The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Jun 12, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter Three

Frank singing in the shower awaked me the next morning. I had a late morning class and was planning on sleeping a while longer. .

"Come sleepy head, get your dead ass out of bed and let's get going. It's getting late, You're going to miss breakfast."

"You don't have any classes this early. Why the hell are you up so early?" I groggily asked.

"My chem professor is doing an optional pretest refresher this morning for anyone who doesn't have a good grasp on the material yet."

"You always ace those tests. Why would you need to go if it's optional?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm ready for the test but a little more help never hurt. And besides, Cathy is in that class and she is going this morning. I can't wait to tell her I'm shaved and ready."

"That's all you better tell her. Not how you got shaved or who did the shaving. I swear if you even mention my name in the same conversation I'll continue cutting down there."

"No worries, bro. You know I can keep a secret. If Cathy knew how much I enjoyed you holding my cock and shaving me she'd think I was gay, or at least bi. And I'm not! Not gay! Not bi! Just a normal heterosexual horny son of a bitch."

"Who enjoys his roomie putting his hands all over your cock and balls and such," taunting Frank who deserved some amount of crap for waking me up.

"What happens in this room, stays in this room. Just like my pubes. They're staying here while you and I head off to the cafeteria for breakfast. Now let's go before all the home fries are gone."

I slowly got out of bed and headed to take a piss. My cock was sticking straight out and wanting it's normal morning attention. "Sorry Mr. Boner, not this morning. I have to get going before Frank cums in his pants thinking about Cathy." I washed up and brushed my teeth, taking my mind off my hardon. It had pretty well shrunk back to normal by the time I finished but as I was putting my toothbrush away, I saw Frank's razor and shaving cream. Thinking back to last night in the shower with Frank made my cock stand back at attention again. But it was more the thought of jerking him off and not so much the shaving part. I blamed it on the fact that I hadn't jerked off yet and not be aroused by the memory of Frank's smooth cock. I left the bathroom and busied myself with arranging my sock draw until my problem had gone flaccid again. I got dressed and went to meet Frank, sitting on the couch. As I came out of the bedroom, there was Frank sitting on the couch with his pants undone and his hand inside feeling himself up.

"Oh man, this does feel so smooth right now. I'm not sure going to this class and sit across from Cathy will be very productive for me. I just wondering if I can figure a way to show her with out getting caught with my pants down, literally," Frank had the dumbest shit-eating grin on his face. Watching him root around in his pants playing with his cock started me chubbing up again.

"Come on you horn dog. You got me up early to got to breakfast with you so let's go. By the way, you're buying."

"Small price to pay what I'm in store for."

"Only a down payment. You'll still owe me big time."

It was a cold winter morning as we quickly made our way to the cafeteria.

"Damn it, it's cold this morning. My balls are going to freeze right off. I can feel the wind blowing right up my pant legs."

"Honestly Frank, I don't think there is an 'R' value for insulation on pubic hairs. Maybe you could ask you chem professor when you get there."

"No, I'll just tell Cathy how cold they are and they need to be warmed up."

We finished breakfast and Frank jogged off to his class. I had an hour of so to kill so I went headed over to the athletic center to talk to the swim coach. I had visited him earlier in the week to ask about swimming once or twice a week with the swim team now that it the beginning of practice for the season. I had some classes with some of the team and they were encouraging me to join the team. I would like to join next year but wanted to make sure I had a good handle on my studies for this year. If I could swim with them during practice I could stay in shape for next season. The coach said he have to run it by the Dean of Students to make sure there were no issues where I wasn't officially on the team. I went to the pool area and to the coach's office, knocking on his door.

"Come in."

"Hi Coach Talbot. I wanted to see if you had an answer yet."

"Oh Mark. Glad you stopped by. I'm curious, do you have compromising pictures of the Dean? Or did you save one of his children from drowning in their backyard pool? Give him a stock tip that netted millions?"

"Excuse me, coach?" I asked having no idea what he was talking about. "None of those things."

"I ran into the Dean at lunch yesterday and asked him about you request to practice with the team. When I mentioned your name, he swallowed the mouthful of food he was chewing, put his fork down and gave me the most serious look I've ever seen from him."

This didn't sound good. I couldn't figure where this was going at all.

"He told me that you and your roommate Frank were two of the nicest and most helpful students that he has seen come to this college in years. He filled me in on what you two have done with the room and the RA situation in your dorm. And not wanting the insurance money? I'm surprised he didn't refer to you two as Saint Mark and Saint Frank."

"Nothing special sir, just doing what we could to help with the situation. I'm sure anyone would have done the same."

"I'm not so sure. And neither is the Dean. He told me to do anything in my power to assist you in any way I can. You are welcome to swim with the team any time you want. I did some research on you high school swim team and I hope you do follow through to join next year. You'd be a hell of an asset to our team. I'll have our team captain get you set up with a locker so you can leave your gear here."

"Thanks but that's not necessary. It's no trouble to bring what I need when I swim."

"Just like the Dean warned me. He said you don't like making waves so much that you probably don't even disturb the water when you dive in the pool." The coach shook his head and giggled. "No way I'm having the Dean get on my case. You're getting a locker, end of story."

I thanked him again and left his office. I stood by the pool and inhaled the familiar smell of chlorine. Most people don't like the smell but it brings back a flood of great memories from high school. One more deep breath and I had to leave for class.

When I got done with classes I went back to our room and dug out my speedos I wore in high school. I hadn't gained any weight to speak of so I was sure they'd still fit. I pulled them on and checked in the mirror to see how I looked.

"Mark Spitz, move over. This Mark is taking over."

While I been changing, Frank had returned from his last class.

"Who the hell is this Spritzer guy and why are you dressed like a cheap male hooker for him?" Frank lashed out. "Are you going gay on me?"

