The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Jul 12, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter Five

The next few weeks were relatively uneventful. We had our last swim meet of the regular season and blew away our competition. I swam strong and finished my qualifying race by 4 lengths in front of the other swimmer. I felt pretty good about my performance. And so did the coach. Billy, our distance swimmer did better than he ever has all season. I have been working with him for about a month on his kick turns. His timing was off and he was losing precious time setting up his turn too soon or too late. But today he was right on the mark. The coach commented on his improvement as did the team captain.

"Mark did a heck of a job with Billy, don't you think?" Phil asked the coach.

"He did good today but we'll see how he does at regionals when the pressure is on."

Billy was a quiet, shy young man, always kept to himself.. At first I thought he was stuck up. Whenever I said "hi" to him he'd just nod and keep on walking. He always swam by himself in the far lane of the pool, just swimming laps, one after another, building up his stamina. Phil noticed me unsuccessfully trying to start a conversation with Billy and explained he was just an introverted guy who didn't say much to anyone. But he could definitely swim the distance races. Phil took me over and introduced me to him and explained he wanted me to work with him on his turns. He just nodded when I told him about meeting before practice. He would show up, take my coaching and the most I ever got out of him was a smile when he had done a perfect turn. After four weeks I felt he had it down and we could continue if he wanted to but didn't feel he needed more coaching. He simply said "thanks' and went to his outside lane as the regular practice began.

We hit the showers in a great mood. The coach wanted a team meeting before we left the locker room. He congratulated us on a great season and wanted us to all get rested up for the regionals.

"Give it your best effort and may the best team win. You can all be proud of you hard work and dedication to the team."

"And if you don't win regionals and go on to states, you all suck!!" Phil chimed in laughing. That made him the immediate recipient of numerous wet towels thrown his way.

When we filed out of the pool house there was a whole crowd of students assembled outside to cheer at us, waving banners and signs, congratulating us. Even the football guys were there. It was really a thrill to see that much support for our swim team.

Frank's older brother, Peter had come in town for the weekend to visit. He was sitting on the couch in our room when I came back from the pool house. He looked so much like Frank, I guessed who he was right off.

"Hi, you must be Frank's older brother."

"Ya, Peter. And you must be his roomie I've heard so much about. Mark, right?"

"Don't believe anything he says. He's a lying sack of shit. Unless it was all good, then he only speaks the gospel truth." I laughed.

"Yup, you sound like the Mark that Frank described to me. Glad to meet you."

"Same here. Is Frank here yet?"

"No, he is still at his last class. I thought I'd surprise him and show up early. He wasn't expecting me for another couple of hours."

"He will be surprised, I'm sure. But wait? How did you get in?"

"I still have my key to this room when Ralph was RA. You never know when it might come in handy. By the way, how is he making out with his mother?"

"Not so good. He has already withdrawn for the next semester. He says she's showing some improvement but I think he is just trying to keep up hope."

"Nice people, too bad. So, you call yourselves the keeper of Ralph's job but there is not a single beer in your refrigerator? You're slacking."

"Beer and pizza don't last long in this room. I'll run out and get some though before Frank gets back from class."

"Good idea."

I went downtown and got a case of beer. I would have gotten two, but I didn't want to carry that much back to the dorm. As I entered the lobby I could hear Frank shout at the top of his lungs,

"Fuck! Why don't you scare a guy to death!"

Guess he found his brother in our room. I took the beer up and we sat around telling stories of our adventures, well not all of course, and listening to Peter's war stories of his time here. We all had a pretty good buzz on when there came a knock at our door around 10:00 PM. I opened the door and Jake pushed his way past me.

"God damn, it is the Python! What the hell brings you out slumming?" Jake said as he went over and gave Peter a prolonged hug.

'The Python?" I asked.

"Jake and I played football together, my senior year, his freshman year. The team nicknamed me Peter, the Python and he was Jake the Snake. For reasons you may or may not guess."

"I sure know why. I roomed with room growing up, remember?" Frank chimed in.

And although I couldn't say anything, I had first hand knowledge of the Snake. We drank and heard more stories from Jake and Peter until the beer was gone. Jake gave Peter another hug and headed back to his room, but not before offering Peter a place to crash for the night.

"Maybe tomorrow night, Jake, I'm going to stay here tonight with my brother."

Looks like I was going to sleep on the couch tonight. I went and got a pillow and some blankets but Peter stopped me.

"Unless you two have changed things, Ralph had a queen sized bed in this room. That's plenty big enough for all three of us. And I know you and Frank share and Frank and I have shared a bed growing up so it's just three of us now sharing."

