

Callum's cock was rock hard and so was Iain's. No words were spoken as Callum put his cock against Iain's hole. Not pushing just yet. Then he pushed just a little, then a bit harder. His cock was easing the sphincter open little by little and Iain made no sound of pleasure or pain.

The head of Callum's cock finally pressed into Iain's virgin hole and Iain made a sound, a grunt; throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes closed, with his hands gripping the sheets of the bed tightly. Callum pressed more then pulled out. He continued to do this, building a rhythm and aiming for the sweet spot that he knew how to find.

Callum knew he'd found the prostate when Iain's noises finally sounded more like moan's than groans. Callum was breathless now and sweating as he pumped his cock towards a pleasurable climax. He could feel it getting closer and so slowed down. Without pulling out, Callum slid his right hand back up to Iain's knee and pushed so Iain rolled over onto his side.

The position change changed Callum's point of entry just a little and Iain experienced new sensations. It was nothing like the vibrating dildo -- ok, it was a little like it but not much.

"Harder." Iain heard himself say.

Callum pressed harder and deeper and fucked Iain who continued to moan and quiver beneath him.

Then the doorbell rang.

"Are you fucking kidding?" Iain said, not asking really.

"Ignore it."

"I will. Keep fucking."

The word from Iain's mouth in this room at this time still sounded a little weird to Callum.

The doorbell rang again.

"Ignore it." This time it was Callum who said it but there was an expression on Iain's face that told Callum that he was losing it. "Actually, let's not."

Iain looked strangely at Callum. He could feel Callum's cock pressed deep inside as they gazed at one another.

"Let's answer the door like this." Callum said, the hitch of a dare in his tone.

"You're out of your mind."

"It'll be Stephen, probably."

Iain remembered the last time Stephen, their paper boy, had caught them in the middle of something and he'd persuaded Callum to answer the door naked. Was Callum really suggesting he answer the door with a cock up his arse?

"C'mon!" Callum said, pulling out and standing.

Callum extended a hand to help Iain stand. He thought it was unnecessarily chivalrous but hadn't anticipated standing so soon after being fucked. He was glad of Callum's hand to stay his balance. Callum put a hand around Iain's shoulder and they entered the hall together.

Iain remembered the days when Callum was reserved. Before the Symposium Callum would have not just balked at this, it simply would not have happened. Going got the job at the Symposium had set Callum's imagination and inhibitions free.

The doorbell rang again and they could hear Stephen call through the door. Stephen must have seen them through the frosted glass panel beside the door because he stepped back just a bit. Money for the paper was on a table in the hall. It was within immediate reach from behind the space the door would open into. A security chain was in place so as Iain made to open the door he bent over and Callum again pushed his cock in.

Callum's dick filled Iain's arse and his mind with blinding pleasure.

With a cock in his arse, Iain opened the door.

"Hey." Stephen said.

"Hi, Stephen." Iain replied. The sex hormones in Iain's body made him notice how attractive, if a little young, the seventeen year old was. A very handsome boy.

"I'm just around collecting my money for this week. I spotted you guys getting home a little while ago." Stephen explained.

Callum slid his dick in and out while listening to the paperboy chat.

"Yea. We're not long home." Iain said.

The door was only open a crack and Iain only bent over a little. It took some manoeuvring for Callum to get his rhythm back.

"Doing anything exciting tonight?" Stephen asked.

"Not much." Iain couldn't keep the breathless hitch out of his voice.

"You guys working out?" Stephen asked.

"Yea. Yea, sort of." Iain resisted closing his eyes at the feelings pulsing though him.

"Can I join in?"

Callum almost giggled.

They must have been quite a sight, goodness only knows what Stephen thought about Iain -- breathless, clearly topless as he leaned around the door, and gently moving up and down as Callum thrust in.

"Maybe another time?" Iain answered.

Stephen smiled, "What're you really doing in there?" he asked.

Iain felt Callum's hand grope his pecks and gave his nipples a teasing squeeze.

"Nothing. Just hanging out." Iain's arse was still thrust back with Callum pumping away but he was getting close to orgasm. "Let me get your money."

A second later, Iain handed over more money than was due.

"Thanks, you want the change?" he asked.

"Nope. F-" Iain had to bite back an expletive. "-ank you."

Nice recovery.

Iain closed the door on the bewildered teenager.

"I'm close." Callum said.

Iain's cock was a rock and leaking goo all over his feet but not yet ready to pop. Iain manoeuvred so Callum's cock popped free.

"Lie down." Iain instructed.

Callum lay on his back on the soft rug in the hall, with his cock pointing up, then Iain lowed himself down. Impaling himself on Callum's cock, he rode up and down -- he could see Callum's face contorting as he edged closer to climax. Iain lowed himself deeply and then up again -- one more should do it.

Down Iain went, his anus stoking Callum's dick with a tight pleasurable caress. Iain could feel Callum cum, the hot explosion erupting inside the condom. They remained in position and Iain could eventually feel the cum leaking out his arse -- pouring out the inside of the condom and pooling into Callum's own lap.

Iain eventually hoisted himself up on wobbly legs and planted himself down beside Callum, then lay next to him while they both recovered. Callum rolled onto his side and dropped an arm over Iain's chest.

"Ok?" Callum asked.

"Oh, boy."

"Sounds about right."