"Mark Sprits is an Olympic swimmer and this is a speedo that all competitive swimmer wear. I'll be practicing with the swim team a few days a week. And who the hell shoved a stick up your ass to give you so much attitude?"

"I'm sorry, dude. After the morning class Cathy and I met in the hallway and I told her the news about my shaved crotch. I gave her a big hug and asked her is she got shaved and how soon did she want to get together to compare. Hint, hint. She told me she wasn't shaved yet because she started her period last night and it would be a week before she did hers and we could hook up. Because I was already shaved she didn't want to even give me a hand job. She wanted the reveal to be both of us at the same time. Going to be blue balls and jerking off for the next week. Fuck!"

"Jeez man, disappointing yes, but the anticipation will only make it hotter when it happens."

"Anticipation my ass. I want her mouth sucking my cock and I want my tongue so far up her pussy I can tickle her appendix."

"I better take these speedos off before you get any ideas. You're too horny for your own good right now." I unmercifully teased him showing no mercy while removing my swimwear.

"Up yours, asshat. You better sleep on the couch tonight then."

"Or it will be up mine?" I laughed as I ran out of the bedroom and into the living area, jumping on the couch and protecting myself.

"That's it! Your ass is grass now you fucker!"

"And you're the lawnmower?"

As I was laughing hysterically, Frank came running and threw himself on top of me on the couch.

"You think this is funny? I'll give you something to laugh about," as he started tickling me relentlessly.

I had confided in him when we first met and were exchanging background info that tickling was my weak spot. His was Buffalo wings. Give him a huge plate of Buffalo wings and he was like putty in the hands of who ever gave him the wings. Unfortunately I had no wings to counter his assault with. His body laying on mine and giggling too severely to move him off me made me feel completely vulnerable. As he wrestled around on top of me my leg would occasionally get between his and I could feel he had chubbed up and was well on his way to getting hard. Understandable in his condition. Unless of course if it was because he was laying on top of my naked body. Once I realized he was getting hard, my cock followed suit quickly. Time to call a halt before this goes somewhere we don't want it to go.

"Okay, okay, I give. You win. No more harassment."

"Fine. Now get up and get dressed. We going out to the bar. Appetizers are half priced for another hour. If I fill my stomach it will take my mind off this."

Hmmm, I hope they have hot wings. Lol.

A few pitchers of beer, an hour of endless hot wings and Frank felt better. I did too until his flatulence from the chicken wings filled the room the next morning. Frank managed to suffer through the week and finally got his reward. I did him a favor and found a place to crash so he and Cathy could have our room all to themselves. The look of contentment the next morning was well worth the inconvenience of camping out the night before.

My class schedule worked out so Tuesday and Thursday were the best days to swim. True to his word, the coach had the team captain set me up with a locker, and in a prime location in the locker room. Each team, football, baseball, soccer, swim, etc, had a section of the locker room to themselves. I would have thought it would be better to intermingle the teams so there was more room between players when a whole team was in there at once. But the coaches wanted to keep the groups as separate as possible to prevent any inter team rivalry. I got changed and went out to the pool area to be introduced to the rest of the team. Bryson, the guy I knew from my physics class hollered for me to come over where he was standing.

"Hey Mark, glad to see you could make it to practice. I know our team captain knows about your situation, just a guest, but I'd like to make a formal introduction. Phil, this is Mark. He was the star of his swim team in high school and wants to join our practices to keep in shape for joining the team next year."

"Hi Mark, good to meet you in person finally. I've heard a lot of good things about you. Especially how you have the coach and the Dean wrapped around you're little finger." Phil smiled and fist bumped me.

"Same here Phil. I was hoping I could join you guys. If I get in the way just let me know. As Bryson says, I'm just a guest. But let me set a few things straight. I wasn't the star of my high school team. I was a strong swimmer for sure but I was one of fourteen guys that made up the team. We swam as a team, won as a team and lost as a team. And I don't have the coach nor the Dean wrapped around any part of me. My roommate and I did a favor for the Dean and he's not used to students doing for him, rather they ask more and more of him. He appreciates what we did for him and we appreciate what he has done for us."

"I think you are going to fit in just fine around here. Bryson will introduce you to the rest of the team then while they go through their basics I'd like to see some of what you can do after you've warmed up if that's ok with you."

"You're the team captain so what ever you say, goes, as far as I'm concerned."

"Hey, you guys all here that? He's only been here 5 minutes and he already knows who's the boss." Phil points to himself and laughs as the razzing starts.

Bryson introduces me to the rest of the team. He and I and one other swimmer are the only freshman involved. The upper classman all greeted me with enthusiasm and fist bumps. The swimmers pair off for the drills for the practice, do their warm up stretches and jump in the pool. I did my stretches and then go back over to Phil to let him know I'm ready.

"All set, Mark?"

"Yes sir, Captain."

"You can knock that shit off right now. I'm as much a team members as any of these guys, you included as of now. I'm just the poor schmuck to got elected to try and keep their sorry asses in line. Now in the pool and take a few laps."

"Ok . . . Phil."

"That's better. What's you favorite stroke?"

"The dog paddle but I can't seem to find many classes for that in the competitions."

"A fucking smart ass, eh?" laughing, "You'll fit right in."

I swam a few laps and then some strokes he wanted to see me do, finally my kick turn.

"Dam, I'm impressed. I wish we had you on the team this year."

"Thanks. I'm a little rusty but I haven't lost my mojo."

Phil put me in a few of their drills but for the most part I watched from the deck. When Phil blew the whistle for the end of practice I asked him if I could stay and swim a little longer. He said he'd let me, but school policy was that no one swam alone.

"I can stay with him if you want," Bryson spoke up.

"Good by me, that ok with you, Mark?"