I wasn't sure how I felt about this arrangement but Peter wouldn't hear of anything different. I was too drunk and too tired to argue. We all went in the bed room and stripped down. I was going to keep my shorts on for Peter's sake but again he insisted on the arrangements and we were to all sleep naked. We he got naked I inhaled a short breath when I saw why he was called the Python. He was flaccid but had to be at least 9" of cut meat.

"Who normally sleeps on which side" Peter asked.

"Frank takes the side nearest the bathroom and I'm on the other side but whatever works for tonight."

"That sounds fine to me. I'll just take the middle," as he jumped over Frank and took possession of the middle of the bed.

"At home I'm normally sleeping with my fiancé so if I get cuddly in the middle of the night, just give me an elbow to the ribs," he laughed.

"Yeah, you always did try to hog the bed when we were little."

I lay on my side with my back to Peter, imagining his cuddling up to me in the night and where that monster cock would end up. Did he get hard when he cuddled? Would I give him an elbow or if I were half asleep would I reach out and take hold of him? These thoughts ran through my brain and from there went directly down to my cock. It was starting to chub up and the more I tried to stop it, the quicker it was well on its way to a full out boner. This isn't right. I'm not gay, I'm really not. But my cock wasn't listening. I thought about Sarah and what she would think about me getting hard sleeping with Peter and Mark. Then I thought about the last time we had made love. Ironically, That did the trick and my blood rerouted back to my brain and away from my crotch. But thinking about the woman I love made my dick go soft? I had to get to sleep and stop thinking about all this. It was driving me crazy.

The beer must have made us sleep soundly as we all woke up in the morning in the same positions that we had gone to sleep in, with no one molesting anyone in the night. Frank got up firs and headed straight to the bathroom. Peter got up and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for his brother to finish. I still lay on my side facing away from Peter. I was too nervous if he had morning wood it would make mine spring to life. I didn't want that to happen.

"Come on sleepy head, time to get your lazy ass out of bed," Peter shouted and slapped me on my ass. "I'll drag you out of bed if I have to and throw you in the shower to wake you up."

Now he has done it. The slap on the ass, the physical contact from him started my arousal. Then the thought of him dragging me out of bed, both of us naked, and taking me to the shower really got me turned on. I'm thinking he could hang my body on his monster cock like hanging a coat on a coat rack hook.

"I'm up," literally, "I'm up," I declared as I sat up on my side of the bed with the sheet draped over my lap loosely to hide my stiff cock. This whole thing is so unlike me. I know its been a while since I've gotten laid, but still there is no legitimate excuse for a straight guy to get so turned on by another guy's cock, no matter how big.

"Leave him along, Pete, he's a slow mover in the morning." Frank came to my defense.

Eventually I was able to get up and go take a cold shower while Peter and Frank were in the kitchen making coffee. I came out into the kitchen, fully dressed for my morning classes to find both brothers sitting naked drinking their coffee. The expression on my face must have caught Peter's attention.

"Frank told me you two hang naked when it's just the two of you. Hope I'm not making things awkward for you, Mark."

"No, not at all. Your nakedness is welcome in out little corner of the world." Damn, that sounded just plain dumb!

"Good to hear. Makes me feel right at home. Maybe we should invite Jake over for coffee this morning."

Is he expecting Jake to run around our place naked as well? Odd statement. But I had to get to class so I just grabbed my back pack and said my good byes and left. The image of the three of them sitting around the table naked popped into my mind. Frank and Jake had gotten shave jobs from me. Would Peter want one as well? I don't know why but the image of taming the Python had me deep in thought. and I didn't even hear Sarah call out to me as I walked.

"Hey, aren't you talking to me? Are you pissed because we haven't make love in a while?"

"Oh hi, no, just doing some thinking. Got a quiz on King Lear today and trying to remember everything so I can pass." I lied. "Maybe we can get together tonight?"

"No, wrong time of the month. But I'll be ready when the regionals are over and you come out on top. Then you can cum on top of me."

"Oh, that sounds so good. Definitely an inspiration."

She gave me a kiss and we went our separate ways. Again, being with Sarah had made my morning boner shrivel. This better not keep happening. Suppose I can't get it up when she and I are in bed? My anxiety level was at 110 percent.

After classes I went back to our room to find Peter and Jake sitting on the couch chatting. Frank was in the bedroom getting changed.

"Perfect timing, Mark. We're all going to supper and would love for you to join us."

"Thanks but I have a test I have to study for. I don't want to screw up my GPA by flunking this one." I lied again about a test.

"No worries, totally understand. I'd have Frank bring you a doggy bag but I think he'd eat it before he got back here."

"Hey, I heard that, you asshole," Frank shouted from the other room. "It's probably true but you don't have to say it out loud." We all laughed at Frank's expense.

