The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Sep 3, 2021


The Swimmer Epilogue

Chapter Seven is the last chapter in my story. But I still have some loose ends to tie up.

The four of us, Frank, Bryson, Billy and myself, continued as the best of friends all through college, dating our girl friends that would eventually become our wives. And of course, getting together for crazy guy sex when the urge hit us. Billy was the only one who stayed single, playing the field with both men and women. The beginning of our senior year, still be RA's on our floor, we got an unexpected visitor, the sheriff from Colorado. He had just dropped off two rowdy teenagers for their freshman year of college and wanted us to keep an eye on them. We cashed in a favor with the Dean and had them transferred into our dorm. We all know where that led.

The Dean stayed on with the college and retired the same year we graduated. True to his word, he not only signed our diplomas, but got the college President to let him sign them in his place. With a personal note on Frank's and mine.

"To a fine young man who not only made a positive impact on my life but everyone he met on his journey of higher learning. I sure Mark's / Frank's journey through life will continue to have a positive life changing impact on everyone he interacts with. It has been an honor and a privilege to have know him and consider him a personal friend as well as a student."

Frank and I were called up last to receive our diplomas. The Dean read the inscription on our diplomas out loud to the audience. As we walked up the stairs to receive our diplomas, our fellow class mates started with a cheer.

"Shave and a hair cut, two bits!" none of the audience understanding the significance of it but those who had the benefit of my skills understood completely.

The swim team had their cheer next.

"Kick ass, kick ass!" a variation of our kick butt cheer that won our first state championship. The swim Coach was named Coach of the Year statewide for winning the state championship four years running. When he was called on stage to get his award, he called the entire swim team up with him.

"These guys earned this award. They did all the work. I just told them what to do. We worked as a team, we competed as a team and we won as a team."

I could be sure but I think Billy was actually floating about two inches off the stage floor. Billy dated a lot of girls and became very popular but never anyone steady. After graduation he continued training and swimming and eventually went on to Gold Medal in the Olympics. We still see his face on TV doing endorsements. And at the end of every ad, he mouths "kick ass" into the camera. The Coach however, was severely hurt in a car crash that summer and was confined to a wheel chair. The college renamed the pool house in his honor.

Bryson got married to Sarah's roommate and settled in town, opening a string of pizza shops here and other college towns nearby.

Frank became a very successful architect. He and his girl from school married and had four children. His buildings were featured on covers of architectural digests frequently. He had the same love of classic structures as my wife, Sarah. Our two families would often vacation together during the summer traveling around old cities and countries absorbing the culture.

Me, I finished my studies and went to grad school to get my masters in higher education business management. And after years of working up the ladder, guess who landed the job of Dean of Students at our alma mata. Our old friend would stop by now and then to visit and see how I was doing filling his shoes. He always had a suggestion or two and I always listened intently to his advice, especially on how to nurture and develop good RA's, something I got very good at.

Ralph's mother beat her cancer and Ralph returned to finish and get his degree. The insurance money that Frank and I had set aside and our monthly stipend for being the RA was all put in a trust fund to pay for Ralph's last year tuition and books. The college gave him free room and board, giving him our old dorm room that had been repaired.

So in spite of my fears of becoming gay and giving up any relationship with women, it turned out I was a confirmed bisexual. The four of us all had some great sex and then settled down to raise families and enjoy good old fashion boring M/F sex. As often as we'd still get together, we never did repeat any of our college adventures again.

Oh, and one last thing. Remember we put Bubba in the closet at the dorm party? Well, we forgot him there when we left that night. True to his word he wasn't going to come out until we went to get him. The frat boys found him the next morning sleeping on the floor in the closet. As a prank, they made a sign and took pictures with it hanging around his neck and two of them kissing him on either side of his face. The sign simply said, "In the closet and I'm not coming out." Then they posted the picture on social media. Bubba was so embarrassed that he dropped out of school. His parents hired a crack team of lawyers, who else but Peter and his father, to sue the fraternity and the members who were involved in the prank. It was a unique and brilliant strategy on their part. They sued on the basis of discrimination and a hate crime, claiming they portrayed Bubba as gay when in fact he was straight, a classic hate crime against white heterosexual men. Go figure. They won $750K. The fraternity had their charter revoked, the frat house was sold and the other three defendants had to have their parents kick in the rest. Bubba used the money to start a foot ball camp for college bound football players to give them an edge. He was wildly successful. Bubba was dumb as dirt about most things but he knew football and could teach the fundamentals to anyone.

I hope you enjoyed me sharing my college days with you. And remember its only weird if you think it is. Other than that, its just different than most.

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