"Great, as long as it's not putting you out at all, Bryson."

"Nope, happy to help out."

I swam a few more laps and practiced my kick turns.

"Man, you do those turns so quick and smooth. You'll have to teach me how to do that."

"Only if it's ok with the coach and the Phil. I don't want to come in like a know it all and step on anyone's toes."

" I overheard Phil talking while you were showing him your stuff and he quietly told the one next to him to pay attention to you when you're in the pool. He could learn a thing or two from you. Most of us don't have the background in swimming as you do."

"I'll talk to coach and Phil and if they want I'd be glad to offer what I can."

I got out of the pool and we headed for the locker room and the showers. The rest of the team had finished and left. The shower area was just one large tile room with shower heads protruding out of the wall every four feet all around the room. We hung our towels on the rack and took the closest shower heads. Bryson said they were the prized ones as they got hot faster and stayed hot longer. As we started to shower, we each did the required sideways glance to check out the other guy's package.

"Holy shit, Mark. You swam so fast you tore all your pubes off!" Bryson yelled.

So then I had to explain the story behind shaved pubes and the amount of sex I got because if it.

"Damn, see you do have so much more experience, both in the pool and out."

We continued to wash, making small talk as we did. We were just about finished when we heard voice and a commotion in the locker area.

"Oh fuck, the football team is here. I forgot they come in on Tuesday to use the weight room and then come here to shower. We're usually long gone before they show up thankfully. A total bunch of assholes."

"No worries. We'll be gone before they even know we're here."

"You remember that kids story about the giant who could smell Jack, the fe fi fo fum thing? Well football players are the same way when they think someone has invaded "their" locker room."

No sooner had Bryson said that then a handful of players came around the corner and started in.

"Who gave you nerds permission to be using our showers?"

"No worries, we're just leaving," I tried to assure them.

"Hey look, they're not nerds, they're god dam faggots. That one shaved his balls so he looks like a 10 year old. I'm not sure who does what to who though."

"Come on, Bryson. Let's get dressed," I suggested rather firmly.

"Bryson? Are you kidding me? Bryson? I couldn't have picked a better name for a faggot that Bryson." They all laughed and jeered.

"Maybe you can't but it seems you're mother did when she named you." As soon as I said it I realized a strong offense was not a good idea, being outnumbered and outweighed several times over.

"Why you queer bastard with you little sissy cock. I'll show you a real man's cock looks like and what he can do with it, and I know you'll love it." The biggest guy yelled at us as he grabbed his hairy cock and swung it around and around.

"Well be sure and let me know when that guy gets here his with his man's cock and I'll let you know what I think." In for a penny, in for a pound. Or should I say a pounding. The group was moving in towards us and had the only way out blocked. I felt bad for Bryson as he didn't start any of this. I motioned for him to get behind me as we started to back up further into the room.

"Hey remember, we're a team. We win as a team and loose as a team," Bryson reminded me.

"And you're going to get you're asses kicked as a team as well!"

Just then a loud voice bellowed from the locker room.

"What in the name of holy hell are you assholes doing?"

I didn't recognize the voice. It wasn't the coaches and it was Phil's. I looked at Bryson and he had no idea either. He just shrugged his shoulders and tried to look past the angry mob to see who the voice belonged to.

"Leave those two guys alone and let them get dressed."

The voice belonged to Jake, the player from our floor.

"But we don't want no faggots using our showers. Just look at the queer one that shaves his cock and his balls. No real man is going to do that."

"I know this guy and this supposed faggot gets more sex with some of the hottest girls on campus than all you meatheads put together."

"Then what gives with the twink look?"

Jake went on to explain the whole thing. The guys who were a minute ago going to beat us senseless just stood there in disbelief, making subtle comments of envy. They got out of our way and we went to get dressed and get out of there. Jake came out of the showers just as we were picking up our gear to leave.

"Sorry about those jerks. They get together and mob mentality takes over. Its good on the field but they don't know when to turn it off."

"It's partly our fault. I forgot today was Tuesday and we usually make sure we out of here before you guys arrive." Bryson offered.

"You shouldn't have to but I suppose it's a good idea. See you later Bryson. See you around the floor, Mark"

"Sure thing."

We headed out and once we were outside, Bryson commented,

"Son of a bitch! You have this entire campus under your spell. Even the Neanderthals on the football team."

"Just one, that would be Jake. My roommate knows him and we both did him a favor so know he figured he owed us one. Nothing special."

"Well I figured not getting an ass kicking was pretty special."

We laughed, fist bumper and went on our way.

A few days later Bryson and I were having lunch in the cafeteria when the football players from the other day came by our table. The mouthy one who started on us in the locker room stopped at our table and made a "woof, woof" sound. I looked up at him wondering what he was getting at.

"Having a problem?" I asked

"Oh look guys, it's the hairless Chiwawa," facing his buddies as they all broke out in laughter.

"Ok, Papa Smurf," I retorted.


"Ya, the guy with blue balls because the only action he see is with his buddies in the showers," as I stood up to face him.

"You're going to be blue, black and blue all over!" as he clenched his fists

Bryson stood up getting ready for what was coming next just as a booking voice behind us sounded off.

"Is there a problem here, gentlemen?"

It was the head football coach. He was glaring at both of us and stepped forward in case he felt the need to physically intervene.

"No problem, coach. We're just having a conversation about practice schedules."

"There better not be a problem. You two cool off or I'll settle your problem myself and I'll guarantee neither one of you will like the outcome."

As the coach walked away I turned to face the foot ball player.

"Look, I know we shouldn't have been in the locker room when it was your allotted time. We ran over doing extra swim practice. But I talked to the swim captain and he agreed to let my friend and I start early so we finish with the rest of the team. We won't invade you turf any more."