"Jake was telling me about your pranking Bubba in the showers. That's fucking awesome. I can't believe they still keep that tradition alive."

"I couldn't really see the logic behind it but I don't understand a lot of football traditions I guess. No offense intended."

"None taken," Peter replied. "I started that tradition my first year on the team. One of the other freshman, Barry Olson, was gay but not out at all. I knew because I happened to see him making out with another guy downtown. He was afraid of what the team would think and begged me not to tell anyone. He told me it was all he could do to not get hard when he showered with everyone after practice. I told him not to worry, I'd keep his secret. And lots of guys get hard in the showers, no big deal. After our next practice I noticed he was starting to chub up in the showers so I looked around quickly and saw another guy who was boned up. That's when I yelled out the other guy had a boner and had to stand in the middle of the group and jerk off. I had no idea what would happen but all the other guys started cheering and taunting him to jerk off. He did and by the time he was done a half dozen other guys were stroking as well. As I was getting dressed Barry came by my locker and shook my hand and thanked me. And so the tradition began."

I wouldn't have minded going to supper with them but I knew I'd be trying to hide a hardon all the time as I thought about Peter's huge cock sitting just a few feet away under the table and I didn't want to get called out by the 'tradition'. After they left I did try and study for a while but I couldn't concentrate. I checked the refrigerator for left overs, but none were to be found. I ran down to the cafeteria for some take out and back to my room. As I was eating I kept thinking about Peter. I was totally fixated on his cock and couldn't understand why. I decided I would jerk off and release some tension and maybe that would help. As I was stroking I closed my eyes and thought back to the last time Sarah and I had fucked. I was really getting worked up and just as I was about to cum, Peter's huge cock appeared in my fantasy attached to Sarah. I shot my load and was totally freaked out by that image in my mind. I downed three beers quickly and went to bed to try and sleep. I was awoken some time later by Frank getting into bed.

"Make room for your brother," I advised him.

"He's staying in Jake's room tonight. Football buddies, you know."

As I went back to sleep I couldn't help but wonder what other traditions Peter and Jake had that they shared.

The next evening Frank was off with his girl and Jake was at a team meeting so it was just Peter and I in the room.

"I brought pizza and beer. That's the price, right?"

"The price?" I said playing dumb but having an idea what he was talking about.

"Ya, for a shave and a haircut. That's what Jake told me."

"I don't tell. What happens in this room stays in this room. Frank and I agreed to that our first day as roomies."

"Ok, fine. But it happened in this room and we're here in this room now so its fair game."

"Damn, I forgot you're studying to be a lawyer, Nice loop hole." I blushed.

"So, have some pizza and a few beers and let's get down to business."

I didn't know how to respond. Was he setting me up? Did he really want me to shave his pubes off? The thought of actually getting my hands on that monster had me stiff in a heart beat. I wolfed down a few slices and guzzled some beer. Peter ate slowly and methodically but was grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole time. When he had finished, he headed to the bathroom.

"Come on in when you're ready. I'll be washed up and ready."

"Ok, be right in," I meekly responded.

Peter had such an outgoing and over powering personality. I had been the one in control when I was doing this before, but it was like I was in a trance or something. I felt like a little kid being babysat by an old uncle I didn't really know. Scared but obedient. I got my razor and shaving cream and headed for the shower. Peter turned around and he was at full mast. His cock straight out with a slight upward angle. I sure if he was lying down it would be flat against his stomach but the weight of it made it hang down some. I knelt in front of him and smeared it with shaving cream. I massaged it in more than usual, totally engulfed in the feeling of it throbbing at my touch.

"If you don't start shaving pretty soon, you're going to have some of my cream mixed in with your shaving cream," Peter laughed.

"Oh, sorry, just want to make sure your ready. It takes a lot of cream to cover this thing properly."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

My cock was straining to get set free from my shorts. I told him I didn't want to get my shorts wet so I was taking them off.

"What ever makes you comfortable. I want you to be at ease for this as well."

Damn! What did he mean anything by that? Maybe he just caught my nervousness and was trying to put me at ease. What ever. I took my razor and his cock up against his stomach and started shaving the underneath, then let it flop back down and did the sides and the top. I pushed it to one side to shave around the base and then the other side. Each time I moved his cock I took the opportunity to inadvertently let it slip from my hand so I had to grab it again, sliding my hand up and down it a few times. It was so hard and so big. The head was a perfect mushroom shape in the right proportion to the shaft. Then I pushed it to the side again and held it there with my arm as I stretched his ball sack to remove the hair from it. His balls were huge and hard. Again, the right size to compliment his cock. I pulled his sack up and held it against his cock as I shaved his taint. I hadn't intended to shave his ass so I just stopped there to see if he said anything. I put my razor down and started to run my hands all over his cock and his balls.