They stayed like that until they started to get chilled. Callum was the first to stand, extending his hand to help Iain get up. Iain felt a little sore from his first pounding but any fears that he'd have trouble walking properly were dispelled as they pair made their way back upstairs.

"Now what?" Iain asked, putting the ball in Callum's court.

"You've not come yet," Callum observed. "But we can fix that."

Callum pushed Iain towards the bed and lay him down. Callum lay on top, their cock's mashing and their chests thumping against each other as the kissed. Callum's not-yet-limp cock resurged with interest. As Callum's mouth met Iain's, Callum slid his hands up Iain's arms and held his wrists above his head.

Callum smiled as he broke the kiss, "Want to try something new?"

"Like what?" Iain asked, almost dreamily.

Callum crossed the room and dismantled a pair of trainers, returning with the laces. He sat on the edge of the bed and took Iain's right arm from where it lay at his side, lifting it until his hand was back above his head. Callum repeated the gesture with Iain's left arm.

With his arms raised above his head, Iain's armpits were exposed and his chest fully expanded, his belly a concave and his whole torso rippled with muscle. Callum moved slowly to give Iain a chance to protest if he chose, but he didn't.

Carefully, deliberately, Callum tied Iain's hands to the top of the bed.

Callum stood back to enjoy his handiwork.

"Now what are you going to do with me?" Iain asked flirtatiously.

Callum did not verbalise a response, instead he moved slowly back towards Iain and kissed his collar bone. Callum's lips moved across Iain's shoulder and down his chest. Callum licked at Iain's nipples and he felt Iain arch under him -- with pleasure, with need to cum. For Callum knew Iain's cock was full and ready to pop.

But Callum enjoyed edging his cousin. As carefully and slowly as before, Callum left Iain's nipples and kissed or licked his way down through the hair of Iain's treasure trail. In all the times they had been intimate, in all the months they had worked at the Symposium, not once had shaving been proposed or even suggested. Callum briefly entertained the idea of threatening to do it while Iain was helpless, but that was how trust was broken. And besides, it was not inclined to do that.

Callum paused above Iain's cock. His foreskin was peeled back by the rigidity of the organ. Callum nestled his nose in Iain's pubes, pressing his cock with his chin and slowly lifting his face until he could take the monstrous cock in his mouth.

Iain quivered as soon as he felt his dick enter the warm cavern of Callum's mouth. Callum sucked it and kissed it. He licked the head of the eight inch organ and teased the eye with his tongue. Iain was starting to strain against his restraints in desperation for getting off so Callum stopped.

Iain let out a little moan. Callum slid down farther, resting his hands on Iain's thighs and then gently parting Iain's legs. As Callum lifted Iain's legs he moved forward too, dipping his head towards the mattress and propping Iain's legs up with his shoulders resting against the underside of Iain's thighs.

Iain's thighs -- which were warm and the fine dark hair matted from perspiration. Callum's tongue met Iain's arse. It propped and prodded the entrance and Iain jumped at the sensation. Callum's cock had been inside it not long ago, so the sphincter responded easily to touch -- from Callum's tongue and then his finger and then both.

Callum didn't tease him too much longer, he clambered over the bed and turned so his back was to Iain then started to lower himself onto Iain's unsheathed cock.

Iain was going to cry out, stop him or warn him. Bareback was not something Iain had experience with, nor Callum. But he did not speak out -- he felt the naked tip of his cock on Callum's hole and gasped. Callum lowed himself all the way and then leaned back until his back almost touched Iain's torso. If his arms had been free, he could have wrapped them around Callum then.

Callum pushed down and then up, pushing Iain cock inside him. He sat up after a few thrust in order to gain more traction. It did not take much to pump Iain's cock to orgasm. Iain thrust up into Callum's arse -- once, twice, three times.

Iain felt it coming like a wild river; the hot liquid cum spouting with white-water rapid force. The cum leaked out of Callum's arse as it had leaked from Iain's. But Iain was restrained.

Thus, Callum ended their liaison by lifting himself off of Iain's fat cock and moving up the bed. Callum pressed his bum into Iain's face and expected him to resist but he didn't. Iain's tongue licked his own cum from Callum's arse.

Iain's tongue pressed into the recently vacated hole until Callum withdrew. He untied Iain's hands and they gazed at one another. What had happened had been extraordinary and they shared no words. None were needed.

There was tacit agreement that it had been incredible. It had been wonderful. And it had been unique. Unique: meaning the only one of its kind? This worried them both.

In their post-coitus glow, both boys were thinking. Iain was thinking about what was next for him, about how he might next explore his sexuality or if this was the end of his exploration. And Callum's mind flashed to Robbie as it had many times since they'd met. Callum thought it was a crush, but he was realising his interest went much deeper than that. Callum doubted he could have Robbie as this continued with Iain: hot blood, hot thoughts and hot deeds.

Was there more to love than vipers? Was Robbie Callum's best chance of finding that? Callum had felt it when he first met Robbie: his soul responding.

The room was heavy with the scent of sex, it soothed and relaxed the air and made a muddled fog that drifted both men towards sleep. Silently, blissfully, contently, distant-minded: Callum and Iain lay together. Things continued to pull at the edges of their world as they folded into each other's arms. The something that was not spoken; it was almost as if...

As if tonight they had begun the end.

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I have been asked if I have written anything else. "School Exhiitionism" can be found in the High School section in Nifty (14 July 2007). Feedback is appreciated; I'm always glad to hear from readers. If you like either story, email:

Next: Chapter 13

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