"If we catch you in there again both of you will have a nasty slip and fall accident in the showers."

"I know my naked appearance offends your fragile sense of masculinity you need to defend in the locker room but in public we can co-exist and just be civil to one another. Agreed?"

"Hey Bubba, I think he just insulted you!" one of his buddies yelled out.

"Ya, what the fuck is this 'co-exist shit? Are you saying we should hook up?"

Bubba, what a fitting name. He didn't even catch the dig about his masculinity.

"No, it means we just leave each other alone to go our separate ways, no comments, no interaction at all." forgetting who I was talking to when I used the word interaction.

"Dam right no action between us. Ever, no way, fucking faggot."

I put my hand out to shake his hand but he just looked at it and grunted, leading his pack of buddies out of the cafeteria.

"Smooth talking, dude." came a familiar voice behind me. "Almost as smooth as your cock." Jake slapped me on the back and keep walking laughing loudly.

I sat down to finish eating and noticed Bryson was still standing up.

"You gonna sit down and finish eating?"

"Fuck, you just stood up to the whole football team. And lived to tell about it. You've got balls! Maybe your smooth ones bring you good luck." as he sat back down shaking his head.

"Well, I was glad to have the coach and Jake backing me up. Not sure how ugly it would have ended otherwise."

Bryson and I became great friends in no time. We shared the same interest in movies, music and swimming. I was giving him help with his physics as well as his swimming technique. And he was going to help me with my English lit class. I was studying King Lear and needed help with it.

"He's the King," I explained to Bryson. "He doesn't have to leer at anyone, he can just tell them to get naked and assume the position." Bryson would laugh and shake his head.

"You do need help. And not just with English lit."

To avoid the football players we have been arriving at the pool area about 45 minutes a head of the rest of the team. We've been working his technique for his kick turns. I would hold my arms out and have Bryson lay over them and go through the motions very slowly to show him how to better his form. Occasionally as he moved off my arms I could feel he had chubbed up and was dragging his boner across my arms. Inevitably this led to my cock swelling up. As he was making a turn and swimming back past me I noticed his head turn to look at my crotch. He must have seen the bulge, as there is no way to hide a stiff cock in speedos.

"Sorry about the boner, but sometimes it just happens."

"No worries, happens to all of us at one time or another."

"Ya, I noticed," he grinned "I need to keep moving," and swam off down the pool.

I totally agree. It was almost time for the rest of the team to show up and it wouldn't look good if the two of us were all alone with our cocks straining the fabricate of our speedos.

The next few weeks were very routine. Swim practice, classes, supper at the pizza joints and a few beers a couple night s a week with Frank, an occasional RA gig, and studying at the library with Bryson. I had some casual dates with girls who were fascinated with my smoothness and I was more than willing to let them explore the possibilities. Frank was getting more than he could handle with his girl and their new found smoothness. I would see Bryson around campus usually with a group of girls, laughing and enjoying each other. When he caught my eye, he'd holler for me to wait up and give one or more of the girls a kiss in the cheek and run over. We head to our physics class and take copious notes for studying later. One evening there was a lecture series going on in the library and it was distracting us from our work.

"Frank is out on a date so we can study in our room if you'd like. I know it's a longer walk back to your dorm than from the library but we're not getting much accomplished here."

"Sound like a plan," Bryson agreed as we packed up our books.

We got to my room and spread out our materials.

"You want a drink, beer, water, soda?" I offered.

"Just a water for now. This shit is confusing enough without adding a beer to the equation."

We had been studying for about an hour when Frank texted me to tell me he was staying at his girls friend's room for the night. I smirked and told Bryson about the text and we went back to studying. By 11;00 we had covered all the material we needed and put our books away.

"Now I'll have that beer if the offers is still good. My mind needs to veg for a while."

"Of course. Have as many as you like. It's Frank's beer." as I got up to get the beer.

I came back and handed Bryson a beer. We popped open our cans and saluted before downing the first ones. We polished off all of the beer while watching some cornball movie on TV. It was midnight and we were both feeling the beer.

"Hey, you want to study some English lit?" Bryson asked slurring his word a little.

"Are you crazy? Now?"

"Ya, let's role play. I'll be King Lear. 'I'm the king, take off your clothes and assume the position, knave'."

"You're shut off, no more beer for you if that's where your mind is at."

"No, just the beer talking. Not looking forward to the walk home tonight," Bryson commented as we picked up the empties.

"You're welcome to spend the night here if you'd like. As long as don't mind sleeping on the most uncomfortable couch in three counties or sharing a bed with me."

"Sharing a bed with you? Where does Frank normally sleep?"

I explained the whole story behind the sleeping arrangements and he seemed satisfied.

"Well, in that case, the bed I suppose. If you don't mind sleeping with a different guy?"

"Wipe that smirk off your face. As with Frank, it's a large bed, we each have our own side and never the twain shall meet."

"Just busting your balls. I appreciate your hospitality and won't abuse it."

I let Bryson use the bathroom first and told him which side of the bed was his. When I came out of the bathroom he was already in bed under the covers.

"I hope you mind if I sleep naked, I don't have any fresh clothes for morning and I don't want to put on sweaty underwear."

"No problem. I always sleep in the nude myself. Frank nor myself have any hangups on being naked in the room."