"Just checking to make sure I got it all. I don't want to leave any stubble."

"Yes, make sure it smooth and ready to be used." He snickered.

I sure as hell don't think he is going to use that thing on me. No way that would fit in my ass even if I wasn't a virgin back there.

"Feels good to me. You?"

"Oh yeah, that's feels perfect," he purred as I continued to move my hands up and down his cock.

It was so thick I had to cup both my hands around it to properly stroke him. He began to move his hips back and forth ever so slightly so I knew I was doing what he wanted. He grabbed the back of my head, not to pull me onto his cock but just held me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Either open your mouth or close your eyes, I'm about to cover your face."

I didn't think I'd be into having a guy cum in my mouth but I was too horned up to do otherwise. And I want to keep my eyes open to watch the flood of sperm coming from him. I wasn't disappointed. He shot stream after stream, seven in all, of hot white cream at me, some of it going directly in my mouth and then dribbling down my chin. I tried to keep it in my mouth but it was way too much so I just spit it out. When he finally stopped cumming, he let go of my head and turned back to the shower to rinse off his cock. As I was still on my knees I had a close up view of his ass. I couldn't be sure as I didn't dare spread his cheeks, but it looked like he had already been shaved there.

"I don't need the rest of the shave. Someone else beat you to it," he commented. "But you sure do live up to your reputation for cock shaving. Thanks."

Thanks," I mumbled with a mouth still tasting of his cum. He moved out of the shower so I could clean up. I jerked my cock hard and fast, shooting my load in about 30 seconds. By the time I was out of the shower and dried off, Peter was dressed and headed for the door.

"Jake should be out of his meeting by now. I'll catch you later. Tell Frank I'll see him in the morning before I head home. And thanks. Remember, what happens in this room, stays in this room."

I couldn't resist, "And on the shower floor"

Peter let out a belly laugh as he went out the door. "Damn, Frank is one lucky bastard."

The day of the regionals had arrived. We traveled by bus to another facility where they were held every year. They even had a separate locker room for visitors. Classy joint. When we were ready to head to the pool, the coach gave us one last pep talk and Phil finished off by reminding us, "We win as a team and we lose as a team. So let's go out there and win!"

We were stoked and ready. The match was pretty even with our team winning some and them winning some. The distance swim was the last event. We were up by only one point in the competition. Coach called Billy and myself to the side.

"Ok, one more event and this decides who goes to state. If we win this one we get two points and win the meet. If they win they get the points and they win. Billy, you've made some improvements to his turns but I think it will be best if you swim this last event, Mark. I saw how strong you swam in the last meet."

"But coach, Billy has been swimming all year in this event and I think he is the best man to win for us."

"That's your opinion, Mark. Loyalty is a good thing. But I have to make decisions on what is best for the team and I'm making a substitution to put you in instead of Billy."

"Coach is right, Mark, you'd be better than me in this event." Billy added, dropping his head and looking at the deck.

"This isn't right, Coach. I much rather Billy competed."

"Decision is made, Mark, and that's final."

Coach went to make the substitution as I put my hand on Billy's shoulder.

"You know I don't want this, don't you. I didn't sign on to take anyone's spot away from them."

"I know but it's what s best for the team." Billy said as he turned to go sit on the bench.

The announcer called out the substitution and then called for swimmers to take their lanes. As I approached the block, I started to limp slightly. By the time I got to the block I was limping worse and rubbing my left leg. I got to the edge of the pool and grabbed my leg with both hands and yelled out, "Damn it, leg cramp!" and fell forward into the pool. I was thrashing around holding my leg and trying to keep my head above the water. Several of the other swimmers jumped in and helped me out of the pool. Coach and Phil came running over to help as I sat on the deck, holding my leg and rubbing it.

"Sorry, Coach, major leg cramp. I'll be ok in a minute or so," as I kept rubbing and moaning in pain. The starting judge came over and declared me unfit to swim. He told Coach he'd have to make a substitution again, putting the original swimmer back in or forfeit the race. So he went back to the officials and put Billy back in. Billy came bounding on the deck with a major look of concern on his face. As he approached me, I gave him a wink and reminded him to get himself set up in advance for his turns, just like we practiced. I was helped to the bleachers as the race was started. Billy swam strong and steady but once again had his timing off on his first turn.

"Damn it, I knew this would happen," Coach muttered.

"I know we can't coach a swimmer once the race has started but we are okay to cheer him on, right Coach?" I asked as I stood next to him on the sidelines.

"Yea, of course," he answered and then looked back to see me standing there. "One of those quick cramps that goes away once a race has begun?"

"We win as a team and lose as a team, remember?" I responded to which the Coach just mumbled some obscenity under his breath.

I went back to the bench and got Phil and some of the others and filled them in on my idea. We returned to the side of the pool as the swimmers were closing in on their next turn. Two strides before Billy would've been setting up for his turn, we all shouted as loud as we could, "Kick butt, Billy, kick butt!." It worked I could see Billy's reaction as he made his prep for his turn in time. He made a smooth turn and picked up some of the time he lost on his first botched turn. We kept up timing our cheer just in time at every turn and by the last lap he was only a half of length of the lead. He dug deep inside himself and came on strong, pulling ahead by a foot at the end of the lane. He reached up and slapped the timing pad so hard I was afraid he might have broken it. We had won the event and the match. Billy came shooting out of the pool like he had been shot out of a cannon. He came running over and gave me a hug and thanked me over and over again. Coach walked by me and quietly said, "I'm still pissed at you, you little faker." Then smiled and went up with the rest of us to get our trophy.

"Congratulations boy, well done. A very exciting finish. Although I know you can't coach during a race, I found your cheer to be very unique and inspiring for your swimmer." He winked at me and was glad to see my leg cramp had gone away. I blushed and nodded a thank you. We headed back to the locker room to shower and change for the trip home. Everyone was congratulating Billy on his win and shaking his hand and patting him on the back.

"We all won today. Remember, win as a team or lose as a team. Well today we kicked ass!" Billy shouted and smiled at me. He came over and gave me another big hug. His win had definitely pulled him out of his shell. Coach came by and congratulated us on an impressive match. He was looking forward to going to state and competing there in a few weeks.

The crowd waiting for us back at the college was even bigger and most boisterous than the win at our last regular season match. The president of the fraternity approached Phil and told him they were holding a celebration party at the frat house and the team was all invited. Phil turned around and yelled back to us, "Party at the frat house tonight in our honor!" Sarah and I had our own plans for a celebration but stopping in for a quick beer wouldn't be a problem. Bryson and Sarah's roommate had become real friendly so I assume they had other plans as well. I called Sarah but her roommate answered and said Sarah had taken sick and was in bed sleeping. She offered to wake her but I told her just leave a note I called and let her sleep. Again, I was shut out from getting laid. Damn!

Frank, Bryson and I all headed to the frat house. A pledge was stationed at the door collecting a ten dollar fee, swim team members got in free, and handing out a red cup and two coupons for beer. It seems the fraternity was on probation and the only way the Dean allowed them to have this party was to celebrate the swim team victory, limit everyone to two beers and close the party down by midnight. The fraternity wasn't happy but saw it as a way to get back into the good graces of the administration so they agreed. We took our cups and coupons and joined the party. Billy was already there, accepting accolades and congratulations from everyone like he had won the match single handedly. Even though he was the one who put us over the top, he corrected everyone that it was a team effort and every member won points to make the victory happen. He was flitting around the room like he was on speed. But he didn't even drink a beer, let alone any drugs. He even told us he had given his beer coupons to Bubba. When Billy saw us he came running over and again with the hug, longer and tighter than the previous ones.

"If it wasn't for you and your fake cramp, I never would have been in the race. I don't know how I can ever thank you."

"First of all, it wasn't fake, just convenient," I smirked as everyone around me punched my arm and called me a liar, "And second, You swam a hell of a race and deserve the praise your getting."

"I can just guess who's idea the funky cheer was to get me to time my turns right."

"Just teamwork, Billy, just teamwork."

I hadn't planned on staying too long but I really didn't have anywhere else to be. As the evening wore on, Bubba came by trying to hustle more coupons. Bryson and I both gave him one of ours although he was already pretty drunk and didn't need any more. Some one yelled out the Dean was coming down the walk and headed this way. Frank and I grabbed Bubba and pushed him into the coat closet and told him to stay there and be quiet until we came to get him because the Dean was looking for him to suspend him from the football team. He obligingly went in the closet and we closed the door. The pledge at the door didn't look up as the Dean came to the table.

"Your college ID, ten dollars and you get a red cup and two beer coupons." He droned for the umpteenth time.

The Dean put his staff ID in the pledges face and shocked him to attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dean. No charge. Feel free to take a cup and some coupons, as many as you'd like."

"You were doing good up until that comment, young man. Everyone has a two coupon limit, no matter who they are."

"Yes sir, sorry sir, go right in, sir" he stammered.

The Dean came in and looked around, saw everyone one was reasonably sober and under control. The fraternity president came right over to greet the Dean and invited him to look around. He saw the three of us and came over to us. "Well, Mark and Frank, glad to see you two boys here. As long as you are here I guess I have no worries that things are under control. Enjoy your party." And with that he headed back out the front door.