"Good to know"

Not sure what he meant by that but I was too tired to care. It wasn't long before we were both sound asleep, with the effects of the long evening of studying and the beer. I was having the most erotic dream. A whole line of naked girls were outside my room, all naked and bending over yelling 'RA, Rub our Ass, RA, Rub our Ass'. One by one they'd come up to me and have me rub my smooth cock up and down their ass crack, pushing back against me. I was sleeping on my side, facing away from Bryson. I started to wake up and felt a hand stroking my cock. In my half awake state I assumed it was Frank and he had gotten thrown out of his girlfriend's room before he had satisfied himself. I smiled and figured to let him continue of he wanted. He was spooning me and had his stiff cock up against my ass. All in all, I was sort of enjoying it I have to admit. But then as I awoke further I remembered Frank was out for the night and it was Bryson in bed with me. This was a whole different thing. Just as I was about to reach down and pull his hand off me, I peaked and shot my load of cum. Bryson gave a thrust and pushed his cock hard against me. I was still shooting some cum when I pulled his hand away.

"What the hell, man? What the fuck are you doing?"

Bryson pretended to be waking up and disoriented.

"Wait? What? What happened?"

"You were jerking my cock while I was asleep and trying to butt fuck me, that's what was happening!"

"No way. I thought it was my cock I was stroking. And I'd never try and fuck your ass. So sorry, so fucking sorry. I'll get dressed and leave"

I knew his excuse was bullshit as I thought back to his King Lear suggestion earlier, but I couldn't let him walk out at 3:00 AM in the cold night.

"At least next time wake me first so I can enjoy it, you selfish bastard." I laughed.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Hell no, but you ain't going no where at 3:00 in the morning. You need to get over your horniness so go out in the other room and jerk off and get it over with."

"I can't do that, that sounds so gay. I'll just go back to sleep and leave you alone."

"Oh no, I'll go back to sleep and you'll be after my virginity again," as I reached over and grabbed his stiff cock. I started stroking him and it didn't take but 30 seconds and he was shooting his load all over himself and the bed. "There, now you have to sleep in the same mess of cum as I do. So go to sleep, asshat."

I rolled over and lay there trying to rationalize what I had just done. I like Bryson as a friend and if I didn't do something he'd be too embarrassed to hang with me any more. But maybe jerking him off if he isn't gay, or at least bi, would have the same results. What's done is done and we'll see what happens in the morning.

We were rudely awoken the next by Frank yelling from the bedroom door.

"Get up you sleepy heads. It's a great morning to be alive and awake. Get up and dressed, we're going to breakfast and it's my treat."

"Somebody is in a good mood this morning," as I stretched and yawned.

"What the hell, I'm away one night and you shack up with the first young stud you can find?" Frank joked.

I looked over at Bryson and his face was beet red from blushing.

"It's all you fault Frank. You didn't come home and left enough beer for poor Bryson to get drunk and not find his way home."

"Fine by me. I've been drinking all night as well . . . pussy juice!" a huge laugh and a knee slap and Frank went to use the bathroom.

'Bryson, you go in the bathroom right after him and then ask him to get you some coffee. I'll strip the bed while you two are making coffee so he doesn't find the cum stains on the sheets."

"Ok. I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk before we got going for the day, though."

"Nothing to talk about from my end. Just two drunk guys letting off some steam. You good?"

"Well ya, when you put it that way. I was afraid I may have screwed up our friendship."

"Going to take more than that to lose the friendship we have going. Now go and keep him busy."

Bryson smiled back at me and left for the kitchen. I stripped the bed and rolled the sheets up for the wash.

"Ought, oh. Did we get the sheets messy last night?" Frank asked with a stupid grin on his face.

"If we did I would have let you sleep on cum stains. But I figured to be a good roomie and give you fresh sheets rather than making you sleep in someone else's stink."

"Thanks. Next time I stay out all night could you clean the kitchen too?" throwing his head back and laughing. "Hurry up and shower. I've been eating all night but I'm still hungry."

We all went to breakfast and had to sit through Frank's tales of bravado. Towards the end of the conversation his tone had changed and he was talking more about his feelings towards his girlfriend instead of just the lust they shared with each other.

"Frank, are you falling in love with this girl?"

"Hell, I've been in love with her for a while now. Falling in love is the easy part. Falling in like is the hard part."

Bryson looked up puzzled at that. "What do you mean, falling in like?"

"Falling in love is wanting to be naked and having sex in every conceivable way, living for the next orgasm. It's fun and sex, nothing more. But falling in like is when you just enjoy their company. Going to breakfast together, walking downtown, snuggling on the couch watching a movie. Those kinds of things."

"Damn, Frank, we've gone to breakfast a few times. Does that mean you've fallen in like with me?"

"You're such a smart ass. But truth be told, I did fall in like with you the first semester. We really hit it off together. But don't be looking for it to turn into love. It ain't going there." laughing and smiling he turned to Bryson. "Seems like you two get along pretty good. You might fall into liking one another, but watch out Mark doesn't try to take it the next step."

Bryson again turned bright red.

"N-n-no, we're just friends, you know the 'like' kind," Bryson nervously stammered.

"Now who's being the smart ass, Frank?"

"Hehe, ok, let's get to breakfast."

We continued to chat over breakfast, nothing special, just stuff in general. Frank got to know more about Bryson and Bryson felt at ease talking with Frank. Frank was the first to get up to go, he had a class shortly. I told Bryson I see him at the pool later today.

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it early as usual. But I'll see you at the regular practice."

Thinking he might be uncomfortable about last night, I had to push hi a little.

"You damn well better be there early. You've made great progress on your kick turns and I'm not about to let you slack off. Unless you've got a note from a doctor saying you are sick or from a professor saying he's keeping you after class then you've got no choice but to be there."

Then I punched him in the shoulder and gave him a big grin.

"Well, maybe I can make it."

"Dam right you'll make it. Look, if this has anything to do with last night, I told you that was no big deal. It's over and behind us like it never happened. If you don't show up today because of it things will be weird and we'll lose the friendship we've got going. So please, try and move on and let's keep up with the swim practice."

"Alright. I don't want to lose our friendship so I'll definitely be there."