"What the hell?" the frat president looked at me. "Just because you two are here our party gets the stamp of approval?"

"Get used to it, pal, these two run the whole fucking campus. That's just one example," Bryson stepped up to declare, shaking his head. The president walked away scratching his head.

Bryson had been in the corner chatting with Sarah's roommate, hoping to get lucky tonight and it seemed to be going pretty good for him. They both joined Billy and I as Frank went off to chase down some of his buddies from the house. We were chatting when she announced she didn't feel too good, She hoped she wasn't coming down with the same bug that Sarah had. Without warning she let go with a stream of projectile vomiting that sprayed Bryson, Billy and myself. It was gross. Some of her friends came to her rescue and were going to help her back to her room. The three of us, stinking to the high heavens knew the party was over for us so we left as well. My room was the closest so we headed there to clean up. We stripped down and put our closes in individual trash bags to be dealt with later. Then we each took a quick shower. Billy was still so pumped about the match. As we stood around naked, Billy again thanked me for making sure he would compete. He grabbed he in another hug, this time our naked bodies firmly pressed against one another. Before I could react, he leaned in and kissed me on the mouth, open mouth and tongue. I was so shocked my only reaction was to return the kiss in like fashion. Well, not my only reaction. My cock sprung to attention, pressing against him.

"You're the greatest friend a guy could ever have, Mark."

"Thanks, Billy, back at you," I stuttered to him. Bryson stood on my side and just hung his mouth open at us kissing. Then he laughed out loud.

When Billy backed away from his hug, my cock was standing at full attention but Billy's was still limp. So the kiss wasn't sexual, at least not for him? Billy looked down at my cock and I expected him to comment on my condition. He did, but not what I was expecting.

"Hey, I've noticed you're shaved down there, Mark, I've seen it in the locker room. But I didn't know Bryson was shaved as well. Is this a swim team thing?"

I explained the whole deal with shaving, to get more action from the women. Billy was intrigued.

"I'm a member of the team and whether or not I get more girls, I want to look like you guys. How do I go about doing it? Does it hurt?"

"Oh hell, no. It actually feels pretty damn good if you let Mark do it for you like he did me," Bryson advised him.

"You shaved Bryson?!? Can I ask you to do the same for me? I'd really appreciate it if it's not too much to ask after all you done for me today."

"Sure he will, Billy, Just head into the shower, get hard and he'll be right in." Then Bryson went over and whispered something into Billy's ear that made him smile.

"What the fuck, Bryson, do you think I want to take every cock in my hand and shave it just because they want it done? I do have some standards, you know."

"Billy is a good kid and he is really looking forward to being one of the guys. You can't shut him down now."

"I suppose you're right. But please ask me first before you volunteer me any more, ok?"

"Sure. Besides, from the reaction to his kiss I figured your enjoy getting your hands on his cock," Bryson teased as he feel over on the couch laughing.


I went into the bathroom and Billy was still under the shower with his back to me. I stood there and took a good look at him. Its one thing to see the guys on the team in their speedos or in a group naked in the locker room, but one on one close up it gave me a chance to really look at him and take it all in. He had slim build but with muscles in all the right places. Long legs flowing up to the cutest bubble butt with firm ass cheeks. A smooth back going up to square shoulders. He was a really hot looking guy once I saw him for who he was. He turned around and smiled at me,

"Ready, as you can tell."

His cock was long and slim, like the rest of him, and standing straight out in front of him with water from the shower dripping off the tip. But it fit his body perfectly. His ball sack was pulled tight against his body from the cool water of the shower. His body was naturally smooth with very little hair except his crotch. But I would make short work of that for sure.

"Yes, you certainly are."

I knelt in front of him and took my scissors to his hair, cutting as much as I could. Then I smeared his cock and balls with shaving cream as usual. But again, as with Peter, I caught myself spending more time massaging his cock and fondling his balls.

"Man, if I knew this would feel this good, I wouldn't have done this at the beginning of the season." Billy moaned.

"Just relax, I've only just begun."

After a few more minutes of fondling and playing with him, I took my razor and started to remove the rest of his hair, moving and positioning him to do a good job, but maybe more than usual. When I had finished shaving I explained how I had to check for stubble as I began to again fondle him and run my hands all over his private parts.

"Oh, please make sure you get it all, no matter how long it takes."

Allright, enough beating around the bush, or more correctly, where the bush used to be. It was time to get down to business. I took a firm grip on his cock and stroked long strokes from the tip to the base. My other hand took hold of his sack and rolled his balls around between my fingers. His cock felt so smooth and right to be in my hand. Billy was breathing deeply in short breaths. I looked up and he was smiling ear to ear and rubbing his head with both his hands. He suddenly stopped breathing and tensed up as he let his cum fly, landing on my chest and running down onto my cock. I reached down and stroked my own cock a few quick times to spread his cum all over my cock.

"Yup, good and smooth, no stubble."

"Holy hell, that was fucking awesome. And Bryson said the best part was next but I don't know what could be better than this."

"If you want your ass shaved as well, turn around."

Without saying a word, Billy turned his ass towards me and bent over slightly.

"Do your thing, buddy"

I spread his cheeks but there was very little hair, just a few hairs around his hole. But that was not going to stop me now. I spread the shaving cream on his ass cheeks then up and down his crack. I couldn't resist running my hands down his legs and back up then up and over his back. Billy wiggled his whole body at my extended touch and just mummered, "Oh, yeah." I went back to his ass and kneaded his cheeks, moving them apart and then together as I did. Then back to his crack and moving gently over his hole, not stopping but coming back to it on each pass. I felt his hole pucker in and out and I knew he wanted this to continue. I took my razor and made two quick strokes over his hole to take away the few hairs he had. Then I put it down and explained I had to check as before to make sure I got every hair.

"Please do. Will you check on the inside as well, please?"

Damn he was hot to have me inside him, my fingers at least in not more. I moved around on his ass and then pressed my finger against his hole. It was puckering in and out again so when it pushed out I pressed my finger against it and it slid in with very little resistance. He pushed back against my finger, trying to get it inside him as much as possible. Ok, I was in control this time, unlike Jake or Peter. I removed my finger and pressed the tip of my cock against his hole. Again his hole puckered and I pressed harder when he puckered out, getting in without as much resistance as I had expected. Billy inhaled sharply as I got inside so I just waited for him to adjust to me. I rubbed his back and it wasn't long before he relaxed and I was able to push further in. When my balls were smushed against his taint, I stopped and rested again, then starting to fuck his ass slowly and gently as he got used to me. His hole was so responsive it would pucker back and forth as I fucked him. I continued to run my hands over anywhere I could reach on his body, even going around him and feeling his cock, hard and stiff again after just cumming a few minutes ago. He reached behind me with his hands and grabbed at my hips to pull me into him so I did the same and pulled back on him to try and bury myself as deep as I could. A few more thrusts and I felt his sphincter tighten around my cock as he shot another load of cum. That pushed me over the edge and I unloaded deep inside him, holding him tight against me until my spasms had stopped. We stayed that way for a few minutes, coming down and catching our breath. As I slid out of his ass, Billy commented,

"At least I have endurance in the pool. I guess on land I'm more of a sprinter."

We both had a good laugh and clean ourselves up. We dried off and went into the kitchen to find Bryson on the couch stroking his cock. He looked at Billy's freshly shaved cock.

"See, I told you Mark would do a great job a shaving you."

"Ya, that too," Billy smiled as he put his arm around me and pulled me in for a side hug.

"So, now what?" Bryson asked as he continued to slowly stroke his cock.

"I've paid my dues to Mark so I guess it's your turn now," Billy stated as he lowered himself and took a hold of Bryson's cock. Bryson smiled and I just stood there in amazement at this guy that was too shy yesterday to speak to anyone and was now a raving sex fiend. Billy gave Bryson's cock a few strokes, squeezed it to get some precum out of the pee slit and then licked it off.

"Mmmm, tasty."

Then he proceeded to lick the rest of his cock and lower his mouth over it, taking the whole thing is one motion. As his hand went up to play with Bryson's nipple he bobbed up and down on his cock, adding some tongue motion as he did. Bryson grabbed the back of Billy's head and pulled him down had on his cock, shooting his load so quick neither one of us expected it.

"Thanks, Bryson," Billy slurred as he struggled to keep as much cum in his mouth as he could.

"No, thank you. I was watching you two in the bathroom and was surprised I lasted that long as horned up as I got."

I just stood there still wondering what the hell I had just watched. Before I could react, Billy stood up and lunged at me, pushing me back onto the couch next to Bryson then brought his mouth up to mine and kissed me again, this time pushing Bryson's cum into my mouth and swirling it around with his tongue. I was repulsed at having my mouth filled with someone else's cum but at the same time extremely aroused. I embraced Billy, grabbing his ass and pulling him to me as we kissed and spit the cum back and forth between our mouths. He sucked the cum back into his mouth and broke off the kiss. Then he spit the cum into his hand and smeared it all over his cock and then on my hole, poking a finger in as he did. It was shocking and I was like a deer in the headlights.