"I want to keep helping you with physics. You're starting to get the hang of it. And I really need help with King Lear. I need more practice in 'assuming the position'."

Bryson shot a worried look at me but saw I was smiling and laughing. Punching me on the arm this time,

"You are such a fucking turd. I don't why I hang around with you."

"Cause you fallen in like with me!" I shot back over my shoulder as I left the cafeteria.

Bryson did show up early for practice as he promised. I used my arm support method a few times, being careful not to get too close to his crotch. Then I made him do the turns without my help. He did it perfectly. When the regular practice started he was anxious so show the captain how well he was doing. He was timed doing four laps and turned in his best time all season.

"Impressive improvement, Bryson" the coach commented.

"Mark has been a great help to me getting the turns quicker and smoother."

"Mark, would you be willing to help some of the other guys improve their turns, that is if Bryson wouldn't mind sharing you?" the coach inquired, giving Bryson a side ways smirk.

"Fine by me coach, anything to help the team."

Bryson looked my way and agreed.

"No problem, coach, I'll share Mark with the rest of the team, if they want him that is." And gave me a wink, wink.

He's going to share me with the team, wink, wink. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was he just busting my chops or did he mean something more by the comment? He has either gotten over the awkwardness of last night and put it behind him or he has gotten to like the idea of stroking my cock. Guess only time will tell.

Over the next few weeks I coached a few of the team on their turns and some other aspects of their strokes during the usual half hour before regular practice. Bryson would sometimes show up 10 minutes or so before the regular practice and just sit on the side of the pool and watch.

"Hey Bryson, coming in?"

"Not yet, just waiting for the rest of the team."

We still met once a week for studying but that was all business. His attitude seemed to have changed. I was wondering if that night in my bed had gotten to him.

"Anything wrong Bryson? You seem kind of distant lately."

"Nothing really. I just miss our swimming practices. I guess I do mind sharing you," he grinned and then looked back at his study papers.

"We still swim together with the team. And we are together now."

"Oh, I know. But the one on one, hands on time in the pool was different. Just you and me and the pool. I was enjoying all my favorite things. I didn't realize how special that was until it stopped."

"I'm pretty much done coaching anyone else so if you want to start coming early again we can work on what ever you feel you need to accomplish."

"That would be awesome. I'd really like that if its not too much trouble."

"Trouble? Are you kidding me? I've missed those workout sessions as well. The other guys were ok but not the same rapport that you and I had. Tomorrow, be there and let's get wet together." As soon as I said that I realized the way that way have sounded, not like I intended.

"It's a date!"

His gaff right after my gaff or did we both mean something more?

He showed up the following day and didn't have any particular skill sets he wanted to work on so we just ended up swimming and horsing around until the team showed up. Went on that way for several weeks and all seemed right on our world.

Meanwhile, Frank was on cloud nine with the amount of sex he was having with his girlfriend. He sent me a text asking if I was going to be in the room tonight. I assumed he wanted to invite his girl over. Replied I had planned on it but could find somewhere else to hang out if he needed the room. He replied back he was bringing beer and pizza so I better be around to help eat it. Hmmm, beer and pizza? Sounds like he has another favor on his mind.

"So, you brought beer and pizza and wanted to make sure I was around. Need another favor I presume?"

"Let's eat first, then we can chat," he grinned.

We finished the pizza and more than a few beers while watching TV. Finally Frank had enough to drink to loosen his tongue.

"My girl commented I was getting some stubble and it was time for another shave."

"And you want me to do the deed again?"

"Well, ya, I was hoping."

"You really have to learn to take care of yourself but I'll help you again."

"Great but there is one more thing. We were side by side 69-ing and I was licking her down past her pussy and worked my head between her legs and lick her hole. She went absolutely off the charts and almost bit my cock off. She got so excited. She was going to do the same for me but the hair was again an issue. She wants my ass shaved so she can try licking my hole. I know it's too much to ask, and I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for her."

"Bull shit! You're asking for you so you can get her tongue up your ass. I'll bet she could take it or leave it."

"Ok, we both want it, maybe me more than her. Please? Help a roomie? If you do this I'll be staying out another night at her room so you and your swim buddy can have the room to yourselves again," pleading with that stupid grin he gets when he is suggesting something.

"Fuck off, asshat. There was nothing to that night. We just studied too late for him to walk across campus after he drank too much. Period. End of story."

"Sorry, no offense intended. I'm just desperate to get everything shaved this time. Pleeeease."

"Alright, fine, I'll do it. But I need a another beer or two."

"Coming right up, roomie."

When we had finished our beers Frank headed to take a shower and get ready. He was a little too unsteady on his feet to stand in the tub while I shaved him. And bending over while I shaved his ass would be too much for him to handle. I suggested he bring a couple of towels and lay them on the bed. He could lay down so his legs were over the edge and spread them out to give me good access to his cock and balls. He was fully erect before I even applied the shaving cream, anticipating what was coming. I shaved him as before, getting enough smooth skin to make his girl happy. I stroked him in the guise of checking for smoothness as he lay back and moaned. But I stopped short of him cumming and told him to roll over on his stomach. He positioned himself so just his chest was on the bed and his stiff cock was dangling between his legs. I spread his legs and moved in to get closer to his ass. I spread the shaving cream up and down his ass crack and onto his cheeks. I told him to reach back and spread his cheeks apart so I had plenty of access to his hole. I had never been this close to another guy's ass, or anyone's for that matter. It wasn't as gross as I anticipated but it wasn't as erotic as a stiff cock either. Sort of a take it or leave it thing. But I could see why the amount of hair would be a turn off to anyone planning to lick it. I gently removed as much if not more hair than would make his girl happy. I was running my hands over it to make sure it was clean. As I passed over his hole he would twitch and give out a slight moan. I chuckled to myself at his reaction and wanted to see if I could get a bigger reaction. I swirled my finger around his anus, putting some pressure on it as I did. Frank responded by moving his ass from side to side slightly and muttering something I couldn't understand as his face was buried in the bed. I could feel his sphincter muscle pulse tight and then loose as I played with him. As I slowed the rhythm down, I pushed my finger harder against his hole when he'd loosen his sphincter, allowing my finger to slip inside him. It immediately tightened against this intruder but I wasn't to be stopped. I pressed even harder and further inside him. When my finger bottomed out against the rest of my fist, I started to wiggle it around.