This was a moment of truth. Frank, Jake, Bryson and now Billy had all enjoyed me fucking them so maybe there was something to be said for it. But it seemed too gay for me to be on the receiving end and not on the giving end. After all, as has been said many times before, a hole is just a hole, a warm wet place to shove your cock. But to be that warm wet hole? That's another thing entirely. It was feeling good. And I have played with my ass a few times before when jerking off. But another guy in my hole was not me doing it myself. Was this a turning point from which I couldn't go back? All these things were running through my mind and I was not really paying attention to either of them. Bryson had gotten up and positioned himself behind the couch. Billy had raised my legs in the air and Bryson took a hold of them and held them up so Billy had easy assess to my ass. He had removed his finger and was pressing his cock against me, slowly but firmly. It wasn't Peter's monster Python what would have split me in half and Billy did have a rather skinny cock so maybe this would be a good one for my first time. But once my virginity was gone it was gone for good, never to return. Hell, I had fucked my friends and didn't ask if they wanted it or not. I could have just told them both to stop but as anxious as I was about this I was also getting more and more curious and almost resigned to the fact that it was going to happen so why not enjoy it. Not really the best attitude to enter into a life changing experience but that's where I was at.

Back to real life. Billy had pushed enough to get the head of his cock inside me. It burned but was not as painful as I feared. He moved a little further and stopped, moving in an inch or so at a time. Before he was all the way in he started to pull out and push back in, going a little deeper each time. On his fourth or fifth push he hit my sweet spot and I felt a little cum ooze out of my cock.

"Oh fuck, Billy, that's the spot!"

"Now just lay back and enjoy." As he continued to pump my ass with his skinny weapon.

It was feeling better and better. Every now and then I'd leak a little cum. Bryson would reach down with one finger and wipe it off and bring it to his mouth.

"Mmmm, tasty. But I want to taste what mine was like as well," as he leaned over the back of the couch and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth and swabbing around for any residual cum of his.

My mind has successfully gone blank and left the room. The sensation of Billy fucking my ass and Bryson making out with me had me in a state of pure bliss. I didn't care about how gay this might seem, the fact that I lost my virginity or anything else at the moment. Billy kept hitting my spot and soon I was pumping out my load all over my stomach. Bryson reached down and scooped up as much as possible and licked his hand clean and then back to making out with me. Billy reached over and got the small amount that was left and licked it off his hand, pushing him over the edge and depositing his third load of the evening into my gut. As Billy's limp dick fell out of my hole and he slumped on the floor net to my legs, Bryson stood up and came back around the couch to sit next to me.

Welcome to the club, you two. Now you've both a member of the butt fucked boys. And I can tell you both enjoyed it." Bryson commented, smiling, as he looked at the both of us.

"Billy, I have to ask, are you gay? You were so into everything that happened tonight." I asked.

"No, I don't think so. I know this is going to sound weird, but I've been so shy and afraid to let down my guard to anyone. I was so horribly lonely. I had no idea how to approach anyone to start a conversation let alone trying to strike up a friendship. But you have been so nice to me and put me at ease and then the thrill of being part of something so special as the win today just brought out something I never knew I had. I've never touched another person's body, certainly not another guy. But I was so over the top excited and I wanted to show my appreciation for the way you've treated me, I probably would have let you guys cut a kidney out of me if you have wanted."

"You mean you've never even made out with a girl or anything?" Bryson asked in disbelief.

"Nope, nothing. Just jerked off once or month or so when the urge hit."

"You mean once a day or so, don't you?"

"Nope once a month, and sometimes not even that often."

"Well, fuck, you sure knew what you were doing and made up for lost time. So do you think you might be gay after all this?"

"Don't really know until I fuck a few girls, then I'll let you know. But in the mean time, this was sure fun and I hope we can do it again." Billy smiled.

"We both have girl friends, Billy, but as you can tell from tonight sometimes that's not enough. So we'll be happy to include you when the urges arises."

"Like now?" Billy asked as he looked down as his cock starting to stiffen up again.

"Give it a rest, horndog. Maybe in the morning." Bryson replied and pushed Billy over onto the floor. "We'll all sleep here tonight and see who's the first one 'up' in the morning."

"Where do we all sleep?" Billy inquired.

"In the big bed, all three of us nice and cozy." I smirked. "I'm turning in, see you in the morning"

We all headed into the bedroom and climbed into bed. Billy was in the middle and snuggled up to me and kissed my neck.

"Good night, my sweet friend"

"Give it a rest," I chuckled.

As I lay there trying to get to sleep I wondered where tomorrow would bring me. Was I going to turn out gay? Or bi? Or was go back to Sarah and this would be a memory for jerking off when appropriate?

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 6

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