"Oh hell yes! I'm not sure what you're doing back there but keep it up. Please!"

I wasn't exactly sure what to do next as this was as new to me as I'm sure it was to Frank. So I pushed as hard as I could and then retracted my finger and in again, pumping in and out of him. My wiggling around from side to side had loosened him up some more so I pushed a second finger in. More moans and more encouragement from Frank. This was more than just a shave job and my cock knew it. I hadn't realized had hard I had become until Frank moved one of his legs and banged against my cock. My two fingers were making his even looser so I had an idea. I actually didn't have the idea, my cock did. Driven now by shear horniness and the amount of beer I had drank, I pulled my shorts down to release my boner and moved in closer to Frank's ass. I removed my fingers, much to Frank's dismay which he verbally expressed.

"Damn it, Mark, don't stop now. You were almost hitting the sweet spot I heard stories about."

Not letting on what I was about to do, I grabbed my cock and started rubbing it against his hole. I smeared some shaving cream on it and then pressed it against him. Frank just assumed it was my fingers at his hole again and mumbled to me.

"Oh yes, put it back in and work my ass."

I lined up my cock and pushed hard as I dared and felt the tip of my cock push past his sphincter muscle and make it's way inside him. He let out of yelp of pain.

"Fuck man, what the hell are you doing?"

I stayed still and ran my hands over his ass cheeks and then around his hips, finding my way to his stiff cock. I took hold of him and squeezed him then stroked him back and forth slowly. It evidently took his mind off the pain he felt or his ass was getting accustomed to my cock. What ever the reason, Frank relaxed his ass and slowly pushed back on me, forcing me deeper inside him. Now Frank was moaning with pleasure as he got used to the intrusion in his virgin hole. I worked my cock back and forth ever so slowly, moving side to side slightly to see if I could locate his sweet spot.

"Oh hell, right there. You've got it. Keep doing it and I'll cum just from you fucking me."

I felt my hand on his cock getting slippery as he leaked out some cum from me hitting his prostate. My mind was a blur of emotions, mostly how tight his ass was and how good it felt. At the same time conflicted on how perverted this was. Taking advantage of my drunken roommate while doing him a favor and raping his ass. But he was now thrusting back against me faster and harder than I was pumping him. He was enjoying this more than I was. His moaning got louder and then he yelled out to fuck him hard, he was going to cum. I removed my hand from his cock and slammed him as hard and deep as I could, pulling him hard against me with my hands on his hips. His hole twitched and tightened around my cock as I felt him shoot rope after rope of cum all over the floor. I didn't want to cum inside him, why I don't know, so I pulled out and stroked myself to a body shaking climax, spewing my load all over his back. I sat back on my heels behind him and tried to get my composure back. Guilt started to over take me as I realized I had just butt fucked my straight roommate. We had both lost our virginity in the throws of passion with no intention of this happening. As I moved back away from Frank, he rolled over and sat on the floor leaning up against the bed.

"Hot damn, I've never gotten a hair cut like that from my barber back home."

Frank looked at me as I sat on the floor about four feet away from him with a blank look on my face.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know where that came from, certainly not something I had planned on doing. Are you ok?"

"I'm better than ok. I feel totally awesome. And you were great. I have often thought about what it would be like to butt fuck someone, although I'd be doing the fucking. But I thought it would be way to painful for the person on the receiving end. But you took you time and what little pain there was soon got replaced by the most fantastic feeling. I'm glad you were my first, you really knew what you were doing."

"If only you knew. I don't make it a habit to go around fucking guys. Girls, yes, guys no. I'm as much a virgin, or was, at this as you are. You seemed to enjoy me playing with your ass and I just got carried away. Let's get cleaned up and get some sleep."

"Good idea. Tomorrow this will just be another chapter in our drunken sex play." Frank laughed as he stood up to go and wash himself off then got into bed.

I washed up and got in on my side of the bed. Wondering what the next chapter would be, if there would be one.

"Hey Mark?"


"I usually kiss and cuddle after sex. I hope you're not offended if we don't." he giggled.

"Oh, is that what you usually do after another straight guy takes your cherry and fucks the hell out of you?"

"Now that you mention it, this is the first time so I guess this means from now on I'll usually kiss and cuddle. But only with girls and maybe one special roomie."

"One time only with this roomie, dude, one time only. Good night"

"Good night, Mark. And thanks."

I just mumbled 'you're welcome' and rolled over to go to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower running. Frank had already made a pot of coffee so I went and got a cup to clear my head.

"Good morning. Finish your coffee and grab a shower and then let's go get some breakfast" Frank announced as he dried off from his shower. "I want to talk about last night, all good with me and I hope so with you."

I just smiled at him and went to take my shower. The coffee and the shower cleared my head but also brought back the mixed emotions of last night. We headed out to the cafeteria and got some breakfast. We sat at a table in the back away from everyone so we could talk.

"About last night," Frank began.

"Ya, about last night,"

"I've played with my hole sometimes when I jerk off and I'm looking forward to my girl playing with it but I never in a million years did I think I'd enjoy having a dick up my ass. It felt so totally awesome. And I think you enjoyed it was well, am I right?"

"Well, I did in the moment but I felt like shit afterwards. It was like I took advantage of you because you were drunk. And the whole idea of fucking another guy, that's so not in my playbook. Nor jerking off another guy. There's just something about you that makes me do things I'm not ordinarily into."

"Me neither. But that's the beauty of it."

"The beauty of it?"

"Sure. I'm not into guys at all. I'm not gay. I don't scope out guys on campus that I want to have sex with. I never get a boner in the locker room with a bunch of naked guys. It's just with you that I feel so comfortable that I can let my inhibitions down and do whatever feels good. And don't get me wrong, I'm not in love with you, don't have a crush on you nor consider you my boyfriend. We're just really good friends."

"If you're not gay or bi but you enjoy sex stuff with me then what do you call it?"

"Just good friends enjoying one another. Like, you have friends that you enjoy going to a movie with or going out to eat with or to a concert. Just spending time with them, right?"

"Yes, but I don't want to fuck them."

"No, of course not. But our friendship is on a higher level. We enjoy each other's company but from day one we promised to be open and honest with each other, remember? The confidence that we could be open with each other enabled us to do things we would never do with ordinary friends. Get what I'm saying?"

"Yes, I think so. But I'm still confused on where we draw the line between friendship and something more."

"It's nothing more. There is no emotion involved, as in love or anything, just the physical pleasure of having sex with a good friend. Take your buddy Bryson for example. You two seem to get along pretty good, right?"

"Sure but we're just friends, not anything more."

"Right. You don't get all flushed when you see him, you don't get a boner when you're around him and you don't pine for him if you don't see him for a few days. But you enjoy each other's company when you're together."

"Of course. I enjoy helping him with his swimming skills and his studying. Nothing more" I lied as I thought about he and I jerking each other off.

"And if the opportunity arose to get sexual with him then that would be a natural extension of your friendship. Enjoying doing something new and pleasurable with him."

"Does this mean we have to fuck like rabbits every time you're horny, which is basically all the time?" I laughed to lighten the mood.

"Hell no, I'm saving that for my girl. But if the situation presents itself then there should be nothing to stop us from doing what feels good for both of us. I'm not looking for anything more. Just bros helping bros as a means to an end, getting off."

"Well, I'll have to think about it but I think I'm ok with all this."

"Great. I have to get to class. Catch you later."

"Thanks for breakfast. See you around."

Frank headed off to class and left me at the table to absorb what he had talked about. Other than my guilt after we had played around, the actual act of jerking him off and fucking him did feel good, pretty damn good actually. And he's right, I don't check out other guys nor get a boner in the showers or have sexual fantasies about being with guys. And what about Bryson? Would I ever consider more sexual play with him?

Fate stepped in. Just as Frank had gone and left me with my thought, Bryson came along.

"Hey Mark, mind if I join you? You look like your deep in thought about something and I don't want to disturb you if you want to be left alone."

"Sit down, I'm glad you came along and I'd enjoy your company."

"Thanks. I've never really thanked you for all the help you've given me with the swimming coaching and the physics studying. It really means a lot to me. You're a really good friend," as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Glad to help. I consider us good friends as well. I want to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer. And I hope asking this won't affect our friendship. Neither will your answer."

"Sounds serious. Go ahead and ask and I'll answer you as best I can."

"Ok, here goes. Are you bi or gay?"

Bryson's face turned red and he dropped his head to look at his food.

"This is about the other night in your bed, isn't it?"

"It is but not for the reason you think."

"If you can believe me, I'm not bi or gay and have never done anything like that before. I'm not exactly sure why I did that to you or why I enjoyed you doing it to me. I'm really sorry it happened and glad you didn't shun me. But wait, are you gay?"

"No I'm not gay or bi. But you did enjoy what we did, am I right? It felt good when it happened?"

"I suppose so, yes. But I felt horrible after."

"And you don't have a crush on me or have feelings other than being good friends?"

"Hell no, I just told you I'm not gay. Good friends, yes, but nothing more."



"I was talking to a friend who was in a similar situation. He and a good friend had gotten drunk and played around with each other but then felt guilty the next morning. He justified it as being good friends just enjoying each other, like going to a movie or something. No sentiment involved, just a physical release. So I guess it's the same with you and I."

"You and Frank? I saw the two of you talking and it looked serious."

"Observant aren't you?" I commented with a smile. "Yes, he asked me to shave his cock so he could get head from his girl and I ended up stroking him off when I was done. It felt good doing it but had major buyers remorse the next morning."

"Did you feel the same way after you and I jerked each other?"

"Funny thing is, no. But again, there is no sentiment attached to what we did. I don't have any sexual attraction to you, just a strong friendship. So maybe Frank did have it right. I guess two guys can be 'friends with benefits' as well as a guy and a girl can without the emotional entanglements of a relationship."

"Wow, you shaved Frank's cock for him?"

"That's what you take away from this conversation?" I asked incredulously.

"Hehe, believe it or not, I was kind of thinking along the same lines as Frank when you didn't over react to what we did together. I was thinking someday we'd get around to having this talk and maybe doing something again. But you shaving Frank's junk was not something I would have anticipated. Guess you guys are really good friends. Would you shave mine as well?" Bryson asked with a smirk.

"You give me any shit and I'll shave you balls and you cock clear off and make you a eunuch, you asshat."

Bryson finished his breakfast as we chatted about mundane things. He left for class and again I was left sitting there with my thoughts. What a morning this had been. Both my friends had opened up about having some occasional sexual play with me. I'm still very much straight and I do scope out the hot girls on campus and will get a boner having a fantasy about them as they walk by. Having Frank and Bryson is like having one of those stupid mini spare tires that came with new cars for a while. It wasn't ideal and not something you wanted to use all the time but it would get you where you were going in a pinch.

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 4

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